Linda Brown

American civil rights figure (Brown v. Board of Education).
Died on Monday March 26th 2018

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Gay Caswell

Tweets related to Linda Brown:

@Gresiteisland: @trashforjin Namjoon's hair has linda Brown lights xD - 7 years ago

@saveiro: RT @limportante_fr: Mort de Linda Brown : écolière ayant provoqué la fin de la ségrégation scolaire aux USA - 7 years ago

@SEUSalisbury: @openarms108 Linda Brown made a positive difference ... her light will continue to shine. RIP - 7 years ago

@Luma923: RT @RobertKennedyJr: Linda Brown, Symbol of Landmark Desegregation Case, Dies at 75 - 7 years ago


@katholikosfeed: Adiós, Linda Brown, icono de la segregación racial de las escuelas de EEUU - 7 years ago

@claramason77: RT @DavidLammy: Rest in Power, Linda Brown. Earlier this week Linda Brown died aged 76. Here she is walking to school in 1954, when she def… - 7 years ago

@PamelaDrew: RT @RobertKennedyJr: Linda Brown, Symbol of Landmark Desegregation Case, Dies at 75 - 7 years ago

@TrHaberX: SİYAHİLERİN SEMBOL İSMİ BROWN HAYATINI KAYBETTİ Amerika’daki siyahilerin sembol ismi Brown hayatını kaybetti. ABD’… - 7 years ago

@reviewingstand: RT @musicaamazigh: Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Dept. of Education knows NOTHING about the case of Brown vs Board of Education or why Linda Br… - 7 years ago

@Ottonandez: Adiós, Linda Brown, icono de la segregación racial de las escuelas de EEUU - 7 years ago

@s2beehsouza: Esse joguinho Linda brown é mt bom rs - 7 years ago

@shepersistered: "Linda Brown dies; she was at center of Brown v. Board of Education desegregation case" - 7 years ago

@CatolicosGT: Adiós, Linda Brown, icono de la segregación racial de las escuelas de EEUU - 7 years ago

@FrankJManrique3: RT @LadyChesapeake: @john_cassata @AnthemRespect @RealOmarNavarro In 1979, an out-of-state columnist, Mike Royko, at the Chicago Sun-Times,… - 7 years ago

@Dianas_DoOver: “History would suggest that it’s a bad idea to bet against the kids.” #MSD #EmmaGonzales #NeverAgain… - 7 years ago

@AvHedman: RT @facinghistory: Linda Brown & her father became the center of the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, ending segrega… - 7 years ago

@love_reveals: RT @HuffPostWomen: Long before the woman at the center of the case died, Brown v. Board was killed by a combination of vicious prejudice an… - 7 years ago

@MElizabethWart1: RT @kharyp: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at #LindaBrown. As a child, she helped to transform the civil rights movement. Her de… - 7 years ago

@mheany2: RT @SenWhitehouse: Those were the days. Then: united Supreme Court expanding rights for discrimination victims — amazing. Now: 5-4 Court on… - 7 years ago

@robgo84: RT @HuffPostWomen: Long before the woman at the center of the case died, Brown v. Board was killed by a combination of vicious prejudice an… - 7 years ago

@NuPlaya: RT @IronStache: The best way to honor Linda Brown is by finishing the work she started. We still have a long way to go to effectively end s… - 7 years ago

@TatianaSoares99: RT @somosportocrlh: Nunca vou conseguir superar a música “with you “ do Chris Brown, que música linda aaaaa - 7 years ago

@TheFlakeNews: Betsy DeVos Needs To ‘Gather The Facts’ On Brown v. Board Of Ed Before Commenting On Passing Of Linda Brown Hard-h… - 7 years ago

@DonniTurner1: Linda Brown serves as a reminder that students — sometimes incl elementary & junior-high school-age children — ofte… - 7 years ago

@linda_troxell: RT @Mike_Press19: ICE Director Wants To Lock Up California Gov. Jerry Brown < America Fans - 7 years ago

@lxvelymillie: imagínate ser millie bobby brown y sentirte linda 24/7 - 7 years ago

@DonniTurner1: Linda Brown, the Kansas girl at the center of the landmark Supreme Court decision that declared state laws establis… - 7 years ago

@russosbooks: RT @tim_cook: "In the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place." Thank you to Linda Brown for what you s… - 7 years ago

@FiftyCAN: Brown v. Board of Education was decided over 60 years ago, but true integration between whites and communities of c… - 7 years ago

@BooksThatSow: RT @GirlsLLL: Our hearts go out to the family of Linda Brown, campaigner for equality in education who died Sunday, March 24 at 75 years of… - 7 years ago

@BrugeraJose: RT @FeminismoMurcia: Muere Linda Brown a los 76 años. @podemosmurcia @cgaltares @MariaLMontalban @MaiteLucerga @Elianamarquezmo @maria_gi… - 7 years ago

@expectproject: RT @HFSmovement: If you want to keep up with the conversation around education and equity, here's what you should be reading this week! -… - 7 years ago

@HFSmovement: If you want to keep up with the conversation around education and equity, here's what you should be reading this we… - 7 years ago

@mtlawmiami: RT @meganfrancis: "Its possible for me to be your professor b/c of the legal precedent laid down in Brown v. Board" - Me to my predominantl… - 7 years ago

@antiandchill: RT @violadavis: Linda Brown who was the catalyst for Brown v. Board of Education has died. Thanks to you and your dad for shifting the coun… - 7 years ago

@Emoney13swift: RT @violadavis: Linda Brown who was the catalyst for Brown v. Board of Education has died. Thanks to you and your dad for shifting the coun… - 7 years ago

@RuthDroi: RT @splcenter: Linda Brown was in third grade when she changed the course of this nation. Her family's fight for her education put her at… - 7 years ago

@Howlsgirl: @writingwwolves Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See, Thunder Cake, Cat Wings by Ursula Le Guin, Flutterby by Pric… - 7 years ago

@KantorRandy: RT @tim_cook: "In the field of public education the doctrine of 'separate but equal' has no place." Thank you to Linda Brown for what you s… - 7 years ago

@InAbsentia9: RT @MichaelHBlank: For Perspective Linda Brown has died, the child over whom the case of Brown vs the Board of Education was fought, to se… - 7 years ago

@2007UC: RT @DemocracyNowEs: Recordamos a Linda Brown, la protagonista del caso de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU por el que se abolió la segregación en… - 7 years ago

@BEHJ: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@tesla_my: The Ruling Named For Linda Brown Died Long Before She Did | HuffPost - 7 years ago

@SocialChangeAus: RT @Cal4Justice: “Separate but equal has no place” in public education. - Social change is difficult, but generation of leaders will contin… - 7 years ago

@arlinclusion: RT @APSVirginia: APS remembers & celebrates the legacy of Linda Brown, who was at the center of the landmark Brown v. Board of Ed. case tha… - 7 years ago

@BaumannProf: RT @LawyersComm: We salute the courage of Linda Brown and other children who challenged the scourge of segregated schools. Today school seg… - 7 years ago


@DionneCaFreitas: Adicionei um vídeo a uma playlist @YouTube - 7 years ago

@raphaelha67: RT @LawyersComm: We salute the courage of Linda Brown and other children who challenged the scourge of segregated schools. Today school seg… - 7 years ago

@eastvanmarcy: RT @rodmickleburgh: The determined father who took Linda Brown by the hand and made history - 7 years ago

@freelancerjourn: RT @POLITICOMag: The racist resistance to integrated schools was a story that played out every day in hundreds of school districts among th… - 7 years ago

@Neges_Mawon: Découvrez l’histoire de Linda Brown. À 7 ans, son inscription dans une école réservée aux blancs est refusée. Elle… - 7 years ago

@PascaleSolages: Découvrez l’histoire de Linda Brown. À 7 ans, son inscription dans une école réservée aux blancs est refusée. Elle… - 7 years ago

@Clandestin101: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@NanetteHB: RT @LawyersComm: We salute the courage of Linda Brown and other children who challenged the scourge of segregated schools. Today school seg… - 7 years ago

@DawnMTorrey: RT @LawyersComm: We salute the courage of Linda Brown and other children who challenged the scourge of segregated schools. Today school seg… - 7 years ago

@Minkar33: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@katiekgarrity: - 7 years ago

@PoolGirlPhoTog: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@Together2024: RT @LawyersComm: We salute the courage of Linda Brown and other children who challenged the scourge of segregated schools. Today school seg… - 7 years ago

@Yaquelinah: RT @LittleAfrica__: Le nom de #LindaBrown, décédée ce 26 mars à 76 ans, était associé à la lutte pour les #droitsciviques des Noirs américa… - 7 years ago

@Roberttimestwo: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@tx5th: RT @kharyp: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at #LindaBrown. As a child, she helped to transform the civil rights movement. Her de… - 7 years ago

@rteest42: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@_dralaterdzo: RT @kharyp: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at #LindaBrown. As a child, she helped to transform the civil rights movement. Her de… - 7 years ago

@Raejn: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@brianfleming07: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@galenleigh: Linda Brown and the Unfinished Work of School Integration - 7 years ago

@DerekSimmons63: Apparently you don't read, just write. Linda was following her Dad's dire… - 7 years ago

@Sunshine_H88: RT @GalGadot: It takes incredible strength to create change and make the obvious a reality - I salute you Linda Brown 👩🏽‍🏫 you did this as… - 7 years ago

@missedherjay: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - POLITICO - 7 years ago

@BooVay7: RT @Newsweek: Linda Brown Thompson: The woman behind Brown v. Board of Education | Opinion - 7 years ago

@courts_decision: RT @kharyp: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at #LindaBrown. As a child, she helped to transform the civil rights movement. Her de… - 7 years ago

@mollymoor: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@Bri_Savidge: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@KellyRWriting: RT @kharyp: Why Take Student Protests Seriously? Look at #LindaBrown. As a child, she helped to transform the civil rights movement. Her de… - 7 years ago

@LindaLindae9: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@RaySWilson: RT @timhrenchir: BREAKING: Linda Brown, who as a little girl was at the center of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decisi… - 7 years ago

@JRParlerEmpower: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@tammyinlalaland: RT @politico: Why take student protests seriously? Look at Linda Brown. - 7 years ago

@zlatkink: Thank you for your courage and your legacy. #lindabrown #hero #brave - 7 years ago

@J1chicago: RT @dstinc1913: We salute Linda Brown today, who as a 9-year-old girl was at the center of the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case t… - 7 years ago

@ElCid521: RT @KathleenAllenGA: rocks and insults hurled at them as they tried to walk to class. The passing of Linda Brown this week reminds me that… - 7 years ago

@bexschmidt: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@MsBurdn: RT @GalGadot: It takes incredible strength to create change and make the obvious a reality - I salute you Linda Brown 👩🏽‍🏫 you did this as… - 7 years ago

@LamarMyrtle: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@ErinStokesee: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@FuneralSource: #CelebrityDeaths- Linda Brown of Brown v. Board of Education case dies at 76 - 7 years ago

@turquoisebolo: RT @Psyche1310: @FedupWithSwamp @POTUS When Brown was first Gov during Hippie era he was pretty unconventional. More liberal than his dad w… - 7 years ago

@naomithebossss: Obituary: Linda Brown –  - 7 years ago

@laurengail: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@dellshonewilson: RT @HelpingKidsRise: "Linda Brown, You Are Not Alone: The Brown vs Board of Education Decision" is a collection of stories from well-known… - 7 years ago

@HelpingKidsRise: RT @HelpingKidsRise: "Linda Brown, You Are Not Alone: The Brown vs Board of Education Decision" is a collection of stories from well-known… - 7 years ago

@linda_wemyss: RT @AndyRichter: I like brown rice, and appreciate that it’s more healthy than white, but sometimes I forget to start cooking it 72 hours b… - 7 years ago

@__QueenDaij: I jus asked my luh bro who was Bobby Brown’s wife and this man said Linda Brown 😂😂😂😂😂😂 - 7 years ago

@JoanPennnative: Linda Brown and the Unfinished Work of School Integration - 7 years ago

@Jason_To: In memory of Linda Brown (of Brown v. Board of Education), take a listen to the latest episode of The Daily, especi… - 7 years ago

@BetancurSusie: RT @ACLU: Linda Brown and thousands of children risked enormous harm as the foot soldiers in the battle to integrate schools. We should hon… - 7 years ago

@PassarelliAllan: RT @KathleenAllenGA: rocks and insults hurled at them as they tried to walk to class. The passing of Linda Brown this week reminds me that… - 7 years ago

@JRParlerEmpower: RT @dstinc1913: We salute Linda Brown today, who as a 9-year-old girl was at the center of the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case t… - 7 years ago

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