Liam Ó Murchú

former Irish broadcaster.
Died on Sunday June 28th 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Liam Ó Murchú:

@macseas: RT @TGcoa: I gcuimhne Liam Ó Murchú .. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis .. Trom & Éadrom

@MichaelFarrellE: RT @RTEArchives: A memory to make you smile - the late Liam Ó Murchú on 'Trom gus Éadrom' and dancing Gardai

@MichaelFarrellE: RT @terencecosgrave: A final 'bualadh bos' to Liam O Murchu RIP who, against the odds showed me that Irish could be fun. #tromaguseadrom #I…

@top99news: Liam Ó Murchú ‘devoted career to making Irish language prosper’


@uktop99news: Liam Ó Murchú ‘devoted career to making Irish language prosper’

@top99news: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place

@top99news: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@uktop99news: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place

@uktop99news: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@DiverseEireann: Liam Ó Murchú 'devoted career to making Irish language prosper' - Irish Times

@LinguisticsGuru: Liam Ó Murchú 'devoted career to making Irish language prosper' - Irish Times

@ConzieSays: Liam Ó Murchú ‘devoted career to making Irish language prosper’

@InfoEire: Liam Ó Murchú 'devoted career to making Irish language prosper' - Irish Times -

@Aras11com: #aras11 Liam Ó Murchú 'devoted career to making Irish language prosper' - Irish Times

@MisneachNYC: Liam Ó Murchú ‘devoted career to making Irish language prosper’

@Insight4News3: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@LimerickToday: Professor Noel Mulcahy on the funeral of Broadcaster Liam O’Murchu today #LimerickToday

@IrishNewsFinder: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@IrishNewsFinder: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@AleixoXabier: Irish Times … Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place: Mourners to gather for requiem mass of former RTÉ deput...

@IrishTimesNews_: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place: Mourners to gather for requiem mass of former RTÉ deputy director general

@freenews: IT: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place: Mourners to gather for requiem mass of former RTÉ deputy director...

@valfarly: RT @IrishTimes: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@1001ptsUK: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning ()

@injtokyo: RT @IrishTimes: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@VoteMerrigan: RT @IrishTimes: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@IrishTimesNews: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@528Dublin: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@24IrishNews: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@IrishTimes: Funeral of Liam Ó Murchú to take place on Friday morning

@maireadninuadha: Lone piper greets funeral cortège of Liam Ó Murchú iar-Cheannasaí Clár Gaeilge @rte

@frdanjoe: "TROM AGUS EATRTOM" Liam O Murchu RIP+special thanks for his tolerance to those struggling to use Irish+ A Chriost,dean trocaire=slan Liam!

@CadIvan: RT @thejournal_ie: Liam Ó Murchú, RTE presenter of Trom agus Éadrom in the 1970s, has died aged 86

@theObituaries: Death of former Irish presenter and author Liam Ó Murchú - BBC News

@ThomasMcCurtain: RT @sportsdes: RIP Liam Ó Murchú ...RTE - Trom agus Éadrom.... Godfather of "Up For The Match"

@dublintutor: Former RTÉ broadcaster and author Liam Ó Murchú has died at the age of 86.

@004nino: RIP 3136) Former broadcaster Liam Ó Murchú dies aged 86 : June 29, 2015

@francismaloney5: RT @theirishpost: Former #RTÉ presenter and #Irish language champion Liam Ó Murchú has died

@Mairead66: RT @GarrPhillips: The late Liam Ó Murchú. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Anam dílis. Bhí sé 86. (Pic via @RTEArchives) @TG4TV @CnaG

@francismaloney5: RT @GarrPhillips: The late Liam Ó Murchú. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Anam dílis. Bhí sé 86. (Pic via @RTEArchives) @TG4TV @CnaG

@news24hirl: President Higgins leads tributes to RTÉ presenter Liam Ó Murchú who has died aged 86: President of Ireland Mic...

@theirishpost: Former #RTÉ presenter and #Irish language champion Liam Ó Murchú has died

@MEDIA_fr_en_IRL: RT @Evanis: Iarchraoltóir RTÉ, Liam Ó Murchú tar éis bháis

@MEDIA_fr_en_IRL: RT @IrishTimes: Former RTÉ deputy director general Liam Ó Murchú dies aged 86

@SysoonMemorial: Liam Ó Murchú (1929 - 2015), died at age 86 years: was an Irish television broadcaster, who…

@kennethnoflynn: Liam Ó Murchú made an enormous contribution to Irish culture, heritage and the Irish language. RIP

@EamonDelaney10: Nice summary MT Former broadcaster Liam Ó Murchú dies aged 86

@JanManimoi: RT @BBCNewsNI: Death of former Irish presenter and author Liam Ó Murchú

@niamhaineryan: Cork Independent | Former broadcaster Liam Ó Murchú dies

@corkindo: Born in Cork, Liam Ó Murchú has died at the age of 86.

@earlymodernjohn: RT @Independent_ie: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@timelivenews: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@artanddiaspora: RT @Independent_ie: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@Evanis: RT @Independent_ie: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@Independent_ie: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@dookyyy: President leads tributes to RTE star Liam Ó Murchú

@AlanColemanCork: RT @breakingnewsie: President leads tributes to Liam Ó Murchú

@sulanstudios: RT @breakingnewsie: President leads tributes to Liam Ó Murchú

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