Li Zhensheng

Chinese photojournalist
Died on Tuesday June 23rd 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Li Zhensheng:

@photoglyn: RT @PETERDAZELEY: RIP Li Zhensheng, age 79, the Chinese photographer who took great personal risk documenting dark side of Mao’s Cultural R… - 5 years ago

@schoenmakersk: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@KUdhayavani: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@notsmitten: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago


@segmentis: RT @myhlee: The life and photography of Li Zhensheng, a photographer who at great personal risk documented China's Cultural Revolution. NY… - 5 years ago

@lastudiolafayet: RT @photofocus: On Photography: Li Zhensheng, 1940-2020 - 5 years ago

@OldSalz: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@Digenesnocnico1: Li Zhensheng, el fotógrafo de la revolución cultural china - 5 years ago

@Bob_Ortega: RT @myhlee: The life and photography of Li Zhensheng, a photographer who at great personal risk documented China's Cultural Revolution. NY… - 5 years ago

@ru_cathy: RT @myhlee: The life and photography of Li Zhensheng, a photographer who at great personal risk documented China's Cultural Revolution. NY… - 5 years ago

@myhlee: The life and photography of Li Zhensheng, a photographer who at great personal risk documented China's Cultural Rev… - 5 years ago

@nandeilath: RT @NYCNavid: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MidWestMet: For all the folks hyping "The Plot Against America" - and its take on a RW America, keep in mind, this sort of thin… - 5 years ago

@MidWestMet: @NickClairmont1 @ZaidJilani Who's going to be the American version of Li Zhensheng, to document our own Cultural Re… - 5 years ago

@eleniagresta: RT @NYCNavid: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@herodote63: - 5 years ago

@Limportant_fr: Li Zhensheng: le photographe qui a capturé le traumatisme de la révolution culturelle - 5 years ago

@J_G1980: RT @DeGroene: Li Zhensheng, de fotograaf die met gevaar voor eigen leven de schaduwzijde van Mao’s Culturele Revolutie vastlegde, is op 79-… - 5 years ago

@oak22222: RT @RFAChinese: 这对夫妇后来被批评在毛泽东眼皮底下做爱,但他们辩称自己一定会先把灯关掉。 文化大革命结束之时,已有数千万人遭到迫害,据一些估计,死亡人数达到150万。许多人被迫自杀。 “在中国近代历史上,还没有哪场政治运动像‘文革’那样持续如此之久、影响如此… - 5 years ago

@yongxiasong: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@photofocus: RT @photofocus: On Photography: Li Zhensheng, 1940-2020 - 5 years ago

@Jasper_Veenstra: Oud-correspondent @marijevlaskamp: ‘Eenmaal overtuigd van oprechte interesse in de Culturele Revolutie zorgde Li Zh… - 5 years ago

@Freeman48171576: RT @RFAChinese: 李振盛还记录了北京的那场最终引发1989年天安门广场镇压的抗议活动,但从未发表过那些照片。 在人生的最后几年,李振盛往返纽约和北京两地,在北京时,他可以离儿子笑寒和女儿笑冰近一些。目前暂时无法找到有关其身后人的信息。 - 5 years ago

@MarieVuurvogel: - 5 years ago

@xl1OytlJUTU0XSg: RT @RFAChinese: 这对夫妇后来被批评在毛泽东眼皮底下做爱,但他们辩称自己一定会先把灯关掉。 文化大革命结束之时,已有数千万人遭到迫害,据一些估计,死亡人数达到150万。许多人被迫自杀。 “在中国近代历史上,还没有哪场政治运动像‘文革’那样持续如此之久、影响如此… - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 近年来,随着中国当局逆转承认现代历史的努力,这一使命变得更加困难,从而导致所谓的全国性集体失忆。 尽管如此,他还是朝着2018年目标迈进一步:香港中文大学出版社首次出版了《红色新闻兵》的中文版。尽管主要在香港和台湾发行,仍有一些… - 5 years ago

@JETT77777777: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@nghowwee: “But Germany has reckoned with its Nazi past, America still talks about its history of slavery, why can’t we Chines… - 5 years ago

@iambros: #LiZensheng , el #fotógrafo de la #RevoluciónCultural #china , que murió hace unos días en #EEUU ocultó durante año… - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 李振盛还记录了北京的那场最终引发1989年天安门广场镇压的抗议活动,但从未发表过那些照片。 在人生的最后几年,李振盛往返纽约和北京两地,在北京时,他可以离儿子笑寒和女儿笑冰近一些。目前暂时无法找到有关其身后人的信息。 - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 1988年,中国正处于一段短暂的开放期,李振盛在北京首次展出了他此前藏起来的20张照片。他的系列作品《让历史告诉未来》获得了竞赛的最高奖项。 在随后的几十年时间里,文革在中国越来越成为禁忌话题。官员们多次阻止李振盛公布照片。 - 5 years ago

@ConorCRC: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 这对夫妇后来被批评在毛泽东眼皮底下做爱,但他们辩称自己一定会先把灯关掉。 文化大革命结束之时,已有数千万人遭到迫害,据一些估计,死亡人数达到150万。许多人被迫自杀。 “在中国近代历史上,还没有哪场政治运动像‘文革’那样持续如… - 5 years ago

@HvanderHeij1: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@jeannick_odier: RT @Limportant_fr: Li Zhensheng: le photographe qui a capturé le traumatisme de la révolution culturelle - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 有时他也会参加批斗,喊口号鼓动人群,以便他拍照。在这些批斗会上,许多人被迫在脖子上挂着写了他们所谓罪行的牌子:“大地主”、“黑帮分子”、“反革命修正主义分子”。有些人被判处劳役或死刑。李振盛记录了处决过程。 - 5 years ago

@meetingsur1: RT @paugomezzurdo: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@saloonvm: RT @RFAChinese: 他的作品集至今仍是关于文化大革命如何在远离首都北京的地方颠覆日常生活的最完整和细致的视觉纪录之一。他的照片有很多是关于“批斗会”的,在这种大会上,人们被批斗、虐待,并被要求在一大群批斗者面前低着头站好几个小时。 - 5 years ago

@Mayol83085171: RT @RFAChinese: 他的作品集至今仍是关于文化大革命如何在远离首都北京的地方颠覆日常生活的最完整和细致的视觉纪录之一。他的照片有很多是关于“批斗会”的,在这种大会上,人们被批斗、虐待,并被要求在一大群批斗者面前低着头站好几个小时。 - 5 years ago

@kamonegy1: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@paugomezzurdo: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@InfosEducation: Li Zhensheng: le photographe qui a capturé le traumatisme de la révolution culturelle Yonnescaut - 5 years ago

@hubineauval: RT @Limportant_fr: Li Zhensheng: le photographe qui a capturé le traumatisme de la révolution culturelle - 5 years ago

@Limportant_fr: Li Zhensheng: le photographe qui a capturé le traumatisme de la révolution culturelle - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 他的作品集至今仍是关于文化大革命如何在远离首都北京的地方颠覆日常生活的最完整和细致的视觉纪录之一。他的照片有很多是关于“批斗会”的,在这种大会上,人们被批斗、虐待,并被要求在一大群批斗者面前低着头站好几个小时。 - 5 years ago

@liwenxiong007: RT @RFAChinese: “我意识到,我必须记录下这段动荡时期,”他写道。 他不仅拍下了高举的拳头、革命的激情和大规模批斗会这些报社要求的宣传照,还拍了不那么讨喜的内容。文革期间,他累计拍摄约10万张照片,将其中许多负面内容藏在了他哈尔滨家中的木地板下,多年来一直没有冲… - 5 years ago

@lukeyan99: RT @RFAChinese: “我意识到,我必须记录下这段动荡时期,”他写道。 他不仅拍下了高举的拳头、革命的激情和大规模批斗会这些报社要求的宣传照,还拍了不那么讨喜的内容。文革期间,他累计拍摄约10万张照片,将其中许多负面内容藏在了他哈尔滨家中的木地板下,多年来一直没有冲… - 5 years ago

@Armin_Rz: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@xXxuantacionXx: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: “我意识到,我必须记录下这段动荡时期,”他写道。 他不仅拍下了高举的拳头、革命的激情和大规模批斗会这些报社要求的宣传照,还拍了不那么讨喜的内容。文革期间,他累计拍摄约10万张照片,将其中许多负面内容藏在了他哈尔滨家中的木地板下,… - 5 years ago

@Joe5Wang: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@KenWong54359298: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@RFAChinese: 以消灭中国的“封建”和“资产阶级”文化为名,无数历史遗迹和文物被摧毁。在目睹了东北省份黑龙江的红卫兵洗劫教堂和寺庙、焚烧经文、批斗僧侣之后,李振盛开始产生怀疑。 - 5 years ago

@AnnaNigra: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@ncocb: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@ncocb: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@sulaimanghafoo2: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@misa08584693: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@pruciaa: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@meatrelatedmeme: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@meatrelatedmeme: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@Alaricwuuu: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@blm849: This piece in the New York Times on Li Zhensheng and his photos of China’s Cultural Revolution, is worthwhile - 5 years ago

@BaronAndr3: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@bellaella7: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@bellaella7: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@Doug_Bandow: Remembering #China's horrific Cultural Revolution: photographer Li Zhensheng took pictures, protected them, and eve… - 5 years ago

@PerleIrradiante: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@pontet_cathy: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@Collon_H: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@GMTine: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@RomyZucchet: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@CLUB_D12: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@YannLeGales: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@XAQueso1: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@XAQueso1: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@XAQueso1: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@XAQueso1: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@directoire: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@DomiPau1: RT @lemondefr: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la révolution culturelle, est mort. Son travail constitue l’un des plus importants témoignages… - 5 years ago

@AnimalMemorial: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@gb07011950: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@vlarrazabal: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@moemoeoshea: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@amimal1172: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@pontaguu3hana: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@lukemulks: RT @BrendanEich: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@taka5a43: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@XhpxMRJteSYBb4n: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@TomMcGr: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@yorunopai: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@MaxogramManuel: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@BradyLiu2012: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@zukunftland: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@biscuit_jamie: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@pandakultarche: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@colonelguano: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@PeggyBrava: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@ArjPascal: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@MillerOval: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@OhREALTORokiki: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@kohtaloh: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@xdzyorker: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@AnaLeCedres: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@hinatanococo: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@CanineQuiddity: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@ISAbella_P_PARF: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@SPJman: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@DAIJIRO_DANDR: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@momo270905: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@WandrilleV: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@tibanojirotyou: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@511Dongame: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@Thiya_Uzimatcha: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@M5JWJ2YNl22lq2Y: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@AndyBean17: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@suilee: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@gillianwong: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@ranumpowerplay: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@FM_Fernandez: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@CAP_ElGocho88: RT @KenRoth: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with its… - 5 years ago

@azaleaputr: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@Harumi60658765: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Pietpukje3: RT @an3sdejo: POSTUUM 1941-2020. Li Zhensheng legde stiekem de gruwelen van de LINKSE Culturele Revolutie in China vast vast (die Paul Rose… - 5 years ago

@kei4156: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@waraufukurou: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@marchofer: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@kurohimeAJ: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@Alex_loves_XRP: RT @an3sdejo: POSTUUM 1941-2020. Li Zhensheng legde stiekem de gruwelen van de LINKSE Culturele Revolutie in China vast vast (die Paul Rose… - 5 years ago

@ElTrex5: RT @Antonio_Saborit: Li Zhensheng (1940-2020) Autorretrato Plata sobre gelatina Julio, 1967 Harbin, Heilongjiang China - 5 years ago

@carminekun: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@ALICEGEURTS1: RT @an3sdejo: POSTUUM 1941-2020. Li Zhensheng legde stiekem de gruwelen van de LINKSE Culturele Revolutie in China vast vast (die Paul Rose… - 5 years ago

@spacema09104056: RT @an3sdejo: POSTUUM 1941-2020. Li Zhensheng legde stiekem de gruwelen van de LINKSE Culturele Revolutie in China vast vast (die Paul Rose… - 5 years ago

@wangzhabaozha: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@Kantor75: - 5 years ago

@AmyFeldtmann: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@rdj_ronald: RT @an3sdejo: POSTUUM 1941-2020. Li Zhensheng legde stiekem de gruwelen van de LINKSE Culturele Revolutie in China vast vast (die Paul Rose… - 5 years ago

@rachel67722153: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@lorueisi: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@poppyoflondon: Meanwhile, many British kids praise Marxists & glorify Communism in the UK... History is going to repeat itself, in… - 5 years ago

@AkiSteven: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@_ForeignService: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@gehe20224075: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@777too7: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@slevinlee3: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@zuhui1: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@2020Smiles: “Germany has reckoned with its Nazi past, America still talks about its history of slavery, why can’t we Chinese ta… - 5 years ago

@TiagoDF: He amassed about 100,000 photos during that period, stashing many of the negatives under the parquet floorboards in… - 5 years ago

@2020Smiles: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@jnbradford: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@c6120cassiopeia: RT @Tomo20309138: 李振盛(Li Zhensheng)氏が今年6月23日に亡くなった。同氏は【文化大革命】時の記録を撮影し、隠し、守り続けた方。 - 5 years ago

@michaelsmell: RT @JeromeTaylor: RIP to one of the bravest photographers out there -- documenting the dark side of Mao's Cultural Revolution despite the… - 5 years ago

@wst505: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@Lightoffreedom3: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@AlexanderLerche: Hey Twitter., I'm looking to try and find an English language copy of Li Zhensheng's "Red-Color News Soldier" from… - 5 years ago

@jellenp: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@chinoymat: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@SooHenAn: RT @nytchinese: #讣告 李振盛记录下文革的残酷种种,将底片藏于家中地板下,数十年后才得以公开。他拍摄的照片震撼人心,至今仍是那个动乱年代的罕见视像证据。 他近期在美国逝世,享年79岁。 - 5 years ago

@PamelaToomey2: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@therealgloria: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@jakechu10: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@fpan86: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@Lara_Durand21: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@vajapeyam: #ChinaMustPay Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution… - 5 years ago

@Botweetin4: RT @MikeNayna: @io_ceres “The staff of the Heilongjiang Daily accuse an official of 'following the capitalist line'. His dunce cap announce… - 5 years ago

@Rosamunde99: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@chalanlexi: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@John_Scotus: RT @photofocus: On Photography: Li Zhensheng, 1940-2020 - 5 years ago

@KandeKunkal1: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@type_zero: RT @LoganDobson: Appreciate the NYT's obituary, but their sub-headline here falls victim to (and perpetuates) subtle Communist propaganda.… - 5 years ago

@beldecam: RT @muyixiao: Beautiful obit by ⁦@amyyqin⁩. Not only are Li’s photos nuanced — which makes them so powerful — so is his story: as a “red-co… - 5 years ago

@vmcernadas: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@lellingw: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@lellingw: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@Ianto_back2_TW: RT @NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@joaomcrodrigues: Photographer remembered for shocking images of Mao's China - 5 years ago

@MikeMwape9: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@davy_ninja: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@SueSue2019: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@che20827448: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@robwein: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@RayChau_HKger: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@Taylor_lty: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@PaulEhrlich13: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@jt163sw20000: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@KelvinIp9: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@foxtan_z: RT @HKWORLDCITY: Photographer Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing images of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@robertcatto: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@pchynY5GOjXl6ai: Li Zhensheng:(#李振盛)Photographer of China's cultural revolution)#文革 - 5 years ago

@NeusaMarquess: RT @WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@alecosta_mag: RT @WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@RuthRobinsonLon: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@HeisenbergBlue0: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@nonoLOOK: RT @NYTObits: The photographer produced a powerful compilation of black-and-white images that remains a rare visual testament to the Cultur… - 5 years ago

@JosephClark76: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@MouthArrow: @MikeNayna @coldxman I actually sent some friends pictures from this book, Red Color News Soldier, by Li Zhensheng,… - 5 years ago

@PeterLandau: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution #obitpix #lizhensheng #photographer #china #moazedong… - 5 years ago

@CNKDSSRS4: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@bru_democracia: RT @WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@bmckeeeeeee: RT @MikeNayna: @io_ceres “The staff of the Heilongjiang Daily accuse an official of 'following the capitalist line'. His dunce cap announce… - 5 years ago

@madrynha2012: RT @WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@luizinhocortez: RT @WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@AllonShevat: BBC News - Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@WithemLourdes: RT @tal62: @io_ceres @MikeNayna Read this if you like. - 5 years ago

@WinstonLing: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's #culturalrevolution - 5 years ago

@Mnorinsberg: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Mutantfroginc: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@SusanSm81601742: RT @MikeNayna: @io_ceres “The staff of the Heilongjiang Daily accuse an official of 'following the capitalist line'. His dunce cap announce… - 5 years ago

@DanielleFong: RT @robkhenderson: "Factions of radical youths known as 'Red Guards' roamed the country battling one another and perceived 'class enemies'.… - 5 years ago

@ravinpandya: RT @robkhenderson: "Factions of radical youths known as 'Red Guards' roamed the country battling one another and perceived 'class enemies'.… - 5 years ago

@SirikanYamada: RT @sfpodge: I commend this story to you— Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution #art #history #photography - 5 years ago

@WeAreWWNews: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@mostlylistenin1: RT @LoganDobson: Appreciate the NYT's obituary, but their sub-headline here falls victim to (and perpetuates) subtle Communist propaganda.… - 5 years ago

@WorldNe70739564: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@MajayiTVC: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@Storm14nu: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@JorgeCirett: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@y28694522: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@SteffenWurzel: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@AnamjemWAK: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@TyGregoryGrant: RT @LoganDobson: Appreciate the NYT's obituary, but their sub-headline here falls victim to (and perpetuates) subtle Communist propaganda.… - 5 years ago

@BerimVega: Li Zhensheng risked his life in his determination to capture China's Cultural Revolution on film - 5 years ago

@JimLaurie_Asia: I for one remain fascinated by #China's "Cultural Revolution" 1966-1976 which coincides with some of my school days… - 5 years ago

@rinaskal: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@vickers_julian: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@kevinhannigan: RT @LoganDobson: Appreciate the NYT's obituary, but their sub-headline here falls victim to (and perpetuates) subtle Communist propaganda.… - 5 years ago

@EsraaDikmen: RT @BBCWorld: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@HaiderA79912617: Li Zhensheng: Photographer of China's cultural revolution - 5 years ago

@AGNIYATRI: - 5 years ago

@PattPehe: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@uschaefer: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@caboludwig: RT @mluiselli: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@gerdlujo: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@camposamd: RT @folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@OneEyeToCry1: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@d_berberi: RT @CengizYar: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with it… - 5 years ago

@DrusseFrau: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@Korallenherz: RT @linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder von der chi… - 5 years ago

@linhierse: Vor ein paar Tagen ist Li Zhensheng 李振盛 verstorben. Als Fotojournalist machte und rettete er fast 100.000 Bilder vo… - 5 years ago

@carlospeimbert: RT @mluiselli: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@MarcusHWeber: RT @CengizYar: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckoned with it… - 5 years ago

@mluiselli: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@rockskylark: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@CengizYar: “Some people have criticized me, saying I am washing the country’s dirty laundry in public. But Germany has reckone… - 5 years ago

@ckarany: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@guillermo_rios: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MEMESofVIOLENCE: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@FSoames: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@olivenraa: RT @folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@Lucian2drei: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 #Photographer #photo via… - 5 years ago

@kyle1katarn: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@daigooliva: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos (alguém lembra da palestra dele no paraty… - 5 years ago

@JeromePandell: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@9ClaudioRR: RT @folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@GladstoneMarian: RT @ErikSchreiber5: Li Zhensheng put his life at risk to document China’s #CulturalRevolution frankly in photographs. His work adds to our… - 5 years ago

@melissabak3: RT @JChengWSJ: Wuhan writer Fang Fang on Cultural Revolution photographer Li Zhensheng: “Were it not for his documentary work, people today… - 5 years ago

@KusilloM: Li Zhensheng, fotografo de la Revolución Cultural, muere hoy [¿o ayer en China?] a sus 79 años. Hallo curioso el e… - 5 years ago

@Carlosgeocomuna: RT @folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@LSPRODUCTIONS5: RT @folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@folha: Li Zhensheng, fotógrafo da Revolução Cultural chinesa, morre aos 79 anos - 5 years ago

@marcos06749671: RT @Guerraeterna: Muere Li Zhensheng, cuyas fotografía dieron el mejor testimonio gráfico de la Revolución Cultural china. - 5 years ago

@scidem: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@uiu______: 文化大革命の写真、良すぎる - 5 years ago

@Guerraeterna: Muere Li Zhensheng, cuyas fotografía dieron el mejor testimonio gráfico de la Revolución Cultural china.… - 5 years ago

@birkedidedi: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@TomJohn49094263: - 5 years ago

@moksh_1729: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@merdxan: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@SnigdhaMahendra: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@jessedonoe: RT @paulg: - 5 years ago

@June4th: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@paulg: - 5 years ago

@SteveAHorn: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@RStevenG: RT @spwells: With his camera and red arm band, he captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk 🇨🇳 - 5 years ago

@Ai2047: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@PaulGre05158719: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@Marek_PK: RT @JChengWSJ: Wuhan writer Fang Fang on Cultural Revolution photographer Li Zhensheng: “Were it not for his documentary work, people today… - 5 years ago

@enantiomorph: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@cpownall: Extraordinary photos of the the cultural revolution. RIP Li Zhensheng #china - 5 years ago

@singhambesh: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@DecaturAnd: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@Rosebudo: RT @manolomoralesr: Escondió 20.000 negativos durante dos décadas bajo el suelo de su casa. Fue el fotógrafo que documentó el horror del co… - 5 years ago

@benlaksana: RT @andreasharsono: Li Zhensheng, the photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great pers… - 5 years ago

@Harmchair: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@gkucs: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@anna_xoR: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@rogerwilkinson3: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@romeruiz63: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@trumpanputin: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@AlbertCLoo: RT @gerryshih: Li Zhensheng, photographer who captured trauma of Cultural Revolution, dies at 80 @washingtonpost - 5 years ago

@Omnimook140: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@yeahjoego: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@carolmariebensi: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@Daviskanne: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@kath_ee_lee: - 5 years ago

@EricgoestoHell1: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@jerrychopeanut: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@colly_wolly: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@Certenago: RT @luciefoundation: The Lucie Foundation is sad to hear of the passing of photographer Li Zhensheng, 2013 Lucie Honoree for Achievement in… - 5 years ago

@anmanmm: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@loserleaves: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@LOWA18923392: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@DACIWEI1991: RT @nathanattrill: With his camera and red arm band, Li Zhensheng captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk. Many o… - 5 years ago

@UtkarshVanshu: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@Corbeau15: RT @MazMHussain: “I realized that I had to document this tumultuous period,” he wrote. “I didn’t really know whether I was doing it for the… - 5 years ago

@XiaoTenLu: RT @wesyang: Cool photos of outbreak of mass political hysteria - 5 years ago

@Talleyr01741275: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@Yumi_Goto: A pleasure of meeting Li Zhensheng in 2012 in Turkey & taking pictures with him. He was a gentle uncle, as you can… - 5 years ago

@cincyredbengal: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@GrayConnolly: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@Tiffany_Hanson: RT @EdAsante77: Countless historical sites and relics were destroyed in the name of stamping out China’s “feudal” and “bourgeois” culture.… - 5 years ago

@ParaFoto: Amazing story... RT @amyyqin: obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to docum… - 5 years ago

@GFKurniawan: RT @andreasharsono: Li Zhensheng, the photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great pers… - 5 years ago

@adepedia: RT @andreasharsono: Li Zhensheng, the photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great pers… - 5 years ago

@ToddBohannon: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@CeryakEli: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@andreasharsono: Li Zhensheng, the photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great… - 5 years ago

@e__mccarthy: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@robgo: Pretty interesting photos from the Chinese Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@DocSpencer1: “Red-Color News Soldier,” an underground photographer of Chinese Cultural Revolution, passes away. via ⁦@nytimes⁩ - 5 years ago

@amorcustacaro: RT @kleistwahr: Zhensheng manteve escondidos no assoalho da casa onde morava milhares de negativos fotografados no período da revolução (19… - 5 years ago

@P87794158: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@LauYeunwai: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@djstewed: RT @spwells: With his camera and red arm band, he captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk 🇨🇳 - 5 years ago

@PietroElise: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@debraj112: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Nekrologium: Li Zhensheng, chinesischer Fotojournalist, im Alter von 79 Jahren. - 5 years ago

@jaynordlinger: The usual stunning, sickening stuff. And all honor to Li Zhensheng, for his documentation. - 5 years ago

@Aunty__Em: ►►► R.I.P. ◄◄◄ - 5 years ago

@gmule06: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@nipp2sinoguanxi: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Millanbolivar: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@SamLutzker: These are amazing photos - rest in peace。 愿逝者安息,生者坚强: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Di… - 5 years ago

@Martanieto: RT @manolomoralesr: Escondió 20.000 negativos durante dos décadas bajo el suelo de su casa. Fue el fotógrafo que documentó el horror del co… - 5 years ago

@TishWells14: Excellent obituary involving a period of rewriting history. Lots of dead, lots of bad memories. @TomLasseter also w… - 5 years ago

@ShahJahaan14: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@laichungleung: The Cultural Revolution lasted from 1966 to 1976. Everybody got to rush to do some self-flagellation or risked lab… - 5 years ago

@geoparadiso: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@MirandaKayG: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@ErikSchreiber5: Li Zhensheng put his life at risk to document China’s #CulturalRevolution frankly in photographs. His work adds to… - 5 years ago

@pineapplecoin: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@bobskolnik: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@stephensingam: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@caringerel: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@CJCourtneyWuhan: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@naogong: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@FatimaCurzio: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@grainfarm: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@IzzahNblh: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@NoName96338114: RT @muyixiao: Beautiful obit by ⁦@amyyqin⁩. Not only are Li’s photos nuanced — which makes them so powerful — so is his story: as a “red-co… - 5 years ago

@sillyshen: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@NewmainsJerry: RT @JChengWSJ: Obituary for Li Zhensheng, a photographer of the Cultural Revolution. "Germany has reckoned with its Nazi past, America stil… - 5 years ago

@andrea_hagens: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@StanleyBresh: - 5 years ago

@HajjiMourad123: وفاة المصور الفوتوغرافي الصيني Li Zhensheng الذي تحدى السلطات الصينية خلال الثورة الثقافية (1966-1976) بأن تمكن من… - 5 years ago

@SeanCorcoran988: RT @JChengWSJ: Obituary for Li Zhensheng, a photographer of the Cultural Revolution. "Germany has reckoned with its Nazi past, America stil… - 5 years ago

@DSORennie: RT @JChengWSJ: Obituary for Li Zhensheng, a photographer of the Cultural Revolution. "Germany has reckoned with its Nazi past, America stil… - 5 years ago

@learothawms: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@SerendipitySays: RT @iainmartin1: NYT: "With his camera + red arm band, Mr. Li captured the dark side of Mao’s revolution at great personal risk.” Next week… - 5 years ago

@lawless523: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@LTMFTv: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@pakiwomandoc: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@shana_dubois: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Bernardi_UK: RT @nytimes: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolutio… - 5 years ago

@juanrive: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@TeaAndDisaster: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@altontw: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@anjalipanjabi: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@xtorrescanals: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@NutshellGulag: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@forviralsake_: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer who took great personal risk to document the dark side of Mao Zedong’s Cultura… - 5 years ago

@amy_changchien: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@patnoxolo: RT @chowleen: This was from the talk Li Zhensheng gave at the Lung Yingtai Foundation salon series. Before he launched into the more seriou… - 5 years ago

@k1ka1der: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@jwildthingy: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Haviktrocity: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@shannzilla: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@chowleen: RT @chowleen: This was from the talk Li Zhensheng gave at the Lung Yingtai Foundation salon series. Before he launched into the more seriou… - 5 years ago

@SeanRileyOnline: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@chowleen: This was from the talk Li Zhensheng gave at the Lung Yingtai Foundation salon series. Before he launched into the m… - 5 years ago

@shushiiiiiii: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@MINillusion: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@giuliamarchi: RT @muyixiao: Beautiful obit by ⁦@amyyqin⁩. Not only are Li’s photos nuanced — which makes them so powerful — so is his story: as a “red-co… - 5 years ago

@genghisgalahad2: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@Diplateevo: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@mariancw: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@MaryMWalsh: Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79 - 5 years ago

@cbernard_sea: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@DENIZESANTOSBP: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@ChrisBrey1: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@yamphoto: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@headhunterhkg: RT @amyyqin: My obit for a truly remarkable man - Li Zhensheng, who took great personal risk to document China's Cultural Revolution. I was… - 5 years ago

@42Kmi: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@hkbeech: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@Muzammi71790900: "Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79" by BY AMY QIN via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@OnTheFontanka: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@Rhys_Needham: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@nathanallenwade: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@infomorsels: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@KJPiorkowska: W nekrologu Li-Zhensheng, wyjątkowe zdjęcia Rewolucji Kulturalnej - 5 years ago

@by_the_pool: "Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79" by BY AMY QIN via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@NaaishaG: RT @nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos are sc… - 5 years ago

@nytimesworld: Mr. Li's collection remains one of the most nuanced visual chronicles of the Cultural Revolution. Among the photos… - 5 years ago

@mush0872: "Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79" by BY AMY QIN via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@GeoffRogersEU: "Li Zhensheng, Photographer of China’s Cultural Revolution, Dies at 79" by BY AMY QIN via NYT New York Times - 5 years ago

@fsoriag: Buenas noches recordando el trabajo de Li Zhensheng (1940-2020), autor de la "enciclopedia" de imágenes más valiosa… - 5 years ago

@imlavin: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@AndresSBraun: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@aledgruffjones: RT @BrettRogersTPG: Some might remember Li Zhensheng’s 2004 exhibition @TPGallery From negatives of the cultural Revolution which he hid un… - 5 years ago

@sungmanitu2020: RT @cbcasithappens: Li Zhensheng — a photographer who lived a double live during China's Cultural Revolution — has died. "He was, on the… - 5 years ago

@BrettRogersTPG: Some might remember Li Zhensheng’s 2004 exhibition @TPGallery From negatives of the cultural Revolution which he hi… - 5 years ago

@kacharyshka: RT @cbcasithappens: Li Zhensheng — a photographer who lived a double live during China's Cultural Revolution — has died. "He was, on the… - 5 years ago

@Capricorn_Films: Li Zhensheng remembered for his harrowing photos of the Cultural Revolution - 5 years ago

@LaKalavera666: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@pqvenezuela: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@BHARATNARAYAN7: - 5 years ago

@irenevautour: RT @cbcasithappens: Li Zhensheng — a photographer who lived a double live during China's Cultural Revolution — has died. "He was, on the… - 5 years ago

@nenesalcedo: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@SheenaGoodyear: RT @cbcasithappens: Li Zhensheng — a photographer who lived a double live during China's Cultural Revolution — has died. "He was, on the… - 5 years ago

@cbcasithappens: Li Zhensheng — a photographer who lived a double live during China's Cultural Revolution — has died. "He was, on… - 5 years ago

@3clunas: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@Labrada07: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@MichelGil360: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@gyoung9751: In memoriam: Chinese dissident photojournalist Li Zhensheng, chronicler of China's Cultural Revolution - Tom Seymou… - 5 years ago

@saidmoanack: RT @josedancourt: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@PilarM_: RT @aprensamadrid: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@JeffreyD89: A spread in The Guardian, Wednesday. From Li Zhensheng’s monumental work “Red Color News Soldier (Phaidon, 2003) no… - 5 years ago

@aprensamadrid: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@JeffreyD89: ...indeed and the tributes have started flooding in for the late Li Zhensheng. - 5 years ago

@MIguelA02622204: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@UmBiblioteca: "20.000 negativos escondidos durante dos décadas, que representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del acia… - 5 years ago

@amortes: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@HsusWordsWisely: RIP. - 5 years ago

@fisinclairscott: RT @CNNStyle: Li Zhensheng documented the violent and tumultuous years of China's Cultural Revolution, hiding thousands of images under his… - 5 years ago

@grizzlegrizzz: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@jerichozafra_: RT @oscarholland: Tributes are flowing in for the late Li Zhensheng, who hid thousands of Cultural Revolution images under his floorboards… - 5 years ago

@linaresfamiliar: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@Wakeup9993: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@LloberAngels: RT @ManuB72179071: Muere Li Zhensheng fotógrafo de la revolución china - 5 years ago

@tax_free: Everything Was Moving: In Conversation with Li Zhensheng - 5 years ago

@chungfun: RT @oscarholland: Tributes are flowing in for the late Li Zhensheng, who hid thousands of Cultural Revolution images under his floorboards… - 5 years ago

@Psicopato_negro: RT @ManuB72179071: Muere Li Zhensheng fotógrafo de la revolución china - 5 years ago

@ManuB72179071: Muere Li Zhensheng fotógrafo de la revolución china - 5 years ago

@Ben_Westcott: RT @oscarholland: Tributes are flowing in for the late Li Zhensheng, who hid thousands of Cultural Revolution images under his floorboards… - 5 years ago

@oscarholland: Tributes are flowing in for the late Li Zhensheng, who hid thousands of Cultural Revolution images under his floorb… - 5 years ago

@asouvi: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@Fatale31452318: Li Zhensheng (photojournalist) is fatally dead. - 5 years ago

@deavila2010: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@juanbeas_: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@pabloscandon: RT @elpais_foto: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@Y_RuizRuiz: Li Zhensheng creía que la clave era no olvidar: “Capturo desastres para que no vuelvan a ocurrir”. Por eso, durante… - 5 years ago

@ErikaSCZ: RT @elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciago mo… - 5 years ago

@elpais_cultura: Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos décadas representan uno de los escasos testimonios gráficos del aciag… - 5 years ago

@JoanEstelLlull: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@eeYuYi: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@y_kitman: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@BrSpivey: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@MinervaTerrades: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@jayjamescarter: I've shared some tributes to Li Zhensheng before, but here is a thread with a more extensive look at his work than… - 5 years ago

@Khereid_Mongol: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@chenchenzh: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@hcasastost: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@anna_agonzalez: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@Yauster17: Top story: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural | Cultura | EL PAÍS… - 5 years ago

@pilarfrojan: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@dmac5dmark2: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@giulia_pra: RT @chinarhyming: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | China | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@robert_gerhardt: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies #photography #photojournalism #China - 5 years ago

@fotocarlos28: RT @saladeprensa: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@KamenRideOrDie: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@NParaules: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@leasmhar: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@VxwVh7dHwrqmwZn: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Salavin11: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@avefdez: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@fabiolaroblesam: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@monix1771: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@mhvazquez: LA CLAVE ES NO OLVIDAR / Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural… - 5 years ago

@gomezvives: RT @saladeprensa: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@saladeprensa: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@kenlightphoto: RT @JeffreyD89: It is with a heavy heart that Contact Press Images announces the passing of our friend and colleague Li Zhensheng, the fore… - 5 years ago

@miguelexcedeno: RT @elpais_foto: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@CamiloErnestoG5: @elpais_cultura @jsantirso Li Zhensheng creía que la clave era no olvidar. Una lección qué revisionistas y negacio… - 5 years ago

@AngelCotayna: RT @larazon_es: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la barbarie de la Revolución Cultural china ➡ Su testimonio ha pasado a l… - 5 years ago

@FRodriguezJimen: RT @PotsengC: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@wjs53841370: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@WAHWAH01346690: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@darcymmiller: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@EvelineChao: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@escapedcat: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@JuanarioMedina: - 5 years ago

@Meimei91051011: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@s_gufe: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@jalexandermetal: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@AZbanka3465: RT @elpais_cultura: Li Zhensheng escondió bajo el suelo de su casa 20.000 negativos, que han pasado a la historia como uno de los pocos tes… - 5 years ago

@elpais_foto: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@ryujiicepop: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@jaimesponda: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@GuiriEnTabarnia: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural. En la imagen, guardias rojos afeitan la c… - 5 years ago

@cassiusiva: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@ConnorofKane: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@JamesCh31927690: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@holdincourt: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@wearyNiteowl: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@J8Fs8: RT @Shark8964: 專訪李振盛的文中稱10萬張底片( - 5 years ago

@Shark8964: 專訪李振盛的文中稱10萬張底片( - 5 years ago

@yingeli: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@HKersFightCCP: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@Bernardi_UK: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@ReFramedUK: RT @TPGallery: We are deeply saddened to hear news of the recent passing of Chinese Photographer, Li Zhensheng aged 79. His exhibition at… - 5 years ago

@Bernardi_UK: RT @giadamessetti: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@giadamessetti: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@AlexTan17654974: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@elmerosalva: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@CCPDomination: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@binitue: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@bonimygi: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Puig1Jaume: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Andylowe66: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural. Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos… - 5 years ago

@fai13339824: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@AP_APAlmeria: RT @fape_fape: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@limbert_cpl: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@VKassardjian: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution and author of Red-Color News Soldier, dies at 80 - 5 years ago

@jaime20116: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@aguedatm: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural. Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos… - 5 years ago

@cgartadvisory: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@jordiaragonesm: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Cloris99980983: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@_laiapuig_: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@labolainfinita: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@unforgettabled8: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@myetcetera: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Mgelitab: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@MrM0tley: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@iaio_acrata: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@BraisGonzlez2: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural. Los 20.000 negativos que escondió durante dos… - 5 years ago

@pastormarinf: RT @aprensamalaga: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@surroca: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@AWSUser: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@stanisland_: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Yauster17: Top story: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural | Cultura | EL PAÍS… - 5 years ago

@nomoregore1: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@dixitrajeev: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@solaagnes: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Ocean16931376: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Andrea_HeCa: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@yearrypanji: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@MarleneDermer: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@JeffreyD89: It is with a heavy heart that Contact Press Images announces the passing of our friend and colleague Li Zhensheng,… - 5 years ago

@Golden35577872: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@BeWaterHKG: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@jordiguixa: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@O_G_Log: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@Ocean16931376: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@FranMatiasBueno: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@Zacnaloen: RT @appledaily_hk: Chinese photographer Li Zhensheng, known for capturing the realities of the #CulturalRevolution, has died in the U.S. at… - 5 years ago

@winlifeken: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@ChrisFraser_HK: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@IaraMBua: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@presidiario1728: Muere Li Zhensheng, el fotoperiodista que retrató la Revolución Cultural - 5 years ago

@rapinyaire: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@stefangeens: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@joansafont: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@TheXingtian: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@javierMbrocal: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@w_hker: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@goldenphoto_pro: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@plotloser: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@silvialmela: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@ConchDotCom: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@CalcDay: * Li Zhensheng, who photographed China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@BanGaoRen: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@MandyLeeDUBHKG: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@LarrumbideM: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Dapeng101: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@tylercheung: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@jpbNHA6d0AuXkEE: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@fg_anna: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Sergialcalde: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@gladstein: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@CoalhadaTM: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@zakariazainal: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@99oon1: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@kyojitsurekishi: @lilkuo Li Zhensheng - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Li Zhensheng (photojournalist) - 5 years ago

@NataliaSancha: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@AmberTongPW: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@BerdaguePujol: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@ProfTotoro: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@toriKh: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@uwu_uwu_mo: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@AntonioTalia: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Squissu_Afectiu: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@Banoffee_Pi: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Growlerythought: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@stmcneil: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@Julia_Famularo: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@hotcat09cat: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@mranti: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@NidhiRa68598250: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@breningstall: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@nuzinoisy: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@marioricciard18: RT @IlariaMariaSala: Li Zhensheng has died. You can read here about him and the importance of his work : A Photographer’s Quest to Reverse… - 5 years ago

@PhotoOfChina: RT @tongbingxue: Li Zhensheng, a Chinese photographer working for a state propaganda newspaper during the Cultural Revolution from1966-19… - 5 years ago

@AccentAsia: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@matwg: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@GorurVinay: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Shambha54222913: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@cp8877: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@yenatweet: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@bcore0: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@SammySea8: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@chinkusan: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@onedaygohan: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@alykhansatchu: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution … - 5 years ago

@Cindy33484279: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@1CdE7MvntZfuStJ: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@DanGarrett97: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@haydenzhou_wu: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@javitxulf: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@voltaire: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@micronanopico: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@anonymous_adm: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@newm161: RT @mnlolle: Ha mort Li Zhensheng 李振盛 el fotoperiodista que va poder retratar com ningú la Revolució Cultural des d'un diari de la provínci… - 5 years ago

@TurtleReads: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@hctmx: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@carrie_lame: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Monlooop: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@GBLee: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@AntoineVedeilhe: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@StuckinQuito: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@emilyrliu: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@giuliamarchi: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@millerC4: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@BZ02136514: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@AngieGLaw: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@arodsf: I duckduckgo-ed his name and the array of photographs are staggering in their brutality -- beware ideologues --> Li… - 5 years ago

@sukunmin1: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@csagol: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@HighLander1931: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@GeraiNeon: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@StationEchange: Rayshard Brooks' funeral takes place in Atlanta The 27-year-old black man was fatally shot by police in the city. A… - 5 years ago

@ConchaTacoLady: RT @PM_Thornton: The Guardian's Lily Kuo: Li Zhensheng, photographer of #China's Cultural Revolution, dies. “I have spent my life striving… - 5 years ago

@PM_Thornton: The Guardian's Lily Kuo: Li Zhensheng, photographer of #China's Cultural Revolution, dies. “I have spent my life st… - 5 years ago

@alykhansatchu: Whoever Controls The Narrative Controls The World Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning pho… - 5 years ago

@dekosimo: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | World news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@Saavik17: - 5 years ago

@stcyc2002: RT @VOAChinese: 【10万底片记录中国文革】5月16日是文革政治狂潮爆发53周年。#文革 爆发的1966年 #李振盛 26岁,是黑龙江日报最年轻的摄影记者。他在接受美国之音专访时表示,他是从衷心拥护文革,到产生动摇,进而决心记录文革的,“尤其那些负面的东西,不见报… - 5 years ago

@luludoesyoga: RT @guardianculture: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@adantino18: RT @chinarhyming: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | China | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@ellitweets: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@stabatmater4: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Ozkar12: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@vendingmechine: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@vendingmechine: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@hazmatzo: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@transcended: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@EyeofUgin: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@lukedowning: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@johnabaylon: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@lukedowning: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@dhewittChina: RT @chinarhyming: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | China | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@5hkgers: @VOAChinese So sad. Li Zhensheng often said: "Recording history is to prevent historical tragedies from recurring." - 5 years ago

@VamboyJr: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@004nino: RIP 20 851) #Chinese #Li #Zhensheng, 79 #photographer #of #China 's #Cultural #Revolution #dies #June 23, 2… - 5 years ago

@autumndewilde: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@tatsuo87092501: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | World news | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@kitty201718: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@AlbertoNahum: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@Hanijiyiyijijj: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Tom75778649: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@bradleysecker: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@Backtot68800647: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@shelzhang: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@ducky_cat: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@PhilippMattheis: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@arnauld: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@WPZ2855: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@rgwsoas: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Sirallenrolly: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@jordanschnyc: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@HelenJames_67: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@_CRYPTONAUT: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@GreenWalker92: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@WilhelmusJanus: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@rogerablackwell: RT @TPGallery: We are deeply saddened to hear news of the recent passing of Chinese Photographer, Li Zhensheng aged 79. His exhibition at… - 5 years ago

@MPrebost: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@wmzhang2008: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@MichalKrause: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@Ricky_Tamba: RIP Mr. Li Zhensheng - 5 years ago

@KTeaiwa: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@FaguoKarl: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@takyrebelka: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@niubi: Today's Sinocism - Beijing outbreak; India-China deescalating?; China's Australia problem; RIP Li Zhensheng by… - 5 years ago

@bonniemalkin: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@OlafNds: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@tvtomas: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@jondknight: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@DivaKnevil: RT @GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@GuardianAus: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@brunogarcez: Check out this thread by @tony_zy about award winning photographer Li Zhensheng who capture striking images of Chin… - 5 years ago

@Ana_QuirozS: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@fxnkls: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Preguimbeau: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@loqueveo: RT @iandenisjohnson: Photographer Li Zhensheng, the "Red-Color News Soldier" whose images revealed life in Mao's China, has died. Here's a… - 5 years ago

@MRSWONG10: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@bueti: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@sjhastings: RT @Monroegallery: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@LipeEstevao: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@ivanaguilerajur: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@GrosUsai: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@billvaccaro: RT @Monroegallery: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@juanpeces: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. http… - 5 years ago

@amyjoan19: RT @Halle2017: #China’s horrific era of their #CulturalRevolution well documented by photojournalist Li Zhensheng. The photos he left behin… - 5 years ago

@RJohnsonCCW1: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@zhong_daming: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@JohnWreford: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. - 5 years ago

@_emilyallen__: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@CitizenMeh: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@TopPhotoNews: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@EmptyCircle: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@ClaireLampson: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@mbrinkerhoff: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@skdeurloo: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@betta_chiara: RT @chinarhyming: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | China | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@NarudaaArnaud: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@GecoPigmeo: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@newsontop007: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@jennieric: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. - 5 years ago

@lisamovius: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Wuyelaolaoshi: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeCoull: 'My purpose is to show people what happened in the past so that nothing like that will happen again.' - 5 years ago

@danielml88: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@Wuyelaolaoshi: RT @iandenisjohnson: Photographer Li Zhensheng, the "Red-Color News Soldier" whose images revealed life in Mao's China, has died. Here's a… - 5 years ago

@DRM_Long: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@USCPF: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@BLACKSWAN2025: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@KyveliLT: RT @TPGallery: We are deeply saddened to hear news of the recent passing of Chinese Photographer, Li Zhensheng aged 79. His exhibition at… - 5 years ago

@rasmus_kleis: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Photo_Koreas: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@hk_fei: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@sophie101122: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@DireitaCerta1: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@mvaglio: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Boluo_zhu: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@mvaglio: RT @Halle2017: #China’s horrific era of their #CulturalRevolution well documented by photojournalist Li Zhensheng. The photos he left behin… - 5 years ago

@CraigClunas: RT @chinarhyming: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies | China | The Guardian - 5 years ago

@SatoshiStewart: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@CyrusShares: RT @Halle2017: #China’s horrific era of their #CulturalRevolution well documented by photojournalist Li Zhensheng. The photos he left behin… - 5 years ago

@AlexandraLeFaou: « I have spent my life striving to bear witness and document history, and now I will rest in history », Li Zhenshen… - 5 years ago

@pumpkindropoff: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@tententhrewfour: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@EulanMallari: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Nicolas_Czar: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Olu_GH: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. - 5 years ago

@na_risong: Mr. Li Zhensheng once proudly told me that he had also taken very fashionable photo. For example, this photo was ta… - 5 years ago

@Ms_Kuma: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@edublake: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@christilcara: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@juliette0307: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies @lacroicsz - 5 years ago

@teatime126: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Canonfm2: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@ChinaInsiders: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@PopulusRe: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@xinxinxinxixin: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@GraceNicolette: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@dw3l: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@CCCblogUoW: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@jayjamescarter: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@daisydew123: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@lukemines: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@bokane: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@alastairphilli3: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@gardenandbooks: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@Ching49191258: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Alexaaixi: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@larsonchristina: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@msilangil91: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Mvetustissima: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@ShumianN: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@JAMortram: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@cscolari: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@ranajitdam: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@robertgumpert: Following Mao’s death in 1976, when photographers were ordered to hand in all their photos, Li hid about 20,000 neg… - 5 years ago

@_Jonny_Nolan: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. http… - 5 years ago

@IanBeesleyphoto: RT @guardian: Li Zhensheng, who photographed China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@WesJWHK: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@hillcai: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@mauracunningham: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@StellaKramer: RT @Monroegallery: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@IanBeesleyphoto: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@maitrijen: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@duckrabbitblog: RT @GLenLens: Wonderful thread on Li Zhensheng a Chinese photographer who hid his images from the state to preserve them for history. http… - 5 years ago

@karmanomad: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@owenschurchill: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@StephaneLagarde: RT @Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre formid… - 5 years ago

@MinSvenska: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@pbp_ca: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Rue89_Chinatown: Li Zhensheng, photographe de la Revolution culturelle chinoise qui avait sauvé des négatifs et produit un livre for… - 5 years ago

@GordonMoat: RT @Monroegallery: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@dvdd8n: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Monroegallery: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@alformeller: RT @iandenisjohnson: Photographer Li Zhensheng, the "Red-Color News Soldier" whose images revealed life in Mao's China, has died. Here's a… - 5 years ago

@Byron_Perry: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@hffrkmp: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@asiared_com: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@lenroq: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@PlayingRF: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@lenroq: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@5h09un: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@MikeTannenbaum: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Kempton: //Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - Former publisher announces death of Li, known f… - 5 years ago

@liangjiez: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@kiukiuli: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@adequateaaron: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@jjunplay: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Li Zhensheng has passed away - #LiZhensheng #Li #Zhensheng #rip - 5 years ago

@Jozhou05: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@tony_zy: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@Ester19995: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@Sonia19998: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@cocoverde24: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@Juan37912963: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@mireya19995: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@sergirocap: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@LeeLoriT411: RT @Halle2017: #China’s horrific era of their #CulturalRevolution well documented by photojournalist Li Zhensheng. The photos he left behin… - 5 years ago

@nf0RvF9qLpjzOpv: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@marinadpol: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@myveronica1990: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@tanita_tikaram: Li Zhensheng, photographer of China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@diamondcanopy: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@FBoecking: RT @lilkuo: Li Zhensheng who photographed China's Cultural Revolution has died. He asked his family to pass on a message to his friends: “I… - 5 years ago

@kowcher: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@PhelimKine: RT @iandenisjohnson: Photographer Li Zhensheng, the "Red-Color News Soldier" whose images revealed life in Mao's China, has died. Here's a… - 5 years ago

@jwassers: RT @iandenisjohnson: Photographer Li Zhensheng, the "Red-Color News Soldier" whose images revealed life in Mao's China, has died. Here's a… - 5 years ago

@hffrkmp: RT @guardian: Li Zhensheng, who photographed China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@yaozhang02: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@veronicafoxley1: RT @jsantirso: Fallece en Estados Unidos el fotoperiodista chino Li Zhensheng, quien en la década de los sesenta retrató la Revolución Cult… - 5 years ago

@NinaHelsinki: RT @guardian: Li Zhensheng, who photographed China's Cultural Revolution, dies - 5 years ago

@deung_passeu: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@Nin_99: RT @tony_zy: Li Zhensheng, the Lucie-Award winning photojournalist who took over 100,000 photos during cultural revolution, reportedly pass… - 5 years ago

@onicolastapia: Você que gosta de história e fotografia, por favor, pare 5 minutos do seu dia e leia essa thread. Hoje faleceu um… - 5 years ago

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