Lex Watson

Australian LGBT rights activist and political scientist.
Died on Tuesday May 6th 2014

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Lex Watson:

@PhysicsPhriend: @Alexis_K_Watson omgsh that's great lex! I'm so so happy for you. #false #whichbearisbest #bears #beets #BattlestarGalactica

@TheLexSta: @JW_armydoctor (as of now in our sls, he is Lex Watson, and proud to be married to Jawn)

@lex_sum: Edmund wins first Grand Slam match: Kyle Edmund and Heather Watson join Andy Murray in round two on a successf... http://t.co/2NFoHfisKR

@lex_on_fire: RT @NaturallyTiss: Emma Watson: I'm a feminist Me: bitch where? Emma Watson: under all the disregard for women's agency & slut-shaming M…


@Lex_Sijtsma: As Jeopardy! Robot Watson Grows Up, How Afraid of It Should We Be? http://t.co/x9U3kNt0GR via @intelligencer

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