Lewis MacAdams

American conservationist
Died on Tuesday April 21st 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Lewis MacAdams:

@SpineApocalypse: @ericgarcetti Last #LARiver ride of 2013 Thx Lewis MacAdams - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: 'It Ain’t Tame': @SantaMonicaMtns' Joe Edmiston on pandemic’s silver lining, a critter comeback, and personal thoug… - 5 years ago

@Anonomouse1981: RT @capitalandmain: Lewis MacAdams, poet, author, environmentalist, died last week at the age of 75, having spent much of the last 30-odd y… - 5 years ago

@capitalandmain: Lewis MacAdams, poet, author, environmentalist, died last week at the age of 75, having spent much of the last 30-o… - 5 years ago


@FaithTwenty20: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@FaithTwenty20: RT @bethpratt: I know what I’ll be reading tonight. LA and the world lost an important and powerful voice today. RIP Lewis MacAdams. https:… - 5 years ago

@abgj_01: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@rswkate: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020 - 5 years ago

@AntiochLA: We are saddened about the passing of Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the LA River. MacAdams was the co-founder &… - 5 years ago

@drylandlitla: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@LAnativo: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@clockshopla: RT @HomelandsProd: The late #LARiver poet, Lewis MacAdams, inspired this #photo essay by our own Bear Guerra in @emergence_zine: - 5 years ago

@JacobMargolis: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@geminigod: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@PadaSuma: RT @TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually embrace… - 5 years ago

@PadaSuma: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@Leslie_Muse: RT @TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually embrace… - 5 years ago

@MilhommeO: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@LAPunkRocker: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@hermanyung: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@goldenenergy: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@TVMCCA: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@the_hetz: RT @LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week at the age of… - 5 years ago

@LAist: Lewis MacAdams, credited for his pioneering work to reimagine the much-maligned Los Angeles River, died last week a… - 5 years ago

@TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually emb… - 5 years ago

@lilamayhiggins: RT @matilda_marie: Storytime for the Apocalypse is your weekly embrace of words and friends, this time w/ tribute to Lewis MacAdams. Feat… - 5 years ago

@mbkmbk9: RT @matilda_marie: Celebrating the life of Lewis MacAdams all this week, over at - 5 years ago

@matilda_marie: Celebrating the life of Lewis MacAdams all this week, over at - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: RT @matilda_marie: Storytime for the Apocalypse is your weekly embrace of words and friends, this time w/ tribute to Lewis MacAdams. Feat… - 5 years ago

@matilda_marie: Storytime for the Apocalypse is your weekly embrace of words and friends, this time w/ tribute to Lewis MacAdams.… - 5 years ago

@ocNEAL: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@iannoscommenos: RT @capitalandmain: "Lewis Macadams saw our collective catastrophes in the same terms that he saw the natural world fighting to restore its… - 5 years ago

@RubelCastle: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@donahuejm: RT @capitalandmain: "Lewis Macadams saw our collective catastrophes in the same terms that he saw the natural world fighting to restore its… - 5 years ago

@lahautj: RT @capitalandmain: "Lewis Macadams saw our collective catastrophes in the same terms that he saw the natural world fighting to restore its… - 5 years ago

@ColdWarrior2000: RT @capitalandmain: "Lewis Macadams saw our collective catastrophes in the same terms that he saw the natural world fighting to restore its… - 5 years ago

@capitalandmain: "Lewis Macadams saw our collective catastrophes in the same terms that he saw the natural world fighting to restore… - 5 years ago

@PhoenixLeigh78: RT @RexWeiner: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020 via @capitalandmain - - 5 years ago

@_Andrea_Ricca: RT @RexWeiner: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020 via @capitalandmain - - 5 years ago

@macharoesink: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@chilov: RT @lynellgeorge: Lovely, clear-eyed rembembrance of our friend Lewis MacAdams by @judlew: “He found in those waterways a metaphor for huma… - 5 years ago

@DNickoll: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@LAsamurai27: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@CnBsNana: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@F_French: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@hiddenhydrology: - 5 years ago

@LANana4Hope: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@Squirrel_MA: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@carol_clovely4: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@VOJay_Pgh: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@SueLeugers: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@jacobsoboroff: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@schwabs52: RT @the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor for hu… - 5 years ago

@geographile: RT @the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor for hu… - 5 years ago

@jbibbsfox: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@HansBalmes: RT @ccohanlon: “There is a hole in the L.A. River. Lewis showed us the spirit of nature that could be found, revered, and recovered in its… - 5 years ago

@InTheFreshLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams ❤️ #LosAngeles - 5 years ago

@MASContext: Lewis MacAdams, a poet and crusader for restoring the concrete Los Angeles River to a more natural state and co-fou… - 5 years ago

@clockshopla: RT @lynellgeorge: Lovely, clear-eyed rembembrance of our friend Lewis MacAdams by @judlew: “He found in those waterways a metaphor for huma… - 5 years ago

@lynellgeorge: Lovely, clear-eyed rembembrance of our friend Lewis MacAdams by @judlew: “He found in those waterways a metaphor fo… - 5 years ago

@RexWeiner: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020 via @capitalandmain - - 5 years ago

@ResourcesLF: RT @the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor for hu… - 5 years ago

@ashton_holloman: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@rachelbauch: RT @the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor for hu… - 5 years ago

@SoCalRefuge: RT @FoLARtweets: You've likely seen the news of our founder Lewis MacAdams's passing. While we are continuing with our #EarthDay events, we… - 5 years ago

@brcalvert: RT @the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor for hu… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020. The poet and environmentalist found in Los Angeles’ waterways a metaphor… - 5 years ago

@PlacesJournal: "We felt like we were exploring the moon... I envisioned it as a sylvan glen." Lewis MacAdams on rediscovering in L… - 5 years ago

@PlacesJournal: Remembering Lewis MacAdams and his transformational work on the L.A. River - 5 years ago

@e__amato: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@FoLARtweets: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@drylandlitla: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@DSTLArts: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@CodySisco: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@HelloKommie: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: RT @jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & shares… - 5 years ago

@jenisepalante: Check-out this piece by L.A. Poet & Literary Ambassador @MikethePoeTLA. He honors poet/activist Lewis MacAdams & sh… - 5 years ago

@kenmccown: He Made Waves on the Los Angeles River: Lewis MacAdams Passes Away - 5 years ago

@BigPictureCL: RT @BigPictureCL: Le poète Lewis MacAdams, artisan de la résurrection de la Los Angeles River, est mort à 75 ans. En 2016, M, le magazine d… - 5 years ago

@BeachReportCard: RT @HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and potential i… - 5 years ago

@EleonoraAleks53: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@SanchezTello: RT @AGuzmanLopez: Told @MikethePoeTLA I'd post this raw tape of my 2002 Lewis MacAdams interview after a gathering of LA's poets at Beyond… - 5 years ago

@yuvi_nation: RT @HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and potential i… - 5 years ago

@flypr: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@laloalcaraz: RT @AGuzmanLopez: Told @MikethePoeTLA I'd post this raw tape of my 2002 Lewis MacAdams interview after a gathering of LA's poets at Beyond… - 5 years ago

@lizChacho: RT @AGuzmanLopez: Told @MikethePoeTLA I'd post this raw tape of my 2002 Lewis MacAdams interview after a gathering of LA's poets at Beyond… - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: RT @AGuzmanLopez: Told @MikethePoeTLA I'd post this raw tape of my 2002 Lewis MacAdams interview after a gathering of LA's poets at Beyond… - 5 years ago

@AGuzmanLopez: Told @MikethePoeTLA I'd post this raw tape of my 2002 Lewis MacAdams interview after a gathering of LA's poets at B… - 5 years ago

@m0vemebrightly: RT @highcountrynews: #Poet and #environmentalist Lewis MacAdams has passed away. He dedicated his life to restoring the LA River. https:/… - 5 years ago

@HubbardJeff: RT @highcountrynews: #Poet and #environmentalist Lewis MacAdams has passed away. He dedicated his life to restoring the LA River. https:/… - 5 years ago

@SampaguitaMaria: RT @bjanepr: Thank you so much @MikethePoeTLA for writing about Letters to a Young Brown Girl (@boaeditions), alongside such diverse and do… - 5 years ago

@LesLeMonAuthor: RT @LAConservancy: We are sad to learn of the passing of poet, advocate, & @FoLARtweets founder Lewis MacAdams. He was tireless in pursuing… - 5 years ago

@watchingLA: RT @HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and potential i… - 5 years ago

@HelloKommie: RT @bjanepr: Thank you so much @MikethePoeTLA for writing about Letters to a Young Brown Girl (@boaeditions), alongside such diverse and do… - 5 years ago

@LinkTV: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River,… - 5 years ago

@BIACRWC: RT @HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and potential i… - 5 years ago

@ourwaterla: RT @HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and potential i… - 5 years ago

@HealTheBay: We are saddened to learn of the death of Lewis MacAdams, an influential environmental leader who saw beauty and pot… - 5 years ago

@HUSC_ICW: Our friend, Louise Steinman, sent us these in memory of Lewis MacAdams-- "Went to the River today to read Lewis’s… - 5 years ago

@sweetums: A River Again: Lewis MacAdams, 1944-2020 - 5 years ago

@jMitsuko: RT @jamuseum: We are deeply saddened by the passing of Lewis MacAdams, poet, activist, and co-founder of Friends of the Los Angeles River (… - 5 years ago

@zenitramnitram: RT @BigPictureCL: Le poète Lewis MacAdams, artisan de la résurrection de la Los Angeles River, est mort à 75 ans. En 2016, M, le magazine d… - 5 years ago

@KTaylorWrites: RT @highcountrynews: #Poet and #environmentalist Lewis MacAdams has passed away. He dedicated his life to restoring the LA River. https:/… - 5 years ago

@holdengraber: RT @highcountrynews: #Poet and #environmentalist Lewis MacAdams has passed away. He dedicated his life to restoring the LA River. https:/… - 5 years ago

@highcountrynews: #Poet and #environmentalist Lewis MacAdams has passed away. He dedicated his life to restoring the LA River. - 5 years ago

@KCRWPressPlay: RT @kcrw: Lewis MacAdams was best known as the leader of Friends of the Los Angeles River. Take a look back on his life on @kcrwpressplay:… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Climate scientist James Houghton; environmental activist Lewis MacAdams; writer and producer… - 5 years ago

@TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually emb… - 5 years ago

@drewtewksbury: RT @kcrw: Lewis MacAdams was best known as the leader of Friends of the Los Angeles River. Take a look back on his life on @kcrwpressplay:… - 5 years ago

@billbraasch: RT @kcrw: Lewis MacAdams was best known as the leader of Friends of the Los Angeles River. Take a look back on his life on @kcrwpressplay:… - 5 years ago

@MRCAParks: RT @kcrw: Lewis MacAdams was best known as the leader of Friends of the Los Angeles River. Take a look back on his life on @kcrwpressplay:… - 5 years ago

@kcrw: Lewis MacAdams was best known as the leader of Friends of the Los Angeles River. Take a look back on his life on… - 5 years ago

@margiecopa: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@LAWeeklyArts: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@donahuejm: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@lahautj: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@gramsci1937: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@capitalandmain: In our waterways Lewis MacAdams found a metaphor for human history; he saw our collective catastrophes in the same… - 5 years ago

@ColdWarrior2000: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@SFGarner: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@capitalandmain: RT @judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was the reason why… - 5 years ago

@judlew: For a few happy years of my journalistic life, the Los Ángeles watershed was my primary beat. Lewis MacAdams was th… - 5 years ago

@ccohanlon: “There is a hole in the L.A. River. Lewis showed us the spirit of nature that could be found, revered, and recovere… - 5 years ago

@malakinetics: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: Long Live Lewis MacAdams & A Few Books for National Poetry Month - Cultural Weekly - 5 years ago

@extremecdn: RT @BlonskyLaura: - 5 years ago

@KissyFacedBrute: RIP The man who set the LA River on fire 🔥 - 5 years ago

@mannygonez: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@MarleneDermer: #RIP RIP Lewis MacAdams - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@lemonde_culture: RT @BigPictureCL: Le poète Lewis MacAdams, artisan de la résurrection de la Los Angeles River, est mort à 75 ans. En 2016, M, le magazine d… - 5 years ago

@A_ShirleyDesign: “When steelhead trout return to the L.A. River, our work will be done.” - Lewis McAdams - 5 years ago

@BigPictureCL: Le poète Lewis MacAdams, artisan de la résurrection de la Los Angeles River, est mort à 75 ans. En 2016, M, le maga… - 5 years ago

@NYCNativeAnmllv: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@1stWorldRanger: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@1stWorldRanger: RT @KCET: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River, its restoratio… - 5 years ago

@AprilEconomides: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@moiramack: On Lewis MacAdams, crusader for the Los Angeles River: “Dad used to joke that he wanted to be a legend but ended up… - 5 years ago

@musicandpost: RT @BeverlyNBCLA: Before today’s coronavirus update @MayorOfLA paid respect to Lewis MacAdams of Friends of the LA River, the renowned acti… - 5 years ago

@RealJoAnnBush: RT @BeverlyNBCLA: Before today’s coronavirus update @MayorOfLA paid respect to Lewis MacAdams of Friends of the LA River, the renowned acti… - 5 years ago

@downinmonterey: RT @acodrescu: Lewis MacAdams, gone on Earth Day 2020 to Big Sky River. Early poet of the New York School, Lewis was water commissioner o… - 5 years ago

@NYpoet: RT @acodrescu: Lewis MacAdams, gone on Earth Day 2020 to Big Sky River. Early poet of the New York School, Lewis was water commissioner o… - 5 years ago

@rudetuesday: RT @jamuseum: We are deeply saddened by the passing of Lewis MacAdams, poet, activist, and co-founder of Friends of the Los Angeles River (… - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @BeverlyNBCLA: Before today’s coronavirus update @MayorOfLA paid respect to Lewis MacAdams of Friends of the LA River, the renowned acti… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: RT @KCET: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River, its restoratio… - 5 years ago

@ShorFilms: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75. He was a dedicated warrior for the L.A. Riv… - 5 years ago

@LACitySAN: Lewis MacAdams, you challenged and inspired us; you befriended and educated us. You're considered the Godfather of… - 5 years ago

@SenHJMitchell: Lewis was a poet, founded and led the Friends of the Los Angeles River and mentored generations of activists in fig… - 5 years ago

@NBCLA: RT @BeverlyNBCLA: Before today’s coronavirus update @MayorOfLA paid respect to Lewis MacAdams of Friends of the LA River, the renowned acti… - 5 years ago

@PoetryLA: Sadly, Lewis MacAdams, poet and champion of reclaiming the L.A. River, has died at 75. - 5 years ago

@BeverlyNBCLA: Before today’s coronavirus update @MayorOfLA paid respect to Lewis MacAdams of Friends of the LA River, the renowne… - 5 years ago

@BBLitArts: Yesterday we lost Lewis Macadams, one of LA’s most influential poets, writers, and environmental activists. He was… - 5 years ago

@Onceatenor: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@Weezette: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@CarlHolt: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@esotouric: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@AVConservancy: The work of Lewis Macadams will live on long after we are all gone. Rest in peace, champion of the Los Angeles Riv… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: RT @DavidZahniser: L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti started off tonight's coronavirus briefing by honoring the memory of Lewis MacAdams, longtime a… - 5 years ago

@PaulaADaniels: Feeling sorrow at the loss of Lewis MacAdams; grateful for his groundbreaking, poetic, visionary work for the LA Ri… - 5 years ago

@boxall: MacAdams looked beyond the concrete to see a river.@LouisSahagun - 5 years ago

@AlexPadilla4CA: I met Lewis twenty years ago when I served on the Los Angeles City Council and had a chance to support his vision f… - 5 years ago

@AlexPadilla4CA: “The L.A. River speaks to me. And she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” I’m saddened by the passing… - 5 years ago

@Michaelengel55: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@willwrightreads: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@willwrightreads: - 5 years ago

@ElizabethJSays: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@UCLALuskin: RT @KnowledgeLuskin: Remembering the life and humor of Lewis MacAdams from @FoLARtweets. Short vid from our archives, April 24, 2014 #just… - 5 years ago

@matilda_marie: Today, I too feel like I'm staring at the roses, waiting for the next petal to fall. This is Lewis MacAdams back in… - 5 years ago

@fromlottospot: Rest in Peace Lewis MacAdams. Without him – there would be no “LA River” as we know it today. He was a visionary fo… - 5 years ago

@mbkmbk9: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@uclaanderson: After more than 3 decades of work on the Los Angeles River, Lewis MacAdams (1944–2020) leaves behind a legion of L.… - 5 years ago

@KnowledgeLuskin: Remembering the life and humor of Lewis MacAdams from @FoLARtweets. Short vid from our archives, April 24, 2014… - 5 years ago

@insurancegoth: lewis macadams saved a whole river. rip - 5 years ago

@SoCalRefuge: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@clockshopla: Lewis MacAdams, a poet whose words and vision changed the way we see this city, RIP. @kcet @ccjao - 5 years ago

@nicksturm: I got in touch with Lewis in 2016 to ask him about the New York School & Bolinas--he responded "FUCK YEAH!! Call me… - 5 years ago

@Airport2Park: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@Airport2Park: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - @LATimes - 5 years ago

@valsadie: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@zombiemario: RT @EdJoyce: @OurRiverLA Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75. #rivers #EarthDay @OurRiverLA @LAWaterkeepe… - 5 years ago

@recyclebycity: RT @kdeleon: Lewis breathed life into the LA River bringing back not only nature but poetry. A beautiful life that permanently improve LA’… - 5 years ago

@Kerjon_PR: Beat poet and River muse. Rest in Power. Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@TracyAStone: RT @leighschristy: “If it’s not impossible, I’m not interested.” – Lewis MacAdams (1944 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@mbkmbk9: RT @misteratkins: "I built this river with my karma, just so I would have a park bench to sit on when I had no other place to go." - Lewi… - 5 years ago

@cscp2: Rest in Peace Lewis MacAdams, L.A.'s River Rouser - this story by Louis Sahagan really captures his spirit... - 5 years ago

@EdJoyce: RT @EdJoyce: @OurRiverLA Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75. #rivers #EarthDay @OurRiverLA @LAWaterkeepe… - 5 years ago

@Anonymous4BernE: RT @EdJoyce: @OurRiverLA Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75. #rivers #EarthDay @OurRiverLA @LAWaterkeepe… - 5 years ago

@downsCAM: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@downsCAM: @ericgarcetti RIP Lewis. There is not a day that goes by as I mountain bike the LA River horse trails and adjoin… - 5 years ago

@downsCAM: @Stephen_EEC @FoLARtweets RIP Lewis. There is not a day that goes by as I mountain bike the LA River horse trails… - 5 years ago

@JohnRuchAtlanta: RT @ryangravel: I'm so glad I was able to meet Lewis MacAdams in 2011. #legend Go River! “He experienced the river and its potential as a… - 5 years ago

@kdeleon: Lewis breathed life into the LA River bringing back not only nature but poetry. A beautiful life that permanently… - 5 years ago

@marlonw: Thank you, brotha Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - Los Angeles Times - 5 years ago

@houndsongs: The best friend the #LARiver ever had... fare thee well #lewismacadams we will carry on the work that you were so… - 5 years ago

@TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually emb… - 5 years ago

@Cmm09672: RT @BlonskyLaura: - 5 years ago

@yoruguaenusa: RT @BlonskyLaura: - 5 years ago

@houndsongs: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@Stephen_EEC: Thank you, Mr. McAdams. @FoLARtweets - 5 years ago

@EdJoyce: @OurRiverLA Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75. #rivers #EarthDay @OurRiverLA… - 5 years ago

@RadioBWatt: Rest in Peace and Power, Lewis MacAdams. I learned of his passing from @SaulKQED this morning on @CalReportTweets… - 5 years ago

@las_superchivas: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@seanhecht: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@aninsggirb: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Heavy day in #LA with both the Vision Theater in Leimert burning down & the passing of Lewis MacAdams. Peace to everyone… - 5 years ago

@LilEdit: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@jupiter_bunny: RT @misteratkins: "I built this river with my karma, just so I would have a park bench to sit on when I had no other place to go." - Lewi… - 5 years ago

@LorraineAli: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@omokam: RT @mp_LACountyDPW: RIP Lewis MacAdams - you infuriated , informed and inspired me. Thank you for sharing your passion for the River we all… - 5 years ago

@nickmarrone: RT @Sammy_Roth: “The L.A. River speaks to me,” Lewis MacAdams said “And she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” - 5 years ago

@reed_eec: RT @MRCAParks: We mourn the passing of Lewis MacAdams, may he rest in peace knowing we will continue to enhance the LA River. - 5 years ago

@leighschristy: “If it’s not impossible, I’m not interested.” – Lewis MacAdams (1944 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@BLopezWagner: RT @LASmogGuy: Rest easy Lewis...I recall working with Lewis to prevent the 710 South expansion from putting power lines in the LA River (t… - 5 years ago

@ronmilam: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@LoriLARealtor: Read my Apr 22 Newsletter featuring “Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75” - 5 years ago

@jensmithWSJ: “Lewis showed us the spirit of nature that could be found, revered, and recovered in its most altered and almost un… - 5 years ago

@smallerlarge: To Lewis MacAdams, RIP friend. After working him and FOLAR (and so many others) for 2 years+ on the East LA Piggyba… - 5 years ago

@bourbonroad: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@KeithHouser7: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@brandymiller30: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@AlPastor66: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@peacehearty: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@estherjcepeda: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@moussachad: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@BricksBooks: Lewis MacAdams, Founder of the Friends of the Los Angeles River, Dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@NBCLA: Lewis MacAdams was a poet who founded and led the Friends of the Los Angeles River and mentored generations of acti… - 5 years ago

@CanadaGirlNews: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@BrizzolaraJoe: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@ra_sasayama: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@focx: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@simon_warner: RT @Ginsbergpoem: Lewis MacAdams (1944-2020). R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@AleAzure_ark: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@Indigo_Nights: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@T_Bake7: RT @lynellgeorge: Pulling these out to revisit, in honor of Lewis MacAdams. Last time I saw him formally, I moderated a conversation at ALO… - 5 years ago

@anblanx: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@MichaelVNixon: RT @Sammy_Roth: “The L.A. River speaks to me,” Lewis MacAdams said “And she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” - 5 years ago

@fabiansociety: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@SallyMoen2: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@Livid2point0: Lewis MacAdams, Who Worked To Fix The 'Tragedy' Of The LA River, Has Died At 75 - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Lewis MacAdams - 5 years ago

@ruben6211: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@destroyah3034: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@IAKinzler: RT @Ginsbergpoem: @jaywbabcock - - 5 years ago

@OKFineCheese: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@OfficialCLM: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@nmabbassi: RT @misteratkins: "I built this river with my karma, just so I would have a park bench to sit on when I had no other place to go." - Lewi… - 5 years ago

@nmabbassi: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@lapunjabiradio: Lewis MacAdams, Founder of the Friends of the Los Angeles River, Dies at 75 Lewis MacAdams, described by those who… - 5 years ago

@hatfeeled: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@hlnkim: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@RustBeltEcology: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. https… - 5 years ago

@esotouric: RT @awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the… - 5 years ago

@awalkerinLA: Thanks to Lewis MacAdams I have hundreds of photos like this that no one ever believes are of the Los Angeles River. - 5 years ago

@malcolmhoops: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Heavy day in #LA with both the Vision Theater in Leimert burning down & the passing of Lewis MacAdams. Peace to everyone… - 5 years ago

@lily_oh_lily_: RT @Ginsbergpoem: @lily_oh_lily_ - Rest in Peace - great poet, great activist, environmentalist, Lewis Macadams - links & info on the Allen… - 5 years ago

@iannagoski: Goodbye to the Lewis MacAdams who died at 75 of complications Parkinsons. He wrote the beautiful one line poem: Yo… - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@aurora_f: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@goodie_2_chucks: RT @militantangleno: Rest In Peace, Lewis MacAdams, poet, activist and founder of @FoLARtweets, who died this morning from Parkinson's Dise… - 5 years ago

@mp_LACountyDPW: RIP Lewis MacAdams - you infuriated , informed and inspired me. Thank you for sharing your passion for the River we… - 5 years ago

@JoePiasecki: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@JoePiasecki: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@avildsen: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@LAObserved: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@tvtoni: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@JoshMankiewicz: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@infomorsels: RT @tonydavis987: Brilliantly written obituary of an envrionmental icon. Yes, an icon. Just in time for Earth Day. Thank you, Louis Sahagun… - 5 years ago

@EDDYDON9: - 5 years ago

@goodie_2_chucks: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@markpaaa: RT @davideryu: LA lost a legend today. Lewis MacAdams dared to imagine a better future for the LA River, and made possible a cleaner & heal… - 5 years ago

@lynellgeorge: RT @Ginsbergpoem: @lynellgeorge - Rest in Peace - great poet, great activist, environmentalist, Lewis Macadams - links & info on the Allen… - 5 years ago

@SazeracNELA: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@JimLaVally: RT @laura_nelson: Lewis MacAdams, one of California's most influential conservationists, and a crusader to restore the concrete channels of… - 5 years ago

@judlew: RT @lynellgeorge: Pulling these out to revisit, in honor of Lewis MacAdams. Last time I saw him formally, I moderated a conversation at ALO… - 5 years ago

@davideryu: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@publiceditor: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@westcostaarts: RT @clockshopla: RIP Lewis MacAdams. You helped us to reclaim and rename a foundational part of our city that had been concretized and forg… - 5 years ago

@tedmills: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@RVaillancourt: RT @JonRegardie: Like many, I'm saddened at learning of the passing of #LARiver visionary Lewis MacAdams, who co-founded @FoLARtweets more… - 5 years ago

@drylandlitla: RT @lynellgeorge: Pulling these out to revisit, in honor of Lewis MacAdams. Last time I saw him formally, I moderated a conversation at ALO… - 5 years ago

@MattMarkPark: RT @joedjoedonnelly: Been bringing my students down to the river for years. His quixotic fight for the soul of that river has been the lode… - 5 years ago

@lightm0tifs: RT @ByIanJames: “The L.A. River speaks to me, and she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” Lewis MacAdams, a poet and visionary… - 5 years ago

@dscottmcg: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@bourbonroad: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@juepucta: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@joedjoedonnelly: Been bringing my students down to the river for years. His quixotic fight for the soul of that river has been the l… - 5 years ago

@cityLABucla: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@AdHocEmilie: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@BereftOfTheDial: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@auricursine: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@KateSherrill: RT @laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@davidulin: RT @lynellgeorge: Pulling these out to revisit, in honor of Lewis MacAdams. Last time I saw him formally, I moderated a conversation at ALO… - 5 years ago

@laloalcaraz: Sad to hear that Lewis MacAdams passed away today, age 75, RIP - 5 years ago

@hobodiac: RIP : Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@sudeepLA: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@JDKun: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@russ1mitchell: RT @Sammy_Roth: The story of how Friends of the Los Angeles River was founded is truly wild, and well-told by @LouisSahagun. - 5 years ago

@AmericanTribeLA: RT @EngageLASpaces: RIP Lewis MacAdams, your poetry and L.A. River activism pushed Los Angeles to accept its contradictory beauty, concrete… - 5 years ago

@HealTheBay: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@ryangravel: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@umbrellaturtles: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@zoeblaq: RT @e__amato: "Walking along a stretch of the L.A. River just north of downtown, they asked it for permission to speak on its behalf, MacAd… - 5 years ago

@DoGoodLA: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@tinywaves12: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - Los Angeles Times😓🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️ - 5 years ago

@FoLARtweets: Thank you @MRCAParks - one thing is for sure, your support & work to rename Marsh Park in his honor was one importa… - 5 years ago

@namhenderson: RT @jaywbabcock: Godfuckingdammit. One of the best people I've ever known. A mentor. - 5 years ago

@CaffreyEj: RT @RepJimmyGomez: Today, #LosAngeles lost one of its most passionate advocates. A relentless activist, Lewis MacAdams understood best how… - 5 years ago

@El_Chico_Divine: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@lynellgeorge: Pulling these out to revisit, in honor of Lewis MacAdams. Last time I saw him formally, I moderated a conversation… - 5 years ago

@highway_62: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@esotouric: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@LosAngFilmforum: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Heavy day in #LA with both the Vision Theater in Leimert burning down & the passing of Lewis MacAdams. Peace to everyone… - 5 years ago

@thelaurenfisher: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@Fieryreddragon: RT @Passionweiss: RIP to a legendary LA writer, conservationist and original - 5 years ago

@lilghettodove: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@longdrivesouth: RT @JDKun: He was first bohemian I ever met, intro’d me to Kerouac & Beats, taught me creative writing in HS, was an early mentor & model o… - 5 years ago

@RadioChio: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@Sammy_Roth: “The L.A. River speaks to me,” Lewis MacAdams said “And she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” - 5 years ago

@maritamburo: "When the steelhead trout return...our work will be done." RIP Lewis MacAdams Thank you for all your good work. - 5 years ago

@NineInchNilina: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@Schickity: Lewis Macadams was of the first friends I made when I moved to Los Angeles in 1989. I remember him telling me his i… - 5 years ago

@jenn_bernstein: RT @HUSC_ICW: ICW notes with sadness the passing of Lewis MacAdams. A one of a kind activist, thinker, and provocateur, Lewis co-founded F… - 5 years ago

@ryangravel: I'm so glad I was able to meet Lewis MacAdams in 2011. #legend Go River! “He experienced the river and its potent… - 5 years ago

@gincase: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@ThirstFreeEast: RT @TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually embrace… - 5 years ago

@mtbogan: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@HarryPallenberg: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@jpanzar: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@seanyodarouse: RT @the_wrangler: He Made Waves on the River: Lewis MacAdams Passes Away: - 5 years ago

@VeniceForHRC: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@VeniceForHRC: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@CarisAdel: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@MRCAParks: We mourn the passing of Lewis MacAdams, may he rest in peace knowing we will continue to enhance the LA River. - 5 years ago

@sandlou55: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@22plates: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@TheRealRobato11: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @LosFelizLedger - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @jpanzar - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@anoushasakoui: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @wildbell - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @latimes - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@kirkmurphy: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @toriimacdaddy - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@terrordroma: RT @shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a freeway.… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @KTLA - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@VicPerfecto: RT @KCET: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River, its restoratio… - 5 years ago

@Ginsbergpoem: @HawthorneCDOLA - Lewis MacAdams on The Allen Ginsberg Project - - 5 years ago

@joke2power: RT @e__amato: "Walking along a stretch of the L.A. River just north of downtown, they asked it for permission to speak on its behalf, MacAd… - 5 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @EJ4LA: A true lover of the LA river. - 5 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @LASmogGuy: Rest easy Lewis...I recall working with Lewis to prevent the 710 South expansion from putting power lines in the LA River (t… - 5 years ago

@Elguerojohn1980: RT @KCET: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River, its restoratio… - 5 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @e__amato: "Walking along a stretch of the L.A. River just north of downtown, they asked it for permission to speak on its behalf, MacAd… - 5 years ago

@shelbygrad: For so long, the L.A. River was a joke -- a concrete dead zone that officials for years considered turning into a f… - 5 years ago

@juliaturner: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@PaulHRosenberg: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@TheEastsiderLA: "Lewis’s perseverance, creativity, and stubbornness forced the City of Los Angeles to recognize, and eventually emb… - 5 years ago

@KCET: Lewis MacAdams passed away April 21 from Parkinson’s disease complications. The poet advocated for the L.A. River,… - 5 years ago

@elevatemybrand: RIP Lewis MacAdams, a conservation leader and legend who helped shape the LA we all know and love. - 5 years ago

@AntifaPhanatic: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@alexaportia: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@MSOrbea: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@MSOrbea: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@niccagefanpage: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@Trailingofff: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@chilov: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@kelseykeith: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@1MSAlcala: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@JoseTobar4: RT @MikethePoeTLA: This is one of the pieces I wrote about Lewis MacAdams from 2013, - 5 years ago

@levanoff: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@faeriefountain: RT @MitchOFarrell: Lewis MacAdams is an environmental hero and a legend in Los Angeles. He will always be our spirit guide on the revitaliz… - 5 years ago

@alediazmattoni: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@bethpratt: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@BSSLosAngeles: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@MisakiABaka: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@ChrisTPotra: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@swaystay: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@meekorouse: RT @the_wrangler: He Made Waves on the River: Lewis MacAdams Passes Away: - 5 years ago

@JohnStellar_epr: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@ellenbrenna: RT @the_wrangler: He Made Waves on the River: Lewis MacAdams Passes Away: - 5 years ago

@geoffwithasword: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@HelloKommie: RT @MikethePoeTLA: Heavy day in #LA with both the Vision Theater in Leimert burning down & the passing of Lewis MacAdams. Peace to everyone… - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: Heavy day in #LA with both the Vision Theater in Leimert burning down & the passing of Lewis MacAdams. Peace to eve… - 5 years ago

@FoLARtweets: You've likely seen the news of our founder Lewis MacAdams's passing. While we are continuing with our #EarthDay eve… - 5 years ago

@e__amato: "Walking along a stretch of the L.A. River just north of downtown, they asked it for permission to speak on its beh… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: He Made Waves on the River: Lewis MacAdams Passes Away: - 5 years ago

@cynthia_ann: RT @JEClarkRealtor: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 #LewisMacAdams, #crusader #LosAngelesRiver htt… - 5 years ago

@JEClarkRealtor: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 #LewisMacAdams, #crusader #LosAngelesRiver - 5 years ago

@replytj: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@DesertAdvocate: RT @LASmogGuy: Rest easy Lewis...I recall working with Lewis to prevent the 710 South expansion from putting power lines in the LA River (t… - 5 years ago

@aesthetics_n: RT @fireweed43: The Los Angeles River is shedding tears today. RIP Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River. - 5 years ago

@shermanoaks_nc: RT @davideryu: LA lost a legend today. Lewis MacAdams dared to imagine a better future for the LA River, and made possible a cleaner & heal… - 5 years ago

@SaMoCole: RT @davideryu: LA lost a legend today. Lewis MacAdams dared to imagine a better future for the LA River, and made possible a cleaner & heal… - 5 years ago

@iyamiyam: RT @militantangleno: Rest In Peace, Lewis MacAdams, poet, activist and founder of @FoLARtweets, who died this morning from Parkinson's Dise… - 5 years ago

@CnBsNana: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@SaMoCole: RT @lynellgeorge: For years I'd see Lewis zipping around with his "LA RIVR" custom plates. He was always on-message. RIP - 5 years ago

@LosFelizLedger: Lewis MacAdams, a poet and the founder of nonprofit organization Friends of the L.A. River (@FoLARtweets) died this… - 5 years ago

@plaza63: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@thebridgebianca: Lewis was a cool dude. Sad to hear of his passing. One of my favorite profs from Otis MFA. - 5 years ago

@ca_coastal: The LA River lost a great friend today. He pushed to transform the concrete flood control channel back into a wild,… - 5 years ago

@fireweed43: The Los Angeles River is shedding tears today. RIP Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River. - 5 years ago

@shesnottrump: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@ZZZZaa_AH: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@596f6f: RT @kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@spence_swix: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@nevitate: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@jayci63: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@decemberjazz: For the joy of riding, I'm grateful what he did to make the LA River Trail happen. Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader… - 5 years ago

@xor: RT @misteratkins: Lewis has had a profound impact on my life and my imagination of the utopia we're striving to realize. Here's is @FoLARtw… - 5 years ago

@xor: RT @misteratkins: "I built this river with my karma, just so I would have a park bench to sit on when I had no other place to go." - Lewi… - 5 years ago

@woozleweasels: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@ToniRagusa: RT @jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@jacobsoboroff: RIP to a Los Angeles legend, Lewis MacAdams. - 5 years ago

@kcrw: Lewis McAdams was also a poet and musician. His collab album “Good Grief!” touched on mortality, love, ego, regret… - 5 years ago

@kcrw: Lewis McAdams, a fierce advocate of the Los Angeles River, has died. He was 75. - 5 years ago

@kneel28: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@jparfrey: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@misteratkins: Lewis has had a profound impact on my life and my imagination of the utopia we're striving to realize. Here's is… - 5 years ago

@misteratkins: "I built this river with my karma, just so I would have a park bench to sit on when I had no other place to go."… - 5 years ago

@EJ4LA: A true lover of the LA river. - 5 years ago

@malakinetics: RT @MikethePoeTLA: This is one of the pieces I wrote about Lewis MacAdams from 2013, - 5 years ago

@publiceditor: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@synomones: RT @ByIanJames: “The L.A. River speaks to me, and she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” Lewis MacAdams, a poet and visionary… - 5 years ago

@MitchOFarrell: Lewis MacAdams is an environmental hero and a legend in Los Angeles. He will always be our spirit guide on the revi… - 5 years ago

@KNF100: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@WendyWendlandt: - 5 years ago

@spencersrobins: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@MikethePoeTLA: RT @JoeLinton: Sad to hear that L.A. River champion Lewis MacAdams - a mentor of mine in trying to meld creativity, activism, place, enviro… - 5 years ago

@Gerard_Vick: RT @ByIanJames: “The L.A. River speaks to me, and she’s been a vigorous muse for more than 30 years.” Lewis MacAdams, a poet and visionary… - 5 years ago

@donald_planey: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@the_wrangler: RT @FoLARtweets: With a heavy heart we share the news that our poet-founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away. Lewis sparked the River Movemen… - 5 years ago

@laurafriedman43: Lewis MacAdams was the godfather of the LA River restoration movement. There is no greater figure in terms of reima… - 5 years ago

@LAhistory: RT @MikethePoeTLA: This is one of the pieces I wrote about Lewis MacAdams from 2013, - 5 years ago

@lukajones: RT @FrogtownArts: We are sad to hear the news that @FoLARtweets Founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away due to complications of Parkinson's… - 5 years ago

@deane_madsen: RT @laura_nelson: Lewis MacAdams, one of California's most influential conservationists, and a crusader to restore the concrete channels of… - 5 years ago

@FrogtownArts: We are sad to hear the news that @FoLARtweets Founder Lewis MacAdams has passed away due to complications of Parkin… - 5 years ago

@lifeofaserpent: RT @KTLA: Lewis MacAdams was a poet and visionary figure who co-founded @FoLARtweets, mentoring generations of activists dedicated to resto… - 5 years ago

@JerilynLM: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - Los Angeles Times - I first met Lewis in 199… - 5 years ago

@thesarahbennett: RT @toriimacdaddy: My father passed away peacefully an hour ago, me and my sister at his side. - 5 years ago

@leighschristy: He left us a poetic, provocative legacy decades in the making. It’s up to us now to build on it with purpose ... an… - 5 years ago

@digitaldeath: RT @hillelaron: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@hillelaron: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@ThatsBigGame: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@NSlayton: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@lauramucking: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@AJResearchTeam: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@melonpuerto: RT @KTLA: Lewis MacAdams was a poet and visionary figure who co-founded @FoLARtweets, mentoring generations of activists dedicated to resto… - 5 years ago

@KTLA: Lewis MacAdams was a poet and visionary figure who co-founded @FoLARtweets, mentoring generations of activists dedi… - 5 years ago

@ideate_vision: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

@bretisrael: RT @laura_nelson: Lewis MacAdams, one of California's most influential conservationists, and a crusader to restore the concrete channels of… - 5 years ago

@LAParentMag: Sad day in L.A. Thank you for your passion and lifelong work, Lewis MacAdams! - 5 years ago

@lynneknieling: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Lewis MacAdams is no longer with us - #LewisMacAdams #Lewis #MacAdams #rip - 5 years ago

@desertflyer: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@elmer_a_chile: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@LylaRenne: RT @MikethePoeTLA: This is one of the pieces I wrote about Lewis MacAdams from 2013, - 5 years ago

@mpamer: RT @HawthorneCDOLA: RIP Lewis MacAdams, who fundamentally changed the way Los Angeles thinks about its river and by extension about its mod… - 5 years ago

@wildbell: Lewis Macadams is a hero to me, and this breaks my river-loving heart. Carry on downstream in calm waters, sir, and… - 5 years ago

@jupiter_bunny: Voice of the River by Lewis MacAdams, The Dark Bob - 5 years ago

@amarty310: RT @davideryu: LA lost a legend today. Lewis MacAdams dared to imagine a better future for the LA River, and made possible a cleaner & heal… - 5 years ago

@ArTallks: RT @davideryu: LA lost a legend today. Lewis MacAdams dared to imagine a better future for the LA River, and made possible a cleaner & heal… - 5 years ago

@mpamer: RT @dakotacdsmith: Lewis MacAdams, famed crusader for the Los Angeles River, dies at 75 - 5 years ago

@keanaautumn: RT @clockshopla: RIP Lewis MacAdams. You helped us to reclaim and rename a foundational part of our city that had been concretized and forg… - 5 years ago

@LangeAlexandra: RT @laura_nelson: Lewis MacAdams, one of California's most influential conservationists, and a crusader to restore the concrete channels of… - 5 years ago

@laura_nelson: Lewis MacAdams, one of California's most influential conservationists, and a crusader to restore the concrete chann… - 5 years ago

@thisblueangel: RT @jjkamensky: Lewis MacAdams has left us. One of the highlights of my L.A. life was getting to work (and sit and talk) with him alongside… - 5 years ago

@clockshopla: RIP Lewis MacAdams. You helped us to reclaim and rename a foundational part of our city that had been concretized a… - 5 years ago

@UrbanPlannerd: Condolences to the MacAdams family and the @FoLARtweets team. If you have never visited Lewis MacAdams park along t… - 5 years ago

@msxgarcia: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@kaftoot: - 5 years ago

@A_ShirleyDesign: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@paleofuture: RT @willyblackmore: Lewis McAdams helped to change the LA River—and Los Angeles—so much, but I wish he could have seen it restored complete… - 5 years ago

@BeGreenSMMUSD: RT @ericgarcetti: One of this city's truest angels, my dear friend, mentor, and high school teacher, Lewis MacAdams, has passed. He touched… - 5 years ago

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