Levine Andrade

Indian-born British violinist.
Died on Tuesday November 20th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Levine Andrade:

@AlbaNewMusic: RT @carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levine An… - 6 years ago

@sergeiprokopiev: RT @carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levine An… - 6 years ago

@wigmore_hall: RT @carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levine An… - 6 years ago

@Nash_Ensemble: RT @carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levine An… - 6 years ago


@InfoMusikate: RT @carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levine An… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: The Melodians' Trevor McNaughton; folk singer Roy Bailey; violinist Levine Andrade; bluesman Ed… - 6 years ago

@carolinefrmus: Arditti Quartet still setting the standard in contemporary repertoire. Touching tribute & minute’s silence for Levi… - 6 years ago

@menondwarka: Arditti Quartet founding member Levine Andrade has died - 6 years ago

@morganvisconti: Levine was a wonderful chap I got to know in London and work with on some lovely string arrangements. My hear goes… - 6 years ago

@KingColski: RT @mch_viola: Levine Andrade has died #viola - 6 years ago

@Classical_IPR: Arditti Quartet founding member Levine Andrade has died - 6 years ago

@NLebrecht: Levine Andrade’s funeral details - 6 years ago

@Songbooksocial: RIP Levine Andrade. You were a lovely guy. 🙏🏻 - 6 years ago

@SidRodrigues: RT @MenuhinSchool: Terribly sad news about the death of alumnus Levine Andrade, one of the first pupils to attend YMS. A crowdfunding page… - 6 years ago

@SidRodrigues: @JasonManford Sorry to be asking this but a friend suggested I ask. My uncle died this week leaving my 15 year old… - 6 years ago

@gabi_rothschild: RT @HoriaGanescu: VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 64 [RIP] - 6 years ago

@TheStradMag: RT @MenuhinSchool: Terribly sad news about the death of alumnus Levine Andrade, one of the first pupils to attend YMS. A crowdfunding page… - 6 years ago

@Eden_VB: If you were expecting to spend a few pounds on something you didn't really need this #BlackFriday, please consider… - 6 years ago

@MenuhinSchool: Terribly sad news about the death of alumnus Levine Andrade, one of the first pupils to attend YMS. A crowdfunding… - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: RT @VUllmannFound: Levine Andrade 1954-2018 Rest in peace old friend. “May choirs of angels sing you to your rest “ Prayers for Levine and… - 6 years ago

@JimmyHillside: Help raise £6000 to set up a trust for Lola's future and to cover funeral e.. Please #donate on @justgiving and RT - 6 years ago

@JimmyHillside: Terribly saddened to hear of the untimely death of my old friend Levine, such a great talent and the loveliest guy… - 6 years ago

@webissimo: Disparition de Levine Andrade, membre fondateur du Quatuor Arditti - 6 years ago

@JessDoling: Lola is a pupil at King Edward's School & tragically has lost her mother & now also her father at just age 15. I've… - 6 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @francemusique: L'altiste Levine Andrade, disparu cette semaine, a fondé le Quatuor Arditti en 1974. - 6 years ago

@francemusique: L'altiste Levine Andrade, disparu cette semaine, a fondé le Quatuor Arditti en 1974. - 6 years ago

@PizzicatoMag: Arditti Quartet founding member Levine Andrade has died - 6 years ago

@Metru999: #restinparadiseConductorAndrade VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 6… - 6 years ago

@violinchannel: - 6 years ago

@jane_rainey: Sad to hear of the passing of Levine Andrade especially as his wife died in such tragic circumstances. - 6 years ago

@mch_viola: Levine Andrade has died #viola - 6 years ago

@mch_news: Levine Andrade has died #viola - 6 years ago

@erostrate2: RT @francemusique: L'altiste Levine Andrade, disparu cette semaine, a fondé le Quatuor Arditti en 1974. - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: @RWallfisch would you consider retweeting this appeal for Levine Andrade's funeral please? - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: @tasminlittle would you consider retweeting this please? It's for a lovely violinist who just died. - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: @BBCSO would you consider retweeting this please? It's for a lovely violinist who just died. - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: @NLebrecht would you consider retweeting this please? It's for a lovely violinist who just died. - 6 years ago

@HelenEva8: I've #justdonated to set up a trust for Lola's future and to cover funeral expenses, in memory of Levine Andrade..… - 6 years ago

@HeikeToheike: RT @HoriaGanescu: VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 64 [RIP] - 6 years ago

@LawlorEconomics: My late friend Levine Andrade played on several of these arrangements of my old BBC 1 ident theme, and he fixed the… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Levine Andrade (64) Indian born British musician - 6 years ago

@d0cT0rGb: RT @HoriaGanescu: VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 64 [RIP] - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Levine Andrade - 6 years ago

@entbuz: Levine Andrade - 6 years ago

@121reggae: Levine Andrade - 6 years ago

@mambre61: RT @HoriaGanescu: VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 64 [RIP] - 6 years ago

@WildKatPR: 📰Today's #ClassicalNews📰 1⃣ Levine Andrade, one of the founding members of the Arditti Quartet and former pupil of… - 6 years ago

@LawlorEconomics: Terribly sad news about the death of Levine Andrade. A great musician and a lovely man. Here is a track I wrote a f… - 6 years ago

@Play2Sail: Sad news about an old friend. Levine Andrade has died - 6 years ago

@VUllmannFound: Levine Andrade 1954-2018 Rest in peace old friend. “May choirs of angels sing you to your rest “ Prayers for Levine… - 6 years ago

@d0cT0rGb: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: VERY SAD NEWS | London-Based Violinist & Conductor Levine Andrade Has Died – Aged 64 [RIP] - 6 years ago

@dahlhaus: 아르디티 콰르텟의 창단 멤버였던 비올리스트/바이올리니스트 레바인 안드라데 타계, 향년 64세. 아르디티 콰르텟은 세계 정상의 현대음악 전문 현악사중주단으로 크로노스 콰르텟과 쌍벽을 이루지요. 현 비올리스트는… - 6 years ago

@hotburritonl: R.I.P. Levine Andrade (1954 – November 20, 2018) Elton John - Candle In The Wind 1997 (Goodbye England's Rose) - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Levine Andrade - 6 years ago

@otium_Catulle: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@pjerome_Orch: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@pearcetbn: So saddened to hear of the passing of violinist Levine Andrade. Seriously nice chap, phenomenal player and proud to… - 6 years ago

@ChrisWestBass: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Levine Andrade is no longer with us - #LevineAndrade #Levine #Andrade #rip - 6 years ago

@dereksorrells: RT @JustDiedBot: RIP Levine Andrade, 64, Indian-born British violinist. - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Levine Andrade, 64, Indian-born British violinist. - 6 years ago

@harukaruha44: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@dominiakp: RT @TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@TheStradMag: Very sad to hear about the death of Levine Andrade, founder member of the Arditti Quartet - 6 years ago

@core_tan: (^p^) ブライアン・ファーニホウ, Arditti Quartet, Irvine Arditti, David Alberman, Levine Andrade, Rohan De SaramのString Quartet… - 6 years ago

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