Leroy Jenkins

American televangelist.
Died on Saturday June 24th 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Leroy Jenkins:

@Blades_YT: bored in my mocks last week.given 2 sheets. 2nd sheet: forename: Leroy Surname: Jenkins.1st page: - 8 years ago

@FakeKrisCruz: @benshapiro So who is the Leroy Jenkins out of all this? - 8 years ago

@Brookeafur: LEROY JENKINS - 8 years ago

@LeoWieffering: RT @Heescher26: Happy birthday Leroy Jenkins!!! @LeoWieffering - 8 years ago


@Heescher26: Happy birthday Leroy Jenkins!!! @LeoWieffering - 8 years ago

@ButDiscourse: (His name was Leroy Jenkins. Look him up.) Dude was wanted for arson and insurance fraud, and got pissed the press was digging around. - 8 years ago

@EmmReef: Modern Day Presidential is the new Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@mytjoewest: @SantinaLula "Basically .....speed kills." - Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@Yousefzadeh: If we had elected Leroy Jenkins as president, it would have been an improvement over the current situation. - 8 years ago

@divafancypants: @plantblogger Does Todd hang out w Leroy Jenkins? - 8 years ago

@VioletThunk: RT @loftin_chris: Donald Trump is the Leroy Jenkins of presidents. - 8 years ago

@shadwofchaos725: @ningiou Kyou I didn't know you were thw originator of the Leroy Jenkins meme. - 8 years ago

@YuYu_Kami: RT @Pramas: Our cleric is basically Leroy Jenkins. - 8 years ago

@Pramas: Our cleric is basically Leroy Jenkins. - 8 years ago

@uclakers2478: @MichelleDBeadle: I miss you on @SportsNation hot momma! Where's Leroy Jenkins!? - 8 years ago

@daioujyou: Leroy Jenkins Military Style - 8 years ago

@ChaosKing26: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@TunafishTiger: "Let's just do it and be legends, man," is the Leroy Jenkins of millennial rich kid startup culture. And also, you know, Fyre fraud. - 8 years ago

@Davis_Boom: Pablo nailed it: Entire West going Leroy Jenkins while the east are camping under a bridge. - 8 years ago

@danielmerchen: Aww... the Leroy Jenkins flight plan is no more... - 8 years ago

@NogimmickJustAP: @SpitefulSanity There is the World of Warcraft Lore of Leroy Jenkins,but they heard wrong,there was no Leroy Jenkins...ONLY CURT HAWKINS! - 8 years ago

@iLouix: Do nada tu recebe um audio do mozao gritando Leroy Jenkins, é, finalmente, FINALMENTE ENCONTREI! - 8 years ago

@scrufmcdougal: RT @SafeHavenOK: My name is Leroy Jenkins. I am a 4 month old terrier mix. I am a wild and crazy guy. I love to run and play with... https:… - 8 years ago

@Iosoibatoman: Remember Leroy Jenkins? Good times - 8 years ago

@Bob_Fitz: Clara is the new Leroy Jenkins? Hmm.. - 8 years ago

@embasic: @HalothaneDoc Ramp it, ramp it real good...and channel my man Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@BRGriffith: Leroy Jenkins. That is all - 8 years ago

@TonkaThompson: @nathansoz @realDonaldTrump @ComfortablySmug @Morning_Joe Somewhere there is an 80 yr. old guy named LeRoy Jenkins.… - 8 years ago

@griftdrift: It's a little shocking this is the first Leroy Jenkins riff I've seen - 8 years ago

@OMFGDean: Leroy Jenkins Cunningham 😍 - 8 years ago

@zsilent_zeroxxz: Credit:SaltyKev-Leroy Jenkins🏆!!! - 8 years ago

@Buckekatt: @PS_Beyond I think this generation may not know who Leroy Jenkins is and what's he's done - 8 years ago

@brightmatty: RT @MissCourtneyKS: National Geographic Presents: Leroy Jenkins @MichelleDBeadle #pugsoftwitter - 8 years ago

@TimWChristian: *Leroy Jenkins voice* - 8 years ago

@Feelsbadabomb: @TeamEnVyUs Tribute to Leroy Jenkins @SnoopyMans @CycloneSpin_ @mmDust @TeeVeeo #SMITE - 8 years ago

@gemachains: @Natee909 @LeroySane19 Leroy jenkins - 8 years ago

@ArglesJonathan: Corbyn: Now, fellow MPs, vital that we present a settled view on Brexit in case we have another snap election. Umunna: LEROY JENKINS! - 8 years ago

@sexyarmpit: Patty Jenkins > Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@JorDagIsol: @asingingbadger @CritRoleStats I just assumed you'd want it referenced as Leroy Jenkins started out as a reference… - 8 years ago

@moneymuma: @thleroy YOU WIN THIS TIME MS LEROY JENKINS - 8 years ago

@gsteve27: @FisolaNYDN @OrdioMongo What a mess can the knicks become any laughable? Phil Jackson "hold my beer". Isaiah Thomas… - 8 years ago

@gsteve27: @OrdioMongo I hate to correct the great ordio but I think trump said LEROY JENKINS! - 8 years ago

@___scumbagsteve: Best Friend: Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@SyamaMishra: @AndyAstruc Are they related to Leroy Jenkins? - 8 years ago

@dwalker25: Televangelist Leroy Jenkins dead at 83 - 8 years ago

@divafancypants: RT @divafancypants: Theory: DJT is the Leroy Jenkins of presidents - 8 years ago

@ashleyawoww: @_shoukin9 a 1.9 BILLION attack Leroy Jenkins. - 8 years ago

@Braden_Claassen: Where is Leroy Jenkins when you need him? - 8 years ago

@oshaughnessy: Somehow I missed that vicious fraud Leroy Jenkins died. (Sorry for link to garbage @DispatchAlerts site) - 8 years ago

@KarlosMaki: Me ha gustado un vídeo de @YouTube ( - 8 years ago

@WFStretch: RT @jon_jeckell: @engin_eer @warmatters @thinkdefence This is kind of along this track, but other cognitive biases, not on hierarchy. How L… - 8 years ago

@kevinsciretta: Knicks move, Rockets and Clippers say "hold my beer". Now...who will "Leroy Jenkins".... #NBA - 8 years ago

@Gunntwitt: @jeffersonianguy @notch Thanks... had no idea. Is minecraft the "Leroy Jenkins" game? - 8 years ago

@Prince_JaeWan: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@funkerical: @JonKMBZ Leroy Jenkins. - 8 years ago

@joirn: Leroy Jenkins: - 8 years ago

@John_Yuma: Thank goodness Leroy Jenkins stopped at second #LSUBaseball - 8 years ago

@crazieGamesHD: "LEROY JENKINS!!" | MWR multiplayer gameplay: - 8 years ago

@SoozleMcDoozle: @daniAWESOME Leroy Jenkins! Early viral video from WOW back when us old folk played the MMORPGs with the dialup. - 8 years ago

@John_Yuma: Kramer Robertson is the Leroy Jenkins of #LSUBaseball - 8 years ago

@tasty_magic: Leroy Jenkins is referenced - 8 years ago

@warmatters: RT @jon_jeckell: @engin_eer @warmatters @thinkdefence This is kind of along this track, but other cognitive biases, not on hierarchy. How L… - 8 years ago

@kathleenfieldin: RT @PearsonJMJ: @JackPosobiec Alt-right just wrecked @CNN and @piersmorgan charges to the front shouting LEROY JENKINS!! Give him 6 months… - 8 years ago

@HarryMvp_: LEEEEEROY JENKINSSSSSSSS - Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@PearsonJMJ: @JackPosobiec Alt-right just wrecked @CNN and @piersmorgan charges to the front shouting LEROY JENKINS!! Give him 6… - 8 years ago

@thinkdefence: RT @jon_jeckell: @engin_eer @warmatters @thinkdefence This is kind of along this track, but other cognitive biases, not on hierarchy. How L… - 8 years ago

@jon_jeckell: @engin_eer @warmatters @thinkdefence This is kind of along this track, but other cognitive biases, not on hierarchy… - 8 years ago

@sketchingsprw: Probably shouldn't have done that pre-final paper grading but I've worked hard and taught 3 back to back semesters and Leroy Jenkins ok - 8 years ago

@Irene27563984: RT @dnich151: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@notknirhim: DID MASH JUST LEROY JENKINS AT SABER @MofuAwake - 8 years ago

@QualityNinja: @TribalInstincts @YouTube Was waiting for someone to yell Leroy Jenkins! - 8 years ago

@DanaeKing: ICYMI: Televangelist @Rev_Leroy Jenkins died last week. Read about his time in Delaware: - 8 years ago

@KelsoIsKing: For VM: Did you guys really think you could Leroy Jenkins it? You had to know, on some level, who was on top of the tower. #AskTalksMachina - 8 years ago

@RidgeRacer11: @soatally @Yuushakun @The_Otaco @LoneHunta >Not the original vent harassment or Leroy Jenkins - 8 years ago

@AIPeachbomb: #NewProfilePic leroy jenkins - 8 years ago

@THESchmidtation: LEROY JENKINS - 8 years ago

@ISMW8z9mSu7PIkk: RT @paddypower: 12 years ago today, the world was introduced to the great Leroy Jenkins: - 8 years ago

@crystal_rooster: @teft @GuardianCon @BlueWestlo @Typhoontrav @MeemsStarlight Really enjoyed the stream last night tefty! Don't regre… - 8 years ago

@divafancypants: @AggiesRevenge My bro takes levothyroxin for his thyroid & can remember the so he calls it his Leroy Jenkins pill - 8 years ago

@divafancypants: Theory: DJT is the Leroy Jenkins of presidents - 8 years ago

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