Lerone Bennett Jr.

American scholar and author.
Died on Thursday February 15th 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Lerone Bennett Jr.:

@objectivepress: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@EricaLBlake: RT @EricaLBlake: Documentary on the history of slavery and background in Charleston, South Carolina. Feat. Fannie Lou Hamer & Lerone Bennet… - 7 years ago

@sswalker: Funeral services set for historian and journalist #LeroneBennettJr - 7 years ago

@objectivepress: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago


@8HOUSE0: RT @PainterNell: Another great loss: Check here Bennett on Lincoln and (small-minded) McPherson on Bennett. "Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian… - 7 years ago

@BLACSHARE: Remembering Black Legacy: In Memoriam of Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@infoseeker560: Historian and author Lerone Bennett, Jr., passed last week. Source: email, Joseph Koch. - 7 years ago

@objectivepress: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@VernaPolitics: RT @BlackNewsPortal: The Black Press Remembers “Before the Mayflower” Author, Freedom Fighting Journalist Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@BlackNewsPortal: The Black Press Remembers “Before the Mayflower” Author, Freedom Fighting Journalist Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@broterrymm45: RT @rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not involving the… - 7 years ago

@KMIBRANDING: Lerone Bennett Jr., a historian and journalist who wrote extensively on race relations and black history and was... - 7 years ago

@TheSkannerNews: Perhaps no other voice—or pen—captured the real life of Africans and African Americans like Lerone Bennett Jr., the… - 7 years ago

@TheSkannerNews: Remembering Lerone Bennett Jr.: - 7 years ago

@nixienix5: RT @rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not involving the… - 7 years ago

@AdarAyiraViews: RT @rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not involving the… - 7 years ago

@lwilliams333: #History"The past is not something back there; it is happening now!"as Lerone Bennett Jr. wrote."It is the interna… - 7 years ago

@TheSkannerNews: The Black Press Remembers “Before the Mayflower” Author, Freedom Fighting Journalist Lerone Bennett Jr.: - 7 years ago

@Blackstar1000: "America's Harvest Box" Might Replace Some SNAP Benefits; Lerone Bennett, Jr. Joins Acestors - 7 years ago

@RickAdams14: RT @rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not involving the… - 7 years ago

@RockpathWV: RT @rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not involving the… - 7 years ago

@rwinbush: "We misunderstand racism completely if we do not understand that racism is a mask for a much deeper problem not inv… - 7 years ago

@wrightlaw1977: RT @drolarkb: Funeral services set for Lerone Bennett, Jr.  - 7 years ago

@AyizeS: RT @drolarkb: Funeral services set for Lerone Bennett, Jr.  - 7 years ago

@drolarkb: Funeral services set for Lerone Bennett, Jr.  - 7 years ago

@CreoleTalk: RT @VICCC365: Former Ebony Editor, Author Lerone Bennett Jr. Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@lindabratton: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@TJams201: RT @NMAAHC: It is with great sadness and a profound sense of loss that we share the news of the death of Lerone Bennett Jr., a gifted histo… - 7 years ago

@BeingGARIFUNA: R.I.P. to Historian, Journalist and Writer Lerone Bennett Jr, who I learned earlier today passed away on Valentine'… - 7 years ago

@CACKappas: Transition of Brother Lerone R. Bennett, Jr. (PI Chapter, 1946) - - 7 years ago

@EncouragedOne: In Memoriam: Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928-2018 - 7 years ago

@lwilliams333: "History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power": Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 - 7 years ago

@CrusaderNewspap: Funeral services set for Lerone Bennett, Jr. | Gary/Chicago Crusader - 7 years ago

@CrusaderNewspap: Funeral services set for Lerone Bennett, Jr. | Gary/Chicago Crusader - 7 years ago

@workingfer: RT @PLPchallenge: Rest in power Lerone Bennett Jr., the great anti-racist historian. In Road Not Taken, he wrote: "The race problem in Amer… - 7 years ago

@darry_robertson: "History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power": Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 - 7 years ago

@_westsidegazett: Post Edited: The Black Press Remembers Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@sexyjohnstofko: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@_westsidegazett: New post: The Black Press Remembers Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@Dahktin: RT @lwilliams333: Why Millennials (And Others) Could Prosper From Lerone Bennett Jr.'s History Lessons - 7 years ago

@DrMargenaXan: When it came to the measure of a man, Mr. Lerone Bennett Jr. was the epitome. Let’s celebrate this brilliant soul… - 7 years ago

@RicardoDavis20: RT @sharnise: Rest well, Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@VICCC365: Former Ebony Editor, Author Lerone Bennett Jr. Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@ccamrun2: RT @smi_ian: Inspiring piece by @ejwestuk on signicance of Lerone Bennett to historians and Black History movement - 7 years ago

@sharnise: Rest well, Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@BlkPerspectives: RT @smi_ian: Inspiring piece by @ejwestuk on signicance of Lerone Bennett to historians and Black History movement - 7 years ago

@ZKBLAST: RT @FictionConnect: @harryallen @ZKBLAST @EBONYMag R.I.P. Lerone Bennett Jr. Thank you for this tweet @harryallen . - 7 years ago

@MCRAFT1973: RT @MABJTN: Bennett, who has died aged 89, grew up under segregation in Mississippi, joined Ebony magazine in 1953 and helped... - 7 years ago

@jysbar: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@blktkddiva4u: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@RabbiRuth: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@pandorasbox64: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@walkerdl: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@smhten: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@BRKLYNBANGER1: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@BettyFellows: RT @Eugene_Scott: Today I got to talk about Lerone Bennett, Jr. on MSNBC’s @hardball. Learn more about his contributions to American histor… - 7 years ago

@awkwardblkfem: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@LegendaRae: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@ECETruman: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@Tati_WM: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@donnakaz: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@lwilliams333: Why Millennials (And Others) Could Prosper From Lerone Bennett Jr.'s History Lessons - 7 years ago

@LancelotLinkSC: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@librariesval: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@watermelondriia: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@TheBookofGinko: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@roshelley: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@thewayoftheid: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@Nikitaontop: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@MusBeNyce: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@prisonculture: RT @chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr., who died… - 7 years ago

@chipublib: We remember Chicagoan, African American historian/editor and icon of the black studies movement #LeroneBennett Jr.,… - 7 years ago

@_Megan_Hunt_: RT @nicholasggrant: Free to download and read. @ejwestuk on the life of Lerone Bennett Jr. - 7 years ago

@SelfHelpCU: We're sad about the passing of the great historian Lerone Bennett Jr., who eloquently wrote of key events in… - 7 years ago

@FatigueMeek: RT @The_New_Age: #Gigaba: Given the choices we have had to make, both as a nation and as Government in preparing this Budget, I am reminded… - 7 years ago

@CONNIERAMS1: RT @The_New_Age: #Gigaba: Given the choices we have had to make, both as a nation and as Government in preparing this Budget, I am reminded… - 7 years ago

@The_New_Age: #Gigaba: Given the choices we have had to make, both as a nation and as Government in preparing this Budget, I am r… - 7 years ago

@richardmrqz: RT @Thejobforme2050: “History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power”: Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 – AAIHS - 7 years ago

@lwilliams333: Chicago Alumni ΚΑΨ @CACKappas: In honor of Lerone Bennett Jr.'s work, I wrote the article at the following link. Be… - 7 years ago

@TheEx_Mill: RT @StudsArchive: Remembering Lerone Bennett, Jr., historian & longtime editor of 'Ebony,' who spoke to Studs about the abolitionist mvmt,… - 7 years ago

@salinaberhane: RT @Thejobforme2050: “History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power”: Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 – AAIHS - 7 years ago

@mijomojo1: RT @NYTObits: Lerone Bennett Jr., a historian and journalist who wrote extensively on race relations and black history and was a top editor… - 7 years ago

@EricaLBlake: Documentary on the history of slavery and background in Charleston, South Carolina. Feat. Fannie Lou Hamer & Lerone… - 7 years ago

@smi_ian: Inspiring piece by @ejwestuk on signicance of Lerone Bennett to historians and Black History movement - 7 years ago

@BlkLibraryGirl: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@PROCKSTAR: RT @EBONYMag: Former EBONY Editor and Scholar Lerone Bennett Jr. Dies at 89 — - 7 years ago

@MABJTN: Bennett, who has died aged 89, grew up under segregation in Mississippi, joined Ebony magazine in 1953 and helped... - 7 years ago

@CyntShadyW: One of my personal heroes. Grew up reading his work in Ebony magazine. Rest in peace, Lerone Bennett, Jr. - 7 years ago

@AtlPartyCrasher: RT @AtlPartyCrasher: Former #Ebony #editor author #LeroneBennett Jr. dies at 89 - ABC News - via @ABC - 7 years ago

@AtlPartyCrasher: Former #Ebony #editor author #LeroneBennett Jr. dies at 89 - ABC News - via @ABC - 7 years ago

@lwilliams333: RT @lwilliams333: Why Millennials Could Prosper From Lerone Bennett Jr.'s History Lessons By Lillian Williams - 7 years ago

@thatdanagame: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@bbizzdir: Former Ebony & JET Editor, Lerone Bennett Jr, Dies At 89 - 7 years ago

@RossLeroy: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@kidjim25: RT @StudsArchive: Remembering Lerone Bennett, Jr., historian & longtime editor of 'Ebony,' who spoke to Studs about the abolitionist mvmt,… - 7 years ago

@Sue_Blakes: RT @WVON1690: Our condolences and prayers go out to the family, friends and loved ones of Author, Historian and former EBONY and JET Editor… - 7 years ago

@john_p_owens: RT @StudsArchive: Remembering Lerone Bennett, Jr., historian & longtime editor of 'Ebony,' who spoke to Studs about the abolitionist mvmt,… - 7 years ago

@GuerrillaGsOT: Lerone Bennett Jr., Historian of Black America, Dies at 89 - 7 years ago

@francisdon2: RT @rwinbush: “An educator in a system of oppression is either a revolutionary or an oppressor.” —- Lerone Bennett, Jr. - 7 years ago

@BlackBiracial: Retweeted Keisha N. Blain (@KeishaBlain): The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US... - 7 years ago

@ZebulonMiletsky: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@ChiCollections: RT @StudsArchive: Remembering Lerone Bennett, Jr., historian & longtime editor of 'Ebony,' who spoke to Studs about the abolitionist mvmt,… - 7 years ago

@Blackstar1000: "America's Harvest Box" Might Replace Some SNAP Benefits; Lerone Bennett, Jr. Joins Acestors - 7 years ago

@impure_breed: RT @rwinbush: “An educator in a system of oppression is either a revolutionary or an oppressor.” —- Lerone Bennett, Jr. - 7 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: His best-known book was “Before the Mayflower,” drawn from a series of articles for Ebony and first published in 1962 https:/… - 7 years ago

@tyese_givens: RT @NYTObits: His best-known book was “Before the Mayflower,” drawn from a series of articles for Ebony and first published in 1962 https:/… - 7 years ago

@MelissaNShaw: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@dmyles728: RT @TJMShow: Today's little known Black history fact is Lerone Bennett! #TJMS #TuneIn - 7 years ago

@NYTObits: His best-known book was “Before the Mayflower,” drawn from a series of articles for Ebony and first published in 19… - 7 years ago

@DrLaGarrettKing: RT @Thejobforme2050: “History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power”: Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 – AAIHS - 7 years ago

@NHenryFundi: RT @Thejobforme2050: “History is Knowledge, Identity, and Power”: Lerone Bennett Jr., 1928–2018 – AAIHS - 7 years ago

@HistoryHeroes: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@sjf1: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@WorldProfessor: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

@Fobbsie: Longtime Ebony and Jet editor Lerone Bennett Jr. has died. He was 89. - 7 years ago

@DemsAbroadGBC: Longtime Ebony and Jet editor Lerone Bennett Jr. has died. He was 89. - 7 years ago

@tokiwana: RT @KeishaBlain: The Legacy of Lerone Bennett, Jr. by @robgreeneII | Society for US Intellectual #History - 7 years ago

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