Leonard French

Died on Wednesday January 11th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Leonard French:

@coastaljess32: @Sir_Leonard_III A few things. But I didn't want proof of a strip club. Just the relevancy of French fries! - 8 years ago

@Sir_Leonard_III: @coastaljess32 that's a good thing...otherwise I would find your address and send a ton of French fries to you - 8 years ago

@coastaljess32: @Sir_Leonard_III I'm a believer in French fries. And strip clubs. They definitely exist - 8 years ago

@coastaljess32: @Sir_Leonard_III So I hate on music, Jesus, French fries, and...whatever that other thing was? - 8 years ago


@Sir_Leonard_III: @coastaljess32 yea so is music, Jesus, French fries, and strip clubs lmao - 8 years ago

@French_Shadow: "L'expérience prouve que celui qui n'a jamais confiance en personne ne sera jamais déçu"Léonard de Vinci Jcrois j'lui aurais fait confiance - 8 years ago

@john_f_leonard: RT @DrLindseyFitz: Femme Fatale Ring Gun, mid-19th century. French. Shoots 2.5mm rounds. More info on my IG page: - 8 years ago

@LeoBiblitz: How long until Canadians demand we end once and for all the utterly unnecessary French requirement? Decades of... - 8 years ago

@RealDrIsmael: #Leonard @TraderJoes French Vanilla Cold Brew Coffee! $1.79 (8 fl oz can) - 8 years ago

@brittanyzucker: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company - 8 years ago

@minster586: Leonard French - 8 years ago

@zzcoach_french: RT @CrownOfTheFrog: #multiculturalisme Vitry (94): L'Italie nous a envoyé Leonard De Vinci... L'#algerie, elle: Nous a envoyé mouloud... ht… - 8 years ago

@DBJHoopfer: RT @DallasBizNews: French firm with U.S. HQ in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: - 8 years ago

@AlexCena_TX: DallasBizNews: French firm with U.S. HQ in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: - 8 years ago

@DallasBizNews: French firm with U.S. HQ in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: - 8 years ago

@YTexastweets: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company - 8 years ago

@orgulloygloria: RT @leonard_vincent: Europe’s African ‘wall’ now almost complete, by @martinplaut and @leonard_vincent [French version] - 8 years ago

@suzaltobello: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company - 8 years ago

@dfwbreakingnews: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: Essilor — a massive eyeglasses… - 8 years ago

@eastdallasnews: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: Essilor — a massive eyeglasses… - 8 years ago

@DFWSmallBiz: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company - 8 years ago

@leonard_vincent: Europe’s African ‘wall’ now almost complete, by @martinplaut and @leonard_vincent [French version] - 8 years ago

@STRTDallas: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company: Essilor — a massive eyeglasses… - 8 years ago

@dallasnewsnow: French firm with U.S. headquarters in DFW announces merger to create $16B company - 8 years ago

@LaurenceAlbc: RT @DrHGuy: French Translation: A Broken Hallelujah - Rock and roll, rédemption et vie de Leonard Cohen By Liel Leibovitz - 8 years ago

@LoveMyDogUK: french bulldog food recipes, My dad was good with actions, @ian_a_leonard, - 8 years ago

@harkey_sarah: RT @asileo: "Andrew I can't wait to take shots in French with you on your birthday" #shitjaneicesays @janeice_leonard - 8 years ago

@asileo: "Andrew I can't wait to take shots in French with you on your birthday" #shitjaneicesays @janeice_leonard - 8 years ago

@jacobgolden: Wow! Leonard Cohen - The partisan (Live on french TV 1969) - 8 years ago

@french_and: RT @DanielBrami1: Leonard Freed - 8 years ago

@french_and: RT @DanielBrami1: Leonard Freed - 8 years ago

@Witty_Wes: "Leonard" is French for "the nerd." - 8 years ago

@leonard_ulman: RT @frenchtwinksfan: Our Star couple Chris and Baptiste take a kinky break in the garden - 8 years ago

@rein15reinhold: RT @artpricedotcom: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings by @australian - 8 years ago

@LeonardLopate: RT @bravebriankim: This French lady is so French and she's also achieving a record time preventing Leonard Lopate from going to break - 8 years ago

@bravebriankim: This French lady is so French and she's also achieving a record time preventing Leonard Lopate from going to break - 8 years ago

@MusedataBlossom: RT @artpricedotcom: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings by @australian - 8 years ago

@artpricedotcom: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings by @australian - 8 years ago

@artprice: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings by @australian - 8 years ago

@artmarketdotcom: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings by @australian - 8 years ago

@stevebairdart: Vale Leonard French 1928 - 2017. Len was a significant influence on me when I was young a… - 8 years ago

@MelbaMaruca: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings - 8 years ago

@leonard_delora: RT @workwthecoach: I'm learning how to speak fluent French , Spanish and Chinese 🙏🏾🙏🏾 excited as hell! 🤴🏾💂🏾‍♀️👨🏾‍⚕️🕵🏾👨🏾‍🏫👨🏾‍🎨👨🏾‍🌾👨🏾‍✈️🤵🏾👨🏾‍… - 8 years ago

@KarineBNoumea: RT @NGVMelbourne: We pay tribute to artist Leonard French OBE, who has passed away. We're honoured to be the home of his magnificent staine… - 8 years ago

@HannaleenaM: Leonard French: Breaking through more than glass ceilings - 8 years ago

@australian: RT @ashleighbwilson: Leonard French, an obituary by his biographer Reg MacDonald - 8 years ago

@ashleighbwilson: Leonard French, an obituary by his biographer Reg MacDonald - 8 years ago

@happybdauthors: happy birthday Antoine-Léonard de Chézy! French orientalist - 8 years ago

@Eritrea_Hanti: @leonard_vincent I see ponting Ur fingers 2 #Eritrea gov but why not 2 #French gov?JustAquestion @BronwynBruton @RSCollaboration @ElsaChyrum - 8 years ago

@_lcarpentier: @Yakkafo If the point is to sound french my name is wrong. If it's to sound english then you forgot the put the D in LeonarD - 8 years ago

@aecap: Leonard French: Breaking through glass ceilings - 8 years ago

@Leonard_pi: RT @ChampionsLeague: Julian Draxler for PSG: Goal on French Cup debut ✔️ Goal on Ligue 1 debut ✔️ Goal on #UCL debut (v Barcelona) ❓ http… - 8 years ago

@CrocodileChuck: Heroicism in Stained Glass Vale Leonard French: - 8 years ago

@sylvia_fedyk: "..consuming nearly lethal amounts of Radiohead and Leonard Cohen." Tanya French describes grief and depression. - 8 years ago

@TiagoAmaral2013: Leonard Cohen - Lover, lover, lover (French TV) - 8 years ago

@nanette_leonard: RT @franceintheus: Our #DestinationoftheWeek is Lafayette, a Louisiana city where you can explore the state’s French heritage & try the bes… - 8 years ago

@DrHGuy: French Translation: A Broken Hallelujah - Rock and roll, rédemption et vie de Leonard Cohen By Liel Leibovitz… - 8 years ago

@AquaBronze: RT @LaSweetaDeeva: VALE Leonard French. What a soaring talent. Saw these stunning windows on Monday when visiting the wonderful NLA... http… - 8 years ago

@michael99J: Leonard French, artist in glass who shunned spotlight, died in Melbourne on Tuesday at the age of 88 - 8 years ago

@graememurphy: RT @PAC_ArtsCentre: Costume designs by Leonard French for Ballet Guild's production of 'The Nutcracker', Melbourne, 1953 - 8 years ago

@graememurphy: RT @PAC_ArtsCentre: Vale artist Leonard French. Best known for his majestic stained glass ceiling @NGVMelbourne, he was also a talented the… - 8 years ago

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