Leonard Cohen

Canadian singer-songwriter ("Suzanne"
Died on Friday November 11th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Leonard Cohen:

@kunwarNitin3: RT @LiteraryTruce: What Leonard Cohen means to me: 'He made me feel less heartbroken' - 8 years ago

@michaelscally: RT @davidrieff: Leonard Cohen performing "So Long Marianne" on one of his last tours: - 8 years ago

@salvo_fedele: RT @pash22: What killed Leonard Cohen—a fall—can be more dangerous than cancer or heart disease - 8 years ago

@HAlexander2: RT @Slate: What killed Leonard Cohen—a fall—can be more dangerous than cancer or heart disease: - 8 years ago


@Dueloliterae: 'SEÑAS DE IDENTIDAD', de Enrique Vila-Matas / 'EVERYBODY KNOWS, Leonard Cohen - 8 years ago

@andresros: Me gustó un video de @YouTube - 8 years ago

@cosi____: RT @LAReviewofBooks: A tribute to Leonard Cohen written for @LAweekly by our Digital Editor, @eyecantina. - 8 years ago

@JorgeOrlandoAbr: RT @karlitosway9: “Uno nunca se libera de su propia estupidez”. Leonard Cohen - 8 years ago

@MartineLemalet: RT @fipradio: #LiveàFip spécial Leonard Cohen #Replay - 8 years ago

@AsalinasAntonio: Omega, el disco con el que Morente rompió el flamenco. Noticias de Cultura - 8 years ago

@dj_hansolo: I liked a @YouTube video from @alexgmusic7 - 8 years ago

@MartineLemalet: Leonard Cohen et Garcia Lorca: quand le rock rencontrait le flamenco | JDM - 8 years ago

@Leyla58898432: RT @TheEconomist: Leonard Cohen was convinced that he had no gift for spiritual matters. The songs said otherwise - 8 years ago

@johanna_adt: RT @ellenfraher: "You do not have to love me just because you are all the women I have ever wanted." ~ Leonard Cohen - 8 years ago

@MandyWirk: RT @nina_wirk: "Everybody knows that the war is over. Everybody knows the good guys lost.” Leonard Cohen #art #poetry #singer #songwriter… - 8 years ago

@karlitosway9: “Uno nunca se libera de su propia estupidez”. Leonard Cohen - 8 years ago

@ThomasVitins: #LeonardCohen on #Moonlight, the #Mystique of #Creativity, His #Influences, & Why People Cover His #Songs – #RIP - 8 years ago

@koula84: RT @fipradio: #LiveàFip spécial Leonard Cohen #Replay - 8 years ago

@matthieuhand14: RT @LeMondeHistoire: Hallelujah, par Léonard Cohen. - 8 years ago

@Wordsmithgetxo: #np Leonard Cohen - Chelsea Hotel. That last line is just devastating. - 8 years ago

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