Leon M. Lederman

American experimental physicist
Died on Wednesday October 3rd 2018

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Leon M. Lederman:

@KuipeDogg: I’m at a loss for words. - 6 years ago

@filling_space: We are saddened to hear experimental physicist and Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman passed away. Science and human civi… - 6 years ago

@lacadri34: - 6 years ago

@iitalumniassn: RT @illinoistech: #IllinoisTech remembers former professor and Nobel Laureate Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago


@M_DiPaola: Merkin exceptionalism. (Factoid: Lederman wanted to call Higgs boson 'the god damned particle' but publisher wouldn… - 6 years ago

@Mac_Marceau: Sorry for being blunt about this, but I'm a lifelong, huge fan of Leon Lederman's tremendous work in… - 6 years ago

@barney_cannon: @VoteRobDavidson @trump_enemy I’m with you 100% so that this won’t have to happen in America! - 6 years ago

@m_gallon06: RT @doctor_oxford: World renowned American physicist Leon Lederman died this week aged 96 - after being forced to sell his Nobel Prize for… - 6 years ago

@liz_m_bee: RT @doctor_oxford: World renowned American physicist Leon Lederman died this week aged 96 - after being forced to sell his Nobel Prize for… - 6 years ago

@Lee_M: RT @doctor_oxford: World renowned American physicist Leon Lederman died this week aged 96 - after being forced to sell his Nobel Prize for… - 6 years ago

@markphilo: Physicist Dead At 96 After Selling Nobel Prize To Cover Medical Costs - 6 years ago

@gurler_rustu: Sağlık masraflarını karşılamak için Nobel ödülünü satan ABD'li fizikçi Leon Lederman 96 yaş… - 6 years ago

@the_terrific_m: RT @MuhammadLila: This is Leon Lederman. He won a Nobel Prize for discovering sub-atomic particles. You know the phrase "the God particle… - 6 years ago

@Bluejeanz23: RT @ClaireLarson: Physicist Dead At 96 After Selling Nobel Prize To Cover Medical Costs | HuffPost - 6 years ago

@ashish4112071: Physicist Dies At 96 After Selling Nobel Prize To Cover Medical Costs - 6 years ago

@DCTouristPaul: - 6 years ago

@Sean_M_Waters: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@TSher_M: @RifatJawaid @JantaKaReporter And these capitalists do this to Nobel winners later.... - 6 years ago

@M_B_Z_W: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@illinoistech: #IllinoisTech remembers former professor and Nobel Laureate Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@TSher_M: In capitalist world.. humans are no more than a commodity.. - 6 years ago

@akollage: سرنوشت دانشمند برنده نوبل در آمریکا: فروش جایزه نوبل برای پرداخت هزینه بیماری #سطح_رفاه… - 6 years ago

@Boyan_M: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@m_fullbright: - 6 years ago

@ficflash: In 2015 Leon Lederman, physicist, who passed away Wednesday, sold his Nobel Prize medal for $765,000 to pay mountin… - 6 years ago

@uguraltunay: Parçacık fiziğine yaptığı katkılardan dolayı 1988 yılında kazandığı Nobel Ödülü'nü parasızlık nedeniyle satan fizik… - 6 years ago

@M_GarciaGomez: RT @Nunodomin: Leon Lederman, el Nobel de EE UU que tuvo que vender su premio para poder pagarse la sanidad, según AP. Flipante - 6 years ago

@Le_M_Poireau: RT @nytimes: In 2015, Leon Lederman, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, had to sell his medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills - 6 years ago

@M_Essa91: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@catherine_m_: RT @sarahkliff: A Nobel Prize-winning physicist sold his medal for $765,000 to pay his medical bills. - 6 years ago

@catherine_m_: RT @ReligionProf: “God Particle” Physicist Leon Lederman Dies At Age 96, Forced To Sell His Nobel Prize To Pay Medical Bills - 6 years ago

@prairie_m: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@rtutching: Physicist Dies At 96 After Selling Nobel Prize To Cover Medical Costs - 6 years ago

@collnewsupdates: In Memoriam: Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@m_scribe: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@danishjmk: Reminded of an Indian scientist I met some months back at Texas A&M. Plans to move back to India "the month I retir… - 6 years ago

@_m_farrell_: A Nobel Prize-winning physicist sold his medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills. Only in America. - 6 years ago

@J_M_Phares: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@stillmoreinfo: R.I.P. ⚛️ Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@VergaraLautaro: SCIENCE Conversations with History Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@M_elsam: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@Astro_journey: RT @aussiastronomer: Putting aside the travesty that is the American health care system, I’m so sorry to hear this news. The God Particle w… - 6 years ago

@IanAdAstra: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@rmathematicus: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@GrayRogers6: Morning sketch. Rest in Peace Leon M. Lederman, 1922-2018 #digitalpainting #digitalart #sketch #physics - 6 years ago

@jccwrt: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@PltBRos: Physicist Leon M. Lederman, Nobel Prize winner and passionate advocate for science education, who also named the Hi… - 6 years ago

@BOOKMENTION: #BEYONDTHEGODPARTICLE Beyond the God Particle by Leon M. Lederman and Christopher T. Hill #PARTICLE #GOD #LEONMLEDERMAN #CHRISTOPHERTHILL - 6 years ago

@maria_teresa_m: RT @voxdotcom: A Nobel Prize-winning physicist sold his medal for $765,000 to pay medical bills - 6 years ago

@tom_m_wolfe: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@EaberingEdgar: RT @aussiastronomer: Putting aside the travesty that is the American health care system, I’m so sorry to hear this news. The God Particle w… - 6 years ago

@mathieu_m: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@M__Verbruggen: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@StarNerd1: RT @ScienceQuestDE: Physicist & Nobel Prize laureate Leon M. Lederman, one of the most important scientists in particle #physics died yeste… - 6 years ago

@ScienceQuestDE: Physicist & Nobel Prize laureate Leon M. Lederman, one of the most important scientists in particle #physics died y… - 6 years ago

@zachbonham: RT @aussiastronomer: Putting aside the travesty that is the American health care system, I’m so sorry to hear this news. The God Particle w… - 6 years ago

@q_aurelius: RT @aussiastronomer: Putting aside the travesty that is the American health care system, I’m so sorry to hear this news. The God Particle w… - 6 years ago

@aussiastronomer: Putting aside the travesty that is the American health care system, I’m so sorry to hear this news. The God Particl… - 6 years ago

@m_c_jordan: RT @APWestRegion: Leon Lederman, an experimental physicist who studied subatomic particles, has died at 96 after selling his Nobel Prize fo… - 6 years ago

@ktwiegman: @wes_chu I'm a graduate of the state math & science school he helped found, and this news leaves me gutted. Dr. Led… - 6 years ago

@OMN0MNOMM: I'm actually cryin over Leon Lederman's passing :( - 6 years ago

@boygobong: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@Neurodoc12: It's been an emotional day. I'm heartbroken to hear the loss of one of my favorite physicists. Rest well, Dr. Leon… - 6 years ago

@TDIAct: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@m_estal: RT @ValerieH137: Leon Lederman's passing is a huge loss for @Fermilab, the field of physics, and science education and outreach. He brought… - 6 years ago

@m_estal: RT @ValerieH137: This is one of my favorite @Fermilab photos: Leon Lederman and Helen Edwards on July 3, 1983, waiting for the Tevatron to… - 6 years ago

@SimonStormRider: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@ColdDimSum: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@VergaraLautaro: Conversations with History Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@bylaurenfitz: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@refrag: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@rapafaw: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@evanFmoore: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@Suntimes: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@BillNigh: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@Anthropic: RT @mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@mcnees: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Leon Lederman has passed away. - 6 years ago

@mrtgr: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@RachelKBeals: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@Lunarheritage: RT @JenniferYuen1: Sad news. Leon Lederman has passed away. I'm glad I had the privilege of hearing one of his talks in person about 10 yea… - 6 years ago

@mitchtrout: RT @TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowned Chicago… - 6 years ago

@TinaSfon: Our amazing Maureen O'Donnell (@suntimesobits) wrote two obits since 10 p.m. last night. John H. Bryan Jr., renowne… - 6 years ago

@Kate_Travis: This Nobel week, I'm sad to hear Leon Lederman passed away - he was the first Nobel laureate I ever interviewed, 21… - 6 years ago

@maudlynei: RT @suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nobel in… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Leon M. Lederman (96) American mathematician and physicist - 6 years ago

@M_A_Frasca: @scalzi My daughter graduated from The Illinois Math and Science Academy, of which Leon Lederman was a founder. He… - 6 years ago

@beckysphone1981: RT @StanhopesCDP: American experimental physicist & Nobel Prize laureate, Leon M. Lederman, dead at 96. 2 solo hits at - 6 years ago

@Emperor_Smoke: RT @StanhopesCDP: American experimental physicist & Nobel Prize laureate, Leon M. Lederman, dead at 96. 2 solo hits at - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Leon M. Lederman - 6 years ago

@StanhopesCDP: American experimental physicist & Nobel Prize laureate, Leon M. Lederman, dead at 96. 2 solo hits at - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Leon M. Lederman dies - #LeonMLederman #Leon #M.Lederman #rip - 6 years ago

@DeathByWiki: Leon M. Lederman, American mathematician and physicist, died 3rd Oct aged 96. - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Leon M. Lederman, 96, American experimental physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1988). - 6 years ago

@rrhinton: RT @suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nobel in… - 6 years ago

@tobaccotax: RT @suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nobel in… - 6 years ago

@Suntimes: RT @suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nobel in… - 6 years ago

@nmclaughlin04: RT @suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nobel in… - 6 years ago

@suntimesobits: Nobel prizewinning physicist Leon Lederman had a brilliant mind, but was also known for jokes. When he won the Nob… - 6 years ago

@nbj914: Sad to learn the great Leon Lederman passed away this a.m. He won the Nobel 30 years ago and often wore it around I… - 6 years ago

@Dina_Maron: Sad news. Lederman also wrote for @sciam a number of times over the years -- both about his work and the value of f… - 6 years ago

@wikireaper: Bereft of life, Leon M. Lederman, American mathematician and physicist, now rests in peace. - 6 years ago

@ChrisTessone: My @IMSA_ experience was life-changing, and I'm grateful to Dr. Lederman and the others who built and sustained the… - 6 years ago

@zalphaprime: @Jandrewgotsguns @rmbctious @hauxton @RTheatheist @halcyondon @TertiusIII @jools6691 @God2Evolution @CollinOctantis… - 6 years ago

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