Leon Fleisher

American pianist
Died on Monday August 3rd 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Leon Fleisher:

@bintburton: Leon Fleisher – the Pianist Who Reinvented Himself and Inspired the World - 5 years ago

@NJArtsCouncil: RT @SOTA_NJ: The great pianist, conductor and teacher Leon Fleisher died August 2, 2020 at the age of 92. In 2001, State of the Arts spoke… - 5 years ago

@SOTA_NJ: The great pianist, conductor and teacher Leon Fleisher died August 2, 2020 at the age of 92. In 2001, State of the… - 5 years ago

@acubaninlondon: Leon Fleisher obituary - 5 years ago


@jazzteabeer: RT @JoseSPiano: A wonderful, technical, educational, insightful, and inspirational blog entry by @tepferdan - Music, technology, live-strea… - 5 years ago

@Casket_Garbage: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@kj30D: RT @sony_classical: In the many tributes paid to Leon Fleisher after his passing, qualities regularly attributed to him have included “inte… - 5 years ago

@gerardpatrick: Leon #Fleisher obituary - 5 years ago

@badbonz: RT @LAMusicFestival: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@LAMusicFestival: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@tepferdan: RT @JoseSPiano: A wonderful, technical, educational, insightful, and inspirational blog entry by @tepferdan - Music, technology, live-strea… - 5 years ago

@JoseSPiano: A wonderful, technical, educational, insightful, and inspirational blog entry by @tepferdan - Music, technology, li… - 5 years ago

@salvaperucho: RT @mundoclasico: Ha fallecido Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@fralbaro: En la memoria quedan las soberbias interpretaciones de los conciertos de Brahms y Beethoven con Georg Szell, testim… - 5 years ago

@mundoclasico: Ha fallecido Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@Bassaces1: RT @alexrossmusic: From my 2004 @NewYorker column about the magnificent, irreplaceable Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday at 92. The outpour… - 5 years ago

@sony_classical: In the many tributes paid to Leon Fleisher after his passing, qualities regularly attributed to him have included “… - 5 years ago

@ChuckLever: RT @jricole: Leon Fleisher – the Pianist Who Reinvented Himself and Inspired the World - 5 years ago

@refinersfiremu1: Faliks is still getting her UCLA check (& health insurance & retirement). Other musicians are unemployed, poor, & a… - 5 years ago

@mikekillpain: RT @guardianmusic: Leon Fleisher obituary - 5 years ago

@bigfish: Bach, J.S. - 'Schafe können sicher weiden', BWV 208 by Leon Fleisher, R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@drseid: RT @jricole: Leon Fleisher – the Pianist Who Reinvented Himself and Inspired the World - 5 years ago

@infcomment: Leon Fleisher – the Pianist Who Reinvented Himself and Inspired the World - 5 years ago

@jricole: Leon Fleisher – the Pianist Who Reinvented Himself and Inspired the World - 5 years ago

@maurice_mouri: 先日、左手のピアニスト/Leon Fleisherさんの死去のニュースから舘野泉さんを連想したってツイートしたんだけど、それに👍をくださった女性↓。失礼ながら存じ上げなかったのですが、瀬川泰代さんも「左手のピアニスト」です。困難を… - 5 years ago

@mejcb: On the Other Hand - 5 years ago

@dirinieta: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@dystobot: RT @pappassa: RIP Leon Fleisher, a brilliant pianist who endured despite the severe focal dystonia in his right hand - 5 years ago

@pappassa: RIP Leon Fleisher, a brilliant pianist who endured despite the severe focal dystonia in his right hand - 5 years ago

@HallsConcert: Tribute to Leon Fleisher, by his students - 5 years ago

@FORKSTER_2013: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@dystobot: RT @TylersHope: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists and conductors has passed away at the age of 92. Thro… - 5 years ago

@TylersHope: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists and conductors has passed away at the age of… - 5 years ago

@ddritzenhein: RT @mattfitwriter: Got a comfortable training routine? Good--change it! This week's 80/20 Endurance blog post includes mentions of Leon Fl… - 5 years ago

@42Lives: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@huntleyfenner: RT @latimesopinion: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@ShumanPR: RT @GilmoreFestival: Last Monday, we shared the news of our dear friend, Leon Fleisher's, passing. Today, our Director Emeritus, Dan Gustin… - 5 years ago

@polinavcherezov: RT @latimes: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@GilmoreFestival: Last Monday, we shared the news of our dear friend, Leon Fleisher's, passing. Today, our Director Emeritus, Dan Gus… - 5 years ago

@DmitriMatheny: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @RichardScheinin: Op-Ed : How Leon Fleisher “taught his pupils about playing music for music’s sake, which COVID now forces musicians to… - 5 years ago

@JackMor57279652: RT @latimes: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@rapalje1625: RT @RichardScheinin: Op-Ed : How Leon Fleisher “taught his pupils about playing music for music’s sake, which COVID now forces musicians to… - 5 years ago

@RichardScheinin: Op-Ed : How Leon Fleisher “taught his pupils about playing music for music’s sake, which COVID now forces musicians… - 5 years ago

@MBradyNash: Remembering Leon Fleisher At The Piano And In Front Of The Orchestra - 5 years ago

@latimesopinion: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@gavcloud: RT @tdnvl: With the recent passing of Leon Fleisher, I'm revisiting this interview that @gavcloud did with him for @icareifulisten - 5 years ago

@farleyspianos: "The pandemic, while forcing musicians to find new digital means to perform and teach, is propelling us back in tim… - 5 years ago

@marckeepper: RT @LAMusicFestival: - 5 years ago

@noe_z: RT @latimes: Op-Ed: How isolation is a golden opportunity for musicians - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: 🎶 Un ‘Must’ ! pour @grboutin Maurice RAVEL Concerto pour la main gauche en Ré majeur M. 82 par Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: 🎶 Un ‘must’ ! pour @grboutin 🙂 Jean-Sébastien BACH Chaconne de la Partita en Ré mineur pour violon BWV 1004 tran… - 5 years ago

@Camille07598277: 60年代に局所性ジストニアで右手の自由を失った、片手のピアニストLeon Fleisherが死去。自殺も考えるほどの苦悩をかつて語っていたが、1995年にボトックスと特殊なマッサージで右手は治癒。その後も左手のみの演奏は続けた。2… - 5 years ago

@rapalje1625: RT @JoelFanMusic: Thinking of my dear teacher Leon Fleisher, who passed away at 92 this week. I love his version of Alborada del gracioso… - 5 years ago

@JoelFanMusic: Thinking of my dear teacher Leon Fleisher, who passed away at 92 this week. I love his version of Alborada del gr… - 5 years ago

@ABF_1994: RT @ogiovetti: On Leon Fleisher, Bach, Descartes, and @maxrichtermusic. - 5 years ago

@Bandinellosaul: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@QOTDCT: (Learn more about the late Leon Fleisher - including his connection to Ruth Bader Ginsburg - on our @Facebook page.) - 5 years ago

@QOTDCT: 1st #SundaySong: "Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring", (2004 J.S. Bach interpretation) performed by pianist Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@DanRodricks: RT @baltsunopinion: Leon Fleisher: A virtuoso at piano and at life | COMMENTARY - 5 years ago

@MosesHawk: RT @hudsonette: Yes, let’s listen to the late Leon Fleisher’s Clair de Lune this morning, really beautiful playing: - 5 years ago

@DonnaYoungDC: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@tiniskwerl: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@RadFinch: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@CBSMiami: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@JayBerringer: Moving to hear Leon Fleisher’s performance of the Bach-Brahms piano chaconne for left hand on @wdav this morning.… - 5 years ago

@GraceStrehlow3: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@dmellieon: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@CarolWh39009963: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@CBSNews: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@CBSNewsPress: RT @CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Fleisher; jou… - 5 years ago

@hudsonette: Yes, let’s listen to the late Leon Fleisher’s Clair de Lune this morning, really beautiful playing: - 5 years ago

@CBSSunday: #SundayMorning Passage We look back at three notable figures who left us this week: Pianist and educator Leon Flei… - 5 years ago

@3QD: Leon Fleisher (1928 – 2020) - 5 years ago

@WellTemperedEar: Classical music: Leon Fleisher, the inspirational pianist and teacher who died a week ago, had ties to Madison - 5 years ago

@amazingincome: Check out “Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83 by Leon Fleisher” on Primephonic - 5 years ago

@OwenLeeHaoRan: Leon Fleisher was one of CiCi’s teachers at Curtis. She went by her Chinese name in those days. Rest well and thank… - 5 years ago

@diannaarten: RT @Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday’s Music Show, Rolf de Heer remembers directing Miles Davis in his film ‘Dingo’ @MIFFofficial, and pianist So… - 5 years ago

@SteveCarey17: RT @Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday’s Music Show, Rolf de Heer remembers directing Miles Davis in his film ‘Dingo’ @MIFFofficial, and pianist So… - 5 years ago

@RadioNational: RT @Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday’s Music Show, Rolf de Heer remembers directing Miles Davis in his film ‘Dingo’ @MIFFofficial, and pianist So… - 5 years ago

@Fordwritesmusic: On Sunday’s Music Show, Rolf de Heer remembers directing Miles Davis in his film ‘Dingo’ @MIFFofficial, and pianist… - 5 years ago

@LisaSpector: Warming up for my Facebook Live 🎹 for 🖐🏻 & 👐🏻 in memory of Leon Fleisher. 8/8 @ 6 PDT Lin… - 5 years ago

@BoyAstro14: Leon Fleisher's superpower. - 5 years ago

@DonatoCabrera: Day 144 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Leon Kirchner - 5 years ago

@CAsymphony: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 145 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Grieg and Schumann Piano Concertos - 5 years ago

@lvphil: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 145 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Grieg and Schumann Piano Concertos - 5 years ago

@DonatoCabrera: Day 145 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Grieg and Schumann Piano Concertos - 5 years ago

@misakipiano418: レオン・フライシャーの「羊は安らかに草を食み」の演奏が大好き。 Sheep May Safely Graze - Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: Bonne soirée 🎶 Leon FLEISHER joue Maurice RAVEL « Concerto pour la main gauche » RTVE Orchestra, Sergiu Comissio… - 5 years ago

@Guille_piano: Leon Fleisher... Inevitable. - 5 years ago

@beatgozon: RT @HoriaGanescu: Leon Fleisher - Beethoven - Piano Concerto No 4 - Klemperer - 5 years ago

@WBJC915FM: New post: 8-8-20 Music in Maryland: Remembering Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@BayAreaPianos: Sad news. The world has lost a great #pianist. Look into this man and his gift! #musicians #LeonFleisher… - 5 years ago

@Jfhcr: RT @AleteiaES: Fallece León Fleisher que en el amor a la música encontró la fuerza para enfrentar las dificultades y superarse - 5 years ago

@THE2MNETWORK: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@op109: RT @HoriaGanescu: Leon Fleisher - Beethoven - Piano Concerto No 4 - Klemperer - 5 years ago

@ineshaeufler: "It’s not how many notes you play, but how you play them." - 5 years ago

@TjnShn: RT @serhanbali: Geçen gün yitirdiğimiz günümüzün en büyük piyanistlerinden biri olan Leon Fleisher'den geriye kalan en güzel kayıtlardan bi… - 5 years ago

@ReparSandra: RT @Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@celesteeight88: RT @playinglesshurt: So true! Quote by the late great #pianist Leon Fleisher. We musicians certainly are driven to keep striving, keep impr… - 5 years ago

@hridigul: RT @Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@jccordero28: RT @Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@Peacefullizall3: RT @Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@dee_yor: RT @Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@Independent: Leon Fleisher: Sublime pianist with one hand or two - 5 years ago

@azazle2: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@mixcom: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@tinouye: 16年前、レオン・フライシャーのマスタークラスでシューベルトを弾くユジャ・ワン。 Yuja Wang master class with Leon Fleisher: Schubert Piano Sonata No 19 i..… - 5 years ago

@HGanescu: RT @HGanescu: Milestones of a Piano Legend - Leon Fleisher, Vol. 10 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Leon Fleisher, Hans Rosbaud, Otto Klemperer ht… - 5 years ago

@HGanescu: Milestones of a Piano Legend - Leon Fleisher, Vol. 10 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Leon Fleisher, Hans Rosbaud, Otto Kl… - 5 years ago

@AlucaALUCA: RT @HoriaGanescu: Leon Fleisher - Beethoven - Piano Concerto No 4 - Klemperer - 5 years ago

@kavatarz: Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: RT @HoriaGanescu: Leon Fleisher - Beethoven - Piano Concerto No 4 - Klemperer - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: Leon Fleisher - Beethoven - Piano Concerto No 4 - Klemperer - 5 years ago

@dystobot: RT @yuuki_with2us: Leon Fleisher died last Sunday. He is known to have said "Practice less, think more." Over thirty years when focal dysto… - 5 years ago

@bbielande: Mort de Leon Fleisher, le 2 août. On en a peu parlé, parce qu’on se fiche comme d’une guigne de la mort d’un grand… - 5 years ago

@twit_rickb: RT @mkonnikova: What a life. What a mind. RIP, Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@Piano_Shop: Let not this day pass without learning of Leon Fleisher (92). - 5 years ago

@phlu: RT @mkonnikova: What a life. What a mind. RIP, Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@mkonnikova: What a life. What a mind. RIP, Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@QHugues: La musique en deuil ,disparition de Léon Fleisher immense pianiste . - 5 years ago

@Yukistiri: RT @Le_Progres: Disparition| Leon Fleisher, le pianiste qui ne jouait que d'une main, est mort - 5 years ago

@LaurentPfaadt: Depuis l’annonce de la mort de Léon Fleisher, je ne me lasse pas de regarder le 3e mvt du concerto de Brahms, comme… - 5 years ago

@LaurentPfaadt: Disparition de l’un des grands pianistes du siècle dernier. On retiendra son interprétation des concertos de Beetho… - 5 years ago

@TimothyJudd2: Jerome Kern's "All the Things You Are," Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@eduphilia: "All the Things You Are," Leon Fleisher. RIP. Happy to have heard him (and his exquisite tone) live in Madison more… - 5 years ago

@bastienpphiansa: In memory of Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@n_ohmae: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@petesart: RT @TheMilesShow: 🚨 CAUTION: MUSICIANS AT PLAY 🚨 Leon Fleisher July 23, 1928 – August 2, 2020 Legendary musician. Iconic educator. King o… - 5 years ago

@mcmartin: RT @RTSinfo: Il était l'un des pianistes les plus célèbres pour pièces à une main en raison d'une maladie de la main droite: le pianiste et… - 5 years ago

@manga0713: 삶은 어떠해야 하는지 보여준 연주자 "Leon Fleisher 레온 플라이셔" - - 5 years ago

@wclvnowplaying: Performance Today Bach: Capriccio; Cantata #208. Leon Fleisher (@perf_today). - 5 years ago

@wclvnowplaying: Performance Today Chopin: Mazurka in c#. Leon Fleisher, piano (@perf_today). - 5 years ago

@Ellysiumfields: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@BBCR3MusicBot: Now Playing Franz Schubert, Leon Fleisher - Fantasia in F minor f... #franzschubert, #leonfleisher - 5 years ago

@pinuppoet: - 5 years ago

@ChazAllen777: RT @MoRocca: I had the privilege of seeing the great Leon Fleisher - classical music giant and father of my dear friend @JulianFlei - on hi… - 5 years ago

@amisderavel: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste américain et chef d'orchestre Leon Fleisher est mort ce dimanche 2 août à Baltimore à l'âge de 92 ans… - 5 years ago

@amisderavel: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@SFC_Datebook: Fleisher, who debuted with the @SFSymphony at 15, had endured a disabled right hand later in his long career. - 5 years ago

@tollari_siel94: RT @OuchikhKarim: Je rends hommage à l’immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain Leon Fleisher, mort ce 2 août. Élève du légendaire Ar… - 5 years ago

@MusicGoodVibra1: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos | Cultura | EL PAÍS - 5 years ago

@lvphil: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 142 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Brahms Piano Concerto №1 - 5 years ago

@CAsymphony: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 142 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Brahms Piano Concerto №1 - 5 years ago

@DonatoCabrera: Day 142 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Brahms Piano Concerto №1 - 5 years ago

@DaoustLise: RT @sony_classical: The great American pianist Leon Fleisher has died at the age of ninety-two. As a result of a disability Fleisher was un… - 5 years ago

@BBCRadio3: RT @johnshea63: Tonight’s @BBCRadio3 Through the Night was programmed before the sad news of Leon Fleisher’s death last week. By chance, yo… - 5 years ago

@johnshea63: Tonight’s @BBCRadio3 Through the Night was programmed before the sad news of Leon Fleisher’s death last week. By ch… - 5 years ago

@RomSanz: Glenn Gould admiró a Fleisher: - 5 years ago

@CAsymphony: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 141 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Schubert - 5 years ago

@lvphil: RT @DonatoCabrera: Day 141 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Schubert - 5 years ago

@DonatoCabrera: Day 141 - The Music Plays On — Leon Fleisher Plays Schubert - 5 years ago

@classicalbeat: RT @ogiovetti: On Leon Fleisher, Bach, Descartes, and @maxrichtermusic. - 5 years ago

@vanmusicmag: RT @ArtsJournalNews: Leon Fleisher: More About The Struggle Than The Triumph: The truth of Fleisher is in his own questions, his dogged p… - 5 years ago

@ColleenPhelps: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@wclvnowplaying: Performance Today Bach: Capriccio; Cantata #208. Leon Fleisher (@perf_today). - 5 years ago

@mead_doug: Leon Fleisher, the pianist who reinvented himself, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@wclvnowplaying: Performance Today Chopin: Mazurka in c#. Leon Fleisher, piano (@perf_today). - 5 years ago

@ghostofhypotia: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@ghostofhypotia: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@vanclassical: RIP: The legendary Leon Fleisher, A wonderful pianist and teacher of many – including our own Louis Lortie. - 5 years ago

@markf_wallace: Leon Fleisher: More About The Struggle Than The Triumph - 5 years ago

@LinusGalleries: Leon Fleisher: More About The Struggle Than The Triumph - 5 years ago

@AugustinJavel: Léon Fleisher s'est éteint le 2 août dernier. Élève de Schnabel, il m'avait beaucoup marqué dans Ravel. Mais ce Qu… - 5 years ago

@ArtsJournalNews: Leon Fleisher: More About The Struggle Than The Triumph: The truth of Fleisher is in his own questions, his dogge… - 5 years ago

@jazzteabeer: RT @tepferdan: Leon Fleisher plays the Chaconne from Bach's D Minor Violin Partita, arranged for the left hand by Brahms. Gorgeous. h/t @B… - 5 years ago

@tepferdan: Leon Fleisher plays the Chaconne from Bach's D Minor Violin Partita, arranged for the left hand by Brahms. Gorgeous… - 5 years ago

@CrossEyedPiano: RT @vanmusicmag: .@ogiovetti remembers Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@pinokinonine: Leon Fleisher, Cleveland Orchestra, George SzellのMilestones of a Piano Legend: Leon Fleisher, Vol. 1… - 5 years ago

@WUOL: RT @vanmusicmag: .@ogiovetti remembers Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@vanmusicmag: .@ogiovetti remembers Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@dotdotdottweet: "On the Other Hand:" @ogiovetti on Leon Fleischer and the search for personal + artistic truth - 5 years ago

@ricmlm: Deeply saddened that Leon Fleisher has passed away. A full Orch. is waiting for you on the other side of the mirror… - 5 years ago

@LegendusEst: RT @LegendusEst: Heureux de se retrouver au @MuseeLeger à Biot. Ce que disait Leon Fleisher à propos de la musique s’applique à l’art pictu… - 5 years ago

@MuseeLeger: RT @LegendusEst: Heureux de se retrouver au @MuseeLeger à Biot. Ce que disait Leon Fleisher à propos de la musique s’applique à l’art pictu… - 5 years ago

@ThrillScience: Leon Fleisher "Sonata D 960 op posth." Schubert #piano #schubert - 5 years ago

@ghostofhypotia: RT @YujaWang: I’m heartbroken to hear of the inimitable Leon Fleisher’s passing. I’m lucky to have glimpsed his genius over the past 20 yea… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @bso_musicians: Our good friend Ron Shapiro offers a beautiful tribute to Leon Fleisher. Leon exemplified how the craft of preparation l… - 5 years ago

@SashaFedorchen2: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy - 5 years ago

@garrygolden: RIP Leon Fleisher - Sheep may safely graze - - 5 years ago

@icareifulisten: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@brianprechtl: RT @bso_musicians: Our good friend Ron Shapiro offers a beautiful tribute to Leon Fleisher. Leon exemplified how the craft of preparation l… - 5 years ago

@theresasmets: RT @bso_musicians: Our good friend Ron Shapiro offers a beautiful tribute to Leon Fleisher. Leon exemplified how the craft of preparation l… - 5 years ago

@RafaelOrozcoAP: RT @FundScherzo: 📍Hoy os traemos nuestro particular homenaje al recientemente fallecido Leon Fleisher. ¡Que la tierra le sea leve, maestro… - 5 years ago

@Adaptistration: RT @TimothyJudd2: Remembering Leon Fleisher: Three Legendary Recordings - 5 years ago

@RobertBarton_: RT @robertmitchellm: One for Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@Fiterstein: RT @PLAimard: A lighthouse in artistry, Leon Fleisher personified the nobility in music. One of the deepest pianists ever, he drove our con… - 5 years ago

@daniraestar: RT @robertmitchellm: One for Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@bso_musicians: Our good friend Ron Shapiro offers a beautiful tribute to Leon Fleisher. Leon exemplified how the craft of preparat… - 5 years ago

@LusaGuerrero: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher, el Obi-Wan Kenobi que tocaba con una mano - 5 years ago

@JuanCarloSancho: RT @Codalario: Muere el legendario pianista Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@BitcoinStripper: Piano Concerto For The Left Hand starts out all sinister which is amazing if you value etymology & religious dogma.… - 5 years ago

@Marquierhenri: RT @Diapasonmag: Hommage à Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago


@JohnDavisUSA: Leon Fleisher was a great talent. RIP. #Baltimore #Ravens - 5 years ago

@karenricks: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@bondi_izzy: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@Spuds_n_Butter: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@Jessica424Zhang: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@jazzteabeer: RT @robertmitchellm: One for Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@YukiNegishFriel: RT @robertmitchellm: One for Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@qelisabethcomp: RT @SteinwayAndSons: Steinway & Sons mourns the loss of beloved Steinway Artist and pedagogue #LeonFleisher, who was giving lessons just la… - 5 years ago

@qelisabethcomp: No doubt #LeonFleisher will continue to inspire generations of young pianists. - 5 years ago

@nulopez39200: RT @pablolrguez: Mi obituario del gran #LeonFleisher, que falleció el pasado domingo en Baltimore, hoy en @elpais_cultura ⤵️ - 5 years ago

@mcelhearn: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@am_rosenberg: Leon Fleisher, pianist who adapted with panache when he lost the use of one hand – obituary - 5 years ago

@ghostofhypotia: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@Alyaalsultani: RT @robertmitchellm: One for Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@dropoutnation: RT @agordonreed: Practicing 6 to 8 hours a day! - 5 years ago

@obituarywriter: RT @telegraphobits: Leon Fleisher, pianist who adapted with panache when he lost the use of one hand – obituary - 5 years ago

@cristoti1: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@omykappa: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@SupremePianos: Leon Fleisher, sublime pianist undaunted by mysterious hand malady, dies at 92 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@ericasipes: RT @classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on a ne… - 5 years ago

@doodlyroses: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@theresasmets: RT @MarkJanello: My favorite Leon Fleisher story: a couple of years ago he conducted the Peabody orchestra in Beethoven's 5th Symphony. A b… - 5 years ago

@theresasmets: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@theresasmets: RT @classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on a ne… - 5 years ago

@QuincySymphony: Leon Fleisher: A virtuoso at piano and at life | COMMENTARY - 5 years ago

@pov_global: The Guardian: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy. via @GoogleNews - 5 years ago

@aaronkorea: RT @classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on a ne… - 5 years ago

@alexrossmusic: RT @classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on a ne… - 5 years ago

@brian_g_moore: RT @classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on a ne… - 5 years ago

@WUOL: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@classicalbeat: Thanks to @tomhallwypr for having me on his fine segment on #LeonFleisher on @MiddayWYPR. I've included the link on… - 5 years ago

@classicalbeat: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@classicalbeat⁩, who co-authored my father’s memoir, takes a deeper dive into the details in the Washington Post. 🙏🏻 https… - 5 years ago

@tetsuyakonta: 指揮ピアノ:レオン・フライシャー新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団モーツァルト:ピアノ協奏曲第12番Leon Fleisher, conductor & pianoW. A. Mozart:Piano Concerto No. 12N… - 5 years ago

@CBCShift: @naughticl Much appreciated, Harris. Many thanks. He was such a good person in so many ways. I'm glad you heard our… - 5 years ago

@theislen: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@thomas_jennings: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@DBSLKitties: RT @jaynordlinger: In my Impromptus column today, I mention Leon Fleisher, who died on Sunday. Possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever… - 5 years ago

@NancyAFrench: RT @jaynordlinger: In my Impromptus column today, I mention Leon Fleisher, who died on Sunday. Possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever… - 5 years ago

@Reynald93063819: RT @DonatoCabrera: - 5 years ago

@Reynald93063819: RT @DMajorTV: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists has died. Leon Fleisher was 92 years old. He died of cancer in Baltimo… - 5 years ago

@ProjectSTEP: "One of the most refined and transcendent musicians the United States has ever produced" Rest in peace, Leon. - 5 years ago

@iconcollector2: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@SueBreen6: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@Poezibao: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@ZairAzper: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@N88TE: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@nanou75bis: RT @OuchikhKarim: Je rends hommage à l’immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain Leon Fleisher, mort ce 2 août. Élève du légendaire Ar… - 5 years ago

@Jlbs1973: RT @oss_romano: #5agosto Basta la sinistra. È morto a #Baltimora il #pianista Leon Fleisher. Segue qui, di Marcello Filotei @ilphilo: https… - 5 years ago

@CBCShift: So many great stories about such a great man. We're paying tribute to the remarkable life of Leon Fleisher today on… - 5 years ago

@jr38130: RT @OuchikhKarim: Je rends hommage à l’immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain Leon Fleisher, mort ce 2 août. Élève du légendaire Ar… - 5 years ago

@CarlMacGowan: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@whollifield: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@seam100: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@martinkettle⁩’s very thoughtful piece about my dad’s remarkable career in The Guardian. Some good pics too! 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@danphelpsmusic: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@jennifercgrant: RT @JulianFlei: ⁦@martinkettle⁩’s very thoughtful piece about my dad’s remarkable career in The Guardian. Some good pics too! 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@DiegoCabanillas: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@TimothyJudd2: Remembering Leon Fleisher: Three Legendary Recordings - 5 years ago

@antro155: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@GParrondo: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher, el Obi-Wan Kenobi que tocaba con una mano - 5 years ago

@musicCS: Leon Fleisher Solo Piano Masterclass July 13, 2015 - 5 years ago

@musicCS: RT @musikzeitung: Berühmt mit linker Hand: Pianist Leon Fleisher gestorben - 5 years ago

@UMontreal: C’est avec tristesse que nous apprenions le décès du pianiste Leon Fleisher (doctorat honoris causa 2014). Sa pensé… - 5 years ago

@athenalios: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@DANIELG82260299: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos - 5 years ago

@BMIntelligencer: New post: Remembering Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@atomicat__: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@marysolmezzo: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@91Classical: Whether with 1 hand or 2, Leon Fleisher was a spellbinding artist at the piano - 5 years ago

@percyvale21: RT @GdnClassical: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@fdelatorreb: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@DanRodricks: It took him years, but Leon Fleisher persevered. He pushed back at the cruel turn his life had taken.… - 5 years ago

@pperaltaf: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@Pobvill: RT @elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo pasad… - 5 years ago

@WilsonJevelyn: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy - 5 years ago

@elpais_cultura: Muere Leon Fleisher, legendario pianista con una y dos manos. Representaba la gran tradición pianística del siglo p… - 5 years ago

@SinfoniaVirtual: RT @pablolrguez: Mi obituario del gran #LeonFleisher, que falleció el pasado domingo en Baltimore, hoy en @elpais_cultura ⤵️ - 5 years ago

@Mihos1: RT @GdnClassical: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@NLebrecht: Forget the hand, Leon Fleisher was concerned with your mind - 5 years ago

@_h4: Brahms: Concerto pour piano No. 1 - Beethoven: Concerto pour piano No. 2 (Les indispensables de Diapason) by Leon F… - 5 years ago

@martinkettle: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@vidagarciasalv1: RT @GdnClassical: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@medici7: RT @GdnClassical: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@GdnClassical: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@maximclatellot: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@alexneedham74: There's much more to the late US pianist Leon Fleisher's career than tragedy, writes @martinkettle - 5 years ago

@GuardianUS: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@alexdariescu: Whatever you do, read this book. It’s a treasure. RIP Leon Fleisher, thank you for everything! @classicalbeat - 5 years ago

@guardianculture: Leon Fleisher: there's much more to the US pianist's career than tragedy | Martin Kettle - 5 years ago

@LeFouGallois: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@EmmanuelHaimSNE: RT @koide9enisrael: Le pianiste Leon Fleisher est mort - 5 years ago

@maurice_mouri: RTでLeon Fleisherさんが亡くなられたことを教えて貰ったのだけど、左手だけの演奏といえば舘野泉さんもそうですね。片手だけでこんなに情感豊かに演奏出来るなんて、想像を超えてる。勿論ご苦労や努力も想像を超えるのだけど...… - 5 years ago

@news_suisse: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste de la main gauche, est décédé - 5 years ago

@SpdKforum_AC_Re: RT @musikzeitung: Berühmt mit linker Hand: Pianist Leon Fleisher gestorben - 5 years ago

@MusicGavalas: x Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 via /r/classicalmusic - 5 years ago

@FundScherzo: 📍Hoy os traemos nuestro particular homenaje al recientemente fallecido Leon Fleisher. ¡Que la tierra le sea leve,… - 5 years ago

@amyharlib: RT @classicguitarnj: This is sad news. The lion of the piano, Leon Fleisher has died. What a glowing, marvellous sound he had. I saw his re… - 5 years ago

@GrazianiJm: Leon Fleisher. 🖖 - 5 years ago

@musikzeitung: Berühmt mit linker Hand: Pianist Leon Fleisher gestorben - 5 years ago

@ActressAliceKo: Grateful for his life and contributions that made my own musical life fulfilling. Leon Fleisher was teacher to my o… - 5 years ago

@polinavcherezov: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@ffrguy: Arthur SCHNABEL sand the young Leon FLEISHER at Como Lake summer course in 1938... - 5 years ago

@artdaily: Leon Fleisher, spellbinding pianist with one hand or two, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@KiluMentorship: RT @ascheung: Leon Fleisher's 1944 debut at 16 with the NYPO/Monteux at Carnegie Hall. Extraordinary performance that has just been made av… - 5 years ago

@show10229: 【訃報】🎹 #レオンフライシャー r.i.p. Leon Fleisher🇺🇸(1928 - 2020) - 5 years ago

@trevorwelch: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@ascheung: Leon Fleisher's 1944 debut at 16 with the NYPO/Monteux at Carnegie Hall. Extraordinary performance that has just be… - 5 years ago

@TLGiraffe: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@Freek418: RT @TanglewoodMA: Today we celebrate renowned American pianist Leon Fleisher who passed away on August 2. He was a frequent performer with… - 5 years ago

@show10229: RT @miyujik: R.I.P. Great pianist, Leon Fleischer - 5 years ago

@jwellest: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@59cond12: RT @SteinwayAndSons: Steinway & Sons mourns the loss of beloved Steinway Artist and pedagogue #LeonFleisher, who was giving lessons just la… - 5 years ago

@_Chasing_Stars: RT @AlecMacGillis: This is a really good @classicalbeat appreciation of Leon Fleischer. The story of the right hand is just stunning to rea… - 5 years ago

@JulieBehre: RT @AlecMacGillis: This is a really good @classicalbeat appreciation of Leon Fleischer. The story of the right hand is just stunning to rea… - 5 years ago

@AlecMacGillis: This is a really good @classicalbeat appreciation of Leon Fleischer. The story of the right hand is just stunning t… - 5 years ago

@ootermind: RT @tepferdan: During yesterday's livestream I got a request for "Someday My Prince Will Come", then another request for a left-hand-only t… - 5 years ago

@TimothyGWeir: RT @PLAimard: A lighthouse in artistry, Leon Fleisher personified the nobility in music. One of the deepest pianists ever, he drove our con… - 5 years ago

@GaleriaImagen: El #pianista norteamericano de origen judío Leon #Fleisher falleció el domingo en un hospital de Baltimore a los 92… - 5 years ago

@JmoreLiving: Renowned Jewish concert pianist, teacher, conductor and longtime Baltimore resident Leon Fleisher died August 2 at… - 5 years ago

@archimusiques: « La persévérance malgré tout » Hommage à l’immense Leon Fleisher, qui vient de nous quitter ⁦@ResMusica⁩ - 5 years ago

@NLebrecht: What I learned from Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@angelepaoli: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@BaroqueToday: RT @ThePianoFiles: Film footage of the late Leon Fleisher playing an arrangement of #Bach's "Sheep may safely graze" from the #Cantata BWV… - 5 years ago

@sndr334: @KeyboardMaven I'm not familiar with Leon Fleisher but I've always loved Brahms. Growing up I had an album of his p… - 5 years ago

@TeofanesGlez: #rip Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@Diurma1: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@ommzms: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@LpcProf: The gifted pianist Leon Fleisher has died. - 5 years ago

@consentida3012: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@hummelchen345: - 5 years ago

@hummelchen345: - 5 years ago

@globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@Brian1890violin: RT @DinaSnejdarova: Johannes Brahms: Piano Concertos Nos. 1 & 2, Leon Fleisher, Cleveland Orchestra, George Szell - 5 years ago

@HandelGuy: Thanks for your reference to this article ⁦@ethan_iverson⁩. The Sonata Seminar by ⁦@alexrossmusic⁩ via ⁦… - 5 years ago

@Mireyita1910: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@FlaFan: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@VerkerkSok: RT @BasBvp: Leon Fleisher dood. Dit speelde hij toen hij na een langdurige blessure weer beide handen kon gebruiken. U was hem al vergeten,… - 5 years ago

@LanteriBrigitte: RT @blogtransfer: Il jouait du piano d'une main ✋ c'est peut-être un détail pour vous mais pour moi ça veut dire beaucoup 🎹 - 5 years ago

@JulianFlei: RT @FrankSalomonAs: Yellow Barn celebrated Leon Fleisher's 89th birthday with, among other events, an interview by his son Julian and solo… - 5 years ago

@csermet2: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@csermet2: RT @josavigneau: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@SinfoniaVirtual: RT @Diapasonmag: Hommage à Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@Mickie_in_HD: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@nyphil: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@DeimosMetus: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@op109: RT @HoriaGanescu: Brahms “Piano Concerto No. 1” (Leon Fleisher & Pierre Monteux ・ BSO, 20 ... - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: RT @HoriaGanescu: Brahms “Piano Concerto No. 1” (Leon Fleisher & Pierre Monteux ・ BSO, 20 ... - 5 years ago

@HoriaGanescu: Brahms “Piano Concerto No. 1” (Leon Fleisher & Pierre Monteux ・ BSO, 20 ... - 5 years ago

@ommzms: RT @ethan_iverson: NEW DTM: Leon Fleisher plays Grieg and Schumann - 5 years ago

@SuhnneShine: RT @FrankSalomonAs: Yellow Barn celebrated Leon Fleisher's 89th birthday with, among other events, an interview by his son Julian and solo… - 5 years ago

@TorontoSymphony: The TSO remembers legendary pianist Leon Fleisher. He made his TSO début in 1955 and his relationship with us spann… - 5 years ago

@WYPR881FM: RT @MiddayWYPR: LIVE NOW: We're remembering Leon Fleisher, the legendary concert pianist who died Sunday at 92, as @tomhallwypr @classicalb… - 5 years ago

@dcrighton: RT @Paul_R_Elie: RIP Leon Fleisher, b. 1928. "When I was 36 years old," he recalled, "I mysteriously lost the use of two fingers on my righ… - 5 years ago

@MiddayWYPR: LIVE NOW: We're remembering Leon Fleisher, the legendary concert pianist who died Sunday at 92, as @tomhallwypr… - 5 years ago

@AIRairBP: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard community mourns the death of Leon Fleisher. The celebrated pianist, who received an honorary degree fro… - 5 years ago

@bluejasmineno51: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard community mourns the death of Leon Fleisher. The celebrated pianist, who received an honorary degree fro… - 5 years ago

@classicalbeat: RT @MiddayWYPR: LIVE AT 12:30: We remember Leon Fleisher, the extraordinary concert pianist who died Sunday at 92, as @tomhallwypr, @classi… - 5 years ago

@seidlermaxy: RT @FAZ_Feuilleton: Aus einem persönlichen Handikap schöpfte er Kraft für eine neue Karriere. Und schließlich überwand er sogar seine Krank… - 5 years ago

@Ecotubist: レオン・フライシャーさんを偲んで今夜はこれを。 #Nowplaying Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.2 in B-flat,Op.19: Ⅰ. Allegro Con Brio - Leon Fle… - 5 years ago

@juanpcaja: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@Brian_J_Cook: RIP, Leon Fleisher, pianist extraordinaire. I could listen to his recordings with my hometown Cleveland Orchestra all the livelong day. - 5 years ago

@Cebece1985: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@Paul_R_Elie: RIP Leon Fleisher, b. 1928. "When I was 36 years old," he recalled, "I mysteriously lost the use of two fingers on… - 5 years ago

@nunopianonuno: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@kie_1002_: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@gutviolinist: Grateful for the lives of Leon Fleisher and John Lewis, two great Americans. - 5 years ago

@mcmason1984: RT @ethan_iverson: NEW DTM: Leon Fleisher plays Grieg and Schumann - 5 years ago

@C8H8I8E8K8O: RT @ethan_iverson: NEW DTM: Leon Fleisher plays Grieg and Schumann - 5 years ago

@classical963fm: Renowned American pianist Leon Fleisher has passed of cancer on Sunday morning. His playing career was disrupted b… - 5 years ago

@tatovillarrealj: RT @JohnsHopkins: "With the passing of Leon Fleisher, the music world has lost one of its towering figures," says Fred Bronstein, dean at @… - 5 years ago

@icomus: RT @newsounds: Performer, educator, master of reinvention, and inspiration to so many, #LeonFleisher, passed away at 92. He overcame so man… - 5 years ago

@WYPR881FM: RT @MiddayWYPR: LIVE AT 12:30: We remember Leon Fleisher, the extraordinary concert pianist who died Sunday at 92, as @tomhallwypr, @classi… - 5 years ago

@ltiefer: Sensitive and inspiring @nytobits about pianist Leon Fleisher by @kozinn. Take heart from the last line. - 5 years ago

@adhorowi: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@ThePianoFiles: Another tribute to Leon Fleisher, only just made available: his November 5, 1944 #CarnegieHall debut performance of… - 5 years ago

@ri2atanjung: RT @NormalComposers: Leon Fleisher smoking at the piano. R.I.P. Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@Maya_Barragan: RT @ethan_iverson: NEW DTM: Leon Fleisher plays Grieg and Schumann - 5 years ago

@Prima_lamusica: Muere a los 92 años el pianista norteamericano Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@derbund: Es ist sehr ungewöhnlich, wenn man es sieht: Einhändiges Klavierspiel. Leon Fleisher, der US-Pianist, der am Sonnta… - 5 years ago

@atesorga: - 5 years ago

@mycanadiantimes: Leon Fleisher, spellbinding pianist with one hand or two, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Peckitt: RT @philosophybites: Pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - who carried on Paul Wittgenstein’s left hand only piano tradition (Wittgenstein ha… - 5 years ago

@christi99830943: RT @ValSasportas: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste à une main, est décédé à 92 ans - 5 years ago

@YuvalAbrams: RT @philosophybites: Pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - who carried on Paul Wittgenstein’s left hand only piano tradition (Wittgenstein ha… - 5 years ago

@AgneseFiducia: RT @YujaWang: I’m heartbroken to hear of the inimitable Leon Fleisher’s passing. I’m lucky to have glimpsed his genius over the past 20 yea… - 5 years ago

@Studiewiki: Leon Fleisher was een meesterpianist die zijn rechterhand opnieuw moest uitvinden - Volkskrant - 5 years ago

@anne_sinclair: RT @ValSasportas: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste à une main, est décédé à 92 ans - 5 years ago

@bldine: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort - 5 years ago

@gerionte: RT @philosophybites: Pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - who carried on Paul Wittgenstein’s left hand only piano tradition (Wittgenstein ha… - 5 years ago

@peter_dunkley: RT @philosophybites: Pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - who carried on Paul Wittgenstein’s left hand only piano tradition (Wittgenstein ha… - 5 years ago

@coquineto4904: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@philosophybites: Pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - who carried on Paul Wittgenstein’s left hand only piano tradition (Wittgenstein… - 5 years ago

@TheJudyCollins: RT @TanglewoodMA: Today we celebrate renowned American pianist Leon Fleisher who passed away on August 2. He was a frequent performer with… - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @LegendusEst: Heureux de se retrouver au @MuseeLeger à Biot. Ce que disait Leon Fleisher à propos de la musique s’applique à l’art pictu… - 5 years ago

@JHASTARKBAR: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@ValSasportas: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste à une main, est décédé à 92 ans - 5 years ago

@LegendusEst: RT @LegendusEst: Heureux de se retrouver au @MuseeLeger à Biot. Ce que disait Leon Fleisher à propos de la musique s’applique à l’art pictu… - 5 years ago

@ListenHarmony: RT @TheCliburn: Yesterday, the international classical music community lost one of its legends, the inimitable Leon Fleisher. We were fortu… - 5 years ago

@sallywhitwell: RT @alexrossmusic: A splendid headline: Leon Fleisher, the left hand of God. - 5 years ago

@Mark_Stryker: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Leon Fleisher Death – Dead – Obituary : American Classical Pianist Dies at 92. - 5 years ago

@HatsuonRobin: 米ピアニスト Leon Fleisher 逝去 BBC News - 5 years ago

@nob_maz: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@SViccio: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@richtschubert: Hommage à Leon Fleisher ... Piano Concerto No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 83: III. Andante - 5 years ago

@hidekosatopiano: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@EmilyGray1: RT @SheetMusicPlus: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@dandaman4us: RT @csoarchives: The @ChicagoSymphony Orchestra family joins the music world in mourning the loss of legendary American pianist, conductor,… - 5 years ago

@medici7: RT @csoarchives: The @ChicagoSymphony Orchestra family joins the music world in mourning the loss of legendary American pianist, conductor,… - 5 years ago

@RaviniaFestival: RT @csoarchives: The @ChicagoSymphony Orchestra family joins the music world in mourning the loss of legendary American pianist, conductor,… - 5 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @ClassicalKUSC: RIP Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @ThePianoFiles: Film footage of the late Leon Fleisher playing an arrangement of #Bach's "Sheep may safely graze" from the #Cantata BWV… - 5 years ago

@jswestpiano: RT @TheCliburn: Yesterday, the international classical music community lost one of its legends, the inimitable Leon Fleisher. We were fortu… - 5 years ago

@wenwordy: RT @nyphil: The New York Philharmonic deeply mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher. He made his Philharmonic debut in Nov 1944, when he perfo… - 5 years ago

@ihidoype: RT @nyphil: The New York Philharmonic deeply mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher. He made his Philharmonic debut in Nov 1944, when he perfo… - 5 years ago

@Strix_Nocturna: RT @PerfArtsMedUCL: Sad to hear about Leon Fleischer today. We will commemorate his struggle and strength for many years to come. - 5 years ago

@bornwithhair: TIL that Leon Fleisher's piano teacher's piano teacher's piano teacher was Beethoven. - 5 years ago

@mus_tobias: RT @GilbertConducts: I was so fortunate to spend time with and around Leon Fleisher. He literally and profoundly changed the way I (and so… - 5 years ago

@Frinandre: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@black93652358: RT @globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@DanRodricks: Japan 2009: Leon Fleisher plays one of the last three Schubert sonatas フライシャー シューベルト - 5 years ago

@DominiqueVergu3: RT @francemusique: Suivez la voix de Frédéric Lodéon et redécouvrez les enregistrements légendaires du grand Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@ScottMayabb: RT @YujaWang: I’m heartbroken to hear of the inimitable Leon Fleisher’s passing. I’m lucky to have glimpsed his genius over the past 20 yea… - 5 years ago

@walford_stephen: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@JuanDRamirezQu: RT @bastianellijero: "La musique de Brahms convient bien à ma main encore convalescente, car elle est faite d’accords et non de gammes" Leo… - 5 years ago

@classicinfothru: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@KLS_Soprano: The performer is not the star. The music is the star. The performer is the vessel, the performer is the channel th… - 5 years ago

@honwakaya: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@JENGLER1: @playinglesshurt (2) It was! The glorious 1961 recording by George Szell,the Cleveland Orchestra,and Leon Fleishe… - 5 years ago

@bydebprice: Leon Fleisher, sublime pianist undaunted by mysterious hand malady, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@ismeneb: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@momonoyayoi: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@Bellairnet: MUSICIAN milestones: Leon Fleisher, renowned concert pianist, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Coyoton46: RT @abc_es: ⚫ Muere Leon Fleisher, el «Obi-Wan Kenobi» del piano que tocaba con una mano - 5 years ago

@mclassica: Leon Fleisher in Memoriam (23.7.1928 - 2.8.2020) Chopin - 5 years ago

@etucker82: Leon Fleisher - A Musical, Not Personal, Appreciation - 5 years ago

@Vonpure: RIP Leon Fleisher 😔 - 5 years ago

@inesmogollon: RT @lopezortegaj: Ha muerto Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@SinfoniaVirtual: RT @Codalario: Muere el legendario pianista Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@pianolover602: RT @KotaroFukuma: R.I.P. Mo. Leon Fleisher🙏 フライシャー先生がお亡くなりになりました。昔クリーヴランドコンクールを受ける前にフランスの講習会で教えていただいたこと、その数年後ジストニアから復活後の生演奏を聴けたことは、私にとって一生… - 5 years ago

@SargassoSpace: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@yukoyabuchi: ご冥福を。。。 Accents are Vertical Events: Leon Fleisher Workshop - 5 years ago

@KQEDnews: Leon Fleisher was born on the eve of the Great Depression in a city rebuilding the 1906 earthquake. But over his li… - 5 years ago

@dcbragg68: As a kid studying piano, I grew up listening to Leon Fleisher's recordings and revering his artistry. As a scienti… - 5 years ago

@EthicsSteve: The correct cadence would be “Leon Fleisher, Also, Enters into Heaven.” I had in mind this Stevens poem. I had the… - 5 years ago

@finegan_wake: #レオン・フィッシャー 氏の訃報が届いています。 30代の最も将来を嘱望されていた時に、突然、右の手指が機能しなくなり、左手だけの演奏や、指揮等を続けた後、1982年に復活、両手での演奏を遂げました。 92歳、試練に耐えた生涯、彼… - 5 years ago

@CCMusicUK: RT @MrPhoebus: I remember interviewing Leon Fleisher as he released his first two-handed album for four decades. I was struck - and moved -… - 5 years ago

@nananastia: RT @gmeline: Leon Fleisher, in this 2018 profile by @elijahho, commenting on the Trump administration: “We’re going to hell in a handbasket… - 5 years ago

@triciagarcia31: @lsullivanmusic Rest In Peace Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@LimelightEd: The American concert pianist, who built a career in conducting, teaching and left-handed repertoire when an injury… - 5 years ago

@DrDamluji: Leon Fleisher, renowned pianist who spent more than 60 years teaching at Peabody, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@b_dideum: NOT LEON FLEISHER 😭 @Tree_Frog @carelymendoza @oh_zayzay - 5 years ago

@jaysongillham: So sorry to hear about the death of one of the greatest pianists and teachers Leon Fleisher. One masterclass with h… - 5 years ago

@longplayk: RT @NYPhilArchive: Today we remember the great pianist Leon Fleisher who died on Sunday at 92. Mr. Fleisher made his New York debut with t… - 5 years ago

@elijahho: RT @gmeline: Leon Fleisher, in this 2018 profile by @elijahho, commenting on the Trump administration: “We’re going to hell in a handbasket… - 5 years ago

@gmeline: Leon Fleisher, in this 2018 profile by @elijahho, commenting on the Trump administration: “We’re going to hell in a… - 5 years ago

@CharleJHuguenin: RT @FredReibell: Même si c'était le surnom donné par ses élèves, je trouve ce titre pathétique. 🙄 "Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano… - 5 years ago

@bratschecody: Really sad to learn today that Leon Fleisher passed away. Such a great person, incredible musician and teacher. #LeonFleisher - 5 years ago

@ZwsFrVl: RT @EdParentheses: Le grand pianiste Leon Fleisher vient de disparaître… (23 juillet 1928 — 2 août 2020). #hommage #musique #piano #LeonFl… - 5 years ago

@CallMeAhmjusAyn: RT @E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Leon Fleisher, 92,The Remarkable Pianist Who Reinvented Himself after losing the use of his right hand - 5 years ago

@MarieManson10: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@LorinChisholm: I worked with Leon Fleisher when he attempted his comeback in 2002 by playing the Brahms D minor piano concerto. He… - 5 years ago

@Cambio_22: El pianista norteamericano de origen judío Leon Fleisher, que durante décadas tocó únicamente con la mano izquierda… - 5 years ago

@fralbaro: Brahms: Quinteto para piano en Fa menor Op 34. Leon Fleisher✝️ & the Juilliard String Quartet. - 5 years ago

@GinsburgerN: RT @francemusique: Leon Fleisher, grand interprète ? C'est le cas de le dire ! Hommage à l'immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain… - 5 years ago

@robertmitchellm: A perfect tribute - 5 years ago

@helene_mahln: RT @francemusique: Suivez la voix de Frédéric Lodéon et redécouvrez les enregistrements légendaires du grand Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@MonikaHaas5: RT @FWWinterberg: Berühmter einhändiger Pianist: Leon Fleisher ist tot R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@janfmVI: RT @deniswirtz: What a loss: Legendary pianist and @george_peabody faculty Leon Fleisher has died. - 5 years ago

@JosephStec: RT @CleveOrchestra: The #ClevelandOrchestra notes the death of celebrated pianist and longtime collaborator Leon Fleisher on Sunday, at the… - 5 years ago

@jgordonem: RT @alexrossmusic: From my 2004 @NewYorker column about the magnificent, irreplaceable Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday at 92. The outpour… - 5 years ago

@MaguyTran: BALTIMORE Maryland Dim 2 Août 2020 🙏Léon FLEISHER l'Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano>cancer 23 Juil.… - 5 years ago

@mhaefliger: RT @coopnytimes: He overcame what easily could have been an insurmountable obstacle - 5 years ago

@PublJusticeCntr: We mourn the passing of Leon Fleisher. We were humbled that he performed at 2 concerts, organized by his children P… - 5 years ago

@ManOnDaNet: RT @chicagotribune: Leading American pianist Leon Fleisher died Sunday in Baltimore. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@MarcMoncusi: - 5 years ago

@E_LucasTaylor: RIP: Leon Fleisher, 92,The Remarkable Pianist Who Reinvented Himself after losing the use of his right hand - 5 years ago

@BonnieLGibbons: RT @jessicaduchen: Very sad to hear that Leon Fleisher has died. Here is part of an interview I did with him about 10 years ago... - 5 years ago

@arnesmeets: RIP Leon Fleisher (1928-2020), de pianist die gedurende het grootste deel van zijn carrière enkel zijn linkerhand k… - 5 years ago

@Andrea_51544005: RT @CleveOrchestra: The #ClevelandOrchestra notes the death of celebrated pianist and longtime collaborator Leon Fleisher on Sunday, at the… - 5 years ago

@LorinChisholm: I worked with Leon Fleisher when he attempted his comeback by playing the Brahms D minor piano concerto. He played… - 5 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @CleveOrchestra: The #ClevelandOrchestra notes the death of celebrated pianist and longtime collaborator Leon Fleisher on Sunday, at the… - 5 years ago

@CantorintheCLE: Lucky to have heard his mastery in person many times. May his name be for a blessing — Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spe… - 5 years ago

@AnnenbergCenter: We will always remember the legacy of pianist/conductor Leon Fleisher. Read more about Fleisher's life, including h… - 5 years ago

@edwinhuizinga: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@MarketStSingers: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@CleveOrchestra: The #ClevelandOrchestra notes the death of celebrated pianist and longtime collaborator Leon Fleisher on Sunday, at… - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @guillonnicola: Leon Fleisher : le #piano perd un fils. ⁦@francemusique⁩ ⁦@AureliMoreau⁩ - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @francemusique: Suivez la voix de Frédéric Lodéon et redécouvrez les enregistrements légendaires du grand Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@maol_restre: RT @DGclassics: We're deeply saddened about the passing of Leon Fleisher, a towering interpreter of the Austro-German Classical and Romanti… - 5 years ago

@roseandfriends: I’ll leave this here. Leon Fleisher-Schubert D960. Doesn’t get any more wonderful than this. RIP - 5 years ago

@LoveRubinstein: RT @KotaroFukuma: R.I.P. Mo. Leon Fleisher🙏 フライシャー先生がお亡くなりになりました。昔クリーヴランドコンクールを受ける前にフランスの講習会で教えていただいたこと、その数年後ジストニアから復活後の生演奏を聴けたことは、私にとって一生… - 5 years ago

@planetinspace: RT @PeripateticMe: Cool career and an example of how #disability can expand possibilities: - 5 years ago

@lodeonfrederic: RT @JPierreRousseau: Comme @R_Bachelot @MinistereCC l'a écrit #LeonFleisher un immense musicien une leçon de vie @ffrguy @SonyClassical @fr… - 5 years ago

@PeripateticMe: Cool career and an example of how #disability can expand possibilities: - 5 years ago

@queenkv: RT @CapRadioMusic: Remembering Leon Fleisher. 🎹 The beloved pianist was a young lion of his generation until a hand injury forced him to r… - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Leon FLEISHER (1928-2020), American classical pianist, conductor and pedagogue. Music correspondent Elijah… - 5 years ago

@SteinwayPgg: RT @YujaWang: I’m heartbroken to hear of the inimitable Leon Fleisher’s passing. I’m lucky to have glimpsed his genius over the past 20 yea… - 5 years ago

@AmFriendsIPO: We are saddened by the passing of Jewish-American musician Leon Fleisher. Today we remember Fleisher as a remarkabl… - 5 years ago

@EleonoreBuening: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@etucker82: For Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@RebeccaFKlein: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@b_vandooren: RT @irishpianoman: This is so nice... Bach - Capriccio "On the Departure of a Beloved Brother" BWV 992 - Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@arbakr: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@AndrewNemec2: RT @alexrossmusic: From my 2004 @NewYorker column about the magnificent, irreplaceable Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday at 92. The outpour… - 5 years ago

@omykappa: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@WSCL_WSDL: RT @yourclassical: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists has died of cancer. Leon Fleisher was 92. The pianist's roller co… - 5 years ago

@Lewinpiano: Whenever one of my students met Leon Fleisher, he would put his hands on their head and say “You are my musical gra… - 5 years ago

@ionarts: Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) - remembering the pianist, the teacher, and the conductor for WCR - 5 years ago

@kurtlizard: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@el_nacionalista: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años - 5 years ago

@DMajorTV: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists has died. Leon Fleisher was 92 years old. He died of cancer… - 5 years ago

@deniswirtz: RT @nyphil: The New York Philharmonic deeply mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher. He made his Philharmonic debut in Nov 1944, when he perfo… - 5 years ago

@bieder_claudia: RT @nyphil: The New York Philharmonic deeply mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher. He made his Philharmonic debut in Nov 1944, when he perfo… - 5 years ago

@nyphil: The New York Philharmonic deeply mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher. He made his Philharmonic debut in Nov 1944, w… - 5 years ago

@Luciano37173076: RT @kevfr16: RIP Léon Fleischer, un grand pianiste, et un des meilleurs 2eme de Brahms à ma connaissance. Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 2, Fle… - 5 years ago

@BuzzInsoliteFr: Leon Fleisher, le célèbre pianiste américain qui perdit un temps l'usage d'une main, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans… - 5 years ago

@LegendusEst: RT @bastianellijero: "La musique de Brahms convient bien à ma main encore convalescente, car elle est faite d’accords et non de gammes" Leo… - 5 years ago

@joseas_77: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@hetlarooprss: Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) was zelfs met één hand een meester - 5 years ago

@PeeksSneaky: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@KQEDarts: Leon Fleisher was born on the eve of the Great Depression in a city rebuilding the 1906 earthquake. But over his li… - 5 years ago

@HeardOnNPR: "Nocturne for piano No. 8 in D flat major, Op. 27/2, CT. 115" by Leon Fleisher #MorningEdition Search: - 5 years ago

@HeardOnNPR: "Sheep May Safely Graze" by Leon Fleisher #MorningEdition Search: - 5 years ago

@webenculture: Leon Fleisher, le célèbre pianiste américain qui avait perdu un temps l'usage d'une main, est mort à l'âge de 92 an… - 5 years ago

@PeledAmit: RT @JohnsHopkins: "With the passing of Leon Fleisher, the music world has lost one of its towering figures," says Fred Bronstein, dean at @… - 5 years ago

@heidi_moss: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@parool: Leon Fleisher (1928-2020): de pianist die zelfs met één hand een meester was - 5 years ago

@JonathanBlalock: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@BeCallipygian: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@eandtbooks: RT @ClassicFM: Tonight on the Classic FM Concert, a special tribute to the late Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday, aged 92. Join @johnsuche… - 5 years ago

@LudwigVanTO: RIP to Leon Fleisher, one of the greats - 5 years ago

@andrewsiff4NY: RT @coopnytimes: He overcame what easily could have been an insurmountable obstacle - 5 years ago

@instantkarmabln: RT @AusDystoniaSG: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two. A film about his struggle with focal dystonia, “Two… - 5 years ago

@SalaiCullell: Ahir es va morir el gran pianista Leon Fleisher. Als 50 i 60 va ser un gran virtuós, amb gravacions excepcionals de… - 5 years ago

@MargaritaSalasC: RT @JohnsHopkins: Leon Fleisher taught at the Peabody Institute for more than 60 years. Learn more about his talent, personality, and life'… - 5 years ago

@instantkarmabln: RT @alexrossmusic: From my 2004 @NewYorker column about the magnificent, irreplaceable Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday at 92. The outpour… - 5 years ago

@waynexfwang: RT @JohnsHopkins: "With the passing of Leon Fleisher, the music world has lost one of its towering figures," says Fred Bronstein, dean at @… - 5 years ago

@AMaddy2: Leon Fleisher, le célèbre pianiste américain qui perdit un temps l'usage d'une main, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans - 5 years ago

@nan22: RT @ClassicalMPR: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists has died of cancer. Leon Fleisher was 92. The pianist's roller coa… - 5 years ago

@mvoinchet: RT @francemusique: Suivez la voix de Frédéric Lodéon et redécouvrez les enregistrements légendaires du grand Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@francemusique: Suivez la voix de Frédéric Lodéon et redécouvrez les enregistrements légendaires du grand Leon Fleisher. - 5 years ago

@craigmatsuda: RT @coopnytimes: He overcame what easily could have been an insurmountable obstacle - 5 years ago

@PortugalSalgado: RT @nytimesarts: After losing the use of his right hand, he came to realize that the musicality and incisiveness that had been so widely ad… - 5 years ago

@Constancedu77: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@nausicaabambu: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@globovision: Muere el pianista Leon Fleisher a los 92 años | #InternacionalesGV | - 5 years ago

@jhu_cq: RT @HopkinsRetro: As we remember Leon Fleisher, we encourage you to check out the material he donated to @FriedheimLib! Over 1,000 items ca… - 5 years ago

@Bellairnet: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@HugoObjoie: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@DrewTur50474213: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@davideng: RIP, Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@fricsaymania: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@julie_d_roberts: RT @saradannerdukic: “You can’t see music as it passes through the air. You can’t grasp it and hold on to it. You can’t smell it. You can… - 5 years ago

@gritzygravy: via @nprnews: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92. #Genius #piano #music #RIP - 5 years ago

@ubcprez: Yo-Yo Ma on Leon Fleisher |Kennedy Center Honors - 5 years ago

@ernieschell: Leon Fleisher, 92, died yesterday. He was a spellbinding pianist using one hand or two - 5 years ago

@FredReibell: Ce titre est vraiment pathétique. 🙄 "Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort" - 5 years ago

@nickstefan: Klassik: Pianist Leon Fleisher ist tot - 5 years ago

@JacquesEmileMir: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@saradannerdukic: “You can’t see music as it passes through the air. You can’t grasp it and hold on to it. You can’t smell it. You… - 5 years ago

@Athena_Ergane: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@icp3_zero: Leon Fleisher – Listening For The Truth - 5 years ago

@petimiti: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@douraku_m: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@natejones808: Leon Fleisher (1928-2020) left, with President George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, and fellow 2007 Kennedy Cente… - 5 years ago

@dystobot: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@marmousier: RT @MusicMagazine: We pay tribute to the great American pianist Leon Fleisher, who sadly died yesterday. - 5 years ago

@benji9025: RT @lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d’orchestr… - 5 years ago

@filbiniou: RT @francemusique: Leon Fleisher, grand interprète ? C'est le cas de le dire ! Hommage à l'immense pianiste et chef d'orchestre américain… - 5 years ago

@lemondefr: Leon Fleisher, l’Obi-Wan Kenobi du piano, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans. Le grand musicien américain, également chef d… - 5 years ago

@riot_nathalie: - 5 years ago

@JuanEduardo6591: RT @DGclassics: We're deeply saddened about the passing of Leon Fleisher, a towering interpreter of the Austro-German Classical and Romanti… - 5 years ago

@petimiti: RT @nytimesarts: Leon Fleisher, a leading American pianist in the 1950s and early ’60s who was forced by an injury to his right hand to cha… - 5 years ago

@Agregenpoche: Leon Fleisher, le célèbre pianiste américain qui avait perdu un temps l'usage d'une main, est mort à l'âge de 92 ans - 5 years ago

@ectac69: Ectac - Le pianiste américain Leon Fleisher qui ne jouait que d'une main est mort - - 5 years ago

@cocozoe: RT @rosalieheuer: Leon Fleisher, renowned Baltimore concert pianist dies at 92. He was an amazing man who overcame great challenges to hi… - 5 years ago

@LaRola_: RT @tallerdeloido: Leon Fleisher (1928- 2020) Se está cerrando una época. - 5 years ago

@huku0513: ちょうど最近、彼のヘンバリが大好きでよく聴いていた…。明るくてのびやかなブラームス。 Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@CordaniOfficiel: RT @20minutesCult: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste américain qui ne jouait que d'une main, est mort - 5 years ago

@rosalieheuer: Leon Fleisher, renowned Baltimore concert pianist dies at 92. He was an amazing man who overcame great challenges… - 5 years ago

@FriedheimLib: RT @HopkinsRetro: As we remember Leon Fleisher, we encourage you to check out the material he donated to @FriedheimLib! Over 1,000 items ca… - 5 years ago

@Menandre_P: Disparition de Leon Fleisher, immense pianiste américain - 5 years ago

@EyeOfPat1: RT @995WCRB: Pianist Leon Fleisher passed away on August 2, at the age of 92. In 2013, Brian McCreath spoke with him about Ravel's Piano Co… - 5 years ago

@EdParentheses: Le grand pianiste Leon Fleisher vient de disparaître… (23 juillet 1928 — 2 août 2020). #hommage #musique #piano… - 5 years ago

@TommasiniNYT: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist Using One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@20mnent: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste américain qui ne jouait que d'une main, est mort - 5 years ago

@20minutesCult: Leon Fleisher, le pianiste américain qui ne jouait que d'une main, est mort - 5 years ago

@heifetz1901: 指揮:レオン・フライシャー新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団ラフマニノフ:交響曲第2番 第3楽章よりLeon Fleisher, conductorNew Japan PhilharmonicRachmaninov : Symphon… - 5 years ago

@McDougleChorus: I’m lucky enough to be able to trace my teachers directly back to Mr. Fleisher and was able to write his program no… - 5 years ago

@alocaltheater: RT @alexrossmusic: From my 2004 @NewYorker column about the magnificent, irreplaceable Leon Fleisher, who died yesterday at 92. The outpour… - 5 years ago

@ZebuletteC: RT @20Minutes: Le pianiste américain Leon Fleisher qui ne jouait que d'une main est mort - 5 years ago

@FriedheimLib: As the Peabody community mourns the passing of Leon Fleisher, we invite you to remember the inimitable artist, teac… - 5 years ago

@Menandre_P: レオン・フライシャーと聞いて思い出すのは村上(春樹)さんの「レオン・フライシャーの再起」(『'THE SCRAP'』所収)で、右手の腱鞘炎からの回復について言及されている。「ユダヤ人のユーモアというのは、日本人にはちょっと理解しが… - 5 years ago

@ManuelBrug: Leon Fleisher †: Die linke Hand Gottes - 5 years ago

@mejcb: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@ariya_wibisono: Rip Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@The_AmusingMuse: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@dystobot: RT @DystoniaIreland: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists Leon Fleisher undaunted by an initially mysterious hand malady… - 5 years ago

@ideastreamArts: Leon Fleisher, one of the 20th century’s greatest classical pianists, died yesterday. He was 92. Hear his 2011 con… - 5 years ago

@ZientekMary: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@leitmotivated: RT @GilbertConducts: I was so fortunate to spend time with and around Leon Fleisher. He literally and profoundly changed the way I (and so… - 5 years ago

@serenad69755899: RT @KotaroFukuma: R.I.P. Mo. Leon Fleisher🙏 フライシャー先生がお亡くなりになりました。昔クリーヴランドコンクールを受ける前にフランスの講習会で教えていただいたこと、その数年後ジストニアから復活後の生演奏を聴けたことは、私にとって一生… - 5 years ago

@KDFCPlaylist: Berceuse in Db Op 57 by Frederic Chopin performed by Leon Fleisher, piano - 5 years ago

@SergylB: - 5 years ago

@LizRemizowski: End of an era. Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@tjvillela: RT @p2173: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@omykappa: Leon Fleisher, sublime pianist undaunted by mysterious hand malady, dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@observadorpt: Morreu o pianista e maestro Leon Fleisher aos 92 anos - 5 years ago

@sjpetherbridge: RT @DystoniaIreland: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists Leon Fleisher undaunted by an initially mysterious hand malady… - 5 years ago

@DystoniaIreland: One of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists Leon Fleisher undaunted by an initially mysterious hand mal… - 5 years ago

@nihao_nico: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@ballettalks: RT @lang_lang: A very special birthday to my teacher, Gary Graffman. I had the very best time last night celebrating with Robert McDonald,… - 5 years ago

@omykappa: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@yeonsole: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a great pianist, who didn't let the loss of use in a hand stop the music. - 5 years ago

@AmberPianoCo: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@akashoubin0565: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@DundasMusic: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@LEM_M7: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@bokunoongaku: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@HopkinsRetro: RT @george_peabody: With the passing of Leon Fleisher, the music world has lost one of its towering figures. Our hearts go out to Leon’s wi… - 5 years ago

@shimagaya_tp: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@Nksagar: #Sagarmediainc Leon Fleisher Pianist dies at 92. Fleischer rose to prominence as a child prodigy in 1940s, his pl… - 5 years ago

@listening_16: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@TracyFine: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@Superalimentos: RT @SinEmbargoMX: Leon Fleisher, el pianista que tocaba únicamente con la mano izquierda, muere a los 92 años - 5 years ago

@krhschoirorc: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a great pianist, who didn't let the loss of use in a hand stop the music. - 5 years ago

@JORGIEMATHEW: If you are curious and want to know more about a very trending topic on internet ,search Leon Fleisher. #Leon Fleis… - 5 years ago

@evelinstudio: #Art Speaks: "Two Hands" by Nathaniel Kahn Q&A with Leon Fleisher The University of Chicago @UChicago… - 5 years ago

@sepulchra: RT @anastasiat: A major loss. Leon Fleisher was such a light and guiding force in so many ways. - 5 years ago

@okariaska: 레온 플라이셔도 많이 고령이셨구나, 영면하시길. : Bach, J.S. - 'Schafe können sicher weiden', BWV 208 [Leon Fleisher] - 5 years ago

@mica_9999: RT @LeonardSlatkin: Yesterday we lost one of the giants of the keyboard, Leon Fleisher. A true pianist’s pianist, Leon played and conducted… - 5 years ago

@mica_9999: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Der amerikanische Pianist Leon Fleisher ist tot, wie die @nytimes berichtet, ist er gestern im Alter von 92 Jahren in Balti… - 5 years ago

@Ina_fantasie: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@PatrickDMcCoy: @classicalbeat @fox5dc This beautiful tribute to legendary pianist Leon Fleisher, who has passed away. #gooddaydc - 5 years ago

@anastasiat: A major loss. Leon Fleisher was such a light and guiding force in so many ways. - 5 years ago

@SandrasPatricia: RT @mvoinchet: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@clarincom: Murió Leon Fleisher, el "Obi-Wan Kenobi del piano" que tocaba con una sola mano - 5 years ago

@quaichurchill: RT @stephanegrant: Disparition de Leon Fleisher, immense pianiste américain - 5 years ago

@varun18vijay: RT @GuardianUS: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@veritocvr: RT @Censelio: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@konaka_28: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a great pianist, who didn't let the loss of use in a hand stop the music. - 5 years ago

@PhBoissonnat: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste américain et chef d'orchestre Leon Fleisher est mort ce dimanche 2 août à Baltimore à l'âge de 92 ans… - 5 years ago

@AmerHoy: Murió Leon Fleisher, el "Obi-Wan Kenobi del piano" que tocaba con una sola mano - 5 years ago

@tansetu: 指揮:レオン・フライシャー新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団ラフマニノフ:交響曲第2番 第3楽章よりLeon Fleisher, conductorNew Japan PhilharmonicRachmaninov : Symphon… - 5 years ago

@pensionmonkey: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@staybeautiful66: RT @ClassicFM: Farewell to a great pianist, who didn't let the loss of use in a hand stop the music. - 5 years ago

@Iddybud: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@JooJacinto19: RT @SICNoticias: Morreu o pianista e maestro Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@jevoke: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@SICNoticias: Morreu o pianista e maestro Leon Fleisher - 5 years ago

@cklopoushak: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@scottrlevine: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@BradleyHFuller: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@mgibsonsf: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@CayoCornelio: RT @Censelio: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@helene_mahln: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste américain et chef d'orchestre Leon Fleisher est mort ce dimanche 2 août à Baltimore à l'âge de 92 ans… - 5 years ago

@rbbKultur: RT @BR_KLASSIK: Wir trauern um den Pianisten und Dirigenten Leon #Fleisher. Einen großen Musiker und Kämpfer. 🖤 #Nachruf #RIP - 5 years ago

@harsuke_a: RT @ton_ton_go_go: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@sabir_es: aora oji #elefen La pianiste Leon Fleisher mori con 92 anios - 5 years ago

@MJEvansmusic: RT @elijahho: Wrote my first @sfchronicle piece for #Fleisher's 90th birthday last year. I interviewed renowned pianists from 6 different g… - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@HaberGlobal: "Tek elli piyanist" Leon Fleisher, 92 yaşında öldü - 5 years ago

@TillMertens: @mlebear Two hour radio concert with Leon Fleisher recordings on @BR_KLASSIK tomorrrow Tuesday 2:05pm - 4pm (MEZ) -… - 5 years ago

@ClaudeAchilleDe: RT @francemusique: L'immense pianiste américain et chef d'orchestre Leon Fleisher est mort ce dimanche 2 août à Baltimore à l'âge de 92 ans… - 5 years ago

@mitsukomorikawa: 私の先生の先生です。合掌。 Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@JeffreyJDean: RT @imanimosley: we are so much poorer for this loss. i’m listening to the recording i took of a rehearsal under his baton & my heart is… - 5 years ago

@wizfun: Muere Leon Fleisher, el «Obi-Wan Kenobi» del piano que tocaba con una mano - 5 years ago

@KookABurra24: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Leon Fleisher, fallece a los 92 años; Pianista fascinante con una mano o con dos - 5 years ago

@ErreLandin: RT @MusicMagazine: NEWS: Leon Fleisher has died, aged 92. The American pianist was renowned for his performances of works for the left hand… - 5 years ago

@hikari100v: セル指揮クリ管とのシューマン&グリーグは愛聴盤でした。合掌…OK!(爆) - 5 years ago

@LauraBird03: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@LauraBird03: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@noroton3: レオン・フライシャーも亡くなってしまった…数年前聴きに行ったマスタークラスではお元気そうだったのに😢 Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or T… - 5 years ago

@IndyDandy: RT @GilbertConducts: I was so fortunate to spend time with and around Leon Fleisher. He literally and profoundly changed the way I (and so… - 5 years ago

@juanmanuelabras: RT @ICSOM: Sad News: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@paulbruere: Leon Fleisher’s life story is pretty amazing. - 5 years ago

@Becca_JF21: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@mig30m6: RT @GuardianUS: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@GottPianist: Another great musician has left us - 5 years ago

@AuntInAZ: RT @GuardianUS: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@DCourbier: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@GuardianUS: Leon Fleisher, US pianist who lost use of his right hand, dies aged 92 - 5 years ago

@AnchorSmad: RIP Leon Fleisher... - 5 years ago

@PhilippeVanKems: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@paoloigna1: BBC News - Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@VinceCressard: RT @mvoinchet: [ACTU/DÉCÈS] Leon Fleisher s’est éteint à l’âge de 92 ans 😢A écouter/réécouter, Leon Fleisher au micro de @EmilieMunera dans… - 5 years ago

@ZhiErnChew1: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@ignacioprego: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@ARCHIV0161: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@piano_blog: pianistmagazineAmerican pianist and conductor Leon Fleisher has died aged 92. More below 👇🏽 - 5 years ago

@orguemystique: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@orguemystique: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@chikatsushi: 深い感謝と祈りを。 東京文化会館で聴いた、ブラームス編の左手のためのバッハ「シャコンヌ」の精神的深さが忘れられません。 - 5 years ago

@joseph_doody: RIP. This headline makes it seem like the writer doesn't know too much about him, tbh - 5 years ago

@classicalfan: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@stephenlharding: @BBCNews Please could you correct the spelling of Mr Fleisher's name in the body of the text? BBC News - Leon Fl… - 5 years ago

@HakanEkmenPiano: "The performer is not the star. The music is the star" Renowned American pianist Leon Fleisher dies at 92 R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@mayumiura: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@EnterSa64248346: "Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two" - 5 years ago

@klassikcom: Pianist Leon Fleisher verstorben #Klavier #Piano Musiker wurde 92 Jahre alt - 5 years ago

@GilesMacDonogh: BBC News - Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@loudondems: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 : Deceptive Cadence - 5 years ago

@CianGaia: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@neandelthaler: RT @GilbertConducts: I was so fortunate to spend time with and around Leon Fleisher. He literally and profoundly changed the way I (and so… - 5 years ago

@blogunutve1971: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@UKHarpists: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@RAMoulds: My only near-encounter with Mr Fleisher was when he attended a concert that included my early (1980) piano suite. I… - 5 years ago

@GilbertConducts: I was so fortunate to spend time with and around Leon Fleisher. He literally and profoundly changed the way I (and… - 5 years ago

@LFPadrnB: Leon Fleisher (23-VII-1928 San Francisco, California, EE. UU./2-VIII-2020 Baltimore, Id.). R.I.P.… - 5 years ago

@WVandewieleW: - 5 years ago

@classicalfan: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@vaporware: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@peerlessvolfan: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 : Deceptive Cadence - 5 years ago

@dodekachordon: Leon Fleisher (23-VII-1928 San Francisco, California, EE. UU./2-VIII-2020 Baltimore, Id.). R.I.P.… - 5 years ago

@BrendanEWK: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@jmussuto: Top story: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@musiccams: Music in the news Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Christoph56789: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@cupcakekitty09: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@miyakotamura: RT @MasaoKitsutaka: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two 真の芸術家から発せられる空気感を間横で感じられたこと。数… - 5 years ago

@carsonkievman: RIP Leon Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@mvoinchet: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@dfjpt: RT @neuroMOOC: I was privileged to share a day with Leon Fleisher when he came to Chicago for a concert and offered to also talk to ⁦@UChiP… - 5 years ago

@leungpublishing: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@glenngouldien: @classicalbeat Leon Fleisher told me during an interview (in French) after Glenn Gould's death: "Je pense que c'ét… - 5 years ago

@d0cT0rGb: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@Onceatenor: RT @playinglesshurt: Very sad news Leon Fleisher legendary #pianist via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@MarissaSkud: RT @TerryTeachout1: Tonight’s lullaby, a Bach transcription by Egon Petri, is played by Leon Fleisher. Good night, Hilary. “Chazak, chazak,… - 5 years ago

@neuroMOOC: I was privileged to share a day with Leon Fleisher when he came to Chicago for a concert and offered to also talk t… - 5 years ago

@KlangForumHD: Zum Tod von Leon Fleisher, dem bedeutendsten Schüler Artur Schnabels. - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@AleksMyslek: Rest in peace, Maestro Leon Fleisher. Inspirational, kind, an incredible spirit. He will be greatly missed. - 5 years ago

@pianovoiceopera: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - PianoVoiceOpera - 5 years ago

@laran3313: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@FriseSally: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@MarieMoses1: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@Prince_leomessy: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@vcinbc: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@GonzaloLahoz: RT @PlateaMagazine: #ULTIMAHORA: Fallece el gran pianista estadounidense Leon Fleisher a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@AFGORSHKOVA2: Leon Fleisher, Mozart - Piano Sonata in E-flat major, K. 282 - 5 years ago

@AmigoMusic: - @BBCNewsEnts - Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@AFGORSHKOVA2: Leon Fleisher plays the Brahms' Piano Concerto n.1 1st movement: Maestoso (Part 1) - 5 years ago

@HAL_PLANNING: 最期の時に一緒にありたい1枚はレオン・フライシャーのTwo handsというアルバムで、この演奏は私の常にど真ん中にある。あちらへ旅立ってしまったのは寂しいけれどこの音楽とこれからも生きていく。ありがとう、レオン。 Schafe… - 5 years ago

@JyMalmasson: RT @Cirmeau: L’immense pianiste californien #Léon_Fleisher est mort samedi 1er août 2020 à Baltimore. Il venait d’avoir 92 ans le 23 juille… - 5 years ago

@Rachibly: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@fdelatorreb: Leon Fleisher Chacona. 5to movimiento de la Partita en Re menor BWV 1004 J.S. Bach - 5 years ago

@Its_Jaymo: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@PlateaMagazine: #ULTIMAHORA: Fallece el gran pianista estadounidense Leon Fleisher a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@MissDanniTiger: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@sethyashverma: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@DoldineR: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@apuntador: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@fdelatorreb: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@oluwajat: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@TheMilesShow: Heartbroken to hear the legendary Leon Fleisher has passed away. I’ll never forget singing Beethoven under his bat… - 5 years ago

@RoseBellitzia: RT @BBCNorthAmerica: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@timesave5: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@yoko_surya: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@site_zen: - 5 years ago

@Pakay20: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@ngvet: @null Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 The renowned pianis - 5 years ago

@MichaelGrew4: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@jazmasigan_2: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@KBNC1986: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@globalissuesweb: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@JeannetteRivi17: RT @BBCWorld: Leon Fleisher: Pianist who battled hand condition dies at 92 - 5 years ago

@Beltranomar02: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@leopalacios10: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@vinceoutlaw: RT @RichardScheinin: Leon Fleisher has passed: “There was always more to attain, and more to achieve, and more musical depths to plumb, and… - 5 years ago

@oberturatragica: - 5 years ago

@RexfelisLXIX: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@thechineseroom: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@hypervocal: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@undecuplet: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@AusDystoniaSG: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two. A film about his struggle with focal dystonia,… - 5 years ago

@Nefrette: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@emiko_jp: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@nadiakaneva: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@rozannekenney: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@DeborahGrace69: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@kanude: A beautiful story of a musician who overcame a early-to-mid career injury/disability. Leon's story reminds me of ho… - 5 years ago

@weforTrump: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@MangledDeutz: Leon Fleisher Chopin Nocturne in Db op. 27 no. 2 - 5 years ago

@thefoodera: By BY ALLAN KOZINN via NYT Arts via Blogger from WordPress… - 5 years ago

@lightstonerec: A beautiful story of a musician who overcame a early-to-mid career injury/disability. Leon's story reminds me of ho… - 5 years ago

@koko_kokoa100: RT @NPR: Leon Fleisher, one of America's most beloved and resourceful pianists, has died. He was 92. - 5 years ago

@miumiusann3: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@CircleReader: RT @tedgioia: Leon Fleisher, a leading concert pianist who struggled to overcome a debilitating hand injury, is dead at age 92. - 5 years ago

@andrewceverett: Leon Fleisher Two Hands is one of my favorite CDs. - 5 years ago

@pf_ryk: RT @miyujik: R.I.P. Great pianist, Leon Fleischer - 5 years ago

@sunshinenotes: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@thephoenixorch: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@HypnotistSarah: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - NPR - 5 years ago

@patticrane: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@cawilliamson: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@cashsla18071902: RT @glennsumi: Very sad. A monumental artist and teacher. His master classes, many in Toronto, were instructive and inspiring. Several reco… - 5 years ago

@JulieFelner: RT @p2173: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@giannamilan13: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@RandomUTFan: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@brentkuluris: - 5 years ago

@eKeejos: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@Muzewest: RT @RosemarieUmetsu: Rest in Power Leon Fleisher. Thank you for the legacy you leave us. Very grateful for the numerous times I had to expe… - 5 years ago

@ashita32203095: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@mg81992: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@ronmark: RT @FrankSalomonAs: What a joy it has been to have had Leon Fleisher as a friend and an honor to also have had a professional collaboration… - 5 years ago

@davidtwilbanks: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@WUOL: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@theoriginalkep: Damn. This sucks. - 5 years ago

@legallybae: RT @tedgioia: Leon Fleisher, a leading concert pianist who struggled to overcome a debilitating hand injury, is dead at age 92. - 5 years ago

@LATimesTVLloyd: RT @tedgioia: Leon Fleisher, a leading concert pianist who struggled to overcome a debilitating hand injury, is dead at age 92. - 5 years ago

@Jahaza: RT @tedgioia: Leon Fleisher, a leading concert pianist who struggled to overcome a debilitating hand injury, is dead at age 92. - 5 years ago

@tedgioia: Leon Fleisher, a leading concert pianist who struggled to overcome a debilitating hand injury, is dead at age 92. - 5 years ago

@aibahiro: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@kimbangtong: RT @miyujik: R.I.P. Great pianist, Leon Fleischer - 5 years ago

@ml_barnett: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@BARogers9: RT @AlecMacGillis: RIP one of our greatest pianists. His 1992 Schubert album was one of my introductions to classical piano; his 2014 "All… - 5 years ago

@CitizenFront: RT @amhill: What a loss. After Fleisher’s amazing Chopin the night the Meyerhoff opened, Sergio Comissiona told him, “I want to think of th… - 5 years ago

@FrankSalomonAs: What a joy it has been to have had Leon Fleisher as a friend and an honor to also have had a professional collabora… - 5 years ago

@BeauchampMel: RT @glennsumi: Very sad. A monumental artist and teacher. His master classes, many in Toronto, were instructive and inspiring. Several reco… - 5 years ago

@udupho: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@DP21230: RT @baltimoresun: Leon Fleisher, the internationally celebrated concert pianist and Peabody Institute faculty member for more than 60 years… - 5 years ago

@JanaiBrugger: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@michaeljoel: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@KarenDeCamp: Maybe 10 years ago, I acquired his Two Hands CD. Played it a lot driving kids around. Since March, when colleges cl… - 5 years ago

@EleanorWachtel: Sad to hear about the death of the remarkable pianist, conductor and educator #LeonFleisher age 92. I sat in on his… - 5 years ago

@2ndFiddle: RT @classicalbeat: I am so sad to share this news. I worked with Leon on his memoir, "My Nine Lives," and it was a privilege to get to spen… - 5 years ago

@GeorgeMathew: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@markmarcus7749: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@TimothyGWeir: In sports, he would’ve been known as an “impact player” whose career was cut tragically short, but in music - his r… - 5 years ago

@sAmUiLc: Leon Fleisher!! - 5 years ago

@takaochan0209: RT @ciurlionis: R. I. P. Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@AlecMacGillis: RT @amhill: What a loss. After Fleisher’s amazing Chopin the night the Meyerhoff opened, Sergio Comissiona told him, “I want to think of th… - 5 years ago

@pkpiano: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@Jeffrey84344798: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@Muzewest: We are saddened to hear of the passing of extraordinary pianist Leon Fleisher. He has left an incredible legacy of… - 5 years ago

@glennsumi: Very sad. A monumental artist and teacher. His master classes, many in Toronto, were instructive and inspiring. Sev… - 5 years ago

@retroporter: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@pmonlineuy: RT @aguiarcuello: #LeonFleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@sdbeck: I am so sorry to hear the news of Fleisher's passing. His journey through left-hand repertoire inspired so many of… - 5 years ago

@ferrismattic: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@RosemarieUmetsu: Rest in Power Leon Fleisher. Thank you for the legacy you leave us. Very grateful for the numerous times I had to h… - 5 years ago

@RachelMaston: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@ioiioi01: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@tks13ten: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@aguiarcuello: #LeonFleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 - 5 years ago

@Concert_Bayern: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@tRUT2AxXmO2cms4: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@hueymacrae: RT @george_peabody: With the passing of Leon Fleisher, the music world has lost one of its towering figures. Our hearts go out to Leon’s wi… - 5 years ago

@HOT_BacHi: Breaking News Click On The Below Link And Read: Leon Fleisher, 92, Dies; Spellbinding Pianist With One Hand or Two - 5 years ago

@ginga_no_hoshi: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@NcsVentures: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 | #teacher | #children | #kids | #parenting |… - 5 years ago

@ParentSecurity: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 | #teacher | #children | #kids - 5 years ago

@GregoryDEvans: Leon Fleisher, The Pianist Who Reinvented Himself, Dies At 92 | #teacher | #children | #kids - 5 years ago

@candide0617: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@FluteTisa: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Leon Fleisher has passed away - #LeonFleisher #Leon #Fleisher #rip - 5 years ago

@moar_solfege: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@MBPR: RT @zwoolfe: Leon Fleisher, 1928-2020 - 5 years ago

@likeabletoo: RT @SamLitzinger: - 5 years ago

@AleMascoloDavid: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@playinglesshurt: Very sad news Leon Fleisher legendary #pianist via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@AndreiStrizek: - 5 years ago

@Toppiripi: RT @AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@CharlesRealtor: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@MDLyricOpera: We mourn the legendary Leon Fleisher, who died today. He played w/ The MDLO Orchestra in November 2019 at the age o… - 5 years ago

@refinersfiremu1: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@oniontharada: RT @FurubeKen: RIP たくさんご一緒させて頂きました。本当にありがとうございました。心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。 - 5 years ago

@AmisRavelJapon: ピアニストのレオン・フライシャー氏逝去。享年92。 神経障害ジストニアにより右手の機能障害となり、左手のレパートリーを長年演奏し続けてきました。ラヴェルの左手コンチェルトも録音しました。 合掌 (NYTimes記事より) - 5 years ago

@ninedee21: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@kendroiddddd: RT @nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and revered… - 5 years ago

@moar_solfege: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@AndreiStrizek: RT @alexrossmusic: "There are so few notes, but so many implications." The great pianist, conductor, and teacher Leon Fleisher died today a… - 5 years ago

@cherylannecrews: RT @MarcAndreHam: RIP Leon Fleisher - the end of an era... - 5 years ago

@nprclassical: So sad to report the death of Leon Fleisher, one of his generation's most accomplished pianists, a versatile and re… - 5 years ago

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