Leo Panitch

Canadian political philosopher
Died on Sunday December 20th 2020

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Leo Panitch:

@grannyofmax: RT @Calderbank: Some links to pieces Leo Panitch wrote for @RedPeppermag, introduced with a tribute from @hilarypepper > - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: The convivial, practical road to socialism: a tribute to Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@olivertreanorm: A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@johnpmerrick: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago


@RakkaAsma: RT @BurbaumerB: Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch ! Leo Panitch était un grand penseur de l’économie politique internati… - 4 years ago

@RakkaAsma: RT @mclucal: ⬇️ Un très beau fil hommage à Léo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@mclucal: Un article de @BurbaumerB, qui approfondit son précédent fil sur Léo Panitch. Son travail sur la mondialisation imp… - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago

@rllycoolandgood: @technipion @AntonPilgram @spinningjoe @NuPopulism I mean, you can view the five-year bernie/corbyn project as an a… - 4 years ago

@lowpoint: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago

@Hermanzampa: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago

@rizomorph: The convivial, practical road to socialism: a tribute to Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@RanknFileX: RT @EmmaJackson57: my dad said two things about Leo Panitch while we mourned his passing this morning: "he was one of the most brilliant p… - 4 years ago

@COSTIS1202: RT @MarzenaZukowska: Stellar tribute from @RedPeppermag to an inspiring socialist thinker. Several of us had the honor to be in dialogue w… - 4 years ago

@DapperCharles: RT @Calderbank: Some links to pieces Leo Panitch wrote for @RedPeppermag, introduced with a tribute from @hilarypepper > - 4 years ago

@Pabloite: RT @Calderbank: Some links to pieces Leo Panitch wrote for @RedPeppermag, introduced with a tribute from @hilarypepper > - 4 years ago

@Calderbank: Some links to pieces Leo Panitch wrote for @RedPeppermag, introduced with a tribute from @hilarypepper > - 4 years ago

@TheFabledAesop: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago

@MattColeWorks: RT @MarzenaZukowska: Stellar tribute from @RedPeppermag to an inspiring socialist thinker. Several of us had the honor to be in dialogue w… - 4 years ago

@StevenW69808657: RT @RedPeppermag: 'Leo prefigured socialism in his everyday comradeship and collaborative ways of working. That is why his many comrades fe… - 4 years ago

@TorSean: RT @monthly_review: In Memory of Leo Panitch (1945-1920), Mentor, Colleague, Friend, from his comrades at Monthly Review. @mronline https… - 4 years ago

@maxshanly: RT @monthly_review: Sanjiv Gupta interviewed Leo Panitch in early September 2020. They discussed two issues which Panitch has studied and w… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @monthly_review: Sanjiv Gupta interviewed Leo Panitch in early September 2020. They discussed two issues which Panitch has studied and w… - 4 years ago

@NeilSmi04825194: RT @monthly_review: In Memory of Leo Panitch (1945-1920), Mentor, Colleague, Friend, from his comrades at Monthly Review. @mronline https… - 4 years ago

@monthly_review: In Memory of Leo Panitch (1945-1920), Mentor, Colleague, Friend, from his comrades at Monthly Review. @mronline - 4 years ago

@monthly_review: Leo Victor Panitch, one of the intellectual pillars of the Canadian left and a leading scholar of the global depred… - 4 years ago

@JofreJoseL: Leo Panitch’s Many Lessons on Living Under American Empire - 4 years ago

@StarOpinion: RT @StarOpinion: Rick Salutin: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@failingdark: NAKED KEYNESIANISM: Leo Panitch and the Lessons from Socialist Defeats - 4 years ago

@usv1980: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@Panchosilio: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@tolpuddlemartyr: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@FedAnarquista: Leo Panitch: 1945 – 2020 - 4 years ago

@MeruemGI: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@1BadBoy: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@FilippiMichel: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@epWeissengruber: RT @DeadPundits: The latest episode of DPS features a eulogy of my dear mentor, Leo Panitch. I also replay an interview I did for a B-Side… - 4 years ago

@Teresa_Kelly: RT @matt_fodor: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@ferchouam: RT @NakedKeynes: Some brief reflections on Leo Panitch and the lessons from democratic socialist defeats in recent years - 4 years ago

@SundayOperative: - 4 years ago

@micahuetricht: @jergong should get The Socialist Challenge Today, both because it's a good book and in loving memory of Leo Panitc… - 4 years ago

@dantasraissa: RT @filipeamendonca: “Quem fala de fascismo sem falar de capitalismo deveria ficar calado” Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@CBCAdrianH: RT @matt_fodor: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@yffwl: RT @monthly_review: Sanjiv Gupta interviewed Leo Panitch in early September 2020. They discussed two issues which Panitch has studied and w… - 4 years ago

@GabrielJDYoung: @hamadah_faisal I was watching old vids of Leo Panitch from c. 2012, when his book on US empire w Gindin came out,… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@MakeMasses: RT @monthly_review: Sanjiv Gupta interviewed Leo Panitch in early September 2020. They discussed two issues which Panitch has studied and w… - 4 years ago

@monthly_review: Sanjiv Gupta interviewed Leo Panitch in early September 2020. They discussed two issues which Panitch has studied a… - 4 years ago

@AaliyahBegum1: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@NewPoliticsMag: RT @NewPoliticsMag: Colin Leys, Sam Gindin, Ursula Huws, and Patrick Bond remember Leo Panitch, who passed away last week - 4 years ago

@1v4nD4r10: RT @NakedKeynes: Some brief reflections on Leo Panitch and the lessons from democratic socialist defeats in recent years - 4 years ago

@iwasid: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@OzgurDenizlicom: Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız — Erinç Yeldan - 4 years ago

@ArmesCritique: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@conurbanensis: RT @NakedKeynes: Some brief reflections on Leo Panitch and the lessons from democratic socialist defeats in recent years - 4 years ago

@paulogala: RT @NakedKeynes: Some brief reflections on Leo Panitch and the lessons from democratic socialist defeats in recent years - 4 years ago

@NakedKeynes: Some brief reflections on Leo Panitch and the lessons from democratic socialist defeats in recent years - 4 years ago

@browe05: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it | The Star - 4 years ago

@Atanvarn0: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@ProjectKearsley: RT @TorontoStar: Leo Panitch’s generosity was for me a defining trait, writes Rick Salutin. That’s not always so when you achieve his kind… - 4 years ago

@troy_hawkins: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@nudeasthenews85: RT @JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições oferecidas… - 4 years ago

@JacobinBrasil: RT @JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições oferecidas… - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @TorontoStar: Leo Panitch’s generosity was for me a defining trait, writes Rick Salutin. That’s not always so when you achieve his kind… - 4 years ago

@LiamShrivastava: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@JANEMCARTHUR11: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@TooMuchTiramisu: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@dmrider: Salutin: Leo Panitch’s anger at injustice never diminished, nor his determination to address it - 4 years ago

@jonathanotcher1: RT @TorontoStar: Leo Panitch’s generosity was for me a defining trait, writes Rick Salutin. That’s not always so when you achieve his kind… - 4 years ago

@TorontoStar: Leo Panitch’s generosity was for me a defining trait, writes Rick Salutin. That’s not always so when you achieve hi… - 4 years ago

@MarkMark37m: So there we are. The EHRC is "a politically appointed body of amateurs which lacks political balance and is known f… - 4 years ago

@irescuerabbits: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@tariqahsan: Nice obituary for wonderful writer, teacher, Leo Panitch. "When Jeremy Corbyn became Labour’s leader, it seemed to… - 4 years ago

@mojos55: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@monica71576291: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@DarrellChaloner: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@hartshorne133: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@OmarBaggili: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@tagamimp: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@lavenfall: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@chalkpithouse: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@giovannialecrim: RT @filipeamendonca: “Quem fala de fascismo sem falar de capitalismo deveria ficar calado” Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@xulat3: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@maxshanly: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@HowUpsetting: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@TomDCoates: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@elavalliere: Hommage à Léo Panitch par Bierre Beaudet: - 4 years ago

@rllycoolandgood: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page - 4 years ago

@emcnally96: One last (typically sharp) intervention on Labour from Leo Panitch & Colin Leys in this week's LRB letters page… - 4 years ago

@Leosfera: RT @filipeamendonca: “Quem fala de fascismo sem falar de capitalismo deveria ficar calado” Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@filipeamendonca: “Quem fala de fascismo sem falar de capitalismo deveria ficar calado” Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@ULojkine: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@PaschaseBroet: RT @EUwatchers: La mondialisation comme ordre étatique : hommage à Leo Panitch Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch ! Peu c… - 4 years ago

@matheusagaso: RT @BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à Leo Panit… - 4 years ago

@BurbaumerB: "La mondialisation comme ordre étatique" : Merci à la revue @Grand_Continent pour la publication de cet hommage à L… - 4 years ago

@gaseduardo: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@PodemElPuig: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@Semiramide35: RT @DanaiKoltsida: Ο πραγματικά κατάλληλος άνθρωπος να μιλήσει για τον Leo Panitch είναι ο Μ.Σπουρδαλάκης και το έκανε συγκινητικά στην Επο… - 4 years ago

@EUwatchers: La mondialisation comme ordre étatique : hommage à Leo Panitch Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Silverchild1: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον Leo Panitch | Κείμενα τιμής και αποχαιρετισμού που φιλοξενήθηκαν στον Τύπο των περασμένων ημερών :… - 4 years ago

@Gasp4Change: RT @toby_sanger: Leo was incredibly inspiring, influential, committed, just a lovely guy--and will be much missed. - 4 years ago

@adogslifeint_o: I just missed Professor Panitch during my time at York, but his text book, The Canadian State: Political Economy an… - 4 years ago

@jeromontero: All of Leo Panitch's contributions to the Socialist Register available for free - 4 years ago

@etbadabim: RT @BurbaumerB: Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch ! Leo Panitch était un grand penseur de l’économie politique internati… - 4 years ago

@queerthoughts: RT @mekon222: Very nice tribute to Leo Panitch by Rick Salutin in today's Star: - 4 years ago

@mekon222: Very nice tribute to Leo Panitch by Rick Salutin in today's Star: - 4 years ago

@LeftKretsos: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον Leo Panitch | Κείμενα τιμής και αποχαιρετισμού που φιλοξενήθηκαν στον Τύπο των περασμένων ημερών :… - 4 years ago

@GaryGannage: Reflections worth reading: The experiences & contributions of Leo Panitch and the interplay with his comrade in lif… - 4 years ago

@jonusko: A thoughtful column on this remarkable man. His work will continue to influence and resonate in the years ahead:… - 4 years ago

@COSTIS1202: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@Anna_Elefanti: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον Leo Panitch | Κείμενα τιμής και αποχαιρετισμού που φιλοξενήθηκαν στον Τύπο των περασμένων ημερών :… - 4 years ago

@Poulantzas_Inst: 🖋️Μιχάλης Σπουρδαλάκης, μαθητής και προσωπικός φίλος του Leo Panitch και μέλος του ΔΣ του ΙΝΠ, στην @h_epohi: "Για… - 4 years ago

@Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον Leo Panitch | Κείμενα τιμής και αποχαιρετισμού που φιλοξενήθηκαν στον Τύπο των περασμένων ημερών… - 4 years ago

@fesmcugtaragon: Recordando a Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@robito123: RT @MarMusto: Marx Collegium top 10 downloaded videos in 2020 4. Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ (2017) - 4 years ago

@relocationsUT: RT @CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@PodPill: RT @MattPolProf: An icon. Rest in peace - 4 years ago

@PalestineHouse: RT @socialistprojct: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@andreatorresgax: RT @MarMusto: Marx Collegium top 10 downloaded videos in 2020 4. Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ (2017) - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler –  Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@edina_girardi: RT @JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições oferecidas… - 4 years ago

@jotaemei: RT @JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições oferecidas… - 4 years ago

@JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições ofere… - 4 years ago

@Somos_Rebeldia: RT @MarMusto: Marx Collegium top 10 downloaded videos in 2020 4. Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ (2017) - 4 years ago

@Revista_Memoria: RT @MarMusto: Marx Collegium top 10 downloaded videos in 2020 4. Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ (2017) - 4 years ago

@Rosacatl: Recordando a Leo Panitch (1945-2020) @sinpermisoinfo - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler –  Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @allyPOUM: Red Talks Rewind: Leo Panitch and David Harvey on 17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism ... - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@CurtisDaly_: I hate this man with every fiber of my being. We lost so many greats such as Michael Brooks, David Graeber, Leo Pa… - 4 years ago

@DrK3Church: RT @CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@autom8: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@VortexBrito: Recordando a Leo Panitch (1945-2020) @sinpermisoinfo - 4 years ago

@ElizabethELeier: RT @CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@joyclinrc13: RT @CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: How Leo Panitch touched the lives of students, scholars and activists. - 4 years ago

@oita_etyang: RT @nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethinking R… - 4 years ago

@MarMusto: Marx Collegium top 10 downloaded videos in 2020 4. Leo Panitch -- The Challenge of Transcending ‘Capital’ (2017)… - 4 years ago

@Aldousmarx: RT @UnityNewsIndie: RIP Leo Panitch. The loss to this world is immeasurable 💔 - 4 years ago

@MG3904: RT @OFLabour: Ontario’s Labour movement is saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Leo Panitch.  In his honour we rise to imagine and make… - 4 years ago

@MG3904: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@VortexBrito: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@jovitim: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás… - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@Cumbria4Corbyn: RT @kofigraham: - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @allyPOUM: Red Talks Rewind: Leo Panitch and David Harvey on 17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism ... - 4 years ago

@IngarSolty: I wrote an obituary for Leo #Panitch for @jacobinmag . In the past couple days I've re-read a number of his pieces.… - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás… - 4 years ago

@bulbul_eyup: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@PaulTritschler: RT @CSEupdates: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime co-editor of the journal. ht… - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás… - 4 years ago

@alihaydarfirat: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler – Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@HumHum83: RT @socialistprojct: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler - Alex Colás… - 4 years ago

@umitdenizkurt: RT @politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler –  Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler –  Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@TR__Gundem: 🔵 Leo Panitch’in geçtiğimiz haftasonu zamansız ölümü uluslararası sol için trajik bir kayıptır. Kuzey Amerika, Birl… - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler -  Alex Colás… - 4 years ago

@politikyol: Haftanın Çevirisi | Leo Panitch’den Amerikan İmparatorluğu altında yaşamak üzerine dersler – Alex Colás - 4 years ago

@russell_lum: John le Carré. Leo Panitch. Barry Lopez. December 2020 decided to take great writers. It’s like December 2020 had s… - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@cfyves: #RIP Mr Panitch. I read The Making of Global Capitalism not that long ago. - 4 years ago

@Aline36659579: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@Rebeldiletante: Leo Panitch (1945–2020). "A esquerda global sofreu uma perda irreparável com a morte de Leo Panitch no passado fim… - 4 years ago

@Jane_WI: RT @harveyjkaye: My first contact with Leo Panitch... when I published in SOCIALIST REGISTER 1987, eds Ralph Miliband and Leo Panitch...… - 4 years ago

@made_of_twain: RIP LEO PANITCH, LEGIT ONE OF THE GREATS - 4 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@NotciasEducao1: New post in Notícias Educação: Por LEO PANITCH: Comentário do livro de Rebecca Tarlau, “Ocupando Escolas, Ocupando… - 4 years ago

@harveyjkaye: My first contact with Leo Panitch... when I published in SOCIALIST REGISTER 1987, eds Ralph Miliband and Leo Pani… - 4 years ago

@makekommunismg: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@ChronosKairos3: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@internationNYC: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - The Bullet - 4 years ago

@avmbalci: Leo Panitch ile Söyleşi: “Tüm Dünyadaki Sermayeler ABD’yi Kendi Devletleri Olarak Görürler” - 4 years ago

@Rebeldiletante: RT @EsquerdaNet: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@RaviMalh: RT @regwhit1: Words cannot begin to express the profound shock and grief at the terrible news of the passing of Leo Panitch - my oldest and… - 4 years ago

@Andreas_Bieler: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project, see - 4 years ago

@EsquerdaNet: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@RPCorpIntl: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@peggs_adam: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@navin391: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@MegW613: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@Broilster: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@dimitrilascaris: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@MarkusSamMerin: Ultimately a bit too optimistic in its prognosis but a really well thought out treatment of the Labour Party and it… - 4 years ago

@Aterraredonda1: Educação como prática da liberdade Por Leo Panitch Comentário do livro de Rebecca Tarlau, “Ocupando Escolas, Ocupa… - 4 years ago

@Pabloite: @dmk1793 I would have thought the recently passed away, Leo Panitch, not to mention Ralph Miliband, are two pretty… - 4 years ago

@BoogWinchester: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@_Ben_Franklin1: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@Harryslaststand: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics globally.… - 4 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch takes stock of the rise in socialist movements in other countries and what this means for politics glob… - 4 years ago

@CerasellaChis: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@paulewart23: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@tedmccoy: RT @socialistprojct: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@MiserableLes1: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @socialistprojct: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@SyzygySyzygysue: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@JamesRHutt: An important and powerful eulogy for Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@spiralunbound: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@jeffhermanson: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@LaprogreQ: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@pouch_captain: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@KemalUlker1: Let's put the record straight. Leo Panitch was an explicit adversary of Leninism. He advocated the formation of new… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @socialistprojct: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@gkealey: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project - 4 years ago

@rllycoolandgood: RT @malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Panitch… - 4 years ago

@malaiseforever: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Pan… - 4 years ago

@Rywatts4: @michalrozworski RIP Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@kofigraham: - 4 years ago

@AlbertoBeltranZ: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@SidShniad: - 4 years ago

@LaurieAdkin: - 4 years ago

@Chak_Bolay: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Vikkik88: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@Asher_Wolf: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@thebannerbright: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@DanMKervick: Behind the News, 12/24/20 Some outtakes from @DougHenwood⁩ interviews with Leo Panitch. Stimulating! - 4 years ago

@PaolaDiGiulio1: RT @JacobinItalia: Leo Panitch riteneva imprescindibile la socialdemocrazia ma la criticava da sinistra, e riconobbe in anticipo la tendenz… - 4 years ago

@Alexcl1690: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch has carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after w… - 4 years ago

@SyzygySyzygysue: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch has carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after w… - 4 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @_ericblanc: Leo was "deeply encouraged to see a new generation taking up the banner of socialism, returning to class struggle, and seek… - 4 years ago

@mdslock: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@tagladispute: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@accouder: Colin Leys and Leo Panitch - "James Butler writes that the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s report on… - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @allyPOUM: Red Talks Rewind: Leo Panitch and David Harvey on 17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism ... - 4 years ago

@elavalliere: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@KieraWatson11: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@trimifeda: RT @wrobertsfood: The Left and the Pandemic: Leo Panitch --- one of Leo's last publication - 4 years ago

@semalternativas: Leo Panitch no está muerto - 4 years ago

@guslits: A friend wrote saying they had read ex-Winnipegger Leo Panitch's obit in the Star and said he reminded them of me.… - 4 years ago

@llanerchymedd12: RT @allyPOUM: Red Talks Rewind: Leo Panitch and David Harvey on 17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism ... - 4 years ago

@AC_Resist: RT @allyPOUM: Red Talks Rewind: Leo Panitch and David Harvey on 17 Contradictions and the End of Capitalism ... - 4 years ago

@Michael91693258: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@mosaik_blog: RT @wrobertsfood: The Left and the Pandemic: Leo Panitch --- one of Leo's last publication - 4 years ago

@cfsmith: RT @DougHenwood: fresh audio product: a memorial to a great thinker, comrade, friend: Leo Panitch (1945–2020): two interviews, one with hi… - 4 years ago

@KidsNotMarkets: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@jordanohwell: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@fdeale: RIP Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@MichaelTomasel2: RT @DougHenwood: fresh audio product: a memorial to a great thinker, comrade, friend: Leo Panitch (1945–2020): two interviews, one with hi… - 4 years ago

@MichaelTomasel2: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@NewPoliticsMag: Colin Leys, Sam Gindin, Ursula Huws, and Patrick Bond remember Leo Panitch, who passed away last week - 4 years ago

@investmntwanker: No disrespect to the dead but if that Leo Panitch guy was as important as the social democrats would have you belie… - 4 years ago

@PPassavant: RT @DougHenwood: fresh audio product: a memorial to a great thinker, comrade, friend: Leo Panitch (1945–2020): two interviews, one with hi… - 4 years ago

@PPassavant: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@Matthuber78: RT @meaganmday: "If he had to choose between making an even bigger name for himself in the academy or impacting the real world, Leo chose t… - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: In memory of #leopanitch - 4 years ago

@RaeyHan: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@CousysCozie: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@barrywellman: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@gramsci33: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@Jelperman: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@ajagbeadewole: RT @DougHenwood: The text of my radio comments about Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@shaunkeller: RT @DougHenwood: fresh audio product: a memorial to a great thinker, comrade, friend: Leo Panitch (1945–2020): two interviews, one with hi… - 4 years ago

@conormooreLD: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@serdarguenes: The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy Of American Empire (pdf) by Leo #Panitch and Sam Gindin - 4 years ago

@serdarguenes: RT @istuetzle: That is very sad. I learned a lot from him. Like hardly anyone else, he has always emphasized that, despite all the talk of… - 4 years ago

@valentain1257: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@pedwardsshea: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@melformosa: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@sandyw_artist: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@JavidelalamoBA: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@Axolotl51: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@alxp: RT @SmashMammon: Leo Panitch defended working-class politics in times when many of his colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalism. His… - 4 years ago

@SakiAyseli: RT @emrkongar: Demokratik Sosyalizm konusunda aynı düşünüyorum. ⁦@ErincYeldan⁩ Panitch’i yazmış: “Bu söyleşisinde gezegenimizin yirmi bir… - 4 years ago

@SmashMammon: Leo Panitch defended working-class politics in times when many of his colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphali… - 4 years ago

@theMattachines: Leo Panitch RIP - 4 years ago

@drloisweiner: Best tribute to #leopanitch, not only smart and dedicated but "a really nice guy" as one @NewPoliticsMag board memb… - 4 years ago

@kfgibson: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@FAPareja: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@lawsofrule: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@GreenGoesLeft: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@adpucci: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@TinyMind_amt: RT @SocialistVoice: Leo Panitch was a mentor for a new generation of socialists He defended working-class politics even when many of his c… - 4 years ago

@theMattachines: I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy & knowledge that… - 4 years ago

@gillyworks: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@TunWellsSDF: RT @SocialistVoice: Leo Panitch was a mentor for a new generation of socialists He defended working-class politics even when many of his c… - 4 years ago

@SocialistVoice: Leo Panitch was a mentor for a new generation of socialists He defended working-class politics even when many of h… - 4 years ago

@EijaNiskanen1: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@ajmalalami: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@kaysey17: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@JeffDavies206: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@Hadrianus753: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@NGMcLaughlin: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@PrometeoNews: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@micbo5: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@meaganmday: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@Ashanti_Alston: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@Phil_Free_: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@esqbremen: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@maxshanly: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@LukewSavage: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal triumphalis… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday, defended working-class politics even when colleagues succumbed to neoliberal tri… - 4 years ago

@RedPeppermag: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@slackbastard: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@BertoltBrechts: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ClareFKing: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@mr29sylt: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@FocaalBlog: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@chakrabortty: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@sentimentalclio: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Sulo_Peiris: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@peggs_adam: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@Calderbank: RT @LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic socialist” in th… - 4 years ago

@LabourHub: Leo Panitch, the Canadian socialist intellectual and analyst of the British Labour Party, was a “democratic sociali… - 4 years ago

@marc_cart: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@nikhil_palsingh: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a d… - 4 years ago

@genski_g: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@adwilkin79: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@giovicon: RT @JacobinItalia: Leo Panitch riteneva imprescindibile la socialdemocrazia ma la criticava da sinistra, e riconobbe in anticipo la tendenz… - 4 years ago

@Broilster: @Johntheduncan @AndrewBartletta He really needs to read some effing Quinn Slobodian our Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@slaaaaaat: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@feslegenyazi: RT @feslegenyazi: Bugünlerde kaybettiğimiz değerli bilim insanı Marksist Leo Panitch’in makalesine linkten ulaşmak mümkün... - 4 years ago

@BettyTomsdottir: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) | Jewish Voice for Labour - 4 years ago

@wadoodhamad: - 4 years ago

@MoJabalameli: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@DownboundT: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@TafelsChetty: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@Spacehorn: RT @MimiProbably: - 4 years ago

@penttivuorinen: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@tinmangraham96: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@mbrayall: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@integralrising: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@yrukind: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@sandyw_artist: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@Jankowski60: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@theReal_Rebel: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@MimiProbably: - 4 years ago

@epWeissengruber: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@virginiaframsey: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@timeforjaya: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@MimiProbably: Thinking of Jim this week because he always appreciated me quoting Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@KenzoShibata: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@Eesy20: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@AlwaysFlacko: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@polywags86: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@nandorvila: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@MuqRaquer: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@AnthonyJQuezada: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@Keptopolarbear: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@parolanto: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@blumpfhaterbull: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@NoContextPMQ: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@BenBurgis: RT @shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building a workin… - 4 years ago

@shawngude: I think the best way to honor Michael Brooks and Leo Panitch is to carry forward their political projects: building… - 4 years ago

@Eleanor87606820: RT @Acadiensis: Everyone at Acadiensis is saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch last night. Our condolences to his friends, collea… - 4 years ago

@RedKettle_1904: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch will live on in the democratic socialism he espoused and the lives he touched. - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @LorneSossin: This is a huge loss. Leo Panitch was a terrific mentor and had this kind of impact on so many! @yorkuniversity - 4 years ago

@4ceBwithNotmeus: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@ESPLabourParty: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@red_black_cat: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@jcorley9: "In a world of polite but superficial niceties and sugarcoated small talk, Leo always gave it to you straight." I… - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@OpenlyClassist: RT @KtyYahoo: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) | Portside - 4 years ago

@NickVStH: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@paulgknox: Leo Panitch is a beacon for anyone seeking a path to social and economic justice through public power and full poli… - 4 years ago

@catethetwaate: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@basilabia: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@middletonlord: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@LittleBirdSteph: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@graceblakeley: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@alejomantillaq: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@cabachand: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@KungFuDruid: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: Leo Panitch didn’t just wave the banner of socialist revolution. He actually meant it. - 4 years ago

@CarlosG28761008: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@dfertl: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch has carried us through some of the most difficult periods in the history of the socialist left, as wave after w… - 4 years ago

@Andreas_Bieler: Leo Panitch’s Many Lessons on Living Under American Empire, see - 4 years ago

@Kahlissee: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Montelimar89: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@ChiSyndicalist: RT @thibault_luke: "The tenor of the moment is to say ‘we’ve only got five or ten years left’...But as a political strategy it is a dead en… - 4 years ago

@sickleftist: RT @thibault_luke: "The tenor of the moment is to say ‘we’ve only got five or ten years left’...But as a political strategy it is a dead en… - 4 years ago

@labourblackrose: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) | Jewish Voice for Labour - 4 years ago

@left_bh: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) | Jewish Voice for Labour - 4 years ago

@BHBAMELabour: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) | Jewish Voice for Labour - 4 years ago

@djbuckley_: @prodnose Gone at 75. Fair point. I bemoaned Leo Panitch's death at 75 to my wife. She said that didn't used to be… - 4 years ago

@AnarchistFedNet: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@PMPressOrg: "The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly w… - 4 years ago

@AC_Resist: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@AC_Resist: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@SidShniad: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Pete_Burdon: Vale - 4 years ago

@MasterOscarMD: I remember a class facilitation I did in Professor Justin Laird’s Health Disparities class. I was sharing how I was… - 4 years ago

@BrendaHazelhur1: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@largemovement: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@Gunes__Kurtulus: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@therightarticle: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place - 4 years ago

@tecnorojo: In honor of Leo Panitch's passing, the socialist register has opened up back volumes from 1985 to 2011, pre 1985 is… - 4 years ago

@dlkcinar: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@canersevindik1: - 4 years ago

@AndreasAndy3131: Leo Panitch 1945-2020 - 4 years ago

@AK_171173: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@oktayozdn: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@wellsow: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@BellaMyBeauty: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@sercantoprak15: Leo Panitch'in ardından... - 4 years ago

@devonshiremeads: The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place. His writings have carried us through some of the most d… - 4 years ago

@OurRevKansas: Leo Panitch and the Socialist Project: The death of Leo Panitch has made the world a darker place. His writings hav… - 4 years ago

@turalengin: Erinç Yeldan : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@wellsow: „Bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderung der Analysen und der Entwicklung realistischer Alternativen zum… - 4 years ago

@LewingtonTony: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@kaygusuzo: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@KahyaogluAli35: Erinç Yeldan : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@AtagencOmer: Erinç hocanın bugünkü yazısındaki vurgular çok kıymetli Erinç Yeldan : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız"… - 4 years ago

@important_89: Rest in peace Leo Panitch. A great socialist thinker and writer, and a huge loss. - 4 years ago

@ekonomikanaliz: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@krit_geschichte: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@Bukan86449783: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@mustfsnmz: RT @ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@DeadPundits: Still sad today about the passing of Leo Panitch. I don't know that I'll ever get over it, entirely. In any case, I… - 4 years ago

@ErincYeldan: Bugünkü yazım, ütopyalarımıza güzelleme : "Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız" - 4 years ago

@bkmunn: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@AMcorkery: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@DeadPundits: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@WSteveHart: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@mjwhigginson: If you want to learn about Leo and Gindin, this is a good place to start. Get it from your libraries or order it fr… - 4 years ago

@H_Uzun33: RT @cumhuriyetgzt: Erinç Yeldan yazdı: Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @CDN_Dimension: What Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin call a “marked turn on the left from protest to politics,” in the movements and campaign… - 4 years ago

@lilicairl: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@danduq00: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@shift_in2_turbo: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@shift_in2_turbo: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@PlusGTD: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@chuang_3: RT @micahuetricht: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy & knowledge that thei… - 4 years ago

@cumhuriyetgzt: Erinç Yeldan yazdı: Leo Panitch ve ütopyalarımız - 4 years ago

@AfterTheSands: I am mourning the death of my friend Leo Panitch, who died on Saturday. What a loss of a warm human being, a giant… - 4 years ago

@t_post7: RT @jacobinmag: "He was enabled by an amazing generosity of spirit. Leo was one of the most instinctively democratic people I have ever met… - 4 years ago

@angiebeeb: RT @jacobinmag: "He was enabled by an amazing generosity of spirit. Leo was one of the most instinctively democratic people I have ever met… - 4 years ago

@LittleBirdSteph: RT @jacobinmag: "He was enabled by an amazing generosity of spirit. Leo was one of the most instinctively democratic people I have ever met… - 4 years ago

@middletonlord: RT @jacobinmag: A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020). Join us tonight at 6pm ET. - 4 years ago

@PowerofAcademe: RT @danielbeland: - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: "He was enabled by an amazing generosity of spirit. Leo was one of the most instinctively democratic people I have… - 4 years ago

@danielbeland: - 4 years ago

@penttivuorinen: - 4 years ago

@mcgarry_n: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@e_mantzari: Tribute to Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@afinnthing: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @CDN_Dimension: What Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin call a “marked turn on the left from protest to politics,” in the movements and campaign… - 4 years ago

@television9876: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@JamesConran1: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@PenkalCory: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@abedtakriti: RT @RafeefZiadah: Leo Panitch had a major influence on all of us who studied Politics @yorkuniversity, and more broadly of course. Still ha… - 4 years ago

@MegW613: RT @rabbleca: Leo Victor Panitch, one of the intellectual pillars of the Canadian left and a leading scholar of the global depredations of… - 4 years ago

@PTabasinejad: RT @CDN_Dimension: What Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin call a “marked turn on the left from protest to politics,” in the movements and campaign… - 4 years ago

@Oz10G: RT @trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@mlbitton: Leo Panitch was a formidable intellectual, and this piece is a fantastic tribute to his life and work. - 4 years ago

@NicolaMelloni: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@Martha_Vickers: RT @feslegenyazi: Bugünlerde kaybettiğimiz değerli bilim insanı Marksist Leo Panitch’in makalesine linkten ulaşmak mümkün... - 4 years ago

@yungsnorlaxx: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@pricklyeater: He had recently been diagnosed with multiple myeloma but had contracted COVID-19 and developed pneumonia. - 4 years ago

@matankaminer: RT @micahuetricht: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy & knowledge that thei… - 4 years ago

@NotHoneyWest: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: RT @sunraysunray: "I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy and knowledge that the… - 4 years ago

@_recht_: RT @CDN_Dimension: What Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin call a “marked turn on the left from protest to politics,” in the movements and campaign… - 4 years ago

@GregEqEd: RT @trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@M_S_Fricker: RT @trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@Smolleadernim: RT @trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@JANEMCARTHUR11: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@JohnOCAP: RT @trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@LabourHub: RT @LabourHub: “If class power is reproduced through the social infrastructure of the capitalist state, so too can it be undone by democrat… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@j0s3fk: RT @jacobinmag: Leo Panitch was a pillar of the international left — and the world feels quite a bit colder without him. - 4 years ago

@trapdinawrpool: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 | - 4 years ago

@meaganmday: Excellent remembrance of Leo by Vivek Chibber, provides a good overview of his intellectual contributions - 4 years ago

@EuropeanBerlin: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@abg_zeitschrift: Daumen hoch! @haymarketbooks hat das gemeinsame Buch von Leo #Panitch mit Sam Gindin (The Socialist Challenge Today… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @socialistprojct: Professor Leo Panitch was an equal-parts brilliant and generous public thinker who worked toward the betterment of hum… - 4 years ago

@NamaloomInsan: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@truthtotweet: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@PrecariatWISH: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: What Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin call a “marked turn on the left from protest to politics,” in the movements and cam… - 4 years ago

@StephenKMackSD: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: RT @jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly warm, invi… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: The global left has suffered an irreparable loss with the passing of Leo Panitch this weekend. He was incredibly wa… - 4 years ago

@morgenbummler: RT @onachtwey: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@infitxt: RT @JonahB1793: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@kate4peace2020: RT @LeftUnityUK: We at transform! europe, along with many around the world, were shocked to hear of the death of Leo Panitch from COVID-19… - 4 years ago

@sumayaawad: “That was Leo. I have met few people in my life so warm, so inviting to others, soaking up every ounce of energy an… - 4 years ago

@onachtwey: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@DulzuraElegua: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ajmalalami: RT @maxshanly: - 4 years ago

@Dominiq92516944: Beloved teacher, public thinker & historian of the Canadian state, Leo Panitch, has died of COVID-19 - Panitch taug… - 4 years ago

@JonahB1793: Leo Panitch (1945–2020) - 4 years ago

@alihalukimeryuz: gnydn... geçtiğimiz Cumartesi kaybettiğimiz Leo Panitch'in son kitabı "Sosyalizm Arayışı"nı paylaşıma açmış Verso. - 4 years ago

@SilvaRecabarren: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@mkelek: @KIngPylon @kaythird @cafreeland I have a friend in Australia leading a pretty much normal life right now. They do… - 4 years ago

@MadsBarbesgaard: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ChaunceySprague: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@falcodelcarrer: RIP Professor ✊🏻 - 4 years ago

@edgarsfloresb: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@armtotheleg: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@basmith: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@juana_liendo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@juana_liendo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@mdslock: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@schuklenk: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of #COVID-19 - - 4 years ago

@the_Ormie: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @JOHNROYTAYLOR: @jon_trickett Check out this appearance by #leopanitch on @allthebestcast. A podcast by @mattzarb & @maxshanly and hos… - 4 years ago

@FashionConscBtc: RT @_SimonBlack: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@MassimoGrueber: RT @JamesParisot: “(Panitch) thought on a bigger scale,” Gindin said. “His death doesn’t stop that kind of a dream. He saw himself as part… - 4 years ago

@babcia54: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @Alex_24397: @ElaineDyson1 My #SocialistSunday is dedicated to RIP #LeoPanitch (1945 – 2020) . - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@GrumpyNoMore2: RT @DemSocialists: A great socialist educator, activist, and thinker gone due to COVID complications. Leo Panitch presente! - 4 years ago

@efrenferreira21: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@chripe_77: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@RichurdSweat: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@Lefty_Mind: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@roraima35468445: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ForgeOrganizing: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@FoodSociologist: Just learned that Leo Panitch died of complications from COVID-19, which he contracted in hospital during cancer tr… - 4 years ago

@SebWrites: RT @wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @CBCAdrianH: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@FactNc: RT @CymbusN: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@CymbusN: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@1Yuriyouri: rest in peace Leo Panitch! very sad by his loss&the fact I was close twice to getting an interview but it never hap… - 4 years ago

@theleftchapter: Nice tribute: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@doreennicoll61: - 4 years ago

@northsunm35: RT @_SimonBlack: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@TheMuscleWpg: A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@DJDynamicNC: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@earthlyhands: A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020) @jacobinmag - 4 years ago

@sungwookim: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ASCILIA: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@acurrie254: @Lefty_Mind Who is Leo Panitch? - 4 years ago

@WColme: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@Digi17006688: RT @wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@pedroscarsalasm: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@Verito90320298: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@fionadove: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@eduardo04162745: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@Thepowerdresser: RT @wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@Missolsitos: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@davidrieff: RT @wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@yeruvakabooks: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@greycells: RT @wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@LTheChief19: RT @micahuetricht: Leo Panitch's death over the weekend is crushing, hard to wrap my mind around. Few thinkers are more influential to us a… - 4 years ago

@wrobertsfood: Leading socialist theorist and public intellectual, Leo Panitch, dies of Covid - 4 years ago

@Ahnonymust: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@riporip: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@vitexv: RT @JacobinBrasil: O intelectual e militante socialista Leo Panitch, que infelizmente nos deixou recentemente, analisa as lições oferecidas… - 4 years ago

@laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo… - 4 years ago

@judyrebick: RT @ErikaShaker: “(Panitch) thought on a bigger scale. His death doesn’t stop that kind of a dream. He saw himself as part of a longer-term… - 4 years ago

@paulgenesis5: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@meunierd: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@LabourAbroad: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@AnarchistFedNet: Remembering Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Lefty_Mind: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@PeterDi93628174: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Joel_FM_: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@davies_nichola: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@sjdeclerck: RT @_SimonBlack: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@SwingLeftBR: 😥😥 A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020) - 4 years ago

@BrokenGeek: RT @DemSocialists: A great socialist educator, activist, and thinker gone due to COVID complications. Leo Panitch presente! - 4 years ago

@MrBenSellers: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@gracemjjfan: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Lefty_Mind: I am trying to educate myself on Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@adamhudson5: RT @muratucoglu: I'm terribly saddened and shocked to hear that Leo Panitch, one of the leading comrades of the global left and one of the… - 4 years ago

@UTZAAKE: RT @micahuetricht: Sam Gindin, Leo Panitch's longtime friend and coauthor: “(Panitch) thought on a bigger scale. His death doesn’t stop tha… - 4 years ago

@k_deamer: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@nigel7272: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@SteveNickSmith: RT @jacobinmag: A Tribute to Leo Panitch (1945-2020). Join us tonight at 6pm ET. - 4 years ago

@MerrillHayes7: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@odio_nao: RT @nomelouco37: Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@borges_cidalia: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@irincones_RNO: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@shift_in2_turbo: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@adwilkin79: RT @socialistprojct: Professor Leo Panitch was an equal-parts brilliant and generous public thinker who worked toward the betterment of hum… - 4 years ago

@shift_in2_turbo: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@AliceRichIV: RT @Never_Again2020: You're so sad at the loss of Leo Panitch, you can't even be bothered to spell his name correctly. - 4 years ago

@bookingclubpod: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@sciolist_monk: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Fact_Reason: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@Fact_Reason: RT @DavidGriscom: I didn’t know Leo Panitch personally - but I’ve seen him speak and know so many who he taught. What a loss, Panitch had a… - 4 years ago

@Mithraic: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@JuricanV: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@sickleftist: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@SamPalm47610884: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@Kulinski_crat_1: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@Kulinski_crat_1: RT @DavidGriscom: I didn’t know Leo Panitch personally - but I’ve seen him speak and know so many who he taught. What a loss, Panitch had a… - 4 years ago

@LucianoKMiranda: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Kulinski_crat_1: RT @jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: We’ll be live in a couple of hours with a brief tribute to our comrade Leo Panitch (1945-2020). - 4 years ago

@Hepsi_Hikaye: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@alexsimon7: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@licina135: RT @DemSocialists: A great socialist educator, activist, and thinker gone due to COVID complications. Leo Panitch presente! - 4 years ago

@micahuetricht: Just last month, Panitch was on a livestream w/ @meaganmday, who sent me this screenshot of Leo excitedly holding u… - 4 years ago

@CraigCarys: Beloved teacher and public thinker Leo Panitch has died of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@ttya70: Leo Panitch氏が亡くなったとのこと。 - 4 years ago

@__eidola__: RT @DemSocialists: A great socialist educator, activist, and thinker gone due to COVID complications. Leo Panitch presente! - 4 years ago

@monsieurashton: Very sad news about the passing of Leo Panitch. I picked up The Canadian State as a 20-year old and it's not an exa… - 4 years ago

@SamvgWr: RT @djclimenhaga: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@RaineLHu: RT @micahuetricht: Leo Panitch's death over the weekend is crushing, hard to wrap my mind around. Few thinkers are more influential to us a… - 4 years ago

@sajeriva: RT @laradiodelsur: #Venezuela lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo - 4 years ago

@micahuetricht: He cowrote a short, excellent book on Bernie, Corbyn, and Syriza that was rereleased this year — exactly the kind o… - 4 years ago

@Phil_Free_: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@NGMcLaughlin: RT @MattPolProf: An icon. Rest in peace - 4 years ago

@js_ovadia: Nice tribute to Leo Panitch in @TorontoStar - 4 years ago

@victorialovm: RT @micahuetricht: Leo Panitch's death over the weekend is crushing, hard to wrap my mind around. Few thinkers are more influential to us a… - 4 years ago

@ajmalalami: RT @michaelmuir1997: Rest in peace Leo Panitch. A very fine comrade, a very fine human being. Here he is looking very dashing and young wit… - 4 years ago

@integralrising: RT @MattPolProf: An icon. Rest in peace - 4 years ago

@integralrising: RT @PodPill: R.I.P - 4 years ago

@AlexLam99: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@dem8z: RT @public_archive: An interview with the late Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@SemprunTefa: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@rfmacip: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ChuquiZambrano: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@NoPizzaScissors: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@stevewbarnett: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@davidkmcgown: It is always a fascinating moment when comparing how the twitter time lines of my partner and I diverge. I note thi… - 4 years ago

@LargeWlarge63: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@Jason_Alward: RT @ndp_pei: Leo Panitch 1945-2020 #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@JohnOCAP: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@LukaMesec: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@morqon: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@CamilleGinger: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@Alex_Historian1: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@E73HS: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@SebastosPublius: RT @bradbelltv: Fuck you, 2020! For @mattzarb from yesterday, Leo Panitch, @davidgraeber, @nikadubrovsky, Kieff Stalin and the Blairite Sui… - 4 years ago

@diarlisgamarra: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@EdgarUtrera6: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@diarlisgamarra: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@RosieLReader: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@viajelibre: RT @cabachand: Leo Panitch (1945-2020) a largement contribué à la pensée politique progressiste et socialiste au Canada #cndpoli #polcan Vo… - 4 years ago

@httptham: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@annie_etc_: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@lucia91473857: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@abrahanzambra11: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@lucia91473857: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@csoppenhuizen: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@JohnOCAP: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Minellysm: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AlbaMokopane: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @Lefty_Mind: How did I not know of Leo Panitch, when I am a leftist who GOES TO YORK???? - 4 years ago

@ormanhaci: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@Michael11011638: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@CalderoneAngela: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@CalderoneAngela: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@carolinenair1: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@WlfreY: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@LuvFB_HateFifa: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@MiawallaceB52: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@red_black_cat: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ajagbeadewole: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@hibist: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@r0guetrainer: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@ereyvith1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ianlisser: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@noktahaberyorum: Aklın Devrimci İyimserliği Üzerine | Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@BurbaumerB: Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch ! Leo Panitch était un grand penseur de l’économie politique i… - 4 years ago

@victori14567694: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@colonbiyenis: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@colonbiyenis: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ideoh: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Molcula2: A principios de 1970 ya le acusaban exactamente de eso. El "Bennismo" apareció en los medios de comunicación como u… - 4 years ago

@victori14567694: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@RobbyTipps: RT @SimonPoelchau: Leo Panitch ist am Wochenende gestorben. Der kanadische Marxist war einer der ersten großen Denker, die ich für @ndaktue… - 4 years ago

@TomCornford: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@andrewfeinstein: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@Melissa_Benn: RT @jemgilbert: Leo Panitch did so many things; but this recent series of online seminars was a great recent contribution: - 4 years ago

@adnanahusain: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@professor_evy: RT @nikiashton: Saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. A left wing educator and visionary. His legacy will live on through his wor… - 4 years ago

@fosmeg87: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@ChronosKairos3: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@ndaktuell: RT @SimonPoelchau: Leo Panitch ist am Wochenende gestorben. Der kanadische Marxist war einer der ersten großen Denker, die ich für @ndaktue… - 4 years ago

@TaimazRanjbaran: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@adnanahusain: A terrible loss to Covid-19, a pillar of the global left and famous interpreter of Marx. Leo Panitch will be missed… - 4 years ago

@mrjelfs: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@MarzenaZukowska: RT @RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorel… - 4 years ago

@SimonPoelchau: Leo Panitch ist am Wochenende gestorben. Der kanadische Marxist war einer der ersten großen Denker, die ich für… - 4 years ago

@maria139979304: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Shadz66Shadz6t6: RT @manifesto2000: @Shadz66Shadz6t6 @duncanmacmartin @devisridhar - 4 years ago

@RedTinted: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@wirkgeheimrat: damn, Leo Panitch zmarł. - 4 years ago

@maria139979304: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@professor_evy: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@dascott66: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Reservoir_fox_: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@JodiKoberinski: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@Gargi_at_home: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@red_dodger: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@fizzyclare: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Javier60154518: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@EnigmaofCapital: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@freites_orlando: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@l_dunn1: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@TONE1923: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Dimitra_Span: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@KellettRyerson: RT @MalindaSmith: Prof. Leo Panitch was a longtime editor/coeditor of the journal Socialist Register, which is paying tribute by making ava… - 4 years ago

@KS4P45: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@A_Filter: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@Eire353: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@mmmurmuration: Listen to these, then become a patron. I've learned so much from PTO. RIP Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@l_dunn1: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@abembia1: #leopanitch I am in disbelief and shock that Prof Leo Panitch has passed on to eternity. I enjoyed his Globalisatio… - 4 years ago

@MariaPradaU: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Javier60154518: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@LabGrassroots: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@maxshanly: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@Mr___Mesh: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@ThisIsMattWolf: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch sadly passed away on Saturday. Leo was an author, a friend and a comrade of Verso, and his death is a devastati… - 4 years ago

@3_elephants: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@stevewbarnett: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@jose22255158: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@evanishistory: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@alex_callinicos: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@jose22255158: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@alexdoherty7: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@bsazzled: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@russellhaggar1: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@JudyMat19614093: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@FranciscaColin4: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@wilouwatson: RT @poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo on Ra… - 4 years ago

@Inf_Alternativa: Leo Panitch: 1945 – 2020 - 4 years ago

@FranciscaColin4: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: The two extended versions of the interviews PTO did with Leo Panitch are now available to non-patrons. Here's Leo o… - 4 years ago

@mattpolacko: RT @R_Sigurdson: Condolences to the family, friends, students & colleagues of Leo Panitch, one of Canada’s leading political economists. So… - 4 years ago

@ginasue: A stunning red wreath in my neighborhood; a heavy heart from the news of the death of one of my mentors Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@grahamemorris: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@tinyredharvey: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@claracampostor1: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@grahamemorris: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@Marvscouncil: RT @alex_callinicos: Searching for Socialism - Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@GrayKinghorn: 'Socialist Register' archive, the journal that Leo Panitch co-edited from 1985 onwards, is available online. Issues… - 4 years ago

@solseritte: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@LAUGEEPaul: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@wadoodhamad: #Leo_Panitch... - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: Remembering Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Mariang66275282: RT @maurizioacerbo: Apprendo la triste notizia della scomparsa di Leo Panitch, uno dei più importanti intellettuali marxisti contemporanei.… - 4 years ago

@suchabuzzkill1: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@obp148: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@KirstenSams: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@SebNarciso: RT @whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt so much f… - 4 years ago

@_Bleam: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@obp148: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@seanphelan8: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@KimEngland12: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@wdStrickler: RT @TheRealNews: The Real News is sorry to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, a long time contributor. Please enjoy his many appearance… - 4 years ago

@johnpmerrick: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@alex_callinicos: Searching for Socialism - Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@DiscoverThee: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@SibbyMcC: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@RealBearHours: A lot of people are sad about Leo Panitch. I can’t even do kayfabe here I hope he rots in hell - 4 years ago

@jacquishimidzu: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@WeeBloz: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@JohnMcMarx: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@JordanGSmith25: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@sreddi_515: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@Fco333Gomez: Leo Panitch: 1945 – 2020 - 4 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@aracelisdemeder: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@SeanMac_R: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@bradbelltv: Fuck you, 2020! For @mattzarb from yesterday, Leo Panitch, @davidgraeber, @nikadubrovsky, Kieff Stalin and the Blai… - 4 years ago

@aracelisdemeder: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@johnnymup: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@AkalEditor: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@Araceli91907242: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@melaniekmelvin: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@GGG_says: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Berkhl: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@Araceli91907242: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@nanciparra1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@B_E_SANG: RT @logical_revolt: RIP Leo Panitch (1945-2020). 밀리반드의 제자이자 (전지구적 자본주의에서의) 신제국주의론을 주장한 정치경제학자 레오 파니치의 부고: - 4 years ago

@thundergay2049: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Antollamh: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@harley_handy: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @MalindaSmith: RIP. Prof. Leo V Panitch, FRSC, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Canada Research Chair (Comparative P… - 4 years ago

@AlShah001: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@ShakiraQwabe: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@ChristinedePulf: RT @joveest: "We have to be able to think in terms of ten, fifteen or twenty years. There is fundamental class and organisational rebuildin… - 4 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@say_ferrer: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@jammcghee: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@alexwbrent: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@e500v: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Okavangomick: RT @HenryGiroux: So sad to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Leo Panitch who embodied what it meant to combine theoretical rigor and c… - 4 years ago

@essbee1972: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@AtomBombBarbie: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@GandhisGhost: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Anna_Elefanti: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον #LeoPanitch, δημοσιεύουμε στο site μας ολόκληρη τη διάλεξη που είχε δώσει το 2008, στο πλαίσιο της… - 4 years ago

@luzardojonathan: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@JohnSmi53881214: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@16459742: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@joinaunionpls: RT @marcusbarnett_: Going through old emails from Leo Panitch & found one where he was so excited by what he called “delicious” gossip abou… - 4 years ago

@AmarilsG: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Privaricate: David McNally's moving tribute to Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@AliCairns3: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Yordy78419576: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: RT @R_Sigurdson: Condolences to the family, friends, students & colleagues of Leo Panitch, one of Canada’s leading political economists. So… - 4 years ago

@HoyElyTuiteo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@hct2906: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@QuirogaDr: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@luis_aborigenve: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@fbcoach1116: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Leahy7Leahy: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@mateoizquierd0: RT @LeftwordBooks: - 4 years ago

@DarrenWoolsey1: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@VirginiaHosped1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@radityaa_an: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@kofigraham: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@ersil_m: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@tomdrabowicz: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@TuiterosD: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@EDUARDOSOPHOS: RT @JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Register e… - 4 years ago

@elisha1022: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@gabemkc: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@Susan_Prinzi: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@BBukal: RT @r_bellofiore: Leo Panitch died for covid in the hospital. He was one of the left wing intellectuals from whom I learnt so much. Very of… - 4 years ago

@ODAKEDH: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@CEMartinsUFRJ: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@eganc6: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@KevinTitley62: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@txemasg: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@SSkoutajan: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@One_Advaita: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@analispolitik: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@AvalynWu: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@UselessBxWeeb: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@cleggy261: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@tintagelpot: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@yarbymcrea: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@_rebelion_org: Leo Panitch: 1945 – 2020 - 4 years ago

@PhillipTkm421: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@lynnechester: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@lynnechester: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@Eric0Lawton: RT @djclimenhaga: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@viralvideovlogs: RT @djclimenhaga: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@dmayhood: RT @djclimenhaga: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@tanc_rant: Just when I thought the awfulness of 2020 couldn’t get any worse, I’ve just found out Leo Panitch has died of COVID… - 4 years ago

@strelnikov494: RT @SethDKlein: Very sad to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch yesterday. Another giant of progressive thought in Canada leaves us. Stagger… - 4 years ago

@Love_ceez: RT @SanbonmatsuJ: Leo Panitch, whom I knew, died yesterday of COVID-19. Leo was a towering figure on the Canadian left, co-editor for many… - 4 years ago

@RealProHumanist: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@djclimenhaga: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19. - 4 years ago

@vicvaiana: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: Passings: Leo Panitch, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus – YFile - 4 years ago

@netbuoy: Leo Panitch, intellectual pillar of the Canadian left, dead at 75 of COVID-19 - 4 years ago

@AlwaysFlacko: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@frolferguy420: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@DayanVanessaSa2: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@one_in_10: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@MaryamSilmaril: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@borkhappening: "The Making of Global Capitalism by Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin" - 4 years ago

@PrestoVivace: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@LukewSavage: RT @sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but how mu… - 4 years ago

@sunraysunray: I only got to know Leo Panitch back in 2011 and Michael Brooks in 2013. It's crazy how little time had passed, but… - 4 years ago

@aidasuarez4: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AndreaSan18: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @SethDKlein: Very sad to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch yesterday. Another giant of progressive thought in Canada leaves us. Stagger… - 4 years ago

@ChuquiZambrano: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@PeetzDavid: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@trishpaton: RT @SethDKlein: Very sad to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch yesterday. Another giant of progressive thought in Canada leaves us. Stagger… - 4 years ago

@micgrochowski: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@ProfVardalos: RT @HenryGiroux: So sad to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Leo Panitch who embodied what it meant to combine theoretical rigor and c… - 4 years ago

@DylandelaRivir2: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Biometricstate: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@sun54302091: RT @Hasenger: Political Economy of the Covid Pandemic - CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies RIP, Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@steve_lalla: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @lswatuk: RIP Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@infante_zule: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@MakereSH: RT @gwynreessoton: Rest in power Leo Panitch who was an inspiration and took the time at conference to listen to what we thought. A real co… - 4 years ago

@MoissHe04373512: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@cesaughin20142: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@MamiChayoRosa: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AnaVill88763285: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Maurici35644140: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Yenifer29067148: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ecehanb: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@Mrfty7: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@reydc1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Elena666martine: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@3ddimar83: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Yenifer29067148: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@parminides: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Guiller74441536: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AraujoGuida27: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@parra_gabriel20: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Elena666martine: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@agshakim: RT @berglund_oscar: This was one of the first books I read from cover to cover as a PhD student. Central to making me a Political Economist… - 4 years ago

@pabloro60367267: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@lynxxiv: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@travellingdoris: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@PATRIOTA101995: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@melvindaniel123: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@rlexier: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@MilaBelitardo: RT @JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Register e… - 4 years ago

@Anapua8: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AscanioYoifre: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@JeanCar55261666: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Tomys21994531: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@lbutronp: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@Vaudree2: RT @nikiashton: Saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. A left wing educator and visionary. His legacy will live on through his wor… - 4 years ago

@JanaPapuckoski: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@TonyRod88546776: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ProfSmithSask: RT @theleftchapter: - 4 years ago

@alsinap: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@Giovanntriolo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@BrentEpperson: 1/3 I’m saddened to learn of the untimely passing of Leo Panitch. Canadian social science (and the left globally) h… - 4 years ago

@wilfredoliceaga: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@GeoffyPJohnston: @CBCAdrianH As a politics student at @queensu, I read the work of Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@buyukakin: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@Gondolier9: RT @StuJT: RIP Leo Panitch. He was in another league when it comes to understanding and explaining the political economy of Cdn and world c… - 4 years ago

@nico_grau: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@davidimarcus: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@FutureOnFire: Political Economy of the Covid Pandemic with Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Blyton66: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@regaladomarijo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@erindagbjort: RT @MalindaSmith: Prof. Leo Panitch was a longtime editor/coeditor of the journal Socialist Register, which is paying tribute by making ava… - 4 years ago

@RedHArgentina: Leo Panitch: 1945 – 2020. Por Atilio Boron - 4 years ago

@yoswala: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Gustavo15630622: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Lucas_Cicro: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Chris__Hadji: RT @NicosTrim: Leo Panitch, a giant has passed away. I feel devastated. I had the honour of meeting and hosting Leo to a meeting in Cyprus… - 4 years ago

@MaciasFreite: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@JossMannuv: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@castrovicente80: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@CBCAdrianH: RT @addarioandrea: @CBCAdrianH Here is my fave Leo Panitch story, which I come by vicariously. My old friend S had brought him into speak f… - 4 years ago

@MatNoel: RT @AlainNoelMtl: Triste. Leo Panitch, figure intellectuelle centrale de la gauche canadienne et internationale décède à 75 ans, de complic… - 4 years ago

@unetomaterouge: RT @unetomaterouge: Empire, Socialism and November /w Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Cruiz34320187: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@onkloma: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@RCasabera: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@keydyspacheco: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@djalepeixoto: RT @JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Register e… - 4 years ago

@danielhojaverde: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@DivaMercedes3: RT @JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Register e… - 4 years ago

@Hezbolsonaro: RT @JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Register e… - 4 years ago

@Carlos320011: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@LeidimarInfante: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ianlisser: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@nadiabambirra: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@addarioandrea: @CBCAdrianH Here is my fave Leo Panitch story, which I come by vicariously. My old friend S had brought him into sp… - 4 years ago

@MehmetB92393150: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@JacobinBrasil: Perdemos um grande camarada. O intelectual iconoclasta Leo Panitch faleceu ontem. Editor da revista Socialist Regis… - 4 years ago

@OsmanRe89685787: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@CIRCUITOENLACE: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capit… - 4 years ago

@Sim0ncitybaby: RT @llchristyll: Leo Panitch proved you could be a relentless and rigorous socialist thinker and not be an asshole. An example more of us s… - 4 years ago

@workingclasstex: Leo Panitch (1945-2020) & the tradition of Socialist Register - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @joecguinan: Awful news about the passing of Leo Panitch. ‘The End of Parliamentary Socialism’ is required reading to understand the lim… - 4 years ago

@LilianaAmeiro: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@thomyhotaru22: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@DixonIriarte: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@waazn1: RT @KurtNewman8: Leo Panitch was a dear mentor and friend. Taking his class on the working class and global political economy 20 years ago… - 4 years ago

@NelsyTorrelles: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@michaud_jo: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@userlarry91: Leo Panitch death is a tragedy and loss to the left and humanity. While not knowing him personally, I attended the… - 4 years ago

@cira_acri: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@BoroFootballEtc: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@michaud_jo: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@EstudiosIntern1: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @MattFlisfeder: Video of Leo Panitch giving the 2009 Phyllis Clark Memorial Lecture at Ryerson, which I attended. - 4 years ago

@Edelmir14514653: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@davelawson35: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@johanny_acosta: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@stereosaur: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @matt_fodor: Steve Paikin @spaikin interviews the late Leo Panitch on @TheAgenda in 2009. Really great discussion. - 4 years ago

@Margare712: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@xsarahsullivan: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@Dr_AJoya: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@KHATYAS1: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@carissarose13: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@carissarose13: RT @JamesRHutt: Devastating news about Leo Panitch. He was one of the first thinkers who helped me understand global capitalism and really… - 4 years ago

@Davieboy0906: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@augustoleza: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@RichBooher: RT @HenryGiroux: So sad to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Leo Panitch who embodied what it meant to combine theoretical rigor and c… - 4 years ago

@logical_revolt: RIP Leo Panitch (1945-2020). 밀리반드의 제자이자 (전지구적 자본주의에서의) 신제국주의론을 주장한 정치경제학자 레오 파니치의 부고: - 4 years ago

@MEEKSVS: RT @CBCAdrianH: Sad to hear about the passing of the brilliant #LeoPanitch. I first interviewed Leo when I was a young(ish) fill-in host fo… - 4 years ago

@Oberondelzur: RT @dedelacoste: Se murió Leo Panitch, uno de los grandes politólogos marxistas. Cuando anduve por Toronto visitando a la familia, le escri… - 4 years ago

@lisbethloaiza: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ValerioMirand: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@BirgittaMartine: RT @HenryGiroux: So sad to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Leo Panitch who embodied what it meant to combine theoretical rigor and c… - 4 years ago

@juicespringstn: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@LucyHartstrong: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@YanethC32437267: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Vladimi26380295: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@PeterDi93628174: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@OrledyP: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@GarofaloLeon: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@MoyaORourke: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@Gimena034: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@MattMcLean1919: RT @StuJT: RIP Leo Panitch. He was in another league when it comes to understanding and explaining the political economy of Cdn and world c… - 4 years ago

@Deiver20201: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@JosmanElBaby: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@whatmeanxyz: RT @HenryGiroux: So sad to hear of the sudden and tragic death of Leo Panitch who embodied what it meant to combine theoretical rigor and c… - 4 years ago

@rafaeltrigo44: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@Michael51525354: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@ZoeZg1: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @CBCAdrianH: Sad to hear about the passing of the brilliant #LeoPanitch. I first interviewed Leo when I was a young(ish) fill-in host fo… - 4 years ago

@bobluker203: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@Luzmary61205868: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@AbgTenias: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@daweiman: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@RanknFileX: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@otivar55: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@jesusma95271583: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@JoseGregorioIn6: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Anthony99777751: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@L82be: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Tuiteraactiva2: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@simontorracinta: I distinctly remember a moment in July 2015 at the height of the Syriza crisis when a debate on strategy between Le… - 4 years ago

@RalphArmstrong1: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@CanedoEscario: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@RanknFileX: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@MaryCar48426239: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ZoeZg1: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@SilvaYusbelys: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@glovalleH: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@sianlloydwebber: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@Cary94051996: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@alexand83511381: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Chpgn_Socialist: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@CarlosD19377613: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@David77822986: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@murglow: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@edithmaria1987: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@SuarezClaireth: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Gerardo58467861: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@jeffreybgray: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@melewa_: RT @mbueckert: This volume had an enormous influence on my own work and approach to political economy. Unparalleled stuff. Get your hands o… - 4 years ago

@DeadPundits: RT @DeadPundits: The latest episode of DPS features a eulogy of my dear mentor, Leo Panitch. I also replay an interview I did for a B-Side… - 4 years ago

@ComradeCathy: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@NA_NDP: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@bobluker203: RT @EmmaJackson57: my dad said two things about Leo Panitch while we mourned his passing this morning: "he was one of the most brilliant p… - 4 years ago

@sofialanchimb: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@AmparoGutirre17: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@megaiken: RT @cpsa_acsp: Leo V. Panitch IN MEMORIAM (1945-2020) Distinguished Research Prof Pol Sci|Canada Research Chair Comp Pol Economy @yorkunive… - 4 years ago

@nails488: - 4 years ago

@Pedrorafaelsifo: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@daniel53302873: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@AndrewJ53438249: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@abhz_007: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@chris_traynor: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@davidjose_1998: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Jose4Carmona: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@NoDronesCanada: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Dubsy_chat: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @BobRae48: I am very sorry to hear of Leo Panitch’s death - I knew him from student days in the UK. As our paths diverged he was a stron… - 4 years ago

@BytownKayfabe: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@petermacleod: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@DanielDenvir: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@onhistodd: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@parsifel43: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Icky_84: RT @EmmaJackson57: my dad said two things about Leo Panitch while we mourned his passing this morning: "he was one of the most brilliant p… - 4 years ago

@mvanlane: Leo Panitch has passed. - 4 years ago

@Harryslaststand: RT @EmmaJackson57: my dad said two things about Leo Panitch while we mourned his passing this morning: "he was one of the most brilliant p… - 4 years ago

@McneillSean: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@rodryhj: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@LUCILA81431780: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Penelop11785074: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@MyArrse: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@karmakola: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@TeaThoughts: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@paola_yosselyn: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TorSean: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Lynneth1000000: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@remixtures: RT @chutandoaescada: Repost: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edi… - 4 years ago

@HappyAccident13: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@lennyzerpa: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@erika_delgado3: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@leonaa01: I interviewed Leo Panitch & Sam Gindin when their opus "Making of Global Capitalism" was released in 2012. Rabble .… - 4 years ago

@beyondzach2: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Junior65038378: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ThirstyVeblen: Leo Panitch, presente! - 4 years ago

@BHPanimalwatch: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Americo45344293: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@alejand08300213: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@jesus_98garcia: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@OxfordNDP: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin sat down with Jack Layton in 2003, shortly after his election as leader of the NDP, and asked… - 4 years ago

@TooMuchTiramisu: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@decognizable: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@UpeiUdo: RT @erindagbjort: Leo Panitch, David Graeber and John Loxley illuminated and informed my academic life, while deeply influencing my persona… - 4 years ago

@beavis19755: RT @TheRealNews: The Real News is sorry to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, a long time contributor. Please enjoy his many appearance… - 4 years ago

@decognizable: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Delendarius: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@HiwillMujica: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@PazVenezuela20: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@RitaColina5: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@AlbertoGGCL: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Normachc: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@d_lopezmo: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@Kimberl17893618: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@vccrey: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@juancarlosard16: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @gayasktn: So sad to hear that Leo Panitch was taken from us by covid. He was a brilliant thinker and a generous teacher. Rest in power. - 4 years ago

@ACharczun: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@RRCoram: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@kaiowut99: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@SimpliArt: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@lharo777: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@civil_lawyer: RT @LorneSossin: This is a huge loss. Leo Panitch was a terrific mentor and had this kind of impact on so many! @yorkuniversity - 4 years ago

@Davieboy0906: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@guessweredone: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@diego_norat: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@tinmangraham96: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@kaivenzla: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@prairieflaneur: RT @StrikePoster: It’s safe to say Leo Panitch was likely a bigger gateway to leftism to many organizers in Canada than Noam Chomsky ever w… - 4 years ago

@CAWLS_ACETS: RT @rawanbaki: Rest in power, Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@elisgimenez2: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@IralisCarballo: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@morelandwriter: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@LeftIs_Best: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@eduard_silver: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@elavalliere: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@FerrerYonjairo1: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@aaron1200_: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@webzetetic: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@CCBaxter1968: had shaped me even more. The way I approach global interconnections is the bedrock of how I think through internati… - 4 years ago

@AdrianN64875927: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@aslisaarmas: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@rllycoolandgood: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@HussBanai: RIP. I took my first undergraduate politics course with him, which prompted me to switch majors (and schools!). He… - 4 years ago

@teresa_vicks: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Normachc: RT @llchristyll: Leo Panitch proved you could be a relentless and rigorous socialist thinker and not be an asshole. An example more of us s… - 4 years ago

@NoraLeo58086035: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TomDickson1: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@d_lopezmo: RT @SeoirseThomais: Ha muerto Leo Panitch y recomiendan esta entrevista reciente como un buen ejemplo de su forma de pensar y divulgar. Sob… - 4 years ago

@LaurenJTownsend: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Andina062020: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Patria409: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@maritzabencomo2: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@tommymiles: RT @nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethinking R… - 4 years ago

@CCBaxter1968: The passing of the great Leo Panitch has caused me to think again about the profound influence that he (and Sam Gin… - 4 years ago

@Aponte_LD: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@aracelisdemeder: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@GabyRamia: RT @ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo delivered the 7t… - 4 years ago

@LuisRDelgadoJ: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@micahuetricht: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@Condefucius: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@jamesdurbs: RT @nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethinking R… - 4 years ago

@ArturoD03807596: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@SamanthaPippin7: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@Alexcl1690: RT @lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@mikeopseu: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@RevSocGlobal: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@AMacEwen: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@lara_eleanor: Listen to the hope young socialists gave Leo Panitch & let it encourage you ❤️ - 4 years ago

@CheoGud: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Reiman_Reason: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@LedezmaRosa2: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@enlem: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@GeraldoValenz: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @ClaudiaWebbe: Leo Panitch was a great socialist academic & thinker; he co-authored works like: ▪️Searching for Socialism ▪️The Socialis… - 4 years ago

@ducorwriter: RT @nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethinking R… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @Jayati1609: Devastated at the terrible news of the death of Leo Panitch, one of the most remarkable, prolific and insightful progressiv… - 4 years ago

@JhoanNarvaez12: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@JoseGuaina23: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @wsteventufts: The passing of Leo Panitch will hit many people hard today. He shaped many on the left in Canada and abroad, some without… - 4 years ago

@RaineLHu: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@odio_nao: RT @_makavelijones: perdemos o marxista Leo Panitch. Um grande pensador. Entre discordâncias e concordâncias que tenho, considero ele uma… - 4 years ago

@vailini1: @profcolinclark @CurzonCinemas The other Italian one that my friends have recommended is Martin Eden but not on thi… - 4 years ago

@dinahf2009: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@lakrtuchra: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Anaye30042641: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ACRATAXESTETICA: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@mattleys: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@arpema: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@A_Filter: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@EliasdelM: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ja_vvierr: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@GaviJhoka: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Sirma_Bilge: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@amelia74698445: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@ambwatt: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@MaryFlorMP: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@lara_eleanor: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@Potentia_Space: RT @VersoBooks: We will always remember Leo Panitch as a brilliant thinker and tireless fighter for a better world. His latest book with… - 4 years ago

@Camelia82642553: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@PraterChristian: RT @DeadPundits: I'm releasing an episode that features a eulogy and a re-airing of a B-Side that I did w/ Leo Panitch in 2017. I do these… - 4 years ago

@Mono94141924: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@sponson: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@LTheChief19: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@EXrayFuSion: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@Amusedrice: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@360L_JEC: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@fatiman74947813: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@gianna96455671: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@jeevanrai: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@yajairacgarciap: RT @atilioboron: Ayer a la noche la causa del socialismo y el antiimperialismo perdió una de sus grandes figuras. Leo Panitch falleció mien… - 4 years ago

@justinpodur: RT @PBurrowsWpg: Some Socialist Registers the late Leo Panitch was involved with. & yes social dem politics is still at an impasse. https:/… - 4 years ago

@MamiChayoRosa: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@MuzNote: RT @nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethinking R… - 4 years ago

@NidhiSrinivas_: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@AdamOculporate: RT @DeadPundits: I'm releasing an episode that features a eulogy and a re-airing of a B-Side that I did w/ Leo Panitch in 2017. I do these… - 4 years ago

@nyeusi_waasi: very sad to heard about the passing of Leo Panitch The Making of Global Capitalism Rethin… - 4 years ago

@RethinkMarxism: Indeed, looking back at the archives of _Socialist Register_ may be the best way to begin celebrating the life and… - 4 years ago

@ZamoraIrayd: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Vzla64114326: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@jackelinemore12: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@duncanmacmartin: RT @socialistprojct: Empire, Socialism and November /w Leo Panitch (1945 - 2020) #RIP - 4 years ago

@theleftchapter: - 4 years ago

@yrenieves: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@eigensinn83: RT @demsocialistsca: Today we mourn the loss of Leo Panitch, one of Canada’s leading socialist thinkers, and vow to honour his memory by ne… - 4 years ago

@elifsilaasik: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@DeadPundits: I'm releasing an episode that features a eulogy and a re-airing of a B-Side that I did w/ Leo Panitch in 2017. I do… - 4 years ago

@GalindezVanessa: RT @luiscarrillo66: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalis… - 4 years ago

@Somos_Rebeldia: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@lilitica: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@RethinkMarxism: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@YomekGrey: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@NGMcLaughlin: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@ppesydney: We are very sad about the loss of Leo Panitch, a giant of political economy and the socialist movement. Leo deliver… - 4 years ago

@jacremes: RT @LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@t_post7: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@mr4442590: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@v_zilber: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@sarahcam3ron: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@KevinSkerrett: RT @justinpodur: There are many reasons to remember a lifelong socialist writer and activist like Leo Panitch, but I will always remember t… - 4 years ago

@PSCIuWaterloo: RT @cpsa_acsp: Leo V. Panitch IN MEMORIAM (1945-2020) Distinguished Research Prof Pol Sci|Canada Research Chair Comp Pol Economy @yorkunive… - 4 years ago

@LalehKhalili: The one word EVERYone remembers Leo Panitch by is "kind". What a glorious way to be remembered in this cruel world. - 4 years ago

@FigueraThomas: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@MomentumCV: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@AlecHitchman1: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@Greene_DM: RT @MadelineDeteli1: Seeing so many of my comrades' devastation at the loss of their friend and mentor, Leo Panitch, makes me reflect on th… - 4 years ago

@KevinSkerrett: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@KevinSkerrett: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@MomentumCV: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@tamaraphillips: RT @matt_fodor: Devastated to learn of the death of my Master's supervisor, the world-renowned Marxist intellectual Leo Panitch. He had an… - 4 years ago

@Arianrhod11: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@A_Filter: RT @shirleymush: One of the most amazing things about Leo Panitch was his voice. It was like honey poured over thunder, and made his variou… - 4 years ago

@CemilKusur1: RT @DevrimZamani4: Socialist Register editörlüğünü yapan marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi. - 4 years ago

@Matt_Suddart: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@cluckett25: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@repimlins: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@judfabianjud: RT @cpsa_acsp: Leo V. Panitch IN MEMORIAM (1945-2020) Distinguished Research Prof Pol Sci|Canada Research Chair Comp Pol Economy @yorkuniv… - 4 years ago

@RobertF23004448: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@feslegenyazi: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@Lucho18971798: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TMcGee2: Very sorry to hear this. Leo Panitch helped many of us see things through a different lens, in the hopes of making… - 4 years ago

@QueensDSA: RIP Comrade Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: Leo V. Panitch IN MEMORIAM (1945-2020) Distinguished Research Prof Pol Sci|Canada Research Chair Comp Pol Economy… - 4 years ago

@repimlins: RT @NakedKeynes: An obit here - 4 years ago

@GrKuroki: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον #LeoPanitch, δημοσιεύουμε στο site μας ολόκληρη τη διάλεξη που είχε δώσει το 2008, στο πλαίσιο της… - 4 years ago

@Gregor_Schwartz: I’ve just learned the shocking, sad news that one of the most important Marxist thinkers, Leo Panitch, has died. My… - 4 years ago

@soederberg1: #Leo Panitch's intellectual contribution to Marxian political economy and political influence on the #Canadian Left… - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: DÉCÈS Pr Leo V. Panitch (1945-2020) Prof distingué science po | titulaire chaire de recherche du Canada en économie… - 4 years ago

@All_left_behind: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@EmmaJackson57: my dad said two things about Leo Panitch while we mourned his passing this morning: "he was one of the most brilli… - 4 years ago

@Davey1969Davey: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@carolesmail56: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@HappyAccident13: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@stoicpleb: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@MAGALISGARCA3: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@CabalGretas: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@bunnylookin: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@daphne_miles: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@DrWinTadd: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@systonhouse: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@MLen91: RT @llchristyll: Leo Panitch proved you could be a relentless and rigorous socialist thinker and not be an asshole. An example more of us s… - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: DÉCÈS Pr Leo V. Panitch (1945-2020) Prof distingué science po | titulaire chaire de recherche du Canada en économie… - 4 years ago

@ryangrim: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@MEEKSVS: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@CindyWilkey: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@YGud19: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Matthuber78: RT @llchristyll: Leo Panitch proved you could be a relentless and rigorous socialist thinker and not be an asshole. An example more of us s… - 4 years ago

@MegW613: RT @matt_fodor: Devastated to learn of the death of my Master's supervisor, the world-renowned Marxist intellectual Leo Panitch. He had an… - 4 years ago

@baerhealth: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@paciffreepress: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@sandyw_artist: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@SyzygySyzygysue: - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: RT @MalindaSmith: RIP. Prof. Leo V Panitch, FRSC, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Canada Research Chair (Comparative P… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @PopResistance: One year ago, the late @KBZeese and @MFlowers8 spoke with the recently-deceased Leo Panitch about building left independ… - 4 years ago

@cpsa_acsp: Leo V. Panitch IN MEMORIAM (1945-2020) Distinguished Research Prof Pol Sci|Canada Research Chair Comp Pol Economy… - 4 years ago

@IvanVillasmil3: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@3rdimpactjamz: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@bobluker203: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@nikifab77: RT @chitrans_plant: Losing David Graeber and Leo Panitch - two intellectual giants of the Left that represented very different commitments… - 4 years ago

@glaucoludwig: Leio agora no twitter mais uma notícia triste, a morte do professor Leo Panitch, um dos mais importantes intelectua… - 4 years ago

@Maida11169691: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Matt___Stone: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@adwilkin79: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@QasimQueso: RT @aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@aaronjmate: I learned a lot from Leo Panitch every time I heard him speak. Here’s an interview with him from 2018. RIP. - 4 years ago

@APlomien: RT @MalindaSmith: RIP. Prof. Leo V Panitch, FRSC, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Canada Research Chair (Comparative P… - 4 years ago

@Glendys17: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@coylejim20: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@DayanVanessaSa2: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@nikifab77: RT @llchristyll: Leo Panitch proved you could be a relentless and rigorous socialist thinker and not be an asshole. An example more of us s… - 4 years ago

@gordperks: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Vltchek2020: RT @StuartML_: Leo Panitch as well. Very sad. So many prominent leftists have died in the last year: Andre Vltchek, Michael Brooks, Kevin Z… - 4 years ago

@anintegralstate: RT @mikejbeggs: Our seminar on The Making of Global Capitalism, from 2013 (!) Thanks for everything, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Jose06397640: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@trivcap: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@DamelizLima: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AAlberto_2021: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@nebraldo1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@hayatheryerde34: RT @ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@artingiles: RT @marcusbarnett_: I’m grateful that my last memory of Leo Panitch is of him, truly shickered, fraternally ripping apart my willingness to… - 4 years ago

@Andrew01452308: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TheodorAwhoreno: @MouthyInfidel The Making of Global Capitalism: The Political Economy of American Empire by Leo Panitch is excellent - 4 years ago

@tinmangraham96: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Garry13045356: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@sincapseverrr: RT @ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@unionwill: RT @Lefty_Mind: How did I not know of Leo Panitch, when I am a leftist who GOES TO YORK???? - 4 years ago

@StuJT: RIP Leo Panitch. He was in another league when it comes to understanding and explaining the political economy of Cd… - 4 years ago

@JoinJI: RT @matt_fodor: Devastated to learn of the death of my Master's supervisor, the world-renowned Marxist intellectual Leo Panitch. He had an… - 4 years ago

@queerthoughts: RT @christoaivalis: My most recent piece of academic writing for Labour/le travail leaned heavily on the work of Leo Panitch. His contribut… - 4 years ago

@mathew_abbott: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@genesisfdz1: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@LivingWageOx: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Matt64009850: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@asintemple: Revisiting this excellent piece by Leo Panitch on the 50th anniversary of the book that forever changed my politics… - 4 years ago

@Lefty_Mind: How did I not know of Leo Panitch, when I am a leftist who GOES TO YORK???? - 4 years ago

@WarmongerHodges: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@BoogWinchester: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Jorge_Econopata: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@eleanor70001: RT @joe_cressy: Leo Panitch was a big thinker, a relentless activist, an active member of our downtown community, and a deeply kind man. Su… - 4 years ago

@AnonymousAlcoh7: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@CharyaHilton: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@JulieCuninghame: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Hierony9: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@blance691: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@unclemuley: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@davelawson35: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@wodekszemberg: Sad news. Leo Panitch - the Canadian political scientist who remained a Marxist come hell or high water - died yest… - 4 years ago

@OMAR28604736: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @AJScattergood: I was reading Leo Panitch whilst we were expecting our first baby. We had always liked the named Leo and reading his ins… - 4 years ago

@713tmac: RT @wsteventufts: The passing of Leo Panitch will hit many people hard today. He shaped many on the left in Canada and abroad, some without… - 4 years ago

@SergioA24273450: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@LiamPay46901722: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@YKalatzis: RT @NtinaMpatzia: Η τελευταία του συνέντευξη #leopanitch - 4 years ago

@malaiseforever: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@rafkhach: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@KlDblast: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@TraceyH4NCG: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@MarkTBBFleming: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@nilufer_kuzu: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@juancarlosard16: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@niallo_7_pole: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@LiamShrivastava: Sad news about Leo Panitch. I only met him a couple of times at @TWT_NOW last year but we were lucky enough to have… - 4 years ago

@mygibbo: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@YKalatzis: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον #LeoPanitch, δημοσιεύουμε στο site μας ολόκληρη τη διάλεξη που είχε δώσει το 2008, στο πλαίσιο της… - 4 years ago

@professor_evy: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@Mariailiana2010: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@press4change: RT @jeffhermanson: Click the link to 17 articles by one of the most brilliant thinkers of our time, Leo Panitch, 1945-2020, author with Sam… - 4 years ago

@FeliciaAyensua: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@sultancebbar: RT @savasyolu: Leo Panitch & Sam Gindin - Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması : Amerikan İmparatorluğunun Siyasal İktisadı - 4 years ago

@GazSez: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@grahamemorris: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@lutimedina1996: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Penelop11785074: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@chitrans_plant: RT @MadelineDeteli1: Seeing so many of my comrades' devastation at the loss of their friend and mentor, Leo Panitch, makes me reflect on th… - 4 years ago

@cacrisalves: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@delia72_delia: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@NavCP: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@JuanMar72178590: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@alexnunns: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@ManWithTheMirr1: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@AliSmith_UdeM: RT @MalindaSmith: Prof. Leo Panitch was a longtime editor/coeditor of the journal Socialist Register, which is paying tribute by making ava… - 4 years ago

@LeninStanBase: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@jeffhermanson: Click the link to 17 articles by one of the most brilliant thinkers of our time, Leo Panitch, 1945-2020, author wit… - 4 years ago

@AvalynWu: RT @DeadPundits: 1/ Utterly gutted by the news of Leo Panitch's passing. I spoke to him just last week and he was very optimistic about his… - 4 years ago

@CdnFreelanceU: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@edvmm20: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AJScattergood: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@ethanchrisgreen: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@unetomaterouge: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@yennilim11: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@AnezHaudin: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@unetomaterouge: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@unetomaterouge: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@22Yiselbolivar: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@kelvinMorillo20: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@revsoc99: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@williamf1045: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Cristal_tropa: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@jnmedina8989: RT @MadelineDeteli1: Seeing so many of my comrades' devastation at the loss of their friend and mentor, Leo Panitch, makes me reflect on th… - 4 years ago

@PatikaGazete: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi - 4 years ago

@emiliot_96: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@LaMueca34551620: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@OllieJD98: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@lohianaquintero: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@rawanbaki: RT @michalrozworski: One highlight of this otherwise dismal 2020 was hosting a 5-part series with Leo Panitch for @TWT_NOW on themes from h… - 4 years ago

@BlancaRebori: RT @ThwaitesRey: A los 75 años murió de Covid-19, en Toronto, Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coedito… - 4 years ago

@HNOzgen: RT @BarisAkademik: Bizimle #BuSuçaOrtakOlmayacağız diyen barış imzacısı Leo Panitch hocamızın vefatını büyük üzüntüyle öğrendik. Ailesinin,… - 4 years ago

@professor_evy: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Melva_LN: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Fartun_o: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@bernie8859: RT @judyrebick: A recent interview with #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@daraghjgrant: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@charbonneau_b: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@RodValentin2: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@NickVStH: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@JavierZ14683803: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@EmpireinWinter: RT @deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Leo Panitch - #LeoPanitch #Leo #Panitch #rip - 4 years ago

@JayaroRamon: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@StrikePoster: It’s safe to say Leo Panitch was likely a bigger gateway to leftism to many organizers in Canada than Noam Chomsky… - 4 years ago

@ANKHEmpress: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@_i0n: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@LFUlstrael: RT @ledrapeaurouge: Leo Panitch was right! A SYRIZA government did open up critical political space! ...For Golden Dawn. - 4 years ago

@rllycoolandgood: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@professor_evy: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@GeorginaBencsik: RT @cartwrightTO: Devastated to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. Such as a vital intellectual leader who dedicated his life to the ideal… - 4 years ago

@Karina80974605: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@evelara4164: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@suziegeewizz: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@jlchristn: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@paciffreepress: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@Javier04828910: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@CesariLaurent1: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@Juan52213850: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@German78694973: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@PierreGrosser: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@NLSmith99: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@DanFinn95: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@MariaPi17703701: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@LTheChief19: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@mjimx: RT @Race_Class: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A formidable thinker, and unstinting encourager of other people's ideas, he de… - 4 years ago

@2021Keily: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@mosaik_blog: RT @schaumahaltmal: RIP to a real one. - 4 years ago

@pjosselyn: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@bernie8859: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@RedRoseTwoHands: RT @meaganmday: A friend just shared this with me. Around the 28 minute mark Leo Panitch starts to talk about how heartened he was by the p… - 4 years ago

@mjimx: RT @Greg_Adams_: Very shocked by this. I bought his book 'Searching for Socialism' and it opened my eyes abut Labour's socialist roots pre-… - 4 years ago

@jhwmeasor: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@DarrellChaloner: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@SolidarityCan: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@LivIrishLab: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@rbastidas848: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@Medinahector66: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@lisbethloaiza: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@wfseabrook: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@actualylaughing: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@alexis_artahona: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@ProfSmithSask: RT @matt_fodor: Steve Paikin @spaikin interviews the late Leo Panitch on @TheAgenda in 2009. Really great discussion. - 4 years ago

@CentralBLP: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@Greg_Adams_: Very shocked by this. I bought his book 'Searching for Socialism' and it opened my eyes abut Labour's socialist roo… - 4 years ago

@ejhchess: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@dwinters123: Leo Panitch (1945-2020) 😢✊❤️ Courageous and brilliant social theorist and political economist. Go read his stuff. - 4 years ago

@GeziWoman: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@zeidygarcia: RT @VTVcanal8: Canciller Jorge Arreaza lamenta fallecimiento del profesor canadiense Leo Panitch, catedrático que desnudó al capitalismo im… - 4 years ago

@carmendelmila56: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@EirlyswynBailey: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@jtdfkc: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@always_ike: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@mAroonKrish: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@FlorezGregory: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@IneluctViz: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@AdamMc_83: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@JoyAndDefiance: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@dogussimsek: So sorry to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. RIP #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@cjhlewis: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@GrahamScambler: RT @jemgilbert: Leo Panitch did so many things; but this recent series of online seminars was a great recent contribution: - 4 years ago

@dolanmac97: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@davelawson35: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@AidaFue98173627: RT @dedelacoste: Se murió Leo Panitch, uno de los grandes politólogos marxistas. Cuando anduve por Toronto visitando a la familia, le escri… - 4 years ago

@leandromorgen: RT @ThwaitesRey: A los 75 años murió de Covid-19, en Toronto, Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coedito… - 4 years ago

@PalFarrah: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@danwhittall: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Pilgrim_Says: @graceblakeley @tribunemagazine @ronanburtenshaw This is good. Leo Panitch on Ralph Miliband. It’s ends with a clea… - 4 years ago

@_rileypeterson: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@JackJohnstonNE: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Pedrohmlima: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@ckaratnytsky: RT @ConterScot: We are shocked and saddened to hear that Leo Panitch passed away last night. Leo was a giant of the socialist movement, an… - 4 years ago

@Knightie48: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@magcoocull1: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@donald_planey: RT @SteveAHorn: RIP Leo Panitch. Your seminal scholarly work will live on. Yet another devastating loss at the hands of #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Distemperusa: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@Dilbinder1: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@donald_planey: RT @konings_martijn: Extremely sad to learn of the passing of Leo Panitch - supervisor, collaborator, and friend. - 4 years ago

@workingclasstex: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@_Laleh_____: Sad to hear about the death of Leo Panitch. The Socialist Register (co-edited by him) is a primer for every Left ac… - 4 years ago

@thebling_vote: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@jamesinparis: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@elmojama4: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@CDN_Dimension: RT @SeanCarleton: I am saddened to learn of the passing of Leo Panitch. Having had the chance to work with him of the past few years, this… - 4 years ago

@kristensoulina: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@storicopolitico: RT @kmflett: Leo Panitch (1945-2020) & the tradition of the Socialist Register - 4 years ago

@SammyBytes: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@Leventyksklr: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@SeanCarleton: I am saddened to learn of the passing of Leo Panitch. Having had the chance to work with him of the past few years,… - 4 years ago

@chloe__i: The Making of Global Capitalism and The End of Parliamentary Socialism have taught me more than I can ever really p… - 4 years ago

@OscarFdezGarci1: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@labourfilms: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@micgrochowski: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@FoxtrotJemima: RT @nikiashton: Saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. A left wing educator and visionary. His legacy will live on through his wor… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@rosafalacoisas: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@donwendyagain: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@wadoodhamad: #Leo_Panitch, Marxist scholar, activist, mentor and friend, passed away yesterday. Will miss his sharp and critical… - 4 years ago

@MomentumOx: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@timmcsorley: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@Kathryn75480598: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Emily_Leedham_: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@HoosierLeftist: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@sordo44: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@MomentumOx: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@MomentumOx: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@BenjaminFogel: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@LSHGofficial: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@MomentumOx: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@CuriousCrippin: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@EricCorijn: (Covid). R.I.P Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@ademyesilyurt: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@queerthoughts: RT @nikiashton: Saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. A left wing educator and visionary. His legacy will live on through his wor… - 4 years ago

@DaveMadill1: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@upsadaizy: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@SrirachaVodka: RT @chitrans_plant: Losing David Graeber and Leo Panitch - two intellectual giants of the Left that represented very different commitments… - 4 years ago

@cleggy261: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@windswiftthot: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@BettyJanesCat: @chunkymark R.I.P. Leo Panitch. 💔 - 4 years ago

@micgrochowski: RT @MadelineDeteli1: Seeing so many of my comrades' devastation at the loss of their friend and mentor, Leo Panitch, makes me reflect on th… - 4 years ago

@JorgePuma4: Empecé a leer a Leo Panitch en 2008 cuando pasé una temporada en Canadá, sobre todo a través de Socialist Project.… - 4 years ago

@ignaciojose4221: RT @dedelacoste: Se murió Leo Panitch, uno de los grandes politólogos marxistas. Cuando anduve por Toronto visitando a la familia, le escri… - 4 years ago

@RichardToye: RT @kmflett: Leo Panitch (1945-2020) & the tradition of the Socialist Register - 4 years ago

@jvoti198: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον #LeoPanitch, δημοσιεύουμε στο site μας ολόκληρη τη διάλεξη που είχε δώσει το 2008, στο πλαίσιο της… - 4 years ago

@Jos02693770: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@GreenPaul58: RT @David__Osland: Saddened to hear of the death of Leo Panitch, the leftist Canadian academic and editor of Socialist Register. RIP and co… - 4 years ago

@jim_morelaugh: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@VancouverThorn: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@billyallen1946: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@DPAWestonPhD: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@ThanMcBride: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @DeadPundits: 1/ Utterly gutted by the news of Leo Panitch's passing. I spoke to him just last week and he was very optimistic about his… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@CurtisDaly_: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@alexbirnel: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@ChristieMacFad: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@Umut_Ozsu: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@Antonineone1: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@EnigmaofCapital: RT @TimeToMutiny: The death of Leo Panitch is a huge loss. Solidarity with his comrades on the Socialist Register editorial board. You shou… - 4 years ago

@Aethiophililla: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Socialist_Sikh: RT @nikiashton: Saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. A left wing educator and visionary. His legacy will live on through his wor… - 4 years ago

@adwilkin79: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@Aethiophililla: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@m_layton: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@ThanMcBride: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@Marcos_Zaid95: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@globetrotterCDN: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@RT_Editing: RT @TimeToMutiny: The death of Leo Panitch is a huge loss. Solidarity with his comrades on the Socialist Register editorial board. You shou… - 4 years ago

@JakeRubin__: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@forumeditor: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@chitrans_plant: Losing David Graeber and Leo Panitch - two intellectual giants of the Left that represented very different commitme… - 4 years ago

@TeatimeTrading: RT @MaxwellACameron: Sad to hear the news about COVID-19 taking Leo Panitch, an exemplary publicly-engaged political thinker. - 4 years ago

@BhavyaSinha9: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@MaxwellACameron: Sad to hear the news about COVID-19 taking Leo Panitch, an exemplary publicly-engaged political thinker. - 4 years ago

@Jkasw_: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @cartwrightTO: Devastated to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. Such as a vital intellectual leader who dedicated his life to the ideal… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @matt_fodor: Steve Paikin @spaikin interviews the late Leo Panitch on @TheAgenda in 2009. Really great discussion. - 4 years ago

@SonnyDaze78: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@mconway70: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@MissSYasmin: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@polly_choice: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Matt___Stone: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@74sessions: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Spiffl: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@74sessions: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@ZoeZg1: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@fionadove: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@haziraniniz: RT @PraksisDrg: We are extremely sad to hear that our advisory committee member and comrade Leo Panitch passed away. He has been a mentor f… - 4 years ago

@17TDYU: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@meaganmday: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@londonmikmaq: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@isci_tv: İşçi sınıfı siyaseti üzerine önemli yazılar yazan Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti. Panitch’in… - 4 years ago

@HB501_M36: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@loveisbrilliant: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@DeducedR: RT @OFLabour: Ontario’s Labour movement is saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Leo Panitch.  In his honour we rise to imagine and make… - 4 years ago

@cosk_u: Terrible loss for the Marxist folks. We learned too much from Leo Panitch. I am deeply saddened. - 4 years ago

@osipbrut: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@Lisa_Lovebucket: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@BennPipe: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@christoaivalis: RT @jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for freedom… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: We mourn the loss of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. Let’s cherish his memory and continue on the struggle for… - 4 years ago

@vaishnavisms: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@TMirrlees_: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Colin43069335: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Poulantzas_Inst: Αποχαιρετώντας τον #LeoPanitch, δημοσιεύουμε στο site μας ολόκληρη τη διάλεξη που είχε δώσει το 2008, στο πλαίσιο τ… - 4 years ago

@justin_paulson: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@lloydjody805: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@adwilkin79: - 4 years ago

@tariqahsan: RT @TariqAli_News: Sad news from Canada. Last night, Leo Panitch passed away. - 4 years ago

@RPCorpIntl: looks like Neil's done a Christmas show without an audience in his birthplace of Omemee, Ontario! even without a ra… - 4 years ago

@giglesias19: RT @dedelacoste: Se murió Leo Panitch, uno de los grandes politólogos marxistas. Cuando anduve por Toronto visitando a la familia, le escri… - 4 years ago

@TomKhruisehchev: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@DemersSt: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@elbobaggins: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@kellysusan20: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@rita0brien: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@kellysusan20: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@christoaivalis: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@pmheideman: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@mdslock: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@jamesinparis: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@cosk_u: Terrible loss for the Marxist folks. We learned too much from Leo Panitch. I am terribly sorry. - 4 years ago

@argungen: RT @PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim insanı içi… - 4 years ago

@jenhassum: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@teambernie27001: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@nicolasaaguila: En homenaje a Leo Panitch abrieron buena parte del archivo del Socialist Register. Gran forma de honrar su obra, re… - 4 years ago

@jowalton15: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@Trish2flames: A lost comrade xx - 4 years ago

@_mundus: Este año insiste en llevarse por delante a muchxs de lxs mejores. Esta vez nos deja sin Leo Panitch, referente teór… - 4 years ago

@phunphunphun: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@meli_bay: RT @OFLabour: Ontario’s Labour movement is saddened to learn of the passing of Dr. Leo Panitch.  In his honour we rise to imagine and make… - 4 years ago

@Pepsgaff: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@sunraysunray: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@keithcross9214: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@itsghastlycrew: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@colchester_swp: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@PraksisDrg: Danışma Kurulu üyemiz ve yoldaşımız Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. Çok üzgünüz. Panitch, birçok kuşaktan Marxist bilim in… - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @mbueckert: This volume had an enormous influence on my own work and approach to political economy. Unparalleled stuff. Get your hands o… - 4 years ago

@JulioPinonesLiz: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@aminamangera1: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@BiztheBuz: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@labour_films: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@Jonathon_Shafi: RT @ConterScot: We are shocked and saddened to hear that Leo Panitch passed away last night. Leo was a giant of the socialist movement, an… - 4 years ago

@Lloydhart13: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@ProGloCommons: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@LSHGofficial: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@SurvivreEtVivre: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@jack_witek: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Simon_P_Hannah: RT @TimeToMutiny: The death of Leo Panitch is a huge loss. Solidarity with his comrades on the Socialist Register editorial board. You shou… - 4 years ago

@LSHGofficial: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@PhebeRopes: RT @tedmccoy: Very sad to hear about Leo Panitch tonight. A tremendous loss. - 4 years ago

@jenhassum: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@LSHGofficial: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@altac_naumes: I’m shocked to hear of Leo Panitch’s passing. He was an intellectual giant and a very kind presence in the York Pol… - 4 years ago

@TimeToMutiny: The death of Leo Panitch is a huge loss. Solidarity with his comrades on the Socialist Register editorial board. Yo… - 4 years ago

@LSHGofficial: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@tamaraphillips: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@Justice30: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@Bulutunsevdasi: Bir Marxist daha dünyaya elveda dedi. Socialist Register'in editörü Leo Panitch. Teşekkürler, saygıyla. RIP. - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@GinaFroese: I’m very saddened to hear of Leo Panitch’s passing. He was a respected scholar, and a kindhearted person. He will be missed. - 4 years ago

@RalphScenic: RT @deepa_driver: An insightful interview with Leo Panitch who’s passed on yesterday, about his views on #Corbyn , Corbyn’s commitment to a… - 4 years ago

@medikaltercume: 75 yaşındaki yazar Leo Panitch #koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti / 75 years old writer #LeoPanitch died due… - 4 years ago

@FastCapitalism: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@UKDemockery: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@gabeastralplane: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@Oz10G: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@AbsonJill: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@julianonthebus: RT @PraksisDrg: We are extremely sad to hear that our advisory committee member and comrade Leo Panitch passed away. He has been a mentor f… - 4 years ago

@Scooterissima: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Cee_Webb: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@teresa_pullano: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@DanMcGrath48: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @Jayati1609: Devastated at the terrible news of the death of Leo Panitch, one of the most remarkable, prolific and insightful progressiv… - 4 years ago

@whippetpixie: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@adistantpeople: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@luminous_thumbs: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Adelere: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Adelere: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Don_NW: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@LindaHubert13: Trending Panama #WWETLC #SundayMorning Leo Panitch #FlyEaglesFly #RussianHackReveals #KissOfDeath Spurs Italians Doge #MartialLaw - 4 years ago

@AufhebenValue: RT @DeadPundits: Jeremy's socialism was highly influenced by Leo Panitch. I'll have more to say about this later, but there aren't many act… - 4 years ago

@lisaslo: RT @EliaApos: The archive of Socialist Register is available online for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch: - 4 years ago

@southasiaupdat1: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@FruitParty00: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@MckinleyLynaya: RT @mbueckert: This volume had an enormous influence on my own work and approach to political economy. Unparalleled stuff. Get your hands o… - 4 years ago

@gordperks: RT @SaveWildBees: So sad to hear this news of a @yorkuniversity colleague & Canada Research Chair passing due to #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @Powell_J_R: The death of Leo Panitch is an enormous loss for the global left. Editor of the Socialist Register, writer of innumerable p… - 4 years ago

@EdenRiver3: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@joveest: "We have to be able to think in terms of ten, fifteen or twenty years. There is fundamental class and organisationa… - 4 years ago

@Heidic282: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@lit_dot: Trending Panama #WWETLC #SundayMorning Leo Panitch #FlyEaglesFly #RussianHackReveals #KissOfDeath Spurs belle delphine Stegan the Mallion - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@SaveWildBees: So sad to hear this news of a @yorkuniversity colleague & Canada Research Chair passing due to #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@JamesEFoster: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@caromom_irl: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@erindagbjort: Leo Panitch, David Graeber and John Loxley illuminated and informed my academic life, while deeply influencing my p… - 4 years ago

@CoryJudson: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Mege01: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@anthonyfenton: RT @_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study politics… - 4 years ago

@SteveSammut2: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@anthonyfenton: RT @jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin and it cha… - 4 years ago

@SteveSammut2: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@StefGotBooted: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@rudesociologist: RT @gayasktn: So sad to hear that Leo Panitch was taken from us by covid. He was a brilliant thinker and a generous teacher. Rest in power. - 4 years ago

@JuQuin701: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@rudesociologist: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@LuluEngl: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@BenjaminFogel: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@Lashesxx: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@_hatman: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@hasan20187: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@TONE1923: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@raiya_zak: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@andreakirwan: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@decapede: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @TheRealNews: Leo Panitch argues Trump's overall economic agenda won't challenge the world's elite at Davos. w/ @gregwilpert - 4 years ago

@BrendaHazelhur1: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@JUSTlNHASTINGS: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @TheRealNews: Can Trump's Gangster Capitalism Manage the Global Economy? w/ Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@UKDemockery: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Mnoorist: @tribunemagazine @jacobinmag he bummed a cigarette off me. and another, and another. we talked for a very long tim… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @BillFletcherJr: The Trump Way - 4 years ago

@Anonymoosh: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@JohnParisella: RT @BobRae48: I am very sorry to hear of Leo Panitch’s death - I knew him from student days in the UK. As our paths diverged he was a stron… - 4 years ago

@Cornish_Damo: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@krimsonProle: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@meaganmday: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@RebeccaWatter: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@SonjaConscious: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@BobRae48: I am very sorry to hear of Leo Panitch’s death - I knew him from student days in the UK. As our paths diverged he w… - 4 years ago

@kgokten: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@DerekJohnBryant: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@whitbyemma: RT @AJScattergood: I was reading Leo Panitch whilst we were expecting our first baby. We had always liked the named Leo and reading his ins… - 4 years ago

@RogerRees2: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@RubaAlHassani: RT @cartwrightTO: Devastated to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. Such as a vital intellectual leader who dedicated his life to the ideal… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@spiralunbound: RT @_isaacrose: A lovely tribute. Seeing him speak was always a highlight of the Corbyn era conferences. Memorable for me was on 24/9/19, m… - 4 years ago

@underaredflag: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@PortaMurda: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@RedTail3d: RT @ErikaShaker: ‘he created safe havens where voices could be heard that were silenced in other parts of academia, where the ravages of ne… - 4 years ago

@CAWLS_ACETS: RT @wsteventufts: The passing of Leo Panitch will hit many people hard today. He shaped many on the left in Canada and abroad, some without… - 4 years ago

@RedTail3d: RT @broadbent: From Ed @Broadbent on the passing of #LeoPanitch: Any movement for social progress and justice is powered by debate and good… - 4 years ago

@Cornish_Damo: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@ChuiTaKaMa1: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Harryslaststand: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@cpeace313: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@ConnorBrunniche: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Fabrizio_Baggi: RT @maurizioacerbo: Apprendo la triste notizia della scomparsa di Leo Panitch, uno dei più importanti intellettuali marxisti contemporanei.… - 4 years ago

@PopResistance: One year ago, the late @KBZeese and @MFlowers8 spoke with the recently-deceased Leo Panitch about building left ind… - 4 years ago

@Andreas_Bieler: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@andresicd3: RT @ThwaitesRey: A los 75 años murió de Covid-19, en Toronto, Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coedito… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: RT @ronanburtenshaw: Very sad day. Tried to put it into words. Leo Panitch was a huge influence over the revival of Tribune (after his init… - 4 years ago

@NickMacWilliam: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Pepsgaff: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@hasan20187: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@johnnymup: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@ProfSmithSask: A really moving and touching tribute to #LeoPanitch from @Ursulahuws - 4 years ago

@RPCorpIntl: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@RafeefZiadah: Leo Panitch had a major influence on all of us who studied Politics @yorkuniversity, and more broadly of course. St… - 4 years ago

@KurtNewman8: Leo Panitch was a dear mentor and friend. Taking his class on the working class and global political economy 20 yea… - 4 years ago

@lara_eleanor: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@hasan20187: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@russell_lum: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@OxfordNDP: RT @mbueckert: This volume had an enormous influence on my own work and approach to political economy. Unparalleled stuff. Get your hands o… - 4 years ago

@MaiochiDaniel: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@middletonlord: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@OxfordNDP: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Powell_J_R: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@fortpapalia: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@annette_harker: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@chris_traynor: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@JakeWoodier: RT @RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorel… - 4 years ago

@DeaneBanning: RT @ErikaShaker: ‘he created safe havens where voices could be heard that were silenced in other parts of academia, where the ravages of ne… - 4 years ago

@middletonlord: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@ruth_felder: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@_SimonBlack: I was an unhappy grad student in NYC. Met Leo Panitch at the Left Forum. He told me to "come home to TO and study p… - 4 years ago

@petaxli: RT @MalindaSmith: RIP. Prof. Leo V Panitch, FRSC, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Canada Research Chair (Comparative P… - 4 years ago

@DiegoLo29234998: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@Byronik: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@Mgm171171: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@CarlosJRonVE: RT @TariqAli_News: Sad news from Canada. Last night, Leo Panitch passed away. - 4 years ago

@danielhowes76: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@JulieSetchfield: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@SolidarityCan: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@ibrahimkurani: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@ericakland: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@stuart95006367: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@NaomiHazarika: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@gembolton: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@OxfordNDP: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@mcjonnell: RT @gwynreessoton: Rest in power Leo Panitch who was an inspiration and took the time at conference to listen to what we thought. A real co… - 4 years ago

@KidsNotMarkets: RT @_ericblanc: For those new to the ideas of Leo Panitch, I wrote this review of his excellent new book on the past and future of the Left… - 4 years ago

@treasonxseason: RT @tribunemagazine: Leo Panitch remained until the very end committed to working-class struggle and socialism. We mourn him today and reme… - 4 years ago

@kernow4corbyn: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@ChristineJameis: RT @DanFinn95: I didn't know Leo Panitch personally, but this was certainly the impression I got from everyone who did: really supportive,… - 4 years ago

@stevanbozanich: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@_ericblanc: For those new to the ideas of Leo Panitch, I wrote this review of his excellent new book on the past and future of… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @VersoBooks: Crash!A history of modern global capitalism & the American state—key moments picked by Leo Panitch for @commentisfree http:… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@TCollombat: RT @wsteventufts: The passing of Leo Panitch will hit many people hard today. He shaped many on the left in Canada and abroad, some without… - 4 years ago

@HASANENSES1: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@rickmarc: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@Decima28936219: RT @michalrozworski: One highlight of this otherwise dismal 2020 was hosting a 5-part series with Leo Panitch for @TWT_NOW on themes from h… - 4 years ago

@mr_socialist_: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@MattJCreasey_: RIP Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@StuartML_: Leo Panitch as well. Very sad. So many prominent leftists have died in the last year: Andre Vltchek, Michael Brooks… - 4 years ago

@BernabeMVC: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@MarkCappetta: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@federoth1: RT @EMercatante: Hoy amanecimos con la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Leo Panitch por Covid. Durante años mantuvimos un diálogo, polém… - 4 years ago

@annasilvani: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Alex_24397: RT @ClaudiaWebbe: Leo Panitch was a great socialist academic & thinker; he co-authored works like: ▪️Searching for Socialism ▪️The Socialis… - 4 years ago

@Knightie48: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@celtjules66: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@stevewbarnett: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@_SimonBlack: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@TavoraPilar: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@ThanMcBride: RT @AJScattergood: I was reading Leo Panitch whilst we were expecting our first baby. We had always liked the named Leo and reading his ins… - 4 years ago

@ThanMcBride: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@SaraCureton: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Alex_24397: RT @left_voice: This morning we woke up to the news that Leo Panitch died. Despite our political differences, Panitch was an important thin… - 4 years ago

@FranLuke123: RT @Paul__Jay: Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed – - 4 years ago

@AlisaGaylePiano: Heartbreaking news. Rest in Power Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@KevinTaghabon: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@CounsellorNLond: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@ma_sabate: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@justin_paulson: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@CounsellorNLond: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@welshlefty2004: Rest in peace Leo Panitch a true champion and giant of socialism - 4 years ago

@mbueckert: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@_SimonBlack: Rest in Power, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@PeterGuen: RT @Paul__Jay: Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed – - 4 years ago

@PunkSensibility: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@PoorConrad: RT @RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorel… - 4 years ago

@Paul__Jay: Our Dear Friend Leo Panitch has Passed – - 4 years ago

@leowatkins91: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@simon_enoch: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@guldfiske: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@rakdiva: RT @TariqAli_News: Sad news from Canada. Last night, Leo Panitch passed away. - 4 years ago

@ergincloud: Socialist Register arsivi, Leo Panitch anisina erisime acilmis. - 4 years ago

@MrK00001: RT @JeromeRoos: Very saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. He was a giant in the discipline of political economy, and a comrade w… - 4 years ago

@UnpopularLesbi1: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@MrK00001: RT @TariqAli_News: Sad news from Canada. Last night, Leo Panitch passed away. - 4 years ago

@EnHui: RT @TariqAli_News: Sad news from Canada. Last night, Leo Panitch passed away. - 4 years ago

@LeftForum: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@Myrstack: RT @poltheoryother: And here's Leo from earlier this year on Labour's electoral defeat: - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @left_voice: This morning we woke up to the news that Leo Panitch died. Despite our political differences, Panitch was an important thin… - 4 years ago

@donald_planey: RT @RaviMalh: Before I was an academic, Leo Panitch took a chance on me and the late Marta Russell and published a piece we wrote about dis… - 4 years ago

@MWerner2010: RIP Leo Panitch. What a legacy for the left - Socialist Register and more. - 4 years ago

@donald_planey: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @micahuetricht: Leo Panitch on why we need to be critical of the failures & limits of existing leftist projects—not to condemn them, but… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @r_bellofiore: Leo Panitch died for covid in the hospital. He was one of the left wing intellectuals from whom I learnt so much. Very of… - 4 years ago

@JohanDiSilenzio: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@klhoughton: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@MoonAndStar25: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@RussellcarrCarr: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@PhilippFournier: Rest in peace Leo Panitch. He was equally kind and brilliant - 4 years ago

@aaannnnnnneee: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@michaelarria: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@karatu25: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@ajagbeadewole: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@Sconaluser: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@EnigmaofCapital: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@JeromeRoos: Very saddened to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. He was a giant in the discipline of political economy, and a c… - 4 years ago

@maisiegracerob: RT @jemgilbert: Leo Panitch did so many things; but this recent series of online seminars was a great recent contribution: - 4 years ago

@finnfan05: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@FabioSulpizio: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@StarSparkle_UK: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@K_elly_B: RT @justin_paulson: Stunned at the loss of Leo Panitch. A titan of political economy, indefatigable editor, comrade, friend. Extraordinari… - 4 years ago

@LASTTreasurer: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@hanrahanistan: RT @RaulZelik: Kein anderes Buch zur imperialen Geschichte des #Kapitalismus hat mir so viel weitergeholfen. Super intelligente Erwiderung… - 4 years ago

@SwingLeftBR: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@jacobinmag: RT @catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his loss a… - 4 years ago

@CounsellorNLond: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@catalyst_theory: Our late colleague and comrade Leo Panitch wrote this essay for Catalyst in the spring. We’ll forever mourn his los… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: Saddened to hear we lost Leo Panitch recently. I didn’t know him, but I always appreciated listening to his talks o… - 4 years ago

@SolidarityCan: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@RedPeppermag: In the same year, we interviewed Leo about his book 'The Making of Global Capitalism' – and the strategies needed t… - 4 years ago

@ChiSyndicalist: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@braneck: RT @fraubalhorn: Sad to hear about Leo Panitch’s passing, a monumental figure, no doubt. I really enjoyed this conversation between him and… - 4 years ago

@SandyAsheshov: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@_Bleam: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@TristramWyatt: RT @RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorel… - 4 years ago

@LittleBirdSteph: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@stephenptweetng: RT @haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@mbueckert: RT @justin_paulson: Stunned at the loss of Leo Panitch. A titan of political economy, indefatigable editor, comrade, friend. Extraordinari… - 4 years ago

@dlittman: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@verastjs: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@LiliKraljevic: RT @EMercatante: Hoy amanecimos con la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Leo Panitch por Covid. Durante años mantuvimos un diálogo, polém… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@haymarketbooks: Rest in power, Leo Panitch A devastating loss - 4 years ago

@ramsincanon: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@isikyontar_: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @dharnanoor: i just heard that the great leo panitch passed away and i am gutted, sending so so so much love to all who knew and cared f… - 4 years ago

@Shakas_Coconut: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@hjkarlewicz: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@LASTTreasurer: RT @RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorel… - 4 years ago

@susiemagoo: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@chisfg: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@susiemagoo: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@clausantan: Última entrevista de Leo Panitch en Jacobin - 4 years ago

@D_Raval: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@RedPeppermag: We are deeply saddened to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A kind, generous man whose analyses and influence will be sorely missed - 4 years ago

@Zach_Fleisher: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@oldgrowthpine: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@thundergay2049: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@spursfandom: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@clausantan: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@xpombo: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@brwneyed_susan: RT @JamesRHutt: Devastating news about Leo Panitch. He was one of the first thinkers who helped me understand global capitalism and really… - 4 years ago

@birty4306: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@AlainGGagnon: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@danielmarans: RT @DeadPundits: 1/ It's customary to speak well of the dead. But I cannot overstate the warmth, the humility, the kindness and generosity… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@JacobHLeveton: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@wsteventufts: The passing of Leo Panitch will hit many people hard today. He shaped many on the left in Canada and abroad, some w… - 4 years ago

@Samael112233: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@DannyWijnhoud: RT @haymarketbooks: Tribune speaks to Leo Panitch about the lessons learned from the last decade on the Left – from Occupy Wall Street to S… - 4 years ago

@gwynreessoton: Rest in power Leo Panitch who was an inspiration and took the time at conference to listen to what we thought. A re… - 4 years ago

@matt_fodor: RT @regwhit1: Words cannot begin to express the profound shock and grief at the terrible news of the passing of Leo Panitch - my oldest and… - 4 years ago

@TiffanyBalducci: RT @JamesRHutt: Devastating news about Leo Panitch. He was one of the first thinkers who helped me understand global capitalism and really… - 4 years ago

@allyPOUM: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@isracor1: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@haymarketbooks: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@besshubbard: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@haymarketbooks: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@blp_city: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@LondonRepublic1: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@nathan_backlund: Deeply saddened at the loss of Leo Panitch, a man very much in his intellectual prime. Shout out to @DougHenwood,… - 4 years ago

@ann_marcial: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Leo Panitch Obituary – Leo Panitch Death / Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@ChrisRiger: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@cartwrightTO: Devastated to hear of the passing of Leo Panitch. Such as a vital intellectual leader who dedicated his life to the… - 4 years ago

@ProfTWolf: Leo Panitch! Rest in Power! - 4 years ago

@danwebstere: RT @whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt so much f… - 4 years ago

@donach69: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@AntaraRC21: Just got know that Canadian Marxist Leo Panitch is no more!! Reading his editorial pieces on socialist register hel… - 4 years ago

@CitizenSE: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@My_Pedagogics: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@opalsoap: RIP, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Darrell58156011: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@TMirrlees_: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@monica71576291: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@HackneySwp: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@Maitemola: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@Williamscott747: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@valerieuher: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@ma_mchugh: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@LipmanMiliband: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@Jderbyshire: Leo Panitch has died. He was very helpful to me when I was writing this 2010 piece about his friend Ralph Miliband - 4 years ago

@stiptop1: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@bpdecaf: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@KathyRoddy: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@XcelciorK: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@JohnWhi19611953: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@RandallNortham: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@fabucat: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@BillTieleman: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@KellySusan19: Well this is sad news. - 4 years ago

@Evelynfire: RT @ClaudiaWebbe: Leo Panitch was a great socialist academic & thinker; he co-authored works like: ▪️Searching for Socialism ▪️The Socialis… - 4 years ago

@eddygraham39: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@schusmariano: Murió Leo Panitch, una figura clave del pensamiento de izquierda del siglo XX. Editor desde los 80 de Socialist Reg… - 4 years ago

@lloydjody805: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@ozugurlumetin: "The Internationale" conducted by Arturo Toscanini--BANNED by U.S. censors! - 4 years ago

@cacrisalves: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@derekseidman80: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@MartnMosquera4: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@albertobaezav: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@alnbnw: RT @almostgone1187: Both of Leo Panitch and Colin Leys books on the baked in failures of Labourism and the reactionary war against the Left… - 4 years ago

@RRIHUETE: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@FaisanFasaaa: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@AHAkramLodhi: Words fail me with the death of Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Jayati1609: Devastated at the terrible news of the death of Leo Panitch, one of the most remarkable, prolific and insightful pr… - 4 years ago

@LavaMediaBe: In memoriam Leo Panitch, 1945-19 décembre 2020. Marxiste, politologue, auteur de plus de 100 articles et livres, et… - 4 years ago

@ngelitobravo1: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@verso_il_fronte: RT @NicolaMelloni: Pessima notizia la morte di Leo #Panitch: curioso, arguto, e analisi sempre all'avanguardia delle forme politiche del ca… - 4 years ago

@NicolaMelloni: RT @r_bellofiore: Leo Panitch died for covid in the hospital. He was one of the left wing intellectuals from whom I learnt so much. Very of… - 4 years ago

@LavaMediaBe: In memoriam Leo Panitch, 1945-19 december 2020. Marxist, politicoloog, auteur van meer dan 100 artikels en boeken,… - 4 years ago

@verso_il_fronte: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@IShoikhedbrod: Incredibly privileged to have had Leo Panitch as a panelist for my virtual book launch this summer. I can't believe… - 4 years ago

@maddestscience: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Reinaraf1962: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@kristensoulina: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@kim1811: Such a loss. Rest in power Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Alexcl1690: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@mattakaneko: RT @whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt so much f… - 4 years ago

@BertholdSeliger: @RaulZelik Danke für den Hinweis (wenn auch aus ausgesprochen traurigem Anlaß)! Das Buch war komplett an mir vorbei… - 4 years ago

@__CatN: RT @agarzon: Ha fallecido el profesor Leo Panitch, autor de importantes trabajos con los que comprender el funcionamiento del capitalismo.… - 4 years ago

@mygibbo: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@mygibbo: RT @PeoplesMomentum: “It’s about developing democracy....that develops people’s capacities to participate collectively..” R.I.P Leo Panitc… - 4 years ago

@TCollombat: RT @justin_paulson: Stunned at the loss of Leo Panitch. A titan of political economy, indefatigable editor, comrade, friend. Extraordinari… - 4 years ago

@reclaimuc: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@NakedKeynes: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@TCollombat: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Decima28936219: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@adamsneyd: Canada has lost many great public intellectuals and political economists over the past few years: Stephen Clarkson,… - 4 years ago

@TCollombat: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@inthewry: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@mygibbo: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@AmyfStuart: Leo Panitch was a world renowned political thinker, a @yorkuniversity distinguished professor and a prolific writer… - 4 years ago

@CritLeft: Panitch & Gindin's The Making of Global Capitalism, while it has some flaws, is overwhelmingly an impressive feat f… - 4 years ago

@patti_ryan: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@David_M_Scott_: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@estebanrooney: RT @shirleymush: One of the most amazing things about Leo Panitch was his voice. It was like honey poured over thunder, and made his variou… - 4 years ago

@daraghjgrant: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@brendarogers2: RT @David__Osland: Saddened to hear of the death of Leo Panitch, the leftist Canadian academic and editor of Socialist Register. RIP and co… - 4 years ago

@ZapHS2: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@ClaudiaWebbe: Leo Panitch was a great socialist academic & thinker; he co-authored works like: ▪️Searching for Socialism ▪️The So… - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@CAWLS_ACETS: RT @stephross_mac: On the passing of Leo Panitch, my mentor, doctoral supervisor, and dear friend. #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@MiaSertima: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @matt_fodor: Devastated to learn of the death of my Master's supervisor, the world-renowned Marxist intellectual Leo Panitch. He had an… - 4 years ago

@John68Richmond: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@benjamin__bland: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@benjamin__bland: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@MckinleyLynaya: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@Antonineone1: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@RKBtoo: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@irescuerabbits: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: RT @icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away & that is… - 4 years ago

@Phillipbarker20: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@icklepickle: @jeremycorbyn ‘Let me tell you. Whatever happens with Corbyn this Socialist upsurge in Britain is not going away &… - 4 years ago

@IlhanGunalp: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@wsteventufts: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@ryankatzrosene: A very sad day for the Canadian Left, which has lost an absolute giant, Leo Panitch. He played a huge role in shapi… - 4 years ago

@SulkingSkulker: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@sonali_db: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@soysallsalih: RT @dahabirkaczaman: 2004'te bir grup arkadaş (@memediko, @nurcinileri, E. Bulut aklıma gelenler) Socialist Register'ın bir dosyasını çevir… - 4 years ago

@SanbonmatsuJ: Leo Panitch, whom I knew, died yesterday of COVID-19. Leo was a towering figure on the Canadian left, co-editor fo… - 4 years ago

@JuanGPonte: RT @SeoirseThomais: Ha muerto Leo Panitch y recomiendan esta entrevista reciente como un buen ejemplo de su forma de pensar y divulgar. Sob… - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@Eli_Edwards: Deeply saddened about the passing of Leo Panitch. Was incredibly fortunate to have heard him speak at Conference la… - 4 years ago

@dougiedoings: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@delia72_delia: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@Alexcl1690: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@filchatzopoulos: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@delia72_delia: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@doodoo1047: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@AllanAlshld: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Clmumme: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@katheder: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@stevewbarnett: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@NickRuhloff: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @r_bellofiore: Leo Panitch died for covid in the hospital. He was one of the left wing intellectuals from whom I learnt so much. Very of… - 4 years ago

@jemgilbert: RT @shirleymush: Shocked and desperately sad to hear of the death of Leo Panitch, an intellectual dynamo, a wonderful teacher and, if it’s… - 4 years ago

@hapoelorient: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@LynAdamson1: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@histevegray: @JimmyHSands @jeremycorbyn Leo Panich or Leo Panitch, it appears Jeremy is unsure - 4 years ago

@LFCDetroit: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@ETFOcb: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@ETFOcb: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@opeyemi041: Leo Panitch Death – Leo Panitch Obituary | Cause of Death - 4 years ago

@ETFOcb: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@unioneyes: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@jmpto2017: I was a young laid off auto worker. I saw a Leo Panitch talk, sent him an email, he took me for lunch with Gindin a… - 4 years ago

@ah_issa: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@LuisaMastrobuo2: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@MelCGriffiths1: @Zokko18 It’s Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Williamscott747: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@HondaWang: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @E_IR: Read E-IR's interview with Leo Panitch for his views on socialism, Marxism, and global capitalism - 4 years ago

@IKeirHardie: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@BenRyan112358: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@valerieuher: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@HappyAbode1875: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@rabfish: RT @OkicTijana: Goodbye Leo Panitch. Another great Marxist intellectual gone. This has been hugely important essay for many on the left, an… - 4 years ago

@Dr_Lata_N: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@deensharp: @rkeil oh no, sorry for your loss and all of ours. The left has lost one of its most incisive and prolific minds. RIP Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Hemsworth_CLP: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@DBrabblerouser: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@MorrisDCosta: RT @Dr_PNL: RIP Leo Panitch - a giant of political + socialist thought. Leo was our brilliant, demanding scholar-teacher at Carleton U who… - 4 years ago

@raulpacheco: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@ArsimTariq: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@gemandmoll: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@arun_smith: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@ilkercrt: Leo Panitch'in Sam Gindin ile birlikte yazdığı, Poulantzasçı diyebileceğimiz bir çerçevesi olan ve Leninist emperya… - 4 years ago

@Harryslaststand: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@CatherineMollo4: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Dshave_88: RT @konings_martijn: Extremely sad to learn of the passing of Leo Panitch - supervisor, collaborator, and friend. - 4 years ago

@owl_kc: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Harryslaststand: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@IanHLewis1: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Priceless20201: RT @OkicTijana: Goodbye Leo Panitch. Another great Marxist intellectual gone. This has been hugely important essay for many on the left, an… - 4 years ago

@neil_oiwf: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@TomCornford: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@AndyB1960: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@Beer_Browser: RT @OkicTijana: Goodbye Leo Panitch. Another great Marxist intellectual gone. This has been hugely important essay for many on the left, an… - 4 years ago

@sartajku: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@charlesmenzies: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@brendan_hastie: RT @TimDFowler: Rest in power, Leo Pantich. Panitch was one of the most important names in Canadian Marxist thought, and made innumerable c… - 4 years ago

@newtrots: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Leahy7Leahy: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@Ukiyo_e: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@Leahy7Leahy: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@blacklikewho: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@Marvscouncil: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@DoctorPangolin: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Ukiyo_e: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@LondonRepublic1: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@bradbelltv: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@TheMendozaWoman: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @AJScattergood: I was reading Leo Panitch whilst we were expecting our first baby. We had always liked the named Leo and reading his ins… - 4 years ago

@LivUniSoc: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@strelnikov494: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@AntonJaegermm: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Ptwohig: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@Chilling_dayz: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@SuslovsGhost: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Jsharman64: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@adubwoods: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@Prometheus_Jrnl: RT @LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of our pr… - 4 years ago

@Ahnonymust: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@ChristineJameis: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of our pr… - 4 years ago

@Langevin1871: RT @LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of our pr… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @cupe3902: Leo Panitch, friend to #canlab and mentor to many past and present 3902 members, has passed. Rest in power. - 4 years ago

@COMRADEBLOOM: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@paisanopaisa: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Socialist_Chris: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@tomdionnecarro1: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@BrendaHazelhur1: RT @UnityNewsIndie: RIP Leo Panitch. The loss to this world is immeasurable 💔 - 4 years ago

@adubwoods: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@BareLeft: RT @DanFinn95: I didn't know Leo Panitch personally, but this was certainly the impression I got from everyone who did: really supportive,… - 4 years ago

@flelizi: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@DawnHFoster: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@GrahamScambler: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@Moonbootica: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@Chr1sR0berts: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@dwhugill: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@afroblazingguns: On my book buying binge I bought like Leo Panitch books. Been following and reading him for years. So surprised to hear of his passing. - 4 years ago

@LondonRepublic1: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@iris_versari: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@ta_mills: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@charlesbroger: RT @whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt so much f… - 4 years ago

@flelizi: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@Icky_84: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@c_macnamara: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@avgerinosx: RT @NtinaMpatzia: Η τελευταία του συνέντευξη #leopanitch - 4 years ago

@LondonRepublic1: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@direcleit: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@LondonRepublic1: RT @tbmyhero: @graceblakeley I have just finished reading 'Searching For Socialism',a very good book.I got into Leo Panitch just recently,a… - 4 years ago

@Dr_PNL: RIP Leo Panitch - a giant of political + socialist thought. Leo was our brilliant, demanding scholar-teacher at Car… - 4 years ago

@sarahcam3ron: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@herr_naphta: Alex Callinicos, about whom many things can of course be said, posts a remembrance of his friend Leo Panitch, and t… - 4 years ago

@convivir: RT @zarahsultana: An intellectual giant of our movement has been lost. While I didn't know him personally, I was proud to speak alongside h… - 4 years ago

@Shokispeare: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @CDN_Dimension: Leftist political parties need to become a force for working class community development. This is how movements are crea… - 4 years ago

@vivaksoni: RT @LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of our pr… - 4 years ago

@rulesdisobeyer: RT @DeadPundits: 1/ It's customary to speak well of the dead. But I cannot overstate the warmth, the humility, the kindness and generosity… - 4 years ago

@emquaile: RT @lewceein: RIP [Leo Panitch]: "Between the 1870s and 1920, in the development of capitalism and in the struggles for freedom of associa… - 4 years ago

@StephenJOwen159: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@PeoplesMomentum: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@sethnotes: RT @LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of our pr… - 4 years ago

@johannes_rath: Yazar Leo #Panitch koronadan öldü - 4 years ago

@Traceylee1964: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@georgefakos: Πέθανε ο Leo Panitch - «Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους σύγχρονους μαρξιστές διανοητές» | "Ενδείξεις-Αποδείξεις" - 4 years ago

@NealMcTaggart: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@JihanAbbas: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@StupidpolX: RT @SteveAHorn: RIP Leo Panitch. Your seminal scholarly work will live on. Yet another devastating loss at the hands of #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@LabTransformed: We are saddened to hear of the passing of our comrade Leo Panitch. Leo offered advice during the early stages of ou… - 4 years ago

@kgokten: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@ndrzgr1907: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@arcattapan: RT @whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt so much f… - 4 years ago

@arcattapan: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @lewceein: RIP [Leo Panitch]: "Between the 1870s and 1920, in the development of capitalism and in the struggles for freedom of associa… - 4 years ago

@TimDFowler: Rest in power, Leo Pantich. Panitch was one of the most important names in Canadian Marxist thought, and made innum… - 4 years ago

@Zokko18: RT @Imogenlemon02: @Smithy0364 @Zokko18 Reading this interview and knowing that Panitch defends Williamson. Well no wonder he's a friend of… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@ahmedankep2: Canelo Veltman belle delphine Brighton Lundstram 見取り図 ニューヨーク Eddie Izzard Soro Callahan 見取り図 Callahan jihyo Eddie I… - 4 years ago

@johannes_rath: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@evimrkou: Πέθανε ο Leo Panitch - «Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους σύγχρονους μαρξιστές διανοητές» - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @PhMarliere: Leo Panitch: Nation-states are responsible for the development of global Capitalism.(Audio slideshow) - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @VersoBooks: Leo Panitch presents a fascinating slideshow on the role of the state in the development of global capitalism - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @marcusbarnett_: I’m grateful that my last memory of Leo Panitch is of him, truly shickered, fraternally ripping apart my willingness to… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@kubia: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@cafepreto_13: RT @emirsader: Archives | Socialist Register- Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @socialistprojct: Empire, Socialism and November /w Leo Panitch (1945 - 2020) #RIP - 4 years ago

@TimDFowler: RT @cupe3902: Leo Panitch, friend to #canlab and mentor to many past and present 3902 members, has passed. Rest in power. - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend & mento… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Imogenlemon02: @Smithy0364 @Zokko18 Reading this interview and knowing that Panitch defends Williamson. Well no wonder he's a frie… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@gkealey: Horrible news this morning. Leo is gone but his engaged work remains: Empire, Socialism and November /w Leo Pa… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@jeremymilloy: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@nikoblock: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@peggs_adam: I recently finished Leo Panitch’s In And Out Of Crisis (co-authored with Greg Albo & Sam Gindin), it’s really an ex… - 4 years ago

@owl_kc: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @telesurenglish: Watch @ChrisLynnHedges and Leo Panitch examine the genesis of global imperialism & capitalism - 4 years ago

@CharlieSanjaya: RT @_ericblanc: I'm heartbroken by Leo Panitch's death. He was a mentor and comrade to so many of us and he had so much more to give. https… - 4 years ago

@Broilster: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@delia72_delia: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@Mo1is2sad: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@icpetrie: Interview with Leo Panitch in which he describes growing up in Winnipeg's North End - 4 years ago

@ParseySimon: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@CouncillorBill: RT @grumpyinbolton: @jeremycorbyn It is Leo Panitch. Show some respect man. - 4 years ago

@AlisonHearn: RT @CosmoSalomo: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@YirmeyahuWedge: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@danwhittall: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@nkalamb: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@kernow4corbyn: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@andrewfeinstein: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@andrewfeinstein: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@openshadowlight: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@n_srnck: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@TorSean: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@EmmaJackson57: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@sanakimene: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @V21collective: good morning in mourning, Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@joneyi1: RT @Deborah_Malina: Really gutted to hear of Leo Panitch's death. He spoke on many TWT events and most recently ran this amazing educationa… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@StanBillingham3: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @CosmoSalomo: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @soverylong: A radical left scholar, Leo Panitch made important contributions to Canadian and global political economy. His passing is s… - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@secondrowlabour: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@lorrainemichael: @judyrebick Very sad to hear of Leo Panitch’s death. - 4 years ago

@UnityNewsIndie: RIP Leo Panitch. The loss to this world is immeasurable 💔 - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @cantabro: Michael Hudson & Leo Panitch debate significance of new BRICS’ bank (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) - 4 years ago

@oshima9: RT @SteveAHorn: RIP Leo Panitch. Your seminal scholarly work will live on. Yet another devastating loss at the hands of #COVID19. - 4 years ago

@my2cnz: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@DrDArcyReed: RT @OkicTijana: Goodbye Leo Panitch. Another great Marxist intellectual gone. This has been hugely important essay for many on the left, an… - 4 years ago

@ahmedankep2: Good Sunday jihyo Tariq Mohammad Elon Lundstram インディアンス Canelo Elon Eddie Izzard マヂラブ Callahan Good Sunday Brighton… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @taraxaco: Leo Panitch​: US consumes five times China and India combined - Asian markets are not the way out of the crisis - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @m_holloway: @therealnews - 4 years ago

@Obliquist: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @tunterrainer: Leo Panitch @hima2012 today: 'we need a class analysis [of world events] ... the big question is not "will China rival A… - 4 years ago

@momentum_grw: RT @jon_trickett: RIP Léo Panitch, my friend and comrade, We have lost a great socialist, and wonderful human being. His corpus of work wil… - 4 years ago

@NeilevansEvans: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Boneysucks: Se murió Leo Panitch 😢 - 4 years ago

@MattFlisfeder: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@karadagmetin2: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@jeromontero: Murió Leo Panitch, un brillante pensador de la izquierda que inspiró a miles, que permanentemente confiaba en la po… - 4 years ago

@NiallGlynn: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@DH_Garrison: Rest in power, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@stschrader1: One memory of Leo Panitch moderating a Left Forum panel: an audience member made a dogmatic & aggressive comment (r… - 4 years ago

@nkalamb: Just really sad about the Leo Panitch news. - 4 years ago

@paul_chislett: RT @justinpodur: There are many reasons to remember a lifelong socialist writer and activist like Leo Panitch, but I will always remember t… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @nicksiem: To understand how the notion of "imperialist China" acquired intellectual respectability among the Euroamerican left & its sa… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @NicosTrim: Leo Panitch, a giant has passed away. I feel devastated. I had the honour of meeting and hosting Leo to a meeting in Cyprus… - 4 years ago

@BrockLabour: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@DauphinRattle: A wonderful tribute to Leo Panitch who died yesterday - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @OkicTijana: Goodbye Leo Panitch. Another great Marxist intellectual gone. This has been hugely important essay for many on the left, an… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @MElmaazi: Very interesting interviews. Definitely worth it. Adam Tooze and Leo Panitch, separately discuss with @DougHenwood, on glo… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @liatenbrink: RIP Leo Panitch 😞 I learned so much from his books, especially the great The Making of Global Capitalism and The End of Pa… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @GlobalFaultline: Rest in Peace Leo Panitch. You'll live on in our struggle. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @GlobalFaultline: Rest in Peace Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @shirleymush: Shocked and desperately sad to hear of the death of Leo Panitch, an intellectual dynamo, a wonderful teacher and, if it’s… - 4 years ago

@kate1956: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @Liz_Fitting: RIP Leo Panitch. I’ve read so many things he’s written or edited over the years, I feel like I was one of his many, many s… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @ewangibbs: Really sad news about Leo Panitch. He epitomised his generation of new left intellectuals in their commitment to partisan sc… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @muhdansaglam: Bu dünyadan bir Leo Panitch geçti... Ufuk açtı, sorguladı, mazlumdan yanaydı. Çok üzgünüm. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @_BvdM: Devastating to hear about the passing of the irreplaceable Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @mortdarthur: Last time i saw the great leo panitch @TWT_NOW 2019. he kept it real. huge loss to the movement.❤ rip leo x. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @alvarobianchi: Morreu Leo Panitch, destacado socialista canadense. A @Revista_Outubro publicou este artigo dele, sobre a crise de 2008.… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @JulieSetchfield: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. I only came across his work this year. "Searching for Socialism" is such a reassuring and i… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @tbmyhero: @graceblakeley I have just finished reading 'Searching For Socialism',a very good book.I got into Leo Panitch just recently,a… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @JLiess: Leo Panitch ist gestorben. Ein trauriger Tag für die sozialistische Linke. RIP - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @poltheoryother: And here's Leo from earlier this year on Labour's electoral defeat: - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @rjaycamm: R.I.P. Leo Panitch 😞 - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @mikejbeggs: Our seminar on The Making of Global Capitalism, from 2013 (!) Thanks for everything, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@red_revenant: RT @claudiakincaid: Via @Ursulahuws "To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that h… - 4 years ago

@GuyPhilosopher: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @NiallMulh: Leo Panitch, socialist academic and activist, based in Canada, has died. There was plenty to agree and disagree with his wri… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @shirleymush: One of the most amazing things about Leo Panitch was his voice. It was like honey poured over thunder, and made his variou… - 4 years ago

@weRopseu: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @iancapstick: Leo Panitch had an optimism and intellect that will help fuel cooperative movements, non-hierarchical organization and ins… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @Calderbank: Like his mentor Ralph Miliband, Leo Panitch was under no illusions about the scale of the forces socialists are up against.… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @LeftBookClub: This is such a sad loss – rest in power Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@ddodododdadada: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @noondreamer: Leo Panitch covidden ölmüş. Küçük bir post-doc hayalim vardı kendisiyle ama tezim bitmedi lan. :( Üzüldüm. - 4 years ago

@nin_sch: RT @TheRealNews: The Real News is sorry to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, a long time contributor. Please enjoy his many appearance… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @filipeamendonca: Este será um domingo triste. Leo Panitch inspirou marxistas no mundo inteiro. Sua obra não será esquecida. Meus sentim… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @AbsonJill: @alexnunns Nobody rode out the Postmodernism trend at Canadian and American universities better than Leo Panitch, like Chom… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @JenniferVEvans: Extremely saddened to hear Leo Panitch has died. Among his many gifts to the profession, he was a committed supervisor… - 4 years ago

@scot_tigger: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @TheRealNews: The Real News is sorry to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, a long time contributor. Please enjoy his many appearance… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @gazeteduvar: Yazar Leo Panitch koronadan öldü - 4 years ago

@EuropeanBerlin: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @chutandoaescada: Este será um domingo triste num ano interminável. Leo Panitch inspirou marxistas no mundo inteiro. Sua obra não será e… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @chutandoaescada: Repost: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edi… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @dfertl: Vale Leo Panitch. A huge loss. - 4 years ago

@paul_chislett: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Leo Panitch - #LeoPanitch #Leo #Panitch #rip - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @SpoonyBart: Nie żyje Leo Panitch, kanadyjski socjalista, badacz ekonomii politycznej, autor wybitnej "The Political Economy of American… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @DavidHeap: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. A thinker & writer who will be sorely missed by the Canadian left, and all those striving for a m… - 4 years ago

@gordonb123456: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @naijamarxists: Rest in power Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @justin_paulson: Stunned at the loss of Leo Panitch. A titan of political economy, indefatigable editor, comrade, friend. Extraordinari… - 4 years ago

@Antonineone1: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@soverylong: A radical left scholar, Leo Panitch made important contributions to Canadian and global political economy. His pass… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @artjvrojo: Llegué a Leo Panitch gracias a esta traducción de @AkalEditor de su incomensurable libro (junto a Sam Gindin) "La construcci… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @lewceein: RIP [Leo Panitch]: "Between the 1870s and 1920, in the development of capitalism and in the struggles for freedom of associa… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @JOHNROYTAYLOR: @jon_trickett Check out this appearance by #leopanitch on @allthebestcast. A podcast by @mattzarb & @maxshanly and hos… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@hocaoglu_kerem: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@Prof_Savage: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @rodrigoac7: Rest in power Leo Panitch. His first article in @CDN_Dimension was on Salvador Allende. Decades later I published an articl… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @almostgone1187: There are people who just expound lucidly, rolling from point to point, musically, bringing all the past with them but… - 4 years ago

@ceesa_ma: RT @claudiakincaid: Via @Ursulahuws "To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that h… - 4 years ago

@CosmoSalomo: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@DanaiKoltsida: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Ινστιτούτου Νίκος Πουλαντζάς αποχαιρετά τον Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@istuetzle: RT @MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journal: http… - 4 years ago

@shawngude: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@my2cnz: R.I.P. Leo Panitch @democracynow - 4 years ago

@grumpyinbolton: @jeremycorbyn It is Leo Panitch. Show some respect man. - 4 years ago

@MarxinHell: Socialist Register has opened its archives for free reading in memory of Leo Panitch, longtime editor of the journa… - 4 years ago

@KateHack1: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@laith_alk: I wasn’t lucky enough to meet Leo Panitch but I do remember listening to him on YouTube as I tried to understand po… - 4 years ago

@benok_castillo: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@nkalamb: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@whywinter: RIP Leo Panitch— one of the most important contemporary Marxist theorists of the state and of empire. We’ve learnt… - 4 years ago

@flelizi: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@maurlind: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@flelizi: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@flelizi: RT @michalrozworski: One highlight of this otherwise dismal 2020 was hosting a 5-part series with Leo Panitch for @TWT_NOW on themes from h… - 4 years ago

@DLRaby: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@Davieboy0906: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@luzifer_rising: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@gayasktn: So sad to hear that Leo Panitch was taken from us by covid. He was a brilliant thinker and a generous teacher. Rest in power. - 4 years ago

@shirleymush: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @JebSprague: I'm sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch. I had a good conversation w/him when he visited the university where I w… - 4 years ago

@the5thColumnist: RT @JoelHardenONDP: Very sad to learn that Leo Panitch died yesterday, a towering figure among socialist intellectuals. I’m thinking of Leo… - 4 years ago

@geo_aegean: RT @Poulantzas_Inst: Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Ινστιτούτου Νίκος Πουλαντζάς αποχαιρετά τον Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@andywartrol: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@bolshevikgirl: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@ThwaitesRey: A los 75 años murió de Covid-19, en Toronto, Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue… - 4 years ago

@CurvyMermaid617: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@UKDemockery: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @istuetzle: That is very sad. I learned a lot from him. Like hardly anyone else, he has always emphasized that, despite all the talk of… - 4 years ago

@astradisastra: RT @sunraysunray: I haven't been able to come up with any words since I heard about the passing of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. I gues… - 4 years ago

@momentum_grw: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Pauline_Hardman: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@MiaSertima: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@cbeyreuther: RT @audibinali: Socialist Register is free to read up until 2011 issue to celebrate the life and work its co-editor, Leo Panitch. https:/… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @AdamDavidMorton: Rest in Power Leo Panitch ‘If the financial crisis that began in 1997 deserved to be called the Asian Crisis, because… - 4 years ago

@HWorsdale: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@kkadriyyee_: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@DemokratHaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch korona nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti - 4 years ago

@johnwphd: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@TWT_NOW: RT @michalrozworski: One highlight of this otherwise dismal 2020 was hosting a 5-part series with Leo Panitch for @TWT_NOW on themes from h… - 4 years ago

@Rossaholden: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@DerekJohnBryant: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@michalrozworski: One highlight of this otherwise dismal 2020 was hosting a 5-part series with Leo Panitch for @TWT_NOW on themes fro… - 4 years ago

@RKBtoo: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @konings_martijn: Extremely sad to learn of the passing of Leo Panitch - supervisor, collaborator, and friend. - 4 years ago

@jeevanrai: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Icky_84: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @r_bellofiore: - 4 years ago

@JamesRHutt: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@RespectIsVital: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@AhoFrank: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @poltheoryother: And here's Leo from earlier this year on Labour's electoral defeat: - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@JulieAForshaw: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@mcwisel59: RT @oxi_blog: Leo Panitch ist gestorben. Zum erinnernden Gedenken eine Luxemburg Lecture @rosaluxstiftung mit Sam Gindin aus dem Jahr 201… - 4 years ago

@GMitakides: RT @TOPONTIKI: Πέθανε ο Leo Panitch - «Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους σύγχρονους μαρξιστές διανοητές» - 4 years ago

@daviddoel: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@mdbergfeld: A wonderful interview with a great democratic socialist thinker. Rest in Power Leo Panitch >>> Leo Panitch, “The Ma… - 4 years ago

@TWT_NOW: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@SIMusic97: Oh no 😭 I read and finished this book earlier in the year. I found it very informative and it helped develop my un… - 4 years ago

@Magnieboy: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @r_bellofiore: Leo Panitch died for covid in the hospital. He was one of the left wing intellectuals from whom I learnt so much. Very of… - 4 years ago

@mddimick: RT @istuetzle: That is very sad. I learned a lot from him. Like hardly anyone else, he has always emphasized that, despite all the talk of… - 4 years ago

@PES_PoA: RT @dfertl: Vale Leo Panitch. A huge loss. - 4 years ago

@RethinkLabour: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@allan_crawshaw: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@NatashaJosette: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@CHARLIElion15: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@yoshiefuruhashi: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@Biometricstate: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@MissTesfai: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@DafneConchaF: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@Pauline_Hardman: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@AhoFrank: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@winteressme: RT @TorSean: 캐나다 좌파 연간 학술지 <소셜리스트 레지스터> 편집인이자 학자 리오 파니치 Leo Panitch 선생이 돌아가셨다고. 아… - 4 years ago

@AlejoPedregal: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@JulieSetchfield: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@ht4ecosocialism: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@AJScattergood: I was reading Leo Panitch whilst we were expecting our first baby. We had always liked the named Leo and reading hi… - 4 years ago

@samgtto3000: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@iveseenthelemon: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@iveseenthelemon: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@kwardvancouver: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@Justice30: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@Sheilap1996swbw: RT @TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Party. His an… - 4 years ago

@Poulantzas_Inst: Το Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο του Ινστιτούτου Νίκος Πουλαντζάς αποχαιρετά τον Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@GreenPaul58: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@MissTesfai: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@nick_boileau: I got to meet him just once. I totally fanboyed when I shook his hand. The man. The Legend. My intellectual mento… - 4 years ago

@AlejoPedregal: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@JRsChinaBlog1: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@meo_jos: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@K_ar_im: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@TEMcD2020: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@Memyselfandmoi: RT @SibelAtaogul: L’incomparable Leo Panitch est mort. Rest in power comrade. - 4 years ago

@SibelAtaogul: L’incomparable Leo Panitch est mort. Rest in power comrade. - 4 years ago

@TWT_NOW: This year we were lucky enough to host a 5 part series with Leo Panitch on a history of socialists in the Labour Pa… - 4 years ago

@Jodi7768: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@TOPONTIKI: Πέθανε ο Leo Panitch - «Ένας από τους σημαντικότερους σύγχρονους μαρξιστές διανοητές» - 4 years ago

@IanPindar: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@aljadisa: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@EdenburgJoan: RT @DavidHeap: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. A thinker & writer who will be sorely missed by the Canadian left, and all those striving for a m… - 4 years ago

@srcdoyle: RT @BarnabyRaine: After a raucous dinner, Leo Panitch once said suddenly, "I feel the force of defeat. I battle not to let that become the… - 4 years ago

@SamanthaPippin7: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@iveseenthelemon: RT @Prof_Savage: Leo Panitch’s work inspired me to pursue a PhD. I was fortunate to become one of his students and to be able to work along… - 4 years ago

@neitalarmin: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@peranderssvard: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@CBrentPatterson: RT @DavidHeap: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. A thinker & writer who will be sorely missed by the Canadian left, and all those striving for a m… - 4 years ago

@gjcsharpe: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@PaulClay710: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@amozoomdar: RT @SWP_Britain: We’re sorry to hear of the death of Leo Panitch. Here is a video a recent online event in May with Leo and @alex_callinic… - 4 years ago

@El_Ciudadano: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@curtis_1myers: Leo Panitch was the guy who knew the inside job of everything. He could talk for days He aimed to advocate that th… - 4 years ago

@DenisRogatyuk: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@williamaulicino: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@luke_stark: RT @brfidler: Damn, Leo Panitch died of covid. - 4 years ago

@alex_callinicos: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@natkpowell: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@brfidler: Damn, Leo Panitch died of covid. - 4 years ago

@IndividuLamba: RT @renaudlambert: 1/4 – Leo Panitch, sur "Ce discours visant à dénoncer le racisme de la société, le «… - 4 years ago

@ht4ecosocialism: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@GuilhermeMeire3: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@PMcf12: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@_dierrez_: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@TopakOzgun: RIP Leo Panitch, a giant in political economy, Professor Emeritus and Canada Research Chair @yorkuniversity - 4 years ago

@Simon_Vessey: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: 4/4 – Leo Panitch, sur the ... C’est une question très sérieuse, qui ne relève p… - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: 3/4 – Leo Panitch, sur the ... mais c’est ce qu’ils ressentent le plus souvent.… - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: 2/4 – Leo Panitch, sur ... et en particulier les classes populaires blanches, se… - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: 1/4 – Leo Panitch, sur "Ce discours visant à dénoncer le racisme de la société,… - 4 years ago

@John1JZ: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@sabitgocebe: RT @oc_tastan: Leo Panitch Covid-19 nedeniyle hayatını kaybetmiş. Çok büyük bir kayıp. - 4 years ago

@momentum_rmsec: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@LBBuryS: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@momentum_rmsec: RT @JOHNROYTAYLOR: @jon_trickett Check out this appearance by #leopanitch on @allthebestcast. A podcast by @mattzarb & @maxshanly and hos… - 4 years ago

@LaMerolica: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@momentum_rmsec: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @dimitrilascaris: I'm deeply saddened to learn tonight of the passing of Leo Panitch. As a @TheRealNews correspondent, I was privileged… - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @fefelli: Quelle tristesse d’apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch - un des grands penseurs marxiste, héritier intellectuel de Ralph Miliban… - 4 years ago

@CAWLS_ACETS: We are very sad to learn about the passing of Leo Panitch. Leo was a leading think of the global left and a friend… - 4 years ago

@DurbanSurf: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@Broilster: RT @malaiseforever: I'm saddened to hear about the death of Leo Panitch. I can't claim to have known him well, but we were in touch every s… - 4 years ago

@SyzygySyzygysue: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@HansjoachimHajo: RT @luxemburg_mag: @oxi_blog @rosaluxstiftung Das von Leo Panitch mitherausgebene, wichtige und jährlich erscheinende "Socialist Register"… - 4 years ago

@ejmolinari: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@McCaineNL: RIP Leo Panitch (1945 - 2020) - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@renaudlambert: RT @meaganmday: Leo Panitch meant a great deal to me politically and personally. I had two public discussions with him in Oct/Nov and he wa… - 4 years ago

@Pingachoo: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@luxemburg_mag: RT @EhlingJanis: Als Zeitdiagnostiker der Linken und der westlichen #Arbeiterklasse war er eine Bank. Als Theoretiker analysierte er die #G… - 4 years ago

@luxemburg_mag: RT @EhlingJanis: Beschissen, jetzt hat #Corona den großartigen Leo #Panitch dahingerafft. Panitch war einer der wichtigsten internationalen… - 4 years ago

@AlfieSteer: RT @jonlansman: Devastated to hear of the death of my friend & comrade Leo Panitch, the most worldly academic I ever met, a practical socia… - 4 years ago

@Broilster: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@sahana2802: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@malaiseforever: I'm saddened to hear about the death of Leo Panitch. I can't claim to have known him well, but we were in touch eve… - 4 years ago

@luxemburg_mag: @oxi_blog @rosaluxstiftung Das von Leo Panitch mitherausgebene, wichtige und jährlich erscheinende "Socialist Regis… - 4 years ago

@GastonLefranc: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@MislaMonty: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@Fyodor34664866: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@sacideuy: RT @muhdansaglam: Bu dünyadan bir Leo Panitch geçti... Ufuk açtı, sorguladı, mazlumdan yanaydı. Çok üzgünüm. - 4 years ago

@carinavr: RT @PlutoPress: ‘He was a man of unbounded generosity, integrity and principle, in his personal as well as his intellectual and political l… - 4 years ago

@KansuYildirim: Empire, Socialism and November / Leo Panitch - 4 years ago

@kinokofry: RT @evanishistory: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-edited from 1… - 4 years ago

@Fyodor34664866: RT @JulieSetchfield: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. I only came across his work this year. "Searching for Socialism" is such a reassuring and i… - 4 years ago

@henryfarrell: RT @mikejbeggs: Our seminar on The Making of Global Capitalism, from 2013 (!) Thanks for everything, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@deeguerrero: Learned from friends' posts that Leo Panitch just passed. The world lost a great thinker and a decent person. One o… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: RT @TheScarletStand: RIP Leo Panitch, titan of the left ✊ - 4 years ago

@Fyodor34664866: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@ladan22: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@Fast72W: Leo Panitch, was one of the main reasons I went to York University for graduate work. He was a mentor to me and I w… - 4 years ago

@socialistprojct: Empire, Socialism and November /w Leo Panitch (1945 - 2020) #RIP - 4 years ago

@luxemburg_mag: RT @oxi_blog: Leo Panitch ist gestorben. Zum erinnernden Gedenken eine Luxemburg Lecture @rosaluxstiftung mit Sam Gindin aus dem Jahr 201… - 4 years ago

@Frau_KarT: RT @jacobinmag_de: Es gibt nur wenige Menschen, denen Jacobin mehr zu verdanken hat als #LeoPanitch. Rest in peace - 4 years ago

@KayPear99: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@pixeltoo: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@HalifeogluMelek: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@alex_callinicos: RT @DougHenwood: I just heard that Leo Panitch died. He was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and caught covid in the hospital. I loved tha… - 4 years ago

@lewisjamieson: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@rodrigoac7: Rest in power Leo Panitch. His first article in @CDN_Dimension was on Salvador Allende. Decades later I published a… - 4 years ago

@s__filipovic: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@reyhanerdem6: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@annbrook17: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@ComradeChoppy: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@georgeshealy1: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@Maryrobs84: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@SheenaParish: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@gurayoztekin: RT @ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @poltheoryother: And here's Leo from earlier this year on Labour's electoral defeat: - 4 years ago

@ShreoshiB: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@mackaforumu: RT @YordamKitap: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch'i kaybettik. "Küresel Kapitalizmin Oluşturulması" kitabımızın yazarı, dokuz sayısını Türkçeye k… - 4 years ago

@vincecastells: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@JOHNROYTAYLOR: @jon_trickett Check out this appearance by #leopanitch on @allthebestcast. A podcast by @mattzarb & @maxshanly and… - 4 years ago

@ravenmargo1: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Archimbaldo: RT @leowatkins91: Leo Panitch - what an enormous loss. His work transformed my understanding of the Labour Party and the history of Britain… - 4 years ago

@julianonthebus: RT @sendika_org: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch’i yitirdik - 4 years ago

@yampee10: RT @ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@joemihevc: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@ilerihaber: Marksist yazar Leo Panitch koronavirüs nedeniyle hayatını kaybetti #LeoPanitch - 4 years ago

@Archimbaldo: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@Archimbaldo: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@JewSoc: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@TheMendozaWoman: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@almostgone1187: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@artjvrojo: Llegué a Leo Panitch gracias a esta traducción de @AkalEditor de su incomensurable libro (junto a Sam Gindin) "La c… - 4 years ago

@Alex_Historian1: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@DrewNista: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@lvntaydin54: RT @BarisAkademik: Bizimle #BuSuçaOrtakOlmayacağız diyen barış imzacısı Leo Panitch hocamızın vefatını büyük üzüntüyle öğrendik. Ailesinin,… - 4 years ago

@SaideSaida: RT @BarisAkademik: Bizimle #BuSuçaOrtakOlmayacağız diyen barış imzacısı Leo Panitch hocamızın vefatını büyük üzüntüyle öğrendik. Ailesinin,… - 4 years ago

@Hepsi_Hikaye: RT @BarisAkademik: Academic for Peace Leo Panitch stood with us when we declared #WeWillNotBeAPartyToThisCrime. It is with great sorrow tha… - 4 years ago

@Jackiehilton44: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@MattTurner4L: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@rjones2818: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

@WarmongerHodges: RT @MrBenSellers: Sad to hear about the passing of Leo Panitch, one of the greatest thinkers of the left. For 35 yrs, he kept the Socialist… - 4 years ago

@commieresting: RT @PeoplesMomentum: “It’s about developing democracy....that develops people’s capacities to participate collectively..” R.I.P Leo Panitc… - 4 years ago

@JohnMarcmail: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@janepickering99: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@ajhinshelwood: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@poltheoryother: RT @AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a public thin… - 4 years ago

@arnold_loz: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@stiptop1: RT @TWT_NOW: We’re incredibly sad to hear of the passing of our friend and comrade Leo Panitch. A brilliant mind that gave so much to our m… - 4 years ago

@AaronBastani: Rest in piece Leo Panitch. An immensely supportive, intelligent and charismatic person, he was the model of a publi… - 4 years ago

@justin_paulson: Stunned at the loss of Leo Panitch. A titan of political economy, indefatigable editor, comrade, friend. Extraordi… - 4 years ago

@Ohnojamie2: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@roblwilson: RT @chunkymark: Leo Panitch ❤️ - 4 years ago

@naijamarxists: Rest in power Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@Tolpuddle17: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@ronanburtenshaw: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@jenkalant: RT @DavidHeap: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. A thinker & writer who will be sorely missed by the Canadian left, and all those striving for a m… - 4 years ago

@CicelyMcWilliam: RT @iancapstick: Leo Panitch had an optimism and intellect that will help fuel cooperative movements, non-hierarchical organization and ins… - 4 years ago

@DerekJohnBryant: RT @BarnabyRaine: Please honour Leo today by buying this book if you can afford it - he knew the left needed better accounts of how capital… - 4 years ago

@Pilgrim_Says: RT @Pilgrim_Says: This is good. Leo Panitch on Ralph Miliband. It ends by stressing the importance of upholding the principles of freedom o… - 4 years ago

@buffybatik: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@Ushka02: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @CDN_Dimension: Canadian Dimension is heartbroken to hear of the loss of Leo Panitch. An early pillar of our publication, Leo was a lea… - 4 years ago

@deeguerrero: Learned from friends that Leo Panitch passed away today. The world lost another great thinker. Had the honour of be… - 4 years ago

@bradbelltv: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: Rest in Power Leo Panitch. A thinker & writer who will be sorely missed by the Canadian left, and all those strivin… - 4 years ago

@GrantMac89: RT @poltheoryother: Very sad to hear that Leo Panitch has passed away. A wonderful writer and thinker, I was lucky enough to meet Leo and i… - 4 years ago

@ronanburtenshaw: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@IliasAlami: RT @mikejbeggs: Our seminar on The Making of Global Capitalism, from 2013 (!) Thanks for everything, Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@garfran: RT @alex_callinicos: I’m really shaken by the news of Leo Panitch’s death. He was a great figure of the Anglophone radical left who became… - 4 years ago

@SpoonyBart: Nie żyje Leo Panitch, kanadyjski socjalista, badacz ekonomii politycznej, autor wybitnej "The Political Economy of… - 4 years ago

@garfran: RT @r_bellofiore: Socialist Register Archive is open for consultation and download, honouring Leo Panitch: There… - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @StandingTheGaff: RIP Leo Panitch. This remains an essential read for all trade unionists. - 4 years ago

@yunusunbabasi: RT @BarisAkademik: Academic for Peace Leo Panitch stood with us when we declared #WeWillNotBeAPartyToThisCrime. It is with great sorrow tha… - 4 years ago

@owenhatherley: RT @maxshanly: My thoughts on the unfathomable loss of my dear and much-loved friend Leo Panitch. - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@DavidHeap: RT @JamesRHutt: Devastating news about Leo Panitch. He was one of the first thinkers who helped me understand global capitalism and really… - 4 years ago

@rjones2818: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@owenhatherley: oh man, Leo Panitch. RIP - 4 years ago

@lacaldojewelery: RT @alexnunns: It’s not normal to be as encouraging to others as Leo Panitch was. It’s weird for a renowned intellectual to engage with rel… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Leo Panitch - #LeoPanitch #Leo #Panitch #rip - 4 years ago

@CTrentham88: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@andoenpando: RT @jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa revista S… - 4 years ago

@dfertl: Vale Leo Panitch. A huge loss. - 4 years ago

@JulieAForshaw: RT @mortdarthur: Last time i saw the great leo panitch @TWT_NOW 2019. he kept it real. huge loss to the movement.❤ rip leo x. - 4 years ago

@jacobinlat: Murió Leo Panitch. Comprometido durante décadas en la lucha socialista, fue coeditor desde 1985 de la prestigiosa r… - 4 years ago

@leandrozmatias: RT @vijayprashad: We, at @LeftwordBooks, grieve the loss Leo Panitch, one of the editors of Socialist Register, which we published for over… - 4 years ago

@matthewBadass2: RT @johnmcdonnellMP: Extremely sad news that Leo Panitch has died. Leo was a great friend to so many of us on the Left. A brilliant mind co… - 4 years ago

@melaniekmelvin: RT @lara_eleanor: Thinking of this day at Labour Conference 2019, when Leo Panitch enthused so many young members who came up to me afterwa… - 4 years ago

@almostgone1187: RT @shirleymush: One of the most amazing things about Leo Panitch was his voice. It was like honey poured over thunder, and made his variou… - 4 years ago

@Carodario3: RT @fab_escalona: Quelle tristesse d'apprendre le décès de Leo Panitch, à 75 ans. C'était un grand intellectuel, engagé pour un socialisme… - 4 years ago

@DrGLonergan: RT @graceblakeley: I have literally no words to describe my devastation at the loss of my friend and mentor Leo Panitch. He was one of the… - 4 years ago

@IoannaMariaP: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@earthygirl011: RT @jeevanrai: Rest in power Leo Panitch 1945–2020 - 4 years ago

@Lucas_Cicro: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@YordamKitap: RT @muhdansaglam: Bu dünyadan bir Leo Panitch geçti... Ufuk açtı, sorguladı, mazlumdan yanaydı. Çok üzgünüm. - 4 years ago

@chutandoaescada: Repost: To celebrate the life and work of Leo Panitch, the archive of 'Socialist Register', the journal that he co-… - 4 years ago

@artjvrojo: RT @OwenJones84: Devastating news to hear that Leo Panitch has died. A giant of the left, a huge intellect, he was also full of warmth and… - 4 years ago

@BiraradaDernek: RT @BarisAkademik: Academic for Peace Leo Panitch stood with us when we declared #WeWillNotBeAPartyToThisCrime. It is with great sorrow tha… - 4 years ago

@BiraradaDernek: RT @BarisAkademik: Bizimle #BuSuçaOrtakOlmayacağız diyen barış imzacısı Leo Panitch hocamızın vefatını büyük üzüntüyle öğrendik. Ailesinin,… - 4 years ago

@earthygirl011: RT @PeoplesMomentum: Leo Panitch’s work provided inspiration and guidance for many of us organising to transform Labour and change the coun… - 4 years ago

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