Lennart Nilsson

Swedish photographer
Died on Saturday January 28th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Lennart Nilsson:

@K810Mt: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@dovesandletters: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@titichavarria: SON LAS FOTOS MAS HERMOSAS QUE HE VISTO DE LA HUMANIDAD. El inicio de la vida, la transparencia, inocencia, las... - 8 years ago

@WpgAgainstAbort: The photographer of life: - 8 years ago


@kansansforlife: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@PF_Estefania: Lennart Nilsson pasó 12 años fotografiando el desarrollo de embriones en el útero - 8 years ago

@lovillalee: RT @SaskProLife: He took some amazing and iconic photographs of the unborn in the womb. What amazing work! - 8 years ago

@APRILMARY: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@CarolTobias1: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@McAvoyDawn: The "Drama of Life before Birth", an amazing talent put to good use... - 8 years ago

@hopefulthreads: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@NERightToLife: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@ivabentshaft: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@APPPAH: WONDEROUS! On Lennart Nilsson " ( His) book ‘A Child is Born’ was published in 1965 and was sold within days.... - 8 years ago

@rosaelenagg: Lennart Nilsson pasó 12 años fotografiando el desarrollo de embriones en el útero - 8 years ago

@chronicallymary: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@DianeNilesh1: Lennart Nilsson, photographer revealed invisible secrets of human body - 8 years ago

@JohnBrownPJ: Photography / A New Frontier in Photography Photos by The Late Lennart Nilsson on @NYTimes #RIP #Photography - 8 years ago

@leaksandgeeks: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@teriacav: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@ExposeMediaBias: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@40DaysVancouver: RT @CampaignLife: These pictures were taken in 1965 by the late Lennart Nilsson. What's our excuse for ignoring the the reality of life in… - 8 years ago

@cardcounterswin: RT @carolynporco: Remember the last scene of the epic film '2001'? We have this giant of a man to thank for that. RIP Leonard Nilsson https… - 8 years ago

@ColleenBarry1: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@DumontJM1: Lennart Nilsson, pionnier de la photographie médicale& photographe des 1ers instants de la vie,est mort le 4 févrie… - 8 years ago

@Babyhire: These are incredible - Lennart Nilsson who passed away just last week was the first person to be able to take... - 8 years ago

@nestwings: I remember, when I was pregnant, spending hours pouring over Lennart Nilsson's amazing photographs in 'A Child is Born', daydreaming - 8 years ago

@nestwings: Lennart Nilsson, photographer of life in the womb, dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@JSR1353: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@JuliaBacka: franslanting's photo in honor of the late Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@cjMhill: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - - 8 years ago

@Kwalters77Katie: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@parabolico_bh: RT @McGIDan: Photography by Gjon Mili, Robert Capa, John Bryson and Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@sixdeadqueens: RT @gridirongranny5: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@victorpanlilio: "I want to educate people and also increase their reverence for life." - 8 years ago

@Pippi_Dust: RT @gridirongranny5: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@gridirongranny5: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@MatthewTwihard: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@lambmaryann: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@CommonSense1212: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@lovillalee: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@heartroot: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@ThirdWatchca: RT @CampaignLife: These pictures were taken in 1965 by the late Lennart Nilsson. What's our excuse for ignoring the the reality of life in… - 8 years ago

@Lucretia_Biles: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@MrKarsh7: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@MOBREGONA: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@APearl1981: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@gulcorus: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@newsmediawont: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@GCAJ: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@drehumdiebolzen: RT @erdbrbl: Lennard Nilsson, the photographer behind "A child is born" has passed away last week. - 8 years ago

@msherbaf20: RT @BabakTafreshi: Remembering the inspiring science photographer Lennart Nilsson 1922-2017. His book A Child Is Born is the best-selling i… - 8 years ago

@erdbrbl: Lennard Nilsson, the photographer behind "A child is born" has passed away last week. - 8 years ago

@TheYellowHammer: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@BabakTafreshi: Remembering the inspiring science photographer Lennart Nilsson 1922-2017. His book A Child Is Born is the best-sell… - 8 years ago

@all_gmk: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@hyddrox: RT @BrazilianGirl32: Precious - 8 years ago

@FinickyReader: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@Iamdavemac: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@drkervorkianjr: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@BrazilianGirl32: Precious - 8 years ago

@FellowshipFM: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@antistresskit: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@4everconstant: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@disciple96: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@StefanoVP2013: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@CampaignLife: These pictures were taken in 1965 by the late Lennart Nilsson. What's our excuse for ignoring the the reality of li… - 8 years ago

@Dontstopbelief: RT @nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@nrlc: Rest In Peace. #prolife #proscience - 8 years ago

@FELDart: Fotograf Lennart Nilsson ist tot - Ein Kind entsteht - 8 years ago

@Sjgpotter: RT @MaterCareOrg: "Lennart Nilsson, an innovative Swedish photographer whose micro-cameras bared some of life’s previously... - 8 years ago

@VirginiaRossSI: RT @WBJStudios: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@TheProfessorDi: This week we lost the amazing photographer, Lennart Nilsson, the man who reveled life in utero to us. - 8 years ago

@Brklyn_bred: RT @sentientist: Scanning electron micrographs of sperm fertilising an egg taken by the Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson - 8 years ago

@bugdreams: Lennart Nilsson: Unveiling the Invisible. - 8 years ago

@JoyceGorisdGeus: Lennart Nilsson, Photographer Who Unveiled the Invisible, Dies at 94, via @nytimes - 8 years ago

@Tecnok2: Lennart Nilsson, photographer who revealed unborn life, dies at 94 - 8 years ago

@jasminll: RT @nytimesworld: The NYT obit for Lennart Nilsson, who was known for his photographs of fetuses in the womb. - 8 years ago

@jasminll: RT @perenadler: Mort de Lennart Nilsson, le photographe qui nous a fait découvrir la sublime beauté de notre vie intra-utérine. - 8 years ago

@babaus2: @OrganicLiveFood @labinis3 @elise3011 @GianluAndresani Miracle of Life Lennart Nilsson.7z - 8 years ago

@MaterCareOrg: "Lennart Nilsson, an innovative Swedish photographer whose micro-cameras bared some of life’s previously... - 8 years ago

@swartzmadeline: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@LingonPhoto: RT @JoeMcNallyPhoto: Lennart Nilsson was truly an innovator and a photographic pioneer... - 8 years ago

@danieleguido: RT @graphieti: I’ve never seen the photos Lennart Nilsson took in the ‘60s and I’m speechless. So beautiful. - 8 years ago

@maryjoanderson3: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@stamblzzz: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@ImThat_BITCH47: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@GreenTaientStaf: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@Will_ThaThrill6: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@cthryncathewiqv: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@TronDirectlon: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@SabrinaMarie497: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

@C_Lynn1: RT @SBAList: RIP Swedish photographer Lennart Nilsson. His photos have saved countless innocent lives - 8 years ago

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