Leïla Menchari

Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Leïla Menchari:

@MattoAndy: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@CSS2001: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@Martinatravels8: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@swisspuppy: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago


@AldoM_Mtz: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@fuyoutrpg1229: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created… - 5 years ago

@YXLbasanwu_er: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@1978Panther: RT @Hermes_Paris: Hermès will present 'Hermès à tire-d'aile - Les mondes de Leïla Menchari' in Paris from 8th November to 3rd December #Her… - 5 years ago

@1978Panther: RT @Hermes_Paris: Hermès presents 'Hermès à tire-d'aile - Les mondes de Leïla Menchari' in Paris from 8th November to 3rd December 2017 #He… - 5 years ago

@kwongwah3: 92岁爱马仕橱窗之神莱拉Leïla Menchari因感染新冠肺炎,不幸离开人世间。 #光华日报 - 5 years ago

@75eqx: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@natiherron: @pfbvan Hi I'm looking to purchase this book Les Vitrines Hermès : Contes nomades de Leïla Menchari. I am close to… - 5 years ago

@JoseeBattistini: Leïla Menchari, la créatrice des flamboyantes vitrines d'Hermès, s'en est allée via @VanityFairFR - 5 years ago

@Miguel89397476: RT @Sole_Zapiola: "El mundo me resulta familiar. A donde quiera que voy encuentro algo que me recuerda a mi misma" "No hay fronteras. Las… - 5 years ago

@Agronegocios_Uy: RT @Ale_Brandolini: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - The New York Times “El mundo no tiene fronteras, las fr… - 5 years ago

@Agronegocios_Uy: RT @Jenn_Albornoz: Fallece la legendaria escaparatista Leïla Menchari a los 93 años: "Hermès no sería Hermès sin ella". Durante cinco décad… - 5 years ago

@Sole_Zapiola: "El mundo me resulta familiar. A donde quiera que voy encuentro algo que me recuerda a mi misma" "No hay fronteras… - 5 years ago

@Ale_Brandolini: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - The New York Times “El mundo no tiene fronteras, la… - 5 years ago

@KRISTAJBOYER: Leila Menchari, Master Magician Of ⁦@Hermes_Paris⁩ Incredible Store Windows, Succumbs To The #Coronavirus 😢 - 5 years ago

@COSAREA_: RT @lemonde_M: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@Backstorymom1: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Leïla Menchari - #LeilaMenchari #Leïla #Menchari #rip - 5 years ago

@Luisjoargue: Leila Menchari, la creadora del visual merchandising - 5 years ago

@fikriafif_: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@planet_sabotage: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@crime_dime: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@CarlozConZet: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@artbook: Honoring Leïla Menchari: The Queen of Enchantment, this extensively illustrated, sumptuous publication from… - 5 years ago

@artbook: We are saddened to learn that Leïla Menchari, longtime @Hermes_Paris window dresser, has died of the novel coronavi… - 5 years ago

@miuumm: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@DonnaCiraFood88: @BritishVogue @Hermes_Paris I try to maintain visions that only the power of dreams can - 5 years ago

@apuulinicholas: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@Igor35523504: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@swisspuppy: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@raumunz: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@DonnaCiraFood88: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created… - 5 years ago

@CarlinaRivera1: RT @abc_es: Leila Menchari, la creadora del visual merchandising - 5 years ago

@abc_es: Leila Menchari, la creadora del visual merchandising - 5 years ago

@psu87: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@mongi13002: Paix en son âme, à cette grande dame! Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@FWWinterberg: Zum Tode Leïla Mencharis: Illusionen für Passanten - 5 years ago

@FadedBleuJeans: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@daelladelmar: RT @LNmyb: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@kajpadia: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@aymanebenM: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@tiersan: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@abc_blogs: Leïla Menchari nació en el Túnez de 1927, cuando el país era aún Protectorado de Francia y sus nexos con el país ga… - 5 years ago

@TerrenceXhh: RT @AuntSannaha: 橱窗设计大师、爱马仕以前的橱窗设计总监Leïla Menchari也因新冠去世了,93岁了 - 5 years ago

@kholoud_qw: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@drehorgel123: Zum Tode Leïla Mencharis: Illusionen für Passanten - 5 years ago

@drehorgel123: Zum Tode Leïla Mencharis: Illusionen für Passanten - 5 years ago

@drehorgel123: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@ProviseurAdjPMF: RT @FranceTn: Hommage de l'Ambassadeur à Leïla Menchari. 🇫🇷 🇹🇳 - 5 years ago

@_blackambrosia: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@umweltzeitung: RT @FAZ_Vermischtes: Leïla Menchari, die Großmeisterin des Schaufensterdekors, ist gestorben. Jahrzehntelang schuf sie für Hermès unglaubli… - 5 years ago

@Italiajin21: Appreciating The Late Leïla Menchari’s Most Magical Windows For Hermès - 5 years ago

@JEANMIC36258403: RT @simonlouvet_: Leïla Menchari, figure historique de la maison Hermès, est morte du #coronavirus : "Elle était généreuse, moderne, une fe… - 5 years ago

@glanz_markus: RT @FAZ_NET: Leïla Menchari, die Großmeisterin des Schaufensterdekors, ist gestorben. Jahrzehntelang schuf sie für Hermès unglaublich phant… - 5 years ago

@fred_mery: Hommage à Leïla Menchari - 5 years ago

@reimersrick: Nachruf auf #Leïla #Menchari: Sie schuf #Illusionen für #Passanten - 5 years ago

@FAZ_Vermischtes: Leïla Menchari, die Großmeisterin des Schaufensterdekors, ist gestorben. Jahrzehntelang schuf sie für Hermès unglau… - 5 years ago

@FAZ_NET: Leïla Menchari, die Großmeisterin des Schaufensterdekors, ist gestorben. Jahrzehntelang schuf sie für Hermès unglau… - 5 years ago

@nielsgaubert: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@artcritique_: Hommage à Leïla Menchari - 5 years ago

@anela19138315: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@KLY3E: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@veracruz777: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@jy_p: RT @BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created for @H… - 5 years ago

@BritishVogue: In memoriam of the late, great Leïla Menchari, #BritishVogue took a brief look at the most magical windows created… - 5 years ago

@WeiWang8964: RT @AuntSannaha: 橱窗设计大师、爱马仕以前的橱窗设计总监Leïla Menchari也因新冠去世了,93岁了 - 5 years ago

@AuntSannaha: 橱窗设计大师、爱马仕以前的橱窗设计总监Leïla Menchari也因新冠去世了,93岁了 - 5 years ago

@suzettegardner: “Things that are made well never leave you indifferent...” Leïla Menchari, Longtime Creative Force at Hermès, Dies… - 5 years ago

@_psychoangel: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@GenghisChou: 🍎“R.I.P. Ms. Leila Menchari, Master Artist of Hermes .”🍎 #coronavirus #covid19usa #coronaviruschina #CoronavirusUk… - 5 years ago

@ninaberries: She created such beauty. - 5 years ago

@franksnutrag: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@AjayStfc: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@4373fashionlane: Leila Menchari, Master Magician Of Hermes Store Windows, Succumbs To The Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@jothivenkats: Farewell to Leïla Menchari, art director of Hermès shop windows - 5 years ago

@stylecartel: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@velvetmagazine: Fallece la legendaria Leïla Menchari a los 93 años. Durante cinco décadas creó mundos de fantasía para Hermès… - 5 years ago

@juvalfa: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@SnovaHuang: 愛馬仕前櫥窗藝術總監Leïla Menchari因為罹患支那肺炎,不幸病逝,享耆壽93歲。 - 5 years ago

@LT38: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@Ma_ia3: ❤️ Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@baronnet: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@Foulques_de_M: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@infoarenales: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus - - 5 years ago

@MadameFigaroGr: Leïla Menchari: Πέθανε η δημιουργός των εμβληματικών βιτρίνων του Hermès - 5 years ago

@brendaperrott2: RT @NYTObits: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@RoxDeAngelis: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@dbenyoussef: RT @Hermes_Paris: It is with great emotion and sadness that the Maison Hermès learned the passing of Leïla Menchari, the Queen of Enchantme… - 5 years ago

@mrisbr: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@Marianaarias: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@lalajlan: RT @hamedalajlan: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@CappeCaty: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@alpistegood: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@TheRedVelvetLab: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@nadinafornara: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@laurencioadot: RT @AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre Leïla… - 5 years ago

@AleGarcia360: Fue la famosa vidrierista de la casa Hermès. Murió el fin de semana en Paris a causa de coronavirus. Escribí sobre… - 5 years ago

@LNmyb: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@elequipolatam: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus   - 5 years ago

@youtrustjh: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@micapermica: Leïla Menchari. La emblemática vidrierista de Hermès que murió por coronavirus   - 5 years ago

@Jenn_Albornoz: Otra víctima del Covid-19: Fallece la legendaria Leïla Menchari. Durante cinco décadas creó fantasías en las vitrin… - 5 years ago

@Nabilinsky: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@ponijad: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@LewMyah: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@alexcharner: 003/100 Leïla Manchari #100daysofcovidobitportraits#the100dayproject#the100dayproject2020 #leïlamanchari#leilamanch… - 5 years ago

@Jenn_Albornoz: Fallece la legendaria escaparatista Leïla Menchari a los 93 años: "Hermès no sería Hermès sin ella". Durante cinco… - 5 years ago

@upuouo: RT @RanaKabbani54: I met #LeïlaMenchari in #Paris 20 years ago. We had a love for her native #Tunisia in common, as well as a firm belief i… - 5 years ago

@def_izit: RT @RanaKabbani54: I met #LeïlaMenchari in #Paris 20 years ago. We had a love for her native #Tunisia in common, as well as a firm belief i… - 5 years ago

@RanaKabbani54: I met #LeïlaMenchari in #Paris 20 years ago. We had a love for her native #Tunisia in common, as well as a firm bel… - 5 years ago

@LetticiaRibeiro: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@aruni_t: Leïla Menchari, the French-Tunisian maestro behind Hermès’s magical window displays for 35 years, died in Paris thi… - 5 years ago

@aRTprojectdxb: "When designing a scene, there must always be some mystery, because mystery is a springboard to dreams. Mystery is… - 5 years ago

@LifeStyleVipFr: Style:Lifestyle:L'univers enchanté de Leila Menchari: Décoratrice d'... - 5 years ago

@ORCHIDEESUCREE: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@Beatrizkloss: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@666noori666: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@HollieMc1: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@diorsinferno: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@gigavisor: Addio a Leïla Menchari, la 'regina' delle vetrine di Hermès - 5 years ago

@xlong_xxx: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@i_Arabi: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@axelleart: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@natniewiadomska: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@zzzzuras: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@margauxjld: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@keyzunaa: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@sashpotgieter: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@tiptonaires: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@fariidamostafa: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@davtagao: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@dvnmclbg: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@ElliotLien: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@Hocharito14: RT @Kelangdbn: 20世紀のエルメスを牽引してきたデザイナー,レイラ・マンシャリがCOVID-19で死亡。93歳。 Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. h… - 5 years ago

@sssaiddddd: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@TiffTorossian: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@morobernardo: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@mmichellegoth: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@balletdefleurs: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@bleujimi: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@pinkcigarettte: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@angelafaii: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@inthenameofdi0r: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@devilsbbyboy: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@CarlozConZet: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@AlexanderBreez: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@nicollettemw: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@harabhipraya: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@cecy_gml: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@brainwasherrrr: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@voguenciaga: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@MiliWhatever: RT @laqerfeld: leïla menchari, the chief window designer of hermès for 35 years, died in paris of coronavirus. “she helped to pioneer hermè… - 5 years ago

@VincentDelage8: - 5 years ago

@topstylenews: Hermès mourns loss of top window dresser Leïla Menchari to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@LuxuryDaily: Hermès mourns loss of top window dresser Leïla Menchari to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@eriklemusre: Leïla Menchari, Longtime Creative Force at Hermès, Dies of Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@RevuuHome: Leïla Menchari, Longtime Creative Force at Hermès, Dies of Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@BeauSatchelle: RT @luxusplus: #Tribute: Leïla Menchari, the enchanting designer of #Hermès' (@Hermes_Paris) Window. #Fashion #Luxury #Art #Paris #RIP http… - 5 years ago

@luxusplus: #Tribute: Leïla Menchari, the enchanting designer of #Hermès' (@Hermes_Paris) Window. #Fashion #Luxury #Art #Paris… - 5 years ago

@SneakerTendance: Leila Menchari, la «conteuse» d’Hermès succombe au coronavirus - Le Figaro - 5 years ago

@chefroi: RT @bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Honoré… - 5 years ago

@Ferkam19: RT @bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Honoré… - 5 years ago

@ISpotLuxury: Hermès mourns loss of top window dresser Leïla Menchari to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@Luxuryfirms: Hermès mourns loss of top window dresser Leïla Menchari to COVID-19 - 5 years ago

@bassemvaudais3: RT @bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Honoré… - 5 years ago

@salahdin1111: RT @bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Honoré… - 5 years ago

@Mr_Charbon: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte via Le Monde - 5 years ago

@SaraFreeGaza: RT @bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Honoré… - 5 years ago

@bassemvaudais3: Tunisie 🇹🇳: Leïla Menchari, grande créatrice des vitrines Hermès, emportée par le coronavirus Le faubourg Saint-Hon… - 5 years ago

@bns__bonus: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@Hadrien6321: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@shin_vegan: RT @Kelangdbn: 20世紀のエルメスを牽引してきたデザイナー,レイラ・マンシャリがCOVID-19で死亡。93歳。 Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. h… - 5 years ago

@nicegook: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@TinMoiGio1: Leïla Menchari, người trang trí của Hermès, đã chết - 5 years ago

@NahCeeMah: RIP Leïla Menchari, Hermès queen, Tunisian treasure. 🙏🏻 - 5 years ago

@infamousgrouser: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@Sponge_Boops: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte - 5 years ago

@votegirlvote: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@Horstson: Leïla Menchari, die legendäre Hermès-Dekorateurin, ist im Alter von 93 Jahren verstorben. - 5 years ago

@Africa_Experts: #Actu La créatrice tunisienne Leïla Menchari, un modèle d’élégance et de créativité qui a réinventé les vitrines de… - 5 years ago

@MassirDestin: RT @MassirDestin: Leila Menchari, la «conteuse» d’Hermès succombe au coronavirus - 5 years ago

@hamedalajlan: Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93 - 5 years ago

@b0dereck: RT @VanityFairSpain: Durante cinco décadas creó mundos de fantasía para todo aquel que se parara ante los siete escaparates de la histórica… - 5 years ago

@anadono: Fallece x coronavirus la legendaria escaparatista Leïla Menchari a los 93 años: "Hermès no sería Hermès sin ella" - 5 years ago

@srdeserrano: RT @VanityFairSpain: Durante cinco décadas creó mundos de fantasía para todo aquel que se parara ante los siete escaparates de la histórica… - 5 years ago

@VanityFairSpain: Durante cinco décadas creó mundos de fantasía para todo aquel que se parara ante los siete escaparates de la histór… - 5 years ago

@fchasteland: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@lucy_perezc: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Leïla Menchari Death-Dead: Leïla Menchari Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@haynat44: « La Reine Mage », le livre qui retrace la carrière si inspirante de Leila Menchari, celle qui fut au cœur de la cr… - 5 years ago

@Iadh_Jb: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@werdenschlagma1: RT @saintmauravenir: Leila Menchari, une grande dame de la mode, est décédée du coronavirus. Retrouvons-la dans l'exposition "Hermès à tire… - 5 years ago

@NUMEROTHAILAND: Hermès : The passing of Leïla Menchari It is with great emotion and sadness that the House of Hermès learned on th… - 5 years ago

@NMaria443: RT @lautard65: - 5 years ago

@lautard65: - 5 years ago

@a_hi_robot_desu: RT @Kelangdbn: 20世紀のエルメスを牽引してきたデザイナー,レイラ・マンシャリがCOVID-19で死亡。93歳。 Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. h… - 5 years ago

@ChloeVanet: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@incantainsight: Leila #Menchari, Master Magician Of #Hermes Store Windows, Succumbs To The Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@bb_tsb: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@SinimaleFreddy: RT @FashionUnitedFR: Décès de Leïla Menchari, magicienne des vitrines d'Hermès - 5 years ago

@pittibulle: RT @lemondefr: Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. - 5 years ago

@kokovelantino: RT @VVFriedman: Those we've lost, including Leila Menchari, the queen of enchantment of Hermès - - 5 years ago

@FashionUnitedFR: Décès de Leïla Menchari, magicienne des vitrines d'Hermès - 5 years ago

@jmssm2022: RT @almayassahamad: #RIP Leïla Menchari, the Tunisian designer who turned store windows into art and longtime Hermès window dresser. Our si… - 5 years ago

@fukuzawayumi: RT @Kelangdbn: 20世紀のエルメスを牽引してきたデザイナー,レイラ・マンシャリがCOVID-19で死亡。93歳。 Leïla Menchari, la décoratrice d’Hermès, est morte de suites du Covid-19. h… - 5 years ago

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