Leiji Matsumoto

Japanese manga artist.
Died on Monday February 20th 2023

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Kejong Chang

Tweets related to Leiji Matsumoto:

@ArcadiaAube: RT @NeikhoArt: RIP Leiji Matsumoto and thanks for my childhood and this passion 🧡 #albator #harlock #mha #bnha #bakugou #tribute - 2 years ago

@jojovegelove2: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@9rarajenma: RT @ShinFukui3: 松本零士へのオマージュ Homage to Leiji Matsumoto (Japanese manga artist) 「銀河鉄道999」の作者松本零士氏が今年2月13日に亡くなりました。ご冥福をお祈りします。 メーテルと鉄郎の間に娘が生まれ… - 2 years ago

@JbvJMyid3iXYtNw: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago


@marisitrisa: RT @yukimaru69left2: 松本零士先生を偲んで… THE ALFEE Brave Love〜Galaxy Express999 R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@_Zolikan: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@ultramanjoe: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@U_yuki_fe365gt4: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@kuroruk: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@onefoot123: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@icla_ygu: Dr. Darren Ashmore is a long-time fan, scholar, and personal acquaintance of famed manga and anime artist, Leiji Ma… - 2 years ago

@sizima: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@kuma3393: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@0pus: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@Fergarciamrtnz: RT @amodelosmythos: Nueva entrega del #Mangazine de @ZonaNegativa repleto de contenido, pero sin agobios. Actualidad, columnas de opinión,… - 2 years ago

@Neepherim: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@NeerajEdits: RT @LeijiverseUSA: The Leiji Matsumoto retrospective Premieres tomorrow night. Not sure if future video essays/sho… - 2 years ago

@LessThanZer0x: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@ujgpxeahwtgj842: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@NeikhoArt: RIP Leiji Matsumoto and thanks for my childhood and this passion 🧡 #albator #harlock #mha #bnha #bakugou #tribute - 2 years ago

@JavierCastao2: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@sai5951x: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@wing34nina: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@AndreaZeoli: RT @debaoki: Co-signed. “Imagine living in a country where one of the most important authors in manga history (Leiji Matsumoto, RIP 😔 ) d… - 2 years ago

@patlaborvs: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@bayraktar_azad: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@ppp200x: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@Risky89723068: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@simanekomama: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@Alberti2Chris: RT @UFOtekkie: - 2 years ago

@ElfinKnights: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@minDr0: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@Ashanti_Alston: RT @Aventuraxjapo: Per cert!! Ja heu escoltat el pòdcast d'aquesta setmana del @RacoManga?? ⬇️ És un gran homenatge al mestre Leiji Matsum… - 2 years ago

@antoniogenna: Nipponica #418 – Leiji Matsumoto --> - 2 years ago

@DjemiliMdjemili: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@UFOtekkie: - 2 years ago

@chaotic_brain: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@UFOtekkie: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@CCTakato: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: Bought Queen Millennia by Maestro Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@Fuzzy_MK: RT @PhyKojiMorimoto: 森本晃司が松本零士先生への想いを込めて、この度描き下ろしたキャプテンハーロックです。 「松本零士先生へ哀悼の心と共に捧げます。」(森本) This is Captain Harlock drawn by Koji Morimoto… - 2 years ago

@ShinInvidNinja: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@gamerhardG: RT @navigavi: R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@tanj9p: #Perché/Why – Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@nobuzzz1: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@tanj9p: #Leiji Matsumoto: perchè laggiù sbocciano i fiori/Because the flowers bloom over there - 2 years ago

@monomiki: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@OswVet: RT @RetroScreencaps: Matsumoto Leiji Rest in Peace Captain Harlock: Arcadia of my Youth (わが青春のアルカディア) [1982] - 2 years ago

@Love_Bussolari: Me siento personaje comical relief de Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@Ardent_8: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@Waldfeld: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@PeyraniMimo: RT @brundaxdheit: Salut @ArcadiaAube , j'ai écris un texte sur Leiji Matsumoto, jme demandais si tu le validais :) - 2 years ago

@brundaxdheit: Salut @ArcadiaAube , j'ai écris un texte sur Leiji Matsumoto, jme demandais si tu le validais :) - 2 years ago

@Cradily_: RT @RetroScreencaps: Matsumoto Leiji Rest in Peace Captain Harlock: Arcadia of my Youth (わが青春のアルカディア) [1982] - 2 years ago

@FarFriki: RT @eliramirez82: Un dia vaig fer un dibuixet del capità Harlock. (🌹Leiji Matsumoto) - 2 years ago

@MSoucase: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@oBLACKSTARo: RT @navigavi: R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@peru1981: 👍 on @YouTube: Capitan Harlock, libertà e avventura - Cosa rimane di Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@DlGSYSDlNNER: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@Cuentaannima3: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@opticalorgan: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@ShiningPidro: RT @Deve_Dy: Rest in Peace to an all time legend, the great Leiji Matsumoto. Simply one of the greats. So much modern anime and manga is do… - 2 years ago

@baribaritune: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@ookkty1: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@MalcmanIsHere: RT @ianjq: Leiji Matsumoto was a massive influence on the team that made Steven Universe. His impact on our story and character designs is… - 2 years ago

@facefullabugs: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@popeyeotaku: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@protozoalord: RT @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN: 1/2 Manga and anime are not the only things that Mr. Leiji Matsumoto has influenced me. I was addicted to mystery nove… - 2 years ago

@ZetaArys: RT @tato2oscar: Debido a la partida de Leiji Matsumoto, quise hacerle un pequeño trubuto de mi parte, aunque sea algo mínimo. #宇宙戦艦ヤマト #Uc… - 2 years ago

@Victori38084432: RT @Anime: Following the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, we're revisiting this write-up by Mike Toole about the creator's pivotal anime… - 2 years ago

@vaugna16: leiji matsumoto drawing a tall blonde woman with wispy hair - 2 years ago

@kakapo: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@lcerdac: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@InsurgentSavag3: RT @SpoofyHype: Interstella 5555 is an absolute treat, even still. As a musical adaptation of Daft Punk's second album, Discovery, it was… - 2 years ago

@nagikenta0520: RT @elenabastet: Il mio nuovo sito su Leiji Matsumoto e Capitan Harlock. Oltre il mare di stelle con Harlock e Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@Rohhaba: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@Nanohabro: RT @MinovskyArticle: Goodbye, Leiji Matsumoto. I will remember you for your peerlessly romantic visions of space travel, dedication to insp… - 2 years ago

@Nanohabro: RT @kinekovideo: We are saddened to hear the great Leiji Matsumoto passed away last week. Here he is at age 42 in 1980, being interviewed b… - 2 years ago

@dropoutboy__: RT @MonsieurLamu: Goodbye Mr. Leiji matsumoto #CapitaineAlbator #harlock - 2 years ago

@EggsMadeEdgy: RT @Junko_Mizuno: RIP Leiji Matsumoto. Legendary manga artist and one of the biggest influences on my art. Thank you so much for all the be… - 2 years ago

@ComicNow: RT @ZeDeglingo: Disparition de Thierry Cailleteau. Après Leiji Matsumoto, un autre pirate de la bande dessinée et fanatique d'aviation tire… - 2 years ago

@pencil_army: RT @DKUTV: Here is the full schedule of The Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon on @DKUTV with the approximate times for each film/special.… - 2 years ago

@bloodravenlib: RT @DKUTV: Here is the full schedule of The Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon on @DKUTV with the approximate times for each film/special.… - 2 years ago

@3x8crow: RT @DKUTV: Here is the full schedule of The Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon on @DKUTV with the approximate times for each film/special.… - 2 years ago

@OsugaSkywalker: 13 Feb 2023 R.I.P. Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@iastdoesthings: RT @DKUTV: Here is the full schedule of The Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon on @DKUTV with the approximate times for each film/special.… - 2 years ago

@biting_dolphins: R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto 1938-2023 - 2 years ago

@DKUTV: Here is the full schedule of The Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon on @DKUTV with the approximate times for each… - 2 years ago

@YWestLaurence: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute to Leiji Matsumoto RIP #Albator - 2 years ago

@new_TooruNuh: RT @navigavi: R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@thenerze: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@Adeptus: Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon - 2 years ago

@Chez_Bruno: RT @fredsigrist: La pluie d'hommages à Leiji Matsumoto m'a fait réfléchir à l'héritage idéologique d'un personnage tel qu'Albator pour les… - 2 years ago

@ArcadiaAube: RT @eliramirez82: Un dia vaig fer un dibuixet del capità Harlock. (🌹Leiji Matsumoto) - 2 years ago

@chaitanyak: R.I.P Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@HiroshiSaeba: Comme annoncé Jeudi, le Live de ce soir est bel et bien une émission Rétro anime, mais une spéciale Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@SuperComicRadio: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@omnivorcultural: RT @guiadelcomic: Imagina vivir en un país en el que muere uno de los autores más importantes de la historia del manga (Leiji Matsumoto, DE… - 2 years ago

@JUSTEIRVING: RT @ADNanime: Le grand Leiji Matsumoto nous a quittés à l’âge de 85 ans. Il lègue derrière lui des œuvres inoubliables telles que Albator,… - 2 years ago

@amalfull1000: RT @NikkeiAsia: OBITUARY | Leiji Matsumoto, manga and anime artist, 1938-2023 - 2 years ago

@kittielambs: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute to Leiji Matsumoto RIP #Albator - 2 years ago

@Mikaa_213: RT @_abonbon: Digital Love 💞 RIP Leiji Matsumoto 💐 - 2 years ago

@hey___miki: RT @_abonbon: Digital Love 💞 RIP Leiji Matsumoto 💐 - 2 years ago

@sorama_zofu: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago

@ChrisArnoldSHX: RT @DKUTV: Join @DKUTV all this weekend for the Tribute To Leiji Matsumoto Marathon, featuring 18 specials and films from the mind of the A… - 2 years ago

@hey___miki: RT @Junko_Mizuno: RIP Leiji Matsumoto. Legendary manga artist and one of the biggest influences on my art. Thank you so much for all the be… - 2 years ago

@ItsShouTime: RT @SpoofyHype: Interstella 5555 is an absolute treat, even still. As a musical adaptation of Daft Punk's second album, Discovery, it was… - 2 years ago

@official_fjp: RT @MundoEConflicto: 🇯🇵 | Muere a los 85 años el dibujante japonés Leiji Matsumoto, conocido por ser uno de los realizadores del videoclip… - 2 years ago

@official_fjp: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@stardustraccoon: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@Dr_Gangsta: RT @BNN_Breaking: #BreakingSad Influential Japanese #manga artist Leiji Matsumoto dies aged 85 - 2 years ago

@nagi_ntrain: Thank you. leiji matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@RIAK42: RT @zxmnswko: 1) RIP Leiji Matsumoto 🌸 (松本零士). One of the first cartoons I enjoyed was reruns of Star Blazers [🇺🇲 adaption] (Space Battles… - 2 years ago

@WhatAre89137327: RT @zxmnswko: 1) RIP Leiji Matsumoto 🌸 (松本零士). One of the first cartoons I enjoyed was reruns of Star Blazers [🇺🇲 adaption] (Space Battles… - 2 years ago

@ftopinion: Leiji Matsumoto, manga and anime artist, 1938-2023 - Obituary - 2 years ago

@shboom61: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago

@deedoublez: Goodbye to Leiji Matsumoto. - 2 years ago

@Mar_sel7: @Hunt_Dog_Arts una gran canción acompañada con el estilo icónico de leiji matsumoto - 2 years ago

@revistacatarsi: RT @Blog_frustrat: Dimarts que ve anirem a navegar pel mar d'estrelles amb en @Frezzer01 per dedicar un sentit homenatge a Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@kakupurion: RT @kasumiko_muraka: 「最後の夢は宇宙へ行くこと」松本零士の最後の夢は叶わなかったと知性派ルモンド紙も、アルバトロスの生みの親の死を悼んだ長文の記事を。#松本零士#死を悼む#フランス - 2 years ago

@saja0486: RT @TheStarLi: Leiji Matsumoto, the creator of many classic manga such as Galaxy Express 999, Space Battleship Yamato, and my favorite, Spa… - 2 years ago

@happygolucky728: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago

@MrOyabunsan: RT @shmupdb: RIP Leiji Matsumoto (1938-2023) - 2 years ago

@jefsecondmbv: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@jefsecondmbv: RT @catsuka: RIP Leiji Matsumoto ;_; (Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999...). He was 85. - 2 years ago

@FormerDirtDart: Recently passed Leiji Matsumoto's Space Battleship Yamato - 2 years ago

@KubrickEnjoyer: Tenho que ler algo do Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@aimamd81: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago

@sebastian5719: RT @ambafrancejp: Leiji Matsumoto avait un lien tout particulier avec la France. En 2019, à l'occasion du centenaire de la mission militair… - 2 years ago

@sebastian5719: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@QuandaryMan: RIP Leiji Matsumoto. What an amazing talent. Pure legend. #GHWP - 2 years ago

@QuandaryMan: I first saw Daft Punk's Interstella 5555 as part of a Toonami Midnight Run music video special back in the summer o… - 2 years ago

@kaz_mas: RT @karyn_nishi: 松本零士先生が一面になった2023年2月21日朝刊はオンラインで注文が可能です。下記は公式ホームページをご覧ください。日本の住所へ郵送されます。 - 2 years ago

@viarailrblx: RT @DaryaKO: Rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@Aukov2: RT @george_kadas: Legendary Manga Creator Leiji Matsumoto Dies Aged 85 :( - 2 years ago

@etsuran17171717: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@cyrikou: RT @Inafr_officiel: DÉCÈS. Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur de l'incontournable "Albator" est mort à l'âge de 85 ans. En 2007, il recevait les… - 2 years ago

@DamienTremollet: RT @Inafr_officiel: DÉCÈS. Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur de l'incontournable "Albator" est mort à l'âge de 85 ans. En 2007, il recevait les… - 2 years ago

@F_Camel: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Fans of Japanese manga artist Matsumoto Leiji, renowned for his cosmic epics such as "Galaxy Express 999" and "Space Bat… - 2 years ago

@ohnuki_tsuyoshi: RT @Astro_Naoko: 松本零士先生、今頃メーテル達と共に、星の海を旅されているのですね✨ Missing a great manga artist Mr. Leiji Matsumoto, who should be now traveling in #Galaxy… - 2 years ago

@danusouls: RT @Daily_MPunch: “We were contemporaries and we made our writer's debuts at about the same time. It's a pity that they left us for eternit… - 2 years ago

@CelwindLuna: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Fans of Japanese manga artist Matsumoto Leiji, renowned for his cosmic epics such as "Galaxy Express 999" and "Space Bat… - 2 years ago

@uk_maniax: RT @NHKWORLD_News: Fans of Japanese manga artist Matsumoto Leiji, renowned for his cosmic epics such as "Galaxy Express 999" and "Space Bat… - 2 years ago

@Maaaash32: RT @HanabiCommunity: RIP Leiji Matsumoto ✨ 🪐 Le légendaire mangaka créateur d'ALBATOR est mort. La maison de production Toei l'a annoncé h… - 2 years ago

@predat16021: RT @Leiji_News: Leiji Matsumoto est donc décédé le 13 février 2023 dans un hôpital de Tokyo d'une insuffisance cardiaque selon les médias l… - 2 years ago

@fukuzawayumi: RT @Astro_Naoko: 松本零士先生、今頃メーテル達と共に、星の海を旅されているのですね✨ Missing a great manga artist Mr. Leiji Matsumoto, who should be now traveling in #Galaxy… - 2 years ago

@cirvac1981: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@NHKWORLD_News: Fans of Japanese manga artist Matsumoto Leiji, renowned for his cosmic epics such as "Galaxy Express 999" and "Spac… - 2 years ago

@keiko1073862676: RT @Astro_Naoko: 松本零士先生、今頃メーテル達と共に、星の海を旅されているのですね✨ Missing a great manga artist Mr. Leiji Matsumoto, who should be now traveling in #Galaxy… - 2 years ago

@emilien_drx: RT @Guettapen: Leiji Matsumoto, le légendaire réalisateur du film « Interstella 5555 » pour les Daft Punk, est décédé à l’âge de 85 ans d’u… - 2 years ago

@DamienTremollet: RT @libe: A la une de @Libe ce mardi : ◾ Joe Biden à Kyiv, la surprise du chef ◾ Mort de Leiji Matsumoto, le père d'Albator entre l'espac… - 2 years ago

@Takeitatry: RT @Daily_MPunch: “We were contemporaries and we made our writer's debuts at about the same time. It's a pity that they left us for eternit… - 2 years ago

@assariSugitannu: RT @Astro_Naoko: 松本零士先生、今頃メーテル達と共に、星の海を旅されているのですね✨ Missing a great manga artist Mr. Leiji Matsumoto, who should be now traveling in #Galaxy… - 2 years ago

@AnimatorRyuki: RT @retrocrush_tv: Rest well Leiji Matsumoto. 💖 He is the genius who gave us Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millennia, and many… - 2 years ago

@PEDRITWIT: RT @catseriestv3: Ha mort Leiji Matsumoto. El dibuixant manga sempre serà recordat per ser l'autor i creador del llegendari Capità Harlock,… - 2 years ago

@vanpang1: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute to Leiji Matsumoto RIP #Albator - 2 years ago

@vanpang1: RT @japantimes: Leiji Matsumoto, well known for his works “Space Battleship Yamato” and the series “Galaxy Express 999,” died of acute hear… - 2 years ago

@fwks7841: RT @BBCWorld: Legendary manga creator, Leiji Matsumoto, dies aged 85 - 2 years ago

@vanpang1: RT @madeon: rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto thank you for your childhood defining work 🤍 - 2 years ago

@vanpang1: RT @UnseenJapanSite: Manga creator Matsumoto Leiji, among the most legendary figures in Japanese media, has passed away at the age of 85. C… - 2 years ago

@mistvt: RT @thuillieres: Humble hommage à messire Leiji Matsumoto, créateur du légendaire Albator , qui nous à quitté ce jour à l'age de 85 ans. #… - 2 years ago

@Ainamoon13: RT @thuillieres: Humble hommage à messire Leiji Matsumoto, créateur du légendaire Albator , qui nous à quitté ce jour à l'age de 85 ans. #… - 2 years ago

@CartoonistMark: @roikfbuwgc254 はい。 - 2 years ago

@wesyamauti: RT @naliato: Leiji Matsumoto, criador do mangá Patrulha Estelar Yamato, faleceu aos 85 anos. A obra saiu recentemente (2021) no Brasil pela… - 2 years ago

@quentin_ozores: RT @js_film_nyc: R.I.P. Leiji Matsumoto (1938-2023), creator of SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMAMOTO and GALAXY EXPRESS 999. Matsumoto would supervise… - 2 years ago

@Cinextreme1: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute to Leiji Matsumoto RIP #Albator - 2 years ago

@vanpang1: RT @retrocrush_tv: Rest well Leiji Matsumoto. 💖 He is the genius who gave us Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millennia, and many… - 2 years ago

@FabIstanbul: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@GUERRERO_SANITO: Lamentablemente para los fanaticos que vivimos la decada del 80 viendo el canal UCV con los monitos japoneses ha mu… - 2 years ago

@JediDarkKnight: RT @rightstufanime: Our hearts are heavy after learning of Leiji Matsumoto’s passing. His work on Captain Harlock, Space Battleship Yamato,… - 2 years ago

@raoul_dandresy: RT @Inafr_officiel: DÉCÈS. Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur de l'incontournable "Albator" est mort à l'âge de 85 ans. En 2007, il recevait les… - 2 years ago

@G832: RT @Astro_Naoko: 松本零士先生、今頃メーテル達と共に、星の海を旅されているのですね✨ Missing a great manga artist Mr. Leiji Matsumoto, who should be now traveling in #Galaxy… - 2 years ago

@scameo: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@Nitefyre443: RT @The_Japan_News: Mangaka Leiji Matsumoto, who died earlier this month, left a legacy with his sci-fi fantasy tales that keeps generation… - 2 years ago

@Sagefire_Dragon: RT @retrocrush_tv: Rest well Leiji Matsumoto. 💖 He is the genius who gave us Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millennia, and many… - 2 years ago

@alexpcarson: RT @madeon: rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto thank you for your childhood defining work 🤍 - 2 years ago

@ChristophRitte7: - 2 years ago

@Crowmanartafte1: RT @maritimoid: I think I can safely say this movie changed my life, it’s stuck with me since Elementary school. RIP Leiji Matsumoto https:… - 2 years ago

@ElOstioso: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@abrilhycg: RT @Indie5051: Fallece a los 85 años la leyenda del anime Leiji Matsumoto, autor de Galaxy Express 999 y Captain Harlock, pero muchos lo re… - 2 years ago

@WillOfDCR: RT @libe: A la une de @Libe ce mardi : ◾ Joe Biden à Kyiv, la surprise du chef ◾ Mort de Leiji Matsumoto, le père d'Albator entre l'espac… - 2 years ago

@nasdas66: RT @nasdas66: @ClubDorothee L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers manga… - 2 years ago

@allure_idea: At Midwest anime cons in the late aughts there was a guy who went by the name Bear who did panels on Leiji Matsumot… - 2 years ago

@Henshin_555: RT @tato2oscar: Debido a la partida de Leiji Matsumoto, quise hacerle un pequeño trubuto de mi parte, aunque sea algo mínimo. #宇宙戦艦ヤマト #Uc… - 2 years ago

@RHsaka: RT @madeon: rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto thank you for your childhood defining work 🤍 - 2 years ago

@CorentinNedel: RT @MokkoriXYZ1: @ambafrancejp Le voilà donc au panthéon aux côtés de Osamu Tezuka, Kentaro Miura et autres... bravo et merci Leiji Matsumo… - 2 years ago

@K1ngGaiseric: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute watercolor to Leiji Matsumoto RIP - 2 years ago

@austinhinkle97: RT @DaryaKO: Rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto - 2 years ago

@K1ngGaiseric: RT @catsuka: RIP Leiji Matsumoto ;_; (Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999...). He was 85. - 2 years ago

@Caramel20319246: Leiji Matsumoto meant a lot to me, he is the creator of the Leijivers and Captain Harlock. Leijivers is not just a… - 2 years ago

@greggonetta: RT @Moldilox: RIP Leiji Matsumoto, creator of countless incredible stories and one that is among those that mean the most to me, Galaxy Exp… - 2 years ago

@encarnaalgr: RT @quinoyanguas: Muere Leiji Matsumoto, el legendario creador de mangas conocido por sus épicos mundos galácticos como Queen Emeraldas y G… - 2 years ago

@SundogD: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Leiji Matsumoto, talented manga artist, amazing storyteller, director of the anime Space Battleship Yamato (1974),… - 2 years ago

@reapthegirlwind: RT @Marini_Comics: Space pirate Captain HARLOCK tribute to Leiji Matsumoto RIP #Albator - 2 years ago

@ploytory: RT @JPnotknow: วันนี้วงการการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่นสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่เมื่อมีข่าวการเสียชีวิตของคุณมัตสึโมโตะ เลจิ (Matsumoto Leiji) ด้วยอาการหัวใจล้มเหล… - 2 years ago

@marmotmx: RT @Edo_Granpa: Descansa en Paz Leiji Matsumoto. El mundo del anime te debe mucho. - 2 years ago

@DragoonTwilight: RT @MangaMoguraRE: Leiji Matsumoto manga artist known for Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999 & other classic series has sadly passed away… - 2 years ago

@s6preme_: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend le décès du mangaka Leiji Matsumoto le 13 février. Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999 ou encore Captai… - 2 years ago

@TheDovetailor: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@FaiPornthidee: RT @JPnotknow: วันนี้วงการการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่นสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่เมื่อมีข่าวการเสียชีวิตของคุณมัตสึโมโตะ เลจิ (Matsumoto Leiji) ด้วยอาการหัวใจล้มเหล… - 2 years ago

@anjichan2000: RT @feezy_feez: What a tremendous loss... rest in peace, Leiji Matsumoto. His impact and contributions to the industry can't be understated… - 2 years ago

@Danilo97Zoldy: RT @retrocrush_tv: Rest well Leiji Matsumoto. 💖 He is the genius who gave us Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millennia, and many… - 2 years ago

@JapanEmbLUX: We are saddend to hear about the passing of Leiji MATSUMOTO, mangaka of "Space Pirate Captain Harlock" (Albator), a… - 2 years ago

@MAURICI47879878: RT @Variety: Matsumoto Leiji, Japanese Manga Artist Behind ‘Space Pirate Captain Harlock,’ Dies at 85 - 2 years ago

@piksiou: RT @AnimeoNews: Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur du célèbre #Albator est décédé aujourd’hui à l'âge de 85 ans. 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@missblackxs: RT @tornada3xl: Ha mort Leiji Matsumoto, l'autor de Capità Harlock. Els animes basats en les seves obres que han arribat en català són: Cap… - 2 years ago

@Enka_squid7: RT @JPnotknow: วันนี้วงการการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่นสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่เมื่อมีข่าวการเสียชีวิตของคุณมัตสึโมโตะ เลจิ (Matsumoto Leiji) ด้วยอาการหัวใจล้มเหล… - 2 years ago

@takesi01: RT @monoprixgourmet: Les inrocksの松本零士記事も凝ってるなあ。いきなり政岡憲三の話から始まるの。日本人だってそこまで知ってる人多くないのに。 Mort de Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur d’Albator - Le… - 2 years ago

@FALSTERS2: RT @AnimeoNews: Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur du célèbre #Albator est décédé aujourd’hui à l'âge de 85 ans. 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@slybkine: RIP the legend Leiji Matsumoto 😞 #leijimatsumoto #captainharlock #galaxyexpress999 #interstella5555 #daftpunk… - 2 years ago

@tsmissu: RT @JPnotknow: วันนี้วงการการ์ตูนญี่ปุ่นสูญเสียครั้งใหญ่เมื่อมีข่าวการเสียชีวิตของคุณมัตสึโมโตะ เลจิ (Matsumoto Leiji) ด้วยอาการหัวใจล้มเหล… - 2 years ago

@indis_la_grande: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend le décès du mangaka Leiji Matsumoto le 13 février. Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999 ou encore Captai… - 2 years ago

@ala_smi: RT @kinekovideo: We are saddened to hear the great Leiji Matsumoto passed away last week. Here he is at age 42 in 1980, being interviewed b… - 2 years ago

@buttercupf8iry: RT @bunnycartoon: An NHK broadcast from 1979 on the then upcoming Galaxy Express 999 film. A much younger Leiji Matsumoto talks about its p… - 2 years ago

@Takumi_no_Sekai: Japon : Disparition de Leiji Matsumoto à l’âge de 85 ans ▶▶▶ --- #Japon #LeijiMatsumoto… - 2 years ago

@Bilbon98083596: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@JetRose1313: RT @TheSpaceshipper: "His works have long since been adapted and had spin offs due to their popularity, influencing generations of manga an… - 2 years ago

@RaquelSSG2211: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@thomas_fan1984: RT @trainsloco301: May he rest in peace Leiji Matsumoto The galaxy railway legacy shall never end - 2 years ago

@BiblioVallirana: RT @ZonaNegativa: Empezamos la semana con la fatal noticia del fallecimiento del maestro Leiji Matsumoto. 💔 Nos deja el creador de Capitán… - 2 years ago

@wanrong_liz: RT @BBCWorld: Legendary manga creator, Leiji Matsumoto, dies aged 85 - 2 years ago

@WEAKFORWHAM: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@power__shile: RT @MonsieurLamu: Goodbye Mr. Leiji matsumoto #CapitaineAlbator #harlock - 2 years ago

@Undead_Shiin: RT @MonsieurLamu: Goodbye Mr. Leiji matsumoto #CapitaineAlbator #harlock - 2 years ago

@KestrelTheDense: RT @sailorpitou: LEIJI MATSUMOTO DIED?????? - 2 years ago

@ParDelaNosSens: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@ddecaux: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@EmirYogmmanJKJQ: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@JetRose1313: RT @TheSpaceshipper: RIP Leiji Matsumoto, talented manga artist, amazing storyteller, director of the anime Space Battleship Yamato (1974),… - 2 years ago

@genevievinteu1l: RT @damien_leblanc: On apprend le décès à 85 ans du grand Leiji Matsumoto, créateur d'Albator. Pensée aussi pour sa géniale collaboration… - 2 years ago

@MiquelPalama: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@ThGalaxyExpress: RT @davidrevoy: A fan-art tribute to Leiji Matsumoto ⋅ 松本零士, who passed away on 13 February. 😢 #CaptainHarlock #Albator #Emeraldas - 2 years ago

@Notaprod__: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@muhalmonajed: RT @catsuka: RIP Leiji Matsumoto ;_; (Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999...). He was 85. - 2 years ago

@wanwanwana: RT @Anime: Space Battleship Yamato artist and Galaxy Express 999 manga creator Leiji Matsumoto passes away at 85. - 2 years ago

@BartHovor: RT @JVCom: Nous apprenons avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto, à 85 ans. Mangaka de légende, il est notamment connu pour être le pa… - 2 years ago

@DenO_Tokunation: RT @discotekmedia: We were saddened to hear of the recent passing of Leiji Matsumoto, one of the greats of anime & manga. The list of what… - 2 years ago

@nessko940: RT @Mediavenir: 🕊️🇯🇵 FLASH - Leiji Matsumoto, légende du manga et de l'animation japonaise et notamment créateur du corsaire de l'espace #C… - 2 years ago

@isilla_88: RT @MANGAbcn: El manganime está de luto. Matsumoto Leiji falleció el pasado 13 de febrero a los 85 años de edad. D.E.P., sensei - 2 years ago

@PinkGeekNeni: RT @AnimeNewsNet: Legendary Manga Creator Leiji Matsumoto Passes Away at 85 - 2 years ago

@iwanosuzu_225: RT @FondlePunch: Leiji Matsumoto was one of the biggest eastern influences of my work growing up. I loved that he referred to his character… - 2 years ago

@Arakikyy: RT @AnimeoNews: Leiji Matsumoto, le créateur du célèbre #Albator est décédé aujourd’hui à l'âge de 85 ans. 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@triangurrrl: Leiji Matsumoto est mort... J'étais trop jeune pour avoir connu Albator à la télévision mais je me souviens des épi… - 2 years ago

@DaftPakkun: RT @kinekovideo: We are saddened to hear the great Leiji Matsumoto passed away last week. Here he is at age 42 in 1980, being interviewed b… - 2 years ago

@ROZOOV3: RT @Mediavenir: 🕊️🇯🇵 FLASH - Leiji Matsumoto, légende du manga et de l'animation japonaise et notamment créateur du corsaire de l'espace #C… - 2 years ago

@TokutalkP: RT @TheEZRider: Leiji Matsumoto has made some iconic manga and anime but what I'll always love of his is this work of art that brings Daft… - 2 years ago

@nathan_beaujard: RT @Ryo_Saeba_3: On apprend le décès du mangaka Leiji Matsumoto le 13 février. Space Battleship Yamato, Galaxy Express 999 ou encore Captai… - 2 years ago

@deoliveirasand2: RT @Skullgrin140: I don't think I would have ever discovered Daft Punk without the help of Leiji Matsumoto or the movie Interstella 5555.… - 2 years ago

@musashi023: RT @LloydChery22: « Je me considère moi-même comme un guerrier ». Le papa d’Albator, Galaxy Express 999, Spaceship Yamato vient de rejoindr… - 2 years ago

@GEBurgtorf: RT @retrocrush_tv: Rest well Leiji Matsumoto. 💖 He is the genius who gave us Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Queen Millennia, and many… - 2 years ago

@Benurse6: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@kyoblair: RT @ambafrancejp: L'Ambassade a appris avec tristesse le décès de Leiji Matsumoto. Père d'Albator, il fut l'un des premiers mangakas à se f… - 2 years ago

@annetakawaii: RT @xqTTs: Triste noticia desde Japón. Muere a los 85 años el 'mangaka' Leiji Matsumoto, autor de "Capitán Harlock". - 2 years ago

@gh0tb01cl1ck: RT @Mediavenir: 🕊️🇯🇵 FLASH - Leiji Matsumoto, légende du manga et de l'animation japonaise et notamment créateur du corsaire de l'espace #C… - 2 years ago

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