Lee Kuan Yew

Singaporean politician
Died on Monday March 23rd 2015

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Lee Kuan Yew:

@pacrepublicSG: Parliament: Do not rush into decisions on how best to honour Mr Lee Kuan Yew, says PM http://t.co/BMuAQsUwuH

@suaida16: RT @abubakar47i: From Third World to First; The Singapore story by Lee Kuan Yew is a must read. Just 2pages down, it is so far worth the pr…

@JohnReedz: Thousands pay tribute to the founding father Lee Kuan Yew on Singapore’s streets http://t.co/8WRDxY4qQk #World (via @IBNMoney_com #India)

@peterjblack: "What businesses can learn from Lee Kuan Yew, the man who built modern Singapore" http://t.co/zW0lyJukoB


@votePAPout: Too many myths about Lee Kuan Yew http://t.co/If4bsbKHY7 #sgelection #sgpolitics

@dlSingapore: Lee Kuan Yew tackled corruption 'relentlessly': World Bank Group President: … paid tribute to Singapore's fir... http://t.co/cpYH5nfWj0

@demho11: @abubakar47i Lee Kuan yew ruled through 3 decades; June 1959 – 28 November 1990, not too mention bullying of opposition & human right abuses

@Ratu_Naga: Ingat pesanan saya ni: Lee Kuan Yew menang besar sewaktu pilihanraya di Singapura dengan hanya memakai songkok... http://t.co/qgR8QYwGbK

@abubakar47i: RT @demho11: @abubakar47i if you give kudos to Lee kuan yew mode of democracy, then you can blame sight tight leaders esp #Africa

@demho11: @abubakar47i if you give kudos to Lee kuan yew mode of democracy, then you can blame sight tight leaders esp #Africa

@ChampagneCub: @KruzerPhin I mean, Singapore jailed a teenager for having a negative opinion of the late Lee Kuan Yew. An OPINION. Jacked up shit, mate.

@abubakar47i: From Third World to First; The Singapore story by Lee Kuan Yew is a must read. Just 2pages down, it is so far worth the price and time.

@VoteWPOut: What Amos Yee can learn from Lee Kuan Yew #sgpolitics #sgelection #oursgconv #sgelections #sgpol http://t.co/kGFS4iUNR1

@VoteWPOut: What Amos Yee can learn from Lee Kuan Yew #sgpolitics #sgelection #oursgconv #sgelections #sgpol http://t.co/kGFS4jcoIz

@VoteWPOut: What Amos Yee can learn from Lee Kuan Yew #sgpolitics #sgelection #oursgconv #sgelections #sgpol http://t.co/itk8Lo9rW7

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