Lee Fierro

American actress (Jaws)
Died on Wednesday April 8th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Lee Fierro:

@LilyMarin8: RT @LilyMarin8: ‘Jaws’ actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - 5 years ago

@Rodolfo_Fierro: @AXL__tw Me queda claro que no lee los periódicos. - 5 years ago

@DrewSwanson15: @Dee_Wallace Allen Daviau was one of the very few people who inspired me to get into filmmaking as a kid (next to S… - 5 years ago

@HaideGiri_MNJ: @alfleuco En las cajas donadas x China se lee la frase del Martín Fierro"Que los hermanos sean unidos, esa es la l… - 5 years ago


@VividRicky: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@ed_jor: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@LilyMarin8: ‘Jaws’ actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - 5 years ago

@yamilbermudez1: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@char_hutchens: ALSO: leave the actual sharks alone, and the woman in that gif, Lee Fierro, died of complications due to Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@marimujic: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@calmoguera: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@Shcove1: RT @cementerio: Lee Fierro, actriz estadounidense, la maestra Kintner de la saga Tiburón, víctima del coronavirus covid-19 (1929-2020) http… - 5 years ago

@Rodolfo_Fierro: RT @ubastien: Como es que puede gobernar una persona que no lee, que no se entera de lo que pasa en su país o en el mundo? Gobierna al tant… - 5 years ago

@lh_fierro: RT @FundacionDaya: Independencia: Carabineros detiene a adulto mayor que cultivaba una planta de cannabis con fines medicinales para su esp… - 5 years ago

@Rodolfo_Fierro: RT @ferbelaunzaran: .@lopezobrador_ afirma que si no lee los editoriales del Universal y el Reforma, menos el del Financial Times. Ahí est… - 5 years ago

@assetchemist: Post Edited: Jaws actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - 5 years ago

@assetchemist: Jaws actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - 5 years ago

@assetchemist: New post: Jaws actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - 5 years ago

@DLWebster4: RT @thedailyjaws: Sad to hear about the passing of #Jaws #JawsTheRevenge #MrsKintner actress #LeeFierro. Did you ever get to meet her, or e… - 5 years ago

@TellyRadar: Jaws actor Lee Fierro dies of coronovirus complications - 5 years ago

@digger1969_ryan: "Jaws" actress Lee Fierro dies at 91 from coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@cotze_l: Le estoy dando una oportunidad a los audiolibros en Spotify para escuchar mientras dibujo. Puse el Martín fierro y… - 5 years ago

@coach_fierro: RT @Mamba_Insider: After scoring a record 61 points in MSG, Kobe Bryant signed the stat sheet and gave it to Spike Lee. "You are the best… - 5 years ago

@monicasulle: @FrancoCaldaron1 @Cele_Fierro @horaciorlarreta lee y vas a ver que decimos lo mismo. Además los padecemos - 5 years ago

@Bartversieck: Lee Fierro, famous for role in Jaws, dies at 91 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@martitrinidad04: The extreme irony of the mom whose kid died in jaws dying from corona virus - 5 years ago

@CaudiOk: @AlvaroRossi21 me gusta porque el tipo no sabe ingles, pero al chino mandarin lo lee perfecto. Y no se en que momen… - 5 years ago

@deejayndn: WHOA!!!! The actor who played Mrs Kintner died of COVID19!?!?!? That’s some irony you can’t make up. - 5 years ago

@Honduras_Nomad: RT @MaryLeeShark: Rest in peace, @MrsKintner -;() - 5 years ago

@sassyank: RT @MoxieDitz: @Steve84065883 @kathygriffin Fact: Lee Fierro aka Mrs. Kintner who slapped Chief Broody, died to Covid-19 complications. Fie… - 5 years ago

@FabianSuarezM93: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@JuliaR___: RT @HuffPost: The Martha's Vinyard community theater fixture was "tickled" by her brush with fame, a friend said. - 5 years ago

@boston_camera: RT @AestheticResear: Lee Fierro—the Martha’s Vineyard actress famous for playing a grieving mother who lifts her black veil and slaps Chief… - 5 years ago

@ks7000: RT @cementerio: Lee Fierro, actriz estadounidense, la maestra Kintner de la saga Tiburón, víctima del coronavirus covid-19 (1929-2020) http… - 5 years ago

@MoxieDitz: @Steve84065883 @kathygriffin Fact: Lee Fierro aka Mrs. Kintner who slapped Chief Broody, died to Covid-19 complicat… - 5 years ago

@AshonWWE: RT @HeavySan: "Jaws" star Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kinter, has died at 91 after a battle with the #covid19 #coronavirus: - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Lee Fierro dies - #LeeFierro #Lee #Fierro #rip - 5 years ago

@ryanreeder: @rob_sheridan When Lee Fierro died of Covid-19, I looked up this scene of her in Jaws. It was amazing how ironical… - 5 years ago

@DocMelia: RT @Amity_PD: Farewell and adieu, Lee Fierro. Amity will miss you. We just wanted you to know that. - 5 years ago


@thedailyjaws: @andylancelot - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: RT @LUIS8171073011: Lee Fierro, actriz conocida por su papel en 'Tiburón', muere a los 91 años de coronavirus El director artístico del tal… - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: Lee Fierro, actriz conocida por su papel en 'Tiburón', muere a los 91 años de coronavirus El director artístico del… - 5 years ago

@t_hom_as: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@dghs24: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@MonsterStuff: The hero we all needed. Lee Fierro, 91, the Jaws actress who slapped a government official for failing to protect t… - 5 years ago

@diegodhali: RT @DEADLINE: Lee Fierro Dies Of COVID-19: ‘Jaws’ Actress Was 91 - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: RT @LUIS8171073011: Lee Fierro, actriz de ‘Tiburón’, muere a los 91 años por coronavirus La intérprete estadounidense encarnó a la Sra. Kin… - 5 years ago

@LUIS8171073011: Lee Fierro, actriz de ‘Tiburón’, muere a los 91 años por coronavirus La intérprete estadounidense encarnó a la Sra.… - 5 years ago

@BeatriceLacy: ‘Jaws’ actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications: reports - US News - 5 years ago

@VincentSchmitz: @suzanneunck @TheoHakkert Ook bijrolspeelsters als Lee Fierro, Hilary Dwyer en Hélène Chatelain, en Lewinskygate-kl… - 5 years ago

@KarenBolen5: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@Astwisa: RT @MurrellDan: Sometimes small parts make a huge impact. Mrs. Kintner’s confrontation of Chief Brody in Jaws is crucial to understanding w… - 5 years ago

@the_LoungeFly: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@Luis_Fierro_Eco: RT @UDLAQuito: Nuestros expertos, #AugustoDeLaTorre, @FidelJ, @VicenteAlbornoz y #FelipeMartínez, analizaron los retos de la economía ecuat… - 5 years ago

@boxerrunner42: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@exPadaDDemonerd: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Lee Fierro, actriz norteamericana famosa por interpretar a la icónica Señora Kintner en Tiburón,… - 5 years ago

@tamaracoromoto: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@Javierc85534731: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@dchd1: @Slash @RikiRachtman can you re tweet - 5 years ago

@yupyop: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@13mdn: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@Solitude631: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@joemnmovieman: The slap heard around Amity. RIP #LeeFierro, ‘Jaws’ Actor, Dies of Coronavirus at 91 – Variety - 5 years ago

@yosoyelsantino: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Lee Fierro, actriz norteamericana famosa por interpretar a la icónica Señora Kintner en Tiburón,… - 5 years ago

@kkdonutslinger: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@maureenlkelly50: RT @ptjtoomey: Heartbroken to learn Lee died. She ran the theater I acted in and the summer camp I went to all my childhood. She taught me… - 5 years ago

@spfuzzy: Ηθοποιός Lee Fierro,γνωστή από τα "Jaws", πεθαίνει από Kovid-19 (vid) - 5 years ago

@djmincey11: RT @moviegoblin: Farewell and adieu, Mrs Kintner from Jaws. - 5 years ago

@amandabloom99: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@You1AreNotAlone: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@0802_lillith: RT @TMZ: 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@DreamAbsinthe: RT @TMZ: 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@badwebsites: RT @TMZ: 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@GersonGuer: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@ActualArtistica: In Memoriam: Lee Fierro - 5 years ago

@lizmoblubuckeye: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@Tolhaller: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@tournour_luna: RT @Juancrux03: Se llama luna, anda a caballo, tiene caballos, toma mate, usa alpargatas, el papa es gaucho y te lee el martin fierro, el c… - 5 years ago

@EveGimnez2: RT @Juancrux03: Se llama luna, anda a caballo, tiene caballos, toma mate, usa alpargatas, el papa es gaucho y te lee el martin fierro, el c… - 5 years ago

@camigutierrezx: RT @Juancrux03: Se llama luna, anda a caballo, tiene caballos, toma mate, usa alpargatas, el papa es gaucho y te lee el martin fierro, el c… - 5 years ago

@Juancrux03: Se llama luna, anda a caballo, tiene caballos, toma mate, usa alpargatas, el papa es gaucho y te lee el martin fier… - 5 years ago

@Mrs_Grayeyes: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@yankees1958: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@JayReSister: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@BikoDjango: RT @RetroNewsNow: Lee Fierro, best known for playing Mrs. Kintner in ‘Jaws,’ dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@BikoDjango: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@Eamt52: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@lparker922: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@artsycarol: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@JulioEstoril: RT @infobae: Lee Fierro de “Tiburón” y Jay Benedict de “Aliens”: los últimos actores de Hollywood en morir de coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Indenight: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@kat19477: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@MitchMars: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@CatAttack360: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@LakesterLyn: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@eieio8m: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@pfefer_r: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@kasie724: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@TheAnimalsKnow: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@mapmakerns2: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@ruth_hartjen: RT @smstone31: Remember the Classic Movie “Jaws” by Stephen Spielberg? Lee Fierro, died of #COVID19. She played a grieving mother, Mrs. Ki… - 5 years ago

@DigiTesla: @iris70444046 @LarisMiRu @LaPolaca2020 @Gabbicha_rueda @isac_fierro @JesZer2 @Emmanuelelbot @diegonarriaga… - 5 years ago

@BernZilla_5: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@zkim229: "We are all Lee Fierro now." Another beautifully done piece by @marymacTV in the @latimesent - 5 years ago

@ComradeK_1917: RT @moviegoblin: Farewell and adieu, Mrs Kintner from Jaws. - 5 years ago

@BikoDjango: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@BikoDjango: RT @RetroNewsNow: Lee Fierro, best known for playing Mrs. Kintner in ‘Jaws,’ dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@XposeBlackCrime: ' Dies Of #Coronavirus:#Jaws' Actress #LeeFierro #Tcot #Tgdn #Ccot #Teaparty #Pjnet #Gop… - 5 years ago

@DylanCinema: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@VnezuelaEnChile: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@panamonty: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@raumunz: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@ZorildeA: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@Luis_Fierro_Eco: RT @DialoguemosINFO: Se puede sacar un aprendizaje positivo de esta #crisis, la #tecnología ha avanzado tanto, que es posible confiar en el… - 5 years ago

@leemerickson: RT @Variety: Lee Fierro, ‘Jaws’ Actor, Dies of Coronavirus at 91 - 5 years ago

@IslandJelli: RT @JimHowick: Just learnt the sad news that Lee Fierro has died. She made film history. - 5 years ago

@DaisyBHarris: RT @JimHowick: Just learnt the sad news that Lee Fierro has died. She made film history. - 5 years ago

@JimHowick: Just learnt the sad news that Lee Fierro has died. She made film history. - 5 years ago

@arnulfobaezlimo: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Lee Fierro, actriz norteamericana famosa por interpretar a la icónica Señora Kintner en Tiburón,… - 5 years ago

@Tyger7even: In the time of Trump, “We are all Lee Fierro now.” - 5 years ago

@JohnDennisMeow: RT @MurrellDan: Sometimes small parts make a huge impact. Mrs. Kintner’s confrontation of Chief Brody in Jaws is crucial to understanding w… - 5 years ago

@tricia_fierro: RT @JohnFugelsang: On this date in 1865 Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox on what historians refer to as "You Can't Call Yoursel… - 5 years ago

@pennisi_m: RT @joerussotweets: Actress Lee Fierro played Mrs. Kintner in JAWS. In the movie, her son died because the government didn’t take action to… - 5 years ago

@RJCooperFilms: R.I.P. Lee Fierro from Jaws - 5 years ago

@kohnosuke3: RT @Munenori20: あぁ…。『ジョーズ』でキントナー夫人(息子をサメに喰われブロディにビンタを喰らわすあの人)を演じたリー・フィエロが新型コロナにより亡くなったようです。 - 5 years ago

@johnneyred: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@Gordondon: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@DouStudioDave: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@DouStudioDave: RT @barrettleddy: RIP to Lee Fierro. Her character had about 5 minutes of screen time in Jaws, and she made every moment count. #NoSmallPar… - 5 years ago

@barrettleddy: RIP to Lee Fierro. Her character had about 5 minutes of screen time in Jaws, and she made every moment count.… - 5 years ago

@SALOC6273: RT @80sThen80sNow: Lee Fierro (2/13/29-4/5/20) 80sThen80sNow is Sad to Report the Passing of Elizabeth Fierro, Known to Most of As The Mot… - 5 years ago

@TheHImmer: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@ElenaMaraNavar2: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@FrightNerd: ‘Jaws’ Actress Lee Fierro Dies at 91 - 5 years ago

@KevinCookie8: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@schavarro_: Lee Fierro, famous for playing mother of shark victim in Jaws, dies at 91 from coronavirus - 5 years ago

@KungFuDracula: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@KolibriForensic: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@MtopdeckMct2218: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@AnnLarimer: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@JeffMacke: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@RDW1979: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@Ukhilal1957: RT @thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes #jaws… - 5 years ago

@thedailyjaws: Nice to see the late #LeeFierro aka #MrsKintner referenced by @marymacTV in the @latimes - 5 years ago

@CallMeSashaK: Sí, estamos en una guerra mundial nueva. Lee. 👇👇👇 Relato versus realidad y dos hipotéticos escenarios para cuando… - 5 years ago

@c_hasbeen: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@IngeneroG: @petecopetaca @georgepaganza Es un fierro el winamp. Te lee todo lo que le tires padentro. - 5 years ago

@RaulTkcheriuk: @alearedesign @ChauOperetaK Vos vivís en un mundo de fantasía. Cuando tengas tiempo, lee el Martin Fierro y fijate… - 5 years ago

@thedailyjaws: @Hedgey85 - 5 years ago

@oberlinapollo: Jaws Actress Lee Fierro Is Dead Following Coronavirus Complications - 5 years ago

@Maximustw: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@WaldoAikema: @MartinKoolhoven Ja. Heb je uitgelegd in je serie. Maar Lee Fierro RIP door corona of RIP door 91 jarige leeftijd??? - 5 years ago

@LEclectia: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@beyond099: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@CryptoLoren: RT @cryptokubrology: RIP Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in JAWS. She died at age 91 of C-19 (19/91). This is how long after the rele… - 5 years ago

@AndreasPiotrow2: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Hooterization: RT @thedailybeast: Lee Fierro, who portrayed Mrs. Kintner in the movie “Jaws”—she slapped Chief Brody in the face in a dramatic scene—has d… - 5 years ago

@Gordondon: RT @thedailyjaws: Remembering #jaws actress #LeeFierro aka Mrs Kintner who sadly passed away from #COVID19 on Sunday. - 5 years ago

@Gregory03912208: - 5 years ago

@Nonna_LaGreca: RT @joerussotweets: Actress Lee Fierro played Mrs. Kintner in JAWS. In the movie, her son died because the government didn’t take action to… - 5 years ago

@Luis_Fierro_Eco: RT @GrupoFARO: 📣 [DECLARACIÓN] @GrupoFARO es parte de la Red Anticorrupción Latinoamericana @REAL_latam, por ello nos sumamos a esta decl… - 5 years ago

@begl2: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@HeyHeyItMaymay: RT @cartycinema: Yesterday, we lost the lovely and iconic Lee Fierro from JAWS due to COVID-19. I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2012… - 5 years ago

@dourakutaro2013: RT @cinefilDVD: 『ジョーズ』で子どもを失った女性を印象的に演じたリー・フィエロさん、コロナウィルスの合併症で死去。91歳。 - 5 years ago

@CGravesMasshole: RT @Variety: Lee Fierro, ‘Jaws’ Actor, Dies of Coronavirus at 91 - 5 years ago

@diamondfootball: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@targetpip: Lee Fierro Dies, Jaws Actress Who Played Mrs. Kintner Was 91 - 5 years ago

@CodieneC: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MidoriBeast: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@frankcorsojr: 'Jaws' actress Lee Fierro dead at 91 from coronavirus complications - 5 years ago

@Failsatmom: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@UncleRee1: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@DougJones100: R.I.P. Lee Fierro (1929-2020). She was only ever in three movies, but one role will be remembered forever. She is… - 5 years ago

@jazzizbest: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@chicanerychic: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@theextrasinc: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@dawnlyndel: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@48hippo: RT @TMZ: 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@48hippo: RT @Variety: Lee Fierro, ‘Jaws’ Actor, Dies of Coronavirus at 91 - 5 years ago

@SeeJay_DZ: RT @thedailyjaws: Remembering #jaws actress #LeeFierro aka Mrs Kintner who sadly passed away from #COVID19 on Sunday. - 5 years ago

@Lido_shka: RT @horrorlosers: Ha muerto a los 91 años, Lee Fierro, la Sra. Kintner en JAWS, debido al coronavirus. Siempre recordaremos su mítico bofet… - 5 years ago

@RDW1979: RT @thedailyjaws: Have you signed the #book of Lee-membrance for #jaws actress #LeeFierro (aka Mrs Kintner) who passes away last Sunday?… - 5 years ago

@nickanthony1979: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@BlackRojas: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr… - 5 years ago

@GypsetSerafini: Martha's Vineyard Actress, Lee Fierro dies #coronavirus - 5 years ago

@Kat_Missouri: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Onegatein: Jaws’ Actress Lee Fierro Dies Of Coronavirus Complications - 5 years ago

@OColina1: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@NickFalacci: @briankoppelman It’s an appropriate bittersweet, maybe melancholy smile. The news of John Prine, Hal Willner, Lee… - 5 years ago

@AisaacW: RT @TMZ: 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus - 5 years ago

@marymontilla88: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EEUU - 5 years ago

@notagentsmith: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@blake_gordon17: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Director George Ogilvie; actors Lee Fierro, Forrest Compton, Ron Graham; engraver and photogr… - 5 years ago

@ShrikeTron: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@Autumnshroud: RT @AestheticResear: Lee Fierro—the Martha’s Vineyard actress famous for playing a grieving mother who lifts her black veil and slaps Chief… - 5 years ago

@CoelhoGreiner: @killerbeemma I pray this virus gets better so many have died so sad Actrss Lee Fierro that played Mrs Kitner from… - 5 years ago

@RoloTamassi: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Junie57092058: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Pfft4041: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@John94472144: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MaurerPatty: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1585) 'Jaws' Actress Lee Fierro, Alex Kintner's Mom, Dead at 91 from Coronavirus. h/t @lynnemiles01 - 5 years ago

@MiamiDiario: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr - 5 years ago

@IgnatiousRose: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@CallMeMatt88: Oh shit, I just found out that Lee Fierro, the actress who played Mrs. Kintner, passed away just 3 days ago. RIP, w… - 5 years ago

@doctecazoid: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@El_Cooperante: Lee Fierro, la actriz de ‘Tiburón’ que murió por la Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@melissa10111997: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@oceanscape: RIP Lee Fierro. You were an inspiration to so many of us. Your artistic integrity and creative enthusiasm were mor… - 5 years ago

@ShierBill: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@aliens1948: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Rfranz19: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@savagexrebel: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@nelle4us: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@patdorcean: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@JackRevered: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@NelsonNiwa: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MensahAlkebuLan: I do remember the movie Jaws. Sorry to hear this. Condolences. #Jaws #Ohio #UnitedStatesofAmerica Lee Fierro,… - 5 years ago

@banba0: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@CacheJewels: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Jaysims27: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@geraldb95284126: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@JohnBaskind: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@dawnlyndel: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@SuezWillson: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@mfuentessanchez: RT @EmisorasUnidas: #EUCoronavirus Actriz de las clásicas películas de “Tiburón” muere por coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@claudialonow: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Iluvenca: RT @El_Cooperante: Lee Fierro, la actriz de ‘Tiburón’ que murió por la Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@viczabala: RT @El_Cooperante: Lee Fierro, la actriz de ‘Tiburón’ que murió por la Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@MiamiDiario: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #8Abr - 5 years ago

@El_Cooperante: Lee Fierro, la actriz de ‘Tiburón’ que murió por la Covid-19 - 5 years ago

@Sergiofordy: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #LeeFierro (February 13, 1929 – April 5, 2020) Jaws, 1975, directed by Steven Spielberg. Roy Scheider, @RichardDreyfus… - 5 years ago

@Elmar_O: RT @EmisorasUnidas: #EUCoronavirus Actriz de las clásicas películas de “Tiburón” muere por coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@Ajrosner68: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@suzolv: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@EmisorasUnidas: #EUCoronavirus Actriz de las clásicas películas de “Tiburón” muere por coronavirus. - 5 years ago

@juliahosack: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@andj7871: RT @osullivanauthor: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in Jaws, died from the coronavirus. My new novel was motivated by Jaws and I nam… - 5 years ago

@molbast: RT @DolarToday: Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus - 5 years ago

@TABATABLACK: RT @DolarToday: #Hollywood dice adiós a los actores Jay Benedict y Lee Fierro quienes murieron por coronavirus #EE… - 5 years ago

@KaseyCroshaw: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@karmadukkha: RT @terabytnet: @Thom_Hartmann Sadly metaphysical? Many have compared Trump's actions to the money-grubbing Mayor in the film, who kept the… - 5 years ago

@nanmac321: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@BillBrennansays: RT @terabytnet: @Thom_Hartmann Sadly metaphysical? Many have compared Trump's actions to the money-grubbing Mayor in the film, who kept the… - 5 years ago

@jemfinanderson: RT @EricVespe: Sad news. We’ve lost Lee Fierro, who was one of the many Martha’s Vineyard locals who stole their scenes in Jaws. Mrs. Kintn… - 5 years ago

@jemfinanderson: RT @yashar: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in 'Jaws' has died at age 91 due to the coronavirus. In 'Jaws,' Fierro played a mom whose… - 5 years ago

@booksbygin50: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@crankyoldman13: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@o_pelker: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@birdman6474: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@decman52: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@lukebrough5: RT @cartycinema: Yesterday, we lost the lovely and iconic Lee Fierro from JAWS due to COVID-19. I was fortunate enough to meet her in 2012… - 5 years ago

@FL_Classy: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MerovingianOne: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@pottercassidy: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Jonsayimpeach: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@PergolaDavid: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@shewithcapitalV: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MCreton: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@GargoylePhan: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@TeresaMac2009: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@drdan041: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@FigZayas: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@benjiwheeler: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@DaveensMoore: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@MydoghatesMe2: RT @Fitnessgirlus: Jaws Actress Lee Fierro Dies of Coronavirus at 91 - 5 years ago

@MikePerryavatar: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@RobertArnol: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Fitnessgirlus: Jaws Actress Lee Fierro Dies of Coronavirus at 91 - 5 years ago

@hookemphil1: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@ll0lll23: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@ondinemonet: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Monican267: RT @osullivanauthor: Lee Fierro, who played Mrs. Kintner in Jaws, died from the coronavirus. My new novel was motivated by Jaws and I nam… - 5 years ago

@JacobResister: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

@Eugene1016: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@ronniehowlett3: RT @thedailyjaws: A message from Jeffrey Voorhees (Alex Kintner) about his movie mum #LeeFierro (Mrs Kintner) who sadly passed away on Sund… - 5 years ago

@Velvetpage: RT @lanerodrigs1979: The grieving mother who slapped Chief Brody across the face for allowing the beaches to remain open in "Jaws" has died… - 5 years ago

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