Lawrence Rhodes

American dancer and ballet director.
Died on Friday March 29th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Lawrence Rhodes:

@onlinesavant: @doughtywench @AnnAnnChe @Lawrence He's also "wicked smaht." Check out his actual academic background. In addition… - 6 years ago

@SusanDa94985565: @cheche_201 @cincyboy39 @LindseyGrahamSC @seanhannity AGREED! She is the best. Thorough, Rhodes scholar, she shows… - 6 years ago

@grandma_hockey: RT @globeandmail: Artistic director Lawrence Rhodes had a major influence on dance in Canada - 6 years ago

@globeandmail: Artistic director Lawrence Rhodes had a major influence on dance in Canada - 6 years ago


@quebecdanse: Le ballet perd un grand maître: Lawrence Rhodes, directeur artistique des @GrandsBallets pendant 10 ans dans les an… - 6 years ago

@TheDanceCurrent: RT @GrandsBallets: C’est avec tristesse que Les Grands Ballets ont appris le décès de Lawrence Rhodes (1939-2019), directeur artistique de… - 6 years ago

@FlorydanceI: Remembering Lawrence Rhodes: Dancer, Teacher and Director - Dance Magazine - - 6 years ago

@DanceFlory: Remembering Lawrence Rhodes: Dancer, Teacher and Director - Dance Magazine - - 6 years ago

@OdysseyArts: Remembering Lawrence Rhodes: Dancer, Teacher and Director - Dance Magazine - - 6 years ago

@michs50: @AUSSIEChantelle @HoarseWisperer @maddow @PodSaveAmerica @MuellerSheWrote @FiveThirtyEight @AriMelber @lawfareblog… - 6 years ago

@LeagueRainbow: RT @howardwall: @HoarseWisperer @MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell talks too much & was the fan boy of Michael Avenati. He said he had 25 Twitter qu… - 6 years ago

@Lubovitch: LLDC mourns the loss of Lawrence Rhodes @JuilliardSchool Director of Dance Division from 2002 to 20017, a friend an… - 6 years ago

@jls202: Remembering Lawrence Rhodes: Dancer, Teacher and Director - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Deaths: Radio actress Louise Erickson ('A Date with Judy'); model of forgiveness Victoria Ruvolo; homel… - 6 years ago

@SedLily: RT @howardwall: @HoarseWisperer @MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell talks too much & was the fan boy of Michael Avenati. He said he had 25 Twitter qu… - 6 years ago

@howardwall: @HoarseWisperer @MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell talks too much & was the fan boy of Michael Avenati. He said he had 25 Tw… - 6 years ago

@Jedisme: @LScholler @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord 1. I was raise and Atheist and remain secular. 2. @PeteButtigieg i… - 6 years ago

@shastableus: @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord Please ask him how a Rhodes scholar is going to defend himself against the in… - 6 years ago

@tommypainesense: @HoarseWisperer @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord I’d take McKinsey, Rhodes Scholar and the Navy over any of th… - 6 years ago

@MaQualeSantone: @lepton939 @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord This guy is a super brain. Graduated from Harvard and then won a R… - 6 years ago

@keenanphoto: @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord Which is Smarter according to a Rhodes Scholar? Dogs or Cats? - 6 years ago

@sunflower2499: @Lawrence @PeteButtigieg @TheLastWord Please share the impact of being a Rhodes scholar and a soldier on who you are today. - 6 years ago

@PrincessGraceUS: #RIP Larry! #PGF-USA is saddened to hear about the passing of the legendary Lawrence Rhodes. He was the artistic di… - 6 years ago

@Dance_Teacher: Lawrence Rhodes passed away on Wednesday, March 27, at age 80. Rhodes, best known as Larry, had a long and celebrat… - 6 years ago

@TanecAktuality: Smutná zpráva ze zámoří - zemřel tanečník Laurence Rhodes, bývalý vedoucí tanečního oddělení Julliard School v New… - 6 years ago

@KyleAbrahamMT: RT @NYUTischDance: Today the dance world lost one of its leading lights, Lawrence Rhodes. Choreographer, performer, and former Chair of Tis… - 6 years ago

@artsmeme: Adieu to Lawrence Rhodes. - 6 years ago

@artsmeme: Remembering Lawrence Rhodes. - 6 years ago

@schwentker: RT @NYUTischDance: Today the dance world lost one of its leading lights, Lawrence Rhodes. Choreographer, performer, and former Chair of Tis… - 6 years ago

@sheldamar: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@NYUTischDance: In Memoriam, November 24, 1939-March 27, 2019. After a distinguished career dancing for companies such as, Pennsyl… - 6 years ago

@RoberttheRolfer: Great read about an emminent artist. I had the honor to study with him at NYU TSOA as an MFA student. - 6 years ago

@wperrondancemag: RT @NYUTischDance: Today the dance world lost one of its leading lights, Lawrence Rhodes. Choreographer, performer, and former Chair of Tis… - 6 years ago

@boulderbodywear: "Dancers admire Rhodes, because, without seeming effort, he unwittingly shows the complexity of dance. They glimpse… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Lawrence Rhodes (79) - 6 years ago

@debvangy: @Chas10Buttigieg Thank you for using this platform for the positive. Tonight I found out that my favorite ballet te… - 6 years ago

@MarinaHarss: - 6 years ago

@sheldamar: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@caroleannkrohn: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@NYUTischDance: Today the dance world lost one of its leading lights, Lawrence Rhodes. Choreographer, performer, and former Chair o… - 6 years ago

@Natacha_Odonnat: RT @Place_des_Arts: Bien triste nouvelle. La Place des Arts tient à offrir ses vœux de sympathie. Nos pensées accompagnent la famille, les… - 6 years ago

@DancePosse: "Dancers admire Rhodes, because, without seeming effort, he unwittingly shows the complexity of dance. They glimpse… - 6 years ago

@dancetransition: Le CRTD aimerait rendre hommage à M. Lawrence Rhodes décédé le 27 mars 2019. M. Rhodes fut le directeur (cont) - 6 years ago

@vievararosel: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@bobby4love: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@Five_on: RT @pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@pointe_magazine: Our thoughts go out to Larry Rhodes' family and friends. - 6 years ago

@Dance_Magazine: "Dancers admire Rhodes, because, without seeming effort, he unwittingly shows the complexity of dance. They glimpse… - 6 years ago

@Place_des_Arts: Bien triste nouvelle. La Place des Arts tient à offrir ses vœux de sympathie. Nos pensées accompagnent la famille,… - 6 years ago

@GrandsBallets: C’est avec tristesse que Les Grands Ballets ont appris le décès de Lawrence Rhodes (1939-2019), directeur artistiqu… - 6 years ago

@DFY_Magazine: He has inspired generations of dancers: Lawrence Rhodes (Nov 24 1939- Marc 27 2019)Armando Braswell remember… - 6 years ago

@jookco: Obituary : Death of Lawrence Rhodes–November 24, 1939-March 27, 2019 - 6 years ago

@DansNos: RT @MJRoyQmi: Décès de Lawrence Rhodes, ex-directeur des Grands Ballets canadiens | JDM - 6 years ago

@DansNos: RT @RC_Arts: L’ex-directeur artistique des Grands Ballets canadiens Lawrence Rhodes est mort - 6 years ago

@dansesplume: Lawrence Rhodes, ex-directeur artistique des @GrandsBallets canadiens, qui y a travaillé de 1989 à 1999, est mort l… - 6 years ago

@DFY_Magazine: He has inspired generations of dancers: Lawrence Rhodes (Nov 24 1939- Marc 27 2019) - 6 years ago

@dansomanie: La danse canadienne en deuil - disparition de Lawrence Rhodes, ancien directeur des @GrandsBallets et du départemen… - 6 years ago

@LorenaDanse: RT @dfdanse: Décès de Lawrence Rhodes, le meilleur directeur artistique des Grands Ballets de Montréal depuis ses débuts, un être humain fo… - 6 years ago

@BronwynWrites: Distinguished guests & Saints staff at #ReadingToLearm training with Debbie Avery & Mike Hart @ststithians. Amongst… - 6 years ago

@GoneDeadRIP: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard School notes with sadness the passing of Lawrence Rhodes: dancer, teacher, leader, & artistic director o… - 6 years ago

@roepoeronnepon: L’ex-directeur artistique des Grands Ballets canadiens Lawrence Rhodes est mort - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Lawrence Rhodes - 6 years ago

@EmpressTashe: RT @televisionjam: 🚨 RESULTS 🚨 👦🏾 200M CLASS 3- SEMIFINAL 2 1⃣ Y. Lawrence (KC) -22.80s 2⃣ S. Whyte (Rhodes Hall) - 23.07s 3️⃣ R.Pinno… - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Lawrence Rhodes is no longer with us - #LawrenceRhodes #Lawrence #Rhodes #rip - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Lawrence Rhodes, 79, American dancer and ballet director. - 6 years ago

@RC_Arts: L’ex-directeur artistique des Grands Ballets canadiens Lawrence Rhodes est mort - 6 years ago

@Cleavon_Hinds: RT @televisionjam: 🚨 RESULTS 🚨 👦🏾 200M CLASS 3- SEMIFINAL 2 1⃣ Y. Lawrence (KC) -22.80s 2⃣ S. Whyte (Rhodes Hall) - 23.07s 3️⃣ R.Pinno… - 6 years ago

@televisionjam: 🚨 RESULTS 🚨 👦🏾 200M CLASS 3- SEMIFINAL 2 1⃣ Y. Lawrence (KC) -22.80s 2⃣ S. Whyte (Rhodes Hall) - 23.07s 3️⃣ R.… - 6 years ago

@sambajonero: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard School notes with sadness the passing of Lawrence Rhodes: dancer, teacher, leader, & artistic director o… - 6 years ago

@JdeMontreal: Décès de Lawrence Rhodes, ex-directeur des Grands Ballets canadiens. - 6 years ago

@MJRoyQmi: Décès de Lawrence Rhodes, ex-directeur des Grands Ballets canadiens | JDM - 6 years ago

@DancedFootage: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard School notes with sadness the passing of Lawrence Rhodes: dancer, teacher, leader, & artistic director o… - 6 years ago

@ajbwell: My dear Larry... Rest In Peace. 💔 - 6 years ago

@JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard School notes with sadness the passing of Lawrence Rhodes: dancer, teacher, leader, & artistic directo… - 6 years ago

@UnderRatedFool: @cheifsh8radrs @olveraj48 I would like a trade for Rhodes,Ramsey, or Peterson more than Clowney or Lawrence because… - 6 years ago

@dfdanse: Décès de Lawrence Rhodes, le meilleur directeur artistique des Grands Ballets de Montréal depuis ses débuts, un être humain formidable... - 6 years ago

@trailerpilot: 3. Lawrence Rhodes, former AD of the Dance Division @JuilliardSchool, has reportedly passed away at age 79. Eliot F… - 6 years ago

@Hebaklevitt: @Deplorable4444 @aliasvaughn @maddow @Lawrence it’s quite understandable. She’s brilliant. Stanford grad, Rhodes Scholar, Oxford grad - 6 years ago

@DanzadanceOrg: RT @JuilliardSchool: The Juilliard School notes with sadness the passing of Lawrence Rhodes: dancer, teacher, leader, & artistic director o… - 6 years ago

@PSIARMAASI: RT @TheSnowPros: Listen in as Cross Country Team Coach David Lawrence and team members Emily Lovett and Greg Rhodes chat with #FirstChairPo… - 6 years ago

@TheSnowPros: Listen in as Cross Country Team Coach David Lawrence and team members Emily Lovett and Greg Rhodes chat with… - 6 years ago

@mourafarias21: 1. Khalil Mack + Akiem Hicks 2. Frank Clark + Bobby Wagner 3. CJ Mosley + Jamal Adams 4. JJ Watt + Jadeveon Clowney… - 6 years ago

@catlucente: @toronto_larry @MarkDice @maddow I watch Rachel, Lawrence O’Donnell, & Brian Williams every night. I know their sty… - 6 years ago

@l_nickson1: @bridget_joy_ Rachel, Joy, Lawrence O'Donnell,Randi Rhodes, Malcom Nance, Ari Melber, John Harwood, Velshi and Ruhl… - 6 years ago

@SpanosOnMusic: February 27th, 2019. Live at Nublu, NYC. With Leo Genovese, Juini Booth & Lawrence Clark. #georgespanos #drums… - 6 years ago

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