Lawrence Martin-Bittman

Czech-born American artist and author.
Died on Saturday September 22nd 2018

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Lawrence Martin-Bittman:

@jorah: The death of a master of disinformation... @ThisIsTrue - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who as a Cold War spy for Czechoslovakia specialized in running disinformation schemes to… - 6 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@Beatgrrrl: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago


@piomio1960: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for… - 6 years ago

@Bergermiste: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, 87, Master of Disinformation, Dies - 6 years ago

@Faker_Fact: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who spread disinformation as a spy before teaching at BU, dies at 87 - The Boston Globe… - 6 years ago

@ruthogetay1: RT @andreasharsono: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who as a spy for Czechoslovakia specialized in running disinformation schemes to roil the West… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, Master of Disinformation, Dies at 87 - 6 years ago

@Carcharos: RT @ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe goes to TWO interesting people: 1) A high-level expert on Russian propaganda: Lawrence Mar… - 6 years ago

@dontknownowtf: RT @RidT: RIP Lawrence (Ladislav) Bittman, one of the iconic Cold War defectors and an intimidatingly sharp mind to the very end. I intervi… - 6 years ago

@ThisIsTrue: This week's Honorary Unsubscribe goes to TWO interesting people: 1) A high-level expert on Russian propaganda: Lawr… - 6 years ago

@wrikent3500: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who as a Cold War spy for Czechoslovakia specialized in running disinformation schemes to roil the W… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who as a Cold War spy for Czechoslovakia specialized in running disinformation schemes to… - 6 years ago

@alisonborealis: RT @amandarivkin: All the minds we need for this era are passing away so we must reinvent the wheel and sacrifice a generation anew because… - 6 years ago

@AKimCampbell: RT @amandarivkin: All the minds we need for this era are passing away so we must reinvent the wheel and sacrifice a generation anew because… - 6 years ago

@A_A_Xander: RT @tugrulkeskin: - 6 years ago

@tugrulkeskin: - 6 years ago

@BenTorSnowHick: RT @MattPotter: This former Cold War spy’s story needs a movie, stat. (The bit he describes here as the ‘ultimate shock of my life’ as the… - 6 years ago

@Fugu13Fugufugu: RT @altPRAGUEguide: Kilka dni temu zmarł Ladislav Bittman aka Lawrence Martin-Bittman, którego @nytimes nazywa Mistrzem Dezinformacji.Agent… - 6 years ago

@daknycip: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, 87, Master of Disinformation, Dies, via @nytimes. Real fake News. Not new, long history - 6 years ago

@PetraAu: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@MrLuckyClover: RT @RidT: RIP Lawrence (Ladislav) Bittman, one of the iconic Cold War defectors and an intimidatingly sharp mind to the very end. I intervi… - 6 years ago

@DivertimentoNo1: “Imagine,” he told The Times. “You search for a job and you are asked, ‘What are your credentials?’ and you say, ‘… - 6 years ago

@Atomicrod: Interesting life story of a man who was a known specialist in disinformation. Worth knowing that vast majority of d… - 6 years ago

@almu_t: RT @MattPotter: This former Cold War spy’s story needs a movie, stat. (The bit he describes here as the ‘ultimate shock of my life’ as the… - 6 years ago

@tanselerdem4242: RT @MattPotter: This former Cold War spy’s story needs a movie, stat. (The bit he describes here as the ‘ultimate shock of my life’ as the… - 6 years ago

@coldwarhist: RT @MattPotter: This former Cold War spy’s story needs a movie, stat. (The bit he describes here as the ‘ultimate shock of my life’ as the… - 6 years ago

@MattPotter: This former Cold War spy’s story needs a movie, stat. (The bit he describes here as the ‘ultimate shock of my life’… - 6 years ago

@stapf: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, 87, Master of Disinformation, Dies - 6 years ago

@jenrac9: Sometimes a routine story becomes a fascinating one. That was the case with this obit I wrote of former @COMatBU pr… - 6 years ago

@marymess: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@lellingw: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@ballerinaX: RT @amandarivkin: All the minds we need for this era are passing away so we must reinvent the wheel and sacrifice a generation anew because… - 6 years ago

@LJQwerty: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@BrianNolan1974: RT @NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for Czechoslo… - 6 years ago

@amandarivkin: All the minds we need for this era are passing away so we must reinvent the wheel and sacrifice a generation anew b… - 6 years ago

@NYTObits: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who has died at 87, was a Cold War trickster par excellence, sowing confusion as a spy for… - 6 years ago

@ryanskelton: Lawrence Bittman : Master of Disinformation (pre-internet) - 6 years ago

@Jadelia: RT @Joel_Harding: Lawrence Martin-Bittman, who spread disinformation as a spy before teaching at BU, dies at 87 - 6 years ago

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