Lawrence Hogan

American politician
Died on Friday April 21st 2017

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Dulcinea Langfelder

Tweets related to Lawrence Hogan:

@shoreboy1961: RT @baltimoresun: Funeral services for former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., father of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, to be held Saturday. https:/… - 8 years ago

@EdMcDonough1: RT @_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago

@david_s_marks: RT @_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago

@ChattyHatley: RT @_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago


@dcollinsWBAL: Gov Hogan delivered a remarkable Eulogy to his dad Lawrence Hogan Sr. It was obviously heartfelt but also full of… - 8 years ago

@CumberlandTN: RT @MarylandDNR: REMINDER: Gov. @LarryHogan has ordered the MD State Flag lowered to half-staff today in honor of former MD Congressman Law… - 8 years ago

@FlagPoleEtc: Maryland - half staff alert for today!... - 8 years ago

@MRichWJZ: RT @TraceyWJZ: Maryland Governor @LarryHogan arriving at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis to eulogize his father Lawrence Hogan Sr.… - 8 years ago

@MRichWJZ: RT @TraceyWJZ: Casket of former Maryland Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr being carried into St Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. @cbsbalti… - 8 years ago

@MRichWJZ: RT @cbsbaltimore: LAID TO REST: The funeral of Lawrence Hogan Sr. was held Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. - 8 years ago

@cbsbaltimore: LAID TO REST: The funeral of Lawrence Hogan Sr. was held Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. - 8 years ago

@katiedjennings: RT @ryanhutchins: Christie was headed to funeral for Lawrence Hogan Sr. - 8 years ago

@ryanhutchins: Christie was headed to funeral for Lawrence Hogan Sr. - 8 years ago

@SenJohnnyRay: RT @_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago

@MarkNewgent: RT @_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago

@_hmmarr: Gov @LarryHogan delivered a beautiful, poignant tribute to his late father, Congressman Lawrence Hogan, Sr., in Annapolis today - 8 years ago

@DeniseFasheh: @Lawrence Exactly. It's like wrestling fans watching Hulk Hogan and thinking it's all real. - 8 years ago

@BaltimoreCP: Casket of former Maryland Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr being carried into St Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis.… - 8 years ago

@cbsbaltimore: RT @TraceyWJZ: Casket of former Maryland Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr being carried into St Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. @cbsbalti… - 8 years ago

@Ratguy123: RT @TraceyWJZ: Casket of former Maryland Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr being carried into St Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. @cbsbalti… - 8 years ago

@lsteinreporter: RT @ChasingAllison: @GovChristie to attend the funeral service for Lawrence Hogan Sr.--Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's father --tomorrow in Ann… - 8 years ago

@ChasingNews: RT @ChasingAllison: @GovChristie to attend the funeral service for Lawrence Hogan Sr.--Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's father --tomorrow in Ann… - 8 years ago

@ChasingAllison: @GovChristie to attend the funeral service for Lawrence Hogan Sr.--Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's father --tomorrow in Annapolis @ChasingNews - 8 years ago

@kathrynamarsh: RT @MDNRPolice: MD state flag will fly at half staff Sat., sunrise to sunset, to honor former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., w… - 8 years ago

@Steelermike1: RT @MDNRPolice: MD state flag will fly at half staff Sat., sunrise to sunset, to honor former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., w… - 8 years ago

@GettysburgFlag: Half-Staff Alert in Maryland to honor Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. #halfstaff - - 8 years ago

@NCFlag: For our friends in MD: flags at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on 4/29 in honor of former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. - 8 years ago

@Cowboysnation09: RT @CharlesCoMD: Gov Hogan ordered MD Flag be lowered to half-staff effective at sunrise, April 29 in honor of former MD Congressman Lawren… - 8 years ago

@FOXBaltimore: RT @MDNRPolice: MD state flag will fly at half staff Sat., sunrise to sunset, to honor former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., w… - 8 years ago

@gitgim: RT @MDNRPolice: MD state flag will fly at half staff Sat., sunrise to sunset, to honor former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., w… - 8 years ago

@MDNRPolice: MD state flag will fly at half staff Sat., sunrise to sunset, to honor former Maryland Congressman Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., who died 4/20 - 8 years ago

@FlagAlerts: MD flags to be flown at H/S from S/R to S/S on 04/29 in honor of MD Congressman Lawrence Hogan Sr - 8 years ago

@wootnik765: RT @CharlesCoMD: Gov Hogan ordered MD Flag be lowered to half-staff effective at sunrise, April 29 in honor of former MD Congressman Lawren… - 8 years ago

@DCAbloob: RT @CharlesCoMD: Gov Hogan ordered MD Flag be lowered to half-staff effective at sunrise, April 29 in honor of former MD Congressman Lawren… - 8 years ago

@CharlesCoMD: Gov Hogan ordered MD Flag be lowered to half-staff effective at sunrise, April 29 in honor of former MD Congressman… - 8 years ago

@matthewhaybrown: Gov. Larry Hogan orders Maryland state flag to half-staff Saturday to honor former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., his father - 8 years ago

@desonsaxa1974: RT @corwin_seaforth: - 8 years ago

@Mark_Uncapher: RT @Mark_Uncapher: Services planned Saturday in #Annapolis for .@GovernorHogan's father, former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. #LarryHogan http… - 8 years ago

@daisyroisin: RT @SnyderWBALTV: Funeral for Lawrence Hogan Sr., scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@tatzanx: Annapolis Patch: Lawrence Joseph Hogan Sr., 88, Of Annapolis: Obituary - 8 years ago

@MRichWJZ: RT @cbsbaltimore: Lawrence Hogan Sr.'s funeral will take place Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. - 8 years ago

@wbaltv11: RT @SnyderWBALTV: Funeral for Lawrence Hogan Sr., scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@SnyderWBALTV: Funeral for Lawrence Hogan Sr., scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@BaltimoreCP: Services for former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. are scheduled for Saturday. - 8 years ago

@baltimoresun: Services for former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. are scheduled for Saturday. - 8 years ago

@cbsbaltimore: Lawrence Hogan Sr.'s funeral will take place Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Annapolis. - 8 years ago

@Mark_Uncapher: Services planned Saturday in #Annapolis for .@GovernorHogan's father, former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. #LarryHogan… - 8 years ago

@MDMRN: RT @DanielleEGaines: Gov. Larry Hogan's family asks those mourning Larry Hogan Sr. to give to charity, instead of sending flowers: - 8 years ago

@RobWindley: RT @ChangeMaryland: Our say: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. set an example for all politicians, not just his son - 8 years ago

@ProducerDuane: RT @OvettaWashPost: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@C3Newsman: RT @OvettaWashPost: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@wbalradio: Corrected: Funeral set Saturday for Gov. Hogan's father. - 8 years ago

@MarylandNewsNow: Former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. #Services scheduled: - 8 years ago

@zeeshan_shah_dc: RT @OvettaWashPost: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@BaltSunBrk: Former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. services scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@MileahKromer: RT @zapeters: Maryland Governor @LarryHogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@capgaznow: Former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. services scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@juanmuriango: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@AdelaRT5: Former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. services scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@readknox: Services for former Rep. Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. scheduled for Saturday - 8 years ago

@Apocrifos: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@DanielleEGaines: Gov. Larry Hogan's family asks those mourning Larry Hogan Sr. to give to charity, instead of sending flowers: - 8 years ago

@DanielleEGaines: RT @OvettaWashPost: Gov. Hogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@NewsChannel8: RT @ABC7News: Funeral for governor's father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., scheduled for Saturday in Annapolis @LarryHogan - 8 years ago

@zapeters: Maryland Governor @LarryHogan to eulogize his father, Lawrence Hogan Sr., at funeral mass Saturday - 8 years ago

@MDGazette: Our say: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. set an example for all politicians, not just his son - 8 years ago

@jefeze323: RT @ChangeMaryland: Our say: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. set an example for all politicians, not just his son - 8 years ago

@AmeliaChasse: RT @ChangeMaryland: Our say: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. set an example for all politicians, not just his son - 8 years ago

@ChangeMaryland: Our say: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. set an example for all politicians, not just his son - 8 years ago

@MrStyylin: RT @hawkinsonprpse: I am saddened to learn of the lost of former Prince George's County Executive Lawrence J. Hogan, Sr. May he Rest In Pea… - 8 years ago

@SysoonMemorial: Lawrence Hogan (1928 - 2017), died at age 88 years - 8 years ago

@dcchau727: Little known fact: Larry Hogan Sr. was my godfather. So thankful he helped my parents & sis come to the US in '75. - 8 years ago

@divasindefense: #DMVDivas Lawrence Hogan Sr. Father of Larry Hogan dies - 8 years ago

@DC_Informer: Lawrence Hogan Sr., father of Larry Hogan, dies - 8 years ago

@mondaevu: RT @archbalt: We pray for the repose of the soul of Lawrence Hogan Sr. and those who mourn his death, including MD Gov @LarryHogan. May he… - 8 years ago

@Carol_Peaslee: RT @TPInsidr: Lawrence Hogan, Congressman Father of MD Gov. Larry Hogan, Has Died at 88 - 8 years ago

@PoliticsReid: Rep. Lawrence Hogan, dad of MD Gov. Larry and 1st Repub to advocate impeaching Nixon, died last week - - 8 years ago

@BangorInsider: In the news: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Maryland Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@ooyuznews: Lawrence Hogan, GOP Congressman who called for Nixon's removal, dies.. Related Articles: - 8 years ago

@DISCAwards: RT @archbalt: We pray for the repose of the soul of Lawrence Hogan Sr. and those who mourn his death, including MD Gov @LarryHogan. May he… - 8 years ago

@dachsifox: RT @washingtonpost: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@Reporterroblang: Also on Maryland's News This Week @wbalradio we remember Lawrence Hogan Sr. - 8 years ago

@twitbituaries: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. | Former congressman, 88 - - 8 years ago

@1mortgagenews: lawrence-j-hogan-sr-maryland-republican-who-called- ... - - 8 years ago

@EINUSPolitics: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@SANDRAGIPSON3: Lawrence Hogan, Congressman Father of MD Gov. Larry Hogan, Has Died at 88 - 8 years ago

@IndivisibleMD: RT @RepAndyHarrisMD: I am incredibly saddened by the passing of Lawrence Hogan Sr. My thoughts and prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan an… - 8 years ago

@yogagenie: RT @baltimoresun: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., father of Gov. Larry Hogan, has died. - 8 years ago

@SunnyBlondie: RT @CraigCaplan: Fmr MDRep Lawrence Hogan,father of MD Governor & only GOP House Judiciary mbr to support all 3 articles of impeachment on… - 8 years ago

@tulio1987: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88… - 8 years ago

@AuntInAZ: RT @washingtonpost: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@archbalt: We pray for the repose of the soul of Lawrence Hogan Sr. and those who mourn his death, including MD Gov @LarryHogan. May he Rest In Peace. - 8 years ago

@KinyuaJoselito: RT @The_RGA: Our thoughts & prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan & his family during this difficult time. - 8 years ago

@saratraigle: RT @Jean_Marbella: Cross-party vote to impeach Nixon cost him politically but taught his son @LarryHogan the meaning of integrity - 8 years ago

@ooyuznews: Lawrence Hogan, GOP Congressman who called for Nixon's removal, dies.. Related Articles: - 8 years ago

@TLWTeam: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@lisarpepper: RT @10_26_01: - 8 years ago

@DavidAFoshee: RT @The_RGA: Our thoughts & prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan & his family during this difficult time. - 8 years ago

@corwin_seaforth: - 8 years ago

@corwin_seaforth: - 8 years ago

@FaithHallfaith: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., former congressman and father of governor, dies - 8 years ago

@MarylandPlaza: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan's father dies after stroke - The Diamondback - 8 years ago

@ChelseaBeaupre: RT @Jean_Marbella: Cross-party vote to impeach Nixon cost him politically but taught his son @LarryHogan the meaning of integrity - 8 years ago

@stuartfwilkins: RT @The_RGA: Our thoughts & prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan & his family during this difficult time. - 8 years ago

@jlove4dogs: Lawrence Hogan, Congressman Father of MD Gov. Larry Hogan, Has Died at 88 - 8 years ago

@tatecurtis: Somewhat ironic that Larry Hogan Sr. ran as a Trump-like candidate, & his son wrote in his name: - 8 years ago

@DONNAMACKEY2: RT @cbsbaltimore: RIP: Congressman L. Hogan would be the first Republican during the Nixon Administration to call for his impeachment. http… - 8 years ago

@MyAlliesTrading: Lawrence J. Hogan Sr., Md. Republican who called for Nixon’s impeachment, dies at 88 - 8 years ago

@1stdownfunding: RT @allieberube: Thoughts and prayers go out to MD Gov. @LarryHogan and his family on the passing of his father, Lawrence Hogan, Sr. #RestI… - 8 years ago

@PaulPitcher: RT @allieberube: Thoughts and prayers go out to MD Gov. @LarryHogan and his family on the passing of his father, Lawrence Hogan, Sr. #RestI… - 8 years ago

@Baltimore__news: Lawrence Hogan Sr. Remembered as an American Hero #Baltimore - 8 years ago

@publicradionerd: RT @CraigCaplan: Fmr MDRep Lawrence Hogan,father of MD Governor & only GOP House Judiciary mbr to support all 3 articles of impeachment on… - 8 years ago

@fatpedlar: Lawrence Hogan, Congressman Father of MD Gov. Larry Hogan, Has Died at 88 - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 15 532) #Lawrence J. #Hogan #Sr. 88 #former #congressman and #father of #governor #dies #April 20, 2017 - 8 years ago

@vocellipizzamd: RT @cbsbaltimore: RIP: Congressman L. Hogan would be the first Republican during the Nixon Administration to call for his impeachment. http… - 8 years ago

@SherieLBradley: RT @cbsbaltimore: RIP: Congressman L. Hogan would be the first Republican during the Nixon Administration to call for his impeachment. http… - 8 years ago

@CBRadioLive: RT @MattSchafer1974: @CBRadioLive @CBRadioGOE @KaneKittens #BlameRob Lawrence J. Hogan Sr. - 8 years ago

@cbsbaltimore: RIP: Congressman L. Hogan would be the first Republican during the Nixon Administration to call for his impeachment. - 8 years ago

@_hmmarr: RT @The_RGA: Our thoughts & prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan & his family during this difficult time. - 8 years ago

@MsDuhMeanor: @Larryhogan Congressman Lawrence Hogan's testimony from Nixon impeachment hearings - 8 years ago

@MsDuhMeanor: @LarryHogan Lawrence Hogan Sr was only Repub on House Judiciary Cmtte who voted yes on all 3 articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon - 8 years ago

@MsDuhMeanor: @LarryHogan MD Gov. His dad, Lawrence Hogan Sr, was Republican Congressman for MD's 5th district, from January 1969 to January 1975 - 8 years ago

@KingLightning18: I liked a @YouTube video - 8 years ago

@StevenCenname: RT @Jean_Marbella: Cross-party vote to impeach Nixon cost him politically but taught his son @LarryHogan the meaning of integrity - 8 years ago

@greensaved1: Lawrence Hogan Sr. Remembered as an American Hero GII - 8 years ago

@TherapyDogsRock: RT @The_RGA: Our thoughts & prayers are with Governor @LarryHogan & his family during this difficult time. - 8 years ago

@JBJenningsUSA: Extremely sad to hear about the passing of Lawrence Hogan Sr. Congressman Hogan was a man of incredible... - 8 years ago

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