Lawrence Herkimer

American cheerleading innovator.
Died on Wednesday July 1st 2015

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Lawrence Herkimer:

@LHSChiefs_CHEER: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@DaiseyDiag: Cheerleading’s top cheerleader, Lawrence Herkimer, dies in Dallas | @dallasnews

@wadanapisow: RT @wyjetafavyb: Tributes are paid to the founder of modern cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, who has died at the age of 89.

@CheerLeadingExp: RT @JustinCarrier: So far, BBC & NPR have picked up the #Herkie story. Post your Herkie jump pic today!


@CheerLeadingExp: RT @JustinCarrier: NY TIMES article on #Herkie!

@ejchew: RT @NCAupdates: From the Pom Pom to the Spirit Stick, Lawrence Herkimer shares the history behind some of his greatest innovations:

@CheerTVChannel: Varsity Legends: Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer

@jrud: ICYMI: Lawrence Herkimer, the man who basically invented modern cheerleading, died. His obit is phenomenal.

@msl_692: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@highbank1: RT @MsFader: @JohnRobertsFun @lorenbouchard @highbank1 Lawrence Herkimer has died. Linda must be so sad. Do a #herkie in his honor

@glorynwidjaja: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@savanna_jl: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@NCA_LaurenL: RT @NCAupdates: From the Pom Pom to the Spirit Stick, Lawrence Herkimer shares the history behind some of his greatest innovations:

@BraelynLeggett: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@carsonolivia12: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@pleasantgr0ve: Carey!!

@somerrbabbbyy: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@jsstymest: RT @LetsGoRays: Our prayers are with the family of Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer. We are saddened to hear of the founder of modern cheerleadin…

@lesegygolybi: Lawrence Herkimer, the founder of modern cheerleading and inventor of the pom-pom who first started offering summertime camps for the

@lsilverwoman: The Hurkie Jump! Remembering Dallas' Herkimer, Grandfather Of Modern Cheerleading

@RealJohnKing: Gimme an R gimme an I gimme a P...too soon? "Cheerleading world mourns 'founder' Lawrence Herkimer"

@SportsStorey: Cheers to Mr. #Herkie himself: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89

@2_eugene40117: RT @abizarova_h8:

@yoodrizz: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@nekinekuqek: Tributes are paid to the founder of modern cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, who has died at the age of 89.

@JuliaIsBAWM: RT @nytimes: He borrowed $600 in 1948 to found what would become the American cheerleading industry

@JackrabbitTech: Doing the #herkie in honor of 'Mr. cheerleader' Lawrence Herkimer! Your impact on cheerlea…

@bzeeble: Cheer teams know him. Do others? Remembering Dallas' Lawrence Herkimer, The Grandfather Of Modern Cheerleading

@RozellKim: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89

@AvalinaD: RT @Smoedcoach: Sad to hear Lawrence Herkimer, founder of Modern Cheerleading and the "herkie" has passed. Our prayers go out . #RIPHerkie…

@MamaBee808: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@SydneyAaliyahhh: RT @DMagazine: Remembering Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer:

@CarlaNWade: RT @DMagazine: Remembering Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer:

@TexasCheerMag: We lost a great man. His great legacy will remain in the forefront of our industry for years to come. May he rest...

@karinabreaa: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@CheerleadingFor: CheerleadingFor.Me Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer Dies at 89 - D Magazine

@hunner_bell: RT @NCAupdates: From the Pom Pom to the Spirit Stick, Lawrence Herkimer shares the history behind some of his greatest innovations:

@hcrysg: Remembering Dallas' Lawrence Herkimer, The Grandfather Of Modern Cheerleading

@NCAgiselle: RT @NCAupdates: From the Pom Pom to the Spirit Stick, Lawrence Herkimer shares the history behind some of his greatest innovations:

@bkcr8on: The inventor of "The Herkie" dies... Cheerleading’s top cheerleader, Lawrence Herkimer, dies in Dallas | @dallasnews

@TaylorRayXO: RT @DMagazine: Remembering Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer:

@DMagazine: Remembering Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer:

@NCAKayla_E: RT @nytimes: He borrowed $600 in 1948 to found what would become the American cheerleading industry

@GianniVezzani1: È morto il «papà» delle cheerleader

@jon_agar: Also: Lawrence Herkimer, who patented the pom-pom, sold out when he "couldn't think like a 15-year old girl anymore"

@LucaCasalenuovo: È morto il «papà» delle cheerleader

@Ciarachanel88: È morto il «papà» delle cheerleader

@DebashishHiTs: RT @AmarUjalaNews: जानिए, उसे जिसने शुरू किया था चीयरलीडिंग का कारोबार -

@AmarUjalaNews: जानिए, उसे जिसने शुरू किया था चीयरलीडिंग का कारोबार -

@SysoonMemorial: Lawrence Russell Herkimer (1925 - 2015), died at age 89 years: was an American innovator in…

@And_E_93: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@bigbool1: RT @hunterbrooke9: RIP to the father of cheerleading-Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer. Thank u for NCA & everything u inspired thru the yrs💙❤️ ht…

@omgitssbrianna_: RT @Ben_OB: Sad to hear of the passing of Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer. Your legacy will live forever. #NCA #RIPHerkie

@HelenCoxCheer: RIP Lawrence Herkimer #ThankYou #FatherOfModernCheerleading

@rlysmallflyer: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@AjSingletonn_: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@ustop99news: Cheerleading’s top cheerleader, Lawrence Herkimer, dies in Dallas

@mali_boone: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@mappinjunkie: R.I.P. Lawrence Herkimer. The #herkie was the bane of my cheering existence but you gave so much to the sport. #Cheerleader for life!

@roach_tayva: RT @SMACKHighOR: "RIP to Lawrence Herkimer, the man who invented cheerleading"

@Zurthra: RT @SMACKHighOR: "RIP to Lawrence Herkimer, the man who invented cheerleading"

@SMACKHighOR: "RIP to Lawrence Herkimer, the man who invented cheerleading"

@chloeee_huff: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@JohnBeechy: BBC News - Cheerleading world mourns 'founder' Lawrence Herkimer

@HerreraGilbertA: RIP Larry Herkimer founder of the modern day cheerleading industry.

@MillionaireGm: Cheerleading's top cheerleader, Lawrence Herkimer, dies in Dallas

@Dallas24x7: Cheerleading's top cheerleader, Lawrence Herkimer, dies in Dallas - Dallas Morning News

@ggraccceee: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@EmilyTremonti: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@81828: Did you know that the Herkie is named after Lawrence Herkimer (1925 – 2015)?

@ItsAmyWhipple: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89 - I used to be able to nail a Herkie. (I st…

@DiademaGoddess: RT @ShirleyandSteve: 'MR. #CHEERLEADER' #LawrenceHerkimer, Dead @ 89. Invented #PomPoms #herkie

@samanthaduncan_: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89

@fufcall3q: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89

@Mad_Al: BBC News: Lawrence Herkimer, the father of modern cheerleading, has died at the age of 89. Give me a R, give me an I, give me a P..,,.,

@Jaclynmbell: RT @JustJenKing: Man behind the Herkie Jump, turned #cheerleading into a cool activity #obituary via @NYTObits

@InspireAllstars: RT @JustJenKing: Man behind the Herkie Jump, turned #cheerleading into a cool activity #obituary via @NYTObits

@deadpeoplecom: Lawrence Herkimer, you will be missed - #LawrenceHerkimer #Lawrence #Herkimer #dead #rip

@picmyshoes: running411 : Lawrence Herkimer | The Times - The Times (subscription) …

@robinnatalie01: RT @DillonBrandt: Heaven gained an important cheerleader👼 R.I.P Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer The founder of NCA❤️💙

@jamese01: Twitter tributes to Lawrence Herkimer, founder of modern cheerleading

@running411: Lawrence Herkimer | The Times - The Times (subscription)

@CheerAnonymous: RT @JustJenKing: Man behind the Herkie Jump, turned #cheerleading into a cool activity #obituary via @NYTObits

@JustJenKing: Man behind the Herkie Jump, turned #cheerleading into a cool activity #obituary via @NYTObits

@AllyBoatwright: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@aubreyschnars: RT @Smoedcoach: Sad to hear Lawrence Herkimer, founder of Modern Cheerleading and the "herkie" has passed. Our prayers go out . #RIPHerkie…

@chiccogiancarlo: È morto il «papà» delle cheerleader

@starchydish: Lawrence Herkimer, Grandfather of Modern Cheerleading, Dies at 89

@JessamieJade: RT @Nfinity: Join us tonight at 11:11 for a moment of silence in memory of Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer and what he meant to what we love. #R…

@sharlarclark: RT @nytimes: He borrowed $600 in 1948 to found what would become the American cheerleading industry

@ashlibo71: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@Sophh213: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@nacastorm09: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

@UnicornTO: Goodbye Lawrence Herkimer, #Cheerleader father.

@Engine01Nainna: RT @BBC_HaveYourSay: Have you honoured the late founder of cheerleading Lawrence Herkimer with a #herkie? Show us

@MiKaela93265810: RT @cheerUPDATES: RIP to the founder of modern day cheerleading, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer.

@TimesObits: Lawrence Herkimer

@JulezECE: RT @NCAupdates: We are deeply saddened by the loss of a legend, NCA’s Founder, Lawrence “Herkie” Herkimer. Our hearts are with his family …

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