Laura Podestà

Italian Olympic swimmer (1972).
Died on Wednesday December 21st 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Laura Podestà:

@GORDON03866981: @TJ_onfire @wineandbirdseed @ThomasPHitchens @atriana @bluebeatsblack @RonCole80482262 @mshaynerush @Bodybuilda007… - 2 years ago

@Nuotomania: Questionedistile - #Senzacategoria #lutto #Podestà Non c’è più la Podestà: E’ morta Laura Podestà, milanese, 68 ann… - 2 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day, Laura Podestà dies - #LauraPodesta #Laura #Podestà #rip - 2 years ago

@sportface2016: Lutto nel mondo del #nuoto, è morta a 68 anni Laura #Podestà - 2 years ago


@Summer333: RT @Summer333: @TigerMan5050 @laura_7771 Podesta would organize the hotdogs (boys) party’s from what I have read. - 2 years ago

@Summer333: @TigerMan5050 @laura_7771 Podesta would organize the hotdogs (boys) party’s from what I have read. - 2 years ago

@RealKingHadrian: @elizableu but doesn't that whole organization hire pedo enablers to run cover for kidnappers? Brian Podesta? That Laura Silsby lady? - 2 years ago

@vangent_laura: RT @SpeculationNews: ART: Here is part of John Podesta's painting collection. The tiles match the disused swimming pool in the basement of… - 2 years ago

@H2O2OOO: @qriator @elizableu We literally have pictures of Joe Biden fondling kids. We have Hillary campaign affiliate Laura… - 2 years ago

@MidwestLady88: @TexasGrandpa_19 @johncusack Joe Biden, John Podesta, Joy Behar,Laura Wasserman, Oprah,Prince Charles,Rachel Maddow… - 2 years ago

@stellaford66: @RealJoeElliott1 George Soros, The squad, Hags on The Spew (view), Adam Lying Schiff, John Creeper Podesta, Barak a… - 2 years ago

@PlugAssassin: @DAvallone @Laura_PH @BaronAtreides @BruceL2323 @ShadeandSun @Cernovich @jack @elonmusk @annecollier @eirliani… - 2 years ago

@laura_7771: RT @elonmusk: @Cernovich @annecollier @eirliani @podesta_lesley It is a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for ye… - 2 years ago

@paulcleary65: @Its_Gav_7 @laura_7771 @annecollier @eirliani @podesta_lesley Isn’t that a WNBA basketball player in the middle? - 2 years ago

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