Larry Tucker

American politician
Died on Friday November 18th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Larry Tucker:

@tatham_tucker: RT @FootballScoop: Larry Fedora ain't weak - 8 years ago

@Saiibii_Baiibii: I legit voted for Larry lamb 5 times to do the bush tucker trial for his offensive comment. Annoyed it's not him 😡 #ImACeleb - 8 years ago

@ClareE_D: #ImACeleb Larry or Adam bush tucker trial #Fakes - 8 years ago

@mcleanization: I don't like Martin, but still felt that was a bit harsh from Larry so Larry has all my votes for bush tucker trial #imacelebrity - 8 years ago


@ItsJustaRide: Scarlett and Larry not able to do the bush tucker trial tomorrow? Again?? #ImACeleb - 8 years ago

@TashieeP: RT @enaj61: Give Larry a nice bush tucker trial. He can't rant at poor old Martin if his gob is full of creepy crawlies. #imacelebritygetme… - 8 years ago

@pictoria35: RT @enaj61: Give Larry a nice bush tucker trial. He can't rant at poor old Martin if his gob is full of creepy crawlies. #imacelebritygetme… - 8 years ago

@enaj61: Give Larry a nice bush tucker trial. He can't rant at poor old Martin with a gob full of creepy crawlies. #imacelebrity - 8 years ago

@enaj61: Give Larry a nice bush tucker trial. He can't rant at poor old Martin if his gob is full of creepy crawlies. #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere - 8 years ago

@sheilamarymonet: My brother Larry and sister in law Phyllis adopted Tucker, a one year old rescue. He will be loved and spoiled in… - 8 years ago

@louchelarue: Whoa, didn't remember Larry Tucker showing up in the last scene of BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE. #TCMParty - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @RealAlexJones: CEO Tries To Call Trump “HlTLER,” Tucker Carlson Responds Accordingly - - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @TheDonaldNews @megynkelly Flip the switch on everything other than Tucker,Hannity,Oreilly,Cavuto.If Williams or Geraldo on,switch flipped! - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: RT @TheDonaldNews: Somebody please tell me who's watching @megynkelly #megynkelly Yet to meet someone that does not flip the Channel! #Tuck… - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @SLstar_n @TuckerCarlson Fantastic Tucker!A clean castration!Next stop, Elizabeth Warren!No balls but you can scalp her! - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @SLstar_n @wolfgangfaustX @TuckerCarlson Great to see a live castration on television!Good job Tucker his voice went up two octaves! - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: RT @SLstar_n: Here's why America has a new Fox favorite: Watch Tucker Carlson annihilate a lib university president #draintheswamp - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: RT @AllenWestRepub: Well done - 8 years ago

@Larry_in_Ohio: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . "Trump is the only president come into office owing nothing to anybody. Nothing. He took no money f/ anybod… - 8 years ago

@mikeb1649: @LarryOConnor Larry you were great tonight on Tucker's show Happy Thanksgiving - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @BayShoreIsHome: That was hysterical the only thing this MORON>>>@MDBlanchfield left out was ''pseudo climate change'' #Tucker - 8 years ago

@larry_norman: @FoxNewsIive Tucker! Great Job debateing DOWN that IDIOT Mathew Blanchfield! What a Self-Righteous Moron he is I will Boycott his Business ! - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @tina_zoo: Tucker Carlson calling out all the liberals!!! Show what idiots they really are. Can't hide anymore! - 8 years ago


@am_larry: RT @BayShoreIsHome: Yes ''Qualified'' like electing a community organizer? How'd that work out? #EpicFail #Tucker - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @MsAvaArmstrong: I saw this exchange & Tucker wiped the floor with this thumb-sucking liberal - 8 years ago

@MargaretCampHol: "Earth without 'art' is Eh." Source unknown, but from Larry Tucker's em. #ElementallyProfound - 8 years ago


@ollyburrowss: Does anyone else just want to see Larry Lamb do a Bush Tucker Trial? #imacelebrity #ExtraCamp - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @LessGovMoreFun: . "Trump is the only president come into office owing nothing to anybody. Nothing. He took no money f/ anybod… - 8 years ago

@ericdavies3: #iamaceleb is Larry Lamb immune from all the Bush Tucker trials ?? - 8 years ago

@amberroseee__: Is Larry ever gonna be up for any bush tucker trials?! I like him & all, but I don't think he's been up for any at all?? #imaceleb - 8 years ago

@Hi_Larry_ious: RT @yoyotrav: In Justin Tucker we trust! #RavensFlock - 8 years ago

@Hi_Larry_ious: Justin tucker says he can't relate at all - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @TheBarbaraGame @Tanya_USA @Miami4Trump FOX just as bad other than Hannity,O'Reilly,Cavuto,and Tucker! - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @AnnCoulter @TuckerCarlson Tucker was a badger Exposed the liberal no fact bullshit they throw out there!He truly bitch slapped that puppy! - 8 years ago

@CraigWilson_: RT @dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@JoeSal90: Who is the one that has to tell Uncle Larry and Cousin Tucker that they do not need to bring current events up. #StrangeThanksgivingRituals - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @NewsTodayUS2: Tucker Carlson Hammers Roll Call’s Allen for DNC ‘Talking Points’ on Jeff Sessions - 8 years ago

@Dee_Nella: I worry about Larry doing bush tucker trials because he's so old and cute #ImACeleb - 8 years ago

@Larry_Shelby: RT @LeahR77: Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Jonathan Allen On Jeff Sessions Being Racist FULL ... - 8 years ago

@mollyharris1414: Do you want to do bush tucker trials, Larry? #ImACeleb - 8 years ago

@wvgazettemail: Former WV Senate leader Larry Tucker dies - 8 years ago

@Larry_in_Ohio: @DebtAssassin1 Laura, Tucker....... - 8 years ago

@derekhope0: RT @dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@LiamGray12: RT @dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @JasonTotin @bennett1128 @TuckerCarlson Great job Tucker!Keep making these delusional fabricators drown in their own quicksand pit of lies! - 8 years ago

@CameronMcilroyy: RT @dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@Jack_Ramage: RT @dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@dylanscottt97: Cazza's spent £24 on Larry Lamb to dae a bush tucker trial this week😂😂 - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: Linchpin Larry Tucker, 81, an American Politician in West Virginia, Satan Soul Aspect, Down 11/16/16... - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @6ftmommy: Tucker DESTROYED this lib's entirely FALSE column on Sen. Sessions, but not before crazy @WhoopiGoldberg read it without doin… - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @PrisonPlanet: Tucker Carlson is completely destroying this clown who wrote a column smearing Senator Jeff Sessions as a racist. https:/… - 8 years ago

@wvgazettemail: Larry Tucker, who served nearly 2 decades in WV Legislature and was later convicted twice in federal court, has died - 8 years ago

@Larry_Shelby: @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews Way to go Tucker. We need more like you to call them out. Lot of respect for you right there. Good job. - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Larry Tucker, American politician, Died at 81 - 8 years ago

@andymcghee21: @OysterBayBomber Don't get me wrong. Larry a superb HW. Yet Lewis defeated guys like Ruddock, Mercer, Tua, Golota, Tucker - and often ABROAD - 8 years ago

@_Redneckonomics: RT @wvlegislature: Statement from Senate President @SenatorBillCole on the passing of former Senate President Larry Tucker - - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Larry Tucker has croaked: - 8 years ago

@Kanawha_GOP: RT @wvlegislature: Statement from Senate President @SenatorBillCole on the passing of former Senate President Larry Tucker - - 8 years ago

@SenatorBillCole: RT @wvlegislature: Statement from Senate President @SenatorBillCole on the passing of former Senate President Larry Tucker - - 8 years ago

@wvlegislature: Statement from Senate President @SenatorBillCole on the passing of former Senate President Larry Tucker - - 8 years ago

@Rbenjean: RT @HoppyKercheval: Former state Senate President Larry Tucker dead at 81. - 8 years ago

@004nino: RIP 13 046) #Former #West #Virginia W.Va. #Senate #President #Larry #Tucker #dies #November 16, 2016 at 81 - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Larry Tucker - #LarryTucker #Larry #Tucker #rip - 8 years ago

@JeffJenkinsMN: RT @WVMetroNews: Former W.Va. Senate President Larry Tucker dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@BradMcElhinny: RT @HoppyKercheval: .@BradMcElhinny reports on the death of former Senate President Larry Tucker. - 8 years ago

@HoppyKercheval: .@BradMcElhinny reports on the death of former Senate President Larry Tucker. - 8 years ago

@BradMcElhinny: RT @WVMetroNews: Former W.Va. Senate President Larry Tucker dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@WVMetroNews: Former W.Va. Senate President Larry Tucker dies at 81 - 8 years ago

@WVOutdoors: RT @HoppyKercheval: Former state Senate President Larry Tucker dead at 81. - 8 years ago

@WvuTrophy: RT @HoppyKercheval: Former state Senate President Larry Tucker dead at 81. - 8 years ago

@HoppyKercheval: Former state Senate President Larry Tucker dead at 81. - 8 years ago

@DebbiePhillips9: Obituary for Larry Tucker - 8 years ago

@BobAaronWCHS: Controversial former WV State Senate President Larry Tucker dies at 81. #EyewitnessWV - 8 years ago

@RonnieHarper8: Larry lamb loves his own little bush tucker trial #imacelebritygetmeoutofhere - 8 years ago

@jjjwedge: So sorry to hear about Larry Tucker - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @ViktorFiel Thank you Tucker.Its always good to be reminded how dangerously stupid liberals really are! - 8 years ago

@LAWolfman: @artygirl_1 @tuna_lucy Oh yes, just like his father. Larry Tucker. - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: @TuckerCarlson @lanele123 @FoxNews Congratulations Tucker,you deserve the opportunity! You will kick butt Sir!Watch out O'Reilly! - 8 years ago

@llmk100_larry: RT @TuckerCarlson: .@SenTomCotton: “I think most Americans are shocked that our government isn’t already focusing on criminal aliens” –TCT… - 8 years ago

@mrg7175: Larry McElwain and Bill Tucker speaking to our agents about the importance of title insurance. - 8 years ago

@lookingforkylie: RT @Davis_Tayla: Can Larry & Scarlett just do every bush tucker trial together pls?🐛🕷🦂 - 8 years ago

@mr_tucker_says: @Skinny_Larry 🤔 - 8 years ago

@am_larry: RT @FoxNews: .@jasoninthehouse: "[@HillaryClinton] did create one of the biggest security breaches in the history of the State Department."… - 8 years ago

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