Larry Tesler

American computer scientist.
Died on Wednesday February 19th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Donald Pelmear

Tweets related to Larry Tesler:

@theuresamaven: Rest in Peace, Larry Tesler. Who is Larry Tesler? You use his invention practically every day. - 5 years ago

@letraschiquitas: RT @DayanaNara1: @OjoVisor_62 @rumbonuevo @MagoChong_Tall @dgzurita @migue_vargas @aguilacalzada @Ingrid_rosas @vidal_38 @FernandoLizalde L… - 5 years ago

@voltes48: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@EnricoAncillott: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago


@MateusP94298420: @bixbits @personage_morto Morre Larry Tesler, cientista da computação que criou as funções de "copiar" e "colar" - 5 years ago

@ILoveFunnyCats_: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@VadimShpakovski: @mjtsai Hi Michael, there’s a typo in “Computer History Musuem” from the Larry Tesler article 👌 - 5 years ago

@Carlo_bis: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@luca_pasello: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@Baltazarmx: RT @bobazcarraga: Ayer murió Larry Tesler, creador de la función ‘copy/paste’. Descansa en paz, gran héroe. (1945-2020) Ctrl + C Ctrl… - 5 years ago

@Ambrakey1: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@Efisio31251859: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@doyaksec: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@AcademikAhlak: Ben Larry Tesler ! Kopyala Yapıştır yapmayın.. Ben geldiğim de CTRL + Z yapmak için çok geç olmuş olacak.. - 5 years ago

@StefanoFlajani: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@Ultron65: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@mjtsai: Posts updated today: Larry Tesler Mac Pro Wheels Adware… - 5 years ago

@Blacktortoise: What the writing world be without Larry Tesler? - 5 years ago

@ecortuso: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@stleale: RT @francescatotolo: A proposito, @robertosaviano hai portato un fiore sulla tomba di Larry Tesler, l’inventore del “copia e incolla” scomp… - 5 years ago

@a_lonelytree: RT @guardiantech: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@EthanHank7: @nor_pagano Gran homenaje a Larry Tesler! - 5 years ago

@thespiritdoc: Larry Tesler, the Apple employee who invented cut, copy, paste, dies at 74 - 5 years ago

@adinagerver: Copy, cut, and paste are amazingly useful to me every day! Sharing this obituary (the URL of which I copied and pas… - 5 years ago

@govinms: RT @sidtree: 74 साल के Larry Tesler का निधन हो गया है आप उन्हें एक बार धन्यवाद ज़रूर दें उन्होंने CTRL+X (Cut) CTRL+C (Copy) CTRL+V (Paste… - 5 years ago

@touhey: Sad to hear this! -- Larry Tesler, the man who didn’t like fashions, dies - 5 years ago

@KleioInteractiv: Employé par Xerox puis par #stevejobs chez #Apple, il a révolutionné notre quotidien avec le "copier/coller".… - 5 years ago

@tanQray: RT @Xerox: The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler. Your workday is easier than… - 5 years ago

@iCYONX: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@wintechitalia: In onore a Larry Tesler, inventore del "copia e incolla". #beadeveloper - 5 years ago

@annesophie_d: @01net @SamsungFR #TechABreak01netOffreMoiMonGalaxyS20 (Merci Larry Tesler) - 5 years ago

@faustinnno: RT @DayanaNara1: @OjoVisor_62 @rumbonuevo @MagoChong_Tall @dgzurita @migue_vargas @aguilacalzada @Ingrid_rosas @vidal_38 @FernandoLizalde L… - 5 years ago

@GerbiOr: @talshalev1 @WallaNews מפתח ה"גזור ושמור" הלך לעולמו לפני שבוע; מה היינו עושים בלעדיו... - 5 years ago

@OUComputing: Lawrence Gordon Tesler, computer scientist, born 24 April 1945; died 16 February 2020 - 5 years ago

@giuseppetond: RT @eSportsMag_it: E' scomparso qualche ora fa Kazuhisa #Hashimoto, ideatore del famoso #KonamiCode. Qualche giorno fa era scomparso anche… - 5 years ago

@Ibn_Abdoulah: Larry Tesler 😭! - 5 years ago

@eSportsMag_it: E' scomparso qualche ora fa Kazuhisa #Hashimoto, ideatore del famoso #KonamiCode. Qualche giorno fa era scomparso a… - 5 years ago

@InNettex: "The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more, was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler " the company… - 5 years ago

@DmytroGladkyi: Was listening to Larry Tesler interview. I never thought that double click to select the whole word had to be inv… - 5 years ago

@JonEarlyDoors: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@patnattida_: RT @way_magazine: แลร์รี เทสเลอร์ (Larry Tesler) นักวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ ผู้คิดค้น Cut-Copy-Paste เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 74 ปี - 5 years ago

@andresmgz: Adiós a Larry Tesler, el informático que nos dio el "cortapega" - 5 years ago

@XperienceIS: Larry Tesler: Computer scientist behind cut, copy and paste dies aged ... - 5 years ago

@santosh_sthy: RT @Xerox: The inventor of cut/copy & paste, find & replace, and more was former Xerox researcher Larry Tesler. Your workday is easier than… - 5 years ago

@AmacAllahRizasi: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@Cennetyolu87: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@Blackturq34: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@hicbirseyim: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@1rtyapilir: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@atilazler1: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@IAMPIIIM2: RT @way_magazine: แลร์รี เทสเลอร์ (Larry Tesler) นักวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ ผู้คิดค้น Cut-Copy-Paste เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 74 ปี - 5 years ago

@kentbrew: RIP Larry "No Modes" Tesler. One of the good guys. - 5 years ago

@StuffSA: RIP Larry Tesler, thanks for everything. - 5 years ago

@u_gul_tu01: RT @1rtyapilir: Allah (cc) yerine ''tanrı'' Kelimesi Kullanılır Mı İhsan Şenocak #Özledim #Metro Ahmet Kural Larry Tesler Ege Üniversite… - 5 years ago

@VelazquezFabri: - 5 years ago

@yosotr10100110s: Ayer la única persona con WiFi soñó que los programas solo tuviesen un único modo para facilitar la vida a los usua… - 5 years ago

@ElgamalNew: RT @3arabawy: "Computer scientist who made the cut, copy and paste commands simple to use" - 5 years ago

@SkyscraperJim: @alexteachey I can't think of how many hundreds of times per day I use this. Also, Larry Tesler, the person respons… - 5 years ago

@3arabawy: "Computer scientist who made the cut, copy and paste commands simple to use" - 5 years ago

@wilborte: RT @DayanaNara1: @OjoVisor_62 @rumbonuevo @MagoChong_Tall @dgzurita @migue_vargas @aguilacalzada @Ingrid_rosas @vidal_38 @FernandoLizalde L… - 5 years ago

@DayanaNara1: @OjoVisor_62 @rumbonuevo @MagoChong_Tall @dgzurita @migue_vargas @aguilacalzada @Ingrid_rosas @vidal_38… - 5 years ago

@DieterCastel: RT @jaspervankuijk: Mijn 'Hoe moeilijk kan het zijn?' van deze week. Waarom we ons Larry Tesler niet moeten herinneren als uitvinder van co… - 5 years ago

@andadapt: Larry Tesler obituary. - 5 years ago

@gsamaey: RT @jaspervankuijk: Mijn 'Hoe moeilijk kan het zijn?' van deze week. Waarom we ons Larry Tesler niet moeten herinneren als uitvinder van co… - 5 years ago

@mmklnz: RT @way_magazine: แลร์รี เทสเลอร์ (Larry Tesler) นักวิทยาศาสตร์คอมพิวเตอร์ ผู้คิดค้น Cut-Copy-Paste เสียชีวิตแล้วในวัย 74 ปี - 5 years ago

@wellsinteractiv: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@Piyomaru: スペル間違ってますね。Larry Teslerだった。 - 5 years ago

@malekzadeh: RIP Larry Tesler - - 5 years ago

@Mateo48881311: RT @platzi: Hoy murió Larry Tesler, el creador del copy-paste, la herramienta que tanta alegría le da al mundo del diseño, programación, ma… - 5 years ago

@jaspervankuijk: Mijn 'Hoe moeilijk kan het zijn?' van deze week. Waarom we ons Larry Tesler niet moeten herinneren als uitvinder va… - 5 years ago

@economist1996: RT @ms666__: Πέθανε ο εφευρέτης του Copy, Paste, Larry Tesler, σε ηλικία 74 ετών. Πέθανε ο εφευρέτης του Copy, Paste, Larry Tesler, σε ηλικ… - 5 years ago

@jmcruells: RT @guardiantech: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@dopaminergic13: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@arrowsmith: Larry Tesler obituary: - 5 years ago

@Acuity_Design: RT @guardiantech: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@guardiantech: Larry Tesler obituary - 5 years ago

@michaelwmcleod: Larry Tesler, ex Apple Chief Scientist and creator of copy-and-paste, passes - 5 years ago

@jobgujnews3: Larry Tesler obituary | Technology - 5 years ago

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