Larry Hurtado

American New Testament scholar.
Died on Wednesday November 27th 2019

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Tweets related to Larry Hurtado:

@Braynerandres: RT @tatocho90: @SantaFeTotal El mío sería: Castellanos JHORMAN HURTADO-Torijano-Hernández-Maya Giraldo-LARRY VÁSQUEZ Sambueza-Velasquez B… - 5 years ago

@CatholicSara: RT @CSCOrigins: Carey Newman remembers Larry Hurtado: A Friend’s Reflection. - 5 years ago

@DaleTuggy: Dr. Larry Hurtado on early high christology - 5 years ago

@CorbyAmos: RT @ThurmanHayesJr: The tributes after Larry Hurtado’s passing made me want to read this. Now I can’t put it down. Such an encouragement to… - 5 years ago


@ThurmanHayesJr: The tributes after Larry Hurtado’s passing made me want to read this. Now I can’t put it down. Such an encouragemen… - 5 years ago

@ReformTheoSem: Dr. Greg Lanier (@Lanier_Greg) of @RTSOrlando pays tribute to Larry Hurtado, "one of the most influential New Testa… - 5 years ago

@PuntoCardenal: RT @Blog_Cardenal: Hablemos de jugadores interesantes para @SantaFe: Julián Quiñones Steve Makuka Geisson Perea Daniel Bocanegra Dairon Mos… - 5 years ago

@Blog_Cardenal: Hablemos de jugadores interesantes para @SantaFe: Julián Quiñones Steve Makuka Geisson Perea Daniel Bocanegra Dairo… - 5 years ago

@tatocho90: @SantaFeTotal El mío sería: Castellanos JHORMAN HURTADO-Torijano-Hernández-Maya Giraldo-LARRY VÁSQUEZ Sambueza-Vel… - 5 years ago

@mattchand: “Isn’t that just like God? If you want to play craps, you have to play God’s game, because it’s the only game on o… - 5 years ago

@mattchand: From another tribute to Larry Hurtado, by Carey C. Newman: "He then told me the story of earlier in his career, at… - 5 years ago

@James46888: RT @James46888: A Tribute to Larry Hurtado: Scholar, Doktorvater, and Friend - 5 years ago

@James46888: RT @James46888: Larry Hurtado: A Friend’s Reflection - 5 years ago

@James46888: RT @James46888: Early High Christology and the Legacy of Larry Hurtado (1943–2019) - 5 years ago

@gutierrez_larry: RT @Mippcivzla: 📢¡𝐀𝐬í 𝐥𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐣𝐨! 🇻🇪 CGR, @ElvisAmoroso Se investigarán las empresas afiliadas a PDVSA y se aplicará la ley a aquellas pers… - 5 years ago

@ReligionProf: Mike Bird: Remembering Larry Hurtado (1943-2019) - 5 years ago

@priestfiedlad: As a listener to the OnScript podcast, I was glad to find this rerelease of an interview with Larry Hurtado, who di… - 5 years ago

@Dialecticsoup: RT @ReligionProf: Christianity Today tribute to Larry Hurtado - 5 years ago

@BiblicalReason: In Memoriam: Larry Hurtado Repost - 5 years ago

@ToddRChipman: - 5 years ago

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