Larry Dick

American football player (Saskatchewan Roughriders).
Died on Thursday May 9th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Larry Dick:

@AmiyraBader: RT @MrTomato001: @ClarkeMicah Genie Oil are behind the oil exploration and war in Syria. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is compose… - 6 years ago

@sherazkhanniazi: RT @ComicsintheGA: John Romita Sr., Larry Hama, Dick Ayers, & Curt Swan. #ArmedForcesDay - 6 years ago

@NostalgiaBath: RT @ComicsintheGA: John Romita Sr., Larry Hama, Dick Ayers, & Curt Swan. #ArmedForcesDay - 6 years ago

@Larry_C_Fitz: @_FilleWrites Nobody has that great a dick - 6 years ago


@___Dude_____: RT @TheBotLebowski: We're going to cut your dick off, Larry. - 6 years ago

@Hoopycamel: RT @MrTomato001: @ClarkeMicah Genie Oil are behind the oil exploration and war in Syria. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is compose… - 6 years ago

@ComicsintheGA: John Romita Sr., Larry Hama, Dick Ayers, & Curt Swan. #ArmedForcesDay - 6 years ago

@Larry_Pell: RT @marjaveya: Spank your kids, get an abortion, smoke weed, be gay, worship God, cut ya dick off and buy some titties, and shut the hell u… - 6 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @wisdomfund: Israel grants US Genie exploration rights in Golan Heights BOARD INCLUDES Dick Cheney, Rupert Murdoch, James Woolsey, Larr… - 6 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @MrTomato001: @ClarkeMicah Genie Oil are behind the oil exploration and war in Syria. Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board is compose… - 6 years ago

@EditQuotesRobit: #279 “Come on Larry, put your cock in the onion rings.” “Come on Larry, shove your ass on my dick!” “AW SHIT MY GON… - 6 years ago

@RegineThe_Queen: @Larry_Poppinz She just got too hot for her own good. But she has way too much clout and dick ridders now so nobody gonna tell ha. - 6 years ago

@AndresBVB1909: RT @jmach913: @LuckyLisaV @drbairdonline 9-11 was indeed good for Israel, good for Dick Cheney, good for Larry Silverstein and good for the… - 6 years ago

@halobenson: RT @jmach913: @LuckyLisaV @drbairdonline 9-11 was indeed good for Israel, good for Dick Cheney, good for Larry Silverstein and good for the… - 6 years ago

@Ismail1Shah: RT @jmach913: @LuckyLisaV @drbairdonline 9-11 was indeed good for Israel, good for Dick Cheney, good for Larry Silverstein and good for the… - 6 years ago

@drbairdonline: RT @jmach913: @LuckyLisaV @drbairdonline 9-11 was indeed good for Israel, good for Dick Cheney, good for Larry Silverstein and good for the… - 6 years ago

@jmach913: @LuckyLisaV @drbairdonline 9-11 was indeed good for Israel, good for Dick Cheney, good for Larry Silverstein and go… - 6 years ago

@jmach913: @korol_koshek @drbairdonline @_whitneywebb You betcha ... but, don't leave Dick Cheney, Larry Sliverstein and Donny… - 6 years ago

@_plathanos: She whispered “of course” with a super smirk on her face. She literally just told Larry to suck dick. 😂 I love her… - 6 years ago

@keegbovo: Surprised larry's dick still works tbh - 6 years ago

@NancyRardin1: @HeatherWhaley @Larry_Stutts 1.CASTRATE THE MOTHER FUCKER ! 2. NO A MUCH BETTER OPTION IS CUT OFF HIS DICK! 3. H… - 6 years ago

@Mr_Brown_Sir: @RicandThadeus Pimp C, Mannie Fresh, KLC, Craig B., Mo B. Dick, O’Dell, Carlos Stephens, Ke’noe.....also Larry🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 6 years ago

@dasryu: RT @ThePLSReporter: After promoting the Hall of Fame candidacy of former @Phillies great Dick Allen, @GovernorTomWolf took some time to cha… - 6 years ago

@PhillyBoiOTA: I'm not shitting on people's dreams, do what you gotta do shoot for the stars but at what point will you start beco… - 6 years ago

@ddiaztechie1: @HeatherWhaley @Larry_Stutts Tom Dick and Harry, go figure. He isn't alone. - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@FashyGoy4: RT @DEERBL00D: "Hitler had big dick energy" - Larry Ridgeway - 6 years ago

@DEERBL00D: "Hitler had big dick energy" - Larry Ridgeway - 6 years ago

@Three6ixty1: @CHenryWrites You’re such a fucking liar. You implied and assumed knowing a random person was mad about it from him… - 6 years ago

@WhoIsMicayla: @Larry_Stutts DICK HEEEEEAAAAAAD - 6 years ago

@Larry_Cole_IV: Hi, my name is Lawrence and I'm a late bloomer. As of today, I can notice significant hair growth on my face and my… - 6 years ago


@Thatdangwolf: Neighbors aren't supposed to get mad at you for asking them favors like borrowing their tools or helping you get yo… - 6 years ago

@brittanybga: Larry you’re fucking disgusting, I hope u choke on a dick bitch. - 6 years ago

@lu57kelly: @Larry_Stutts You pious self righteous limp dick !!! Alabama is the wart on America’s ass !!! You & your pals will… - 6 years ago

@_Pootan_: I need to get paid more for mental exhaustion if I’m going to be training every Tom, Dick, and Larry that comes through here. - 6 years ago

@woolwerks: Hey @Larry_Stutts how’s your week? Thanks for being a dick! - 6 years ago

@Nursekymo72: RT @ezvic420: @SML4evermore @Birdseye1 @marvin_hill123 @AmericanInfid14 @traveler002 @Nursekymo72 @mailman576 @jan_cois @archangeljf12 @Par… - 6 years ago

@JustinBlevans: My mom texted me a bit of trivia apropos of nothing. "Hot dogs were invented in 1936 by Larry Hotdogs when he acci… - 6 years ago

@hummbaby11: @GrantNapearshow It’s not the Sharks fault the refs missed the call. Perhaps the @Lakers should have Ted Bernhardt,… - 6 years ago

@larry_kruger7: RT @marjaveya: Spank your kids, get an abortion, smoke weed, be gay, worship God, cut ya dick off and buy some titties, and shut the hell u… - 6 years ago

@CoachGSnodgrass: @NTVSethDenney @JSwizzyDizzy 1. Walter Payton 2. Larry Bird 3. Dick Butkus 4. Mark McGwire 5.Mike Tyson - 6 years ago

@matthewphotos3: @stormynormy42 Mine: Dick Trickle Ward Burton Larry Pearson Randy LaJoie Johnny Benson - 6 years ago

@Larry_Boa: REMINDER: Addison Russell can go eat a dick. - 6 years ago

@theHeartquake: @Porshea_obvi Larry is such a dick literally fuck him but also I wouldn’t be overly surprised if she didn’t perform… - 6 years ago

@Larry_Legend95: Your girlfriend like my drip Happy birthday to that bitch Yeah, the one that suck my dick Triple S got that extra grip- Lil Uzi : S.S.E(S)♥️ - 6 years ago

@zenpundit: RT @DianeRavitch: Larry Lee explains the charter school mess in Washington County, Alabama, where the state wants to impose a charter schoo… - 6 years ago

@Larry_UMN: RT @grantstern: Arkansas Republican Senator @TomCottonAR has Dick Cheney's disease. It's an oral affliction causing GOP politicians to mak… - 6 years ago

@DianeRavitch: Larry Lee explains the charter school mess in Washington County, Alabama, where the state wants to impose a charter… - 6 years ago

@yeetgod_ooph: Double Dick Dan, Dirty Dan, and Pinhead Larry... Who do you choose? - 6 years ago

@jmmcconnell2016: @MorganJerkins Manny Moe Jack Tom Dick Harry Larry Moe (2) Curly Tweedledum Tweedledee Zippy Dopey Sleepy Grumpy La… - 6 years ago

@jeder33: @ThatJoshArnold Larry sounds an awful lot like Dick Itswater this morning 🤣 - 6 years ago

@bout_larry: RT @bout_larry: as u all know, honor is everything to my family. I just wanna share w/ u guys how giddy I am rn. in the eyes of my dad, as… - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@Peace9250: RT @ezvic420: @anna_deardorff @JohnS222325 @marvin_hill123 @3teeas @DouglasDucote @FBI @timzacsdaddy @SML4evermore @OhioBot5000 @xrey1 @luv… - 6 years ago

@HotRelly___: Ion wanna see you fake Pelicans fans dick riding like we got Larry Johnson & Alonzo Mourning. - 6 years ago

@IngramScott8: @DickAllen_15 Loved Garry Maddox-the “Secretary of Defense” & a true gentleman! Those Phillies teams sure had aweso… - 6 years ago

@Long_liv_Larry: @ChriisLiiza If u say u including playing in a mans ass in your marriage I’m sorry Ima include that u talkin about… - 6 years ago

@Long_liv_Larry: @ChriisLiiza If he’s taking dick up the ass and gettin his ass played in he’s gay ma ain’t no of lol there’s nun wr… - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: Bush Admits🧨WTC911 911 WTC7 Larry says PULL IT INSIDE JOB) Larry… - 6 years ago

@SurreyAmps: RT @SurreyAmps: BREXIT The Brexiteers believe the UK is Billy Big Balls But the reality is that The UK is more Larry Limp Dick! Discu… - 6 years ago

@tonilTigre: Larry , Jack & dick are the stupidest names ever - 6 years ago

@gabistelmah: sex free adult porn stars amateur mature porn free bigest dick in porn sex sites video zack and miri make a 🐱 taiw… - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: Bush Admits🧨Used WTC911 911 WTC7 Larry says PULL Larry XPlanes… - 6 years ago

@prinpluphater: 14. Visiones peligrosas II - H. Ellison Segunda parte de esta antología, me gusto más la primera pero aun así hay b… - 6 years ago

@larry_weise: RT @iam_danalena: Who in the hell is this heehaw backwards little dick mfucker? Come to the A and say it. I dare u. - 6 years ago

@louijssmile: RT @katelynnnjean: A month and a half after calling Larry "bullshit": Louis jerks off a plant while looking directly at Harry. Harry has to… - 6 years ago

@grahamholland13: RT @SurreyAmps: BREXIT The Brexiteers believe the UK is Billy Big Balls But the reality is that The UK is more Larry Limp Dick! Discu… - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@LREwoke: RT @aerwaves_: @LegendaryEnergy #GenieEnergy granted exclusive drilling rights to illegally occupied by Israel #GolanHeights Syria. Genie's… - 6 years ago

@llorenz1: @joelockhart @realDonaldTrump Larry Kudlow twisted his dick into a knot trying not to disagree with Trump on TV but… - 6 years ago

@llorenz1: @BrianKarem @realDonaldTrump Larry twisted his dick into a knot trying not to disagree with Trump on TV but had to under CW insistence 😅 - 6 years ago

@Michael_Fisher_: RT @BlueWaveRedCave: @Michael_Fisher_ @maddow @MaddowBlog @Lawrence @RichardEngel Genie Energy has rights to oil in Golan Heights. It has,… - 6 years ago

@Larry_Proffitt: RT @GeneBryant2: The Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation gave or pledged almost $3.2 million in 2017 to nonprofits (much of it to anti-p… - 6 years ago

@BlueWaveRedCave: @Michael_Fisher_ @maddow @MaddowBlog @Lawrence @RichardEngel Genie Energy has rights to oil in Golan Heights. It h… - 6 years ago

@BacklandRadio: Happy 74th Birthday to Magic Dick, J. Geils Band harp player! Lonesome Larry is featuring J Geils Band's Hotline LP… - 6 years ago

@PoniesMemes: Larry is such a fucking dick, man! 😒😡 - 6 years ago

@mothmaw: @CheesegayViola Haha jaa jagba MEN NEJ BBY WHY U SCARED och personen ba ''Your Larry cosplay gives off big dick ene… - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: @wikileaks Bush Admits Explosives Used @ World Trade Center 911 911Larry says PULL IT… - 6 years ago

@johnjowardpm: #F1 @danielricciardo @AussieGrit Guys, why is that Larry Hamilton such a dick? Surely you can beat him in a game… - 6 years ago

@Larry_Pell: Drake can suck my dick - 6 years ago

@JoanWilder1102: @jcarrollosen @jimboazil @JeffreyGuterman @realDonaldTrump Satan, foreign Countries and illegals put Barry in offic… - 6 years ago

@Marp2057: @dick_nixon Same impression here if larry bird missed once and awhile Ainge McHale Maxwell Parrish somebody else sc… - 6 years ago

@amdorgan: RT @JohnnyArgent: When I hear, "Ugh, another F-in' old White man!" I wanna ask: "U mean, like Willy Nelson & Dick Cheney? Or more like the… - 6 years ago


@WayneSense: "I wouldnt fck her with Shemp's dick." - Larry Fine - 6 years ago

@hockeyangrybird: I’m reminded of a phone interview I did with Billy. He kept referring to Larry the Duck as Larry the Dick. Larry… - 6 years ago

@justarockgirl: colégio onde estudava. Paul Hensow (Bono) no vocal, Adam no baixo e David Evans (The Edge) e seu irmão Dick (ambos… - 6 years ago

@jimmycanuck: I read books on it. I spend most of my free time watching it. I devour everything from new Conan to old Carson. I l… - 6 years ago

@GeoffsLA: @LakerFilmRoom Many harping on Vogel’s record with the Magic. Many championship coaches with multiple bad seasons.… - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: @IlhanMN The Life & Crimes of Dick Cheney Mueller pushed WMD Lie 911… - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: @IlhanMN Bush Admits🧨Used WTC911 911 WTC7 Larry says PULL IT INSIDE JOB)… - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@ezvic420: @FloridaFunny @JackPosobiec @BillKristol Bush Admits Used @ World Trade Center 911 911 WT… - 6 years ago

@tchernik: RT @MClub_UMD: The M Club and Maryland Athletics mourn the passing of Larry Dick, FB '77. Services will be held May 13, 2:00 PM at Lasting… - 6 years ago

@Soff_Larry: RT @Llaaves: James Charles’ parents talking to Tati after hearing him talk about dick at the dinner table for the 782nd time - 6 years ago

@BradHutchings: God: "Hey Pete, we need another legendary Pac-10 football coach on our bench. Got any ideas?" St. Peter: "I though… - 6 years ago

@Tyking2243: @Larry_Thornton @cwg18 I saw John Mayer, not really known at the time, open for OAR at the Blue Note in Columbia is… - 6 years ago

@katemahoneyy: RT @rymahoneyy: just thinking about how on top of larry nassar’s sentence, he should get his dick surgically removed for what he’s done. th… - 6 years ago

@razobe01: Hippo Vaughn, Ken Holtzman, Dick Ellsworth, Jon Lester, and Larry French #TropicanaTrivia - 6 years ago

@GregMillsTVNews: @KimDoss71 Won’t argue. #DickTomey winningest coach at Arizona right? I knew Larry Smith and his wife and greatly… - 6 years ago

@GadgeteerGenius: RT @TheGhostNabbers: Yo is headbanging gay? i mean you are just sucking the air's dick so...shit if it is... god me and Larry would be so g… - 6 years ago

@Larry_C_Fitz: @NYorNothing @MadWitticism @RAIDZPIMP You.. you don't like huge dick? Damn it... - 6 years ago

@UMDArchives: RT @MClub_UMD: The M Club and Maryland Athletics mourn the passing of Larry Dick, FB '77. Services will be held May 13, 2:00 PM at Lasting… - 6 years ago

@Larry_C_Fitz: @clark_gasm The dick drawing would show up in the mirror. - 6 years ago

@LarrY_Dick_Son: RT @rekenerer: Who wore it better? rt for Rihanna like for Cardi - 6 years ago

@google3655: @Delavegalaw @craigunger No one in MSM is talking about Genie Energy, or the O&G deposit in the Golan Heights. Trum… - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@gmitchew: @MetteMettej @NielsMunkeboe - jo, @Sorenlippert SKAL opleves - har et kosteligt og insisterende kropssprog som - ik… - 6 years ago

@KanonZombie: Mirando 3rd Rock from the Sun 5x10 "Gwen, Larry, Dick and Mary" - 6 years ago

@ELBARFM: El vocalista de U2, Paul David Hewson, más conocido como Bono, nacía el 10 de mayo de 1960 en Dublín, Irlanda. En l… - 6 years ago

@hashy_larry: @zmullis It’s fire but the dude is an aloof rich dick. I’m in small town Minnesota and people stop for pictures and… - 6 years ago

@ExposMTL1994: La présence de Dick Williams, dépisteur des Yankees, alimente les rumeurs. Williams serait venu observer Larry Walker et Mel Rojas. - 6 years ago

@GeorgeFFrazier: @thecapoteduncan @Twhalen40 @TonyMassarotti Three games may not mean dick to the universe, but they mean a hell of… - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@Larry_UMN: RT @DemsOfState: He's Right: @SenatorDurbin suggested McConnell wasn’t putting election security legislation up for a vote because the @GOP… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Larry Dick (64) American gridiron football player - 6 years ago

@moskowitz: @rhh Neal Stephenson “Snow Crash”; Cixin Liu “Ball Lightning”; Haruki Marukami “A Wild Sheep Chase”; Walter Miller… - 6 years ago

@GwiyoMINA: Di ko alam how my life lead to this.... writing a goddamn paragraph about how larry the lobster may have a big dick - 6 years ago

@VCervone: @twittalessjimmy We’re not getting Hischier, Larry Brooks is a DICK!!! - 6 years ago

@jmach913: @DoctorKropotkin When the American public accepted the 9-11 official story, the one that framed Arabs and shielded… - 6 years ago

@televisionaryZW: 750. Newhart "Get Dick" - Love the episode concept, but the French chef character just doesn't do it for me. Can't… - 6 years ago

@Martin_On_Terps: RT @TerpsFootball: The Maryland Football family is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of former Terp QB Larry Dick ('77). 📝 http… - 6 years ago

@LynneCabban: RT @Footscrayarts: “It’s rare that you get to experience a real life Indigenous love story that is both past and present.” - Uncle Larry Wa… - 6 years ago

@_celia_bedelia_: @joffiecakes @steve_wo_wo_wo @ximximaa @KatharineLynnH @hashy_larry @Minnesnowtathug I’d also say if a soap was too… - 6 years ago

@_celia_bedelia_: @steve_wo_wo_wo @ximximaa @KatharineLynnH @hashy_larry @Minnesnowtathug Also, I don’t have a dick and balls but if… - 6 years ago

@onIylouiswt: @freexlouis well antis can suck my larry big dick - 6 years ago

@Outshyned: RT @JohnnyArgent: When I hear, "Ugh, another F-in' old White man!" I wanna ask: "U mean, like Willy Nelson & Dick Cheney? Or more like the… - 6 years ago

@IceForPvM: @Larryzaur My dick is now confused, thank you Larry - 6 years ago

@JohnnyArgent: When I hear, "Ugh, another F-in' old White man!" I wanna ask: "U mean, like Willy Nelson & Dick Cheney? Or more lik… - 6 years ago

@ibleedcsugreen: @RichKurtzman They let the players talk and complain too much. Then they have to respond. These guys tonight made… - 6 years ago

@dicktective3: @samurainichols yeah, you know, like that trucy girl does! skidabble skidooble your dick (not me) is now a noodle!… - 6 years ago

@prinzs_diana: Licorice Larry is a dick. #justsayin #candycrush - 6 years ago

@grigsby_larry: RT @nappydolemite: "She's got a weird dick," and other ways the internet has fundamentally changed me as a person. - 6 years ago

@KatharineLynnH: @_celia_bedelia_ @steve_wo_wo_wo @ximximaa @hashy_larry @Minnesnowtathug I also don’t have a dick so can’t answer b… - 6 years ago

@420BluntKing69: @Artizzahn Imma let Larry leap on this dick if you dont stop tweeting all this sexy ass shiz broseph Stalin! - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Larry Dick - 6 years ago

@HakimHart: RT @terpsbeat: Maryland punter Wade Lees transferring to UCLA; former Terps QB Larry Dick dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@TeaKaGee: @mikeduncan Larry Storch Dick Van Dyke Andy Griffith Carol O’Connor Sherman Hemsley Fred Gwynne Jack Klugman - 6 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Larry Dick, 64, American football player. - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Larry Dick - #LarryDick #Larry #Dick #rip - 6 years ago

@terpsbeat: Maryland punter Wade Lees transferring to UCLA; former Terps QB Larry Dick dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@BaltSunSports: Maryland punter Wade Lees transferring to UCLA; former Terps QB Larry Dick dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@BaltSunBrk: Maryland punter Wade Lees transferring to UCLA; former Terps QB Larry Dick dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@readknox: Maryland punter Wade Lees transferring to UCLA; former Terps QB Larry Dick dies at 64 - 6 years ago

@HakimHart: RT @TerpsFootball: The Maryland Football family is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of former Terp QB Larry Dick ('77). 📝 http… - 6 years ago

@wetmop3: @villlaneves If Larry is back. This time his dick will be cooked up in the pie...villanelle style - 6 years ago

@Opinionator_1: @ArsenalsRelated If the cassette , shangaubamayang , the Terrier or Larry Koscielny play any minutes against Burnle… - 6 years ago

@RawIsWard: RT @TerpsFootball: The Maryland Football family is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of former Terp QB Larry Dick ('77). 📝 http… - 6 years ago

@Only1CamSpence: RT @TerpsFootball: The Maryland Football family is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of former Terp QB Larry Dick ('77). 📝 http… - 6 years ago

@TerpsFootball: The Maryland Football family is incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of former Terp QB Larry Dick ('77). 📝… - 6 years ago

@MClub_UMD: The M Club and Maryland Athletics mourn the passing of Larry Dick, FB '77. Services will be held May 13, 2:00 PM at… - 6 years ago

@Larry_J_Fulton: RT @salarteagajr: They smokin dick - 6 years ago

@balticthe144: @intel Tom and Jerry/Dick and Larry "Jolly Fish" 1932. I can't believe I remember that cartoon scene.... - 6 years ago

@doverboysbot: Telegram for the Dover Boys, Misters Tom, Dick, and Larry. Says, quote: "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Unquote. Signed, Dora. 35¢ collect. - 6 years ago

@ageofzamo: yall are treating branjie like yall treated phan and larry all of@u suck dick - 6 years ago

@Idindueet: @Larry_Stutts thanks for screwing Alabama out of medical research jobs on medical Marijuana, dick. - 6 years ago

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