Larry DiTillio

American writer.
Died on Sunday March 17th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Larry DiTillio:

@UltraPrimal: @Protoman Whatever @Hasbro is planning for the Transformers Hall of Fame this year, Larry DiTillio deserves to be h… - 6 years ago

@DrkMgcn399: RT @ThePowerCon: #HeMan & #SheRa writer and creator, Larry DiTillio, passed away yesterday. He will be deeply missed. Click here for more i… - 6 years ago

@DrkMgcn399: RT @ETERNIANO: DiTillio died at the age of 79 . After first few attempts at writing for television and movies in the 1970s including a stin… - 6 years ago

@mbrichman: RIP Larry DiTillio: - 6 years ago


@TransformersCL: Y es hora del port dominguero en el blog Cybertron 21, y hoy le cedemos la pluma a nuestro redactor Primal_90, para… - 6 years ago

@TFPeru: Y es hora del port dominguero en nuestro blog Cybertron 21, y hoy le cedemos la pluma a nuestro redactor Primal_90,… - 6 years ago

@IMEGA_Arts: RT @RealClownfishTV: @ChickenSith @CartoonHangout Mostly watched by Tumblr and not a lot of children, I suspect. We talked about it recen… - 6 years ago

@RealClownfishTV: @ChickenSith @CartoonHangout Mostly watched by Tumblr and not a lot of children, I suspect. We talked about it re… - 6 years ago

@SmashingPumpk17: RT @PowOfGrayskull: It's been a long time, but we're back! Here's EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribu… - 6 years ago

@litio801: RT @PowOfGrayskull: It's been a long time, but we're back! Here's EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribu… - 6 years ago

@BattleRamBlog: RT @PowOfGrayskull: It's been a long time, but we're back! Here's EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribu… - 6 years ago

@PowOfGrayskull: It's been a long time, but we're back! Here's EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay t… - 6 years ago

@PowOfGrayskull: RT @GeekCastRadio: Here's @powofgrayskull EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribute to the passing of Lar… - 6 years ago

@TFG1Mike: RT @GeekCastRadio: Here's @powofgrayskull EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribute to the passing of Lar… - 6 years ago

@MikeSchmidt09: RT @GeekCastRadio: Here's @powofgrayskull EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribute to the passing of Lar… - 6 years ago

@GeekCastRadio: Here's @powofgrayskull EP 100 with @TFG1Mike & @optimussolo! In the 100th episode they pay tribute to the passing o… - 6 years ago

@fdls: DESTACAMOS: Larry DiTillio, escritor de 'Ruby-Spears Superman', falleció - 6 years ago

@TransformersCL: Y tenemos nuevo post en el blog Cybertron 21, y hoy le cedemos la pluma a nuestro redactor Primal_90, para comparti… - 6 years ago

@TFPeru: Y tenemos nuevo post en nuestro blog Cybertron 21, y hoy le cedemos la pluma a nuestro redactor Primal_90, para com… - 6 years ago

@Mark_Lapping: RT @HeManOrg: Episode 154 of @RoastGooble is here! The crew reflects on the passing of three legends in #HeMan & #SheRa history: Larry DiTi… - 6 years ago

@grhoads1: RT @straczynski: About an hour ago, I learned that writer and all around family guy Larry DiTillio had passed away after a long illness. H… - 6 years ago

@Fordianl: RT @Toyhax: Beast Wars Writer Larry DiTillio Passes Away - 6 years ago

@Toyhax: Beast Wars Writer Larry DiTillio Passes Away - 6 years ago

@glyneth: Aw fuck, I just heard that Larry DiTillio passed on 3/16. He and Bob Forward were the reasons I loved Transformers: Beast Wars so much. - 6 years ago

@CthulhuMoje: Wspomnienie Larry'ego DiTillo autorstwa @mikemason - 6 years ago

@ngold74: @straczynski @DreamWorksSheRa @netflix They aren't even acknowledging his death now, so very doubtful. How do you… - 6 years ago

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