Larry Cohen

American film director.
Died on Sunday March 24th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Larry Cohen:

@Orlando_Horror: Head over and check out our spoiler free US review/rant and our tribute to Larry Cohen it’s a Scream! #larrycohen… - 6 years ago

@SailorRamona: @JeremyMonjo SUGGESTION: Some Larry Cohen movie. The Stuff or Q good entry points - 6 years ago

@GPCRMovies: @CCMPod Perfect movie to start your new season! Long live Larry Cohen! #RIPLarryCohen - 6 years ago

@zaku282: RT @rubsmyrhubarb: Tonight's hidden gem in honor of Larry Cohen. R.I.P. @#TheLastDriveIn @horror @AwesomeKingRex @FANGORIA @BDisgusting @… - 6 years ago


@rubsmyrhubarb: Tonight's hidden gem in honor of Larry Cohen. R.I.P. @#TheLastDriveIn @horror @AwesomeKingRex @FANGORIA… - 6 years ago

@perroblancocine: Murió uno de los grandes herederos de una de las tradiciones más libres, hermosas y desprejuiciadas del cine: la cl… - 6 years ago

@stcve: RT @DavidJSchow: LARRY COHEN (1941-2019). Independent filmmaking personified. My friend and collaborator. Here we are on February 9th, 2019… - 6 years ago

@Adrienne_Edits: Remembering Larry Cohen tonight with THE STUFF. #horrormovies - 6 years ago

@Elrickane: RT @LaureneLandon: @ShockWavesPod @blumhouse @KingCohenMovie @_RyanTurek @Elrickane @RebekahMcKendry @IconsRobG My birthday party March 17t… - 6 years ago

@estefano_lopes: Nos despedimos desse mês com a esperança de um mes melhor. Perdemos pessoas boas e poderosas . Descanse em paz… - 6 years ago

@sarcasticbastrd: King Kohen: The Wild World of Filmmaker Larry Cohen. (2017) This a documentary about one of greatest low budget and… - 6 years ago

@TheDiscoDork: RT @MouthDork: The second time we chatted it was for an @ITMODcast #ITMODChatcast last year. We had some audio tech issues, but again, he w… - 6 years ago

@MovieNerdMatt: RT @DailyGrindhouse: Released in 1990 on this date in Larry Cohen history... THE AMBULANCE, starring Eric Roberts, Megan Gallagher, Janine… - 6 years ago

@LaureneLandon: @ShockWavesPod @blumhouse @KingCohenMovie @_RyanTurek @Elrickane @RebekahMcKendry @IconsRobG My birthday party Marc… - 6 years ago

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