Lani Guinier

American civil rights theorist.
Died on Friday January 7th 2022

View other recent people: Grzegorz Miecugow, Awesome Again, Larry Tamblyn

Tweets related to Lani Guinier:

@imichelR: RT @NYCSpeakerAdams: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar who championed civil rights, democracy, and rights of marginalized people.… - 3 years ago

@MsMagazine: Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick’s election brings the percentage of Black women in the U.S. House to 6 percent; Xiomara… - 3 years ago

@Bethconsults: Lani Guinier understood that the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not after the Voting… - 3 years ago

@typewriternews: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago


@lizwolfson: RT @StLouisAmerican: She showed me how the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not after the passage of the Votin… - 3 years ago

@StLouisAmerican: She showed me how the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not after the passage of the Vo… - 3 years ago

@redz041: RT @SankofaTravelHr: R.I.P. to Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School. She was 71 years old. Follow @Sa… - 3 years ago

@LeaderLink: Lani Guinier, author & Harvard law professor, passed on Jan 7 th. She was an important social justice advocate. Rea… - 3 years ago

@Nebula63: RT @NeedhiBhalla: “Lani Guinier was a Black woman who did not believe that we needed to take baby steps to progress, and that if we were go… - 3 years ago

@KeviCassii21: RT @ministter: You prophesied tyranny, disinformation and cancel culture. You denied us nothing. America lost denying you. To our foes:… - 3 years ago

@epidatageek: RT @NeedhiBhalla: “Lani Guinier was a Black woman who did not believe that we needed to take baby steps to progress, and that if we were go… - 3 years ago

@NeedhiBhalla: “Lani Guinier was a Black woman who did not believe that we needed to take baby steps to progress, and that if we w… - 3 years ago

@EvelynSpring8: RT @UCDLawSchool: Our condolences to all those mourning Prof Lani Guinier (1950-2022). The fact that her supposed advocacy of "proportional… - 3 years ago

@OBS_STL: Lani Guinier-1950-2022. Rest in Power. What a mighty footprint you have left on this racist society. - 3 years ago

@UCDLawSchool: Our condolences to all those mourning Prof Lani Guinier (1950-2022). The fact that her supposed advocacy of "propor… - 3 years ago

@sondrawomen: RT @YaleLawSch: A look back at the 2021 YLS symposium honoring the late Lani Guinier ’74. - 3 years ago

@1bchambers: A brilliant professor, she showed me how the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not afte… - 3 years ago

@RLAdlof: RT @SenWarren: A righteous fighter for justice & a trailblazer in law, Lani Guinier inspired generations of young lawyers and dedicated her… - 3 years ago

@Itisgrave: @HillaryClinton Quick check in with you and bill about Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@YaleAlumni: RT @YaleLawSch: A look back at the 2021 YLS symposium honoring the late Lani Guinier ’74. - 3 years ago

@well_actually_: RT @SharonKyle00: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights - 3 years ago

@nobiorah: In Memoriam: Lani Guinier 1950 - 2022 - Harvard Law Today - 3 years ago

@SharonKyle00: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights - 3 years ago

@LAProgressive: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights - 3 years ago

@DickandSharon: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights - 3 years ago

@PoeticSoultry1: Carol Lani Guinier was an American educator, legal scholar, and civil rights theorist. She was the Bennett Boskey P… - 3 years ago

@dwprice: Virginia Republicans to introduce bill banning teaching the work of Lani Guinier and then disband the session - 3 years ago

@MichaelANardie1: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@typewriternews: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@Mediadisdat: RT @JennyKastner: In fact, Guinier “changed our understanding of democracy.. and what it takes to have a meaningful right to vote.” FAIR:… - 3 years ago

@ZIMBONEXUS: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@saidyced: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@paynecth: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@IndustryLatest: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@namhenderson: #ICYMI "Lead a career like the one my mom did — one that concludes not with a list of your accomplishments or an ac… - 3 years ago

@localhairdealer: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@BWRpaperback: RT @BWRpaperback: Great tribute to the late Civil Rights, and #VotingRights activist #LaniGuinier by our own @IAmSophiaNelson Read: https:… - 3 years ago

@vdpierre9: RT @WendellPierce: America has lost one of its most impactful legal minds. A legal genius denied the opportunity to make this nation a more… - 3 years ago

@mortonie: RT @LAProgressive: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights • Stephanie Williams: Guinier believed the t… - 3 years ago

@hollywoodprogre: RT @LAProgressive: Lani Guinier Offered Deep Thoughts on Voting Rights • Stephanie Williams: Guinier believed the t… - 3 years ago

@MaryAnneGruen: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@KRBLAW: Elite Media Remember Lani Guinier as 'Embattled'—and Forget How They Battled Her - FAIR - 3 years ago

@NowItsUpToUs: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@QueenBasmin: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@GildaLOchoa1: RT @idcls_claremont: Included in the latest "Weekend Reading on Women's Representation" by Ms. Magazine is Professor Suyapa Portillo Villed… - 3 years ago

@njlockwood: RT @CynthiaRTerrell: Read my #WeekendReading on @MsMagazine w/ @bcrodriguez on #TermLimits, @GovKathyHochul's #EquityAgenda, 👏@annapoetic p… - 3 years ago

@TThompson_DC: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@Rob_Richie: RT @CynthiaRTerrell: Read my #WeekendReading on @MsMagazine w/ @bcrodriguez on #TermLimits, @GovKathyHochul's #EquityAgenda, 👏@annapoetic p… - 3 years ago

@freeandclear1: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@lrhesq: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@shaboom: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@digyoursoul: RT @dearsarah: 😢Pioneering US civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dies at 71 I had the privilege of taking a class (on voting righ… - 3 years ago

@sreidreporter: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@surrealintel: Elite Media Remember Lani Guinier as 'Embattled'—and Forget How They Battled Her - FAIR - 3 years ago

@AnchorNECC: RT @netbuoy: Elite Media Remember Lani Guinier as ‘Embattled’—and Forget How They Battled Her - 3 years ago

@SilverbergThor: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@netbuoy: Elite Media Remember Lani Guinier as ‘Embattled’—and Forget How They Battled Her - 3 years ago

@ViVi5cents: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@BlerdMommy: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@diane_babineaux: RT @NAACP_LDF: #ICYMI: Our profile of former LDF attorney Lani Guinier, trailblazing educator, acclaimed scholar & civil rights lawyer. "F… - 3 years ago

@idcls_claremont: Included in the latest "Weekend Reading on Women's Representation" by Ms. Magazine is Professor Suyapa Portillo Vil… - 3 years ago

@Dorightww: RT @WendellPierce: Lani Guinier was an American legal giant whose entire career was dedicated to the protection of the constitutional right… - 3 years ago

@winterthur: RT @rebel19: Read @ElieNYC on the late, brilliant Lani Guinier: "It is beyond unfair that this fierce advocate who was always the best defe… - 3 years ago

@victory1261: RT @LurieFavors: I’m stunned. Rest In Peace. #LaniGuinier - 3 years ago

@RojoRurba002: RT @RepRaskin: The passing of Lani Guinier is a sharp loss to the voting rights community and our democracy. Lani championed fair voting sy… - 3 years ago

@mgolden7: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@dwprice: RT @lefarkins: Virginia Republicans to introduce bill banning teaching the work of Lani Guinier and then disband the session - 3 years ago

@lefarkins: Virginia Republicans to introduce bill banning teaching the work of Lani Guinier and then disband the session… - 3 years ago

@profbcoleman: RT @aonwuachi: - 3 years ago

@RealZimbabweKid: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@DisLoyalBot: RT @rebel19: Read @ElieNYC on the late, brilliant Lani Guinier: "It is beyond unfair that this fierce advocate who was always the best defe… - 3 years ago

@letsdevelop: Lani Guinier Taught Me Almost Everything I Know About Voting Rights via @thenation - 3 years ago

@ApiFeelGood: RT @DemocracyDocket: "For people like my mentor and Professor, the late Lani Guinier, mother of the 1982 amendments to the Voting Rights Ac… - 3 years ago

@firstparishdot: RT @ceruua: We Remember Professor Lani Guinier from Beacon Broadside. - 3 years ago

@lefarkins: Virginia Republicans to introduce bill banning teaching the work of Lani Guinier and then disband the session - 3 years ago

@Smartmouth50: RT @rcj7: Lost another giant. Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@CTZNWELL: RT @DWWPodcast: Lani Guinier understood that the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not after the Voting Rights… - 3 years ago

@TweetsfromFP: RT @ceruua: We Remember Professor Lani Guinier from Beacon Broadside. - 3 years ago

@waynekankovsky: RT @rebel19: Read @ElieNYC on the late, brilliant Lani Guinier: "It is beyond unfair that this fierce advocate who was always the best defe… - 3 years ago

@cungerman: Lani Guinier understood that the old Confederacy never really gave up—not after the Civil War, not after the Voting… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@ChrisBurkeShay: RT @rebel19: Read @ElieNYC on the late, brilliant Lani Guinier: "It is beyond unfair that this fierce advocate who was always the best defe… - 3 years ago

@abmoitra: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ Lani Guinier Taught Me Almost Everything I Know About #VotingRights - 3 years ago

@archangelcleo2: RT @unicron222: Kathleen Cleaver notices what #ados has been saying all this time along with others i.e. Lani Guinier. #EndFlatBlackness #d… - 3 years ago

@CHayling: RT @dem8z: So glad to see Lani Guinier’s students paying tribute to her in the public media. It was equally fulfilling to see Julius Scott’… - 3 years ago

@kcleland: Lani Guinier Taught Me Almost Everything I Know About Voting Rights via @thenation - 3 years ago

@droppinsoul: RT @ElieNYC: I wrote a reflection about Lani Guinier. About not just what she meant to me or the law but to the entire moment we're in. And… - 3 years ago

@Andreacolorpro: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@viet_classicist: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@obituarywriters: Attorney and educator Lani Guinier, 71, whose provocative writings on racial justice and voting rights were used to… - 3 years ago

@blogofdeath: Attorney and educator Lani Guinier, 71, whose provocative writings on racial justice and voting rights were used to… - 3 years ago

@SpunkyWiggler: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@soaprookie: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@angrybuddhist68: RT @ElieNYC: I wrote a reflection about Lani Guinier. About not just what she meant to me or the law but to the entire moment we're in. And… - 3 years ago

@paisaberrio: Lani Guinier Taught Me Almost Everything I Know About Voting Rights - 3 years ago

@paisaberrio: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@DarlasDating: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@MarisaElana: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@redz041: RT @profhuq: Legends lost. Rest in power. Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@redz041: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@jimenez_mej: RT @ProfMMurray: I am a regular reader of @ElieNYC's weekly column in @thenation, but this piece is truly remarkable. A fitting tribute to… - 3 years ago

@NotAcquiescing: RT @BPIBard: This week we joined the rest of the @BardCollege community in mourning the passing and celebrating the life of Lani Guinier --… - 3 years ago

@martinkenner: RT @BPIBard: This week we joined the rest of the @BardCollege community in mourning the passing and celebrating the life of Lani Guinier --… - 3 years ago

@BPIBard: "Lani Guinier’s faith in the capacity of all people at every station of life to achieve extraordinary things throug… - 3 years ago

@BPIBard: This week we joined the rest of the @BardCollege community in mourning the passing and celebrating the life of Lani… - 3 years ago

@hkslibrary: RT @HarvardIOP: Lani Guinier was a civil rights champion, a gifted Harvard professor, and a longtime friend of the IOP. We send our condole… - 3 years ago

@cykelly1718: RT @OpenSociety: Lani Guinier was more than an influential scholar and civil rights lawyer. An overlooked aspect of her legacy: She helped… - 3 years ago

@USNatArchives: Attorney, law professor, and author Lani Guinier recently passed away at the age of 71 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.… - 3 years ago

@notjustmylife: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@OpenSociety: Lani Guinier was more than an influential scholar and civil rights lawyer. An overlooked aspect of her legacy: She… - 3 years ago

@Dissbelief: “Lift Every Voice”: A Tribute to Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@JeromeReide: RT @MiCivilRights: MDCR Director Johnson on the passing of Lani Guinier: “She paid a heavy price for broadening the country's perspective o… - 3 years ago

@epmcknight: I just published Lani Guinier — An Unsung Champion - 3 years ago

@beyondthedash: Civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dead at 71. #laniguinier - 3 years ago

@AyakoAyacko: RT @yalelawlibrary: Celebrating the life and legacy of Lani Guinier '74. An @yalelawlibrary reading room display of her scholarship. https:… - 3 years ago

@MiCivilRights: MDCR Director Johnson on the passing of Lani Guinier: “She paid a heavy price for broadening the country's perspect… - 3 years ago

@PshawYsm: @_cingraham @Harvard Its already been a bad year. Professor Lani Guinier has died and a*****e Mark Penn is still doing s**t like this. - 3 years ago

@yalelawlibrary: Celebrating the life and legacy of Lani Guinier '74. An @yalelawlibrary reading room display of her scholarship. - 3 years ago

@RepDotieJoseph: Honoring Lani Guinier, civil rights champion, esteemed law prof & all around #BlackGirlMagic As NAACP Legal Defense… - 3 years ago

@ElletteJames: RT @NAACP: The NAACP mourns the loss of Lani Guinier, a brilliant civil rights scholar & advocate whose life’s work helped ensure a more re… - 3 years ago

@JudgeWren: RT @Shi4Tech: #LaniGuinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at #Harvard Law School. She devoted… - 3 years ago

@EkikhaloV: RT @sewellchan: I met Lani Guinier in 1994 when her book “The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy” wa… - 3 years ago

@airycasTrials: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@Scott87751810: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@AugustJohn12: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@braaavos: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@FrankMcCrayJr2: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@CollectedVoices: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@MarquezPhyllis: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@buckleyswartz: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@NancyChadbourne: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@Skyebright8: RT @guybranum: I forgot to post it. - 3 years ago

@Skyebright8: RT @guybranum: Lani Guinier died. If people remember her, it's as Clinton's nom to head the Civil Rights division of the Justice department… - 3 years ago

@MisterMinor: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@conjja: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@Ceyx54: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@kimberlyhebert: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@Kwame95249027: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@wandaransom: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@WingersSo: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@CHayling: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@MsLaToshaBrown: RT @NAACP_LDF: “Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countle… - 3 years ago

@MyPresident21: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@archangelcleo2: RT @unicron222: @AmbaBreffu1811 Lani guinier talked about this year's ago at Harvard👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 - 3 years ago

@ShutesJerry: Lani Guinier, Black Jewish Legal Scholar and Civil Rights Icon, Dead at 71 - 3 years ago

@LMegaparsec: RT @NAACP_LDF: LDF deeply mourns the loss of Professor Lani Guinier, a trailblazing educator and acclaimed scholar, civil rights lawyer, &… - 3 years ago

@tbird4488: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @socwomen: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@receiptmaven: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@AuntSophie1: RT @imaniperry: Lani Guinier is the reason I went to law school. And she became my professor. And gave beautiful advice and affirmation. Sh… - 3 years ago

@receiptmaven: RT @imaniperry: Lani Guinier is the reason I went to law school. And she became my professor. And gave beautiful advice and affirmation. Sh… - 3 years ago

@receiptmaven: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@brandonrcahee: RT @BeckyPringle: Last week we lost a towering presence—both an astute legal scholar and a champion for voting rights. Thank you, Lani Guin… - 3 years ago

@OFidhne: … terminology and in which others could be determined not simply to have been poor or left out but to be deservingl… - 3 years ago

@WonderPlucker: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@TiRoShaw: RT @inclasswithcarr: Drink a clean glass of water with readings from today’s LIVE #InClassWithCarr "Ready for Revolution" by Stokely Carmi… - 3 years ago

@knarrative_: RT @inclasswithcarr: Drink a clean glass of water with readings from today’s LIVE #InClassWithCarr "Ready for Revolution" by Stokely Carmi… - 3 years ago

@teachactivist1: RT @PodSaveThePpl: NEW: @deray @DeAraBalenger @HendersonKaya & @pharoahrapture chat Black climbers on Mount Everest, false positive drug te… - 3 years ago

@oralandar_DN: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@FunnyGi163: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@martupauer: RT @georgesoros: It was an honor to have the chance to work with Lani Guinier in the struggle to advance civil and human rights. She was a… - 3 years ago

@2ndchanceff: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@BereftBarrister: RT @RadInstitute: “She should be remembered for her unfailing commitment to a vision of equality, opportunity, and democracy where all are… - 3 years ago

@maureensi: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@Iam_eddiefloyd: RT @ministter: You prophesied tyranny, disinformation and cancel culture. You denied us nothing. America lost denying you. To our foes:… - 3 years ago

@2xduece60: RT @RadInstitute: “She should be remembered for her unfailing commitment to a vision of equality, opportunity, and democracy where all are… - 3 years ago

@WeActRadio: RT @SusanMosesNYC: 💔Thank you Lani Guinier! Beacon of truth, champion of Civil & Voting rights. Knowledge & Leadership. Rest Peacefully Lan… - 3 years ago

@WeActRadio: RT @lenazwarensteyn: Indebted to Lani Guiner and wishing her incredible family and friends much love. In remembering her, we'll continue th… - 3 years ago

@DrVEvansWinters: The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America by Lanier Guinier - 3 years ago

@typewriternews: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@lisareneepruitt: My favorite aspect of Guinier's work: her advocacy of cross-race coalition building by “mov[ing] the political deba… - 3 years ago

@SaratogaDsa: RT @PodSaveThePpl: NEW: @deray @DeAraBalenger @HendersonKaya & @pharoahrapture chat Black climbers on Mount Everest, false positive drug te… - 3 years ago

@surystory: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@cohen_estella: Lani Guinier, law professor and embattled Justice Department nominee, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@deloreshandy: RT @barbs73: Great job on @rolandsmartin @BlkStarNetwork today @LurieFavors and @ElieNYC! A blessing to pay tribute to Lani Guinier with yo… - 3 years ago

@Romero_Ramirezz: RT @benshapiro: How cool was Lani Guinier? Again, we agreed on nothing -- and she was happy to be one of the references on my resume for se… - 3 years ago

@Romero_Ramirezz: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@WordGirlSam: RT @CNN: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar and champion for voting rights whose nomination to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Dep… - 3 years ago

@AMPMTALK: RT @WendellPierce: Lani Guinier descended from a long line of lawyers. Ms. Guinier made her name in the 1980s as an unorthodox thinker abou… - 3 years ago

@Fausto_Sterling: #LaniGuinier was a pioneer and a ground-breaker. Let's acknowledge who she was and how we are all better for her ha… - 3 years ago

@rsscllc: “I am a democratic idealist who believes that politics need not be forever seen as an `I win, you lose’ dynamic in… - 3 years ago

@M_Lipshutz: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@lovelife4ever14: RT @LurieFavors: I’m looking forward to joining @rolandsmartin @ElieNYC & @barbs73 on @BlkStarNetwork to discuss the dynamic legacy of Lani… - 3 years ago

@4_RacialJustice: "At the beginning of the 21st century, a racially literate mobilization of people within and across lines of race,… - 3 years ago

@Zinctastic: RT @benshapiro: How cool was Lani Guinier? Again, we agreed on nothing -- and she was happy to be one of the references on my resume for se… - 3 years ago

@Zinctastic: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@thatgrlfrmspace: RT @PodSaveThePpl: NEW: @deray @DeAraBalenger @HendersonKaya & @pharoahrapture chat Black climbers on Mount Everest, false positive drug te… - 3 years ago

@JayRCallahan: Within the span of a few weeks the legal community has lost 2 of its more renowned, iconic and prolific women and… - 3 years ago

@NYTObits: Lani Guinier, whose ideas about voting rights and affirmative action led President Bill Clinton to nominate her as… - 3 years ago

@q_driskell4: In recognition of Lanin Guinier's passing, a reprise of her published work on inadequacies… - 3 years ago

@Stlouisharlanm: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@daywalker1118: RT @LurieFavors: I’m looking forward to joining @rolandsmartin @ElieNYC & @barbs73 on @BlkStarNetwork to discuss the dynamic legacy of Lani… - 3 years ago

@daywalker1118: RT @azmadu: @rolandsmartin @LurieFavors @ElieNYC @therevjoc @omekongo all paid tribute to Lani Guinier who made transition on Friday. May… - 3 years ago

@diversebookshay: Here is my 2015 interview with Lani Guinier. We discussed the book she had just published, THE TYRANNY OF MERITOCRA… - 3 years ago

@SuckooAudrey: RT @wcchen: R.I.P. Lani Guinier (19 Apr 1950 – 7 Jan 2022) American educator, legal scholar, and civil rights theorist; Professor of Law at… - 3 years ago

@PIyese: RT @wmnjoya: If you ever wonder how I became passionate about equality in education, Lani Guinier was the reason. She was the one from whom… - 3 years ago

@inforenique: RT @ElieNYC: I'm going to be on @BNCNews with @nayyeroar to talk SCOTUS and vaccine mandates, and then on with Uncle @rolandsmartin to talk… - 3 years ago

@Jabu_Buthelezi: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@LBirikundavyi: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@BorumPhyllis: Thk u Roland for your Education and Reverence for our Soldiers and Now Still Powerful Ancestors. Learning about Lan… - 3 years ago

@afropresencia: Civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dead at 71 | AP News - 3 years ago

@kbla1580: “In Memoriam” A tribute to Lani Guinier on Tavis Smiley #TavisSmiley - 3 years ago

@lebrj23: RT @RadInstitute: “She should be remembered for her unfailing commitment to a vision of equality, opportunity, and democracy where all are… - 3 years ago

@Antoniawanjiku: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@potentash: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@potentash: RT @wmnjoya: If you ever wonder how I became passionate about equality in education, Lani Guinier was the reason. She was the one from whom… - 3 years ago

@chargoyles: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@richardbrowny1: RT @georgesoros: It was an honor to have the chance to work with Lani Guinier in the struggle to advance civil and human rights. She was a… - 3 years ago

@janefourmillion: Civil Rights Champion Lani Guinier Remembered As A 'Giant' - 3 years ago

@DRichFIT: RT @JointCenter: Joint Center President @SpencerOverton reflects on the legacy of the late Lani Guinier, a voting rights law scholar: "Her… - 3 years ago

@zzzbeeme: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@rjber15: RT @barbs73: Great job on @rolandsmartin @BlkStarNetwork today @LurieFavors and @ElieNYC! A blessing to pay tribute to Lani Guinier with yo… - 3 years ago

@PSRSurf: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@nadiasindi: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@girltuesday: ugh. gutted. again. - 3 years ago

@DoesItFreeUs: RT @LurieFavors: I’m looking forward to joining @rolandsmartin @ElieNYC & @barbs73 on @BlkStarNetwork to discuss the dynamic legacy of Lani… - 3 years ago

@mctmat5596: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@BenjaminDStone: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@likecoleslaw: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@jplus1: RT @JuneSummer1: Amazing tributes today on Roland Martin for musician James Mtume and civil rights activist Harvard law professor Lani Guin… - 3 years ago

@WhenWeAllVote: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@karl1744: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@rgspencer: RT @NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring countles… - 3 years ago

@NAACP_LDF: Lani Guinier’s career as a civil rights lawyer and the example she set as an advocate was instrumental to inspiring… - 3 years ago

@BySilent: RT @ministter: You prophesied tyranny, disinformation and cancel culture. You denied us nothing. America lost denying you. To our foes:… - 3 years ago

@GregJackson718: Lani Guinier, Civil Rights Attorney, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@gutsywoman19: RT @JuneSummer1: Amazing tributes today on Roland Martin for musician James Mtume and civil rights activist Harvard law professor Lani Guin… - 3 years ago

@barbs73: RT @CLSJ_MEC: .@CLSJ_MEC’s @LurieFavors joined @rolandsmartin’s panel of legal scholars celebrating the legacy of civil rights attorney Lan… - 3 years ago

@DonnMyra: RT @JuneSummer1: Amazing tributes today on Roland Martin for musician James Mtume and civil rights activist Harvard law professor Lani Guin… - 3 years ago

@Shambhavi121: RT @HKS_APJ: In Memoriam: Lani Guinier – first African-American woman to be tenured @Harvard_Law and an influential scholar for access to e… - 3 years ago

@Marehale99: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@HKS_APJ: In Memoriam: Lani Guinier – first African-American woman to be tenured @Harvard_Law and an influential scholar for… - 3 years ago

@Lamo_Inc: RT @rolandsmartin: Tune into #RolandMartinUnfiltered @BlkStarNetwork tonight at 6 pm EST. We will pay tribute to Lani Guinier with remembra… - 3 years ago

@AlisonLoat: "When you look back on your own career... celebrate the people you have empowered." @Harvard professor Nikolas Bowi… - 3 years ago

@KRahnama: RT @nytimes: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar whose Justice Department nomination stalled in 1993 after her views on voting rights came under… - 3 years ago

@BldABetterWrld: RT @WendellPierce: In the midst of the grief and loss of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier we should honor their life’s work and memory by re… - 3 years ago

@kimberlyhebert: RT @aonwuachi: - 3 years ago

@Maccabee_413: RT @monsieurmoscato: Best way for things to change? If we have more people like Ayanna Pressley, Elizabeth Warren, Lauren Underwood, LaTos… - 3 years ago

@missmonie4: RT @rolandsmartin: Tune into #RolandMartinUnfiltered @BlkStarNetwork tonight at 6 pm EST. We will pay tribute to Lani Guinier with remembra… - 3 years ago

@amosnjones: I can’t say enough positive things about this legal giant whose profound impact ripples through classrooms, communi… - 3 years ago

@theaaaed: We are saddened to find out Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71. We will reme… - 3 years ago

@blkpilledhomo2: RT @benshapiro: How cool was Lani Guinier? Again, we agreed on nothing -- and she was happy to be one of the references on my resume for se… - 3 years ago

@blkpilledhomo2: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@Njeriwaridi: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@lacivilrights: The 1982 VRA Amendments, shaped significantly by Lani Guinier, boosted minority representation in Congress and stru… - 3 years ago

@lacivilrights: Rest in Peace to #votingrights champion Lani Guinier. Guinier, a legal scholar who served in President Clinton's J… - 3 years ago

@rolandsmartin: Tune into #RolandMartinUnfiltered @BlkStarNetwork tonight at 6 pm EST. We will pay tribute to Lani Guinier with rem… - 3 years ago

@Njeriwaridi: RT @wmnjoya: If you ever wonder how I became passionate about equality in education, Lani Guinier was the reason. She was the one from whom… - 3 years ago

@DodieThedodes77: RT @SusanMosesNYC: 💔Thank you Lani Guinier! Beacon of truth, champion of Civil & Voting rights. Knowledge & Leadership. Rest Peacefully Lan… - 3 years ago

@SuperJames526: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@ValerioZach: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@JusticeOutcry: ninaturner: RT @ministter: You prophesied tyranny, disinformation and cancel culture. You denied us nothing. Amer… - 3 years ago

@jgutiart: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@Educ8tusAll: RT @jbrownedianis: Lani Guinier was the matriarch of the #VotingRights bar. She pushed us to think boldly and reimagine our democracy to en… - 3 years ago

@JensHaase7: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@MzJaneNova: In Memoriam: Lani Guinier 1950 – 2022 » - 3 years ago

@CoachDLlc: RT @Pubhistorian: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - - 3 years ago

@BCISLEMAN: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 So sad for such a br… - 3 years ago

@Ella_trooper: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@barbarellasaf: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@ajgradilla: RT @LopezBunyasi: Lani Guinier made numerous indelible marks on the thinking and activism of so many people. I sincerely hope she knew how… - 3 years ago

@danander11: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@InHomeTutor808: Remembering Legal Scholar Lani Guinier - Diverse: Issues in Higher Education || #EducationNews Courtesy of In Home… - 3 years ago

@alexajsmith: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@ProfCZM: RT @LopezBunyasi: Lani Guinier made numerous indelible marks on the thinking and activism of so many people. I sincerely hope she knew how… - 3 years ago

@KerriPyr: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago

@moiskd: RT @WinWithBLKWomen: A civil rights activist, former US Assistant Attorney General Nominee, visionary of the 1982 amendments to the Voting… - 3 years ago

@gazstarr: RT @RepRaskin: The passing of Lani Guinier is a sharp loss to the voting rights community and our democracy. Lani championed fair voting sy… - 3 years ago

@truth_nado: RT @benshapiro: I had Lani Guinier as a professor at Harvard Law. We agreed on nothing, and she was a total delight as a human being. We us… - 3 years ago


@chrisdidato: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@MotownMimi: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago


@ss_cnelson: RT @HuffPost: Guinier was nominated by former President Bill Clinton to head the Justice Department’s civil rights division in 1993. He wit… - 3 years ago

@kimworthyDCTOY: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@HimynameisNickd: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ChaitaliSen2020: RT @diversebookshay: I was honored to have interviewed Lani Guinier about her book THE TYRANNY OF MERITOCRACY in 2015. From her book: “I h… - 3 years ago

@ddbuon: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago

@TrustGoodwill: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@iPamba: RT @marclamonthill: My thoughts on Lani Guinier: - 3 years ago

@DouglasLeon: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@EnamulQuader4: RT @KhaledBeydoun: Rest In Peace Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@coachjm68: RT @l78lancer: If voting rights don't get passed, and the insurrectionists and coup plotters punished, then what did civil rights warriors… - 3 years ago

@HimynameisNickd: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Yesterday we lost a leading voice in the civil rights community, Lani Guinier. I don’t usually suggest we read law rev… - 3 years ago

@angelquicksey: What a loss for the Harvard community and the civil rights community. Lani Guinier spoke at the Black Policy Confer… - 3 years ago

@Honesty1017: Lani Guinier, voting rights champion and former assistant attorney general nominee, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@mahoganyss: RT @Politicalreach: Civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dead at 71 - 3 years ago

@MyPresident21: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@AntSeattle: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@altochulo: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@timocity: The loss of a great and inspiring legal mind is a reminder of what a dark beast Alzheimer’s disease continues to be… - 3 years ago

@LesiaWilliams19: RT @NAACP: The NAACP mourns the loss of Lani Guinier, a brilliant civil rights scholar & advocate whose life’s work helped ensure a more re… - 3 years ago

@CureAlzheimers: RT @nytimes: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar whose Justice Department nomination stalled in 1993 after her views on voting rights came under… - 3 years ago

@Praetorian27: RT @michaelaoash: Professor #LaniGuinier gave the Philip Gamble Lecture, The Future of Affirmative Action (w/ ⁦@WSpriggs⁩ ) ⁦@UMassAmherst⁩… - 3 years ago

@21stCentury_Ed: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@sdbanville: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@PhoebeBStein: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@YogiBr1: RT @BrentNYT: RIP Lani Guinier - civil rights lion and Harvard professor of law. - 3 years ago

@adebclay: RT @tamaranopper: Nikolas Bowie, on his mother Lani Guinier: “Lead a career like the one my mom did — one that concludes not with a list… - 3 years ago

@LesiaWilliams19: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@OneUppityWoman: RT @CharlesPPierce: Lani Guinier now? 2022 is off to a rollicking start. May her memory be a blessing. And may it never be forgotten how Bi… - 3 years ago

@KKDsMiMi: RT @l78lancer: If voting rights don't get passed, and the insurrectionists and coup plotters punished, then what did civil rights warriors… - 3 years ago

@almost_jane: RT @dabeard: “My mother taught me from a very early age the meaning of courage. She taught me that a principle is far more important and co… - 3 years ago

@jeannin57826820: RT @NAACP_LDF: LDF deeply mourns the loss of Professor Lani Guinier, a trailblazing educator and acclaimed scholar, civil rights lawyer, &… - 3 years ago

@Peninna95697909: RT @Sifill_LDF: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@DrKMetropoulos: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@scottf6f: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@Gwydion620: RT @JoyceWhiteVance: Yesterday we lost a leading voice in the civil rights community, Lani Guinier. I don’t usually suggest we read law rev… - 3 years ago

@jforman12: RT @inclasswithcarr: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 @karenhunter @AfricanaCarr @Knarrative_ #InClass… - 3 years ago

@lrfolk: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago

@LiLDELain: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@dem8z: RT @palumboliu: Yale Law classmates and co-authors Gerald Torres & Lani Guinier. ⁦@prudencelcarter⁩ honored me by asking me to moderate thi… - 3 years ago

@BarutiWoman: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@DenUrbanDweller: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@ricklarios: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@achswan: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@Denver_Yimby: RT @DrIbram: "Poor Black people are the throw-away people. And we pathologize them in order to justify our disregard." —Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@MrsPsp: 😢 - 3 years ago

@MaryBur63637674: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@DenaPapazoglou: RT @Sifill_LDF: LDF Mourns the Passing of Trailblazing Harvard Law Professor and Voting Rights Defender Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@thecagedByrd: RT @SonofBaldwin: Dr. Carol Lani Guinier was perhaps the greatest legal mind this country has ever seen. - 3 years ago

@FreshPrince0fLA: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@furtherdef: RT @inclasswithcarr: Drink a clean glass of water with readings from today’s LIVE #InClassWithCarr "Ready for Revolution" by Stokely Carmi… - 3 years ago

@dsfarbman: Ken helps explain why Lani Guinier was such a transformational teacher for so many of us. She was a critic who insp… - 3 years ago

@JuneauCurmudge1: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@pegdif58: RT @l78lancer: If voting rights don't get passed, and the insurrectionists and coup plotters punished, then what did civil rights warriors… - 3 years ago

@phoebeplagens: RT @RachelBarkow: Scrolling through Twitter and seeing people share remembrances, I am blown away by how many people whom I respect and adm… - 3 years ago

@DashDeCosta: She argued that the principle of “one person, one vote” was insufficient where the interests of minorities, racial… - 3 years ago

@jinxiejae: RT @jilevin: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@ResisterNell: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@JuneauCurmudge1: RT @tribelaw: I join in mourning the loss of a great moral force and intellectual leader. I was lucky to have known and been inspired by La… - 3 years ago

@TenuredRadical: She ‘recalled first wanting to become a civil rights attorney when she was 12, watching on television as Constance… - 3 years ago

@justjoslynn: RT @BreakingBrown: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 RIP. Never forget that the Clintons threw Guinier… - 3 years ago

@tammy9891: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@justjoslynn: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@WGRZ: Lani Guinier became the first woman of color appointed to a tenured professorship at Harvard law school. - 3 years ago

@wambadeluozi: RT @dem8z: So sorry to learn that Lani Guinier has died. That image of her—the one shot through the back seat of a car window, after Bill C… - 3 years ago

@ParuchGretchen: RT @tribelaw: I join in mourning the loss of a great moral force and intellectual leader. I was lucky to have known and been inspired by La… - 3 years ago

@k_zac: RIP to Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@mammarama14: RT @jaketapper: RIP Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@chtucker18: RT @TalbertSwan: Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier in the same day. What a tremendous loss to the Black family and the world. Rest In Peace… - 3 years ago

@pjs4real: RT @ProfGuyCharles: A few words about Lani Guinier. Lani was a foremost scholar of law and democracy. She was a creative and avant-garde… - 3 years ago

@ResisterNell: RT @SenatorCardin: Lani Guinier was an attorney, professor, a defender of democracy, the first woman of color tenured at Harvard Law School… - 3 years ago

@1878Star: RT @tribelaw: I join in mourning the loss of a great moral force and intellectual leader. I was lucky to have known and been inspired by La… - 3 years ago

@cotey_mary: RT @tribelaw: I join in mourning the loss of a great moral force and intellectual leader. I was lucky to have known and been inspired by La… - 3 years ago

@boyonabike62: RT @Ben_Alpers: RIP Lani Guinier, whose 1993 nomination as Assistant Attorney General was cut short by the GOP's commitment to white suprem… - 3 years ago

@Caryl113: - 3 years ago

@erika_mcjimpsey: RT @WinWithBLKWomen: A civil rights activist, former US Assistant Attorney General Nominee, visionary of the 1982 amendments to the Voting… - 3 years ago

@cardon_brian: RT @LawyersComm: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal mind whose visionary thinking made our country better. She was a juggernaut, a big thin… - 3 years ago

@BLACKPROUD4EVER: RT @TalbertSwan: Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier in the same day. What a tremendous loss to the Black family and the world. Rest In Peace… - 3 years ago

@Shaunakills: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@MightySophia17: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@cocohoustonnow: RT @Sifill_LDF: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@moroccancocoa: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@rmojomojito1: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@prudencelcarter: I invited Prof. Lani Guinier and her close collaborator and friend, Prof. Gerald Torres, to give the 2013 Kieve Lec… - 3 years ago

@QuanLegend: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@world_news_ja: ハーバード・ロースクールの終身教授となった初の有色人種女性、ラニ・ギニアー氏が71歳で死去 - 3 years ago

@AlexJSpearman: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@robertjlundberg: RT @ministter: You prophesied tyranny, disinformation and cancel culture. You denied us nothing. America lost denying you. To our foes:… - 3 years ago

@RobertMouton4: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@laserhaas01: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@Gwanbad: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@namoagogo: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: "In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy."- Lani Guinier Rest in Power… - 3 years ago

@chatteringram: RT @BreakingBrown: “While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr….point… - 3 years ago

@harlem51: RT @TalbertSwan: Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier in the same day. What a tremendous loss to the Black family and the world. Rest In Peace… - 3 years ago

@EbonieOne: RT @RepBarbaraLee: We have lost a giant. Lani Guinier devoted her life to creating a democracy that is truly representative of its people. - 3 years ago

@honestari: RT @WSJ: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to become a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, has died at age 71 - 3 years ago

@L_SezImpeach: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@marcventresca: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@marcventresca: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@McfaddensrCarey: RT @Sifill_LDF: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@marcventresca: RT @dijadontneedya: In my very last class at Harvard, Lani Guinier gave us playdough. I got silly because that's me. But the first Black wo… - 3 years ago

@domdrives: RT @theGrio: Rest in power: Civil rights lawyer Lani Guinier has passed at 71 due to complications from Alzheimer’s disease. 🙏🏾 - 3 years ago

@BougieFinBaddie: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@marcventresca: RT @imaniperry: Lani Guinier is the reason I went to law school. And she became my professor. And gave beautiful advice and affirmation. Sh… - 3 years ago

@dem8z: RT @prudencelcarter: Aaaaargh! This hurts so much. Lani Guinier was brilliant, incisive, committed to social justice like no other. She sup… - 3 years ago

@to_suesmall: RT @dabeard: “My mother taught me from a very early age the meaning of courage. She taught me that a principle is far more important and co… - 3 years ago

@marcventresca: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@MikeLowwry: RT @BreakingBrown: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 RIP. Never forget that the Clintons threw Guinier… - 3 years ago

@aliciaspeace: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@McfaddensrCarey: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@dem8z: RT @nrookie: I'm a little undone, just calling/chanting some names right now, asking for her safe passage: Bell Hooks, Claudia Tate, Barbar… - 3 years ago

@Ridim_Luv: RT @BlackVotersMtr: "In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy." - Lani Guinier Rest in Power… - 3 years ago

@BougieFinBaddie: Civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dead at 71 - 3 years ago

@nadiear23: RT @iamvandal617: Losin alot of people. They don't make em the same no more. RIP. - 3 years ago

@Vinitagarwal24: RT @dem8z: So sorry to learn that Lani Guinier has died. That image of her—the one shot through the back seat of a car window, after Bill C… - 3 years ago

@DorothyGrady7: Civil rights lawyer, professor Lani Guinier dead at 71 - 3 years ago

@nadiear23: RT @Deoliver47: Rest In Power, Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@nunez_anna: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar whose work on voting rights & affirmative action led President Bill Clinton to nomina… - 3 years ago

@LukeGofannon: RT @Sam_Schulman: Lani Guinier. This is sad. She was a nice and smart and cool person, who was wrong about some matters, and we've been ta… - 3 years ago

@l78lancer: I would be remiss if I signed off tonight without acknowledging the lives of Lani Guinier and Sidney Poitier. They… - 3 years ago

@lovestar_ados: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@suzmarks: Another great loss, an advocate for civil rights - 3 years ago

@JBSmith1966: Lani Guinier, voting rights champion and former assistant attorney general nominee, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@kullee_j: RT @ProfGuyCharles: A few words about Lani Guinier. Lani was a foremost scholar of law and democracy. She was a creative and avant-garde… - 3 years ago

@EmmaGoldmanNYC: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@Womenpols: RT @JulieCSuk: Rest in power, #LaniGuinier. You lifted so many voices, including mine. #Demosprudence forever. Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar… - 3 years ago

@mcutimes: Lani Guinier, a native New Yorker and suffrage activist, dies at the age of 71 - 3 years ago

@tnja49: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@Elle___K: RT @DrSubini: Not Lani Guinier too. 😭 - 3 years ago

@CommonssenseP: RT @JNelsonLDF: The fact is that Lani Guinier was light years ahead of her time and her critics. We can only imagine where our democracy mi… - 3 years ago

@NewBlackMan: RT @DrStephaneDunn: For real? Greg Tate, the mighty bell hooks, sidney poitier and now a former mentor of mine-teacher and intellectual gia… - 3 years ago

@tashahpatel: RT @orangebegum: I'm at a loss, too, about Lani Guinier's passing. I am feeling grateful that with Gerald Torres she started teaching law a… - 3 years ago

@Rebecca69155514: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@EmmaGoldmanNYC: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@AlberoniLH: RT @ClimateCages: Lani Guinier was a giant. Towering courage. Steep brilliance. Generous heart. Care and compassion to shape the world. She… - 3 years ago

@MarkCody: Lani Guinier RIP - 3 years ago

@LizBradbury: RT @Sifill_LDF: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - The New York Times - 3 years ago

@Ingridebap: RT @SusanMosesNYC: 💔Thank you Lani Guinier! Beacon of truth, champion of Civil & Voting rights. Knowledge & Leadership. Rest Peacefully Lan… - 3 years ago

@Noted_Lives: RT @NYTObits: Lani Guinier, whose ideas about voting rights and affirmative action led President Bill Clinton to nominate her as an assista… - 3 years ago

@Loveyou2Ok: RT @IAmSophiaNelson: I met Prof. Guinier when I was interviewing for law schools in 1990 at UPenn where she was a professor. - 3 years ago

@acharlowmedia: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@ASPL365: RT @RepBarbaraLee: We have lost a giant. Lani Guinier devoted her life to creating a democracy that is truly representative of its people. - 3 years ago

@kateblood22: RT @NAACP_LDF: Tune in: Yale Law School and @SIfill_LDF celebrate the life and legacy of civil rights trailblazer Lani Guinier: - 3 years ago

@RFrentner: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@APxBrown: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@SusanHu60863084: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@gwentalley: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@LilithSiegel: RT @ClimateCages: Lani Guinier was a giant. Towering courage. Steep brilliance. Generous heart. Care and compassion to shape the world. She… - 3 years ago

@CoachMitch1911: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@BoogWinchester: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@mharvey816: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@Yastreblyansky: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@kateblood22: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@persistentpengn: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@dijoni: @nhannahjones We say thank you to Lani Guinier. She dedicated her life towards the civil rights and human rights fo… - 3 years ago

@RealChicagoKid: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@palumboliu: RT @dabeard: “My mother taught me from a very early age the meaning of courage. She taught me that a principle is far more important and co… - 3 years ago

@PatrickWeil1: RT @culturejedi: Harvard law professor Lani Guinier has died at the age of 71. In 1993, President Clinton chose her to lead civil rights e… - 3 years ago

@DanielFalcone7: RT @briebriejoy: This one hurts. I was obsessed w/ taking her class as an undergrad but she was on sabbatical. The best part of getting i… - 3 years ago

@Ghost90111: RT @BreakingBrown: “While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr….point… - 3 years ago

@ricklarios: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@TJArmour: RT @lenazwarensteyn: Indebted to Lani Guiner and wishing her incredible family and friends much love. In remembering her, we'll continue th… - 3 years ago

@DRobertson51: RT @WinWithBLKWomen: A civil rights activist, former US Assistant Attorney General Nominee, visionary of the 1982 amendments to the Voting… - 3 years ago

@ReparativeJ: RT @BreakingBrown: While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr., point… - 3 years ago

@KathyArchy: RT @thenation: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion, Harvard Law professor, and contributor to The Nation passed away today. We're turning b… - 3 years ago

@Chizpa: “Lift Every Voice: Turning a Civil Rights Setback Into a New Vision of Social Justice,” her memoir about nomination… - 3 years ago

@Dollarstrdrake: RT @WinWithBLKWomen: A civil rights activist, former US Assistant Attorney General Nominee, visionary of the 1982 amendments to the Voting… - 3 years ago

@lisashawn1: RT @Deoliver47: Rest In Power, Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@profesortbaker: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: "In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy."- Lani Guinier Rest in Power… - 3 years ago

@MarkeraJones: I have not known much about Lani Guinier, but I’m looking forward to becoming more familiar with her work and her i… - 3 years ago

@sakinah_d: - 3 years ago

@since_m: RT @BreakingBrown: “While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier & Henry Louis Gates Jr….point… - 3 years ago

@readergirl: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@sakinah_d: Although, political polarization abt voting rights cost her nomination for Assistant Attorney General in the Clin… - 3 years ago

@kebbat: RT @iamchriswms: This has been a difficult day for our community. We've lost two giants today. Where would our community be without the con… - 3 years ago

@laura_zuki: RT @cnni: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar and champion for voting rights whose nomination to head the Civil Rights Division of the US Justice… - 3 years ago

@PaulBua3: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: "In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy."- Lani Guinier Rest in Power… - 3 years ago

@fatemehx2: Well, shoot. We lost Lani Guinier today. Her nomination for Asst AG inspired one of the biggest fights my dad and… - 3 years ago

@princessgpPhD: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@Lum_: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@mhopson1: RT @BenJealous: Lani Guinier was the best kind of hero: She lived her life in courageous service to others and trained the young to do the… - 3 years ago

@AJeydel: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@BereftBarrister: RT @BlackVotersMtr: "In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy." - Lani Guinier Rest in Power… - 3 years ago

@RobbynLewis46th: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@cjdoug: RT @gd_money: The intellectual catalog of Lani Guinier dwarfs the collective output of the entire conservative faction of the SCOTUS. They'… - 3 years ago

@newswhore: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@buckygrrl: RT @ProfGuyCharles: A few words about Lani Guinier. Lani was a foremost scholar of law and democracy. She was a creative and avant-garde… - 3 years ago

@Flooie: RT @Harvard_Law: Lani Guinier was the first African-American woman to be tenured and a monumental presence at Harvard Law School. She devot… - 3 years ago

@a_bryder: RT @Deoliver47: Rest In Power, Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@ElvinBen: RT @JulieCSuk: Rest in power, #LaniGuinier. You lifted so many voices, including mine. #Demosprudence forever. Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar… - 3 years ago

@JoshBeall10: RIP Lani Guinier. She never got the credit she deserved, and the GOP are a bunch of trash-humans for opposing her n… - 3 years ago

@DwanTurner: RT @d_smithd0209: @johnson_carrie @PattyArquette Ms. Carol Lani Guinier should have been confirmed as US Assistant Attorney General for Civ… - 3 years ago

@INeed2Reflect: In Depth with Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@jayfpetty: RT @NAACP: The NAACP mourns the loss of Lani Guinier, a brilliant civil rights scholar & advocate whose life’s work helped ensure a more re… - 3 years ago

@DwanTurner: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Ibu_Ala_Ina98: Ewart and Eugenia Guinier left Hawaii after they were blacklisted and lost their government jobs, just a year befor… - 3 years ago

@liah_caravalho: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@sondrawomen: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago

@drjasonnichols: Rest In Peace, Lani Guinier. I’ll never forget how Bill Clinton sold her out when the GOP attacked her. - 3 years ago

@brianefallon: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago

@ViVi5cents: RT @NAACP_LDF: LDF deeply mourns the loss of Professor Lani Guinier, a trailblazing educator and acclaimed scholar, civil rights lawyer, &… - 3 years ago

@TPFNewsNow: RT @TPFObitsDesk: #BREAKING: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@annaliesalin: RT @BLaw: Civil rights lawyer Lani Guinier, a prominent voice on voting rights who became the first woman of color to be a tenured professo… - 3 years ago

@1stWife221: RT @profhuq: Legends lost. Rest in power. Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@nocaplikebell: Wow. Lani Guinier passed. - 3 years ago

@Civilbehavior: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@IndRule4080: RT @BLaw: Civil rights lawyer Lani Guinier, a prominent voice on voting rights who became the first woman of color to be a tenured professo… - 3 years ago

@paul_t_miller: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@TIDEVINE: Thank you Lani Guinier for paving the way for young women with a passion for justice. Your light will always shine… - 3 years ago

@TimothySNull: RT @JonesForAR: (1/2) RIP Prof. Lani Guinier She and I both spoke at the 27th Annual Dr. MLK Jr. breakfast at MIT 21 years ago this month… - 3 years ago

@GregoryChatman: Its difficult to conceive that we’ve lost both Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier on the same day! Heartfelt prayers to both families. - 3 years ago

@TimothySNull: RT @JonesForAR: (2/2) “and I believe if we take the methodology of Dr. King, if we remember the lessons of the miner’s canary, that we, t… - 3 years ago

@bahepa: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@Solomon43578330: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@margot__pi: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@epcoughlan: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@Andrea_51544005: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@carolynryan: Everyone remembers Lani Guinier because Clinton withdrew her nomination to DOJ after GOP campaign against her. But… - 3 years ago

@McBiffing: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@JnetM13: RT @MondaireJones: My heart breaks over the passing of my former professor, Lani Guinier. I will have more to say on the House floor next w… - 3 years ago

@bbttychmbrs: Lani Guinier, Legal Scholar at the Center of Controversy, Dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@pfunk1130: RT @Deoliver47: Rest In Power, Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@Illaoyra: RT @nytimes: Lani Guinier, a legal scholar whose Justice Department nomination stalled in 1993 after her views on voting rights came under… - 3 years ago

@DevilDoggg: RT @JenetAllDay: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@traviszinnel: RT @lipatel: Rest in power Lani Guinier May you walk home free from suffering, dear and valiant Professor Guinier - 3 years ago

@iyamtoo: RT @francysjohnson: SHE WOKE US UP - #DBJLaw notes the transition of Lani Guinier. A brilliant attorney and legal scholar, Guinier prophet… - 3 years ago

@howappealing: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@evb66: RT @BrentNYT: RIP Lani Guinier - civil rights lion and Harvard professor of law. - 3 years ago

@Irishgirlnc: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@DevilDoggg: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@McBiffing: RT @thenation: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion, Harvard Law professor, and contributor to The Nation passed away today. We're turning b… - 3 years ago

@francysjohnson: SHE WOKE US UP - #DBJLaw notes the transition of Lani Guinier. A brilliant attorney and legal scholar, Guinier pro… - 3 years ago

@ExposureJb: RT @carolynryan: “My mother taught me from a very early age the meaning of courage,” her son Niko said Friday. - 3 years ago

@kathlovestennis: RT @uche_blackstock: This news is a gut punch. I was only 16 when Clinton nominated Lani Guinier to be an assistant AG, but I read up on he… - 3 years ago

@HistoryLivesDet: Reports suggest that legal great and one-time Detroit resident Lani Guinier has joined the ancestors at age 71. Sh… - 3 years ago

@mddirtlaw: RT @danielleholley: Lani Guinier was appointed the first Black woman on the Harvard Law faculty while I was a student. Her brilliant schola… - 3 years ago

@hk_mook: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@dellmhamilton: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@theladythinks: - 3 years ago

@dellmhamilton: RT @GoreeMarsh: Reason 375 why Bill Clinton makes my skin itch. He humiliated Lani Guinier showing zero backbone at a time he needed to sho… - 3 years ago

@ebrandt76: RT @NicholsUprising: “As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our leaders have concluded… - 3 years ago

@JudyMcDonnell: - 3 years ago

@bear_risa: RT @NicholsUprising: “As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our leaders have concluded… - 3 years ago

@John47137220: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@dellmhamilton: RT @neweyno: We lost another titan in Prof. Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@Reader30652943: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@KSerrott: My first introduction to Lani Guinier was “Miner’s Canary” which was my entry to CRT nearly ten years ago. Forever… - 3 years ago

@karyfontaine: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@drlisadcook: Rest well and thank you for everything, former colleague and neighbor, Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@DVWoollen: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@theladythinks: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@hwatkins927: RT @BostonGlobe: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@TracyBaimWCMG: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@MielleMarquis: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@LNicNich: RT @BrentNYT: RIP Lani Guinier - civil rights lion and Harvard professor of law. - 3 years ago

@robert_hove: RT @RamonaGrigg: Another great one gone. Thank you, Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@dem8z: “If our society truly values education as a means of preparing citizens to participate in the decisions that affect… - 3 years ago

@Jtylerwp: first Sir Sidney, and now Lani Guinier. today is too much.😭 - 3 years ago

@DocNickie: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@CircleReader: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@straycatstrut14: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@BLK_DJASPORA: RT @dem8z: So sorry to learn that Lani Guinier has died. That image of her—the one shot through the back seat of a car window, after Bill C… - 3 years ago

@AnthonyMKreis: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@MadelainePisani: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@alisadoc1: This is just too much this week. Peace and comfort to Lani Guinier's family, friends, and those she inspired. #RIP - 3 years ago

@sophierose729: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@Jaquebelle: RT @ECMcLaughlin: Lani Guinier was an icon. For every young lawyer who believed in the good fight, she made us better. I’m so sad. - 3 years ago

@schmermund_mary: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@JudyM523: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@4DrMeg: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@Jaquebelle: RT @ProfTolson: Lani Guinier was a once in a lifetime legal mind and an amazing advocate/scholar/teacher/person. All of us who write in el… - 3 years ago

@BeyondRailroad: - 3 years ago

@xatrax: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Dr_Zil_White: Rest in Power! Cannot help wondering how different things may be if Ms. Guinier had been in place all those years a… - 3 years ago

@Jaquebelle: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@JRTtager: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@AUC31: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@MaryBur63637674: RT @ChristinaSwarns: There are no words to convey my heartbreak at hearing the news of Lani Guinier’s passing. She taught me at ⁦@pennlaw⁩… - 3 years ago

@royradhika7: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@CGFlorez: Rest In Peace 🙏🕊 - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@JAHarps: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @DominiqueJL15: Oh, I am CRUSHED. Lani Guinier’s work inspired my dissertation topic massively. When will it end, all this loss?! - 3 years ago

@PlainolBlackman: RT @IanHaneyLopez: I’m deeply saddened by the passing of Lani Guinier. She believed in racial egalitarianism and in democracy—and documente… - 3 years ago

@JoMajority: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@adnilbklyn1: Lani Guinier RIP🕊😔 Sidney Poitier RIP🕊😔 - 3 years ago

@EstherRawson: Ms. Lani Guinier was done so wrong. Bill Clinton's first worst moment. May she rest in power. - 3 years ago

@liberaltrucker: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@4MrKW: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@Helvidiuss: RT @CoreyRobin: Lani Guinier has died. The most impressive feature of her work was how inventive and tactile she was, turning obstacles int… - 3 years ago

@BdonGreen: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@futureoffarms: RT @BlackJDPhD: A monumental loss. - 3 years ago

@AuntieAnnaSays: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@latoyaishahenry: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@lacunalingua_3: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@MelanieLybarger: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@ReignOfApril: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @Sifill_LDF - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@reparationslaw: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@gh14hinojosa5: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @AriMelber - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@MaryBur63637674: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@johnson_carrie: RT @danielleholley: Lani Guinier was appointed the first Black woman on the Harvard Law faculty while I was a student. Her brilliant schola… - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @rcturk: Another giant. I was so lucky to meet Lani Guinier in college and have forever followed her advice to build a "network of accou… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @TheAHNShow - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@DrKimChandler: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@CHERYLM1937: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@robertloerzel: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @RobertPatillo - 3 years ago

@PackerDavis: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@DrKimChandler: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@jamiedyer_: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@emh2625: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@CathyJoeGPT: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @ReecieColbert - 3 years ago

@RossDeuel: RT @CoreyStoughton: I owe so much to Lani Guinier. She taught me to identify the covert ways that power and privilege subverts justice and… - 3 years ago

@ericlewis0: Rest In Power, Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@emh2625: RT @dweinberger: More sad news: Lani Guinier has passed away. The flags of justice and righteousness at are flying at half mast today. http… - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @ClintSmithIII: Legal scholar Lani Guinier, who has written extensively about the myth of meritocracy for years, captures it best: https… - 3 years ago

@ReneeRevelation: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @NiggaTheory: Lani Guinier was a true giant—her legacy will live on in those of us she moved with her wisdom and insight! - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @jemelehill - 3 years ago

@lisekimhorton: Civil rights champion and law professor Lani Guinier has died at 71. - 3 years ago

@RossDeuel: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@DrKimChandler: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@LaurasBlue: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @HenryLouisGates - 3 years ago

@adnilbklyn1: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@eturleye: RT @LegallyLove: Lani Guinier, too? - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @jelani9 - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @marclamonthill - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@johnsont04: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @LeonardPittsJr1 - 3 years ago

@Wrennie11: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@ChrisBoese: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@fifthpastor: RT @tljohn44: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@BrotherJDJ3: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@elebenty: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@mikeselmi: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@KateSherrill: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @karenhunter - 3 years ago

@realPhotoguy: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@MoniqueWMorris: Rest In Peace. 🕊 Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@lbaselis: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@rleas: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@RossDeuel: RT @SamSpital: The world is less bright now that Lani Guinier has passed. A hero, a leader, and a mentor who always put other people, and o… - 3 years ago

@VernonDixon14: @MHarrisPerry - 3 years ago

@CulturedModesty: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@granny_st: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ABookiBu: RT @rootswoundsword: “In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy.” #RestInPower Lani Guinier ht… - 3 years ago

@TashaCNS: RT @daniellecbelton: Just heard about Lani Guinier. It's sad that she never got to serve as Attorney General for Civil Rights due to then P… - 3 years ago

@dem8z: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@ms_opinion: RT @ProfMMurray: So sorry to hear of the passing of @Harvard_Law's Lani Guinier. She was an inspiration to so many of us WOC as we plotted… - 3 years ago

@pamelawritesnyc: - 3 years ago

@LoganAHeiman: RT @ProfMMurray: So sorry to hear of the passing of @Harvard_Law's Lani Guinier. She was an inspiration to so many of us WOC as we plotted… - 3 years ago

@TashaCNS: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@mx_etana: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@Marrrrcussss: Republicans didn’t block her. Lani Guinier’s name was withdrawn from consideration because Bill Clinton is a coward… - 3 years ago

@ricklarios: RT @JG4Justice: Hard to process the loss of Lani Guinier. A great legal mind. So grateful for her work and her legacy and wishing peace to… - 3 years ago

@TashaCNS: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@aswagalmal: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@DrLeahGFrancis: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@JimRosicaFL: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 via @BostonGlobe - 3 years ago

@drugmonkeyblog: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@TashaCNS: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@ellmcgirt: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@TashaCNS: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@reineayiti: Lani Guinier, the first Black woman tenured at @HarvardLaw_ has gone on to be with the ancestors. - 3 years ago

@fburton95: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@BDNbiz: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@kilonova_gold: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@MillionMomsMeet: @Sifill_LDF @NAACP_LDF Condolences. Only the good die young. RIP Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@CHERYLM1937: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@binajv: RT @fstockman: Oh no! Rest in Peace, Lani Guinier. Civil rights champion and Harvard law professor dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@FotiNC: RT @EtomisGhost: We have lost Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier on the same day! I grieve with our people on these losses. Rest in peace and… - 3 years ago

@JoshuaSealy: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@dr_nickiw: RT @dradambanks: Lani Guinier. A giant of an intellect. A giant in this long walk to freedom. - 3 years ago

@nadirahdixit: RT @DrSubini: Not Lani Guinier too. 😭 - 3 years ago

@ifwhenhow: RT @imaniperry: Lani Guinier is the reason I went to law school. And she became my professor. And gave beautiful advice and affirmation. Sh… - 3 years ago

@vailkoyo: RT @ProfTolson: Lani Guinier was a once in a lifetime legal mind and an amazing advocate/scholar/teacher/person. All of us who write in el… - 3 years ago

@hyounpark: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@kaplanikids: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@houstoninst: RT @orangebegum: I'm at a loss, too, about Lani Guinier's passing. I am feeling grateful that with Gerald Torres she started teaching law a… - 3 years ago

@RuthColker: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@ProfMMurray: So sorry to hear of the passing of @Harvard_Law's Lani Guinier. She was an inspiration to so many of us WOC as we p… - 3 years ago

@MuammerGokcin: RT @BostonGlobe: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@YeshaCallahan: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@subbasegirl: RT @franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@MweneGahaya: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@ChazBeasley: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@aaminahshakur: RT @amaditalks: Rest in peace and power, Prof. Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@LindaleekerrLee: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@SpringerKM: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@SER1897: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@DrEFAlvarezJr: RT @rootswoundsword: “In a racially divided society, majority rule is not a reliable instrument of democracy.” #RestInPower Lani Guinier ht… - 3 years ago

@KitUnbridled: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@franklinleonard: The reason I became and remain fascinated by voting systems. Another giant has fallen. - 3 years ago

@HappyMom3Boys: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@NLVWarren: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@LegallyLove: Lani Guinier, too? - 3 years ago

@bryson_morgan: RT @KristenClarkeJD: Lani Guinier was one of the nation’s most dedicated civil rights lawyers and brightest scholars — she cared deeply abo… - 3 years ago

@HappyMom3Boys: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@YoursINegritude: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@b4uscali: Lani Guinier 💔Rest in love and power. - 3 years ago

@ifwhenhow: RT @dereckapurnell: I don't even know what to say of Lani Guinier's passing. She was a giant and mentor to so many. She supported student a… - 3 years ago

@kenyonfarrow: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @sewellchan: I met Lani Guinier in 1994 when her book “The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy” wa… - 3 years ago

@EnragedRedbone: RT @NiggaTheory: - 3 years ago

@genesis4genius: RT @ProfJKD: - 3 years ago

@dianekovacs: RT @CoreyStoughton: I owe so much to Lani Guinier. She taught me to identify the covert ways that power and privilege subverts justice and… - 3 years ago

@tjedge20: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@JoeFeagin: RT @IanHaneyLopez: I’m deeply saddened by the passing of Lani Guinier. She believed in racial egalitarianism and in democracy—and documente… - 3 years ago

@mixed_race: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@Robincha: Lani Guinier — a brilliant lawyer and scholar who inspired many and will be missed greatly. - 3 years ago

@mixed_race: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@dianekovacs: RT @ClintSmithIII: Legal scholar Lani Guinier, who has written extensively about the myth of meritocracy for years, captures it best: https… - 3 years ago

@_luistoro: RT @IanHaneyLopez: I’m deeply saddened by the passing of Lani Guinier. She believed in racial egalitarianism and in democracy—and documente… - 3 years ago

@mightypenblog: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@HeyitsAshleyH: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@toomuchtelly: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@BerryFLW: RT @BostonGlobe: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@tommymiles: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@bevwhitner: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@unlewis: RT @rcturk: Another giant. I was so lucky to meet Lani Guinier in college and have forever followed her advice to build a "network of accou… - 3 years ago

@llwozwill: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@ErikLove: RT @IanHaneyLopez: I’m deeply saddened by the passing of Lani Guinier. She believed in racial egalitarianism and in democracy—and documente… - 3 years ago

@unlewis: RT @ClintSmithIII: Legal scholar Lani Guinier, who has written extensively about the myth of meritocracy for years, captures it best: https… - 3 years ago

@unlewis: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@unlewis: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@PieceDeReSister: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@MILITANTIDLIB: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Run421: RT @HelenNeville12: Today is painful. “As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our lead… - 3 years ago

@unlewis: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@JoshuaSealy: RT @BennettCapers: We lost another giant. But oh, she inspired so many of us! Rest in power. Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Har… - 3 years ago

@Olivier_Ruchet: RT @CoreyRobin: Lani Guinier has died. The most impressive feature of her work was how inventive and tactile she was, turning obstacles int… - 3 years ago

@SaltedOnion: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@refugeingrief: RT @HelenNeville12: Today is painful. “As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our lead… - 3 years ago

@jerrypoe: ”As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our leaders have conclu… - 3 years ago

@herdinglions: RT @jamalericwatson: Lani Guinier was not only a brilliant legal scholar, but she was a mentor and friend to so many of us. Sad to learn of… - 3 years ago

@niais: RT @CoreyRobin: Lani Guinier has died. The most impressive feature of her work was how inventive and tactile she was, turning obstacles int… - 3 years ago

@ken_crichlow: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ellenkmcd: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@philippa_bear: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@julianakilrose: RT @tamaranopper: Asked to characterize her teaching style, Lani Guinier said, "I am committed to experimenting...Part of the challenge is… - 3 years ago

@TheFamousBear23: RT @dijadontneedya: In my very last class at Harvard, Lani Guinier gave us playdough. I got silly because that's me. But the first Black wo… - 3 years ago

@rleedep: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@kdc: RT @amaditalks: Rest in peace and power, Prof. Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@rootswoundsword: Rest in power, Lani Guinier. Gratitude for all you did for us. ✨🖤✨ - 3 years ago

@NiggaTheory: - 3 years ago

@amber_puga: This hurts I admire Lani Guinier so much & treated so vile by Newt Gingrich & Republicans. I am literally crying - 3 years ago

@NateSkate3: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@LVBurke: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@GottaChangeIt: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@MzNikkiNew: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@blacklikewho: Lani Guinier. RIP - 3 years ago

@promontory55th: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@avoidchaos: RT @BostonGlobe: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@ExoticExpat: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@daniellecbelton: Just heard about Lani Guinier. It's sad that she never got to serve as Attorney General for Civil Rights due to the… - 3 years ago

@CandyThomson1: Safe home, Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@joshchafetz: RT @marinklevy: Jan. 24, 1998, New York Times: Prof. Lani Guinier "has been named a professor with tenure at Harvard Law School, the first… - 3 years ago

@YDMABlackCaucus: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@dijadontneedya: In my very last class at Harvard, Lani Guinier gave us playdough. I got silly because that's me. But the first Blac… - 3 years ago

@liprap: RT @amaditalks: Rest in peace and power, Prof. Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@PackerDavis: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@MHerszenhorn: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@HongMathias: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@SankofaTravelHr: R.I.P. to Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School. She was 71 years old. Follow… - 3 years ago

@LileewaLisa: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@RaveenWatch: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@VanditaMWilson: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@DziadoszS: RT @dereckapurnell: I don't even know what to say of Lani Guinier's passing. She was a giant and mentor to so many. She supported student a… - 3 years ago

@sandchair: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@cam_hump: Sidney Poitier and Lani Guinier in the same day?! This ain’t fair ☹️. May they both Rest in Power!! ✊🏿✊🏿 - 3 years ago

@andiedeb: RT @ECMcLaughlin: Lani Guinier was an icon. For every young lawyer who believed in the good fight, she made us better. I’m so sad. - 3 years ago

@Lainie4184: RT @DrSubini: Lani Guinier’s scholarship opened up worlds for me. Also seeing the disrespect Clinton showed Guinier right after Anita Hill… - 3 years ago

@journalproject: Lani Guinier. May you have complete and peaceful rest. - 3 years ago

@MaryBur63637674: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@TeamAir: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@1bntran: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@leyes3: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@MarcieBianco: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@LancelotLinkSC: RT @jamalericwatson: Lani Guinier was not only a brilliant legal scholar, but she was a mentor and friend to so many of us. Sad to learn of… - 3 years ago

@bell4ky: RT @CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he re… - 3 years ago

@LizEFletcher: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@PrinceInTheChi: RT @rescottjr: Rest In Peace Professor Lani Guinier! I will always remember when Professor Lani Guinier graciously autographed “Tyranny of… - 3 years ago

@ElisHolzleith: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@nnguerrero: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@DrSubini: Lani Guinier’s scholarship opened up worlds for me. Also seeing the disrespect Clinton showed Guinier right after A… - 3 years ago

@Alexcl1690: RT @joecguinan: Sad to hear of the passing of Lani Guinier. She was with us at the inception of @TheNextSystem and was a powerful voice for… - 3 years ago

@sarah_b1999: RT @MoniquePressley: Just hearing a legal giant, civil rights scholar/visionary and personal shero has transitioned. 1st Black woman Harvar… - 3 years ago

@ChemistRenegade: RT @coalitionbuildr: The world has lost a justice giant and brilliant legal scholar! sebding up prayers of comfor for #LaniGuinier family..… - 3 years ago

@JLBarrow: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@DJNYC1: RT @nabjprez2011: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@WilGafney: Another one gone. Lani Guinier. - 3 years ago

@leyes3: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@TroyMil47222112: RT @MoniquePressley: Just hearing a legal giant, civil rights scholar/visionary and personal shero has transitioned. 1st Black woman Harvar… - 3 years ago

@eterEphemeral: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@DobleDraAzueroQ: heart heavy w. news of Lani Guinier’s passing. the “political autobiography” we wrote for her class is one of the m… - 3 years ago

@BennettCapers: We lost another giant. But oh, she inspired so many of us! Rest in power. Lani Guinier, civil rights champion an… - 3 years ago

@joecguinan: Sad to hear of the passing of Lani Guinier. She was with us at the inception of @TheNextSystem and was a powerful v… - 3 years ago

@richardweiner: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@RetiredTechMgr: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@SarahKWilliam: @johnson_carrie Lani Guinier R.I.P. 😢🙏 - 3 years ago

@shannasmithdc: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@deborahalex: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@Purify_toast17: Didn’t B. Clinton throw Lani Guinier under the bus? - 3 years ago

@pgh_law: @Sifill_LDF @NAACP_LDF May the memory of Lani Guinier be for a blessing. - 3 years ago

@lillithp: RT @HelenNeville12: Today is painful. “As a country, we are in a state of denial about issues of race and racism. And too many of our lead… - 3 years ago

@DUNBAR83: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - The Boston Globe - 3 years ago

@RedBearPhilly: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@brucepknight: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@queenmaryresist: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@ruthzee4boston: So much loss. Professor Lani Guinier was a giant. At @Harvard_Law I felt *so* lucky to learn from her genius on vot… - 3 years ago

@LilianaSegura: RT @ChristinaSwarns: There are no words to convey my heartbreak at hearing the news of Lani Guinier’s passing. She taught me at ⁦@pennlaw⁩… - 3 years ago

@Elizabe29599604: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@calebjacksonesq: Rest in Power Lani Guinier - a legal giant and a role model for anyone interested in the relationship between race… - 3 years ago

@PragObots: RT @civilrightsorg: We’re deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Lani Guinier – a brilliant and trailblazing civil rights attorney and… - 3 years ago

@Backstorymom1: RT @KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of democ… - 3 years ago

@paimudan: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@DavidDe17354109: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@hyperboleesh: RT @dereckapurnell: I don't even know what to say of Lani Guinier's passing. She was a giant and mentor to so many. She supported student a… - 3 years ago

@NidaKhanNY: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@countmystars: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@ChristinaSwarns: There are no words to convey my heartbreak at hearing the news of Lani Guinier’s passing. She taught me at ⁦… - 3 years ago

@KimberlyEAtkins: What a terrible loss at such a crucial time for our nation: Guinier’s “scholarship changed our understanding of de… - 3 years ago

@tony_jack: Lani Guinier, you were brilliant and kind, generous and tough. For lunch after my first grad school final, for invi… - 3 years ago

@InfamusElGuapo: RT @dfsparks: Damn Lani Guinier too?! - 3 years ago

@stormcarver: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@Alafia4Hope: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@ReneeRevelation: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@iamdrdenise: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@AvataraSmithC: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@VickiMo08056436: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@MFWeiner: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@1bntran: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@John_Merrow: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@CharlesWMcKinn2: RIP Lani Guinier. And an eternal Fuck You to Bill Clinton who showed us his craven, cowardly neoliberal ass when he… - 3 years ago

@ECGreaves: - 3 years ago

@ohhellno202: This hurts... Rest in Power Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@AmaniEdwardsPhD: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@joesoap435: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@realfacade1: So sad to learn about the passing of Lani Guinier. She was a modern Civil Rights trailblazer. Beautiful woman, bril… - 3 years ago

@kopticking: @Sifill_LDF @NAACP_LDF Omg, Lani Guinier too. She's all those things you mentioned. May she rest in power 🙏🏿. - 3 years ago

@MoniquePressley: Just hearing a legal giant, civil rights scholar/visionary and personal shero has transitioned. 1st Black woman Har… - 3 years ago

@bellewitch66: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@DrizLam: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@amandaepsteinn: RT @DeborahNArcher: So sad to hear about the passing of Professor Lani Guinier. Her work and life charted a path for justice that so many o… - 3 years ago

@trisquire: RT @neweyno: We lost another titan in Prof. Lani Guinier - 3 years ago

@FGossGraves: So very sad to hear about the passing of Lani Guinier. I started law school a few years after she published Becomin… - 3 years ago

@Charlenegapeach: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@BIHHeelsPodcast: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Dudette9t9: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@phlyyDiva: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@kahruveldesign: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@RoverMack: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@EG10029: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@onlooker45: RT @rolandsmartin: More sad news: Lani Guinier, the first woman of color to get tenure at Harvard Law School, has passed away. She was 71.… - 3 years ago

@FinallyDeirdre: RT @adambonin: I don't know that I'd ever seen this Jesse Jackson quote from 1993, but, damn. Bill Clinton killed her nomination without le… - 3 years ago

@RedBearPhilly: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@chxhd: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@jholtham: RT @MsLaToshaBrown: Her work was extraordinary. Rest In Peace, Sister Leader. - 3 years ago

@nabjprez2011: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

@sweetmomb: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@HiltonKelly1: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@EG10029: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@shmr50: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@BetzMyboyblue11: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@realfacade1: RT @Erika_K_Wilson: Lani Guinier & Sidney Portier on the same day. What a tremendous loss but both lived very full & meaningful lives. The… - 3 years ago

@SpeaksAthena: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Houckadoodledoo: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Hutchinson17Tim: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@wunderkind87: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@KempoJesse: Oh my goodness, Lani Guinier. What a loss. Thank you for everything you gave to so many. May her memory be a blessing. - 3 years ago

@AnitaPeck11: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Linda1746: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ChuckModi1: RT @dereckapurnell: I don't even know what to say of Lani Guinier's passing. She was a giant and mentor to so many. She supported student a… - 3 years ago

@MHPoison1: RT @DavidpStein: RIP the great Lani Guinier, whom I first read in the Junior Colloquium in African American Studies with Demetrius Eudell.… - 3 years ago

@AfAmResearch: RT @cmslaughter: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer. Her work on civil rights, voting rights, and Race theory led me to academia. What a loss. - 3 years ago

@ladyc10: RT @keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights. But h… - 3 years ago

@SBelleHtown: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@AudresFootsteps: Rest in perfect peace, Lani Guinier. ✊🏾💔 - 3 years ago

@BkQ_LLC: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@ECMcLaughlin: RT @dereckapurnell: I don't even know what to say of Lani Guinier's passing. She was a giant and mentor to so many. She supported student a… - 3 years ago

@Just1cherries: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@keithboykin: Lani Guinier was a brilliant legal scholar nominated by Bill Clinton as assistant attorney general for civil rights… - 3 years ago

@kpowellmanning: RT @LeslieProll: Words cannot begin to describe loss of Lani Guinier—to civil rights community, academia & entire nation. She was a brillia… - 3 years ago

@Mikewx9999: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@cannylou: RT @JNelsonLDF: Grieving the loss of @NAACP_LDF alum, professor, writer & mother Lani Guinier. She was a legal giant, visionary of justice… - 3 years ago

@clandersen: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@FemGeniuses: Rest in perfect peace, Lani Guinier. ✊🏾💔 - 3 years ago

@buzzdroopy9: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@AmericandosN: Rest in Power & join our Scared Ancestors, Lani Guinier! BC of the political education provided by #BreakingBrown… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Lani Guinier - #LaniGuinier #Lani #Guinier #rip - 3 years ago

@SheaMyName215: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@noelle4humans: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@dnbrgr: RT @DavidpStein: RIP the great Lani Guinier, whom I first read in the Junior Colloquium in African American Studies with Demetrius Eudell.… - 3 years ago

@Beverlyb11: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@newdaynewlife11: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@mssdarling: RT @KBDPHD: Lani Guinier was more than just a brilliant legal mind. She was a courageous pioneer who blazed trails & never lost sight of he… - 3 years ago

@DetroitDeeDee: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@kdrabinski: So grateful for all that Lani Guinier's work taught me. What a loss. - 3 years ago

@itsmorenamorena: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@NefariousNewt: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@SnipzPA: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@ChuckModi1: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@TheKoolcat01: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@ASosway: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@Fran_Neena20409: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@crowe104: RT @ClintSmithIII: Legal scholar Lani Guinier, who has written extensively about the myth of meritocracy for years, captures it best: https… - 3 years ago

@tafkam08: RT @JaniceOCG: Lani Guinier was a trailblazer, warrior, and legal giant of my generation. She created a new depth for civil rights, voting… - 3 years ago

@ReaderUnnatural: RT @ElieNYC: Sadden to learn that Lani Guinier has passed away. She taught me pretty much everything I know about voting right and, more im… - 3 years ago

@sivavaid: RT @johnson_carrie: Harvard Law School Dean John Manning confirms professor emerita Lani Guinier died peacefully at age 71 this morning. Gu… - 3 years ago

@Charliebdachef: RT @carterda: Lani Guinier, civil rights champion and Harvard law professor, dies at 71 - 3 years ago

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