Laeticia Kikonyogo

Ugandan judge
Died on Wednesday November 29th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Laeticia Kikonyogo:

@marc1705: RT @UgandanLawyer: This is an excellent eulogy on DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Mukasa Kikonyogo (RIP) by Counsel Karoli Ssemwogerere in @DailyMoni… - 7 years ago

@BashMutumba: RT @nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from active service a… - 7 years ago

@thepearltimes: Mugisha Muntu Eulogizes Laeticia Kikonyogo | #PearlTimesNews - 7 years ago

@thepearltimes: Mugisha Muntu Eulogizes Laeticia Kikonyogo | #PearlTimesNews - 7 years ago


@SkMugisha: RT @thepearltimes: Mugisha Muntu Eulogizes Laeticia Kikonyogo - 7 years ago

@thepearltimes: Mugisha Muntu Eulogizes Laeticia Kikonyogo - 7 years ago

@bkabumba: RT @UgandanLawyer: This is an excellent eulogy on DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Mukasa Kikonyogo (RIP) by Counsel Karoli Ssemwogerere in @DailyMoni… - 7 years ago

@AkimanziShane: RT @UgandanLawyer: This is an excellent eulogy on DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Mukasa Kikonyogo (RIP) by Counsel Karoli Ssemwogerere in @DailyMoni… - 7 years ago

@KampalaPost: Casket containing the body of late deputy Chief Justice Lady Justice Laeticia Mukasa Kikonyogo has arrived at… - 7 years ago

@UgandanLawyer: This is an excellent eulogy on DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Mukasa Kikonyogo (RIP) by Counsel Karoli Ssemwogerere in… - 7 years ago

@halimah_kaggwa: RT @nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from active service a… - 7 years ago

@mwesimbu: RT @bukeddeonline: Omulamuzi Laeticia Kikonyogo afudde akyabanja Gav't akasiimo ka myaka 39 , - 7 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Laeticia Kikonyogo - #LaeticiaKikonyogo #Laeticia #Kikonyogo #rip - 7 years ago

@BGanjae: RT @nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from active service a… - 7 years ago

@nampwera1: RT @nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from active service a… - 7 years ago

@akorising: RT @nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from active service a… - 7 years ago

@nbstv: Chief Justice Bart Katureebe has criticized government for failing to take care of judges when they retire from act… - 7 years ago

@nash2j: RT @newvisionwire: VIDEO: New Vision TV Justice Laeticia Kikonyogo was special - legislators - 7 years ago

@thepearltimes: Judiciary Mourns Laeticia Kikonyogo | #PearlTimesNews - 7 years ago

@thepearltimes: Judiciary Mourns Laeticia Kikonyogo - 7 years ago

@bukeddeonline: Omulamuzi Laeticia Kikonyogo afudde akyabanja Gav't akasiimo ka myaka 39 , - 7 years ago

@newvisionwire: VIDEO: New Vision TV Justice Laeticia Kikonyogo was special - legislators - 7 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Laeticia Kikonyogo Ugandan judge - 7 years ago

@UMWAandMamaFM: We celebrate your life DCK Emeritus Laeticia - 7 years ago

@912CroozeFM: #CroozefmNews Chief Justice Bart Katurebe at the Eulogy of late Former Deputy Chief Justice, Laeticia Kikonyogo at… - 7 years ago

@FitzSsebu: RT @DailyMonitor: JUST IN. Former Deputy Chief Justice Laeticia Kikonyogo has died - 7 years ago

@sosborn62: RT @FIDA_Uganda: We Celebrate the Life of our Senior Member, DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Kikonyogo. How we shall miss the light you always brough… - 7 years ago

@MakabayiMercie: RT @FIDA_Uganda: We Celebrate the Life of our Senior Member, DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Kikonyogo. How we shall miss the light you always brough… - 7 years ago

@nkali_biggie: RT @FIDA_Uganda: We Celebrate the Life of our Senior Member, DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Kikonyogo. How we shall miss the light you always brough… - 7 years ago

@1ManUtdGirl: RT @FIDA_Uganda: We Celebrate the Life of our Senior Member, DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Kikonyogo. How we shall miss the light you always brough… - 7 years ago

@Women4WomenUG: RT @FIDA_Uganda: We Celebrate the Life of our Senior Member, DCJ Emeritus Laeticia Kikonyogo. How we shall miss the light you always brough… - 7 years ago

@Made_in_Apac: RT @newvisionwire: The former Deputy Chief Justice, Laeticia Mukasa-Kikonyogo, who died last Thursday, is to be buried on Saturday. We have… - 7 years ago

@Mugerwa_Ahmed: RT @newvisionwire: The former Deputy Chief Justice, Laeticia Mukasa-Kikonyogo, who died last Thursday, is to be buried on Saturday. We have… - 7 years ago

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