Lady Elizabeth Shakerley

British socialite.
Died on Sunday November 1st 2020

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Lady Elizabeth Shakerley:

@vaninaswchindt: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@Fantanjan: RT @jimslateruk: GOD BLESS THE QUEEN The Queen, wearing black, in mourning for her late cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. The Queen is a tru… - 4 years ago

@Dailybugle1898: GOD BLESS THE QUEEN The Queen, wearing black, in mourning for her late cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. The Queen i… - 4 years ago

@molliekatie: RT @LaurasMiscMovie: Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago


@LaurasMiscMovie: Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@EricdeBeukelaer: RT @TheRoyalExpert: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died at 79. She was a party planner, assisting in many a prvt royal event including parts… - 4 years ago

@chiaradivalenti: RT @crownchronicles: The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has sadly passed away, aged 79. She had been one of Her Majesty's party planners since… - 4 years ago

@VanessaGillieo: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@The_QVDS: 🚨 NEWS: The Queen did not attend a possible funeral for Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, as I initially assumed, in fact s… - 4 years ago

@TildaAng: RT @LouiseGhislaine: Queen is sombre in black as she leaves Windsor Castle by car days after death of her party planner cousin Lady Elizabe… - 4 years ago

@themicronations: RT @TSahonte: This afternoon the Imperial Court held a moment of silence and prayer, at the Icon of Saint Nicholas in the Imperial Chapel,… - 4 years ago

@TSahonte: This afternoon the Imperial Court held a moment of silence and prayer, at the Icon of Saint Nicholas in the Imperia… - 4 years ago

@CarthAntilles: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@asksab2: RT @Femail: Queen is sombre in black as she leaves Windsor Castle by car days after death of her party planner cousin Lady Elizabeth Shaker… - 4 years ago

@Femail: Queen is sombre in black as she leaves Windsor Castle by car days after death of her party planner cousin Lady Eliz… - 4 years ago

@LouiseGhislaine: Queen is sombre in black as she leaves Windsor Castle by car days after death of her party planner cousin Lady Eliz… - 4 years ago

@_crazy_Freddie_: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@gradmari: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@chapoisat: 🇪🇦Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, popular organizadora de eventos del Reino Unido y prima de Elizabeth II, muere a los 79… - 4 years ago

@protocolblogger: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, Queen’s cousin and party planner, has died at the age of 79 - 4 years ago

@Lumenetlaetare: Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@PrinceCharIes_: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, party-planner to royalty and the international jet set – obituary - 4 years ago

@Reine_deCoeur: RT @PointDeVueMag: Qui était lady Elizabeth Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine ? @AMoriceKerneven ➡️ - 4 years ago

@DelBrone: RT @PointDeVueMag: Qui était lady Elizabeth Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine ? @AMoriceKerneven ➡️ - 4 years ago

@les_mels: RT @ActusRoyales: Mort de Lady Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine Elizabeth II était aussi l'organisatrice de ses réceptions. https:/… - 4 years ago

@FilippoCarmigna: Queen´s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@IshvaraDeva: AND I GOT IT THE NEXT DAY...Lady Elizabeth Shakerley 79, British socialite...FEMALE PERSONA OF HARRY OPPENHEIMER... - 4 years ago

@mezynskiaureli1: Sa vie fut une fête. Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousine d'#Elizabeth II du côté de sa mère, la princesse Anne de Dan… - 4 years ago

@regbit1: Siga em paz para eternidade - 4 years ago

@PointDeVueMag: Qui était lady Elizabeth Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine ? @AMoriceKerneven ➡️ - 4 years ago

@TupouLady: @RoyalFamily Greetings Your Beautiful Majesty Our Heavenly Father Jehovah's Aka Hashem's Love & Blessings Our S… - 4 years ago

@Eloise92i: #News : Elizabeth II endeuillée : Lady Shakerley, sa cousine et amie, est décédée - 4 years ago

@purepeople: Elizabeth II endeuillée : Lady Shakerley, sa cousine et amie, est décédée - 4 years ago

@AlexWEllis: “She observed that what made a good party was not the gormandising but the guests”. - 4 years ago

@Corsiar9: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@shinangovani: RT @telegraphobits: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, party-planner to royalty and the international jet set – obituary - 4 years ago

@RogerFaliga: RT @ProRoyalFamily: Oh my goodness, I just heard the news about the passing of Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. She's passed away aged seventy-nin… - 4 years ago

@Hispaniarum_Rex: - 4 years ago

@EthanHopkinson: Sad to have learned of Lady Elizabeth Shakerley’s death. My thoughts are with HM The Queen and Lady Elizabeth’s fam… - 4 years ago

@telegraphobits: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, party-planner to royalty and the international jet set – obituary - 4 years ago

@hackneywick: RT @Royal_Matcher: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@BeFriasM: RT @Rev_TodoLoChic: Falleció Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, prima de Elizabeth II y reconocida organizadora de eventos - 4 years ago

@Metropoles: Prima da rainha Elizabeth II e uma de suas melhores amigas e confidentes, Lady Elizabeth Shakerley morreu na madrug… - 4 years ago

@Karkouch3: - 4 years ago

@FraGuyard: Décès de lady Elizabeth Shakerley (1941-2020) - 4 years ago

@HolbacheRd: RT @ProRoyalFamily: Oh my goodness, I just heard the news about the passing of Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. She's passed away aged seventy-nin… - 4 years ago

@ProRoyalFamily: Oh my goodness, I just heard the news about the passing of Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. She's passed away aged seventy… - 4 years ago

@ScheinbergN: RT @Royal_Matcher: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@nellis13371: The HRH Queen Elizabeth II has my condolences. The Queen is mourning after her cousin and close friend, Lady Eliza… - 4 years ago

@darmo_l: RT @Royal_Matcher: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@MaryJasper2: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@ParisMatch: RT @Royal_Matcher: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@garsampath: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Rev_TodoLoChic: Falleció Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, prima de Elizabeth II y reconocida organizadora de eventos… - 4 years ago

@Rev_TodoLoChic: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, prima de Elizabeth II y reconocida organizadora de eventos - 4 years ago

@Royal_Matcher: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@ParisMatch: La reine Elizabeth II en deuil: sa cousine Lady Elizabeth Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@HelloCanada: The Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died - 4 years ago

@Rumaisakhan61: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth #Shakerley dies at 79 #RiP💔 #LadyElizabethShakerley - 4 years ago

@DipenduC: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@Tatlermagazine: The Queen is in mourning following the death of her cousin and chief party planner, Lady Elizabeth Shakerley - 4 years ago

@TRACEY86357978: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@FarooqHaidar15: RT @arynewsud: لیڈی الزبتھ 79 برس کی عمر میں چل بسیں #ARYNewsUrdu - 4 years ago

@asadkhanghori2: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@royalwhisper: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@RoyalementBlog: RT @tessy_de: Very very sad news! Lady E. you will be greatly missed!!! Thank you for everything! My most sincere condolences to her famil… - 4 years ago

@mmusa5053: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@AndrewJCanale: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@royalweddingwin: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch - 4 years ago

@Peter85181668: RT @tessy_de: Very very sad news! Lady E. you will be greatly missed!!! Thank you for everything! My most sincere condolences to her famil… - 4 years ago

@tessy_de: Very very sad news! Lady E. you will be greatly missed!!! Thank you for everything! My most sincere condolences to… - 4 years ago

@AbbieRoyal_01: RT @theroyaleditor: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty who organised many of the biggest royal parties,… - 4 years ago

@AbbieRoyal_01: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@AbbieRoyal_01: RT @crownchronicles: The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has sadly passed away, aged 79. She had been one of Her Majesty's party planners since… - 4 years ago

@AbbieRoyal_01: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@AbbieRoyal_01: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@FrankfurterKra1: RT @RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@tomoshibi6o6o: RT @ActusRoyales: Mort de Lady Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine Elizabeth II était aussi l'organisatrice de ses réceptions. https:/… - 4 years ago

@ActusRoyales: Mort de Lady Shakerley, la petite-cousine de la reine Elizabeth II était aussi l'organisatrice de ses réceptions. - 4 years ago

@Newscorner111: Queen Elizabeth heartbroken as her cousin Lady Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@kkbkmylove: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@Ale_Campos_GUA: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@TRH_WandC: RT @RoyaleVision: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies at 79 - 4 years ago

@LadyCecilyNevil: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@BrianJo73: Share on Twitter - 4 years ago

@sewingaround: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@TRH_WandC: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@bestgug: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty who organised many of the biggest royal part… - 4 years ago

@cherydgibson: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@ASaidiani: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@Ntezihigojosep3: Elizabeth II en deuil : sa cousine et amie Lady Shakerley est morte - 4 years ago

@rumijulie: RT @PA: The Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Contentemens: - 4 years ago

@PA: The Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died aged 79 - 4 years ago

@peaceambassad20: Queen´s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@KareCarado: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@RoyaleVision: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies at 79 - 4 years ago

@matttimms2: RT @MirrorBreaking_: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@Adelsexpertin: RT @RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@CarolPoyerPeett: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty who organised many of the biggest royal part… - 4 years ago

@royalmusing: I cannot believe that @RoyalCentral has yet to correct Moniek Bloks' article on Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. She and… - 4 years ago

@CarolPP9: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty who organised many of the biggest royal part… - 4 years ago

@MrsThomp2: RT @RoyalArjan: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands prematurely left the wedding festivities for the current King and Queen of Spain in 2004 t… - 4 years ago

@craiguk1983: RIP Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. Loved her interview with @KayBurley a few years ago. - 4 years ago

@MrsThomp2: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@joannedavison54: RT @royalmusing: I received a message this morning about the death of lady Elizabeth Shakerley, 1st cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth… - 4 years ago

@MrsThomp2: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@murphgorod: RT @RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@SouzaEluam: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@misticdream: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@PCharlesWatch: RT @RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@zebratigre: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@4im8hJV7aYKpppY: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@ScottishSun: The Queen’s cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@CambridgesNews: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@CambridgesNews: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@poneill17: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@__biaduarte: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@PepeLee171: - 4 years ago

@crownchronicles: The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has sadly passed away, aged 79. She had been one of Her Majesty's party planners sin… - 4 years ago

@buyu_b: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@KingBaldwinIV: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@jaffri_rehan: RT @arynewsud: لیڈی الزبتھ 79 برس کی عمر میں چل بسیں #ARYNewsUrdu - 4 years ago

@4im8hJV7aYKpppY: RT @RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@PatsyJa26446841: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@JCharrison: RT @Daily_Express: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch  - 4 years ago

@TheWantedFan21: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@ImranChNSNews: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@CherylKate_News: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@SomewhereCarr: RT @SomewhereCarr: Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@SomewhereCarr: Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@speakkam: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@reina_cunanan: 11/1/2020 Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin and party planner to British Queen Elizabeth, has died at the age of 79.… - 4 years ago

@Imagine_italy: RT @Daily_Express: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch  - 4 years ago

@Gertsroyals: RT @Gertsroyals: The Royal Victorian Order is given for personal service to the Monarchy. Lady Elizabeth Shakerley is the Queen’s 1st cous… - 4 years ago

@reina_cunanan: 11/1/2020 Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin and party planner to British Queen Elizabeth, has died at the age of 79.… - 4 years ago

@reina_cunanan: 11/1/2020 Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, Queen’s cousin and party planner, has died at the age of 79. So many memories… - 4 years ago

@fotopak: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Paul04077281: - 4 years ago

@StageCenterNow: RT @Daily_Express: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch  - 4 years ago

@Victoria01111: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@royalmusing: ⁦@RoyalCentral⁩ Lady Elizabeth Shakerley Was not a widow she and Geoffrey divorced in 2009 his third wife Virginia… - 4 years ago

@Daily_Express: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch  - 4 years ago

@RoyalCentral: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, cousin of The Queen, has died at 79. - 4 years ago

@royalteawithjam: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Victoria01111: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@mmaduka_obi: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@DrPhilipSmyth: Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79  - 4 years ago

@c255666a459a495: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch - 4 years ago

@GoldstarTMG: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@jenkers_en: Queen's cousin and party planner Lady #Elizabeth #Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@theroyaleditor: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty who organised many of the biggest royal part… - 4 years ago

@jahanzeb_baig: RT @arynewsud: لیڈی الزبتھ 79 برس کی عمر میں چل بسیں #ARYNewsUrdu - 4 years ago

@Adelsexpertin: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@steocossavella: RT @Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@SpudQueen19: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@gobradiouk: Queen´s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@AlastairBruce_: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@JodyBel56543350: RT @boblister_poole: Queen´s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Gertsroyals: The Queen's cousin and party planner Lady Elizabeth Shakerley died at aged 79 - 4 years ago

@nightwatchman20: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@natcorn: RT @TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@lutfann_: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@TesourasTiaras: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@Daily_Record: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies at 79 - 4 years ago

@LaxMusgrave: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@TheGetUpDanceUK: Queen’s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@podsave: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@ricardojuarez14: RT @MirrorBreaking_: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@MinakshiMondal9: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@Da_Show_Stopper: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch - 4 years ago

@NaaishaG: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@HolbacheRd: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@BjCathrine: Queen´s cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@jesusperezloza: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@DrKISEKKAMARTI2: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@stPaul51901553: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@icaritoparrales: RT @MirrorBreaking_: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@DrKISEKKAMARTI2: RT @Daily_Express: Royal heartbreak: Queen’s cousin dies in tragic moment for monarch - 4 years ago

@MichleHaudebou1: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@paupable: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@LaxMusgrave: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@thelagosguyy: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@ThomsonLord: RT @DailyMailUK: Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley, a close friend of Her Majesty, dies aged 79 - 4 years ago

@ThomsonLord: @AlastairBruce_ @StephenKnott_ Lady Elizabeth Shakerley ,oh dear,RIP - 4 years ago

@autoworldmag: RT @RoyalArjan: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died, aged 79. She was a first cousin once removed of Queen Elizabeth II, sister of the 5th E… - 4 years ago

@HumbertoZamoraR: RT @DailyMirror: Queen's heartbreak as cousin and friend Lady Elizabeth Shakerley dies - 4 years ago

@TheSun: The Queen's cousin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died  - 4 years ago

@campcambridge: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@Sisteridw: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@saadsalman719: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@LeadYouBackHome: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@MehmetOgutlu2: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@RoyalFamily_Fan: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has passed away - #Lady #rip - 4 years ago

@sheikhofchic: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@asksab2: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@gala_royals: Queen Elizabeth trauert um ihre Cousine und gute Freundin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. Sie ist im Alter von 79 Jahren… - 4 years ago

@LoopyCrown3: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@lovecambridges_: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@gala: Queen Elizabeth trauert um ihre Cousine und gute Freundin Lady Elizabeth Shakerley. Sie ist im Alter von 79 Jahren… - 4 years ago

@DatiuSalvia: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@katecambridge98: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@WorldofWindsor: RT @TheRoyalExpert: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died at 79. She was a party planner, assisting in many a prvt royal event including parts… - 4 years ago

@WorldofWindsor: RT @pdratcliffe: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (nee Anson) died today aged 79. First Cousin to The Queen and sister to Lord Patrick Lichfield.… - 4 years ago

@thedyingswann: RT @The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a member of t… - 4 years ago

@YumikoKokuryu: @AlastairBruce_ @StephenKnott_ May soul of the Lady Elizabeth Shakerley rest in peace - 4 years ago

@leon_yeison: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@RoyalCorrespond: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@royalmusing: I received a message this morning about the death of lady Elizabeth Shakerley, 1st cousin once removed of Queen Eli… - 4 years ago

@TheRoyalExpert: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley has died at 79. She was a party planner, assisting in many a prvt royal event including pa… - 4 years ago

@The_QVDS: Very sad news: Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (neé Anson), passed away this morning. Lady Elizabeth despite not being a m… - 4 years ago

@__biaduarte: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@navrotskiy61: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

@cwtaker: RT @AlastairBruce_: Early this morning The Lady Elizabeth Shakerley (Liza) died. She was great friend & cousin to The Queen, who made her a… - 4 years ago

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