L. Tom Perry

American apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Died on Saturday May 30th 2015

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to L. Tom Perry:

@autumn_farr: RT @lds_perspective: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." ~ L. Tom Perry

@ItsPaulito: RT @DavidArchie: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." RIP Elder L. Tom Perry

@desia37: Un gran Hombre L. Tom Perry #lds #Mormon

@neelystagg: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563


@CarlosMiguelSUD: Antes de morrer, Elder L. Tom Perry deu um último conselho a todos os membros http://t.co/aVoRsF6Xw9

@kiahlyn_terry6: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563

@MichaelBacera: 150 Quotes from each of Elder Perry's Conference Addresses http://t.co/iUerHxLDEg via @@LDMorning

@elliemahxy: RT @DavidArchie: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." RIP Elder L. Tom Perry

@candyce_damron: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563

@wainmyers: RT @MrCarraway23: "The only way to find lasting peace is to look to Him." Elder L. Tom Perry

@NoticiasSUD: Veja como foi o serviço funerário do Elder L Tom Perry. http://t.co/EGiYd7TokA

@taylorashly02: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563

@SpokieJoss: RT @DeseretNews: "Today's complexities demand greater #simplicity." - Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/XALLqvqt4F http://t.co/lmgzpslQBP

@natethegreat__2: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563

@kim_may_duncan: RT @1dustilewis: Can we just take a moment and remember when P. Diddy quoted L. Tom Perry http://t.co/OQwTCgL563

@Mswordsmith_08: RT @LDSMessages: "Family ties can continue beyond the grave." — L. Tom Perry #ElderPerry http://t.co/AQkBe4r1CK

@MeadDawn: RT @LDSquotable: the older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness. - Elder L. Tom …

@bigred_413: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." L. Tom Perry

@godlivess: RT @DeseretNews: President Monson to speak at Elder L. Tom Perry funeral; Elder Scott in attendance http://t.co/UUYEBQRmEQ http://t.co/1sJO…

@Lilism95: RT @mormon_news: Death of L. Tom Perry means Mormon church must choose new apostle - Kansas City Star http://t.co/M3mJYRGcE0 - #mormons

@EmilyBritish: RT @DavidArchie: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." RIP Elder L. Tom Perry

@CesarPobz: RT @DavidArchie: "One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves." RIP Elder L. Tom Perry

@mormon_news: Death of L. Tom Perry means Mormon church must choose new apostle - Kansas City Star http://t.co/M3mJYRGcE0 - #mormons

@MormonNewsPac: Funeral Services Held on Temple Square for Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/cEuDAp1Zbp via @MormonNewsPac

@004nino: RIP 2724) Top-ranking Mormon leader L. Tom Perry dies from cancer at age 92 : May 30, 2015 http://t.co/XukTSTwSGe

@neo_ric: RT @elfaromormon: [Video] Funeral del élder L. Tom Perry, honrado por su familia e Iglesia http://t.co/U8hoDwlJFx http://t.co/xYoI1YT5gQ

@BibliotecaSud1: https://t.co/J63yIYBaXy http://t.co/xvzsJMYFi1

@anabobo065: [Video] Funeral del élder L. Tom Perry, honrado por su familia e Iglesia http://t.co/3HqXfMgbMf

@iamjomellucas: RT @iamdiddy: One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves. – L. Tom Perry

@iamjomellucas: RT @LDSquotable: the older I get, the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness. - Elder L. Tom …

@HealTweets: Mormon leader L. Tom Perry honored at public funeral - Merced Sun-Star: Fox NewsMormon leader L. Tom Perry hon... http://t.co/9xADuUBBEY

@latina_culture: RT @mormontimes: "Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world, everything depends on Him." -Elder Perry | Watch Elder Perry's funeral http…

@heidirichhart1: Definately need to listen to and read about his funeral.... -... http://t.co/pyY3sWhGCl

@CarolHa08708537: RT @LDSPrinciples: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and the best is yet to come-Elder L Tom Perry #christ #jesus #christian #lds http://…

@mydUkeS: RT @LDSnet: Loved Ones Celebrate the Life of Elder L. Tom Perry at Funeral Services #LDS #Mormon #ShareGoodness http://t.co/m9sEl0tiz5

@Jazz_Rumors: President Monson to speak at Elder L. Tom Perry funeral; Elder Scott ... http://t.co/zcYZrPEjPx

@thehaleytyler: RT @DeseretNews: "If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?" - Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/XALLqvqt4F http://t.…

@mistilynmm: RT @DeseretNews: "If you don't raise the bar, how will you ever know your potential?" - Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/XALLqvqt4F http://t.…

@mistilynmm: RT @MrCarraway23: "The only way to find lasting peace is to look to Him." Elder L. Tom Perry

@SteveNovakNews: President Monson to speak at Elder L. Tom Perry funeral; Elder Scott ... http://t.co/16g743w5Mq

@vakaviti: President Monson, other LDS leaders and family honor Elder L. Tom Perry at funeral | Deseret News http://t.co/N44DIsHHTp

@CarolHa08708537: RT @DeseretNews: "#Family is the center of life. It is the key to eternal happiness." - Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/XALLqvqt4F http://t.…

@ChoralArena: regram @mormontabchoir The Choir singing at the funeral of Elder L. Tom Perry this morning in the Salt Lake Taberna… http://t.co/ofxwos6Lse

@UtahJazzAllNews: President Monson to speak at Elder L. Tom Perry funeral; Elder Scott ... http://t.co/FR0S68pbIn

@aaronbag1ey: RT @MormonNewsroom: Funeral Services Held on Temple Square for Elder L. Tom Perry http://t.co/CsCfWC8jxl #ElderPerry http://t.co/2SrZSpdHTD

@TheCampaignPage: #NZ Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral http://t.co/3yFlUZnUAC #Herald

@AussiBodySecret: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/haTl7QVBQy

@stnolito: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Yakima Herald-Republic http://t.co/ErN9008Xl9

@vjthpsn: L. Tom Perry U.S. Marine passed at age 92 http://t.co/oC7G3Qb08x

@adamspickter: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/ZXA0zbL4kw

@ehealthandfitne: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/stTDo5QdOC

@BCancerT: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral http://t.co/MmjWnfEX8v #CancerAwareness

@constanthealth: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral: SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Thousands are expected to at... http://t.co/nVtwINwiD9

@reducebellyfatx: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/Lx7prZ19iM

@Menssexualhealt: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/GdKr2gke7T

@fatburningfoodx: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/4C11aKKyHn

@Eating4Energy: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/oXKsaeCeT9

@weightlosscalc1: Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/bFNZFUBFt7

@AlidaVical: http://t.co/KStLKTqRce Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Salon http://t.co/YZCE04y6z6

@GlobaHealthNews: "Thousands expected at Mormon leader L. Tom Perry's funeral - Yakima Herald-Republic" http://t.co/t8VEu93T6j #HealthNews

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