Kyoto Animation arson attack

Japanese colorist (Hyouka
Died on Friday July 26th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Kyoto Animation arson attack:

@brian_carnell: RT @jakeadelstein: The fire that killed 44 people in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s once sprawling red-light disrupt, was probably arson. The arsonist… - 6 years ago

@PerfectStormo: RT @jakeadelstein: The fire that killed 44 people in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s once sprawling red-light disrupt, was probably arson. The arsonist… - 6 years ago

@arclight: RT @jakeadelstein: The fire that killed 44 people in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s once sprawling red-light disrupt, was probably arson. The arsonist… - 6 years ago

@jakeadelstein: The fire that killed 44 people in Kabukicho, Tokyo’s once sprawling red-light disrupt, was probably arson. The arso… - 6 years ago


@mintkazuera: @ThePadfoot101 At kyoto animation studio, it wasn’t a shooting. It was an arson attack meaning people were burnt al… - 6 years ago

@arahman97: @speculawyer @RonOC777 @MSNBC @oneunderscore__ THIS WAS LESS THAN A MONTH AGO! - 6 years ago

@RigelNightBug: 京都アニメーション放火事件の悲劇は、日本アニメの価値と「世界的な喪失感」の大きさを浮き彫りにした @wired_jp - 6 years ago

@nofrills: RT @HirokoTabuchi: Those threats took on added seriousness after the recent deadly arson attack on Kyoto Animation, according to HuffPo. So… - 6 years ago

@downpressor: @regisarnaud @Thoton This right after the arson attack on the Kyoto animation studio. Pulling the exhibition is a b… - 6 years ago

@DrLemonstrange: RT @polyrhythmic_bw: Yasuhiro Takemoto, who has directed Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2009 ver), Hyoka, Amagi Brilliant P… - 6 years ago

@RaltsB: Might I suggest a trip to Wikipedia? I'd suggest looking up: Oklahoma City Bombing, Twin Towers Attack, Pentagon A… - 6 years ago

@cquiz3: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@tlreed: Top animation directors Yasuhiro Takemoto and Futoshi Nishiya were among the talent killed by last month’s arson at… - 6 years ago

@stixlovestwiter: The Kyoto Animation arson attack occurred at Kyoto Animation's Studio 1 building in the Fushimi ward of Kyoto, Japa… - 6 years ago

@musings_n: @stillgray The /a/ board on 4chan helped raise thousands of dollars for Kyoto Animation after they had an awful ars… - 6 years ago

@musings_n: @AOC Not that you care, but on the /a/ (anime) board of 4chan, many people were helping to raise funds for Kyoto An… - 6 years ago

@nembotavy_0101: RT @HiroshiHootoo: 《One of the faxes it received read, “I will bring a gasoline container to the museum,” which drew associations with the… - 6 years ago

@neverendanime: RT @HiroshiHootoo: 《One of the faxes it received read, “I will bring a gasoline container to the museum,” which drew associations with the… - 6 years ago

@HiroshiHootoo: 《One of the faxes it received read, “I will bring a gasoline container to the museum,” which drew associations with… - 6 years ago

@sparkyofAlberta: RT @HirokoTabuchi: Those threats took on added seriousness after the recent deadly arson attack on Kyoto Animation, according to HuffPo. So… - 6 years ago

@_pameladp: RT @RocketNews24En: X Japan's Yoshiki opens heart, wallet following Kyoto Animation arson attack. - 6 years ago

@veronica_jean08: RT @kyodo_english: Japanese rock icon #Yoshiki, leader and drummer of #XJapan, donates 10 million yen (US$93,380) to a fundraising drive in… - 6 years ago

@veronica_jean08: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@lincalc: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@F_a_r_r_a_h_: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@Cenkazor: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@kiciok15: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@Kisieki: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@kaizen__: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@RbrewerByron: KYOTO ANIMATION WILL RELEASE ITS NEW FILM AS PLANNED! @kyoani's latest film will keep regular schedule despite rece… - 6 years ago

@Mar_Villas: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@RbrewerByron: KYOTO ANIMATION ANIME FILMS GET THEATRICAL RE-RELEASES IN JAPAN! Re-emergence following the horrific arson attack.… - 6 years ago

@lavenderkiss: RT @RocketNews24En: X Japan's Yoshiki opens heart, wallet following Kyoto Animation arson attack. - 6 years ago

@kimirobin: RT @kyodo_english: Japanese rock icon #Yoshiki, leader and drummer of #XJapan, donates 10 million yen (US$93,380) to a fundraising drive in… - 6 years ago

@YohukashiNeko3: RT @kyodo_english: Japanese rock icon #Yoshiki, leader and drummer of #XJapan, donates 10 million yen (US$93,380) to a fundraising drive in… - 6 years ago

@jaustine316: RT @kyodo_english: JUST IN: Kyoto Animation arson victims named, including renowned "Lucky Star" director Yasuhiro Takemoto, "Free!" direct… - 6 years ago

@Frankartoon: Death Toll Rises to 34 in Kyoto Animation Studio Arson Attack :( - 6 years ago

@Frankartoon: At Least 26 Dead in Suspected Arson Attack at Kyoto Animation Studio in Japan :( - 6 years ago

@Frankartoon: Death Toll Rises to 34 in Kyoto Animation Studio Arson Attack - 6 years ago

@Frankartoon: At Least 26 Dead in Suspected Arson Attack at Kyoto Animation Studio in Japan - 6 years ago

@SnsTeaBreak: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@GrantMcLellan9: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@cryptidcatra: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@Ringo_Snoop: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@refresh_daemon: We've learned a little more about the arsonist/murderer's motives, but none of it makes me feel any better about th… - 6 years ago

@MichaelSocas: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@mrn0177: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@CynthiaSyreneO: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@shyduroff: RT @ghuzmi: "KyotoAnimation, the Japanese anime studio hit by a devastating arson attack Thursday(Japan's worst mass murder in the post-war… - 6 years ago

@EroBotan: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@FantasyandScifi: Kyoto Animation Arson Attack: All Server Data was Recovered Without Loss - 6 years ago

@DelMarTruther: RT @JohnTheWhite1: @ROYALMRBADNEWS Surely the person who could do such a thing in response to a creative rejection must be very unwell? Spe… - 6 years ago

@Hadigee1: RT @JohnTheWhite1: @ROYALMRBADNEWS Surely the person who could do such a thing in response to a creative rejection must be very unwell? Spe… - 6 years ago

@Clockwork_Pixel: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@Dead684: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@KingFahad360: RT @Animated_Antic: Apparently, some data from Kyoto Animation has survived the fire. This is some slightly good news though I'm still pret… - 6 years ago

@msmegane13: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@lisleweapon: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@JamieTengan415: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@Gentryland: Kyoto Animation Arson Attack: Suspect Had Submitted a Novel to Company - 6 years ago

@megamisama_ann: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@SableFilms: Data on Kyoto Animation Server Survives Arson Attack - 6 years ago

@AsuiChii: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@ngewpie: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@The_News_DIVA: Kyoto Animation Arson Attack: Suspect Had Submitted a Novel to Company - 6 years ago

@Taka_Obata: RT @RocketNews24En: Kyoto Animation's annual novel contest may have been a factor in the tragic arson attack on its studio. - 6 years ago

@DoctorWhat1983: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Suspect had submitted a novel to the company - 6 years ago

@GavinJBlair: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Suspect had submitted a novel to the company - 6 years ago

@CorpasWriter: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Suspect had submitted a novel to the company - 6 years ago

@THR: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Suspect had submitted a novel to the company - 6 years ago

@THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Suspect had submitted a novel to the company - 6 years ago

@shizukunora: RT @UnseenJapanSite: ICYMI, Kyoto Animation released an official statement "to the world" in six different languages, asking for time to he… - 6 years ago

@kimirobin: Fourteen women and 11 men have now died, with 10 more, including the suspect, still hospitalized with burns #KyoAni - 6 years ago

@sokaelgato: RT @ghuzmi: "KyotoAnimation, the Japanese anime studio hit by a devastating arson attack Thursday(Japan's worst mass murder in the post-war… - 6 years ago

@kaitoubingu: RT @UnseenJapanSite: ICYMI, Kyoto Animation released an official statement "to the world" in six different languages, asking for time to he… - 6 years ago

@Syntrick: RT @UnseenJapanSite: ICYMI, Kyoto Animation released an official statement "to the world" in six different languages, asking for time to he… - 6 years ago

@UnseenJapanSite: ICYMI, Kyoto Animation released an official statement "to the world" in six different languages, asking for time to… - 6 years ago

@carina38925315: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@saltseiko: RT @wired_jp: 「世界中どこでもアニメーターは家族のようなもの。わたしたちの生活にポジティヴな感情を与えてくれる作品を生み出そうとしてきた人々を失うことは、考えられないほど悲しいことだ」 - 6 years ago

@mpeace1104: RT @wired_jp: 「世界中どこでもアニメーターは家族のようなもの。わたしたちの生活にポジティヴな感情を与えてくれる作品を生み出そうとしてきた人々を失うことは、考えられないほど悲しいことだ」 - 6 years ago

@carexportkoza: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@_blossoMIN: RT @JapanToday: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@osakainformer: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@DoctorWhat1983: RT @SaeedBaygi: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard #data from server after arson attack  The Japan Times KYOTO - Kyoto… - 6 years ago

@Seun_Writes: RT @polyrhythmic_bw: Yasuhiro Takemoto, who has directed Lucky Star, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2009 ver), Hyoka, Amagi Brilliant P… - 6 years ago

@JapanToday: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@SaeedBaygi: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard #data from server after arson attack  The Japan Times KYOTO… - 6 years ago

@mibu555: 京都アニメーション放火事件の悲劇は、日本アニメの価値と「世界的な喪失感」の大きさを浮き彫りにした @wired_jp - 6 years ago

@canyouinc: RT @wired_jp: 「世界中どこでもアニメーターは家族のようなもの。わたしたちの生活にポジティヴな感情を与えてくれる作品を生み出そうとしてきた人々を失うことは、考えられないほど悲しいことだ」 - 6 years ago

@YseultCeirw: RT @ianbobmorris: @M_Nerdskull 2 shootings in 2 days, this is why it is hard for americans to grasp the scope of the kyoto animation arson… - 6 years ago

@AriDomogato: RT @ianbobmorris: @M_Nerdskull 2 shootings in 2 days, this is why it is hard for americans to grasp the scope of the kyoto animation arson… - 6 years ago

@autisticanadian: RT @RemyRomeroZane: The Kyoto Animation studio was recently the victim of a horrific arson attack, killing dozens and injuring many more.… - 6 years ago

@Crabcakes0455: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@tweetheart4711: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@cubehaver: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Death toll rises to 35, reports that the attack was carefully planned - 6 years ago

@MakDPostmodern: RT @RemyRomeroZane: The Kyoto Animation studio was recently the victim of a horrific arson attack, killing dozens and injuring many more.… - 6 years ago

@QueenOfRats: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Death toll rises to 35, reports that the attack was carefully planned - 6 years ago

@LFCholis: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@MayaWintersSMS: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@garychun: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@veronica_jean08: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@krveale: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Death toll rises to 35, reports that the attack was carefully planned - 6 years ago

@Hamurator: RT @japantimes: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover drawing and storyboard data from server after arson attack - 6 years ago

@k70794336: RT @k70794336: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - The Mainichi - 6 years ago

@k70794336: Kyoto Animation hopes to recover data from server after arson attack - The Mainichi - 6 years ago

@lula0428: RT @THRGlobal: #KyotoAnimation arson attack: Death toll rises to 35, reports that the attack was carefully planned - 6 years ago

@CPJusty: RT @Sketch1984: I just read another victim of the arson attack on Kyoto Animation died from their injuries. The 35th life lost to this sens… - 6 years ago

@Norman_MStewart: @Saberspark Some good news! - 6 years ago

@Jaceymon05: RT @Sketch1984: I just read another victim of the arson attack on Kyoto Animation died from their injuries. The 35th life lost to this sens… - 6 years ago

@MegaDaffy2: RT @Sketch1984: I just read another victim of the arson attack on Kyoto Animation died from their injuries. The 35th life lost to this sens… - 6 years ago

@YAMATO_English: RT @Sketch1984: I just read another victim of the arson attack on Kyoto Animation died from their injuries. The 35th life lost to this sens… - 6 years ago

@Sketch1984: I just read another victim of the arson attack on Kyoto Animation died from their injuries. The 35th life lost to t… - 6 years ago

@tukasa5377: 京都アニメーション火災 放火事件 7月19日時点 各社の報道 – Suspected arson attack on Kyoto animation studio leaves 33 dead - 6 years ago

@connorterrelldt: RT @KevDGrussing: What was needed before this show: "Warning: This program contains scenes many may find similar to the reported scenes of… - 6 years ago

@TrinityMngo: RT @namjinkore: Source : - 6 years ago

@mrjhrock2010: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@Cons3pt: i was telling my sister about the arson attack at kyoto animation studio in japan that killed 33 people and she goe… - 6 years ago

@TheQuint: “There’s something wrong with people who seek reality in fiction.” To my 13-year-old self, this line from a… - 6 years ago

@Shirayu36863530: RT @CGTNOfficial: Mourners pay tribute to victims of #Kyoto Animation arson attack - 6 years ago

@Kisuru: RT @KevDGrussing: What was needed before this show: "Warning: This program contains scenes many may find similar to the reported scenes of… - 6 years ago

@pabaylosis: RT @KevDGrussing: What was needed before this show: "Warning: This program contains scenes many may find similar to the reported scenes of… - 6 years ago

@AmbientVirus: RT @KevDGrussing: What was needed before this show: "Warning: This program contains scenes many may find similar to the reported scenes of… - 6 years ago

@zaynftkilam: RT @myanimelist: [Update] Kyoto Prefectural Police: Death toll in last week's apparent arson attack on Kyoto Animation has risen to 35 as a… - 6 years ago

@Echinanews: The death toll from the arson attack on a Kyoto Animation Co. studio last week had risen to 35 as a male victim die… - 6 years ago

@DianaDimameri: RT @gen_ghibli: Yoshiji Kigami, animador en 'La tumba de las luciérnagas' y actual trabajador de Kyoto Animation, se encuentra desaparecido… - 6 years ago

@FreakingNarnia_: RT @THR: Employing a high percentage of female directors, awarding industry talent and implementing quality working conditions for employee… - 6 years ago

@roninworks: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@Gamahdude92: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@Bakades77015425: RT @myanimelist: [Update] A suspected arson attack at the No. 1 Studio building of animation production company Kyoto Animation on Thursday… - 6 years ago

@Spiderzero2099: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@WittleWoona39: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@nk_ispr: RT @myanimelist: [Update] Kyoto Prefectural Police: Death toll in last week's apparent arson attack on Kyoto Animation has risen to 35 as a… - 6 years ago

@NathanKnox19: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@shiro_bandori: RT @myanimelist: [Update] A suspected arson attack at the No. 1 Studio building of animation production company Kyoto Animation on Thursday… - 6 years ago

@Rojhelu1: RT @myanimelist: [Update] A suspected arson attack at the No. 1 Studio building of animation production company Kyoto Animation on Thursday… - 6 years ago

@BreakingNAgency: #BREAKING: Officials say the death toll of the arson attack at the animation studio in #Kyoto has risen to 35. - 6 years ago

@aminfarrkhan: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@a_meredith: RT @Thoton: Man injured in Kyoto Animation arson attack dies at hospital, bringing the death toll to 35 #PrayForKyoAni - 6 years ago

@Mickey1074: RT @iwriteforme: Takemoto Yasuhiro, a well-known anime director, was confirmed as one of those who perished in the Kyoto arson fire a few d… - 6 years ago

@MarcosSierra17: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@mikkimyx: KyoAni Fire Aftermath: Animation industry, Personalities share tributes to Kyoto Animation after Arson attack - 6 years ago

@byChaseErwin: RT @laureninspace: After Arson Attack, Fans Raise Over $5 Million For Kyoto Animation. My latest for @Forbes: - 6 years ago

@Jo_Kwanghee_07: RT @laureninspace: After Arson Attack, Fans Raise Over $5 Million For Kyoto Animation. My latest for @Forbes: - 6 years ago

@ShojoPower: RT @laureninspace: After Arson Attack, Fans Raise Over $5 Million For Kyoto Animation. My latest for @Forbes: - 6 years ago

@YAMATO_English: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@JashuaParez: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@snakusoid: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@geeguy945: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@carmeleros: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@GBlastr: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@HULKGAMECRIT: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@Gartheimer: 京都アニメーション放火事件の悲劇は、日本アニメの価値と「世界的な喪失感」の大きさを浮き彫りにした @wired_jp - 6 years ago

@PunishedAbraham: RT @nichegamer: To honor the wishes of the surviving staff from Kyoto Animation, we are not reporting further on anything from the arson at… - 6 years ago

@Hiedro: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@Hacks4001: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

@teawithaura: RT @mombot: Another man has died from his injuries, raising the number killed in the Kyoto Animation arson attack to 35. - 6 years ago

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