Kurt Cobain

American musician who was best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter of the rock band Nirvana.
Died on Friday April 15th 1994

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Tweets related to Kurt Cobain:

@edson_Beefcake: End my life like Kurt Cobain.

@daleweisinger: RT @michaelazerrad: Buzz Osborne (@MelvinsDotCom) knew Kurt from beginning to end. Says 90% of Cobain doc #MontageOfHeck is "bullshit." htt…

@SuperduperPETA: RT @HistoryFlick: "Holding Frances in my arms is the best drug in the world." - Kurt Cobain http://t.co/8N8xCXTRC3

@Nick_HV: RT @michaelazerrad: Buzz Osborne (@MelvinsDotCom) knew Kurt from beginning to end. Says 90% of Cobain doc #MontageOfHeck is "bullshit." htt…


@VeraCruzTX: RT @michaelazerrad: Buzz Osborne (@MelvinsDotCom) knew Kurt from beginning to end. Says 90% of Cobain doc #MontageOfHeck is "bullshit." htt…

@Yanni_Gomes: RT @GabrielCEC01: "A verdade é que palavras bonitas se tornam descartáveis perto das atitudes estúpidas." (Kurt Cobain)

@AnneMarie_M1: Kurt Cobain documentary, home made pizza 󾥵 and red wine 󾦆.....aaaahhh yes! Cant wait!

@mad_grunger: - I'm Kurt Cobain. Блядь, только сейчас заметил, что там хуйня откололась http://t.co/isA1NVoZPH

@Shadyas: RT @VeryOldPics: Kurt Cobain http://t.co/S8wIrBOx2H

@Band_On_Run: We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers. -Kurt Cobain

@Illumnative_Vis: We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers. -Kurt Cobain

@LucianoFlores05: RT @FrasesRockNa: Desear ser otra persona es desperdiciar a la persona que eres. Kurt Cobain

@jongahuyn: RT @katyperry: Montage of Heck (Kurt Cobain 🎥) is BY FAR one of the best musical docs I've ever seen: http://t.co/x2XCVZ6U6W

@RGB_rocknroll: KURT COBAIN: When rock becomes religion, our gods are rendered mortal.

@ChamberPot_Brew: We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers. -Kurt Cobain

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