Krzysztof Gawedzki

Polish-French mathematical physicist.
Died on Wednesday January 26th 2022

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Tweets related to Krzysztof Gawedzki:

@LenzClaire: RT @Institut_IHES: It is with great sadness that IHES learnt of the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki on January 21, at the age of 74. An emeri… - 3 years ago

@LodhSpringer: RT @Institut_IHES: It is with great sadness that IHES learnt of the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki on January 21, at the age of 74. An emeri… - 3 years ago

@FriendsofIhes: RT @Institut_IHES: It is with great sadness that IHES learnt of the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki on January 21, at the age of 74. An emeri… - 3 years ago

@GavageSylvie: RT @InHenriPoincare: IHP is saddened to learn the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki, a major theoretical physicist who was for many years Edito… - 3 years ago


@InHenriPoincare: IHP is saddened to learn the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki, a major theoretical physicist who was for many years Ed… - 3 years ago

@LaurentBetermin: RT @Institut_IHES: It is with great sadness that IHES learnt of the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki on January 21, at the age of 74. An emeri… - 3 years ago

@Institut_IHES: It is with great sadness that IHES learnt of the passing of Krzysztof Gawędzki on January 21, at the age of 74. An… - 3 years ago

@christianmercat: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@arthur_detaille: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@twittizzi: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@_daffyduke_: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@geekpapy: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@34Galet: RT @VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chantant… - 3 years ago

@VillaniCedric: 😢 Krzysztof Gawędzki 1947-2022, expert en théorie des champs & turbulence. Regard bleu de grand enfant, accent chan… - 3 years ago

@mjbroniarz: RT @marcinnaps: Zmarł Krzysztof Gawędzki, profesor ENS w Lyonie, wybitny fizyk matematyczny, wychowanek słynnej szkoły Krzysztofa Maurina.… - 3 years ago

@marcinnaps: Zmarł Krzysztof Gawędzki, profesor ENS w Lyonie, wybitny fizyk matematyczny, wychowanek słynnej szkoły Krzysztofa M… - 3 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Krzysztof Gawedzki - #KrzysztofGawedzki #Krzysztof #Gawedzki #rip - 3 years ago

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