Krystyna Dańko

Polish humanitarian
Died on Friday August 9th 2019

View other recent people: Aleksandr Shipenko, Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Krystyna Dańko:

@AgaMateja: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Iza_Franco55: RT @pletz: Krystyna Danko, polonesa católica que salvou judeus no Holocausto, faleceu aos 102 anos de idade - 6 years ago

@pletz: Krystyna Danko, polonesa católica que salvou judeus no Holocausto, faleceu aos 102 anos de idade - 6 years ago

@SekretarzXXL: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago


@Przemek66002018: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Blablab78594180: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Michal858: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@MeerBlua: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@zenjk0: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@eremarker: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Sara33903002: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@robertol04: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Kicius_The_Cat: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@ab554: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Duke_Kristof: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@elviz_mjp: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Crimestory68: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@MBalawelder: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Zalewski53: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@robal25980607: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago

@ZamoyskiDan: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago

@Jerryfurmanto: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago

@policies4poland: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago

@JarRlJOMSBORG: RT @notesfrompoland: 'I didn’t feel any fear. The rapid pace at which all these events occurred prevented me from thinking about what could… - 6 years ago

@MuseuHolocausto: Durante os anos que antecederam o Holocausto, Krystyna Danko, uma órfã polonesa da cidade de Otwock, formou uma est… - 6 years ago

@RobsoMania: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Lanzikla: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@HiPo1it: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Storczyk2: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@eszylkowska1: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@DoriBorkowski: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@WojtekMastek: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@ViolaNewYork: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Mixeline: RT @menorahbrasil: Krystyna Danko, polonesa católica que salvou judeus no Holocausto, faleceu aos 102 anos de idade - 6 years ago

@WiktorKaslewicz: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Welshbeard: RT @CST_UK: Krystyna Danko, a Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family during the Holocaust had died aged 102 - 6 years ago

@andrzej88888: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@Jan11131258: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@menorahbrasil: Krystyna Danko, polonesa católica que salvou judeus no Holocausto, faleceu aos 102 anos de idade - 6 years ago

@AlaBezKota: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@DarioStr: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@witekzet: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@AlicjaMiaa: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@twitkcg: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@LidiaZacka1: RT @sbalcerac: Jak to możliwe, że podczas kiedy setki milionów $ leżą na kontach skarbników #Holocaust w Nowym Jorku, śp. Krystyna Danko, S… - 6 years ago

@bradweis: #obitpatrol Who died? Krystyna Danko, Righteous Among the Nations; actresses Barbara March, Teresa Ha; poet Lee Ben… - 6 years ago

@shepley_cheryl: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@Ambiente884: Muere Krystyna Danko: la "Justa Entre las Naciones" más anciana #KrystynaDanko #JustaEntreLasNaciones #PuebloJudío - 6 years ago

@TheRealDocG: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@EmilianoDueck: Falleció Krystyna Danko, la «Justa entre las Naciones» mas anciana - 6 years ago

@nwpcny: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@YadVashemUSA: RT @JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust d… - 6 years ago

@dfarcas: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@val_cady63: RT @JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust d… - 6 years ago

@loisgd: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@JFRDirector: Hi, @JewishTweets, The JFR mourns the passing of Krystyna Danko who passed away at 102 years old. Krystyna, a Right… - 6 years ago

@sandi_libramoon: RT @JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust d… - 6 years ago

@oyeacristo: RT @JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust d… - 6 years ago

@ChasidicBaron: RT @JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust d… - 6 years ago

@JewishTweets: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by #Israel for saving Jews from the Holoc… - 6 years ago

@akiakbash: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@JonnyAires: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@quillny: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@CHPSRE: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@sefirodtorah: Yahudi aileyi Nazi katillerinden kurtaran Polonyalı kadın Krystyna Danko, 102 yaşında yaşamını yitirdi. Huzur içind… - 6 years ago

@ZionistQ: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@sultandosamba: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@Senits77: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@KIMORELLA: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@OpTrusteeLG: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@ButchsPuppy: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@yell_oohh: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@gitithadani: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@Catheri74731631: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@pfeuilly: RT @JFRDirector: The JFR mourns the passing of Krystyna Danko who passed away at 102 years old. Krystyna, a Righteous Gentile from Poland,… - 6 years ago

@StarrOutlook: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@MicheleLayton1: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@antoine_kagabo: RT @JFRDirector: The JFR mourns the passing of Krystyna Danko who passed away at 102 years old. Krystyna, a Righteous Gentile from Poland,… - 6 years ago

@pschierek239: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@HolocaustMI: - 6 years ago

@emzeekg: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@JFRDirector: The JFR mourns the passing of Krystyna Danko who passed away at 102 years old. Krystyna, a Righteous Gentile from P… - 6 years ago

@Bobik7296: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@daledamos: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@JoyfulNeshama: RT @StandWithUs: Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Jews recognized by Israel for saving Jews from the Holocaust, ha… - 6 years ago

@Yuri_Bezmenov2: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@anthonylauro_: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@DantesBeatrix: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@BlueGreenberg: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@resolute_ennui: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@Danish_Karen: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@JackieDeArmond: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@lamdeinu: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@Tivitimus: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@dlsmith0817: RT @ErezNeumark: In 1998, Polish woman Krystyna Danko was named Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem. She died at the age of 102 and… - 6 years ago

@evankallan: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@Carol61916613: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@raising_3: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@dabrams2021: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@DurinnM: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@TinkandChance: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@msinburslem: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@gagripin: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@JacekAdamczyk5: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@MrJonnyDaniels: RT @McKayMSmith: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family dies at 102. Krystyna Danko was one of the oldest and most celebrated non-Je… - 6 years ago

@JewishNewsUK: After helping to fund a bed for Krystyna Danko, who was both blind and deaf, Jonny Daniels paid tribute to her as '… - 6 years ago

@AFA_laseleccion: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: After helping to fund a bed for Krystyna Danko, who was both blind and deaf, Jonny Daniels paid tribute to her as a 'an… - 6 years ago

@FTDepths: After helping to fund a bed for Krystyna Danko, who was both blind and deaf, Jonny Daniels paid tribute to her as a… - 6 years ago

@MrJonnyDaniels: After helping to fund a bed for Krystyna Danko, who was both blind and deaf, Jonny Daniels paid tribute to her as a… - 6 years ago

@ShuffledOff: Krystyna Dańko (102) - 6 years ago

@blognrollpl5: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@Adamwolnemiasto: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@Louisjsgill: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@HB2it: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@AurayaWr: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@KayaOtoja: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@ReformedBully: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family from Holocaust dies at 102 - Krystyna Danko, one of the oldest and mo… - 6 years ago

@wicardossa1957: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@SanabriaFJ: RT @notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged 102… - 6 years ago

@notesfrompoland: Krystyna Dańko, a Polish orphan who saved a Jewish family from the Holocaust at great personal risk, has died aged… - 6 years ago

@ShalomIsrael_: Krystyna Danko, una de las personas no judías más antiguas y famosas reconocidas por #Israel por salvar a los… - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Krystyna Dańko - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Sad to hear, Krystyna Dańko has passed away - #KrystynaDanko #Krystyna #Dańko #rip - 6 years ago

@IreneHu30034513: RT @ClaimsCon: #WeRemember Krystyna Danko, who almost singlehandedly rescued all four members of the Kokoszko family during the #Holocaust,… - 6 years ago

@JComm_BlogFeeds: Polish woman who saved adoptive Jewish family from Holocaust dies at 102: Krystyna Danko, a Righteous Among the Nat… - 6 years ago

@olgabeatriztorr: RT @enlacejudio: (JTA) — Krystyna Danko, una de las personas no judías de más edad y más famosas reconocidas por Israel por salvar a judíos… - 6 years ago

@ClaimsCon: #WeRemember Krystyna Danko, who almost singlehandedly rescued all four members of the Kokoszko family during the… - 6 years ago

@enlacejudio: (JTA) — Krystyna Danko, una de las personas no judías de más edad y más famosas reconocidas por Israel por salvar a… - 6 years ago

@heksia: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@Andrewcreed3: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@StarColombo: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@darekmarcin: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@blognrollpl5: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@WW2girl1944: RT @MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in her s… - 6 years ago

@MrJonnyDaniels: Yesterday Mrs. Krystyna Dańko, the oldest Righteous Among The Nations at 102 years old, passed away peacefully in h… - 6 years ago

@elzbietawilczak: RT @Jerusalem_Post: She risked her life to save five Jews during the Holocaust and this week, Krystyna Dańko from the Polish city of Otwock… - 6 years ago

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