Kristin Jacobs

American politician
Died on Sunday April 12th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Kristin Jacobs:

@CubantiaLibre: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@RedBroward: RT @PeterSchorschFL: Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky (@CHunschofsky) announces run for Kristin Jacobs' House seat via @realRyanNicol h… - 5 years ago

@PeterSchorschFL: Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky (@CHunschofsky) announces run for Kristin Jacobs' House seat via… - 5 years ago

@PhilAmmann: Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky (@CHunschofsky) announces run for Kristin Jacobs' House seat via @Fla_Pol… - 5 years ago


@Fla_Pol: Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky (@CHunschofsky) announces run for Kristin Jacobs' House seat via… - 5 years ago

@WIOMAX_MD: RT @TPlangineering: RIP Rep Kristin Jacobs. You are an inspiration to true #ClimateChange action, #CompleteStreets initiatives, and #womenl… - 5 years ago

@SCssgirl: RT @floridafriends: “Her efforts to establish the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and meaningfully address climate change… - 5 years ago

@MPOGreg: RT @SpeakUp_Broward: Did you miss our E-blast last Thursday? Here's what's on tap: Virtually Yours | Big Plans for Prospect Road | Remembe… - 5 years ago

@ryanvgates: RT @SpeakUp_Broward: Did you miss our E-blast last Thursday? Here's what's on tap: Virtually Yours | Big Plans for Prospect Road | Remembe… - 5 years ago

@mimizelman: RT @floridafriends: “Her efforts to establish the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and meaningfully address climate change… - 5 years ago

@SpeakUp_Broward: Did you miss our E-blast last Thursday? Here's what's on tap: Virtually Yours | Big Plans for Prospect Road | Reme… - 5 years ago

@JasonOrellanaFL: While advocating in Tallahassee, I followed @Kristin_Jacobs into the elevator to share what I was fighting for whic… - 5 years ago

@wakullawriter: Nice tribute to Kristin Jacobs on The Usual Suspects this morning. Thanks to @TVGBY & crew. #FlaPol - 5 years ago

@JMasoots: @JaredEMoskowitz @PollackHunter @Kristin_Jacobs @MSDHighSchool @fred_guttenberg @maxschachter @lorialhadeff… - 5 years ago

@mikeewald2: RT @Susannah_Bryan: Sad news. Broward Rep. Kristin Jacobs dies following battle with colon cancer - 5 years ago

@Alpine_Joy: RT @AlikiMoncrief: Rep. Jacobs worked tirelessly to be a voice for our environment and keenly understood that the #climatecrisis requires… - 5 years ago

@CaHughes74: RT @DanDaley: Throwback Thursday to Turtle Run Days with Rep Kristin Jacobs. Rest In Peace, my friend. - 5 years ago

@JanelleAnthro: RT @DanDaley: Throwback Thursday to Turtle Run Days with Rep Kristin Jacobs. Rest In Peace, my friend. - 5 years ago

@TalticTina: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@DanDaley: Throwback Thursday to Turtle Run Days with Rep Kristin Jacobs. Rest In Peace, my friend. - 5 years ago

@tweets_from_deb: RT @SustainableComm: FL State Rep. Kristin Jacobs was an architect of @SEFL_Compact - lauded by Pres. Obama as a model not just for the cou… - 5 years ago

@gehamilton: RT @SustainableComm: FL State Rep. Kristin Jacobs was an architect of @SEFL_Compact - lauded by Pres. Obama as a model not just for the cou… - 5 years ago

@FloridaIssues: - 5 years ago

@sas_cleanenergy: RT @cleanenergyorg: As a long-time Broward County Commissioner & more recently a state representative, @KristinJacobsFL took on complex reg… - 5 years ago

@WaughStev: Honoring Kristin Jacobs: A Climate Champion – SACE | Southern Alliance for Clean EnergySACE - 5 years ago

@NicoleLisa: Our mother’s mission: Make the world ‘a better and happier place’ | In Memoriam - 5 years ago

@JesusNarrowWay: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@CESatFAU: Kristin Jacobs, a Broward state representative and advocate for the environment, dies at 60 - 5 years ago

@Sheilas11: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1644) Florida Representative Kristin Jacobs passes away from cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@JenRennicks: RT @cleanenergyorg: As a long-time Broward County Commissioner & more recently a state representative, @KristinJacobsFL took on complex reg… - 5 years ago

@SustainableComm: FL State Rep. Kristin Jacobs was an architect of @SEFL_Compact - lauded by Pres. Obama as a model not just for the… - 5 years ago

@cleanenergyorg: As a long-time Broward County Commissioner & more recently a state representative, @KristinJacobsFL took on complex… - 5 years ago

@lifecoachcathy: RT @TrueQanuck11: 1644) Florida Representative Kristin Jacobs passes away from cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@TrueQanuck11: 1644) Florida Representative Kristin Jacobs passes away from cancer. h/t @LaurieS64123094 - 5 years ago

@AlenaAlberani: RT @UnitedWayBC: We would like to thank Representative Kristin Jacobs for her hard work and dedication to our community - she was an amazin… - 5 years ago

@17FallenEagles: ‘An absolute warrior.’ Kristin Jacobs, longtime Broward leader, dies of cancer - Miami Herald… - 5 years ago

@tulsilohani: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@theschneil: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@lorialhadeff: RT @StandWParkland: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Florida State Representative Kristin Jacobs, whose support and leadership… - 5 years ago

@KCannonBroward: RT @UnitedWayBC: We would like to thank Representative Kristin Jacobs for her hard work and dedication to our community - she was an amazin… - 5 years ago

@SenatorAbruzzo: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@90For90: Florida Legislator Kristin Jacobs Dies of Cancer at 60 - 5 years ago

@HenryFor26: - 5 years ago

@AnastasiaYeager: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Kristin_Shawty: RT @Draculasswife: Marc Jacobs 2016 fall collection. - 5 years ago

@MayorRichThomas: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@cesarduenas1946: Lamento profundamente la noticia Kristin Jacobs falleció. No olvidar su liderazgo y sus logros y especialmente como… - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Kristin Jacobs - #KristinJacobs #Kristin #Jacobs #rip - 5 years ago

@theschneil: RT @browardpolitics: Because of pandemic, celebrations of life for state Rep. Kristin Jacobs, who died Saturday, will be in late fall or wi… - 5 years ago

@Montalto2018: RT @StandWParkland: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Florida State Representative Kristin Jacobs, whose support and leadership… - 5 years ago

@cbjkc5: @realDonaldTrump But no sympathy for the Florida Democrat legislator who died of cancer just days ago - 5 years ago

@BrittanyWallman: RT @browardpolitics: Because of pandemic, celebrations of life for state Rep. Kristin Jacobs, who died Saturday, will be in late fall or wi… - 5 years ago

@Bernie2020Me4: RT @StandWParkland: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Florida State Representative Kristin Jacobs, whose support and leadership… - 5 years ago

@StandWParkland: We were saddened to hear about the passing of Florida State Representative Kristin Jacobs, whose support and leader… - 5 years ago

@JenRennicks: RT @FLcleanenergy: Two lifetimes of work: Armed with facts and charm, Kristin Jacobs was a principled political force in Broward County | R… - 5 years ago

@toddcbritt: Broward Lawmaker Kristin Jacobs Dies After Cancer Battle | WLRN | - R.I.P. - 5 years ago

@ErinVanSickle: RT @LeadershipFla: It is with deep sadness that Leadership Florida acknowledges the passing of Representative Kristin Jacobs (Cornerstone C… - 5 years ago

@mila_bowen: RT @FLHouseDems: In honor of Rep. Kristin Jacobs - 5 years ago

@FLHouseDems: In honor of Rep. Kristin Jacobs - 5 years ago

@LeadershipFla: It is with deep sadness that Leadership Florida acknowledges the passing of Representative Kristin Jacobs (Cornerst… - 5 years ago

@RedBroward: RT @browardpolitics: Because of pandemic, celebrations of life for state Rep. Kristin Jacobs, who died Saturday, will be in late fall or wi… - 5 years ago

@hispcaucusMiami: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@cesarduenas1946: NOTICIAS DOLOROSAS CESAR!! Lamenta profundamente la noticia del fallecimiento de nuestra representante estatal Kri… - 5 years ago

@UnitedWayBC: We would like to thank Representative Kristin Jacobs for her hard work and dedication to our community - she was an… - 5 years ago

@cesarduenas1946: @browarddems Lamento profundamente el fallecimieno de Kristin Jacobs. No se olvidará su liderazgo y sus logros como… - 5 years ago

@espiegler: RT @WLRN: Today on WLRN, we remember State Rep. Kristin Jacobs, a policy-loving, pragmatic and driven “warrior” for Florida's natural reso… - 5 years ago

@WLRN: Today on WLRN, we remember State Rep. Kristin Jacobs, a policy-loving, pragmatic and driven “warrior” for Florida'… - 5 years ago

@browardpolitics: Because of pandemic, celebrations of life for state Rep. Kristin Jacobs, who died Saturday, will be in late fall or… - 5 years ago

@ElectedWomen: A loss of a solid public servant has happened, Kristin Jacobs, tireless fighter, succumbs to cancer. NFWL wants to… - 5 years ago

@CarFreeStPete: RT @Whitbone: Very sad news. She was a great leader for Florida. Best quote in the story: “We fell in love on our bikes.” Kristin Jacobs,… - 5 years ago

@AudubonFL: RT @JulieWraithmell: What a loving tribute from Rep. Kristin Jacobs' children, celebrating a life of service well lived. - 5 years ago

@JulieWraithmell: What a loving tribute from Rep. Kristin Jacobs' children, celebrating a life of service well lived.… - 5 years ago

@FLClimateInst: RT @SEFL_Compact: "[Rep. Jacobs] is most famous for a coalition she pulled together in 2008 after watching SFL politicos lobby Congress on… - 5 years ago

@AGGancarski: RT @Fla_Pol: Sunburn — The morning 🌅 read of what’s hot ☕ ☕ in Florida politics — 4.13.20 — Burnin’ today: Farewell Kristin Jacobs, Easter,… - 5 years ago

@KBMcLeodFLA: Florida has lost a hero in environmental & climate #leadership . She made a lasting difference and inspired so many… - 5 years ago

@SEFL_Compact: "[Rep. Jacobs] is most famous for a coalition she pulled together in 2008 after watching SFL politicos lobby Congre… - 5 years ago

@OurRev305: RT @caitielee0917: Broward Lawmaker Kristin Jacobs Dies After Cancer Battle - 5 years ago

@WLRN: RT @caitielee0917: Broward Lawmaker Kristin Jacobs Dies After Cancer Battle - 5 years ago

@caitielee0917: Broward Lawmaker Kristin Jacobs Dies After Cancer Battle - 5 years ago

@MiamiDadeWomen: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@meandangus: RT @floridafriends: “Her efforts to establish the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and meaningfully address climate change… - 5 years ago

@FloridaIssues: - 5 years ago

@Truth_O_Meter79: RT @tweetfl: Kristin Jacobs, Florida lawmaker from Broward County, dies of cancer at age 60 - 5 years ago

@xsuzi00: RT @floridafriends: “Her efforts to establish the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and meaningfully address climate change… - 5 years ago

@floridafriends: “Her efforts to establish the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact and meaningfully address climate ch… - 5 years ago

@Paul_Renner: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@caremor1: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@MPOGreg: RT @Juliea712: Armed with facts and charm, Kristin Jacobs was a principled political force in Broward County | Rosemary O’Hara - 5 years ago

@tweetfl: Kristin Jacobs, Florida lawmaker from Broward County, dies of cancer at age 60 - 5 years ago

@NoMishtake: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@PeterSchorschFL: Sunburn — The morning 🌅 read of what’s hot ☕ ☕ in Florida politics — 4.13.20 — Burnin’ today: Farewell Kristin Jaco… - 5 years ago

@PhilAmmann: Sunburn — The morning 🌅 read of what’s hot ☕ ☕ in Florida politics — 4.13.20 — Burnin’ today: Farewell Kristin Jaco… - 5 years ago

@Fla_Pol: Sunburn — The morning 🌅 read of what’s hot ☕ ☕ in Florida politics — 4.13.20 — Burnin’ today: Farewell Kristin Jaco… - 5 years ago

@marialenaj2: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Shakacholo969: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@peacewonk: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@JamesIsaak2: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@TerriLa02823141: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@ewbarnard: RT @SoFlaOpinion: Our mother’s mission: Make the world ‘a better and happier place’ | In Memoriam of Kristin Jacobs. - 5 years ago

@ewbarnard: RT @JaredEMoskowitz: .@Kristin_Jacobs was my friend and my State Rep. She was a warrior. She left a large legacy in the house but let’s be… - 5 years ago

@ewbarnard: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@ljkmemphis: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@LynnFleck2: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@trustingmyvibes: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Scheopner: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@mad4clark: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Monkeyfister1: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@SouthJerseyBro: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Karoli: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@andrewadastra: RT @SoFlaOpinion: Our mother’s mission: Make the world ‘a better and happier place’ | In Memoriam of Kristin Jacobs. - 5 years ago

@andrewadastra: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@THE305GUY: RT @GwenGraham: The first time I met @KristinJacobsFL, we talked and we laughed. It was as if we had known each other for ever and her ene… - 5 years ago

@NajeeThomas9: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@IndeCardio: I agree, Cancer sucks..." - 5 years ago

@NationalFOPE: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@ColonSurgeons: State Rep. Kristin Jacobs Died Saturday, Remembered As Environmental Advocate - - 5 years ago

@JosephMRMullen: RT @SoFlaOpinion: Armed with facts and charm, Kristin Jacobs was a principled political force in Broward County | Rosemary O’Hara. - 5 years ago

@adelanteflorida: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@judhcas: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@FlaDemEnvCaucus: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@JasonWalker_: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@OurRev305: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@jacobogles: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@tall_guy007: State Representative Kristin Jacobs dead after years-long battle with cancer - 5 years ago

@AlPefley: Florida legislator Kristin Jacobs dies of cancer at 60 ⁦@CBS12⁩ - 5 years ago

@CarolineGZucker: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@randomanda: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@eprophotog: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@r4l_riverview: RT @FOX13News: REST IN PEACE: Florida State Representative Kristin Jacobs passed away after a long battle with cancer. DETAILS: - 5 years ago

@FtLauderDaniel: Kristin Jacobs, a Broward state representative and advocate for the environment, dies at 60 - 5 years ago

@JTB14_: RT @PeterSchorschFL: .@KristinJacobsFL, lawmaker and tireless fighter for Florida’s waterways, succumbs to cancer. - 5 years ago

@vrolon_: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@Mrs_VictoriaJ: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@jdeveneau1: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@HearYourThought: RT @SoFlaOpinion: Our mother’s mission: Make the world ‘a better and happier place’ | In Memoriam of Kristin Jacobs. - 5 years ago

@WillAtkins4FL: Herald: 'An absolute warrior.' Kristin Jacobs, longtime Broward leader, dies of cancer - 5 years ago

@FloridaCoronav1: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@douginflorida: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@brookeashevans: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@KimShoeCrzy: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@850WFTL: Before being elected to the state House in 2014, Jacobs served for 16 years on the Broward County Commission… - 5 years ago

@BlondieClimate: Kristin Jacobs, Florida lawmaker from Broward County, dies of cancer at age 60 - - 5 years ago

@WillAtkins4FL: Sun-Sentinel: Kristin Jacobs, a Broward state representative and advocate for the environment, dies at 60 - 5 years ago

@BlondieClimate: 'An absolute warrior.' Kristin Jacobs, longtime Broward leader, dies of cancer - - 5 years ago

@LeesaTruesdell: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@WillAtkins4FL: FlaPol: Florida politicians react to the passing of Kristin Jacobs - 5 years ago

@Yursunny: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@momcgovern: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@PhilipTrocola: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

@GonzaloSanabria: REST IN PEACE KRISTIN JACOBS🙏😞 - 5 years ago

@wildlifeaction: RT @KristinJacobsFL: For Rep. Kristin Jacobs who passed peacefully this morning, it was her life’s calling to put good things into the worl… - 5 years ago

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