Konstantinos Stephanopoulos

Greek politician
Died on Sunday November 20th 2016

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Konstantinos Stephanopoulos:

@lili_bakame: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@damionhinds: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, Greek politician, Died at 90 - 8 years ago

@NtihaboseO: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@DuckChristine: - 8 years ago


@DuckChristine: Linchpin Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, 90, Greek Politician, Obama/Baphomet Soul, Down 11/20/16... - 8 years ago

@Tuzobugwanira: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@christiannitun1: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@ndamathie: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@rebllefleur: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@olimuk: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@irambrice: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@sinrenovat: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@ElieBayaga: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@ralphy793: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@vugukuri1: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@RenegadeGiana: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@EvelyneMani: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@BURUNDIPATRIOTE: RT @AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this great Sta… - 8 years ago

@AShingiro: Paying my respects 2 H.E Konstantinos Stephanopoulos,former President of #Greece.We deeply mourn the loss of this… - 8 years ago

@bunaziuaiasi: Fostul presedinte al Greciei, Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, a murit. - 8 years ago

@enilouise: RIP. Mr.Konstantinos Stephanopoulos. Καλο παραδεισο Κύριε Πρόεδρε. Καλό ταξίδι. - 8 years ago

@Federalnaba: Konstantinos Kostis Stephanopoulos je umro sinoć nešto iza 23 sata u bolnici, gdje je primljen u četvrtak zbog... - 8 years ago

@9AM: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos a fost presedinte al Greciei in perioada 1995-2005. - 8 years ago

@damomac: Added another entry to Wikipedia list of Greek political families: Dimitrios and Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

@publikatv: Fostul preşedinte al Greciei, Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, a murit la 90 de ani - - 8 years ago

@realitatea: A murit fostul președinte grec Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - - 8 years ago

@ioskap: A murit fostul preşedinte grec Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, în vârstă de 90 de ani... - 8 years ago

@stiripesurse_ro: A murit fostul preşedinte grec Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, în vârstă de 90 de ani... - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Falleció el ex presidente de grecia, konstantinos stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Died the former President of Greece Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

@DeLineDigital: #Journalism #Photo Greeks Politiciens by VangelisRassias - Konstantinos "Kostis" Stephanopoulos (Greek: Κωνσταντίνο… - 8 years ago

@DeLineDigital: #Journalism #Photo Greeks Politiciens by VangelisRassias - Konstantinos "Kostis" Stephanopoulos (Greek: Κωνσταντίνο… - 8 years ago

@Delfi_Uudised: Suri endine Kreeka president Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

@Kuolleet: rip Kreikan ex-presidentti Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

@MTVUutiset: Kreikan ex-presidentti Konstantinos Stephanopoulos on kuollut #MTVUutiset - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Falleció el ex presidente de grecia, konstantinos stephanopoulos: - 8 years ago

@Rus_Eng_News: Died former President of Greece Konstantinos Stephanopoulos: - 8 years ago

@DeLineDigital: #Journalism #Photo Greeks Politiciens by VangelisRassias - Konstantinos "Kostis" Stephanopoulos (Greek: Κωνσταντίνο… - 8 years ago

@EvilIrish1: RT @JustDiedBot: RIP Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, 90, Greek politician, President (1995−2005). - 8 years ago

@poikon: RT @ballotbox_eu: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos died in the age of 90yo. - 8 years ago

@ballotbox_eu: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos died in the age of 90yo. - 8 years ago

@AdpresRo: A murit fostul președinte grec Konstantinos Stephanopoulos... - 8 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: It's a sad day,Konstantinos Stephanopoulos dies - #Konstantinos #rip - 8 years ago

@azarros: Deeply sorry to hear about the death of Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, who served as President of the Hellenic Republic (1995-2005) | #Greece - 8 years ago

@JustDiedBot: RIP Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, 90, Greek politician, President (1995−2005). - 8 years ago

@PGS_GR: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos was a Greek conservative politician who served two consecutive terms as President of Gr… - 8 years ago

@StuffThatIsDead: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos is now pushing up daisies: - 8 years ago

@gph866: Konstantinos Stephanopoulos - 8 years ago

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