Konrad Steffen

Swiss glaciologist.
Died on Tuesday August 11th 2020

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Konrad Steffen:

@drutrahan: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@prjctoa: A true climate leader left his live where he put it to use, in the crevasses of Greenland's melting ice. What a sad… - 5 years ago

@PatrikWiniger: 'In memory of Konrad Steffen' - 5 years ago

@ForgeRat: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago


@galeonderibadeo: RT @Fundacion_Polar: Hemos recibido la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Konrad Steffen, Koni para sus amigos. El accidente se produjo en… - 5 years ago

@prjctoa: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@frogcroakcroak: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@drawat123: Explained: Konrad Steffen Role in The Climate Changes Science - 5 years ago

@abclive: RT @abclive: Explained: Konrad Steffen Role in The Climate Changes Science - 5 years ago

@abclive: Explained: Konrad Steffen Role in The Climate Changes Science - ABC Live India - 5 years ago

@abclive: Explained: Konrad Steffen Role in The Climate Changes Science - 5 years ago

@MarkEakin: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@WebOften: RT @IAM__Network: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 READ MORE: #Adaptation #Antarct… - 5 years ago

@IAM__Network: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 READ MORE: #Adaptation… - 5 years ago

@orme_duncan: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@ExplorersClub: It's with great sadness that we share the passing of renowned climate scientist & Lowell Thomas Award recipient, Ko… - 5 years ago

@darcwood: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@WillyLPomathios: - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: Konrad Steffen, glaciologist who sounded the alarm about rapid melting of Greenland’s ice – obituary - 5 years ago

@WxCat62: RT @tan123: Differing stories about the death of Konrad Steffen, 100 meters from camp: Box thought Steffen was going to his tent to nap; Bo… - 5 years ago

@tan123: Differing stories about the death of Konrad Steffen, 100 meters from camp: Box thought Steffen was going to his ten… - 5 years ago

@mnewsince: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@ed11042: RT @GreeningEvesham: Sad loss - well worth 3.5 minutes of your time to watch the video - 5 years ago

@JD_Kirkham: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@noturbine: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@DienesToo: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@martinhall1624: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@colinrmeyer: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@seelyemartin: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@Electroversenet: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@mclaineileen: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@moniquevalcour: Tragic irony: Konrad Steffen, Arctic researcher who sounded alarm on Greenland ice melt, died after falling into cl… - 5 years ago

@PBVanc: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@jamiethehost: RT @AnnFinkbeiner: This is a climate scientist named Konrad Steffen. He could light a cigarette in a howling arctic gale, Craig saw him do… - 5 years ago

@OurFutureBot: RT @basementvegan: At the time of his death, he was predicting sea level rise 4x what the IPCC has predicted thus far. #ClimateCrisis #Clim… - 5 years ago

@wendycockcroft: RT @Harpers: Konrad Steffen, a renowned climatologist who spent his life studying Greenland’s rapidly melting ice, died there after falling… - 5 years ago

@mollyis: RT @AnnFinkbeiner: This is a climate scientist named Konrad Steffen. He could light a cigarette in a howling arctic gale, Craig saw him do… - 5 years ago

@misskyla1: RT @basementvegan: At the time of his death, he was predicting sea level rise 4x what the IPCC has predicted thus far. #ClimateCrisis #Clim… - 5 years ago

@stevenk11011: RIP "[H]e could light a cigarette in a 60-mile-per-hour gale screaming across the ice" #climatechange… - 5 years ago

@AnnFinkbeiner: This is a climate scientist named Konrad Steffen. He could light a cigarette in a howling arctic gale, Craig saw hi… - 5 years ago

@basementvegan: At the time of his death, he was predicting sea level rise 4x what the IPCC has predicted thus far. #ClimateCrisis… - 5 years ago

@crow_gore: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@emcimino: Climate Scientist Is Claimed by Ice Melt - Konrad Steffen always made time to talk to me on any questions on climat… - 5 years ago

@KunsthausAarau: Der Künstler Julian Charrière und die Philosophin Deliah Hannah haben kurz vor dem unerwarteten Tod des Polarforsch… - 5 years ago

@CupplesDaniel: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@GreeningEvesham: Sad loss - well worth 3.5 minutes of your time to watch the video - 5 years ago

@cubehaver: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@norm_ray: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@paxxman: RT @Harpers: Konrad Steffen, a renowned climatologist who spent his life studying Greenland’s rapidly melting ice, died there after falling… - 5 years ago

@msamson56: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Harpers: Konrad Steffen, a renowned climatologist who spent his life studying Greenland’s rapidly melting ice, died there af… - 5 years ago

@NorthernGather2: RT @Electroversenet: From Aug 15: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of… - 5 years ago

@EmGusk: What a life! (And a death.) - 5 years ago

@Nacho15875815: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@salcerva: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@RoShamBoProds: RT @drfrances: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@drfrances: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@BabyBoomerWritr: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@AntarcticaSouth: ASOC is saddened by the passing of renowned Swiss glaciologist Prof. Konrad Steffen in a field accident in Greenlan… - 5 years ago

@yluminaty: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@rachel_remnant: Take a moment to read about Konrad Steffen. An inspiring glacial climatologist who died while researching. Heartwre… - 5 years ago

@DreyerErwin: Director Konrad Steffen tragically died in an accident - WSL - 5 years ago

@pesolprincess: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@hoosteen: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@VincentKaufmann: RT @epflENAC: On behalf of the ENAC School, Prof. Michael Lehning pays tribute to Konrad Steffen, who "witnessed the effect of climate chan… - 5 years ago

@tannhauser73: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@Ossmeteobargone: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@Alicia32299769: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@lamardcaballito: RT @Fundacion_Polar: Hemos recibido la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Konrad Steffen, Koni para sus amigos. El accidente se produjo en… - 5 years ago

@QuinterReme: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@su_juanluis: RT @Fundacion_Polar: Hemos recibido la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Konrad Steffen, Koni para sus amigos. El accidente se produjo en… - 5 years ago

@OTerroso82: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@Alfredo2991: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@EvaPalauC: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@sontohi: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@Mariki_san: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@Critical_Mast_: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@mitfiori: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@olympia27: RT @HdAnchiano: Que haya negacionistas de TODO es muy cansino. Dan ganas de tirar la toalla. Sin embargo, noticias como la muerte de Konrad… - 5 years ago

@Aussie4Refugees: RT @GraffitiExpert: Famed climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies on Greenland expedition - 5 years ago

@BANQVE: Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen” on Vimeo: - 5 years ago

@doofgeek4011: A climate scientist studying this literally fell through the ice a bit ago and drowned. - 5 years ago

@alisahbanoet: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@ryolandafit: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@Tonitanz: Konrad Steffen on Swiss Camp Polar Research Station, 2017 - 5 years ago

@JOGallice: 😥 Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen❕«Le professeur est décédé dans un accident au Groenland. De r… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@PasternakTO: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen falls into crevasse on Greenland ice sheet and perishes - 5 years ago

@IDNow_Era: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@loey2711__: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@SumiatiSJ: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@chervillbee: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@jasonhioe: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@ladyhee87: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@disakitinterus: RT @detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun meneliti pen… - 5 years ago

@detikcom: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. Ia sudah 30 tahun me… - 5 years ago

@RexannaKeats: RT @OttawaCitizen: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen falls into crevasse on Greenland ice sheet and perishes - 5 years ago

@MerylPinque: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, disparaît dans un accident au Groenland - GoodPlanet mag'… - 5 years ago

@jb111: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@AjiMrizky: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@Mauricio_Rosas: RT @MarkSharpe39kFT: #Courage Some take the easy route - while others push it to the limit of human endurance in the pursuit of a great a… - 5 years ago

@mchdr_: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@Eco1stArt: RT @IAM__Network: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 READ MORE: #Adaptation #Antarct… - 5 years ago

@IAM__Network: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 READ MORE: #Adaptation… - 5 years ago

@mcc01778: RT @PaulHBeckwith: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@bud1ana: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@RebeccaHaacker: RT @BreakNSci: We are saddened to learn of the loss of a visionary in the field of #ClimateChange and global climate. This week, we pay our… - 5 years ago

@gdesaskh: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@htssurabaya: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@blindnegation: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@barat_pijat: RT @detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@_Anonym0us_FL_: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@detikinet: Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghabiskan hidupnya untuk meneliti perubahan iklim yang melanda Bumi. - 5 years ago

@fntna: Kecelakaan di Greenland, Ilmuwan Terkenal Hilang Ilmuwan Konrad Steffen menghab - 5 years ago

@MarkSharpe39kFT: #Courage Some take the easy route - while others push it to the limit of human endurance in the pursuit of a grea… - 5 years ago

@BreakNSci: We are saddened to learn of the loss of a visionary in the field of #ClimateChange and global climate. This week, w… - 5 years ago

@uaharoni: RT @RackMada: קונראד סטפן, מדען אקלים מפורסם, שהזהיר מפני התדקקות מדף הקרח בקוטב הצפוני, והזהיר כי גובה הים יעלה בכמעט מטר שלם, נפל אל מותו… - 5 years ago

@JoanaAMorais: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@JanetteD: @WCRP_climate @CliC_WCRP Thank you for your research work on spectacular #Earth’s ice and snow, Konrad “Koni” Steff… - 5 years ago

@JanetteD: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@makjob786: RT @Smilynntodd: “In the end, climate change claimed him as a victim,” Ryan Neely said, mourning the death of world-renowned climate scient… - 5 years ago

@przegryw_z_chin: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@mdp4202: Konrad Steffen; sounded alarm on Greenland ice, 68 - The Boston Globe - 5 years ago

@ReachSew: RT @BreitbartNews: Konrad Steffen, director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), was reported miss… - 5 years ago

@AntonellaStara3: RT @Luca_Mercalli: Konrad Steffen, detto “Koni” dai suoi discepoli, ha dedicato la vita a misurare i ghiacciai della Groenlandia malati di… - 5 years ago

@maya_jorg: RT @Knutti_ETH: We are losing an exceptionally productive scientist, a gifted communicator and negotiator, and an engaging, generous and in… - 5 years ago

@BainLandau: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Scifihuman: World-renowned Swiss climate scientist Konrad Steffen, who studied Greenland's melting ice sheet for 30 years, died… - 5 years ago

@Satiristas: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@KGrayson_UR: RT @BeeBrookshire: This is really tragic. “It looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim,” - 5 years ago

@TiaLaFavor: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@somestarstuff: @spacecrone ty for this. feeling very depressed over the death of konrad steffen. - 5 years ago

@Michael91693258: RT @TLMote: - 5 years ago

@MaryHallmark4: RT @BreitbartNews: Konrad Steffen, director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), was reported miss… - 5 years ago

@ICANAtlas: RT @deepseadawn: Arctic scientist Konrad Steffen, whose work showed how Greenland’s ice sheet is melting as a result of #climatechange, has… - 5 years ago

@econoteit: RT @Luca_Mercalli: Konrad Steffen, detto “Koni” dai suoi discepoli, ha dedicato la vita a misurare i ghiacciai della Groenlandia malati di… - 5 years ago

@charlierichmond: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@polyperplexed: RT @BreitbartNews: Konrad Steffen, director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), was reported miss… - 5 years ago

@McneJames: RT @Smilynntodd: “In the end, climate change claimed him as a victim,” Ryan Neely said, mourning the death of world-renowned climate scient… - 5 years ago

@NovellaPupaTerr: RT @Luca_Mercalli: Konrad Steffen, detto “Koni” dai suoi discepoli, ha dedicato la vita a misurare i ghiacciai della Groenlandia malati di… - 5 years ago

@TechnologieWP: - 5 years ago

@AtlanticECS: "Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68" . . #climatechange #environment… - 5 years ago

@Mtigar6: RT @BreitbartNews: Konrad Steffen, director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), was reported miss… - 5 years ago

@PuncherLongo: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@somestarstuff: climate scientist konrad steffen drowned when he fell through an ice crevasse in greenland a few days ago. our envi… - 5 years ago

@nadavett: RT @RackMada: קונראד סטפן, מדען אקלים מפורסם, שהזהיר מפני התדקקות מדף הקרח בקוטב הצפוני, והזהיר כי גובה הים יעלה בכמעט מטר שלם, נפל אל מותו… - 5 years ago

@meemsaf: RT @RackMada: קונראד סטפן, מדען אקלים מפורסם, שהזהיר מפני התדקקות מדף הקרח בקוטב הצפוני, והזהיר כי גובה הים יעלה בכמעט מטר שלם, נפל אל מותו… - 5 years ago

@doddy610: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@__Mirabelka__: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@PaulMick: RT @BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet with incre… - 5 years ago

@hagen_oskar: - 5 years ago

@mrs_griexx: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@LAPI_epfl: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@juliewa43117224: RT @BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet with incre… - 5 years ago

@omerdank: RT @RackMada: קונראד סטפן, מדען אקלים מפורסם, שהזהיר מפני התדקקות מדף הקרח בקוטב הצפוני, והזהיר כי גובה הים יעלה בכמעט מטר שלם, נפל אל מותו… - 5 years ago

@RackMada: קונראד סטפן, מדען אקלים מפורסם, שהזהיר מפני התדקקות מדף הקרח בקוטב הצפוני, והזהיר כי גובה הים יעלה בכמעט מטר שלם, נ… - 5 years ago

@DocClaireP: RT @SeatrecInc: A profound loss for #climatescience. #KonradSteffen, whose work showed that #climatechange is melting #Greenland’s vast #… - 5 years ago

@LinaSCC: RT @BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet with incre… - 5 years ago

@DVanHook822: RT @BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet with incre… - 5 years ago

@Dashley00x: RT @BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet with incre… - 5 years ago

@BostonGlobe: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet wit… - 5 years ago

@07Butterflygirl: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@mom2jfk: RT @alexrivest_phd: Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen” on #Vimeo - 5 years ago

@mom2jfk: RT @SeatrecInc: A profound loss for #climatescience. #KonradSteffen, whose work showed that #climatechange is melting #Greenland’s vast #… - 5 years ago

@mom2jfk: RT @rwrobinson37: Time to #SaveTheChildrenWorldWide by believing in #Science! What about the children's future? #ClimateAction #ClimateEmer… - 5 years ago

@mycanadiantimes: Konrad Steffen, who sounded alarm on Greenland ice, dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Kmanley23: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@raviponnudurai1: - 5 years ago

@whynotelsewhere: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@wiegard_chris: Konrad Steffen, world renowned climate researcher, fell into an ice crevasse in Greenland and drowned: a victim of… - 5 years ago

@alexrivest_phd: Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen” on #Vimeo - 5 years ago

@AhlstromAndreas: RT @GlacierBytes: Stealth Diplomat -- Koni's Arctic advocacy went beyond just fieldwork and science. His fingerprints are all over Switzerl… - 5 years ago

@mbluetyphoon: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@GNewshub: Konrad Steffen, who sounded alarm on Greenland ice, dies at 68 /via @globeandmail - 5 years ago

@moris_pl: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@vaikon: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@caracowanwatts: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@AngelopoulosCon: RT @HenryMakow: - 5 years ago

@BayouMuseDC: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@TAMER1461: RT @EmineKa21703470: Dünyanın önde gelen iklim bilimcilerinden biri olan ve Grönland'ın buz tabakasıyla ilgili 30 yıllık çalışması, küresel… - 5 years ago

@waitnc2100: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@sjplep: RT @NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Davina10523580: RT @NYTScience: Konrad Steffen helped warn the world that climate change was melting Greenland's massive ice sheet and raising sea levels.… - 5 years ago

@marta_iansen: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@NYCsocial_tw: RT @annenbcnews: via @NYTimes Koni Steffen... a life in service to science and man, well lived. RIP. - 5 years ago

@PaddingtonBore: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@al_mcdreams: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@SaveEarthNow: A renowned climate scientist once compared to 'an icy Indiana Jones' has died after falling through ice thinned by… - 5 years ago

@entuzjastka: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@SToonsMusic: @The_Pond_Lady Unfortunate but not surprising. I posted the same thing earlier but the Twitterverse is so stressed… - 5 years ago

@casmajolus: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@bebibratka: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@OutThereCafe: @DerekP23 @Marie96744474 @IvankaTrump No, I am not okay. I have spent all day screaming at the sky because of the b… - 5 years ago

@Elentari98: RT @HenryMakow: - 5 years ago

@hagen_oskar: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@MonkeyMyBack: another climate change death this time a climate scientist - 5 years ago

@EmineKa21703470: Dünyanın önde gelen iklim bilimcilerinden biri olan ve Grönland'ın buz tabakasıyla ilgili 30 yıllık çalışması, küre… - 5 years ago

@Klimatsvaret: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@ClimateHist: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Imjustanavocado: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@purpIe_moon: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@nissenjo: Moving words by Thomas Stocker on the loss of Konni Steffen and the warming at Swiss Camp: “Rivers connect the deep… - 5 years ago

@adoremygrandex: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@anna_hersperger: RT @MonicaGTurner: I was shocked & so sad to learn Monday that Koni Steffen had died. The world lost a wonderful scientist and leader, as I… - 5 years ago

@Moonroxxx: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@Eco1stArt: RT @suzand_joy: A renowned #researcher on rising sea levels, he died after falling into the kind of crevasse that warming has created. “It… - 5 years ago

@OurFutureBot: RT @suzand_joy: A renowned #researcher on rising sea levels, he died after falling into the kind of crevasse that warming has created. “It… - 5 years ago

@suzand_joy: RT @suzand_joy: A renowned #researcher on rising sea levels, he died after falling into the kind of crevasse that warming has created. “It… - 5 years ago

@suzand_joy: A renowned #researcher on rising sea levels, he died after falling into the kind of crevasse that warming has creat… - 5 years ago

@ENFPdreamer: RT @JackMcGeehin: I had the pleasure of working with Koni on a climate change assessment in the late-2000s. He was a brilliant scientist an… - 5 years ago

@fbisdgt: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@suzand_joy: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@haanahakki: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@averymcqu: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@sueityoongs: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@SebWrites: RT @CaroYzk: RIP Konrad Steffen #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #climatestrike - 5 years ago

@Hinata37172061: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@zelozeloelo: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@Ludmia12: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@ClimateChangePa: RT @CaroYzk: RIP Konrad Steffen #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #climatestrike - 5 years ago

@LisaDeeleySmith: Beyond tragic. He documents that Greenland's ice is melting and new crevasses are opening. Then he falls into one a… - 5 years ago

@JackMcGeehin: I had the pleasure of working with Koni on a climate change assessment in the late-2000s. He was a brilliant scient… - 5 years ago

@redmayniara: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@Eco1stArt: RT @CaroYzk: RIP Konrad Steffen #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #climatestrike - 5 years ago

@CaroYzk: RIP Konrad Steffen #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #climatestrike - 5 years ago

@marilynjohnsto4: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@cholernie: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@beknuesel: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@elkamaaa: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@dorianmiszcz: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@polski_johny: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@JoyDbg: World-renowned Swiss climate scientist #Konrad_Steffen , who studied Greenland's melting ice sheet for 30 years, di… - 5 years ago

@MaxFaulk1: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@catsformede: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@xjbgx: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@joachimjlayes: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@KPolak3: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@OtherColinGreen: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@the_larrikin: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@VincentaAngel57: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@qbas81: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@notion2occupy: RT @PaulHBeckwith: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@MrsPsp: - 5 years ago

@Betterw05759703: RT @drpatfarrell: Konrad Steffen, renowned climate scientist dies in Greenland accident | Live Science - 5 years ago

@jodgusdonway: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@drpatfarrell: Konrad Steffen, renowned climate scientist dies in Greenland accident | Live Science - 5 years ago

@mickiikk: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@UrquizaNayeli: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@AnnetteBickford: A huge loss. As if things weren’t bleak enough. - 5 years ago

@minch3rry: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@edouardlambelet: RT @EPFL_en: The death of world-class specialist Konrad Steffen has stunned the Swiss scientific community. @EPFL extends its deepest condo… - 5 years ago

@Milanowekpet: A renowned researcher on rising sea levels, he died after falling into the kind of crevasse that warming has create… - 5 years ago

@ChrisRiger: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@Beerenberg: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@ChrisRiger: RT @jeffgoodell: Climate scientists are the heroes of our time. Konrad Steffen was among the greatest. His death on the ice in Greenland wh… - 5 years ago

@mrvandenbroeke: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@yubnubnub: スイス連邦森林・雪氷・景観研究所所長 氷河学者、コンラッド・シュテフェン(Konrad Steffen)氏(68) RT » 著名な気候変動学者、クレバスに転落して死亡 グリーンランド(AFP=時事) - 5 years ago

@gloriasrevenge: RT @panikowac: 🎬 Gorąco zachęcamy również do obejrzenia pięknego filmu ( - 5 years ago

@RadovanStojano3: RT @RadovanStojano3: - 5 years ago

@arctic_global: RT @SwissPolar: Konrad Steffen, our Scientific Director, tragically died in an accident in Greenland. He was a passionate scientist and gre… - 5 years ago

@yann_Niort: #triste #badnews #ipcc #ClimateChange #KonradSteffen - 5 years ago

@UnRigodon: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@TaylorCurrier5: RT @PaulHBeckwith: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@NationalRazor: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@JoshuaSmith1983: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@dhofstetter_x: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@TPE_connect: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies in ice accident in Greenland* #KonradSteffen #Greenland #Denmark #Ice… - 5 years ago

@metallicat6: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@RadovanStojano3: - 5 years ago

@RadovanStojano3: RT @PaulHBeckwith: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@WestergrenJon: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@All4ACT2: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@joemailman: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@LoreyJeanene: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Tony48Tiger: RT @Tony48Tiger: @Electroversenet @FriendsOScience AGW · Anthropogenic (human-originating) Global Warming is a MYTH! 'Global warming' is a… - 5 years ago

@ReelRecording: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@rHeyamaybay: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@jeffAndersonUSN: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@NimrodScott: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@KARAMID: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@NimrodScott: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@EloolyM: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@dhershiser: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Kave51814377: @carmst2000 @CBCNews @chrishallcbc @AndrewScheer The type of comment expected from a Rockefeller carpetbagger. And… - 5 years ago

@ThorntonHeath31: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@SLawrenceRSCJ: RT @OttawaCitizen: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen falls into crevasse on Greenland ice sheet and perishes - 5 years ago

@iris8m: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@gue20181540: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@Christi54789292: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@jjshortiii: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@bekahsmaller: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@RRTaylor222: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@ddimick: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@JAMES10GG: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@ricarcass: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@Joellenhale4: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@IAM__Network: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 READ MORE: #Adaptation… - 5 years ago

@ProducerCities: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Isellmpls: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@JeanneSteele: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@RbgBodyguard: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@digitalorality: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@TheHumanDigital: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@TPE_connect: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies in ice accident in Greenland....... #KonradSteffen #Greenland #Denmark #Ice… - 5 years ago

@KaraHenderson: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@GeeksForEarth: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@JeanneSteele: RT @BillWeirCNN: A few days ago he went to check data in blowing snow. His team later found a man-sized hole in thin ice covering a deep, h… - 5 years ago

@leanne_cali: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Fab_The_Rev: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@ayyy_ohhhh: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@shalpinpeace: RT @edmontonjournal: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen falls into crevasse on Greenland ice sheet and perishes - 5 years ago

@Kynykya4211: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@tenhet_leigh: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@Penticton_Nigel: Ironic that Konrad Steffen, climate warmist, should die from an unseasonable August snowstorm in Greenland… - 5 years ago

@GigiTerrix4: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Safyreyez1: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@MorganMJohnsen: RT @SciInsider: A renowned climate scientist once compared to 'an icy Indiana Jones' has died after falling through ice thinned by melting… - 5 years ago

@ShannyTab: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Dr_Geophysics: RIP: - 5 years ago

@jesse_vetsch: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@CircumpolarInfo: Condolences to colleagues at Swiss Camp. - 5 years ago

@jrltexas1: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@kacrary2: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@Doug_Monroe27: RT @stevefennessy: You could say we all killed him. - 5 years ago

@_zaos: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@clivebarnard3: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@Electroversenet: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@greeksteve: RT @Tony48Tiger: @Electroversenet @FriendsOScience AGW · Anthropogenic (human-originating) Global Warming is a MYTH! 'Global warming' is a… - 5 years ago

@muskmelancholy: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@emily___garcia: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@giancasutt: RT @NYTObits: "Koni's renowned work as a glaciologist has been instrumental in the world’s deepened understanding of the climate crisis," A… - 5 years ago

@PatrikWiniger: RT @climate_ice: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@NorcalLiberal: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@PNoaker: RT @edmontonjournal: Climate scientist Konrad Steffen falls into crevasse on Greenland ice sheet and perishes - 5 years ago

@UrghThisKhairul: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@eddydaud: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@AnimalMemorial: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@DrATrejoPhD: Konrad Steffen, renowned climate scientist dies in Greenland accident | Live Science - 5 years ago

@_ISOTM: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@jatkat45: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@ormedesmarais: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@dvharry2020: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@incorrigiblecr2: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@LiveScience: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@patricia_rattew: RT @peterdavies211: Konrad Steffen, climate scientist, has tragically died. Police said he had fallen into a crevasse in the ice and drowne… - 5 years ago

@Over400ppm: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@stamatgeorge: The guy studying this literally fell through the ice a bit ago and drowned. Konrad Steffen is a hero. Rest In Peace… - 5 years ago

@PaolaBombelli: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@peterdavies211: Konrad Steffen, climate scientist, has tragically died. Police said he had fallen into a crevasse in the ice and dr… - 5 years ago

@dominocean: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@tom_ssboats: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@BurnedMarshmel1: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@MartinVetterli: RT @NYTObits: "Koni's renowned work as a glaciologist has been instrumental in the world’s deepened understanding of the climate crisis," A… - 5 years ago

@DoyenneSolace: RT @JRehling: This is a terrible personal tragedy and also a terrifying omen of what's ahead for the planet and all of us. - 5 years ago

@CkilNYC: RT @johnnycashapp: In today's premonition of doom, one of the most renowned glaciologists Konrad Steffen died in greenland from the ice giv… - 5 years ago

@nicehorsey: RT @JRehling: This is a terrible personal tragedy and also a terrifying omen of what's ahead for the planet and all of us. - 5 years ago

@JackieDuf: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@uspermafrost: RT @BruceForbes4: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - The New York Times - 5 years ago

@ProfMarkwick: RT @michael_byers: Tragedy on the ice-cap. - 5 years ago

@RutErdelyi: Konrad Steffen, a renowned #climate scientist, died on Saturday after he fell through thin ice in Greenland into a… - 5 years ago

@michael_byers: Tragedy on the ice-cap. - 5 years ago

@chezbennetts: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@EcoDaydream: RT @smarlenefrost: A thank you owed 👇 Peaceful rest Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Janesantafe: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@gipel49: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@GroEddy: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@thompsonarr: RT @Electroversenet: GREENLAND CLIMATE SCIENTIST DIES DURING RECENT RECORD-BREAKING SNOW/ICE GAINS Konrad Steffen was one of the world's l… - 5 years ago

@saffszyp: RT @NYTObits: "Koni's renowned work as a glaciologist has been instrumental in the world’s deepened understanding of the climate crisis," A… - 5 years ago

@feistsheindlin1: RT @LiveScience: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@sjplep: RT @NYTObits: "Koni's renowned work as a glaciologist has been instrumental in the world’s deepened understanding of the climate crisis," A… - 5 years ago

@esder23: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@labexARBRE: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@NYTObits: "Koni's renowned work as a glaciologist has been instrumental in the world’s deepened understanding of the climate… - 5 years ago

@EdJoyce: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@Eco1stArt: RT @Joe_Follansbee: Let us hope the loss of glacier scientist Konrad Steffen earlier this month doesn't hurt our ability to study this phen… - 5 years ago

@apfelsosse: RT @NYTScience: Konrad Steffen helped warn the world that climate change was melting Greenland's massive ice sheet and raising sea levels.… - 5 years ago

@apfelsosse: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@OurFutureBot: RT @Joe_Follansbee: Let us hope the loss of glacier scientist Konrad Steffen earlier this month doesn't hurt our ability to study this phen… - 5 years ago

@forrealthobrent: Me: Can this year possibly get any darker? 2020: - 5 years ago

@0bFuSc8: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@DanielOCL: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@easbla: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@hokiekat93: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Kate_Is_Rising: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@DanaJWr: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@MikeMongo: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@slaterusa: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@CarolineLiquori: RT @JRehling: This is a terrible personal tragedy and also a terrifying omen of what's ahead for the planet and all of us. - 5 years ago

@GailAScott65: RT @JRehling: This is a terrible personal tragedy and also a terrifying omen of what's ahead for the planet and all of us. - 5 years ago

@joisami: Konrad Steffen in 2010. His Greenland research station became a destination for journalists, political leaders and… - 5 years ago

@muruga_TNIE: RT @Krish_TNIE: Konrad Steffen died in an accident in Greenland. Prof Steffen contributed to the @IPCC_CH as a Lead Author on the Special R… - 5 years ago

@joisami: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@p_sunish: RT @Krish_TNIE: Konrad Steffen died in an accident in Greenland. Prof Steffen contributed to the @IPCC_CH as a Lead Author on the Special R… - 5 years ago

@audiblevideo: RT @JRehling: This is a terrible personal tragedy and also a terrifying omen of what's ahead for the planet and all of us. - 5 years ago

@benjaminblouin: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@DrFunkySpoon: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@NathanHam87: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@NievesF93775388: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@candies2639: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@VikingJared: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@LaLaKristiansen: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 Renowned researcher on risin… - 5 years ago

@Allen11Cynthia: RT @ReflectingMan: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland. - 5 years ago

@Hischemellor: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@dnicolebostrom: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@dnicolebostrom: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@PierAsselin: RT @jbenton: Climate scientist killed by tragic metaphor - 5 years ago

@dnicolebostrom: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@dnicolebostrom: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@MoralesNorman: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@EustonTanner: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@heyitstaliaa: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@justgale: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@SMaybs: "Hey, guys, this is bad. Like it's way worse than I thought. Like really, really baaaaaaaaaaaa--" 🥶💀👻 😬 Renowned c… - 5 years ago

@HaloCommConsult: - 5 years ago

@terrymcbride44: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@TweetiepieHolly: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Anita_Wahine: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@Smallbones: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@Kitcat1378: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@JaviBonedLopera: RT @rainnwilson: What a terrible loss for the climate research world: - 5 years ago

@CC_Yale: “He wanted to get it right, providing truly accurate, reliable data and interpretations.” — scientist Richard Alley… - 5 years ago

@WomanDraft: RT @mbalter: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on #Greenland Ice, dies at 68. #climate - 5 years ago

@Hassan_AGOUZOUL: RT @IPCC_CH: The #IPCC is saddened to learn of the loss of Konrad Steffen who died in an accident in Greenland. Professor Steffen contribu… - 5 years ago

@lauralequertier: RT @Bernard_Rappaz: Périr dans une crevasse arctique après avoir alerté la planète sur les dangers du réchauffement, le destin cruel de l’u… - 5 years ago

@jpGattuso: RT @IPCC_CH: The #IPCC is saddened to learn of the loss of Konrad Steffen who died in an accident in Greenland. Professor Steffen contribu… - 5 years ago

@OurFutureBot: RT @johnbax90674941: #HelpCombatClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at… - 5 years ago

@johnbax90674941: #HelpCombatClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies… - 5 years ago

@RomTorn: RT @Bernard_Rappaz: Périr dans une crevasse arctique après avoir alerté la planète sur les dangers du réchauffement, le destin cruel de l’u… - 5 years ago

@amschwand: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@AstroBrandon: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@ClimateTeams: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@Robii38: RT @IPCC_CH: The #IPCC is saddened to learn of the loss of Konrad Steffen who died in an accident in Greenland. Professor Steffen contribu… - 5 years ago

@WeManifestPeace: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@WeManifestPeace: RT @climate_ice: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@suenosdeuomi: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@eric_SDSC: RT @giancasutt: Great article about Koni in the Washington Post. A worldwide⁦⁦ respected and loved scientist and man. RIP. „Konrad Steffen,… - 5 years ago

@sancarfer: RT @Bernard_Rappaz: Périr dans une crevasse arctique après avoir alerté la planète sur les dangers du réchauffement, le destin cruel de l’u… - 5 years ago

@femba01: World-renowned climate scientist dies in ice accident in Greenland - 5 years ago

@marthamcconnell: Konrad Steffen will be missed. - 5 years ago

@TaylorKirsch1: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@bobb_butts: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@reportingsjr: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@RicardoLassala: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@andreaskirstein: RT @ETHBibliothek: Wir sind sehr bestürzt und traurig. Am 8.8.2020, ist Konrad Steffen, Professor @ETH für Klima und Kryosphäre am @WSL_res… - 5 years ago

@350Riverside: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@SwissEmbassyUSA: RIP to the renowned leading researcher in #climate science, Konrad Steffen. The incredible Swiss leader who was ext… - 5 years ago

@bernardjchevall: RT @Bernard_Rappaz: Périr dans une crevasse arctique après avoir alerté la planète sur les dangers du réchauffement, le destin cruel de l’u… - 5 years ago

@kirkconnel: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@GlacialMeg: RT @AliBanwell: As this article describes, Koni Steffen, an early expert on global warming, was killed by a warming-induced crevasse. So sa… - 5 years ago

@Dovewoman1: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@NMP_PalAnox: RT @deepseadawn: Arctic scientist Konrad Steffen, whose work showed how Greenland’s ice sheet is melting as a result of #climatechange, has… - 5 years ago

@BruceCMelton1: Renowned Climate Scientist Explorer Dies on the Ice: Konrad Steffen I met him in Ilulissat… - 5 years ago

@jonmingle: RIP Konrad Steffen, who did much to advance our understanding of Greenland's ice and Arctic climate (as @jongertner… - 5 years ago

@eei_ng: IPCC mourns late renowned climate scientist, Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@KellyTurberfie1: RT @IPCC_CH: Another tribute to Konrad Steffen by our former Co-Chair Thomas Stocker - 5 years ago

@LilliamLHurst: RT @Bernard_Rappaz: Périr dans une crevasse arctique après avoir alerté la planète sur les dangers du réchauffement, le destin cruel de l’u… - 5 years ago

@KellyTurberfie1: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@WPomrehn: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@PSUEMS: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68. Ice experts reflect on "giant in the field." - 5 years ago

@hhaammmaadd: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@happifydesign: RT @climatebrad: Somehow I don't think @koni_steffen would be happy his @nytimes obituary by @jswatz fails to mention that the burning of f… - 5 years ago

@CclOregon: RT @IPCC_CH: Another tribute to Konrad Steffen by our former Co-Chair Thomas Stocker - 5 years ago

@KitHansson: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@CymiePayne: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@bearvier: RT @smarlenefrost: A thank you owed 👇 Peaceful rest Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@smarlenefrost: A thank you owed 👇 Peaceful rest Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@RyanTheMato: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@Archipet: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@climatebrad: Somehow I don't think @koni_steffen would be happy his @nytimes obituary by @jswatz fails to mention that the burni… - 5 years ago

@Chuck_OOO: RT @DrFunkySpoon: A scientist who studied climate change tragically falls victim to it. He fell into a crevasse, in an area where such gia… - 5 years ago

@Raphaelhd1: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@prepostmeltdown: A great loss of a fine and dedicated scientist. - 5 years ago

@twittjorg: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@benedictallen: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@diegoaornelas: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Pierre__Baumann: RT @giancasutt: Great article about Koni in the Washington Post. A worldwide⁦⁦ respected and loved scientist and man. RIP. „Konrad Steffen,… - 5 years ago

@katarinazimmer: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@ecumenika: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@UduLaw: RT @Revkin: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@miniPCR: Now let's keep fighting his fight - 5 years ago

@rlocker12: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@JohnReganQS: RT @NYTScience: Konrad Steffen helped warn the world that climate change was melting Greenland's massive ice sheet and raising sea levels.… - 5 years ago

@HarlemGirl59: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@jwomack: RT @powellnyt: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” Konrad Steffen, A Scientist Who Sounded Alarm o… - 5 years ago

@barbosaandres: RT @WCRP_climate: Konrad 'Koni' Steffen will be remembered as an outstanding scientist — but most of all he will be remembered as a wonderf… - 5 years ago

@josiegz: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@EcoEye: RT @climate_ice: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@GlacierBytes: RT @videnskabdk: Den internationalt anerkendte glaciolog Konrad Steffen, kendt som Koni, styrtede søndag ned i en dyb gletsjerspalte. »De… - 5 years ago

@tancopsey: RT @alicebell: This is so incredibly tragic - glaciologist dies falling into the kind of crevasse that the global warming he was studying… - 5 years ago

@MobileHarv: Tragic death in the field of a renowned researcher on sea level rise. “It looks like climate change actually clai… - 5 years ago

@ice_santiago: RT @AliBanwell: As this article describes, Koni Steffen, an early expert on global warming, was killed by a warming-induced crevasse. So sa… - 5 years ago

@videnskabdk: Den internationalt anerkendte glaciolog Konrad Steffen, kendt som Koni, styrtede søndag ned i en dyb gletsjerspalte… - 5 years ago

@sandchair: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@shadownlite: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@rickeyre: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Rogelio_Nava: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@jlouiseErle: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@MoreOurselves: RT @RG_Fox_Cda: @KHayhoe Oddly enough, I found this link open: - 5 years ago

@Nec092: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@doinwork603: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@ReneeVoiceBrand: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@arena7165: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@downbythebridge: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@lebanontoday: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@Clay02911789: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@RAWitt2: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@grace00266567: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@paullyoung: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@klimatbevakaren: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@britnidlc: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@gtallen89: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@obituarywriters: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet wit… - 5 years ago

@blogofdeath: Konrad Steffen, an Arctic scientist whose work showed that climate change is melting Greenland’s vast ice sheet wit… - 5 years ago

@Bessonpf: RT @GlacierBytes: Stealth Diplomat -- Koni's Arctic advocacy went beyond just fieldwork and science. His fingerprints are all over Switzerl… - 5 years ago

@Limecello: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@KirchnerArctic: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@USCX1954: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@bat__go: RT @GlacierBytes: Stealth Diplomat -- Koni's Arctic advocacy went beyond just fieldwork and science. His fingerprints are all over Switzerl… - 5 years ago

@ellie_kona: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@MartinSchnee1: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@verityweekly: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland USA Today: Beloved U.S.-Swi… - 5 years ago

@LianeGBenning: RT @GlacierBytes: Stealth Diplomat -- Koni's Arctic advocacy went beyond just fieldwork and science. His fingerprints are all over Switzerl… - 5 years ago

@GlacierBytes: Stealth Diplomat -- Koni's Arctic advocacy went beyond just fieldwork and science. His fingerprints are all over Sw… - 5 years ago

@lalamoh: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@lalamoh: RT @BillWeirCNN: A few days ago he went to check data in blowing snow. His team later found a man-sized hole in thin ice covering a deep, h… - 5 years ago

@ShivamGusain20: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@susiebright: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@joke2power: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@tigerbeat: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@LeahMarcal: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@leilamillersays: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@kabiirajj: RT @AliBanwell: As this article describes, Koni Steffen, an early expert on global warming, was killed by a warming-induced crevasse. So sa… - 5 years ago

@BeatsSaleGoogle: HipHopKonrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@VidPeter: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@Sqawkin: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@dn1164: RT @powellnyt: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” Konrad Steffen, A Scientist Who Sounded Alarm o… - 5 years ago

@kg_nielsen: via @NYTimes - 5 years ago

@Fl74Tom: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@EtJ95: RT @USMNT_Thoughts: @espn Pulisic - Chelsea Adams - Leipzig Dest - Ajax Reyna - Dortmund Steffen - Manchester City McKennie - Schalke Weah… - 5 years ago

@KruminsAlex: RT @PaulDeCristofo4: #KonradSteffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 from accident. - 5 years ago

@NYCjamescobb: Damn, just read this by @jswatz: Konrad Steffen, who sounded alarm on Greenland ice, dies at 68 as a victim of clim… - 5 years ago

@desert09: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@Lisajeanapple: RT @jackhealyNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” ⁦@jswatz⁩ writes of a remarkable life ende… - 5 years ago

@jackhealyNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” ⁦@jswatz⁩ writes of a remarkable life… - 5 years ago

@Izziebettz2: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@dwiebe99: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@Eco_Bryan: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@eastvillagetwt: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@eastvillagetwt: RT @BillWeirCNN: A few days ago he went to check data in blowing snow. His team later found a man-sized hole in thin ice covering a deep, h… - 5 years ago

@XiameansSummer: shocked and saddened. First met Koni in Tibet. Warm, optimistic, full of good jokes. Amazing work he did and great… - 5 years ago

@hunnybun100: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@bhngyn: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@AlpineGlaciers: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@JohnB: RT @powellnyt: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” Konrad Steffen, A Scientist Who Sounded Alarm o… - 5 years ago

@_Lesbyterian: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@VoteKamala4Prez: RT @PaulDeCristofo4: #KonradSteffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 from accident. - 5 years ago

@angrytwinsmom: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@FogerteyKara: Really tragic news. At such a crucial time. - 5 years ago

@MaryInMinnesota: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@PaulDeCristofo4: #KonradSteffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 from accident. - 5 years ago

@RussTidwell: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@missjst: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@corinnegorgy: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@esaikawa: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@nwchap: RT @powellnyt: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” Konrad Steffen, A Scientist Who Sounded Alarm o… - 5 years ago

@gillyarcht: RT @powellnyt: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” Konrad Steffen, A Scientist Who Sounded Alarm o… - 5 years ago

@DCCajun: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@lukemetzger: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@QSO3C273: #ClimateSaint His mission driven by his compassion. - 5 years ago

@DanaKelly7: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@stemple_jim: RT @EnnisNYT: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” @jswatz obit of renowned Arctic scientist who di… - 5 years ago

@MBRMark: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@johnrokkit: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@skypax: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@UleryJessica: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@dianabechini93: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@JAM_Navy_Chief: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@okie_democrat: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@brianbahouth: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@flightbomb: RT @NYTScience: Konrad Steffen helped warn the world that climate change was melting Greenland's massive ice sheet and raising sea levels.… - 5 years ago

@jilevin: RT @jilevin: Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in Greenland - 5 years ago

@juris_doc_dre: RT @USMNT_Thoughts: @espn Pulisic - Chelsea Adams - Leipzig Dest - Ajax Reyna - Dortmund Steffen - Manchester City McKennie - Schalke Weah… - 5 years ago

@global5justice: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@allmixblog2: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 By John Schwartz from NYT C… - 5 years ago

@aisling_bn: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@DrJane_E: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@DavoPryor: RT @ExplorersClub: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@patelme4: RT @odessib: Konrad Steffen, director of @WSL_research WSL, Arctic and Antarctic scientist, former director of @CIRES (Boulder, Colorado)… - 5 years ago

@DivinityHope: RT @USMNT_Thoughts: @espn Pulisic - Chelsea Adams - Leipzig Dest - Ajax Reyna - Dortmund Steffen - Manchester City McKennie - Schalke Weah… - 5 years ago

@mediafrendzee: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@AnnaLi94497532: RT @zbrain: - 5 years ago

@AnneCMulkern: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@FunkyCrick: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@klamacz: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@noahmendelson: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@theseaofclouds: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@carmenBwifemom: RT @CleanAirMoms: Reading: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@asterisk3: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@CleanAirMoms: Reading: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@EdDarrell: RT @Revkin: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Bronx2216: RT @Revkin: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@____Roar____: RT @Revkin: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@Revkin: Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68 - 5 years ago

@ricredman: Terribly sad and bitterly ironic: Top Greenland climate scientist drowns in a Greenland glacier's meltwater. He ha… - 5 years ago

@Samwilliamsnrdc: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@olsentropy: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@Colinfreeze: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@AmandaFernan88: "Konrad Steffen, Who Sounded Alarm on Greenland Ice, Dies at 68" by John Schwartz via NYT - 5 years ago

@SilvoPastured: RT @nytclimate: “In the end, it looks like climate change actually claimed him as a victim.” - 5 years ago

@ErikMConway: RT @jswatz: When exceptional people die, their obituaries are exceptional — and an honor to write. Climate scientist Konrad Steffen led suc… - 5 years ago

@ehekkala: RT @sandergeelen: "I can say for certain that we need to change, but I can't tell you how to change. I can only remind you to think of this… - 5 years ago

@lawrence_hutton: A tragedy dripping with black irony. - 5 years ago

@russellcris: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@InfoJedi: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@avifollow: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@DeseretGear: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@AnyaIngram2: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@snowman: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@RFagant: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@Alborok75: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@XTraCinnamon: RT @richardhine: "With nearly 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen... dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice shee… - 5 years ago

@laurikcoxnet: RT @BillWeirCNN: A few days ago he went to check data in blowing snow. His team later found a man-sized hole in thin ice covering a deep, h… - 5 years ago

@SunnySimons: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@kaydotkay: RT @capitalweather: Very sad...leading climate scientist dies while on field mission on Greenland's ice sheet: - 5 years ago

@ErikStenholm: An American just scored a #ChampionsLeague quarterfinal winning goal. The #USMNT has a dozen young players with hu… - 5 years ago

@giancasutt: Great article about Koni in the Washington Post. A worldwide⁦⁦ respected and loved scientist and man. RIP. „Konrad… - 5 years ago

@BigLawUS: He actually died from Global Warming. Renowned climate scientist Konrad Steffen dies after falling through ice in… - 5 years ago

@michaelpamperin: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@Mariari30057064: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@GeniusLR: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@togura04: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@SusaMorgan: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@vince_clementi: RT @dr_nerilie: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68. A remarkable man, whose tragic death is a reminder that our… - 5 years ago

@roq11: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@karesf: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@cpkoziol: The climate science and glaciology community recently lost one if its greats. Konrad Steffen has been on the forefr… - 5 years ago

@jmood88: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@MortimerWerther: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@sr71blackbeard: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@m65c64: Very, very sobering. Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen from Alter Ego Inc on Vimeo - 5 years ago

@DanielekMike: RT @towntro: World renowned climate scientist, Konrad Steffen, dead after falling into a crevasse in Greenland. Who wants to bet that Al… - 5 years ago

@baerhealth: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@HirokoTabuchi: RT @KHayhoe: The crevasses of Greenland's melting ice have robbed us of one of the greatest and most unsung scientists of our time. Koni di… - 5 years ago

@sloksa: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@syrotter: RT @capitalweather: Very sad...leading climate scientist dies while on field mission on Greenland's ice sheet: - 5 years ago

@JC_for3: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@MaresTwits: RT @BillWeirCNN: A few days ago he went to check data in blowing snow. His team later found a man-sized hole in thin ice covering a deep, h… - 5 years ago

@MaresTwits: RT @BillWeirCNN: Never had the honor of meeting this man, but the more I learn, the more I admire. His name is Konrad Steffen, son a Zuric… - 5 years ago

@RachaelWood10: RT @capitalweather: Very sad...leading climate scientist dies while on field mission on Greenland's ice sheet: - 5 years ago

@barbc9988: RT @capitalweather: Very sad...leading climate scientist dies while on field mission on Greenland's ice sheet: - 5 years ago

@AmatyaKautilya: RT @capitalweather: Very sad...leading climate scientist dies while on field mission on Greenland's ice sheet: - 5 years ago

@FL_Native_Girl: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@PolarFoundation: IPF is sad to learn of the death of Prof Konrad "Koni" Steffen, an old friend & Honorary Member of IPF. He was a gi… - 5 years ago

@NickGBreeze: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@janfug: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@DrLaurenVargo: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@sigourneyluz: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@AhlstromAndreas: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@AhlstromAndreas: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@etym_dub: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@JohnCappelen: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@FabClimate: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@dwayne_venzen: RT @CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@crzybryseph: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@katarina19623: RT @CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@HermanBrinkhor2: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@longhorn12471: RT @CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@msgifford1977: RT @CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@bridge1013: RT @CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@CoopwrJ: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@NinaKlein: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@CBSThisMorning: The climate science community is mourning the loss of a pioneering climate scientist and glaciologist, Konrad Steff… - 5 years ago

@DrBradBrad: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@swimsure: RT @climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen - 5 years ago

@urluistos: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@Crowe29: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@climate_ice: probably the most important video you will see today... Watch “Swiss Polar Institute - Konrad Steffen”… - 5 years ago

@KY_Rose_1976: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@AndyRidgway1: I've been transfixed by this video recorded a few years ago by glaciologist Konrad Steffen, director of… - 5 years ago

@wavetop: RT @brady_dennis: Konrad Steffen, who was one of the world’s foremost climate scientists and whose 30-year study of Greenland’s ice sheet c… - 5 years ago

@H2O_Apartment: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@SallySellers54: “Koni had to go into the field. It was in his blood,..leaned back with his long arms wide open, breathing in that b… - 5 years ago

@WMOUNHQ: Very sad to hear of the loss of Prof Konrad Steffen @WSL_research distinguished polar researcher and Director on fi… - 5 years ago

@SallySellers54: sliding 20 inches or more a day as the ice sheet drifted seaward. “We realized that something was going wrong,” Dr.… - 5 years ago

@resistelle: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@cloud_counter: RT @brady_dennis: Konrad Steffen, who was one of the world’s foremost climate scientists and whose 30-year study of Greenland’s ice sheet c… - 5 years ago

@jaze_ca: RT @JPvanYpersele: RIP Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 on the Greenland Ice Sheet - The Washington Post https:… - 5 years ago

@AntarcticPippa: RT @dr_nerilie: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68. A remarkable man, whose tragic death is a reminder that our… - 5 years ago

@somevikingchick: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@rachel_marine: RT @dr_nerilie: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68. A remarkable man, whose tragic death is a reminder that our… - 5 years ago

@baulier: RT @JPvanYpersele: RIP Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 on the Greenland Ice Sheet - The Washington Post https:… - 5 years ago

@SallyMos: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@UWLipow: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@r34r47: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@CherylCrannick: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist Rest in peace,… - 5 years ago

@Brookefiona: - 5 years ago

@Priceeqn: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@Flop_Ysh: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@Biggythelegend: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@ceresminerve: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@benji_delaire: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@janggolan: In Greenland, Konrad "Koni" Steffen, renowned climate scientist, falls into crevasse and dies. - 5 years ago

@_blat_: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@cheekeemonkee74: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Sciences_Avenir: RT @carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesures.… - 5 years ago

@rainyinportland: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Suisse: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@MoeQuarantined: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@kathycalm: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@chestnut_daniel: - 5 years ago

@RouaudDamien: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@ImranForsenka: RT @brady_dennis: Konrad Steffen, who was one of the world’s foremost climate scientists and whose 30-year study of Greenland’s ice sheet c… - 5 years ago

@carolechatelain: Un éminent spécialiste du #climat Konrad Steffen, meurt accidentellement au Groenland lors d'une campagne de mesure… - 5 years ago

@aja9696: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@USFreeThinker: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@eltagarifa: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Jharperj1: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@BillEsteem: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@needlenymph: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@GrimKeeper_: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@OBeesBFF: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Tchaikovskyy: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@MattEdelman40: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@kevintripp: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@FaithH0pe_Love: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@maggierose465: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@NorthAmericaNN: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@sunnyslopegirl1: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@climanosco: With immense sadness we share the news of Konrad Steffen’s death. Our thoughts and support are with his family. - 5 years ago

@Nickidewbear: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@DeeThatsMe4real: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@KavithaLetters: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@rxbun: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@JackBentonSr: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Newsmanjim: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@1lowbattery: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@RealLemonTree1: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@RICHYIST: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Clippersfan1986: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@CallMeTibbit: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@Daanibhai: Koni Steffen, a gem of a person & a superb scientist is no more. I had the honour of knowing him at @cugeography. W… - 5 years ago

@rod_chamorro_: RT @CBSNews: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@tania_bo: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen, esperto di #CambiamentoClimatico muore cadendo in un crepaccio in Groenland… - 5 years ago

@CircoloDiNoto: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@cbtuck62: Greenland ice sheet claims life of renowned climate scientist - 5 years ago

@alessio_r_: RT @dr_nerilie: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68. A remarkable man, whose tragic death is a reminder that our… - 5 years ago

@bee2216: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@dr_nerilie: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68. A remarkable man, whose tragic death is a reminder t… - 5 years ago

@JolKlaus2: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@FlatlanderHank: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@dr_nerilie: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@ozjimbob: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@BenPennings: Sad news - "Ironically, it was the perils created by melting around Swiss Camp in Greenland — a research outpost he… - 5 years ago

@Patricia99801: RT @IVelicogna: great scientist, father and fried: we will miss you Koni - 5 years ago

@PP_PLAN_T_E: RT @WeatherProf: With 15,000 academic citations to his name, Steffen dedicated his life to studying the rapidly melting ice sheets in Green… - 5 years ago

@icy_pete: RT @IVelicogna: great scientist, father and fried: we will miss you Koni - 5 years ago

@readfearn: RT @AMacGlac: - 5 years ago

@IVelicogna: great scientist, father and fried: we will miss you Koni - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @SwissPolar: Konrad Steffen, our Scientific Director, tragically died in an accident in Greenland. He was a passionate scientist and gre… - 5 years ago

@DavReveillault: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@TXchilinobeans: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@JJCrosstrainers: RT @ladyspat1: "Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), has died following a… - 5 years ago

@ecologynewsfeed: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss #climate scientist, dies at 68; saw the world changing on the ice: Seattle Times… - 5 years ago

@macbok1: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@FranckHoubre: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@MattSchudel: “I seem to like the extremes. I am not afraid of cold.”Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist who studied… - 5 years ago

@laura__3_14: RT @eilperin: 'I seem to like the extremes,' said Konrad Steffen, the son of a Swiss tailor who researched Greenland's ice sheet and shape… - 5 years ago

@ELENACICCOZZI: RT @SwissPolar: Konrad Steffen, our Scientific Director, tragically died in an accident in Greenland. He was a passionate scientist and gre… - 5 years ago

@mimelle4: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@eAnkitPandey: RT @eilperin: 'I seem to like the extremes,' said Konrad Steffen, the son of a Swiss tailor who researched Greenland's ice sheet and shape… - 5 years ago

@eilperin: 'I seem to like the extremes,' said Konrad Steffen, the son of a Swiss tailor who researched Greenland's ice sheet… - 5 years ago

@TREFAYNE: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@chasingcloudsCW: "Science is there to give an insight. But the community, together with scientists, has to solve the problem." Konra… - 5 years ago

@BelaZier: RT @NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt.… - 5 years ago

@ursgredig: Hatte mehrmals das Vergnügen, Konrad Steffen zu treffen. Ein eindrücklicher Mensch, der ebenso eindringlich wie ver… - 5 years ago

@victormerten: RT @NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt.… - 5 years ago

@Aroguden: Konrad Steffen, director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), was reported… - 5 years ago

@ScienceNik: RT @odessib: @ScienceNik - 5 years ago

@designateduses: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@sunnydays2015: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@MarieOasis2: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@roger_reuss: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@SPECTACLE_PARIS: #Affffreux. Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique meurt en tombant dans une fissure de la calott… - 5 years ago

@MONICAMEDIAS: #Affffreux. Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique meurt en tombant dans une fissure de la calott… - 5 years ago

@MascioliPaola: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@GFSchulze: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@SwissCGAtlanta: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@PriesterTheresa: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@FridaeArtemisia: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@SystemChange_: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@Polarquest2018: RT @odessib: @ArcticBasecamp @WSL_research @GenerationCO2 @algore Thanks Andrew! And here is my obituary and memories of my two trips with… - 5 years ago

@valeabimm: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@AydeMavy: Morto scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@odessib: @algore Good memories while writing about my times with the late famous Swiss glaciologist Konrad Steffen, and good… - 5 years ago

@twitbituaries: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - - 5 years ago

@swissbusiness: Konrad Steffen, renowned Swiss climate scientist, dies at 68 - The Washington Post - 5 years ago

@medicojunghiano: RT @PorcodelMolente: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@bobby_sprung: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@PorcodelMolente: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@Rada00563645: RT @laregione: Addio a Konrad Steffen, l’uomo dei ghiacci e della scienza - 5 years ago

@laregione: Addio a Konrad Steffen, l’uomo dei ghiacci e della scienza - 5 years ago

@_blat_: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Perséides, Spoutnik V et Konrad Steffen : l'actu des sciences en ultrabrèves - 5 years ago

@Sciences_Avenir: Perséides, Spoutnik V et Konrad Steffen : l'actu des sciences en ultrabrèves - 5 years ago

@NinaBuchmann1: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@urluistos: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@MarieClaireGraf: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@KlimastreikBS: RT @klimastreik: Wir möchten Konrad Steffen für seine Forschung und Arbeit zum Klimawandel Danke sagen! Seine Arbeit bietet die Grundlage f… - 5 years ago

@MakeDavero: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@renzo_dude: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@AOStPete: RT @27Edward15: @jaimeor96 @LaStampa Cuanto talento tiene Estados Unidos. Sergino Dest, Christian Pulisic, Gio Reyna, Tyler Adams, Weston M… - 5 years ago

@ANNAQuercia: Morto scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@joelindsey: Sad to hear of Konrad Steffen's passing. I briefly profiled him for @5280 in 2008, about his ingenious experiments… - 5 years ago

@eric624: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@Beerenberg: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@Cactus07K: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@MatcovichEnrico: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@annamariamoscar: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@MaurizioParola: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@FranckyPedia: RT @BartheCloclo: #Environnement #Climat : décès : mort de Konrad #Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, qui a été victime d'un… - 5 years ago

@kalyste34: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, a été victime d'un accident mortel au Groenland… - 5 years ago

@BartheCloclo: #Environnement #Climat : décès : mort de Konrad #Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, qui a été victim… - 5 years ago

@Dondolino72: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@27Edward15: @jaimeor96 @LaStampa Cuanto talento tiene Estados Unidos. Sergino Dest, Christian Pulisic, Gio Reyna, Tyler Adams,… - 5 years ago

@L1nsoumis: RT @michellechappui: Disparition de Konrad Steffen, 68 ans, grand spécialiste du réchauffement. Il serait tombé dans une fissure glaciaire,… - 5 years ago

@elleoffthewall: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@akenatoth: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@HorizonBurning: RT @michellechappui: Disparition de Konrad Steffen, 68 ans, grand spécialiste du réchauffement. Il serait tombé dans une fissure glaciaire,… - 5 years ago

@PyrisDeekhlan: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@54Lilly: RT @michellechappui: Disparition de Konrad Steffen, 68 ans, grand spécialiste du réchauffement. Il serait tombé dans une fissure glaciaire,… - 5 years ago

@michellechappui: Disparition de Konrad Steffen, 68 ans, grand spécialiste du réchauffement. Il serait tombé dans une fissure glaciai… - 5 years ago

@CrazyJeany: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@filotesa: RT @Nicola_Bressi: Il professor Konrad "Koni" Steffen, era uno dei massimi esperti degli effetti sui ghiacci prodotti dal nostro #Inquiname… - 5 years ago

@Musyacefyahoofr: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@Didier515: RT @Sciences_Avenir: Konrad Steffen, spécialiste du réchauffement climatique, mort dans un accident mortel au Groenland - 5 years ago

@Staphylosaurus: RT @asmathys: Inspiring research in memory of Dr. Konrad Steffen, Director @WSL_research - 5 years ago

@maffezzoli: RT @ultimenotizie: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen è morto in un incidente in #Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, era sti… - 5 years ago

@maffezzoli: RT @WSL_research: Il nostro direttore Konrad Steffen è rimasto ucciso in un incidente durante un lavoro sul campo in Groenlandia. Siamo sci… - 5 years ago

@GiuliettaVanni: Morto scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@m_hof: RT @NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt.… - 5 years ago

@YannLeGales: - 5 years ago

@Lyzy5672: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@weltreise1718: RT @NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt.… - 5 years ago

@zazoomblog: Morto Konrad Steffen caduto in un crepaccio. Era impegnato in una delle sue ricerche - #Morto #Konrad #Steffen… - 5 years ago

@EllueTravel: RT @NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt.… - 5 years ago

@vaz_e1: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@NZZ: Während Forschungsarbeiten in #Grönland ist der international bekannte Schweizer Polarforscher Konrad Steffen tödli… - 5 years ago

@transitionlouth: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@EDA_DFAE: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@SwissMFA: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@epflENAC: RT @EPFL: Le professeur Konrad Steffen était directeur de @WSL_research, professeur de #climatologie et de #glaciologie à l’@ETH et à l’@EP… - 5 years ago

@MariaLu91149151: RT @ultimenotizie: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen è morto in un incidente in #Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, era sti… - 5 years ago

@elisabarretop: RT @sandergeelen: "I can say for certain that we need to change, but I can't tell you how to change. I can only remind you to think of this… - 5 years ago

@Italia_Notizie: Cede ghiacciaio,  morto Konrad Steffen: era il pioniere degli studi sui mutamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@ByrdPolar: The Byrd Center mourns the loss of a towering figure in ice and climate science. Much of what we know about the cha… - 5 years ago

@DiversaEtica: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@EPFLPRESS: RT @EPFL: Le professeur Konrad Steffen était directeur de @WSL_research, professeur de #climatologie et de #glaciologie à l’@ETH et à l’@EP… - 5 years ago

@swisstech: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@Foresterbose: RT @asmathys: Inspiring research in memory of Dr. Konrad Steffen, Director @WSL_research - 5 years ago

@gabrielecatania: RT @gabrielecatania: A huge tragedy / Una inmensa tragedia / Una tragedia immensa la morte di Konrad Steffen, un eroe della scienza https:/… - 5 years ago

@ArcticBasecamp: RT @odessib: @ArcticBasecamp @WSL_research @GenerationCO2 @algore Thanks Andrew! And here is my obituary and memories of my two trips with… - 5 years ago

@ClimateKICItaly: Clima, lo scienziato Konrad Steffen morto in Groenlandia cadendo in un crepaccio - 5 years ago

@simoventurini1: RT @ultimenotizie: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen è morto in un incidente in #Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, era sti… - 5 years ago

@CristinaCmr: RT @ultimenotizie: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen è morto in un incidente in #Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, era sti… - 5 years ago

@LeilaSi46634040: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@serenel14278447: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@sciencezoe: RT @thaeusler: Viele haben schon ihre Trauer über den tragischen Tod des Glaziologen Koni Steffen geäussert. Mein Versuch einer Würdigung d… - 5 years ago

@Andrea_V_73: RT @GiuliettaVanni: Konrad Steffen morto, il noto climatologo svizzero è caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@SwissEmbassyUSA: RT @SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Landscape R… - 5 years ago

@SwissAmbUSA: Deeply saddened by the loss of our colleague, Konrad Steffen, dir. of the Federal Institute for Forest, Snow & Land… - 5 years ago

@verdier_alex: RT @AlexanderLandSp: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@AlexanderLandSp: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@ultimenotizie: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad Steffen è morto in un incidente in #Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, er… - 5 years ago

@GiuliettaVanni: Konrad Steffen morto, il noto climatologo svizzero è caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@heidi_news: RT @EPFL: Le professeur Konrad Steffen était directeur de @WSL_research, professeur de #climatologie et de #glaciologie à l’@ETH et à l’@EP… - 5 years ago

@EPFL: Le professeur Konrad Steffen était directeur de @WSL_research, professeur de #climatologie et de #glaciologie à l’… - 5 years ago

@gabrielecatania: A huge tragedy / Una inmensa tragedia / Una tragedia immensa la morte di Konrad Steffen, un eroe della scienza - 5 years ago

@Mark_Balsiger: Ein charismatischer und passionierter Forscher, der sich nicht scheute, deutlich zu werden, wurde abberufen. Der Na… - 5 years ago

@gapetv: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@LIDAMUGNAI: RT @greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@greenMe_it: Morto in un incidente in Groenlandia Konrad Steffen, pioniere nella ricerca sui cambiamenti climatici - 5 years ago

@Elapsuswebzine: - 5 years ago

@MiLambrate: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@AlexRBeer: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@SeriouslyFab: RT @odessib: @ScienceNik - 5 years ago

@Fundacion_Polar: Hemos recibido la triste noticia del fallecimiento de Konrad Steffen, Koni para sus amigos. El accidente se produjo… - 5 years ago

@effetsdeterre: RT @odessib: @ScienceNik - 5 years ago

@Lucia05149332: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@CeciliaCorradi: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@PVirtus: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@asmathys: Inspiring research in memory of Dr. Konrad Steffen, Director @WSL_research - 5 years ago

@MarcoBendinelli: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@flowofhappyness: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@vjeanneperrier: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@ricfarneti1: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@bobby_sprung: RT @sandergeelen: "I can say for certain that we need to change, but I can't tell you how to change. I can only remind you to think of this… - 5 years ago

@momentidistallo: Morto su un ghiacciaio Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi climatici - 5 years ago

@Djesybig: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi clim... - 5 years ago

@luca79ind: Morto scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@FrancoisVfr: Very sad news: Konrad Steffen, a world-renowned Swiss climate researcher, has died in an accident outside Swiss Cam… - 5 years ago

@elenoirebartoli: RT @Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi clim... - 5 years ago

@Valposimracer: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@BreakingItalyNe: RT @ilmessaggeroit: #morto lo scienziato #konrad steffen: caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@Corriere: Cede il ghiacciaio: muore Konrad Steffen, scienziato svizzero pioniere degli studi clim... - 5 years ago

@odessib: @ScienceNik - 5 years ago

@Milli19751: RT @ilmessaggeroit: #morto lo scienziato #konrad steffen: caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@ScienceNik: RT @ScienceNik: Zum Tod von Konrad Steffen – Grönland war seine Leidenschaft - 5 years ago

@_geoLuca: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@iceblogger: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@RS091667: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@eric_patris: RT @leggoit: Morto lo scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia. Studiava il cambiamento del clima - 5 years ago

@BoolaGiress: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@angiuoniluigi: RT @leggoit: Morto lo scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia. Studiava il cambiamento del clima - 5 years ago

@MartinSchnee1: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@StreetNews24: Direttore dell'Istituto federale per la ricerca sulla foresta, la neve e il paesaggio (WSL), era stimato tra i magg… - 5 years ago

@leggoit: Morto lo scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia. Studiava il cambiamento del clima - 5 years ago

@alcinx: RT @ilmessaggeroit: #morto lo scienziato #konrad steffen: caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@SATW_ch: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@keltonminor: @JeHeChr I was high school classmates with Konrad’s son Simon. Feeling heartbroken for the Steffen family and his e… - 5 years ago

@GPiziarte: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@Marco_chp1: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@angiuoniluigi: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@elisdono: RT @Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@Adnkronos: Morto scienziato #KonradSteffen, caduto in crepaccio in #Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@liboureau: Konrad Steffen, prophète du réchauffement climatique porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland | via… - 5 years ago

@Tele_Nicosia: Morto scienziato Konrad Steffen, caduto in crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@furieuxviking: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@GHERARDIMAURO1: RT @ilmessaggeroit: #morto lo scienziato #konrad steffen: caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@ilmessaggeroit: #morto lo scienziato #konrad steffen: caduto in un crepaccio in Groenlandia - 5 years ago

@beretta_gio: RIP Konrad Steffen #Klimakrise #Klimaschutz - 5 years ago

@beretta_gio: Forscher Konrad Steffen stürzte in Gletscherspalte #srf - 5 years ago

@heidi_news: «Parmi ses collègues, étrangers mais surtout suisses, on relève aujourd’hui son dévouement incommensurable pour la… - 5 years ago

@alcinx: RT @discoradioIT: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad #Steffen è morto in un incidente in Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, era tra… - 5 years ago

@discoradioIT: Lo scienziato svizzero Konrad #Steffen è morto in un incidente in Groenlandia. Il ricercatore svizzero, 68 anni, e… - 5 years ago

@avifollow: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@keah88: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@NarudaaArnaud: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@EdgardoTempore1: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@rockymntnpols: "Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident" via @dailycamera #boulder - 5 years ago

@210_pau: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@RogerPielkeJr: RIP Koni🙏 Prominent Climate Change Scientist Konrad Steffen Dies in Greenland | The Weather Channel - Articles fro… - 5 years ago

@macp7302: RT @PatWhite70: - 5 years ago

@CathySmithnoaa: RT @queenofpeat: James Balog joins our weekly @INSTAAR meeting to honor the vibrant life & legacy of Konrad Steffen. Described as a human n… - 5 years ago

@montreal110: RT @PatWhite70: - 5 years ago

@PatWhite70: - 5 years ago

@INSTAAR: RT @queenofpeat: James Balog joins our weekly @INSTAAR meeting to honor the vibrant life & legacy of Konrad Steffen. Described as a human n… - 5 years ago

@TomMarchitto: RT @queenofpeat: James Balog joins our weekly @INSTAAR meeting to honor the vibrant life & legacy of Konrad Steffen. Described as a human n… - 5 years ago

@MelindaRooke: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@stevegiovinco: Prominent Climate Change Scientist Konrad Steffen Dies in Greenland | The Weather Channel - 5 years ago

@ClimVari: RT @rgatess: A great loss. RIP #KonradSteffen. - 5 years ago

@queenofpeat: James Balog joins our weekly @INSTAAR meeting to honor the vibrant life & legacy of Konrad Steffen. Described as a… - 5 years ago

@aptalumni: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@J0cesc: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@MichaelaWenner: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@transparency_a1: Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident - 5 years ago

@NSIDC: We're saddened to learn about the passing of former @CIRESnews director Konrad Steffen, who was lost in an accident… - 5 years ago

@APT_Nancy: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@FournierMeriem: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@AnneFauche: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@PollyLeritae: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@JPvanYpersele: RT @odessib: Good memories in writing about my times with the late famous Swiss glaciologist Konrad Steffen, who just passed away in Greenl… - 5 years ago

@JendoubiDonia: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@FlorentHiard: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@CatalinCaranfil: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@guernseygirl6: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@AnnieChampagneQ: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@travelandreturn: Klimawandel! Grönland Dr. Konrad Steffen 1952-2020 - 5 years ago

@travelandreturn: RT @Burbbartbrille: Die ganze Welt: „Konrad Steffen ist tot!“ Deutschland: „Fips Asmussen ist tot!“ - 5 years ago

@travelandreturn: RT @KathyRiklin: Sehr, sehr traurig. Konrad Steffen, ein guter Freund und Wissenschafter, Direktor des WSL, ist tot. In seinem geliebten Gr… - 5 years ago

@monaghanlab: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@arensolu: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@DryadeShanod: RT @WSL_research: Notre directeur Konrad Steffen a été tué dans un accident lors d'un travail de terrain au Groenland. Nous sommes choqués… - 5 years ago

@DryadeShanod: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@giancasutt: RT @odessib: Good memories in writing about my times with the late famous Swiss glaciologist Konrad Steffen, who just passed away in Greenl… - 5 years ago

@Pierre__Baumann: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@odessib: Good memories in writing about my times with the late famous Swiss glaciologist Konrad Steffen, who just passed awa… - 5 years ago

@oesterheld_c: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@odessib: RT @heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@heidi_news: Konrad Steffen, «prophète du réchauffement climatique», porté disparu dans son paradis blanc du Groenland - 5 years ago

@ScienceNik: Zum Tod von Konrad Steffen – Grönland war seine Leidenschaft - 5 years ago

@carbonshed: RT @INSTAAR: We are saddened at the loss of a kind and valued friend and colleague, Konrad Steffen. - 5 years ago

@INSTAAR: RT @IrinaOvereem: Sad and shocked to learn this news. Konni Steffen inspired everyone working on climate and glaciology in Greenland. A hu… - 5 years ago

@INSTAAR: We are saddened at the loss of a kind and valued friend and colleague, Konrad Steffen. - 5 years ago

@AdrienWehrle: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@HarmSaeijs: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@UrsTreier: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@michaelscally: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@jcquezadarivera: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@GetahImg: RT @bazonline: Konrad Steffen gehörte zu den ersten Wissenschaftlern, die auf den schnelleren Abfluss des grönländischen Eises ins Meer auf… - 5 years ago

@BauernZeitung1: Der Schweizer Forscher und Direktor der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (WSL) Kon… - 5 years ago

@bazonline: Konrad Steffen gehörte zu den ersten Wissenschaftlern, die auf den schnelleren Abfluss des grönländischen Eises ins… - 5 years ago

@larissambieler: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@vero_vm: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@samueltonini: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@samueltonini: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@farias_fefe: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@samueltonini: RT @WSL_research: Il nostro direttore Konrad Steffen è rimasto ucciso in un incidente durante un lavoro sul campo in Groenlandia. Siamo sci… - 5 years ago

@jazzmanahn: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@OpsMouse: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@penseelointaine: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@ProfessorPowder: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Sustainche: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@SwissNetInc: RT @swissbusiness: Zum Tod von Konrad Steffen: Grönland war seine Leidenschaft - 5 years ago

@swissbusiness: Zum Tod von Konrad Steffen: Grönland war seine Leidenschaft - 5 years ago

@BenParker140: RT @swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the weekend… - 5 years ago

@swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen, a well known climate change researcher, died in an accident at a Greenland weather station at the w… - 5 years ago

@gerald_b92: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Bessonpf: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@StevenPHartman: Tragic news. Deepest condolences to Konrad Steffen's family, friends and colleagues. - 5 years ago

@osaukh: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@WMO: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Burbbartbrille: Die ganze Welt: „Konrad Steffen ist tot!“ Deutschland: „Fips Asmussen ist tot!“ - 5 years ago

@your_first_way: Forscher Konrad Steffen stürzte in GletscherspalteJetzt ist klar, wie Konrad Steffen verunglückt ist. Institut… - 5 years ago

@Toal_CritGeo: Terribly tragic death of a pioneering Swiss Arctic climatologist and geographic expert on Greenland. - 5 years ago

@EPFL_en: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@ESE_CC: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@ClimateSciWatch: We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Konrad Steffen, who made many important contributions to climate sci… - 5 years ago

@WeManifestPeace: #KonradSteffen Director of Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research: #WSL was fatally injure… - 5 years ago

@BenRudaz: RT @FlorentHiard: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du @WSL_research | via @heidi_news - 5 years ago

@CIRESnews: RT @Katielangford35: Konrad Steffen, a preeminent climate researcher and longtime @CUBoulder & @CIRESnews faculty member, died Saturday in… - 5 years ago

@jfryarTC: RT @TimesCall: Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident - 5 years ago

@katemoran: A tragic loss for science and humanity. “He had many contributions as a scientist, but he was also a tremendous cat… - 5 years ago

@KirchnerArctic: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@CianGaia: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@YFW_Directory: Forscher Konrad Steffen stürzte in Gletscherspalte - Jetzt ist klar, wie Konrad Steffen verunglückt ist. Insti… - 5 years ago

@Vogelwarte_scie: It is with great sadness that we learned about the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute… - 5 years ago

@KevinLDurand: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@jpasztor: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Empa_CH: It was with great sadness that we learned that WSL Director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident while conducti… - 5 years ago

@piiipmatz: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@piiipmatz: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@TimesCall: Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident - 5 years ago

@han_dolman: RT @gcos_un: With deep regret GCOS has learned of the passing away of Konrad Steffen. Konrad was a former chairman of TOPC. Our thoughts ar… - 5 years ago

@stenlundip: RT @rgatess: A great loss. RIP #KonradSteffen. - 5 years ago

@thaeusler: Viele haben schon ihre Trauer über den tragischen Tod des Glaziologen Koni Steffen geäussert. Mein Versuch einer Wü… - 5 years ago

@airscottdenning: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@davidsolo90: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@annenbcnews: May God bless Konrad “Kori” Steffen. A magnificent scientist and a man on infinite patience, always willing to ans… - 5 years ago

@Lauren_Rawlins1: RT @davidshukmanbbc: Tributes to polar science legend Koni Steffen who’d hosted countless visitors to his research camp in Greenland includ… - 5 years ago

@a_mouzo: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@easternsnowconf: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@Vagan: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@YFW_Directory: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen stürzte in Gletscherspalte - Jetzt ist klar, wie Konrad Steffen verunglückt ist.… - 5 years ago

@Antarcticacl: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@NKirchnerSthlm: What a tragic loss. Konrad Steffen will be missed by many, not only those working with the Greenland Ice Sheet. My… - 5 years ago

@your_first_way: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen stürzte in GletscherspalteJetzt ist klar, wie Konrad Steffen verunglückt ist. Ins… - 5 years ago

@Durrego86: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@chaheg: I rarely met someone that was that passionate about his work. We lost a great scientist, who I had the chance to me… - 5 years ago

@klausdodds: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@gcos_un: With deep regret GCOS has learned of the passing away of Konrad Steffen. Konrad was a former chairman of TOPC. Our… - 5 years ago

@chaheg: @SwissPolar Very sad news! I had the chance to meet Konrad Steffen in Washington and work with him during the Minis… - 5 years ago

@chaheg: RT @SwissPolar: Konrad Steffen, our Scientific Director, tragically died in an accident in Greenland. He was a passionate scientist and gre… - 5 years ago

@mctague: RT @MtnResearch: Tragic and sad news from our esteemed colleagues at @WSL_research. Shocked to hear of the passing of Prof Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@J_SafetyExtrEnv: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@LiZLimmattaler: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@AargauerZeitung: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@SZSolothurn: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@BTBaden: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@bzBasel: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@GTGrenchen: Todes-Umstände bekannt: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen starb bei Sturz in Gletscherspalte - 5 years ago

@SpringerGeo: RT @MtnResearch: Tragic and sad news from our esteemed colleagues at @WSL_research. Shocked to hear of the passing of Prof Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@anna_hersperger: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@TiempoCol: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Martin_Dahinden: RIP Konrad Steffen. I will always remember the exciting discussions we had in Washington D.C. - 5 years ago

@apirlot: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@SchweizerBauer: Tragischer Tod in Grönland Konrad Steffen, Direktor der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (W… - 5 years ago

@Sev_Ryne: RT @FlorentHiard: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du @WSL_research | via @heidi_news - 5 years ago

@icp3_zero: RT @FlorentHiard: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du @WSL_research | via @heidi_news - 5 years ago

@ChristinaFetch: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@kaleekreider: @emdus @MichaelEMann Grateful that Mike is with us! Another scientist passed away, Konrad Steffen, unexpectedly, this weekend. - 5 years ago

@B_D_Zuercher: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@SwissPolar: Konrad Steffen, our Scientific Director, tragically died in an accident in Greenland. He was a passionate scientist… - 5 years ago

@ETHBibliothek: Wir sind sehr bestürzt und traurig. Am 8.8.2020, ist Konrad Steffen, Professor @ETH für Klima und Kryosphäre am… - 5 years ago

@PolarFoundation: RT @odessib: Konrad Steffen, director of @WSL_research WSL, Arctic and Antarctic scientist, former director of @CIRES (Boulder, Colorado)… - 5 years ago

@ActPhilanthropy: RT @fvonpeter: Devastating news about leading Swiss climate researcher Konrad Steffen dying in Greenland during field work last Saturday. O… - 5 years ago

@FannyScuderi: RT @odessib: Konrad Steffen, director of @WSL_research WSL, Arctic and Antarctic scientist, former director of @CIRES (Boulder, Colorado)… - 5 years ago

@rgatess: A great loss. RIP #KonradSteffen. - 5 years ago

@SHINJO55: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@griffiths_huw: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@anna_pirani: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@poertner_hans: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@IACT_divulga: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@rachel_marine: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@Roberto94835651: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@nautilis7: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@barbosaandres: RT @SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institute for F… - 5 years ago

@SCAR_Tweets: SCAR is deeply shocked and saddened to learn of the death of Konrad Steffen, Director of the Swiss Federal Institut… - 5 years ago

@chabis_ch: @realsci_DE Der Job ist nicht ungefährlich, ja. Gute Vorbereitung ist wohl wichtig. Ich nehme an, du hast… - 5 years ago

@chabis_ch: #Klimaforschung ist gefährlich! Die machen das nicht zum Spass! Das sollten jene, die ihre Arbeit vom Sofa aus mit… - 5 years ago

@JRWeaver55: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@Lynestel: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@judyBGrove: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@tietoukka: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@DEngeloch: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@tietoukka: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@danieloteetee: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@Hydrology_WSL: RT @bafuCH: Bestürzt nimmt das BAFU den Tod des WSL-Direktors Konrad Steffen zur Kenntnis. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen WSL und BAFU wa… - 5 years ago

@swissinfo_cn: 专注于研究气候变化且在学界享有盛誉的瑞士研究者康拉德·斯特芬(Konrad Steffen),在位于北极圈内格陵兰岛一场事故中不幸罹难。 - 5 years ago

@NeversilB: RT @bafuCH: Bestürzt nimmt das BAFU den Tod des WSL-Direktors Konrad Steffen zur Kenntnis. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen WSL und BAFU wa… - 5 years ago

@alessio_r_: RT @nissenjo: Very sad to hear news from Switzerland - our thoughts go to our dear friends and colleagues of Koni Steffen. A great loss to… - 5 years ago

@DrRichterHarms: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@vjmahon: RT @BagalueSunab: Leading Swiss climate researcher dies in Greenland accident -Konrad Steffen, a prominent Swiss researcher on climate chan… - 5 years ago

@StevenChown1: RT @NorskPolar: Our good colleague Konrad Steffen tragically died in an accident 💔 We lost an outstanding climate scientist and a fantasti… - 5 years ago

@BagalueSunab: Leading Swiss climate researcher dies in Greenland accident -Konrad Steffen, a prominent Swiss researcher on climat… - 5 years ago

@abrunelll: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@SullivanMonty: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@nige512: RT @davidshukmanbbc: Tributes to polar science legend Koni Steffen who’d hosted countless visitors to his research camp in Greenland includ… - 5 years ago

@SullivanMonty: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@Zusehrverkuerzt: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@HeinzLindenmann: RT @bafuCH: Bestürzt nimmt das BAFU den Tod des WSL-Direktors Konrad Steffen zur Kenntnis. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen WSL und BAFU wa… - 5 years ago

@bafuCH: Bestürzt nimmt das BAFU den Tod des WSL-Direktors Konrad Steffen zur Kenntnis. Die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen WSL… - 5 years ago

@heidi_news: RT @FlorentHiard: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du @WSL_research | via @heidi_news - 5 years ago

@SaniGamboUmar1: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@MerouaneT: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@EPFL: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@artmattli: RT @KathyRiklin: Sehr, sehr traurig. Konrad Steffen, ein guter Freund und Wissenschafter, Direktor des WSL, ist tot. In seinem geliebten Gr… - 5 years ago

@VincentKaufmann: RT @MartinVetterli: Words fail me to describe my sadness on Koni Steffen’s passing. He was an outstanding scientist who worked to understan… - 5 years ago

@cryopolitics: Konrad Steffen - the "Global Warming Prophet," as this @popsci article recalled all the way back in 2007 - was a tr… - 5 years ago

@pauleastwd: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@ian_mcfadden_: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@FlorentHiard: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du @WSL_research | via @heidi_news - 5 years ago

@yrochat: RT @MartinVetterli: Words fail me to describe my sadness on Koni Steffen’s passing. He was an outstanding scientist who worked to understan… - 5 years ago

@iceadvices: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@heidi_news: Décès du glaciologue et climatologue Konrad Steffen, directeur du WSL - 5 years ago

@NKpolar: RT @NorskPolar: Our good colleague Konrad Steffen tragically died in an accident 💔 We lost an outstanding climate scientist and a fantasti… - 5 years ago

@NorskPolar: Our good colleague Konrad Steffen tragically died in an accident 💔 We lost an outstanding climate scientist and a… - 5 years ago

@EPFL: RT @MartinVetterli: Words fail me to describe my sadness on Koni Steffen’s passing. He was an outstanding scientist who worked to understan… - 5 years ago

@nissenjo: Very sad to hear news from Switzerland - our thoughts go to our dear friends and colleagues of Koni Steffen. A grea… - 5 years ago

@ineeshadvs: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@CornubiaGeol: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@Paul_Hatchwell: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@Lacertko: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@Holger_Danske_V: RT @IPCC_CH: We are very sad to learn of the death during field work in Greenland of Konrad Steffen. Koni was a much loved and respected me… - 5 years ago

@miamynta: RT @sber_epfl: Goodbye Koni! We will miss you! Direktor Konrad Steffen tödlich verunglückt - WSL - 5 years ago

@AnnaGar22274534: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@BelaZier: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@ian_mcfadden_: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@BernerZeitung: Konrad Steffen, Direktor der Eidgenössischen Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft (@WSL_research), ist… - 5 years ago

@ccia_geneva: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@swissinfo_en: Konrad Steffen was regularly conducting research into climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic for more than 40 y… - 5 years ago

@LudwigZieba: ETH: RT m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Felda… - 5 years ago

@frankdbecker: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@ETH_en: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@jcquezadarivera: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@ETH: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@beretta_gio: Polarforscher Konrad Steffen in Grönland tödlich verunglückt #srf - 5 years ago

@msmjetten: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@beretta_gio: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@AmbSibiGeorge: RT @m_hengartner: Our esteemed colleague and director of WSL, Konrad Steffen, tragically died during field work in Greenland. We are deeply… - 5 years ago

@WSL_research: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@drcarolinadler: RT @MtnResearch: Tragic and sad news from our esteemed colleagues at @WSL_research. Shocked to hear of the passing of Prof Konrad Steffen.… - 5 years ago

@tanghui_tsunami: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@mementonature: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@davidsmall: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@DomdomHaas: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@DomdomHaas: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@epflENAC: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@epflENAC: RT @WSL_research: Notre directeur Konrad Steffen a été tué dans un accident lors d'un travail de terrain au Groenland. Nous sommes choqués… - 5 years ago

@KlementTockner: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@tagesanzeiger: Konrad Steffen ist bei einem Aufenthalt in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Er war Direktor der Eidgenössischen Forsch… - 5 years ago

@bettinamutter: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@WSL_research: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@hansemende: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@schymans: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@altermatt_lab: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@drwhovy: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@MichaelKodas: I met Koni Steffen through a video I helped his son produce about him at CU. Dozens of other journalists learned ab… - 5 years ago

@SBFI_CH: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@ETH_ERDW: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@normangobbi: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@iceadvices: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@DefrWbf: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@CinderBDT907: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@jchillerup: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@C_Smart_Climate: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@C_Smart_Climate: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@Mueller_M63: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@maliniw90th: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@ClimateRisksyd: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@ilggeh: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@commonedition: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@bml_in_co: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@RylanLemon: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@jfryarTC: RT @dailycamera: Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident - 5 years ago

@Ker8Mel: RT @WSL_research: Unser Direktor Konrad Steffen ist bei der Feldarbeit in Grönland tödlich verunglückt. Wir sind erschüttert und in Gedanke… - 5 years ago

@bartley_naomi: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@blairpalese: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@carlfranzen: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@jpGattuso: Very saddened to hear that our @IPCC_CH #SROCC colleague glaciologist Konrad (Koni) Steffen passed away following… - 5 years ago

@ChuckKutscher: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@ehernandez: RT @Katielangford35: Konrad Steffen, a preeminent climate researcher and longtime @CUBoulder & @CIRESnews faculty member, died Saturday in… - 5 years ago

@Marie55157075: RT @MichaelEMann: A nice profile on Koni Steffan in @PopSci from 2007: - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: A moment of silence for Konrad Steffen - #KonradSteffen #Konrad #Steffen #rip - 5 years ago

@habemushumamus: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@Katielangford35: Konrad Steffen, a preeminent climate researcher and longtime @CUBoulder & @CIRESnews faculty member, died Saturday… - 5 years ago

@dailycamera: Konrad Steffen, former CIRES director, dies in Greenland accident - 5 years ago

@Speak535: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@evegaartigues: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@RadioGlaciology: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@cmarsh_hydro: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@fvonpeter: Thank you, @sandergeelen, for reminding us of the important message and sharing the film about @WSL_research direct… - 5 years ago

@meiyu6: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@sandergeelen: Ice Monitoring from Space - Introduction from Professor Konrad Steffen - Monitoring Climate from Space via… - 5 years ago

@Blubdha: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@victormind: RT @m_hengartner: Unser geschätzter Kollege und Direktor der WSL, Konrad Steffen, ist in Grönland bei der Feldarbeit tödlich verunglückt. W… - 5 years ago

@ChrisBraban: RT @WSL_research: Our director Konrad Steffen was killed in an accident during field work in Greenland. We are shocked and in thoughts of h… - 5 years ago

@ddimick: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@readfearn: RT @MichaelEMann: This is truly tragic news. Koni Steffen was a great climate scientist and a tireless advocate for climate action. He will… - 5 years ago

@KathrynECramer: RT @JPvanYpersele: RIP Konrad Steffen. Very sad to learn this shocking news. The cryospheric science community lost a hero, also committed… - 5 years ago

@BernaschinaP: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

@GMBA_IPO: With the passing of @WSL_research director Konrad Steffen the mountain science community is losing a giant. We are… - 5 years ago

@JPvanYpersele: RIP Konrad Steffen. Very sad to learn this shocking news. The cryospheric science community lost a hero, also commi… - 5 years ago

@RFanciola: RT @ParmelinG: Le Prof. Konrad Steffen, dir. de l’Institut fédéral de recherches sur la forêt, la neige et le paysage @WSL_research @ETH Zü… - 5 years ago

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