Koji Nakanishi

Japanese chemist.
Died on Saturday March 30th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Koji Nakanishi:

@gardeninchemist: RT @SCI_America: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93; natural products chemist isolated more than 200 biologically active compounds: - 6 years ago

@pharmacognosy: RT @nmr900: Koji Nakanishi is known for developing new spectroscopic methods to analyze natural products, including applications of NOE in… - 6 years ago

@uprrp_nmr: Nakanishi, Koji: First Encounter with NOE in Natural Products—the Ginkgolides - Nakanishi - - Major Reference Works… - 6 years ago

@nmr900: Koji Nakanishi is known for developing new spectroscopic methods to analyze natural products, including application… - 6 years ago


@WangLabHBOI: Natural product chemist Dr. Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@profsarker: RT @pharmacognosy: RIP Koji Nakanishi. #naturalproducts #pharmacognosy #NMRchat - 6 years ago

@mario_wib: RT @pharmacognosy: RIP Koji Nakanishi. #naturalproducts #pharmacognosy #NMRchat - 6 years ago

@danudwary: RT @pharmacognosy: RIP Koji Nakanishi. #naturalproducts #pharmacognosy #NMRchat - 6 years ago

@PCakehill: RT @pharmacognosy: RIP Koji Nakanishi. #naturalproducts #pharmacognosy #NMRchat - 6 years ago

@pharmacognosy: RIP Koji Nakanishi. #naturalproducts #pharmacognosy #NMRchat - 6 years ago

@AndreaInduni: RT @QuimicaSociedad: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 One of the greatest natural product's chemist. He isolated more than 200 biologically ac… - 6 years ago

@tz_takahashi: RT @cenmag: #2: Eminent natural products chemist Koji Nakanishi, emeritus professor at @ChemColumbia, has passed away at age 93. - 6 years ago

@cenmag: #2: Eminent natural products chemist Koji Nakanishi, emeritus professor at @ChemColumbia, has passed away at age 93… - 6 years ago

@alfogayar: RT @QuimicaSociedad: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 One of the greatest natural product's chemist. He isolated more than 200 biologically ac… - 6 years ago

@wonderf44305972: Koji Nakanishi, an emeritus professor of chemistry at Columbia University, died on March 28 in New York City. He wa… - 6 years ago

@3dciencia: RT @QuimicaSociedad: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 One of the greatest natural product's chemist. He isolated more than 200 biologically ac… - 6 years ago

@QuimicaSociedad: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 One of the greatest natural product's chemist. He isolated more than 200 biologically… - 6 years ago

@koan27: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@sbqnet: Morre Koji Nakanishi: - 6 years ago

@erickdlbm: RT @SCI_America: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93; natural products chemist isolated more than 200 biologically active compounds: - 6 years ago

@SCIHorticulture: RT @SCI_America: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93; natural products chemist isolated more than 200 biologically active compounds: - 6 years ago

@wstaplin1: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@bordo0715: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@SCI_America: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93; natural products chemist isolated more than 200 biologically active compounds:… - 6 years ago

@ChefWackADoodle: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@angelamjansen: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@TGR_JNC: Remembering natural product chemist Koji Nakanishi. Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@geoti1: RT @SciCafeShizuoka: 中西香爾先生、亡くなる。93歳。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@encinomandude: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@ex_pame: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@ksukeiida: RT @SciCafeShizuoka: 中西香爾先生、亡くなる。93歳。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@plutob4: RT @SciCafeShizuoka: 中西香爾先生、亡くなる。93歳。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@stephaniekays: RT @kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desire to… - 6 years ago

@kenjilopezalt: As far as a love for life, a good sense of humor (take your work seriously, but not yourself!), and a genuine desir… - 6 years ago

@Chemjobber: @kenjilopezalt @ChrisDeCiantis @stuartcantrill - 6 years ago

@SciCafeShizuoka: 中西香爾先生、亡くなる。93歳。ご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@ChrisDeCiantis: .@kenjilopezalt @Chemjobber @stuartcantrill A nice remembrance of Koji Nakanishi in C&EN “When Koji visited univer… - 6 years ago

@dgcalatayud: Koji Nakanishi, Natural products chemist isolated more than 200 biologically active compounds, dies at age 93… - 6 years ago

@kabaisaac2: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@Paolo_Micheli: #RIP #KojiNakanishi #chemist #organicchemistry #C&EN @cenmag - 6 years ago

@JonBF23: RT @GDGish: Just learned that a hero of many chemists passed. Professor Koji Nakanishi RIP - 6 years ago

@GDGish: Just learned that a hero of many chemists passed. Professor Koji Nakanishi RIP - 6 years ago

@JeanChem13girl: Koji Nakanishi dies at age 93 - 6 years ago

@Sciguy999: RT @steveczimmerman: Will never forget his humanity, brilliance, amazing magic, and his frustrated responses to my Biosynthesis class Qs ab… - 6 years ago

@steveczimmerman: Will never forget his humanity, brilliance, amazing magic, and his frustrated responses to my Biosynthesis class Qs… - 6 years ago

@AIBMRinc: RT @cenmag: Eminent natural products chemist Koji Nakanishi, emeritus professor at @ChemColumbia, has passed away at age 93. - 6 years ago

@Canageek: RT @parishcarol: Always a gentleman and a scholar. RIP Koji Nakanishi - 6 years ago

@wbgleason: RT @parishcarol: Always a gentleman and a scholar. RIP Koji Nakanishi - 6 years ago

@yamagatm3: RT @cenmag: Eminent natural products chemist Koji Nakanishi, emeritus professor at @ChemColumbia, has passed away at age 93. - 6 years ago

@WinssingerLab: RT @BaranLabReads: RIP Koji Nakanishi (1925-2019) - A legendary chemist and mentor to so many - his work had a magical impact on the field.… - 6 years ago

@DanielTamae: A storied career at the interface of chemistry and biology. My graduate work was enriched by the stories of the she… - 6 years ago

@ppflrs: RT @SchreiberStuart: Koji was a man who fell to Earth, sent here to inspire us. - 6 years ago

@Sciguy999: RT @BaranLabReads: RIP Koji Nakanishi (1925-2019) - A legendary chemist and mentor to so many - his work had a magical impact on the field.… - 6 years ago

@Sciguy999: RT @SchreiberStuart: Koji was a man who fell to Earth, sent here to inspire us. - 6 years ago

@Adalia0404: Koji Nakanishi なかにし こうじ is a chemist who teaches and contributes to his life in chemistry at Columbia University. N… - 6 years ago

@TarCompress: RT @SchreiberStuart: Koji was a man who fell to Earth, sent here to inspire us. - 6 years ago

@TehshikYoon: RT @Chemjobber: TIL that Kenji López-Alt is the grandson of Koji Nakanishi, wow. ht @sarahdcady - 6 years ago

@barriewilksjic: RT @SchreiberStuart: Koji was a man who fell to Earth, sent here to inspire us. - 6 years ago

@geunsmeyer: RT @Chemjobber: TIL that Kenji López-Alt is the grandson of Koji Nakanishi, wow. ht @sarahdcady - 6 years ago

@djavko: RT @SchreiberStuart: Koji was a man who fell to Earth, sent here to inspire us. - 6 years ago

@heydebigale: RT @Chemjobber: TIL that Kenji López-Alt is the grandson of Koji Nakanishi, wow. ht @sarahdcady - 6 years ago

@kwan_lab: RT @BaranLabReads: RIP Koji Nakanishi (1925-2019) - A legendary chemist and mentor to so many - his work had a magical impact on the field.… - 6 years ago

@chiralproton: RT @wipf_group: Koji was a man I admired - an amazing scientist and an exceptionally dedicated researcher. Koji Nakanishi | Science History… - 6 years ago

@Sciguy999: Koji Nakanishi, an emeritus professor of chemistry at Columbia University, died on March 28 in NYC at age 93. He is… - 6 years ago

@Hopkins6: RT @Chemjobber: TIL that Kenji López-Alt is the grandson of Koji Nakanishi, wow. ht @sarahdcady - 6 years ago

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