Kirstie Alley

American actress
Died on Tuesday December 6th 2022

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Sandeep Nahar

Tweets related to Kirstie Alley:

@GraceAmazin: John Travolta and Kirstie Alley: A love story #necessarypresence Click for more -> - 2 years ago

@NPresence: John Travolta and Kirstie Alley: A love story #necessarypresence Click for more -> - 2 years ago

@ShopArzo: John Travolta and Kirstie Alley: A love story #necessarypresence Click for more -> - 2 years ago

@Yarnessex3: i feel like stacy dash rn , why didn’t i know kirstie alley died - 2 years ago


@Triumphrat7: @KellDA So was Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@SeedUchay: RT @ABCWorldNews: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@SeedUchay: RT @NBCNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@jechgocal: @LeahRemini I'm wondering if Scientologist don't believe in a lot of medicine maybe Kirstie Alley didn't get her co… - 2 years ago

@KernowMaiden: I put a screenshot on FB of the tweet announcing the sad passing of Kirstie Alley on 6th Dec… My friends brother… - 2 years ago

@cmdeputy: Kirstie Alley Monologue - Saturday Night Live - 2 years ago

@Tom_Basile: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@Nickythewriter: RT @LeciaMichelle11: I'll be damned if I spend a minute of my time telling people to be nice about Kirstie Alley. She was a horrible, hatef… - 2 years ago

@Nickythewriter: RT @Mingz22: Kirstie Alley mom died in a car accident dressed in black face and her husband was dressed as a klan member. #nottheonion #bar… - 2 years ago

@DreCourtSilver: why did no one tell me kirstie alley passed away :( - 2 years ago

@HiveMindMilitia: RT @GwinnettDaily: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' Actress, Dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@baby_bish_: Super curious what @LeahRemini may have to say about Kirstie Alley's passing due to cancer when the… - 2 years ago

@DavidRobertByng: Kirstie Alley's most memorable TV and movie roles: "Cheers", "Drop Dead Gorgeous", and more - 2 years ago

@TSN_TheStandard: Celine Dion, Kirstie Alley, Christmas, good news and bad - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@flindy16: @TheRealKeean Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@Biographiessite: #biographies #biography #unitedkingdom #usa - 2 years ago

@karvyna: Kirstie Alley's Big Life 2a #KirstieAlley ; #RIPKirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@EncoreMichigan: Kirstie Alley is really thin now. She isn't gaining any weight. Period. You idiots. @DailyStuffMag - 2 years ago

@FlorPereda: RT @estendenciavzl: "Kirstie Alley" es tendencia porque informan sobre su fallecimiento a los 71 años de edad - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@AfterLifeAdven3: KIRSTIE ALLEY Spirit Box Session. Scientology discussion with clear EVPs! - 2 years ago

@MadlyOdd: You know you can't fake the chemistry between those two - 2 years ago

@GwinnettDaily: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' Actress, Dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@JoeTobie: Match Game Synd. (Episode 17) (Meet Contestant: Kirstie Alley) (Part 1) "Robe… - 2 years ago

@michael407931: The good thing about both Joan Rivers and Kirstie Alley---they said what they really thought and weren't afraid to. - 2 years ago

@lostintimeline: @THR Rip too many deaths for this year and recently the beloved kirstie alley passed away from cancer - 2 years ago

@sheonhan: RT @rkgar: Kirstie Alley’s Dance With Hollywood - 2 years ago

@GwinnettDaily: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@BillHuny: RT @BagdMilkSoWhat: How long before Kevin Sorbo demands to play the role of Kirstie Alley on Twitter ? - 2 years ago

@oldoc_j: RT @ErinIronOH1: Rest in power,Kirstie Alley. This was her last Tweet 🐥.Shows what a woman she was. - 2 years ago

@WrestlePerks: @CTVNews I thought Kirstie Alley died… - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Alvamiga: @IncognitoPengy Yes, she's been in prison since last September! I'm still watching Smallville through and I have to… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Thejude99: RT @jjIsBack2: @WorldReligions_ Love it! My first twitter block was from Kirstie Alley who tweeted something about respecting all religio… - 2 years ago

@2ndaryProtocol: The slapstick comedy ‘For Richer Or Poorer’ starring Tim Allen and Kirstie Alley opened in theaters this week 25 ye… - 2 years ago

@SerenadasPen: RT @WalkofFameStar: Memorial flowers were placed on the star of Kirstie Alley today. The star is located at 7000 Hollywood Bl. Alley’s sta… - 2 years ago

@RitxiM: @juanma3010 Supongo que por ser muy reciente, pero ahí echo de menos a la guapísima (por fuera y por dentro) Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@micread23: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@DDCCDD14: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@kimleonchhangte: RT @ginacarano: Rest in sweet peace Kirstie Alley. 🤍🌹🤍 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@alberdine: RT @DeGroene: Het einde | Ze beleefde haar glorietijd eind jaren tachtig als Rebecca, de barvouw in de populaire sitcom 'Cheers'. Show werd… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@jpfaber1: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@ThisAgain2992: RT @mybandowen: I still can’t believe Kirstie Alley is gone - 2 years ago

@Sylvaners: Kirstie Alley: 1951–2022 - 2 years ago

@mybandowen: I still can’t believe Kirstie Alley is gone - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@DeGroene: Het einde | Ze beleefde haar glorietijd eind jaren tachtig als Rebecca, de barvouw in de populaire sitcom 'Cheers'.… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@RonaldLaceyFans: Ron in an episode of Masquerade, starring Rod Taylor, is an American espionage television series that aired on ABC… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@bartb1067: RT @nickgillespie: Wonderful remembrance of @kirstiealley by Cheers' writer/producer @rcbl. RIP - 2 years ago

@GwynnNate: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@KarendlaCariere: RT @tupointeau: Photo appears to confirm small #Scientology service for Kirstie Alley at Flag Land Base - 2 years ago

@Villages_News: Kirstie Alley’s years of losing and regaining weight - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@EduardoBravoH2: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@julia_holla: kirstie alley died TEN days ago and i just found out?? - 2 years ago

@andrewpatrickm4: RT @ClassicFilmTV: CHEERS “Christmas Cheers” (NBC, 1987) starring Ted Danson, Kirstie Alley, Rhea Perlman, John Ratzenberger, Woody Harrel… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@madlenrene: @TheView ..Plus.. Kirstie Alley died unexpectedly, a short time after finding and fighting some cancer😥 and NOBODY… - 2 years ago

@nomadland2021: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@disctotek: I hear Kirstie Alley is keeping the weight off this time. Good for her. Go girl. @LADYBUNNY77 - 2 years ago

@IwillFactCheck_: Kirstie Alley would have answered this in the most epic way. - 2 years ago

@zuhausimneuland: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@WmDeanFrench: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@Cameroneous: @CPTDoomDC @MollyJongFast Ooh, just missed out on Kirstie Alley's voice! - 2 years ago

@viralnews772: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after a brief battle with cancer, her children announced. - 2 years ago

@abcesnoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, estrella de "Cheers" y "Mira quien habla" - 2 years ago

@linapeebles: 'He's Heartbroken': John Travolta Spoke To Kirstie Alley Almost Every Day Until Her Death - 2 years ago

@ChaneAbba: RT @FoxNews: EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME: "Cheers" icon shares touching tribute to co-star Kirstie Alley after the legendary actress' death.… - 2 years ago

@ChaneAbba: RT @FoxNews: EVERYBODY KNOWS YOUR NAME: "Cheers" icon shares touching tribute to co-star Kirstie Alley after the legendary actress' death.… - 2 years ago

@ChaneAbba: RT @FoxNews: IN MOURNING: John Travolta honors "Look Who's Talking" co-star and friend Kirstie Alley following the news of her death. https… - 2 years ago

@lukastyle: Racist kirstie alley - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@CHIGGINBASKET: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@DominicFloyd7: @NormalComposers That's not Morton Feldman, that's Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@F3Raleigh: RT @F3Azul: @F3Raleigh Did you know that #colorectalcancer is the third most common cancer and the fourth most common cause of cancer death… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@MediaKearney: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@EndlessCoffee17: In 2022, we have lost: Bob Saget, Kirstie Alley, Taylor Hawkins, Brad William Hanke, Kevin Williams, Vin Scully, Bi… - 2 years ago

@DazzaField: Lost two of my favourite actors this year in Jason David Frank & Kirstie Alley... would so loved the chance to work… - 2 years ago

@F2Matts: Kirstie Alley deserves all flowers, I remember being in school and the classroom would be in chaos, teacher put a K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@F3Azul: @F3Raleigh Did you know that #colorectalcancer is the third most common cancer and the fourth most common cause of… - 2 years ago

@AngryCrazyZebra: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley! You will be missed! - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@AngryCrazyZebra: RT @HowardGriffiths: RIP Kirstie Alley - Make the most of every moment of life. #Cheers #SNL #KirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@HiddenAblog: Kirstie Alley Passes Away at 71 - 2 years ago

@HiddenAblog: Kirstie Alley Passes Away at 71 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@SerenityGFE: RT @scandalousbebe: Kirstie Alley passed away this past week after recently being diagnosed with Colon Cancer. The media is quick to remin… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JohnRiddenAgain: More and more anxiety creeps up and just trying to deal w brain gremlins. What does help is remembering the absol… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@fallenfairyglen: RT @realDailyWire: "Travolta said, explaining that his lifelong dream had been to have enough space to host his 50-person family for Christ… - 2 years ago

@glashona: tole je šlo pa kar mimo...sploh nisem Kirstie Alley... - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@NickiSwiftCeleb: Kirstie Alley Claimed To Have An Interesting History With King Charles - 2 years ago

@tnewberry51: - 2 years ago

@GraceAmazin: Kirstie Alley’s Ex-Husband Parker Stevenson Mourns Her Loss of life – Hollywood Life #necessarypresence Click for… - 2 years ago

@NPresence: Kirstie Alley’s Ex-Husband Parker Stevenson Mourns Her Loss of life – Hollywood Life #necessarypresence Click for… - 2 years ago

@ShopArzo: Kirstie Alley’s Ex-Husband Parker Stevenson Mourns Her Loss of life – Hollywood Life #necessarypresence Click for… - 2 years ago

@JudithRaquel4: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@dreamworld2222: RT @dantonio_luca: 🌟INDIMENTICABILI🌟 Ricordando un attrice piena di talento, fascino e simpatia che è scomparsa troppo presto. KIRSTIE ALL… - 2 years ago

@joseeREToronto: RT @CBCNews: BREAKING: Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on Cheers and starred in films including Look Who's Talking, died Monday… - 2 years ago

@Chica20924475: Kirstie Alley vowed to expose Hollywood elite pedophile ring before she died suddenly - 2 years ago

@gwo_design: @organic_dad @wbgkgrrl Dig him up. I threw Rush Limbaugh and Kirstie Alley in there. - 2 years ago

@mohitsmartlove: RT @timesofindia: American actors Kirstie Alley and Chadwick Boseman died after fighting colon cancer. Football legend Pele is battling it.… - 2 years ago

@Paul71180664: @bicks236 They are the exact same you rube. When Kirstie Alley died I saw far left people celebrating. Both sides j… - 2 years ago

@MMesleon: @retrochenta Y con un (involuntario) striptease en un escáner de la recientemente fallecida Kirstie Alley que se te pela el nardo. - 2 years ago

@interpretpoetry: RT @blex_media: Kirstie Alley has passed away. The actress best known for starring in 'Look Who's Talking,' 'Cheers,' æDrop Dead Gorgeous,'… - 2 years ago

@viralvm69: RT @timesofindia: American actors Kirstie Alley and Chadwick Boseman died after fighting colon cancer. Football legend Pele is battling it.… - 2 years ago

@HomesteadTim: @HalSparks @genesimmons Wow! Now that was an obscure reference. I was more into the eye candy of Kirstie Alley and Cynthia Rhodes. - 2 years ago

@mostlydogs: RT @BubblegumOut: I heard that Kirstie Alley is doing great on the new Rush Limbaugh diet plan…😈 - 2 years ago

@thisiswhatIsaid: RT @timesofindia: American actors Kirstie Alley and Chadwick Boseman died after fighting colon cancer. Football legend Pele is battling it.… - 2 years ago

@timesofindia: American actors Kirstie Alley and Chadwick Boseman died after fighting colon cancer. Football legend Pele is battli… - 2 years ago

@JolinhoFalquez: RT @Kevin10919728: Remembering KIRSTIE ALLEY - 2 years ago

@OlgaArenaz: RT @SbastienMlires1: La actriz Kirstie Alley recordada por la serie Cheers y la película Mira quien habla, junto a John Travolta, murió a l… - 2 years ago

@infobaeperu: Revelaron que la causa de muerte de la actriz Kirstie Alley fue un fulminante cáncer de colon - 2 years ago

@NoWorriesMate10: @SpinToWin85 Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@vsadmirexxx: Why did I just find out that Kirstie Alley died a week ago! 💔 - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley once pined for her co-stars John Travolta and Patrick Swayze - 2 years ago

@ThatsSpookyPod: This week Johnny and Tyler discuss the murder of Frank Goodish (aka Bruiser Brody) and the murder of Jodine Serrin.… - 2 years ago

@dtgr72: @stanisou @danaparish The # of people who had zero cancer symptoms suddenly being dx’ed and immediately dying is in… - 2 years ago

@CriticalRuss: @HalSparks @genesimmons Kirstie Alley was so hot in Runnaway - 2 years ago

@astroastraa: - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley's death prompts social media users to tweet, "You had a good try." - 2 years ago

@gwgoodwin: RT @nypost: John Travolta can’t offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @InsideEdition: "Cheers" actress Kirstie Alley has died following a battle with colon cancer. In a joint statement, her two children say… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@witchymickey: RT @OldSchool5000G: Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71. Rest in Peace 🕊️ John Travolta & Kirstie Alley The Chipmunks' Song 🎧… - 2 years ago

@CosmicRodge: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@LykDj: @intern_amanda1 Keep copy/pasting lists of cooker heroes who died of covid (Meat Loaf, Kirstie Alley, Shane Warne,… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: How Kirstie Alley rose to fame in Cheers and rose to stardom with fellow Scientologist John Travolta… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@BadAzzBannanna: @TMGFlorida @BubblegumOut One of my teachers, who is very liberal, retired and moved to California and befriended h… - 2 years ago

@KelliM36634746: @SumItUpSmashley @KiraKhrushchev @CAKitchener @cardon_brian What about the lefties making fun of and saying disgust… - 2 years ago

@Showboat7: RT @gwo_design: No idea how this is still going. Others making the cut: Sorbo, Chachi, Rob Schneider, John Cornyn, Thom Tillis, Louie Goh… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@PeterSmalll: RT @popculture_show: Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and Scientology #PopCultureCrisis #KirstieAlley Sh… - 2 years ago

@gamebols: @BlocksSega Great enjoyable movie. RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@PRAISETRIUNEGOD: RT @PRAISETRIUNEGOD: She was a rare Hollywood star ✨ who DIDN'T BACK DOWN to LEFTIES. RIP #condolences ✝️❤️🙏 "Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of… - 2 years ago

@JediNerdsWife: RT @UKToyCollector: Very sad to hear that Kirstie Alley has died of cancer at 71 😢 #RIPKirstieAlley #KirstieAlley During her career Kirst… - 2 years ago

@JayDent0n: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Charlot2409: Kirstie Alley (1951-2022), de barvrouw van ‘Cheers’ - 2 years ago

@whoskill: RT @carmenelectra: #RIP Kirstie Alley, you were a kind, beautifully talented soul. we love you so much. 🤍 - 2 years ago

@whoskill: RT @johnlarroquette: Kirstie Alley was a comic pro and an authentic human. Condolences to her family and her loved ones. - 2 years ago

@whoskill: RT @HowardGriffiths: RIP Kirstie Alley - Make the most of every moment of life. #Cheers #SNL #KirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@whoskill: RT @Fern_Britton: Kirstie Alley has died. 😢 💔 I worked with her on location and loved her. Every morning we’d be up before anyone else and… - 2 years ago

@whoskill: RT @whoskill: Late Kirstie Alley, on The King of Queens🙂@kirstiealley @StarTrek #KirstieAlley #TheKingOfQueens #Saavik #StarTrekIITheWrathO… - 2 years ago

@KellieSims17: @DavidHasselhoff Do you still have the pictures you took at Kirstie Alley holiday party of the college marching ban… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Jennifire2424: RT @Gigi_Kaiser: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@Lawrenc42841432: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@RUBYROSESB: RT @fankirstiealley: Let us never stop speaking of Kirstie Alley and our memories of her! Let us keep her memory and spirit alive! What ar… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Look Who's Talking actress Kirstie Alley has died aged 71 #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@MDonohue: RT @rcbl: - 2 years ago

@LifeAsDC: RT @nickgillespie: Wonderful remembrance of @kirstiealley by Cheers' writer/producer @rcbl. RIP - 2 years ago

@rafaelmethodman: @alx Kirstie alley and bruce jenner are nowhere to be found - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@zoiekeating: RT @nickgillespie: Wonderful remembrance of @kirstiealley by Cheers' writer/producer @rcbl. RIP - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@DLBeth: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@MissMitchieG: OH, so me and mom were going home and the driver heard me talking to her about tWitch and then I mentioned Olivia N… - 2 years ago

@matt__dunnels: is this kirstie alley? - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@dogsinmyh0use: RT @nypost: John Travolta can’t offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@gailinfl: @blakeshelton fans>>> Check out BLAKE SHELTON People Magazine 12/19/22 KIRSTIE ALLEY RIP - 2 years ago

@DraxGeekyPundit: @runnergirl1211 All that Ginni Thomas - Kirstie Alley slash fiction is now very awkward. - 2 years ago

@smc12256: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@JoeSmit34957337: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@BubblegumOut: I heard that Kirstie Alley is doing great on the new Rush Limbaugh diet plan…😈 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JamesLy22138881: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@AMileyda: RT @people: Why Kirstie Alley Always Loved John Travolta, in Her Own Words: 'The Greatest Love of My Life' - 2 years ago

@MeredithMarsha1: Kirstie Alley, 1951-2022 - 2 years ago

@memarino_ellen: RT @kerpen: Lovely tribute. - 2 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: Kirstie Alley, 1951-2022 | Washington Examiner - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@queer_aphrodite: RT @DaphneStallion: I saw a magazine with kirstie alley on it and it got me thinking how some people make the world better when they go - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking Now, 1993, directed by @TomRopelewski. John Tra… - 2 years ago

@Amanda39486609: I was suspended for a week and a bit for threatening to do what an animal abuser did to a dog. I wonder if the abus… - 2 years ago

@vaquest: RT @fankirstiealley: Let us never stop speaking of Kirstie Alley and our memories of her! Let us keep her memory and spirit alive! What ar… - 2 years ago

@CardassiansPod: Episode 104 We begin our re-watch of #BattlestarGalactica! We also discuss the future of the #DCEU, the death of K… - 2 years ago

@RN_JW733: RT @DJWilderness: I don't have mixed feelings about Kirstie Alley. I won't have mixed feelings about Susan Sarandon, James Woods, Roseanne… - 2 years ago

@tupointeau: Kirstie Alley: Forgotten by the #Scientology Hollywood Celebrity Centre? - 2 years ago

@heroineworshipe: Kirstie Alley was a hottie on Cheers in 1993, at age 40. The wheels obviously fell off after that series ended. - 2 years ago

@WowBOBWow2: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@SportsSturm: RT @TheHardline3to7: Room 107 CLOSED Christine McVie Kirstie Alley Grant Wahl - 2 years ago

@xiancochran: huh stuart margolin looks a lot like kirstie alley that's weird - 2 years ago

@insposandedits: @fankirstiealley @kirstiealley her sweet soul & her infectious smile, beauty, & talent. her motherly aura & her inc… - 2 years ago

@Jim_Bridger1881: RT @popculture_show: Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and Scientology #PopCultureCrisis #KirstieAlley Sh… - 2 years ago

@popculture_show: Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and Scientology #PopCultureCrisis #KirstieAlley… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: John Travolta reflects on his 'special' relationship with Kirstie Alley following her death aged 71… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@TashaWi50764108: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the orinal Sa… - 2 years ago

@MichelleHillie9: Ohhh myyy Goddd!! Wow!!...Twitch???... Stephen Boss known as 'Twitch' died and at age 40????...That is really young… - 2 years ago

@zlfxjyfpt10083: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the orinal Sa… - 2 years ago

@rqbdlmrsa71655: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the orinal Sa… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: As Kirstie Alley dies aged 71, TOM LEONARD looks back on the life of the Trump-voting Cheers star… - 2 years ago

@Buckysmiles: RT @MumMidges: @RyanCJanus @NGrossman81 If someone gets Covid, then got vaccinated and dies a year later, which was it? Maybe they just die… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@BlackstarCorne1: RT @dantonio_luca: 🌟INDIMENTICABILI🌟 Ricordando un attrice piena di talento, fascino e simpatia che è scomparsa troppo presto. KIRSTIE ALL… - 2 years ago

@Kimberl59147134: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the orinal Sa… - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Colon cancer: The 'silent killer' that took the lives of Kirstie Alley and 53,000 others this year… - 2 years ago

@mkkzpybor49414: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the orinal Sa… - 2 years ago

@dsofia7: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@MumMidges: @RyanCJanus @NGrossman81 If someone gets Covid, then got vaccinated and dies a year later, which was it? Maybe they… - 2 years ago

@BeaconHealthSys: The recent and somewhat sudden death of beloved film and television icon Kirstie Alley shows that colon cancer can… - 2 years ago

@himanshuavid: RT @viralvdoz: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer #kirstiealley # - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: John Travolta Struggling to Sell $5 Million Mansion Kirstie Alley First Showed Him - 2 years ago

@Perry_Hilton: RT @PageSix: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@BckwrdsPolitics: "Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and Scientology" from @Timcast - - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Kirstie Alley Dead At 71 After Battle With Cancer, Actress’ Kids Confirm - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kate Ceberano has released a moving tribute to her friend Kirstie Alley just hours after the legendary actress pass… - 2 years ago

@SVC_annon: Just found out about Kirstie Alley’s death passing a People’s magazine in Walmart. I was devastated to see that new… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: In the unconventional living styles of animal lover Kirstie Alley #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@OmarFuerte: RT @SegunCalendario: El 14 de diciembre de 1990, se estrenó la película "Look Who's Talking Too", protagonizada por John Travolta, Kirstie… - 2 years ago

@UsBurning: Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and Scientology - 2 years ago

@DaphneStallion: I saw a magazine with kirstie alley on it and it got me thinking how some people make the world better when they go - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@GraceAmazin: Kirstie Alley: Official Reason for Loss of life Confirmed #necessarypresence Click for more ->… - 2 years ago

@Domzillamusic: @GalvatronType_R @IGN You grabbing a Ouija board out for Kirstie Alley like? 😂 - 2 years ago


@Westsidedonniep: - 2 years ago

@CassandraofTro2: How I'm spending my Christmas: Binge watching Cheers starting with Season 6 when Kirstie Alley arrives: - 2 years ago

@CraigWittenber2: RT @dr_cottrell: Some Post-COVID cancers that are increased are COLON CANCERS!! I told you this was going to happen. APC and KRAS and P53 k… - 2 years ago

@ChapmanMargo: RT @EW: 'Cheers,' 'Look Who's Talking,' 'Drop Dead Gorgeous,' and beyond: A look back at Kirstie Alley's most memorable TV and movie roles… - 2 years ago

@PopCulture: John Travolta Struggling to Sell $5 Million Mansion Kirstie Alley First Showed Him - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JGentYaBoi: RT @PetitPoulet75: After seeing Kirstie Alley laughing about how racist her parents were - I'm glad I pissed her off enough that she blocke… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@f_balart: RT @f_balart: I loved Kirstie Alley's lioness eyes…and her feline expression and demeanor. To me she was charming. I'm going to miss her… - 2 years ago

@pascallville: RT @OfficialPLT: Kirstie Alley has passed away at age 71 😔 May she Rest In Peace💔🕊 - 2 years ago

@bonniedaynagma1: dead celebs so far in 2022 (this needs updating to include Twitch, Cher's mother, Kirstie Alley and more) Every sin… - 2 years ago

@tupointeau: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@GalvatronType_R: @IGN Perfect cast: -Kratos: Chris Pratt -Atreus: Peter Billingsley -Freya: Kirstie Alley -Thor: Jack Black -Odin: A… - 2 years ago

@El_Yowiiii: Damn crazy rip kirstie alley and twitch boss. If nothing was on TV back then they were always on - 2 years ago

@QueenOfTheWest2: RT @OldSchool80s: #RIP Kirstie Alley dies at 71 after short battle with cancer > - 2 years ago

@Desertpuma: Celebrities Use Death of Kirstie Alley to Virtue Signal About Covid and ... - 2 years ago

@Tonita_Peralta: RT @SbastienMlires1: La actriz Kirstie Alley recordada por la serie Cheers y la película Mira quien habla, junto a John Travolta, murió a l… - 2 years ago

@CourtlyScribe22: Passages 2022: Stephen 'tWitch' Boss, Stuart Margolin, Kirstie Alley, more stars we lost - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@DPi32173: RT @carlenezr: This includes a list of celebrities who “died suddenly” following their efforts/statements to expose pedophile elites. Just… - 2 years ago

@viralnews772: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after a brief battle with cancer, her children announced. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Cut33ssay: RT @OfficialPLT: Kirstie Alley has passed away at age 71 😔 May she Rest In Peace💔🕊 - 2 years ago

@Cut33ssay: RT @RottenTomatoes: Kirstie Alley, star of Cheers, Look Who's Talking, and more, has sadly passed away. Rest in peace. - 2 years ago

@sloviesays: @Sophia_Nyx They both had jump the shark moments... When Kirstie Alley joined in Cheers And when Radar left. I can't decide - 2 years ago

@Cut33ssay: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@spenconsulting: RT @Gigi_Kaiser: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@veesvision: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: From Star Trek to Scream Queens: An inside look at Kirstie Alley's remarkable film and television career… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@lulu82824: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Markmehall60: RiP Kirstie Alley. An engaging presence in movies and on television for 40 years. Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn,… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@StoryMDHealth: Colon cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the colon, the longest part of the large int… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@jacquelinennq: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@Rebecca22tt: RT @13abc: BREAKING NEWS: Emmy award-winning Actress Kirstie Alley dies after battle with cancer 📸 AP Images https… - 2 years ago

@michm_usa: @Pooty60 @lynnecase It was announced on local channel where I live. - 2 years ago

@aeroforceso: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@theDowDao: @sosonside @kirstiealley @adamcarolla Have not seen that. Best source link? Am curious. I always liked watching Kir… - 2 years ago

@DialogCentreUK: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@ebarroeta: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking Now, 1993, directed by @TomRopelewski. John Tra… - 2 years ago

@alondra_valdez5: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking Now, 1993, directed by @TomRopelewski. John Tra… - 2 years ago

@ColiseumEbay: Check out Diamond Select Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 25th Anniversary Series 2 Lieutenant Saavik Action Figure… - 2 years ago

@DeebiNet: Hollywood yıldızı Kirstie Alley hayatını kaybetti! Ünlü oyuncu John Travolta’ya aşk itirafı olay olmuştu… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Actress Kirstie Alley dies of cancer at the age of 71 #LatestNews - 2 years ago

@SdOceanSea: RT @fankirstiealley: Aww thank you so much for this! It makes me happy knowing so many people love and appreciate this page. This is a saf… - 2 years ago

@MoneykingkevoLL: RT @Glock_Topickz: Kirstie Alley has reportedly passed away at 71 after a private battle with cancer 🔗: - 2 years ago

@manuela28247900: RT @la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@HiddenAblog: Kirstie Alley Passes Away at 71 - 2 years ago

@latiaEDITHTELLG: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@RTMac1989: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@shalliebee: Actress And TV Star Kirstie Alley has Passsed On!: - 2 years ago

@jahasie500: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@jahasie500: RT @la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@JonnyStocks43: Kirstie Alley vs Advertisement is always fun to watch - 2 years ago

@James718333381: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@chuerzeler5: RT @MyParaguay: Kirstie Alley schwor, den Pädophilenring der Hollywood-Elite zu entlarven, bevor sie plötzlich starb Die Nachricht über de… - 2 years ago

@Andre3K1823: RT @billburr: .@theMMPodcast is up! I ramble about useless internet searches, Kirstie Alley, and hungry pet snakes. - 2 years ago

@SusiQlovesU52: RT @MyParaguay: Kirstie Alley schwor, den Pädophilenring der Hollywood-Elite zu entlarven, bevor sie plötzlich starb Die Nachricht über de… - 2 years ago

@quem: Propriedade em Maine tem 20 quartos, custa R$ 26,5 milhões, e foi colocada à venda pelo ator pela primeira vez em f… - 2 years ago

@gemevazquez85: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@gemevazquez85: RT @TommySledge: Kirstie Alley and John Travolta dancing in 1989’s ‘Look Who's Talking’ will forever live in my mind #RIP - 2 years ago

@pedrofcuk: Tony Ortega: "Photo appears to confirm small Scientology service for Kirstie Alley at Flag Land Base" - 2 years ago

@SyrusIndustry: Las series más populares de Kirstie Alley #Series #actrices #artistascinematográficas… - 2 years ago

@reacher_ethan: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@PRchef_Inc: RT @Lovelyn_DeMers: RIP, Kirstie Alley 💔 - 2 years ago

@margaretfirmino: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@margaretfirmino: RT @la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@Uniquefemale1: R.I.P🙏 Kirstie Alley. #cheers - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@CraigInGlasgow: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirstie All… - 2 years ago

@agentcurieuse: RT @TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for her bec… - 2 years ago

@TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira has been telling us that chatter inside #Scientology indicated that a small private service for Kirst… - 2 years ago

@DailyTucsonan: RT @PageSix: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@CuteCurlyBlonde: Loved Kirstie Alley, May She R.I.H. Yes, many are leaving this realm rapidly! - 2 years ago

@MariaDy06461689: Kirstie Alley Monologue - Saturday Night Live - 2 years ago

@PamelaHensley_2: RT @PamelaHensley22: Kirstie Alley has died at 71 after private battle with cancer. So sad. RIP. - 2 years ago

@hxllyellxn: How have i only just found out kirstie alley has died:(( look whos talking and it takes two have been some of my fa… - 2 years ago

@hbrik555: RT @ittatto23: @MichaelWarbur17 When I saw Kirstie Alley on the list my heart dropped in sadness. 😔 - 2 years ago

@MumbiKaptere: RT @toryshulman: Wow. #rip #kirstiealley - 2 years ago

@SegunCalendario: El 14 de diciembre de 1990, se estrenó la película "Look Who's Talking Too", protagonizada por John Travolta, Kirst… - 2 years ago

@alram79: Wow, I'm still receiving tweets from Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Monnsssster: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@Derevenger1: @LaceyX1989 @MarwaWabakhai Nog een bekende ongevaccineerde die "plots" overleden is. Blijft U maar onder Uw steen.… - 2 years ago

@CraigNelsy: @alawyerwrites @Sophia_Nyx I love the first 3 seasons of MASH and can watch them over and again.I can’t watch any o… - 2 years ago

@DeviantTruMasta: ‘He’s Heartbroken’: John Travolta Spoke To Kirstie Alley Almost Every Day Until Her Death - 2 years ago

@cmsnice_com: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - - 2 years ago

@MerlynMata3: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@millytantme: RT @BelindasHandbag: @PTruthspeaker Also this is suspect - 2 years ago

@newsanetwork: John Travolta and Kirstie Alley: A love story - 2 years ago

@NMS_Autism: Goodbye and Thank You, Ms. Kirstie Alley. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@mangematinjean: Depuis la fin novembre quatre célébrités nous ont quitté clarence gilayrd ( ranger jim tripette) dans Walker texas… - 2 years ago

@MsRachelll: Mourning Kirstie Alley by watching drop dead gorgeous 💔🥹 - 2 years ago

@AndyVermaut: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' star, dies at 71 - The Associated Press - en Español: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winn… - 2 years ago

@RutkowskiDr: Believers pray for the family of Kirstie Alley morning her loss after dying from a battle with cancer! Also, pray… - 2 years ago

@abcesnoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, estrella de ”Cheers” y ”Mira quien habla” - 2 years ago

@hautahbuhgee: RT @jackketcham1989: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@denise_gradin: -Watching this video is my tribute to Kirstie Alley, who passed away today. I'm completely stunned when I first he… - 2 years ago

@anyajulie: @KojakGab Kirstie Alley stjärnan i Star Trek🙏🏻🕯😢 - 2 years ago

@BarryHo02721730: RT @people: Kirstie Alley Had Colon Cancer Before Her Death at Age 71, Star's Rep Reveals - 2 years ago

@MarlonAreolli: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@businesshalausa: John Travolta can’t offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning "Cheers" star, dies at 71 #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@JulieCoppenbar6: @jimmyfallon Kirstie Alley. I feel just so horrible could you or would you please apologize to him and her family f… - 2 years ago

@RadicalReports: #QAnon conspiracists believe Kirstie Alley was assassinated for being an anti-vaxxer - 2 years ago

@s_fupa: RT @tomflynn_photo: Nah, the Curse of Celebrity Big Brother is real! Kirstie Alley the EIGHTEENTH contestant who’s died, mostly all young (… - 2 years ago

@TheactiveNews24: Kirstie Alley Net Worth: T.V. Career & Favorite Quotes - 2 years ago

@TheBorvoc: RT @MarshallJulius: Playful, sparky and charismatic, Kirstie Alley was a force to be reckoned with, on screen and off. So sorry to see she'… - 2 years ago

@Culturenglish: RT @IJasonAlexander: So sorry we have lost Kirstie Alley. She was a gloriously talented & unique actress and I am delighted I was able to w… - 2 years ago

@pghdrew: RT @PaulSiminsky: Kirstie Alley's death sparks debate about Scientology's views on cancer - 2 years ago

@ToonEzon: @FerventGeek @zippy1981 my question is, what happened to spock and saavik's kid? also how many times did spock and… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@RandomGingerCat: @MikeIona @Shatterface @LuminareAurora @BeullahGC @ShayWoulahan That’s the (now late) Kirstie Alley. As Lt. Saavik. Wrath of Khan. 🐈 - 2 years ago

@DARKVOX: Just came across these Kirstie Alley photos back in her younger days...what a beautiful and talented lady.... - 2 years ago

@wordfinga: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@ScottWh71415260: RT @MonicaCrowley: Kirstie Alley: an extraordinary talent, fearless free thinker, and true patriot. Such a Boss. Rest In Peace 🕊 - 2 years ago

@PRAISETRIUNEGOD: RT @PRAISETRIUNEGOD: She was a rare Hollywood star ✨ who DIDN'T BACK DOWN to LEFTIES. RIP #condolences ✝️❤️🙏 "Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of… - 2 years ago

@SalvatoreSanma2: @C1985Bears @ACTBrigitte Ted Nugent and the late kirstie alley to say the least. - 2 years ago

@DixT3: RT @AlfredENewmemes: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Sabrina____24: RT @fankirstiealley: Aww thank you so much for this! It makes me happy knowing so many people love and appreciate this page. This is a saf… - 2 years ago

@SissyWarf: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@BORIBABY: RT @PageSix: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@zadok50: Match Game (syndicated): Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@insposandedits: RT @fankirstiealley: I got married in October and invited Kirstie Alley to my wedding as I live in Nebraska and she spends part of her time… - 2 years ago

@whitesoxjordan: @SadmanCrothers how did you mistake jennifer coolidge for kirstie alley my n - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@RachelSwartz7: RT @AlfredENewmemes: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@wcn_wv: Award winning actress Kirstie Alley was diagnosed with cancer shortly before her untimely death at the young age of… - 2 years ago

@Bradley28943490: Wherever you are Kirstie Alley, this one is for you: - 2 years ago

@SadmanCrothers: They should have pulled the Kirstie Alley Old Navy commercial when she died it’s weird to see it now - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@farmerjaneusa: Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre and Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@karmamichele: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@nattttttylight: POV you learned how babies were made bc of Kirstie Alley & John Travolta “Look Who’s Talking” - 2 years ago

@Kamenspider: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@jhelm65: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@RalphBerriosMo1: John Travolta Struggling To Cope With Kirstie Alley’s Death? Here’s The Truth Download Now - 2 years ago

@rodriguezolga71: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@humannaturexox: RT @GoShockersMBB: RIP Kirstie Alley. Wichita will miss you 💔 - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Jessica Alves surprisingly reveals her friendship with Kirstie Alley #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@ColetteMandin: RT @chrisgailus: Inspired by the recent death of Kirstie Alley, here's an honest and very powerful testimonial from @CTVCalgary anchor Joc… - 2 years ago

@fankirstiealley: Aww thank you so much for this! It makes me happy knowing so many people love and appreciate this page. This is a… - 2 years ago

@rodriguezolga71: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@Lainey_Classy: #KirstieAlley #LeftBehind $40 Million Fortune - 2 years ago

@smugdingus: We’re still all taking the Kirstie Alley news hard.❤️ - 2 years ago

@15MinuteNewsEnt: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@ed_mundos: RT @la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@Bbarber80034741: RT @PaulSiminsky: Kirstie Alley's death sparks debate about Scientology's views on cancer - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@BotJeopardy: What is the Kirstie Alley up midst? - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley normalized talking about weight loss and struggles #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@Imhisnonna: RT @PaulSiminsky: Kirstie Alley's death sparks debate about Scientology's views on cancer - 2 years ago

@Ncfsqx: - 2 years ago

@director_19_84: RT @AlfredENewmemes: And now, Kirstie Alley gone? What did she know about the Clintons? - 2 years ago

@director_19_84: RT @AlfredENewmemes: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@WXXV25: With the death of Kirstie Alley, the dangers of colon cancer have returned to the spotlight. - 2 years ago

@roseofmagdala: Famous Actress tragically dies of cancer, Media NEGLIGENCE with missing ... - 2 years ago

@otwpussyfairy: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@lebntb2016: RT @fankirstiealley: I got married in October and invited Kirstie Alley to my wedding as I live in Nebraska and she spends part of her time… - 2 years ago

@BaronMichaelSD: RT @FreedomsPhoenix: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly #freedom… - 2 years ago

@ScottLi43175678: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@FreedomsPhoenix: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@wilsonjmashaka: Kirstie Alley regretted revealing bikini body on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006 ___ #news #stories #articles #tips… - 2 years ago

@NzuchiTimesUSA: Kirstie Alley regretted revealing bikini body on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2006 ___ #news #stories #articles #tips… - 2 years ago

@13Heledis: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@Lin_07k: RT @fankirstiealley: I got married in October and invited Kirstie Alley to my wedding as I live in Nebraska and she spends part of her time… - 2 years ago

@nypost: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@Dana8461: Kirstie Alley Monologue - Saturday Night Live - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Actress Kirstie Alley dies aged 71 #LatestNews - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@SdOceanSea: RT @fankirstiealley: I got married in October and invited Kirstie Alley to my wedding as I live in Nebraska and she spends part of her time… - 2 years ago

@collin_hara: @JackPaulMiller @ACTBrigitte Kirstie alley is no longer alive doh She is deceased - 2 years ago

@mybutbundy: RT @Fher_Turkita: Kirstie Alley es quizás de las actrices que más sufrió el escarnio y repudio de Hollywood. Se le cerraron puertas y fue… - 2 years ago

@oogernomics: Kevin Sorbo, Scott Baio, Kirstie Alley, James Woods, Tim Allen, that one Chris, and Jon Voight. Are there any other… - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@kaleidoscopeT0: RT @MariettaTweetz: Kirstie Alley, 71, cause of death after a brief battle with colon cancer that was only recently discovered. 💔😪 #Kirstie… - 2 years ago

@CoolAsThat1: @Mardigroan @TheAlexNevil Hi Danny Why are you on twitter? And usually if a celebrity dies, twitter oet's people… - 2 years ago

@CriticSusan: @TonyOrtega94 Greta Van Susteren didn't do her Newsmax show today, which is unusual. Was there a memorial for Kirstie Alley today? - 2 years ago

@gwu771954: RT @PageSix: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@tupointeau: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@DeanZynda2: John Travolta can’t offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@MugatoAstronomy: @inglorioustrek @exo6 Hopefully with swappable Kirstie Alley and Robin Curtis heads! - 2 years ago

@darnell0989: Kirstie Alley Only ‘Recently Discovered’ Her Cancer Before She Died—Here’s the Form She Was Diagnosed With I found… - 2 years ago

@darnell0989: Kirstie Alley’s Cause of Death Revealed I found this on NewsBreak: Kirstie Alley’s Cause of Death Revealed - 2 years ago

@PageSix: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@dawn_furze: RT @billburr: .@theMMPodcast is up! I ramble about useless internet searches, Kirstie Alley, and hungry pet snakes. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@chalakito_: 4 filmes essenciais com Kirstie Alley (In memoriam) ~ Olha Quem Está Falando (+ 2 sequencias) ~ Curso de Verão ~ As… - 2 years ago

@bobcrachet608: @jdharm With the sad passing of American icon Kirstie Alley , did you watch Look Who’s Talking ? It really is the b… - 2 years ago

@theguidingbeat: Gente, a Kirstie Alley morreu?????????? Chocada - 2 years ago

@TheHardline3to7: Room 107 CLOSED Christine McVie Kirstie Alley Grant Wahl - 2 years ago

@PresshubU: John Travolta can’t sell Maine mansion #Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@Christo35317381: RT @billburr: .@theMMPodcast is up! I ramble about useless internet searches, Kirstie Alley, and hungry pet snakes. - 2 years ago

@MaureenMT: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: RT @chrisgailus: Inspired by the recent death of Kirstie Alley, here's an honest and very powerful testimonial from @CTVCalgary anchor Joc… - 2 years ago

@fadhil_kfadhil: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@teraleiding1980: John Travolta can't offload $5M Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@PeregrinoSienes: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@LMCooper: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@nexalex2002: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@proudpatriot456: RT @HillbillyPlato: I can't say this sternly enough - fuck Howard Stern. How can this ghoul's time in the spotlight not be up already? I do… - 2 years ago

@gmch_73: @Roybattyforever Recordando Kirstie Alley.🥹 - 2 years ago

@LouiseS22708842: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@LuisSuarezNY: John Travolta can’t sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@adabagcompany: John Travolta can’t sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@Billybobwalter1: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@michael_szumega: RT @nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@nypost: John Travolta can't sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@Chris_1791: John Travolta can’t sell Maine mansion Kirstie Alley first showed him - 2 years ago

@jstjudyj: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@milagrodccg: RT @AllAmerican202: I’m completely shocked and destroyed by the news regarding the passing of Kirstie Alley. May she rest in peace. Her l… - 2 years ago

@18_pound_bong: RT @MamalehTrumpOG: @ACTBrigitte Scott Baio. Kevin Sorbo. James Woods. Dean Cain. Jon Voight. The late Kirstie Alley. Kristy Swanson.… - 2 years ago

@DaveSnitsky: @KenHedrick11 @elonmusk Empathy? You pissed on Kirstie Alley's grave cos you don't agree with her politics, you absolute tool. - 2 years ago

@Christo92411481: Stern Suggests Kirstie Alley’s Death May Be from Anti-Mandate Views. Hill News / when ever I have problems with hea… - 2 years ago

@VictorVulvaXYZ: Why would anyone in entertainment be a pathetic Rt winger? I know...she had 40 million reasons. - 2 years ago

@forexpiphunter: @tiffanyandsadie Of course you shouldn't regret it. People are getting sick and dying from it. I believe Kirstie… - 2 years ago

@Liss_Rdgz: RT @Excelsior: Tras la noticia del fallecimiento, John Travolta, su compañero en la icónica película que la lanzó al estrellato, utilizó re… - 2 years ago

@the_red_heifer: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@declanf: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@BillOhman: Kirstie Alley - She Wishes Craig "Tried Her Out" - Her Only Appearance - 2 years ago

@Antonella_Amat0: @people Nooo! Rest In Peace Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@DialogCentreUK: RT @TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for her bec… - 2 years ago

@RogerGrandLab: RT @accesshollywood: #JamieLeeCurtis reflects on Kirstie Alley after her death. - 2 years ago

@EINPalinNews: Kirstie Alley's passing unleashed the left's dark side - 2 years ago

@MatthewLuck3: - 2 years ago

@Edward12HW: @PatriotMike15 I don’t watch too much news, but I have yet to see a news program acknowledge the death of actress K… - 2 years ago

@Bella95952: Kirstie Alley's $40 Million Fortune & Multiple Properties 'Will Go To Her Kids & Charities,' Claims Insider - 2 years ago

@dre_lou: I don't want to speak ill of the dead. So I'll hold off on my comments about Kirstie Alley and Mike Leach. - 2 years ago

@PlimsoleHero: RT @irishloubega: the craziest thing about kirstie alley's death is that she was actually in the middle of working on a documentary with an… - 2 years ago

@jen_smart: Remembering Kirstie Alley - - 2 years ago

@kevinfoti62: RT @kevinfoti62: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@ZacharyObama: RT @TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for her bec… - 2 years ago

@EByzio: Kirstie Alley's Colon Cancer Was Diagnosed Not Long Before Her Death — What Women Should Know - 2 years ago

@lukalleflight24: RT @2GeminiSides: Kirstie alley is yet another dead racist anti vaxxer MAGA Karen so - 2 years ago

@BubblegumOut: @ACTBrigitte Yeah, like Kirstie Alley….oh wait, scratch that. Now you’re down to Scott Baio and Sorbo. - 2 years ago

@MamalehTrumpOG: @ACTBrigitte Scott Baio. Kevin Sorbo. James Woods. Dean Cain. Jon Voight. The late Kirstie Alley. Kristy Swan… - 2 years ago

@RawPowerMC5: @JoeListComedy @marknorm @TuesdayStories Kirstie Alley in Cheers vs Elaine Benes in Seinfeld is a serious debate re… - 2 years ago

@regbit1: #Kirstie Alley e mais famosos que perdemos em 2022 - 2 years ago

@felisha_fraser: RT @lib_trigger: Kirstie Alley knew Trump Won. She knew there was massive election interference and censorship of free speech. #MAGA #Tw… - 2 years ago

@nerdswire: Leah Remini spricht über den Tod von Kirstie Alley und kritisiert „giftige“ Scientology - 2 years ago

@Darwin_Movie: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking Now, 1993, directed by @TomRopelewski. John Tra… - 2 years ago

@Gartenberg: RT @SavvyAuntie: In 2018 I re-watched a lot of Cheers. Still brilliant! “What do you call beautiful woman who can do comedy? ...A movie st… - 2 years ago

@baluch_h1: RT @Oregonian: Kirstie Alley owned hundreds of acres in southern Oregon - 2 years ago

@Manzo5Holly: @mtsand3 @penncrix @WolfHouseAK @fred_guttenberg @elonmusk Er, ummm. You mean like the folks celebrating Kirstie… - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley is cremated after the Cheers actress lost a brief battle with colon cancer at 71… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@TomHauptman: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@Oregonian: Kirstie Alley owned hundreds of acres in southern Oregon - 2 years ago

@AJMachadoB: Kirstie Alley was awesome. - 2 years ago

@studiosarasvati: RT @billburr: .@theMMPodcast is up! I ramble about useless internet searches, Kirstie Alley, and hungry pet snakes. - 2 years ago

@SUBlimelySQuare: RT @billburr: .@theMMPodcast is up! I ramble about useless internet searches, Kirstie Alley, and hungry pet snakes. - 2 years ago

@queenandcute: People be dyin. RIP. Too many gone this year and it all started with Betty White. RIP Betty White. Takeoff. Olivia… - 2 years ago

@AllianceForFP: Kirstie Alley's death is shining the light on the reality that 1 in 25 women in the US will be diagnosed with… - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@EugeneBillC: - 2 years ago

@beth2nz: RT @bryanbehar: In 2012, I worked as a Co-Executive Producer on the sitcom “Save Me.” In 2013, I jumped directly to the same position on “K… - 2 years ago

@Blackseabee: RT @Miamirealtygirl: One of my favorite actresses and follows here on Twitter…I am absolutely devastated seeing this news.😢💔 RIP, Kirstie… - 2 years ago

@alarik36: RT @DimitriBagdasar: Kirstie Alley är död Hon hade en av huvudrollerna i världshistoriens bästa miniserie RIP - 2 years ago

@twitbituaries: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' star, dies at 71 - - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Scientology_411: RT @TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for her bec… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@KarendlaCariere: RT @TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for her bec… - 2 years ago

@KarendlaCariere: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@TonyOrtega94: Some are reacting to our story about Kirstie Alley by saying #Scientology doesn't want to have a big memorial for h… - 2 years ago

@NurhadiTri1: RT @Srikandi_MMQ: @JessicaValenti @abbottalynn Pakistan will be victorious in Ghazwah-e-Hind and against powers like USA and Russia in the… - 2 years ago

@JohnStofko5: @d_arkin Clarence Gilyard Jr. And Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@HiddenAblog: Kirstie Alley Passes Away at 71 - 2 years ago

@TerryTaulbee: RT @__TEAM_USA: Kirstie Alley loved America and loved Trump. She rejected Wokeness and was one of the few actors in Hollywood brave enough… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@DennisKoch10: Robin Curtis salutes fellow Saavik Kirstie Alley on Facebook - 2 years ago

@MexiBruin: @USCtrojan2205 @bravegrapes I understand your logic, but I think there’s a difference here. Kirstie Alley said some… - 2 years ago

@Kittybox1: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@tucumanalas7: A los 71 años, murió Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla” - 2 years ago

@NoticiasVeApp: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@Cordero24Sandra: RT @la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@Friedmanzone: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: La fortuna que dejó Kirstie Alley, la actriz de “Mira quién habla”, tras perder la batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@ViscontiMelissa: RT @la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@abcesnoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, estrella de “Cheers” y “Mira quien habla” - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@TheGentle69: @ErikNille @BureaNorea Kirstie Alley tyckte jag var otroligt sexig när jag var ung 🤩 - 2 years ago

@ooohquelapodcas: Hablamos muy poquito de la fase final Catar 2022 HBO Max con lo nuevo y lo que sale de la plataforma. Ganadores de… - 2 years ago

@LadyoftheWood99: RT @JohnnyC37193697: Kirstie Alley Left Behind $40 Million Fortune & Massive Real Estate Portfolio Following Her Death At 71, RIP https:… - 2 years ago

@DennisKoch10: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Director Remembers Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, Sinema, Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@DennisKoch10: Kirstie Alley's 'Forgotten' Star Trek Role Was One of Her Best Star Trek II is one of the best sci-fi movies ever… - 2 years ago

@5868tj5tt62: @MichaelWarbur17 Kirstie Alley💖 LOVE BOAT 1983 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@gstrouthop: RT @JohnFMauldin: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley. (@kirstiealley) You gave us so much joy and pleasure. You will be remembered fondly. - 2 years ago

@DennisKoch10: RT @TrekUntold: Shout-out to the amazing @sinKEVitch (one of my favorite artists of all time) for his tribute to the late Kirstie Alley.… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@martypruce: RT @RetroClips80s: For Richer or Poorer, starring Tim Allen and Kirstie Alley, premiered in theaters 25 years ago, on December 12, 1997. #9… - 2 years ago

@johodaniels: Learning about all the people who thought this was Kirstie Alley has me 🫠 Also, everybody mentions this scene from… - 2 years ago

@amyjfitness: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Kirstie Alley’s Ex-Husband Parker Stevenson Mourns His Former Love After Passing: ‘You Will Be Missed’ - 2 years ago

@15Rooster63: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@AdrianTechARP: Did Kirstie Alley die suddenly from cancer caused by COVID-19 vaccine?! #TechARP #Death… - 2 years ago

@TrekUntold: Shout-out to the amazing @sinKEVitch (one of my favorite artists of all time) for his tribute to the late Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@lelejas: RT @Egina_Apli: Αν δω άλλον ΕΝΑΝ επικήδειο/συγκινητικό κατεβατό για Kirstie Alley θα αυτοπυρπολυθώ Υπέροχη ηθοποιός και κει τελειώνει ΑΠΟΦΑ… - 2 years ago

@Eternauta0: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Kirstie Alley, actriz norteamericana que alcanzó el estrellato tras su papel en la afamada sitco… - 2 years ago

@mehmetxtrk: Kirstie Alley, Aniden Ölmeden Önce Hollywood Elit Pedofil Yüzüğünü Ortaya Çıkarma Sözü Verdi...… - 2 years ago

@alayah_simone: Wait Kirstie Alley died? - 2 years ago

@rbnstyle: Why no one gives a shit about Kirstie Alley TikTok - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@Scientology_411: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@paola_madureira: PROTETOX kirstie alley - kirstie alley weight loss PLAN - kirstie alley... - 2 years ago

@Penny03336931: I'm in love with Kirstie Alley I can't help it. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@723irondoor: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-Winning ‘Cheers’ Actress, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@GraceAmazin: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' & 'Look Who's Speaking' star, lifeless from most cancers #necessarypresence Click for more… - 2 years ago

@NPresence: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' & 'Look Who's Speaking' star, lifeless from most cancers #necessarypresence Click for more… - 2 years ago

@ShopArzo: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' & 'Look Who's Speaking' star, lifeless from most cancers #necessarypresence Click for more… - 2 years ago

@Sharky_vs_Evil: @KudzuWood @slocumkara @wakkere @xeal_ @DiedSuddenly_ Nah just because God answers to me doesn't mean I hate them.… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@paola_madureira: PROTETOX kirstie alley - PROTETOX kirstie alley weight loss - kirstie al... - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@kellyanncross: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@HerbMyers1953: Match Game (syndicated): Kirstie Alley The late Kirstie Alley on Match Game… - 2 years ago

@_pHLabs: Kirstie Alley’s Colon Cancer Was Recently Discovered Before Her Death. Be Proactive With Home Screenings. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@Egina_Apli: Αν δω άλλον ΕΝΑΝ επικήδειο/συγκινητικό κατεβατό για Kirstie Alley θα αυτοπυρπολυθώ Υπέροχη ηθοποιός και κει τελειών… - 2 years ago

@Captain_Kabuki: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@SHSInc: Kirstie Alley revealed in her autobiography her past struggles with substance use disorder. She shared how getting… - 2 years ago

@ROCRegional: After recent news of Kirstie Alley passing away following a late colon cancer diagnosis, our experts encourage thos… - 2 years ago

@OnlineNordeste: Kirstie Alley e mais famosos que perdemos em 2022 - 2 years ago

@primeiro_jornal: Kirstie Alley e mais famosos que perdemos em 2022 - 2 years ago

@andremtl123: RT @DieselLiko: @philharmonic___ ⁦@CoyoteSanctuary⁩ @babykoala196 @4usa1776 ⁦@mrshhjones⁩ ⁦@_StarAndrea78⁩ - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@diariodoac: Kirstie Alley e mais famosos que perdemos em 2022 - 2 years ago

@lulu82824: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@NoticiasVeApp: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@la_patilla: “Está destrozado”: John Travolta llamaba a Kirstie Alley casi todos los días hasta su muerte - 2 years ago

@rcansawgal: Kirstie Alley Trivia Quiz! Facts you didn't know! - 2 years ago

@RossioSalcedo: RT @noticiaaldia: Murió venezolana arrollada cuando discutía con su pareja en Colombia - 2 years ago

@ErikNille: @TheGentle69 @BureaNorea <--- Kirstie Alley Sam Jones ---> - 2 years ago

@raulgar131: RT @lib_trigger: Kirstie Alley knew Trump Won. She knew there was massive election interference and censorship of free speech. #MAGA #Tw… - 2 years ago

@DieselLiko: RT @DieselLiko: @philharmonic___ ⁦@CoyoteSanctuary⁩ @babykoala196 @4usa1776 ⁦@mrshhjones⁩ ⁦@_StarAndrea78⁩ - 2 years ago

@CarlCLBInsure1: RT @bama_angel4life: I may just stay off Twitter today. It blows my mind how many "humans" are celebrating the death of Kirstie Alley. Vile… - 2 years ago

@RuschTracie: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago


@LiveFromLiz: @lloydmatcs @sissyhankshau @IsabellaMDeLuca And here you go, an example of someone who calls out hate with their ow… - 2 years ago

@NigerianCanadi4: Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ actress, dies - 2 years ago

@BittrichDen: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@sherryb989fm: Remembering Kirstie Alley: ET’s Best Moments With Her - 2 years ago

@terranceleon: Kirstie Alley Left Behind $40 Million Fortune - 2 years ago

@DialogCentreUK: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@sasukes_wif3: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@TerminalFronk: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@Eggleston1337: @miles_commodore I was surprised at how much charisma he still had in Little Nikita. I still haven't seen the othe… - 2 years ago

@Tazfaa_Group: RT @TomatoBubble: Actress Kirstie Alley Exposed Child Traffic - Now Dead - The Real History Channel - 2 years ago

@MicheleMKaufma1: @Teagirl421 @Jen_Paris14 @Lauri_Fern I did see a reference to the Richard Armitage one on here recently. My hus. is… - 2 years ago

@kfdi: The Watch List-Strange World Streams Early, Golden Globe Snubs, Kirstie Alley's Fortune and More #KFDI #JJHayes - 2 years ago

@JJOnKFDI: The Watch List-Strange World Streams Early, Golden Globe Snubs, Kirstie Alley's Fortune and More #KFDI #JJHayes - 2 years ago

@dmoc06: RT @lifetimetv: Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley. She was a talented actress, mother, and member of the Lifetime family ❤️ - 2 years ago

@HoodedJustice76: RT @BWArePowerful: I created this video as a tribute to the late Kirstie Alley and her most memorable role for me, Lt. Saavik in Star Trek… - 2 years ago

@noticiaminutobr: Kirstie Alley e mais famosos que perdemos em 2022 - 2 years ago

@pedrofcuk: Tony Ortega: "Kirstie Alley: Forgotten by the Scientology Hollywood Celebrity Centre?" - 2 years ago

@Anonyme_Vicieux: RT @TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the place… - 2 years ago

@Hold322: 478 No one is taking over! 478 No one is taking over! This week on The World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast™: We rem… - 2 years ago

@TonyOrtega94: Sunny Pereira, who worked at #Scientology's Hollywood Celebrity Centre, remembers Kirstie Alley's dedication to the… - 2 years ago

@MarvynLafayette: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@ImRetiredAtLast: Flashback: Kirstie Alley Destroyed One Top Twitter Official Who Banned Trump…Man, is She Missed - 2 years ago

@Th3s3us77: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@Derevenger1: @Filleduvent69 @SergeLebrun16 @Mr_Cynike N'avez-vous pas remarqué que les non-vaccinés chutent en masse ? Chaque jo… - 2 years ago

@siberianpine: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@Yamilett: @ChrisSheltonMsc So where do you go when you break free? Once that top level is reached? For example, Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@virario3: RT @Poltrust22: #PLANDEMIA #repentinitis 💉💉 - 2 years ago

@Rhys_Needham: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@1015Jennib: @WayneDupreeShow Kirstie Alley... - 2 years ago

@Bevvie112: @perspicacious54 I went to the grocery store yesterday and the magazines at the checkout read: Kirstie Alley! And h… - 2 years ago

@balfies: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@mijaeast: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@radar_online: "He was there by her side a lot of the time, holding her hand, making her laugh, keeping her spirits up," a source… - 2 years ago

@CharisseSavier: I can't say I cared for Kirstie Alley although she made a great Vulcan, but I think her 91 year old father is still… - 2 years ago

@Th_GreenLight: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@ALF_VLC: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@ZoeeAliLovely1: RT @mefeater: Kirstie Alley has passed away at 71 after a battle with cancer. We send our deepest condolences to her family and friends dur… - 2 years ago

@ZachMcGee14: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@KhanKhunde: Yall didn't tell me Kirstie Alley died 😭😭 - 2 years ago

@wudurater: Would you rather remember Kirstie Alley or joke Marcia Cross - 2 years ago

@zomfies: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@mflynnp: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@mydarkstar: RT @nytimes: Kirstie Alley, the actress whose role as Rebecca Howe in the sitcom “Cheers” catapulted her career and earned her an Emmy Awar… - 2 years ago

@Coke_Can_Dan: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@FuseBlues: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@divineblueprint: RT @ACTBrigitte: Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley. You will be dearly missed. - 2 years ago

@divineblueprint: RT @megynkelly: This is such sad news. A beautiful, brave, funny and beloved woman. Rest in Peace, Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@Proversed_: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@ZeppoWilbury: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@MaryBroderson: RT @Masquerade2376: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley, she was 71 years old. Below as Gloria Steinem in A Bunny's Tale 1985. - 2 years ago

@MaryBroderson: RT @Masquerade2376: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley, she was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@MashedUpMovies: Mean Girls, starring Kirstie Alley. Co-starring Antonio Banderas, directed by Jon Favreau, music by Vangelis. Budget: $75m - 2 years ago

@binggreen: John Travolta and Beautiful Kirstie Alley 💚| Carson Tonight Show - 2 years ago

@jacobmemoirs: Yes, the Kirstie Alley memes overplayed this moment, but it really WAS shocking - 2 years ago

@tommybutters: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@karvyna: Kirstie Alley's Big Life 7a twitter #kirstiealley ; #RIP - 2 years ago

@karvyna: Kirstie Alley's Big Life 7b twitter #kirstiealley ; #RIPkirstiealley - 2 years ago

@LuvStevieNicks1: RT @QUINCY_GOSS: One of my favorite scenes from a movie I grew up watching, Toothless, Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley ❤️ - 2 years ago

@LuvStevieNicks1: RT @FleetwoodSlap: RIP Kirstie Alley, Drop Dead Gorgeous is one of my favorite movies of all time. - 2 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @billboard: Emmy-winning 'Cheers' star Kirstie Alley has died at 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@LuvStevieNicks1: RT @thebravobabe_: Kirstie Alley in Toothless 1997 🤍 - 2 years ago

@LuvStevieNicks1: RT @BrooklynBoyB: I despised Kirstie Alley the last few years because of her hateful words and bigotry but it would be disingenuous of me t… - 2 years ago

@MarieGermany01: RT @Weekendparfait: L'actrice Kirstie Alley, célèbre pour ses rôles dans "Cheers" et "Allô maman, ici bébé !", est morte à l'âge de 71 ans,… - 2 years ago

@Weekendparfait: L'actrice Kirstie Alley, célèbre pour ses rôles dans "Cheers" et "Allô maman, ici bébé !", est morte à l'âge de 71… - 2 years ago

@ZanWitDatLeann: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@DanielTheTEMP: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@kpfettstyle: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@ramiejlavergne: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@myconfinedspace: Kirstie Alley e o robô 1984!!! - 2 years ago

@JohnDellaporta: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@Kalescale2242: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@ShamarPerry19: Kirstie Alley’s ‘recently discovered’ colon cancer battle: What to know about the disease - 2 years ago

@dredpiraterobn: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@wikipediabrown: RT @chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@grandted212: Kirstie Alley Left Behind $40 Million Fortune & Massive Real Estate Portfolio Following Her Death At 71 - 2 years ago

@RaidersNana: @BeschlossDC "IF"as she said IF was real all this other stuff would have happened IT DID NOT. It would never happen… - 2 years ago

@YergalmWeldu: RT @cnnbrk: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after a brief battle with cancer, her children announced. - 2 years ago

@Biebermania1111: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@AmPowerBlog: #KirstieAlley Left Behind $40 Million Fortune & Massive Real Estate Portfolio. 👀 - 2 years ago

@Antonia_Dziwisz: RT @anticomunistaf: Kirstie Alley es anticomunista. - 2 years ago

@NathanFawkes: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@SallynJack96: RT @getFANDOM: Actor Kirstie Alley has died at 71 after a battle with cancer, announces her family - 2 years ago

@RutkowskiDr: Believers pray for the family of Kirstie Alley morning her loss after dying from a battle with cancer! Also, pray… - 2 years ago

@roush1952: RT @bama_angel4life: I may just stay off Twitter today. It blows my mind how many "humans" are celebrating the death of Kirstie Alley. Vile… - 2 years ago

@Doc40492374: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@NotizieNews2: - 2 years ago

@larijo4281: Kirstie Alley’s Colon Cancer Was Diagnosed Not Long Before Her Death — What Women Should Know - 2 years ago

@PattinsonPlaza: Bong Joon-ho Plus Robert Pattinson; Harry & Meghan; RIP Kirstie Alley - MovieMaker Magazine - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@catnip902: RT @brownieelfdr: Remember when SNL was funny? When they had moments like this. God bless you Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@KevJourno: RT @mailtribune: Public records and Mail Tribune archives show #KirstieAlley bought property outside Jacksonville in 1989 and still owned h… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@NathanFawkes: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@PRAISETRIUNEGOD: RT @PRAISETRIUNEGOD: She was a rare Hollywood star ✨ who DIDN'T BACK DOWN to LEFTIES. RIP #condolences ✝️❤️🙏 "Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of… - 2 years ago

@Okokpkok: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@weartv: A Santa Rosa County doctor is sharing her thoughts and expertise hoping it encourages people to get screened for co… - 2 years ago

@ralebace: Por cierto, nio vi que comentaran de la muerte del chapín en las luces campero de El Salvador y tampoco dijeran alg… - 2 years ago

@S_ASTORQUIZA: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Kirstie Alley, actriz norteamericana que alcanzó el estrellato tras su papel en la afamada sitco… - 2 years ago

@chriskennett: When you are reflecting on the late Kirstie Alley’s cultural legacy - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@mailtribune: Public records and Mail Tribune archives show #KirstieAlley bought property outside Jacksonville in 1989 and still… - 2 years ago

@everian777: RT @radar_online: Kirstie Alley left behind a $40 million fortune and a massive real estate portfolio after her death, - 2 years ago

@boyar_stu: RT @MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@radar_online: Kirstie Alley left behind a $40 million fortune and a massive real estate portfolio after her death,… - 2 years ago

@dannotdaniel: @jadedcreative Here's the entire 4+ minutes. I REALLY don't think he did. He would not have defended him. He would… - 2 years ago

@caleaharaquel: so you telling me that Kirstie Alley died and no one’s talking about it ???? - 2 years ago

@netside: More proof (it causes mostly any type of GI cancer since it comes in contact with the whole GI system, explaining p… - 2 years ago

@shaneo693061: RT @Sequins4thots: Kirstie Alley Kirstie Alley in 1999: in 2018: - 2 years ago

@BigcaptSol18: RT @MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@SerenadeInBlue1: @MarketWatch @Quantanamo People should very careful and safe no matter how the government wants to spike the econom… - 2 years ago

@LeAnne_Loutz: RT @RealDeanCain: Kirstie Alley remembered for pushing back on cancel culture: 'History will vindicate her' | Fox News - 2 years ago

@dustytit: tell me how i just now found out aaron carter AND kirstie alley died?? i feel amish - 2 years ago

@charleyt496: @miles_commodore I think I've done a worse job, when Kirstie Alley died, I discovered my youngest didn't know who she was.😞 - 2 years ago

@filmbuff1974: RT @ThiefCGT: In August, I rejoined Frank Mandosa @filmbuff1974 from Silver Screeners to talk about two 80's "classics"... Adventures in Ba… - 2 years ago

@RockyRed_17: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@materiaIthey: RT @thekjohnston: @hugeasmammoth_ Hi. I’m the actress in this scene. I’m also still alive, as far as I know. Thanks everyone who reached ou… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@Timberati: Cheers with kirstie alley - 2 years ago

@toplipop: - 2 years ago

@CharismaAlasta1: RT @MatrixMaze36912: Kirstie Alley had Lyme disease. - 2 years ago

@PhoeboBuffay: My Dad messaged me that he learned the news of Kirstie Alley. "Son, I know you already know but damn... Kirstie!… - 2 years ago

@jfjoyner3: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@MTwebeditor: According to Alley’s only interview with the Mail Tribune in 1988 — a year before she bought property near Jacksonv… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@DebbieKydland: Kirstie Alley&#39;s Colon Cancer Was Diagnosed Not Long Before Her Death — What Women Should Know - 2 years ago

@kimak: thinking about Kirstie Alley passing away so suddenly 😕 I’m only a few years younger then her mortality hits hard - 2 years ago

@Mimi704699199: @DailyStuffMag Kirstie Alley just died! Have some respect! 😡 - 2 years ago

@Rome_Fell: The late #KirstieAlley Cheers friends loved her. Here are their comments. - 2 years ago

@Moonitelady: @espn love the cheers bid and you all put Kirstie Alley in the frame. Love ❤️ - 2 years ago

@skabbiller: @NicosTwtAccount I’m sorry but that’s not Kirstie Alley, this picture is Toni Braxton - 2 years ago

@ijammusicman: Tim Allen remembers Kirstie Alley, praises her for standing up to critics - 2 years ago

@abcesnoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, estrella de ″Cheers″ y ″Mira quien habla″ - 2 years ago

@GendronBonnie: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@hardymediation: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@dazilmz: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@phil_zone: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@MinnyAppleNiNi: Cousin: you’ve posted more about Kirstie Alley’s death than our aunt’s. Me: Kirstie Alley wasn’t a raging racist cunt to me😘 - 2 years ago

@USWeatherExpert: RT @mdrache: RIP, Kirstie Alley. She was an alum of my high school (Class of '69), and moved back to Wichita several years ago. A lot of fr… - 2 years ago

@pecunium: RT @matociquala: Throwanotherbearinthecanoe Newsletter: Kirstie Alley died last week, and I am having some feelings about it. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@always_daria: #ColonCancer often does not have symptoms. People at average risk should begin screening at 45. People at high risk… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@AvasmomTina1018: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@JeremyBond_film: RT @ColonCancerCoal: Kirstie Alley's death has sparked many questions about colorectal cancer. Philip Sanford from Get Your Rear in Gear -… - 2 years ago

@mrobinsonhum18: RT @people: Kirstie Alley Had Colon Cancer Before Her Death at Age 71, Star's Rep Reveals - 2 years ago

@RUBYROSESB: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@CherylTitus8: Watch "Kirstie Alley Last Video Before Death. She knew" on YouTube - 2 years ago

@GotMeals: Kevin Sorbo on Hollywood - Big Tech - Kirstie Alley and More! - 2 years ago

@MarcInNorthTex: @elonmusk still has some work to do. Who in their right mind would suggest these would be accounts I would want to… - 2 years ago

@geargail: RT @BCPPARANORMAL: Emmy winning actress - Kirstie Alley lost her fight with cancer today aged 71. Rest in Peace - 2 years ago

@CamejoMitch: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@sportsfan_ian: @snlhostsintro A host who’s passed away announcing a musical guest that passed away and just seems like yesterday K… - 2 years ago

@LindaMelisande: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@emilymae323: RT @fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world. Mis… - 2 years ago

@jerseyboy0423: RT @ABC: Kirstie Alley's unexpected death at age 71 has put a spotlight on colon cancer, the disease that took her life. - 2 years ago

@taffy_sinclair: @serialliar @checkthestar He kursed Kirstie Alley. Or scientology did.... 🧐 - 2 years ago

@jrick: Kirstie Alley was a rare standout in Hollywood: A “fat actress” who never stopped being sexy. Everything about he… - 2 years ago

@Tlarbb: RT @NickiSwiftCeleb: Actress Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71. Rest in peace. - 2 years ago

@movieguide: “I wish I could accentuate how independent her thought was and how beautiful her thought was and how organic her th… - 2 years ago

@fankirstiealley: It’s offically been one whole week since we heard the news that our beloved queen, Kirstie Alley, left this world.… - 2 years ago

@rifkitri54: RT @AP: Actor Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on “Cheers” and starred in films including “Look Who's Talking,” died Monday. Al… - 2 years ago

@rifkitri54: RT @AP: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy winner whose roles on the TV megahit “Cheers” and in the “Look Who’s Talking” films made her one of… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@C_HerMakeup: I literally did not know Kirstie Alley passed and it’s been a week already - 2 years ago

@Asimov22: RT @ooohquelapodcas: Hablamos muy poquito de la fase final Catar 2022 HBO Max con lo nuevo y lo que sale de la plataforma. Ganadores de Th… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@theStevilDead: Twenty five years ago today @ofctimallen, Kirstie Alley, Jay O. Sanders, Michael Lerner, Wayne Knight and Larry Mil… - 2 years ago

@ooohquelapodcas: Hablamos muy poquito de la fase final Catar 2022 HBO Max con lo nuevo y lo que sale de la plataforma. Ganadores de… - 2 years ago

@lynnpotter11: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@kevinfoti62: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@RockToaster: RT @PenelopesBooks: Cancer doesn't care what your political ideology, or lack thereof, is. Cancer is a cruel disease. No one deserves it.… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@gail_haIvorsen: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@BowelCancerNZ: We were saddened to hear the news that Cheers star Kirstie Alley passed away from bowel cancer, after a recent diag… - 2 years ago

@Rosemar45th2020: RT @megynkelly: This is such sad news. A beautiful, brave, funny and beloved woman. Rest in Peace, Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@tybogmom: @jefftheessene @mikehall6565 @NEWSMAX No, why do you ask? No one more feminine then Kirstie Alley. All woman there. - 2 years ago

@ThinksandSpeaks: @lifestyle_a2z Honestly update this ad. Kirstie Alley deserves some respect - 2 years ago

@Joni_Looking: RT @TonyOrtega94: Kirstie Alley was a #Scientology OT8 and one of its most vocal defenders. The news of her death was announced by her daug… - 2 years ago

@Joni_Looking: RT @TonyOrtega94: When Travolta announced Kelly Preston's death, he named a cancer center. Kirstie Alley's kids did the same. They know ?s… - 2 years ago

@Joni_Looking: RT @TonyOrtega94: After yesterday's stunning news that Kirstie Alley had died after a brief battle with cancer at only 71, we're still putt… - 2 years ago

@Joni_Looking: RT @CJancelewicz: Kirstie Alley was one of Scientology's most well known celebrities since joining in 1979. - 2 years ago

@ookamikun: RT @MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@ytjnhvrbveh5frh: RT @2GeminiSides: Kirstie alley is yet another dead racist anti vaxxer MAGA Karen so - 2 years ago

@jefftheessene: @tybogmom @mikehall6565 @NEWSMAX So you’re saying Kirstie Alley was a man? - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@JosMonz92819282: 🚨ÚLTIMA HORA | Muere Kirstie Alley, actriz recordada por "Look Who's Talking" y "Cheers", tras luchar contra el cán… - 2 years ago

@JosMonz92819282: ¿En qué series y películas participó Kirstie Alley? La actriz murió a los 71 años tras luchar contra el cáncer. Aqu… - 2 years ago

@msi_press: Today's blog post, the next in the series of Cancer Diary posts, pays tribute to Kirstie Alley and provides informa… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@jurylady5: RT @MarleeMatlin: She was complex, energetic, animated and hilarious. And she was my friend. Sending my condolences to her family. RIP Kirs… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@QbanKendy: RT @MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@jpmsandie: @TheMindOfJimmy @LouKellett @martin_gillie @dfgillie We had a Cheers thread mere days before Kirstie Alley passed.… - 2 years ago

@AsIhaveforgiven: 12:20A 12.12.2022 This this awesome ! # Cheers ! (clink) *RIP Kirstie Alley *realjeffjarrett "Congrats! @ ShoesBase… - 2 years ago

@goodtimekathy: just described the ending of white lotus to my roommate but she got jennifer coolidge and kirstie alley mixed up an… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@bobbywalnut: RT @Burnser: Me, after reading a Kirstie Alley obituary: - 2 years ago

@JustArmyRob: Hey all you with Kirstie Alley blocked me in your profile might need to edit that one!! 🤣🤣 - 2 years ago

@puntoporpunto: MUERE la actriz Kirstie ALLEY, de ’Mira quién habla’, a los 71 años de edad - 2 years ago

@LehighAcresGaze: Celine Dion, Kirstie Alley, Christmas, good news and bad - 2 years ago

@GazetteLakeland: Celine Dion, Kirstie Alley, Christmas, good news and bad - 2 years ago

@KarenStocker7: I miss hearing from Kirstie Alley. Very sad. - 2 years ago

@Gossamer_Sound: How Kirstie Alley hopes she'll be remembered - 2 years ago

@leftcoastracing: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago


@playground: La artista mantuvo en secreto que tenía cáncer y solo sus familiares y amigos cercanos conocían su estado de salud. - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@LIFTABLEtv: RIP Kirstie Alley. “Everybody Knows Your Name,” tweeted Carl Weathers. #Culture #Movies #Television - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@Jan_208: The talent we've lost in the last few weeks, Wilko, Christine McVie, Jet Black, Irene Cara, Kirstie Alley, Ruth Mad… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@ImRetiredAtLast: Flashback: Kirstie Alley Destroyed One Top Twitter Official Who Banned Trump…Man, is She Missed - 2 years ago

@Autism_updates: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley, Rebecca Howe on legendary sitcom Cheers - 2 years ago

@bwd1974: More great music, with a tribute to Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac in Ledge's Legends, tracks from Alan Thompson'… - 2 years ago

@Radio2102: More great music, with a tribute to Christine McVie of Fleetwood Mac in Ledge's Legends, tracks from Alan Thompson'… - 2 years ago

@tonytypesalot: @BumpstockKen @BumpstockBarbie So what prompted the Cheers marathon, Kirstie Alley’s passing? That is a tough loss; she was a great lady. - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: RT @MarleeMatlin: She was complex, energetic, animated and hilarious. And she was my friend. Sending my condolences to her family. RIP Kirs… - 2 years ago

@Deeenst: RT @eileendove910: R.I.P Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: RT @people: John Travolta is reflecting on his friendship with Kirstie Alley following the news of her death. 💔 Full story: - 2 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@Talk2Seniors: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@srnorganics1: RT @KyPorter3: - 2 years ago


@marvi60435103: RT @noticiaaldia: Murió venezolana arrollada cuando discutía con su pareja en Colombia - 2 years ago

@Marketing101__: Alley, a two-time Emmy winner who starred in the 1980s sitcom "Cheers" and the hit film "Look Who's Talking," has d… - 2 years ago

@jamesdotdotdot: RT @papa9_1_1: Thinking about yesterday when I was on a psychedelic journey on the subway and @jamesdotdotdot abruptly looked up and shoute… - 2 years ago

@HuttonMarquise: RT @MixtapeTrappers: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer,she was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@NinaMosley_LJ: RT @thekjohnston: Leave it to the gays @Queerty to give this epic non-story the meaningful coverage it deserves 💋 - 2 years ago

@HumbertCC: Que falleció Kirstie Alley... Hace como una semana. - 2 years ago

@Queerty: RT @thekjohnston: Leave it to the gays @Queerty to give this epic non-story the meaningful coverage it deserves 💋 - 2 years ago

@nadinesiracusa: That's a shame she belonged to the devil's cult. Now she died and went to hell There is no rest in peace or anothe… - 2 years ago

@HeartlessHill: RT @lib_trigger: Kirstie Alley knew Trump Won. She knew there was massive election interference and censorship of free speech. #MAGA #Tw… - 2 years ago

@grahamgremore: RT @thekjohnston: Leave it to the gays @Queerty to give this epic non-story the meaningful coverage it deserves 💋 - 2 years ago

@JasonSt77097165: RT @pop_arena: Kevin Conroy, Bob Saget, Jason David Frank, Kirstie Alley, Kirk Bailey, Bob McGrath, Emilio Delgado, Angela Lansbury, Louise… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@tmml2021: RT @ThiefCGT: In August, I rejoined Frank Mandosa @filmbuff1974 from Silver Screeners to talk about two 80's "classics"... Adventures in Ba… - 2 years ago

@ThiefCGT: RT @ThiefCGT: In August, I rejoined Frank Mandosa @filmbuff1974 from Silver Screeners to talk about two 80's "classics"... Adventures in Ba… - 2 years ago

@ThiefCGT: In August, I rejoined Frank Mandosa @filmbuff1974 from Silver Screeners to talk about two 80's "classics"... Advent… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@waggs902: @il0venostalgia Kirstie Alley in Cheers - 2 years ago

@jeanpierre69009: L’actrice américaine Kirstie Alley est morte, elle avait 71 ans - 2 years ago

@ChernanMaria: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@MissPattiW: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@socalissonice: Here's Kirstie Alley on the "Love Boat" w her husband, gorgeous, Parker Stevenson.#LoveBoat (S07E11)- 1983. r.i.p.… - 2 years ago

@WellPathPrtners: Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley, star of 'Cheers' and 'Drop Dead Gorgeous,' who passed away last week at age 71. "As ic… - 2 years ago

@friksandchips: Muere a los 71 años por un cáncer Kirstie Alley, actriz de 'Cheers' y 'Mira quién habla' - 2 years ago

@kirk_72: It’s 95% Kirstie alley gifs - 2 years ago

@SuperCardqueen: 2022 we lost Tommy Lasorda, Queen Elizabeth, Ann Heche, Bob Saget, Ronnie Spector, John Madden, Aaron Carter, Galla… - 2 years ago

@Michael79607364: RT @MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@mickers123: @CTVNews So you post about Cher's Mom but not a word when Kirstie Alley passed? Biased news. - 2 years ago

@MikeNew19512115: Antisemite Suhair Nafal Learns Kirstie Alley Loved Israel - 2 years ago

@ivano_91: Kirstie Alley 🌷 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@WorldNews123ONE: Kirstie Alley's Ex-Husband Breaks His Silence After Her Death - 2 years ago

@Lulu_Moon2006: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@dramaticlicence: RT @CheersWeeklyPod: Really important episode celebrating the life of Kirstie Alley, but also one of the best episodes of all time - "One H… - 2 years ago

@CheersWeeklyPod: Really important episode celebrating the life of Kirstie Alley, but also one of the best episodes of all time - "On… - 2 years ago

@RobertsFreedom: Cheers star Kirstie Alley's exact cause of death confirmed by rep - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@SoFloDivorceLaw: Kirstie Alley Was Married Twice: Details on Her Ex-Husbands, #Divorces #DelrayBeach #FamilyLaw #Attorneys - 2 years ago

@henryhuntertoo: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@OttoGetsBlotto: RT @Gigi_Kaiser: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@DeniseDubrock: RT @Kerry_Berry12: To all the evil, disgusting people who are cheering the death of Kirstie Alley simply because she voted for Trump…May Ka… - 2 years ago

@jerzygirl45: ... aaaaaand I just remembered Whoopi and Malcolm have a #StarTrek connection. And so does Ted Danson - through the late Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@SMObserved: #CelineDion, #KirstieAlley, #Christmas, Good News and Bad - Santa Monica Observer - 2 years ago

@arlasko: @jimrome Jim, You mentioned deaths come in threes last week. Well. Kirstie Alley; Mills Lane; Bbbbbig Head Bets? S… - 2 years ago

@aspirefamily2: Kirstie Alley - Gas Station Armed Guards - 2 years ago

@HBAmelie1: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Leah Remini Makes Dig At Scientology After Kirstie Alley’s Death - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@mgmoody42: RT @ImSpeaking13: Guide to Kate for new friends 1. “Fuck” is my passion word 2. I 🤍 connecting good people & helping racists delete their… - 2 years ago

@carmt13: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@spacejackrussel: RT @ABC: Kirstie Alley's unexpected death at age 71 has put a spotlight on colon cancer, the disease that took her life. - 2 years ago

@stereocienmx: ✝️ La actriz murió después de una breve batalla contra el cáncer, anunciaron sus hijos en su página de Instagram. 🤍 - 2 years ago

@JackSanders2022: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@dionicmmm: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@colydawg: RT @Burnser: Me, after reading a Kirstie Alley obituary: - 2 years ago

@GordoMingYin: @ImSpeaking13 Kirstie Alley is dead - 2 years ago

@GingerSnapps99: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@Burnser: Me, after reading a Kirstie Alley obituary: - 2 years ago

@regularonly: RT @concert_next: #Culture #TVFilm #MusicNews #themaskedsinger ‘Masked Singer’ to Pay Tribute to Kirstie Alley on Holiday Show - 2 years ago

@ERnurse86: @TheRealNubian2 It better not be for Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@BrowningLalo: RT @AP: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy winner whose roles on the TV megahit “Cheers” and in the “Look Who’s Talking” films made her one of… - 2 years ago

@photolivemusic: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago


@RightEditionca: - 2 years ago

@HiddenAblog: Kirstie Alley Passes Away at 71 - 2 years ago

@Arandus: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@MisterdishMiami: Flashback: Kirstie Alley Destroyed One Top Twitter Official Who Banned Trump…Man, is She Missed - 2 years ago

@panolan2: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@Reign_Cloud_8: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@Sasse1950: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@therealmccoy322: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@CarolynColson: RT @eileendove910: R.I.P Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@tunesville1: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@TMANPATRIOT: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@Michell20589333: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@larsgifts: RT @THExWilliam: @liz_churchill7 Now do Kirstie Alley! - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: ‘Cheers’ Cast Then & Now: See Photos Of Ted Danson, Kirstie Alley & More - 2 years ago

@stlsystembuster: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@GordonMacCalla: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@JanetWa94118686: Beltway Insider: Biden/Prisoner Swap, Time/Zelensky, Kosovo, Newtown, COVID/Vaccine Totals, Lockerbie, AZ Sinema, K… - 2 years ago

@MiguelF09443843: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@Kathlee37509960: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@brendseytt: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@LeroyAu41070917: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@eileendove910: R.I.P Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@FlaschStephanie: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@ooohquelapodcas: Hablamos muy poquito de la fase final Catar 2022 HBO Max con lo nuevo y lo que sale de la plataforma. Ganadores de… - 2 years ago

@Bruce2USA: RT @bama_angel4life: I may just stay off Twitter today. It blows my mind how many "humans" are celebrating the death of Kirstie Alley. Vile… - 2 years ago

@rich_villela: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@elfarandi: Revelaron la causa de muerte de la actriz Kirstie Alley 📄🖤 - 2 years ago

@SonexEvets: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@CatIsMeowing: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@Bob_Floridaman: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@BobbyWildCard: @chrissmithonair "Had problems with cocaine & grog for many yrs." Yes, but what about Kirstie Alley? - 2 years ago

@ivar_great: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@2006_florencio: RT @reportersalles: Morreu a querida Kirstie Alley, aos 71 anos, após um câncer recém descoberto. A estrela de sucessos como "Olha Quem Est… - 2 years ago

@tamokabean: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@lindamac12steps: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@Ladyinred195357: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@dsuttle23: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@IrmaTPatriot: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@EJMS535210621: RT @WayneDupreeShow: Kirstie is missed, but her epic tweet destroying a Twitter official who banned Trump, lives on forever 😆 - 2 years ago

@coolcaprice: Watch "Remembering Kirstie Alley: ET’s Best Moments With Her" on YouTube - 2 years ago

@cobcatnipdew: Kirstie Alley - She Wishes Craig "Tried Her Out" - Her Only Appearance - 2 years ago

@shalliebee: Actress And TV Star Kirstie Alley has Passsed On!: - 2 years ago

@ArzuAng23: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@DieselLiko: @philharmonic___ ⁦@CoyoteSanctuary⁩ @babykoala196 @4usa1776 ⁦@mrshhjones⁩ ⁦@_StarAndrea78⁩ - 2 years ago

@georgiaduck: @missjoynicole @RealDeanCain I’m going to miss Kirstie Alley. Used to watch Cheers with my mom, Rebecca was her fav… - 2 years ago

@firstjim2: RT @flowerlady61: Flowers: Kirstie Alley's passing yields another demonstration of the left's cruelty - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: Howard Stern Thinks This Iconic Cheers Star Ruined Her Career - 2 years ago

@jimihillz: RT @Gigi_Kaiser: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@jjstoneFMnews: @GMA: Kirstie Alley's unexpected death at age 71 has put a spotlight on colon cancer, the disease that took her lif… - 2 years ago

@star25122016: RT @noticiaaldia: Murió venezolana arrollada cuando discutía con su pareja en Colombia - 2 years ago

@LeisThatGirl: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@myriad8: RT @myriad8: Kirstie Alley Last Video Before Death. She knew - 2 years ago

@myriad8: Kirstie Alley Last Video Before Death. She knew - 2 years ago

@freyasheart: RT @il0venostalgia: Kirstie Alley’s story… - 2 years ago

@tracymallard57: RT @TVLine: Ted Danson remembers his late #Cheers leading lady Kirstie Alley and shares one of his favorite Rebecca moments from the classi… - 2 years ago

@racered66: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@Angel74654801: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@MarceloFBitenco: RT @TrekNewsNet: Sad to hear of the untimely passing of actress Kirstie Alley, who played Saavik in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. May h… - 2 years ago

@davidbewart: RT @ARealJourno: @PatsKarvelas @CAllderladd And the slimy little slug's last tweet before this happened insinuated that Kirstie Alley died… - 2 years ago

@jrick: As a girl, Kirstie Alley was a competitive swimmer. Her earliest mentions in newspapers were for swim-tournament r… - 2 years ago

@johncapx1: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@myriad8: RT @myriad8: Kirstie Alley Last Video Before Death. She knew - 2 years ago

@myriad8: Kirstie Alley Last Video Before Death. She knew - 2 years ago

@ATInsider: RT @__TEAM_USA: Kirstie Alley loved America and loved Trump. She rejected Wokeness and was one of the few actors in Hollywood brave enough… - 2 years ago

@Orhan63831152: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@RevistaVIVAro: Cauza morții actriței Kirstie Alley. S-a aflat ce tip de cancer avea - 2 years ago

@DCimbaljevic: RT @GMA: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family and her manager said Monday night. She was 71 years old. @laraspe… - 2 years ago

@sai_ogletree: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@lTweetStuff: This takes me right back. One of my absolute faves. RIP Kirstie Alley 🥹 - 2 years ago

@MaryAdamsLewis2: @SoapOperaNewss My Belated Condolences To The Kirstie alley Family - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: Falleció a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la actriz de «Mira quién habla» - 2 years ago

@post_tornado: Leah Remini responds to Kirstie Alley’s death following years-long Scientology feud. #kirstiealleydeathcause… - 2 years ago

@tingelbasti: @Sissi324252 Es fehlen schon so viele, die die Welt etwas lustiger oder besser gemacht haben. Loriot, Robin William… - 2 years ago

@MSN: Kirstie Alley dead at 71: Look back at stunning photos of the actress early in her career - 2 years ago

@Digital55320785: Kirstie Alley remembered by Church of Scientology as ‘beloved member’ and ‘champion for drug rehabilitation’ clo… - 2 years ago

@WFMComunicacion: Remembering Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@5868tj5tt62: @fankirstiealley @kirstiealley Great movie! "Shoot to Kill" Kirstie Alley 🥰 - 2 years ago

@patrick_jonah: 😪New Details Emerge About Kirstie Alley’s Final Days - 2 years ago

@BeaLittlefield: @BumpstockBarbie Her character is why I rarely watched the show. I did like the ones with Kirstie Alley's character… - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: John Travolta se mostró muy triste por la pérdida de esta actriz - 2 years ago

@MrsPdoff: - 2 years ago

@lvelibertyislnd: RT @humblewiseguy: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@p_global_pro: The American actress Kirstie Alley died last week at the age of 71. I loved her in the sitcom "Cheers," which she… - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: Murió Kirstie Alley, actriz de “Mira quién habla” y "Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan" - 2 years ago

@JonnyStocks43: Kirstie Alley favorite meal at my shop are the carnitas tacos - 2 years ago

@HubbleST: Remembering Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@noticiaaldia: Murió venezolana arrollada cuando discutía con su pareja en Colombia - 2 years ago

@NotDiogenes: RT @humblewiseguy: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@bot_world_order: 'Ogre' a mile below the Lincoln Memorial!? - Kirstie Alley Confirms Rumors!! - 2 years ago

@DGwin12: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@dannywilsonrevs: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@llamadoc: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: Las tristes palabras de John Travolta tras la muerte de Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@jgshapiro: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@IanFriedman19: Memorable quotes Kirstie Alley #shorts - 2 years ago

@dcexaminer: Remembering Kirstie Alley: Hollywood pays tribute to Cheers, Look Who's Talking star. @MariaLeaf reports. - 2 years ago

@rsharpe1968: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@libertydude1974: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@dpfit: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@2legit2quit9526: Im SO SAD about Kirstie alley I always watched her on cheers seriously my heart is bleeding - 2 years ago

@oshanada: Lately I’ve been weirded out that a local politician has a pet with the same name as their father, but I just learn… - 2 years ago

@Super_Patriot: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@fuzzykota30: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@RobertPKiley: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@middlingobiwan: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@YellieB4: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@Qlder: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@EllyKayUSA: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@nemosynth: スタトレの劇伴ではジェームス・ホーナー版が実は一番好きで、ついにクリンゴンのテーマ聞きたさだけのためにStar Trek IIIをもっぺん観てしまう で、やっぱサーヴィックはKirstie Alleyのほうがええなぁ思てたら5日… - 2 years ago

@covfefebelle: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@WhiteLightBets: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@kathypeterson: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@TylerNovelas2: RT @TLautnerBRsite: Infelizmente nós perdemos hoje, a atriz Kirstie Alley. Taylor Lautner e ela trabalharam juntos na 2ª temporada da séri… - 2 years ago

@Migueln06314460: Farewell Kirstie Louise Alley rest in peace, you marked my childhood and many generations on TV and in Film I will… - 2 years ago

@TheGrimRecapper: Why yes, YouTube suggestions, I WOULD like to watch Kirstie Alley as a contestant on Match Game. - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: John Travolta muy dolido tras la muerte de una actriz - 2 years ago

@Sequins4thots: Kirstie Alley Kirstie Alley in 1999: in 2018: - 2 years ago

@nikonchick: She was on Tucker's Fox Nation show like 4 months ago looking amazing. She would have enjoyed new Twitter and the T… - 2 years ago


@Titus88Titus: Sharona and Dr. Kroger would later have to be replaced in the cast. No easy task replacing someone on a popular TV… - 2 years ago

@NewGuyUserName1: RT @MarkWil67206795: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley ☹️🙏 - 2 years ago

@Michelle60711: @LuckyDuck58 You just saw this today? Why would you think you can insult or intimidate me over the freaking interne… - 2 years ago

@ZoharRising: @ggreenwald Kirstie Alley, Glenn Greenwald. - 2 years ago

@ericharder: @lorloLauren @ditzkoff Cheers Spoiler: Kirstie Alley dies. Now watch WL!! - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: Kirstie Alley perdió la lucha contra el cáncer - 2 years ago


@katieee_did: RT @CheersToTheRose: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer, which I think a lot of people know by now. What they don’t know are the symptoms… - 2 years ago

@laumikavila: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@DisotuarOleydis: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@carlenezr: This includes a list of celebrities who “died suddenly” following their efforts/statements to expose pedophile elit… - 2 years ago

@Derek_Brink: New podcast episode! In this episode, I yell at you about JRR Tolkien and the Rings of Power for a long time, but a… - 2 years ago

@INDEPENDIENTEgc: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@BernieandZack: We discuss someone getting hit in the head with a bat, Dr Phil guest distraught that husband was voting for Trump,… - 2 years ago

@karinna_morgan: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@louis412019: RT @MarshallWSL: Not gunna lie, it’s hard to reconcile the Kirstie Alley I grew up loving to the retrumplican homophobic scientologist, who… - 2 years ago

@inhissilence: Kirstie Alley died of cancer - 2 years ago

@Javs_yf: COMO QUE SE MURIÓ KIRSTIE ALLEY???? - 2 years ago

@luanadana1: RT @cioccolanti: Actress Kirstie Alley passed away at 71. I still remember her like this from Cheers. Funny how fame can make you appear ti… - 2 years ago

@HeroldJh: #NowWatching "Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan" Director's Cut on Blu-ray. Starring William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, De… - 2 years ago

@boatshowvisitor: John Madden on heaven's telestrator showing Kirstie Alley's ghost where she can run without bumping into Beetlejuice. - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@TheJoyWriter: RT @TheGhostSleepi1: @matthewdmarsden I suspect there are more conservatives within the creative industries than there seems. Very few feel… - 2 years ago

@forexpiphunter: @hwinkler4real Heyyyy, well lately we have sick and dead celbs, Irena Cara and Kirstie Alley dead, Celine Deon and… - 2 years ago

@HershelBates7: RT @MarlowNYC: speaking of kirstie alley, ‘it takes two’ is a banger - 2 years ago

@HershelBates7: RT @MarlowNYC: how kirstie alley lost herself in scientology: - 2 years ago

@elfarandi: Muere Kirstie Alley: La estrella de «Cheers» fallece a los 71 años tras una corta batalla contra el cáncer - 2 years ago

@Frances80212406: @MissCeciMoon @Don8Please @HighTechWriter @HillaryClinton @cher You mean like you guys did Kirstie Alley? 😉 - 2 years ago

@AuroraFerEsca: RT @lopezdoriga: #LoMásLeído La actriz Kirstie Alley, estrella de ‘Mira quién habla’ y ‘Star Trek II: la ira de Khan’, murió a los 71 años… - 2 years ago

@EvelynAguado1: RT @JovenAdso: Me acuerdo de todas aquellas tardes viendo 'Cheers' con mis hermanos, Coca-Cola de por medio, mientras ella le daba la répli… - 2 years ago

@media_maybe: Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Gednewt: ‘Cheers’ Stars Ted Danson, Kelsey Grammer & Rhea Perlman, Director James Burrows Mourn Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@roygerdodger: RT @thenickfanclub: Yikes, even just a year after airing as part of the Omicron-ravaged not-quite-live episode, the Global Warming Christma… - 2 years ago

@BreezesCool: RT @me_think_free: Kirstie Alley was a BOSS. - 2 years ago

@MyBostonNews: RT @NECN: Colon cancer, which is also known as colorectal cancer, is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men and in women i… - 2 years ago

@barbaracecf: Como assim a Kirstie Alley morreu e eu só fiquei sabendo agora? Caramba!! - 2 years ago

@MarionMcMullen4: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: I'm looking forward to reuniting with my friends @CTVJefferson and @CTVJoelle on @CTVMorningYYC in the 8 o'clock hour Mond… - 2 years ago

@MrsRose10384836: @DrJamesOlsson What celebrities died? Beside Kirstie Alley? ( cancer I read). - 2 years ago

@MPeeved: @VivaLaAmes11 Kirstie alley? - 2 years ago

@reacher_ethan: RT @ThePerezHilton: Fascinating read. And, yes, #Scientology and her ex-husband’s reluctance to engage with it lead to their divorce. Among… - 2 years ago

@jabless_nation: RT @BelindasHandbag: @PTruthspeaker Also this is suspect - 2 years ago

@NJentertainment: John Travolta remembers Kirstie Alley: ‘One of the most special relationships I’ve ever had’ - 2 years ago

@UnicableOficial: El actor dedicó unas palabras de despedida ✨🤞🏽 - 2 years ago

@EllisGBS: RT @BlackKnight10k: Hey, all you MAGAts crying because I'm shitting all over Kirstie Alley's rotting corpse, I haven't forgotten what y'all… - 2 years ago

@MiguelHilargiak: RT @MarleeMatlin: She was complex, energetic, animated and hilarious. And she was my friend. Sending my condolences to her family. RIP Kirs… - 2 years ago

@Hallerftwayne: RT @Kevin10919728: Remembering KIRSTIE ALLEY - 2 years ago

@ProudAlbertan__: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer, doctors urge people over 45 to get checked every 10 years. - 2 years ago

@emack64: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-Winning ‘Cheers’ Actress, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@emack64: - 2 years ago

@FutureOurWork: RT @MarshaCollier: How Kirstie Alley Used Her Body Long before the current body-positivity movement, Ms. Alley made people think about fat… - 2 years ago

@Jonbradley1723: RT @me_think_free: Kirstie Alley was a BOSS. - 2 years ago

@ennui365: RT @ennui365: ICYMI: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom "Cheers," has died. She was 71. "Our… - 2 years ago

@DarinCredible: @thesnlnetwork @JonSchneider24 @ThatWeekInSNL @zeKaleyMorrison RANDOM THOUGHT: Kinda surprised we didn’t get a titl… - 2 years ago

@Courtne14637440: i believe @Wolfiesmom loved Kirstie alley as a friend. As did many ppl. Why dont these celebs feel like they can sa… - 2 years ago

@jeannettegab: If we worried half as much what others are doing for us and spent twice as much time helping others, we would all b… - 2 years ago

@gatarraza: RT @CNNEE: Kirstie Alley murió de cáncer de colon. Así puedes detectarlo a tiempo - 2 years ago

@WesthamLindsey: RT @BelindasHandbag: @PTruthspeaker Also this is suspect - 2 years ago

@gypsyetta: RT @DerekForReal81: #JohnTravolta #KirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@halfeatenmind: Kirstie Alley&#39;s Colon Cancer Was Diagnosed Not Long Before Her Death — What Women Should Know - 2 years ago

@Kingsle56358558: Kirstie Alley Back street Demise video – Entertainer Last Video Before Death twitter - 2 years ago

@Herowolf20101: RT @BelindasHandbag: @PTruthspeaker Also this is suspect - 2 years ago

@JSMille88508595: RT @BlackKnight10k: Hey, all you MAGAts crying because I'm shitting all over Kirstie Alley's rotting corpse, I haven't forgotten what y'all… - 2 years ago

@CecogAcademy: Go to colonoscopies regularly!! @CECOGAcademy to hold a conference on #coloncancer with an excellent faculty soon!… - 2 years ago

@depthhidden: @elonmusk @Liz_Wheeler We will miss Kirstie Alley and her wonderfully sharp tongue, she had Yoel all figured out. - 2 years ago


@JoelADiBacco: RT @AmericanaMama_: Another one lost - Kirstie Alley 71 - 2 years ago

@Robert_Johnston: @GeorgeTakei I have never followed that issue with or without Kirstie Alley associated with it, so it's a non-start… - 2 years ago

@Monkey7771: RT @GaryShipmanArt: Kirstie Alley | Saavik | Star Trek tribute - 2 years ago

@theperfecthire: How Kirstie Alley Lost Herself in Scientology – Rolling Stone - 2 years ago

@Sonnydazes: RT @chrisgailus: Inspired by the recent death of Kirstie Alley, here's an honest and very powerful testimonial from @CTVCalgary anchor Joc… - 2 years ago

@steventeaster: RT @garybryanshow: Terrible news: Kirstie Alley has passed after a short battle with cancer. She was 71. R.I.P. - 2 years ago

@JoseMor50676533: RT @Kevin10919728: Remembering KIRSTIE ALLEY - 2 years ago

@BrettGursky: In November 1992, my Bar Mitzvah theme was Hollywood and I wanted Kirstie Alley & Steve Martin to be my guest stars… - 2 years ago

@MMorales912: @TheKrothRoads @MostlyPeacefull I saw a lot of victory laps when Kirstie Alley passed… - 2 years ago

@LordJeffrey85: @TMZ Kanye makes me laugh, Kirstie Alley on the space ship with L. Ron, Harry and Megan nobody cares, finally Britt… - 2 years ago

@kfaiplaylist: "Segue" by Prince & The New Power Generation feat. Kirstie Alley Weekend on Demand at 5:53pm @prince @kirstiealley @KFAIweekend - 2 years ago

@GHenderson62: RT @GeorgeTakei: Thoughts on this, friends? - 2 years ago

@Stargoyle1: RT @TheGhostSleepi1: @matthewdmarsden I suspect there are more conservatives within the creative industries than there seems. Very few feel… - 2 years ago

@SteveAndersonS3: Kirstie Alley on Larry King talking about NOV1996 bikini entrance on Oprah (video included) - 2 years ago

@IvankaVic16: @TheNewDailyAu "died quite suddenly after getting sick from cancer." Like Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@calvin_bigman: RT @Masquerade2376: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley, she was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@SteveAndersonS3: Kirstie Alley on the Match Game (syndicated) - 2 years ago

@decider: Did you know Kirstie Alley won an Emmy for her 87th episode of CHEERS? - 2 years ago

@Dene71: Kelsey Grammer interview on '#Cheers,' Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Zulu_WaRr: RT @TeejSmoothDude: Kirstie Alley’s parents died in a Car Accident on the way to a Halloween party dressed as a black woman and a KKK membe… - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: John Travolta se mostró muy triste por la pérdida de esta actriz - 2 years ago

@KregerPatricia: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - NBC News - 2 years ago

@MEspinals2007: I'm seeing a pattern.🤔 - 2 years ago

@EHunt48483: RT @dr_jon_l: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley. To the anti-vaxxers, she was not vaccinated. I feel very sad that I keep having to do this eve… - 2 years ago

@AlenisPallaresV: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking, 1989, directed by @amyheckerling. John Travolt… - 2 years ago

@CelebritiesB: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-Winning ‘Cheers’ Actress, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@wilanthon: Muere Kirstie Alley, actriz de "Look Who's Talking", a los 71 años - 2 years ago

@lakeside_23: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: Tras una larga lucha contra el cáncer, murió Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@NowMyNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. How to lower your risk #EntertainmentNews - 2 years ago

@FilmmakerSounds: RT @FilmmakerSounds: Must admit I once had a 'Huge Crush' on Kirstie Alley. #actors #Actorslife #Romance #Cheers #KirstieAlleyrip #KirstieA… - 2 years ago

@HowardLehman3: - 2 years ago

@blogdehollywood: Nesse domingo (11) o @MeuLifetime vai fazer uma homenagem para #KirstieAlley, que faleceu esta semana! Veja aqui os… - 2 years ago

@OllieGeordielan: RT @Film4: Celebrate the work of the late Kirstie Alley, as Lieutenant Saavik in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan at 11.10pm or on All 4. ht… - 2 years ago

@Ghassan_gak92: Kirstie Alley died after brief battle with colon cancer l GMA - 2 years ago

@Ladybug44444444: She had a choice just like the rest of us! Leah Remini Suggests Scientology Could Be Partly to Blame for Kirstie A… - 2 years ago

@TKMoniker: RT @decadesnetwork: Join us starting tonight at 11pm Eastern as we remember Kirstie Alley with special tribute episodes all this week, foll… - 2 years ago

@TKMoniker: RT @decadesnetwork: Since we're celebrating Kirstie Alley this week, take a minute to do this quiz on one of our favorite Cheers episodes,… - 2 years ago

@mzw007: Kirstie Alley's death at 71 puts spotlight on colon cancer: What women need to know - 2 years ago

@puntoporpunto: MUERE la actriz Kirstie ALLEY, de ’Mira quién habla’, a los 71 años de edad - 2 years ago

@hardknoxfirst: #Twitter Awkwardly Confuses Kristen Johnston With Kirstie Alley - Comic Sands #SmartNews - 2 years ago

@limiator: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Deconstructing Harry, 1997, directed by Woody Allen. Woody Allen,… - 2 years ago


@GinaLawriw: Scientology says this is what's next for Kirstie Alley — who reached the highest level in the religion — following… - 2 years ago

@PepiPomez: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Look Who's Talking Now, 1993, directed by @TomRopelewski. John Tra… - 2 years ago

@PepiPomez: RT @Sergiofordy: RIP #KirstieAlley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022) Deconstructing Harry, 1997, directed by Woody Allen. Woody Allen,… - 2 years ago

@MichelleHillie9: @fankirstiealley ☺☺ Yhaa that would have been something exciting?? Only that short time ago?? I thought she was fol… - 2 years ago

@Moderat_Conserv: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. All of the symptoms are related to obesi… - 2 years ago

@FustinoBrothers: The 'SNL' Sketch Kirstie Alley Called Her 'Most Fun' Acting Scene - 2 years ago

@DanVanOrden: Kirstie Alley - Match Game Tribute (Match Game Synd. - Episode 18) - 2 years ago

@UniversoLusoBra: Kirstie Alley&#39;s Colon Cancer Was Diagnosed Not Long Before Her Death — What Women Should Know… - 2 years ago

@madmollusk: RT @BezzyCommunity: Actor Kirstie Alley died this week after a short battle with #coloncancer. 💚 The third most common type of cancer globa… - 2 years ago

@jaguevaraf: RT @JazzeStardust: Rip Kirstie Alley 🙏😭 posting one of my fav clips from Toothless. Disney plus should put this film on streaming for respe… - 2 years ago

@Adela_L_B: @Colbywallsphoto @rdlewis @GrantWahl I don’t know if Kirstie Alley took the jab. But, yeah. This is all it is about… - 2 years ago

@gethypedllc: How The Masked Singer Honored Former Contestant Kirstie Alley Following Her Death - 2 years ago

@Justmeedmoil1: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 1 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@bethvonbehren: Saturday Morning Musings: Kirstie Alley, Tornadoes, Christmas Trees, and the Respect for Marriage Act - 2 years ago

@MyOtherCar5: RT @GeorgeTakei: Thoughts on this, friends? - 2 years ago

@AroojRa98156105: What faith is Kirstie Alley? - 2 years ago

@mb4all: just found out that xenu got another pilot for the final war for the minds of humanity this week … … and LRH got a… - 2 years ago

@JKFort1: RT @codyghosthost: Kirstie Alley and Leonard Nimoy on the set of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan which was released in 1982 🎥🎥🎥🎥 - 2 years ago

@JKFort1: RT @startrektour: Kirstie Alley who portrayed Saavik in Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan and after went on to success in the TV series Cheers… - 2 years ago

@RConfidencial: ▷ Hollywood llora la pérdida de Kirstie Alley #7Dic - 2 years ago

@TheeconomyT: Photos: Remembering Emmy winner Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: John Travolta mostró la tristeza por la pérdida de esta actriz - 2 years ago

@nationalnewzusa: Photos: Remembering Emmy winner Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Kirstie Alley: Emmy-winning Cheers actress dies of cancer at 71 - 2 years ago

@ereynolds636: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 3 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@frzsanson: RT @chabeloviviomas: Chabelo vivió más que Kirstie Alley, actriz norteamericana que alcanzó el estrellato tras su papel en la afamada sitco… - 2 years ago

@zirkkeli1: RT @TheLiberal_ie: Actress Kirstie Alley warns that Hollywood is conditioning society to be so "open minded" that it will soon "support" pa… - 2 years ago

@shalliebee: Actress And TV Star Kirstie Alley has Passsed On! - 2 years ago

@LisaFis16699599: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@dublonothing: @PhilNobileJr @RICHARDLNEWBY @80sscifidoc Saturday’s hottest film is Runaway. This film has everything: Smart guns… - 2 years ago

@halfeatenmind: Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of &#39;Cheers&#39; Dies at 71 After Short Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@TerriTaekook: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@surco_marco: RT @CNNEE: El cáncer de colon cobró otra vida: la actriz Kirstie Alley, ganadora de dos premios Emmy, falleció este lunes a los 71 años tra… - 2 years ago

@sockeyesupply: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 1 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@BonniePR2: RT @TheGhostSleepi1: @matthewdmarsden I suspect there are more conservatives within the creative industries than there seems. Very few feel… - 2 years ago

@Twinkle42868249: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 1 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@LIANABOWMAN5: RT @End_Disparities: Kirstie Alley died from #coloncancer, a silent disease that usually doesn’t have symptoms until it’s too late. Here’s… - 2 years ago

@sockeyesupply: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 2 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@DenessaReddish3: RT @peta: From the smallest monkey to the largest elephant, Kirstie Alley appreciated every animal. She fought for a future without anima… - 2 years ago

@Twinkle42868249: RT @sockeyesupply: Part 2 Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@TheeconomyT: On ‘Cheers,’ Kirstie Alley was one half of a perfect TV pair - 2 years ago

@sepinwall: RT @sepinwall: In this week's free What's Alan Watching newsletter, I go behind the scenes on my best TV of 2022 list, plus thoughts on Lit… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Kirstie Alley’s Kids: Everything To Know About The Late Star’s 2 Children - 2 years ago

@VMAG75: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@ScrippsNational: Award-winning actress Kirstie Alley died earlier this week after a battle with cancer that was "recently discovered… - 2 years ago

@OjingeoMusic: I'm into the Kirstie Alley years on "Cheers" now--I've lost track of how many counts of workplace harassment, intim… - 2 years ago

@rabidmarionette: RT @SicilianInHeels: John Travolta lost Olivia Newton-John & Kirstie Alley in the same year. He lost his wife Kelly in 2020. His son Jett d… - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@Melfreedom2: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@YRgasparin: RT @CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió de… - 2 years ago

@ProveDotcom: ...Kirstie Alley, who is known for Star Trek:The Wrath of Khan, which is known for its trumpets theme song, is when… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Kirstie Alley’s Husband: Everything To Know About Her 2 Marriages To Parker Stevenson & Bob Alley… - 2 years ago

@ProveDotcom: ...use of trumpets in its theme song. 5 days after the release of the Indiana Jones 5 trailer was the day that Kirs… - 2 years ago

@ReikiNarbonne: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@BackupBasil: RT @stitzch: Every kirstie alley tribute is like 'she was a horrible person who would have turned up at Jan 6th with a machine gun and beli… - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Maks Chmerkovskiy, Jamie Lee Curtis & More Celebs Remember Kirstie Alley: ‘I Love You’ - 2 years ago

@worldnews_guru: Ted Danson & ‘Cheers’ Stars Mourn Kirstie Alley After She Dies Of Cancer - 2 years ago

@bunnydarke: RT @Film4: Celebrate the work of the late Kirstie Alley, as Lieutenant Saavik in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan at 11.10pm or on All 4. ht… - 2 years ago

@tomkody: RIP Kirstie Alley Cheers - Sam & Rebecca want a baby. - 2 years ago

@mamocha1: RT @NBCNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@HorizonteQRoo: Falleció Kirstie Alley, la entrañable ‘Mollie’ de ‘Mira quién habla’ - 2 years ago

@Debi07338581: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@SwissFederalist: RT @KISSopolis: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley "Runaway" (1984) - 2 years ago

@NJC2005: RT @JackLugo1: Kirstie Alley masterfully played this scene from Woody Allen’s Deconstructing Harry (1997). It’s my favorite scene in the fi… - 2 years ago

@NoCCPGenocide: RT @ACTBrigitte: Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley. You will be dearly missed. - 2 years ago

@NoCCPGenocide: RT @MonicaCrowley: Kirstie Alley: an extraordinary talent, fearless free thinker, and true patriot. Such a Boss. Rest In Peace 🕊 - 2 years ago

@scheerenberger: RT @NBCNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@Mamscall: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Laurent44671406: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@angelwolf71885: RT @NBCNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@NJC2005: RT @EricMPrudhomme: kirstie alley in drop dead gorgeous is peak comedy - 2 years ago

@NJC2005: RT @johnlarroquette: Kirstie Alley was a comic pro and an authentic human. Condolences to her family and her loved ones. - 2 years ago

@th_conversation: Twitter Awkwardly Confuses Kristen Johnston With Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@OptimistAsh: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@rolstonjacq: RT @Gigi_Kaiser: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@QuanLegend: - 2 years ago

@HumphreysNina: @fankirstiealley Aww wow, I had a few fake Kirstie Alley accounts follow me but not the real one lol. You deserve i… - 2 years ago

@cambskeptics: Late Cheers actress Kirstie Alley rose up the ranks to become a top Scientologist who lashed out at the controversi… - 2 years ago

@TerriTheresaTes: @RedPillXR @THExWilliam @liz_churchill7 71 is not considered very old these days. Although being obese is not good… - 2 years ago

@5Explorer: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@NUPEsupreme: RT @DuchessODork: Now that we've all said our goodbyes, is it ok to bring up the fact that Kirstie Alley was a big ass racist and Trump sup… - 2 years ago

@TKoppite: RT @TKoppite: @roddenberry RIP Kirstie Alley. We honour you. May light shine on your soul. 🙏🦋🌹 - 2 years ago

@TKoppite: @roddenberry RIP Kirstie Alley. We honour you. May light shine on your soul. 🙏🦋🌹 - 2 years ago

@comandante_ben: RT @EuprepioPadula: Muere la actriz estadounidense Kirstie Alley. Protagonista de comedias que nos hicieron reír mucho como Cheers. D.E.P.… - 2 years ago

@deaf258: RT @iskandrah: I read a very detailed op-ed today about late actress Kirstie Alley. It had screenshots of her tweets in which she accused L… - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@pipkat70: RT @thekjohnston: @hugeasmammoth_ Hi. I’m the actress in this scene. I’m also still alive, as far as I know. Thanks everyone who reached ou… - 2 years ago

@rebeccadouc: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@smstrand1: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@geraldd24956401: Tes, I loved that lady dearly she was a a truly nice lady who loved all of her fans, whether they learned conservat… - 2 years ago

@GebelinRose: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@bexyyyyyyy: RT @HowardGriffiths: RIP Kirstie Alley - Make the most of every moment of life. #Cheers #SNL #KirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@saintcross009: RT @theirish80slady: No more pain and suffering 🕊️ Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley🕊️💕 #Suckitcancer - 2 years ago

@StigmabaseD: RT @StigmabaseD: [LATEAM-NL] Actrice Kirstie Alley (71) overleden aan gevolgen van kanker: In het statement laten ze weten dat hun moeder r… - 2 years ago

@mkisntokay: a woman who had a voice of her own and she did not gaf. she was a huge part of my childhood and my heart still brea… - 2 years ago

@mdjgutietest: RT @TonyOrtega94: Kirstie Alley was a #Scientology OT8 and one of its most vocal defenders. The news of her death was announced by her daug… - 2 years ago

@adenparis: RT @FoxNews: Tim Allen remembers Kirstie Alley, praises her for standing up to critics - 2 years ago

@Nostradamus83: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@LilaPrestige22: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@WebseriesEra: Kirstie Alley Dies At The Age Of 71 From Cancer Kirstie Alley is remembered after she died. On Monday, the Emmy-wi… - 2 years ago

@scottmarks: RT @iansaint_: Kirstie Alley first appeared on TV as a contestant on Match Game in 1979. She introduced herself as an interior designer fr… - 2 years ago

@yankeequilter48: RT @Melody93658148: Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly - 2 years ago

@LILGUYISBACK: - 2 years ago

@kay__luhballin: RT @1followernodad: I can’t believe everyone’s mentioning Kirstie Alley’s death and no one is talking about the Olsen Twins film It Takes T… - 2 years ago

@trechic00: Kirstie Alley&#39;s 2 Kids: Everything to Know - 2 years ago

@El_Cooperante: #9Dic 🌍 | Murió la actriz estadounidense Kirstie Alley tras batallar con un cáncer - 2 years ago

@taternuggets: RT @rcbl: - 2 years ago

@XianFreemanCA: RT @XianFreemanCA: - 2 years ago

@Vilain36006490: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@missjoynicole: Tim Allen remembers Kirstie Alley, praises her for standing up to critics - 2 years ago

@ETrippi2: RT @CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió de… - 2 years ago

@Denkdrawsthings: RT @FoxNews: Tim Allen remembers Kirstie Alley, praises her for standing up to critics - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@RonnyPelletier: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@iza_maddie: RT @fankirstiealley: The moment my heart stopped when Kirstie Alley followed me back on Twitter on December 3, 2020. Can’t believe it’s bee… - 2 years ago

@4_localpolice: Howard Stern Suggests Kirstie Alley’s Death May Be Explained By Anti-Mandate Views - 2 years ago

@William85837998: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@Brad_of_Kauai: @FlorioWilkes @Zee207702 @typo_cat I wouldn't leave unless she starts talking to me in a Kirstie Alley voice.😳 - 2 years ago

@886OO: RT @Aliyah01150546: Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouve… - 2 years ago

@CurtisArchibal7: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@Jeannine_C_: Taylor Dayne, colon cancer survivor, shocked about Kirstie Alley's death: 'I really loved that woman' - 2 years ago

@Aliekin33572127: RT @tolgaozcelkk90: Kirstie Alley, Aniden Ölmeden Önce Hollywood Elit Pedofil Yüzüğünü Ortaya Çıkarma Sözü Vermişti. 71 yaşında aniden haya… - 2 years ago

@venezuelaaldia: #9Dic La emotiva despedida de John Travolta a Kirstie Alley: “Tuvimos una relación especial” - 2 years ago

@ktkenzie: RT @goldenglobes: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@ktkenzie: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: John Travolta mostró la tristeza por la pérdida de esta actriz - 2 years ago

@VCPNewz: Former 'Cheers' Co-Stars, Hollywood Celebs Pay Tribute To Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@TDSREALISATIONS: RT @BPartisans: ⚡️Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouvel… - 2 years ago

@menyo276: Kirstie Alley vowed to expose Hollywood elite pedophile ring before she died suddenly As news filtered through of… - 2 years ago

@Varun9Vijay: RT @GuardianUS: Kirstie Alley was celebrated not because she was flawless – but because her flaws were so visible | Veronica Esposito https… - 2 years ago

@Xav888: RT @BPartisans: ⚡️Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouvel… - 2 years ago

@Jimmyhgs65: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@skagirl77: RT @codyghosthost: Kirstie Alley and Leonard Nimoy on the set of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan which was released in 1982 🎥🎥🎥🎥 - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@Tony28098577: RT @StalledMovies: RIP Kirstie Alley. #Cheers #SNL - 2 years ago

@anas_erindra: RT @harpersbazaarus: John Travolta Mourns the Death of 'Look Who's Talking' Co-Star Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@DETT67: RT @BPartisans: ⚡️Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement La nouvel… - 2 years ago

@AntjeHermenau: Kirstie Alley: Von allem zu viel – Nachruf auf eine freie Frau - WELT - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | Falleció la actriz Kirstie Alley, recordada por "Look Who's Talking" y "Cheers".- 🔰 - 2 years ago

@spencer_penrose: @mericanaf7 I lived Kirstie Alley but I knew she wasn’t well. I was a little shook when Ray Liotta died. - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@MieczynskyjT: RT @LuisT5553: Actress Kirstie Alley Fought Child Traffic, Now She is Dead - 2 years ago

@biggaywedding16: Not as exciting as when Kirstie Alley blocked me but the cat lady knew what she had to do 😉🙀😹 - 2 years ago

@PlagueofProgs: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@Oldlady12345: RT @nbcwashington: Doctors say it can be awkward for patients to discuss the symptoms, potentially delaying a timely diagnosis. Here is wha… - 2 years ago

@MarleneLundqui4: RT @LuisT5553: Actress Kirstie Alley Fought Child Traffic, Now She is Dead - 2 years ago

@MrCoolLooking75: RT @GeorgeTakei: Well this is awkward... - 2 years ago

@colacasia2: RT @LuisT5553: Actress Kirstie Alley Fought Child Traffic, Now She is Dead - 2 years ago

@FlorenceBerrio3: Kirstie Alley, whose most notable roles include Look Who’s Talking, Cheers, and more, has passed away at the age of… - 2 years ago

@AndrewCFrancis: RT @Bibliomike: Did you (#AllStarTrek #MeTVStarTrek and other #StarTrek fans) see @RobinLCurtis' moving tribute to #KirstieAlley today? Lov… - 2 years ago

@Jennife74503801: Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ and ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star, Dies at71 - 2 years ago

@ElenaRe83792580: Kirstie Alley and John Travolta dancing in 1989’s ‘Look Who's Talking’ will forever live in my mind #RIP - 2 years ago

@RufusNFT: R.I.P. kIrstie Alley. One of my childhood/Aldult crushes. You will be missed. - 2 years ago

@infobaecolombia: La adicción a las drogas de Kirstie Alley y cómo la acercó a la Iglesia de la Cienciología - 2 years ago

@baiencaa: Muito triste com a morte da kirstie alley vou ter q assistir uns 3 filmes dela ainda hoje 😔 - 2 years ago

@AndrewCFrancis: RT @LouisPeitzman: I will never forget the anecdotes about Kirstie Alley from when I was doing my oral history of Drop Dead Gorgeous. https… - 2 years ago

@dougbrownDBA: RT @dougbrownDBA: Emmy-Winning Actress Kirstie Alley Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@nicvaccani: I sindaci esibizionisti, la morte di Kirstie Alley e il ritorno in grande stile di Fiorello (e dei suoi critici)… - 2 years ago

@evattfc: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@BPartisans: Comme de nombreuses autres célébrités décédées avant leur heure ces dernières années, Kirstie Alley s'était jurée d… - 2 years ago

@BPartisans: ⚡️Kirstie Alley s'est jurée de dénoncer le réseau pédophile de l'élite hollywoodienne avant de mourir subitement L… - 2 years ago

@Mildred80909381: - 2 years ago

@branka_ivanovic: Kirstie Alley's final TV appearance to make grandkids happy months before death - 2 years ago

@sandraboop37: @CNNEE RIP Kirstie Alley 🕊️ - 2 years ago

@chomboleroy: Mira, estoy leyendo: Revelan el tipo de cáncer que padecía Kirstie Alley, estrella de 'Mira quién habla'… - 2 years ago

@NancyRapoport: via @NYTOpinion. Just to put dysmorphia into perspective, for a dancer, I’d probably be considered large. Good for… - 2 years ago

@CenterGove: Can the death of celebrity Kirstie Alley raise awareness around colon cancer?  Early detection is key so everyone 4… - 2 years ago

@RosariaMirage: RT @dantonio_luca: 🌟INDIMENTICABILI🌟 Ricordando un attrice piena di talento, fascino e simpatia che è scomparsa troppo presto. KIRSTIE ALL… - 2 years ago

@LeeAnnLyness: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@Zippittt: RT @MajorFactor2: Kirstie Alley, has died from cancer. I have nothing else to add. This is one of those times I’ll utilize the “if you don… - 2 years ago

@TRYANGL3: RT @QBFerreol: Le décès de l'actrice Kirstie Alley a généré des commentaires antivax qui blâmaient le vaccin (screen par @YanoRiva), avant… - 2 years ago

@jessehoughtonMD: - 2 years ago

@universomoviefw: Como Kirstie Alley foi de queridinha das comédias a apoiadora de Trump - 2 years ago

@msnlatino: Fallece la actriz Kirstie Alley, a los 71 años, de un cáncer - 2 years ago

@ferdisi59985046: Wal violetta Kirstie Alley Chris Brown #melbourneweather Hannity パトレン1号 AI活用 Dischem Groen ueli maurer Alain Berset… - 2 years ago

@hinatahikari: RT @LtlAbs: @BlackKnight10k As I just said to someone regarding Kirstie Alley: - 2 years ago

@comncns: Howard Stern Floats Anti-Vax Theory Over Kirstie Alley’s Death: ‘Maybe She Didn’t Go to the Doctor Soon Enough’… - 2 years ago

@Floridared1776: - 2 years ago

@juancar87649383: v charlton 勝島王冠 #ATEEZinParis Ricky Starks Sonic Klimawandel Yankees Bogey #PORSUI Inmaculada Concepción Tatis Post… - 2 years ago

@a_tateduncan: RT @thekjohnston: @hugeasmammoth_ Hi. I’m the actress in this scene. I’m also still alive, as far as I know. Thanks everyone who reached ou… - 2 years ago

@ferdisi59985046: Ramos Malgioglio Brazil 白河ラーメン Wonder Woman Chaim Bloom Paddy Connection Ted Cruz Kirstie Alley Casa Vianello Ronal… - 2 years ago

@DrMohdZein: RT @BhattiGIClinics: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. Here's how to lower your risk - 2 years ago

@WtxNews: Leah Remini speaks out over Kirstie Alley’s death following Scientology feud - 2 years ago

@Bronva_Search: Leah Remini speaks out over Kirstie Alley’s death following Scientology feud - 2 years ago

@lindamarie59: RT @fankirstiealley: As a way of welcoming all of the new followers here and to introduce myself, here is a clip of when I met Kirstie Alle… - 2 years ago

@SandraOFlahert2: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@a_________re: RT @CNNEE: El cáncer colorrectal, que incluye los cánceres de colon y recto, es la segunda causa más común de muerte por cáncer en 2022, ún… - 2 years ago

@ferdisi59985046: Conception Walker Kirstie Alley Israel knmi #มัดหัวใจEP5 Wonder Woman Christmas Meghan #CyrilMustGo Lagos #PORSUI S… - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | Falleció la actriz Kirstie Alley, recordada por "Look Who's Talking" y "Cheers".- 🔥 - 2 years ago

@genteonline: Por qué Kirstie Alley tardó en buscar tratamiento para su enfermedad: "Los cienciólogos están convencidos de que pu… - 2 years ago

@ZhanaKuat: RT @BoSnerdley: Howard Stern suggests Kirstie Alley's death could link to her being opposed to jab mandate - 2 years ago

@InsipidGhost: @JohnWahl77 @MidlifeSQ Except about Kirstie Alley who happened to be an awful human despite her passing. - 2 years ago

@VancouverSun: Scientologists may have believed Kirstie Alley reached 'superhuman' level - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | La dedicatoria de John Travolta a su amiga... y amor platónico Kirstie Alley, la famosa actriz murió… - 2 years ago

@JennyEspinosaE: RT @NBCNews: Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer. These are the disease's early signs. - 2 years ago

@u_cianoo: RT @NickAdamsinUSA: Hollywood lost one of their brightest shining stars today with the tragic passing of Kirstie Alley. Kirstie loved her… - 2 years ago

@JudyRb48: Scientologists believed Kirstie Alley had reached 'superhuman' status - 2 years ago

@justinedoza: RT @NicosTwtAccount: RIP Kirstie Alley 😔 - 2 years ago

@Ali39354068: RT @nypost: Scientologists believed Kirstie Alley had reached 'superhuman' status - 2 years ago

@Captain80sMan: RT @CBSMornings: The actress' family announced on Monday that she had died at age 71, saying the cancer was "only recently discovered." htt… - 2 years ago

@viralnews772: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after a brief battle with cancer, her children announced. - 2 years ago

@MissSummer_Rain: RT @NKOTBTheBlog: Here's the story, from ten years ago (July, 2012), behind the photo Jon with Kirstie Alley that he shared on Instagram. T… - 2 years ago

@_ReportWire: Kirstie Alley’s Sad Last Days Revealed After Actress Loses Secret Cancer Fight - 2 years ago

@WALBNews10: The American Cancer Society reports colon cancer, also called colorectal cancer, is the third leading cancer-relate… - 2 years ago

@PostaMgzn: Kirstie Alley'in cenaze detayları belli oldu - 2 years ago

@SplitElement: RT @nypost: Scientologists believed Kirstie Alley had reached 'superhuman' status - 2 years ago

@rae_zewe: RT @80sRockRadio1: 💔Rest In Peace Kirstie Alley💔 Emmy Award and Golden Globe winning actress from Wichita, Kansas passed away 💔😪 We will a… - 2 years ago

@DawoodAlvi4: RT @CBSNews: An estimated 151,030 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer in the U.S. this year, according to the Colorectal Cancer… - 2 years ago

@CarlHen10428180: RT @aTeXan575: RIP Kirstie Alley💞 - 2 years ago

@rifan155: RT @EW: The stars of 'Cheers' are pouring one out for their late costar Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@papingoal: Watch Full Video: Kirstie Alley Death video – Actress Last Video Before Death twitter - 2 years ago

@rae_zewe: RT @ForbesWakeHoops: Several years ago I ran into Kirstie Alley walking out of Koch Arena after a game. She had a great friend in Wichita a… - 2 years ago

@K6Data: RT @OnlyWithCee: Kirstie Alley publicly says Hollywood is putting society on a path to accepting pedophilia & to protect your children… the… - 2 years ago

@rae_zewe: RT @GoShockersMBB: RIP Kirstie Alley. Wichita will miss you 💔 - 2 years ago

@2020Basia: RT @pol_pilnujmy: Kirstie Alley obiecała zdemaskować elitarny krąg pedofilów w sercu hollywoodzkiego przemysłu rozrywkowego. Gdy w poniedzi… - 2 years ago

@UltraMAGARobert: RT @Kerry_Berry12: To all the evil, disgusting people who are cheering the death of Kirstie Alley simply because she voted for Trump…May Ka… - 2 years ago

@ScreakyKakes: RT @Annelise185: I love all the whitewashing of the Kirstie Alley stuff like she was some wonderful human being. She was not. - 2 years ago

@LawnMemo: Kirstie Alley might have played the 2nd best love interest of all time in Rebecca Howe. Unbelievably great charact… - 2 years ago

@Derevenger1: @dirktheuns Ik zou het toch aanraden : om mij heen vallen de ongevaccineerden bij bosjes neer door complicaties na… - 2 years ago

@K6Data: In this messed up world where nothing we thought we knew is what it is, Kirstie Alley was a genuinely authentic per… - 2 years ago

@tanisha_espinal: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@deathbyedvin: @SebMattsPL Framförallt tar jag, och många med mig, fel på dem. Tror namnen inte hjälper direkt. Såg att Kristen J… - 2 years ago

@RutkowskiDr: Believers pray for the family of Kirstie Alley morning her loss after dying from a battle with cancer! Also, pray… - 2 years ago

@h3nryram0z: RT @NicosTwtAccount: RIP Kirstie Alley 😔 - 2 years ago

@mymaliciagatuna: RT @CNNEE: El cáncer colorrectal, que incluye los cánceres de colon y recto, es la segunda causa más común de muerte por cáncer en 2022, ún… - 2 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @InsideEdition: "Cheers" actress Kirstie Alley has died following a battle with colon cancer. In a joint statement, her two children say… - 2 years ago

@CNNEE: El cáncer colorrectal, que incluye los cánceres de colon y recto, es la segunda causa más común de muerte por cánce… - 2 years ago

@NucleoNoticias: #07Dic ¿De qué murió Kirstie Alley, la icónica actriz de “Mira quién habla”? - 2 years ago

@Vero28430641: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Kett4short: RT @CTVJLaidlaw: How Kirstie Alley's tragic death inspired me to share more about my cancer diagnosis. #colorectalcancer #cancerjourney #im… - 2 years ago

@JPHaukkavaara: RT @seanpaulmahoney: jokes aside, Kirstie Alley will be remembered for being hilarious in things like Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous as well… - 2 years ago

@garciagerard320: RT @JesseCoffey15: QAnon claims Kirstie Alley was murdered due to anti-vax views - 2 years ago

@Revista_Ronda: La causa por la que murió la actriz Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@richardupuy: RT @EW: The stars of 'Cheers' are pouring one out for their late costar Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@CaraotaDigital: #CaraotaShow | Falleció la actriz Kirstie Alley, recordada por "Look Who's Talking" y "Cheers".- 🔎 - 2 years ago

@LosOjitosMasLin: CÓMO QUE FALLECIÓ KIRSTIE ALLEY - 2 years ago

@duriandog: RT @charlotteatepie: Choosing to remember Kirstie Alley for this tweet, which I think about almost daily. - 2 years ago

@Whammiewazzle: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@GingerLurcher: RT @ParamountPlusUK: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@UN4tt0: RT @reportersalles: Morreu a querida Kirstie Alley, aos 71 anos, após um câncer recém descoberto. A estrela de sucessos como "Olha Quem Est… - 2 years ago

@promobloguiador: #Promorreseña ➡️ La pérdida de Kirstie Alley deja un vacío irremplazable en el mundo del cine y la televisión. Uno… - 2 years ago

@toxenv: RT @people: Kirstie Alley Had Colon Cancer Before Her Death at Age 71, Star's Rep Reveals - 2 years ago

@airheadcomedy: RT @_ItsMissBre: Kirstie Alley was a vile racist. Prayers down. - 2 years ago

@SantaCruzShark: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@joseluismontana: RT @lacuarta: “Nos volveremos a ver…”: el triste mensaje de John Travolta tras muerte de Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@mondayOVRATED: RT @Mingz22: Kirstie Alley mom died in a car accident dressed in black face and her husband was dressed as a klan member. #nottheonion #bar… - 2 years ago

@olayinka_joel: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@edwards_jacki: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@48Deck: RT @In___Memoriam: ✝️ Kirstie Louise ALLEY 🗓 12 Jan. 1951 – 5 Dec. 2022 🗺 🇺🇸 📜 Actress 🐦 @kirstiealley Her breakout role was as Rebecca H… - 2 years ago

@OwlBeGood23: RT @RealCandaceO: So sad about Kirstie Alley. She was so sweet. Sending love to her family. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@bmaher0846: RT @EW: Kelsey Grammer, Ted Danson, and more 'Cheers' stars paid tribute to their late sitcom costar Kirstie Alley after her death at age 7… - 2 years ago

@eliox1571: RT @NuestroDiario: #LUTO ⚫ John Travolta se despide de Kirstie Alley 😭 “Te amo, Kirstie. Sé que nos volveremos a ver”, escribió la estrell… - 2 years ago

@Wheelguy09: RT @Moviesontheway: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, aged 71 Jan 12, 1951 - Dec 5th, 2022 - 2 years ago

@jordipsalvador: Muere Kirstie Alley, la actriz de ‘Cheers’ y ‘Mira quién habla’, a los 71 años - 2 years ago

@605News: rt: keloland: Actress Kirstie Alley died of colon cancer, according to reports. The American Cancer Society on Tues… - 2 years ago

@Jwalk1660: RT @jade_angelkiss: I may just stay off Twitter today. It blows my mind how many "humans" are celebrating the death of Kirstie Alley. Vile,… - 2 years ago

@vinylrabbit: RT @chrisna: He didn't want to live in a world without Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@ormedesmarais: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@USSportsNew2021: Kirstie Alley, star of 'Cheers', dies aged 71 - 2 years ago

@RaisaReynaR: RT @Indie5051: Kirstie Alley ha fallecido a la edad de 71 años - 2 years ago

@GeckoTheFirst: RT @jade_angelkiss: I may just stay off Twitter today. It blows my mind how many "humans" are celebrating the death of Kirstie Alley. Vile,… - 2 years ago

@Shownieuws: Dochter Heidi Klum poseert solo in kerstlingerie na ophef en zo kwam Kirstie Alley voor het laatst op tv lees verde… - 2 years ago

@Johnny81960: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@raretargaryen: RT @WonderKing82: Before Kirstie Alley blocked me, she said I was going to gay hell..... I guess she arrived at the destination before I di… - 2 years ago

@MaxxyRainbow: The best thing to come from Kirstie Alley dying is everyone remembering what an icon Kristen Johnston is! Btw she i… - 2 years ago

@CanExile1999: RT @mrpford: Why so few tributes to Kirstie Alley from other major female TV comedy stars. Don’t need 2 hands to count them. Won’t be vulga… - 2 years ago

@OrtJa3: RT @rosa28041: Muere Kirstie Alley, la carismática actriz de "Mira quién habla" y "Cheers" | #Espectáculos | #Na… - 2 years ago

@babiousB: Emmy Winning actress,Kirstie Alley dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@bkmunn: R.I.P. Lieutenant Saavik. From Wiki, Saavik was at one point to appear in ST:TNG alongside Kelsey Grammar, but "Kir… - 2 years ago

@fdbpl: Nie żyje Kirstie Alley, gwiazda serii "I kto to mówi" - 2 years ago

@JUANASA18295170: RT @esosiquetetengo: Leyendo que falleció a causa del cáncer la actriz Kirstie Alley. La primera vez que la vi fue en Norte y sur y luego m… - 2 years ago

@RonaldLaceyFans: RT @MoreMovies4U: RIP Kirstie Alley 🎬 #film #actor #movies - 2 years ago

@WalterMatthew46: RT @mericanaf7: Wow, I can’t believe Kirstie Alley died 😔 So many people have been passing away lately and it’s crazy. I was also sad to he… - 2 years ago

@KTLA: What kind of cancer did Kirstie Alley have? - 2 years ago

@verathaddeu: RT @reportersalles: Morreu a querida Kirstie Alley, aos 71 anos, após um câncer recém descoberto. A estrela de sucessos como "Olha Quem Est… - 2 years ago

@JamesSpider00: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@dustyp9_: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@FernandesWal: RT @TommySledge: Kirstie Alley and John Travolta dancing in 1989’s ‘Look Who's Talking’ will forever live in my mind #RIP - 2 years ago

@MonicaZani5: RT @reportersalles: Morreu a querida Kirstie Alley, aos 71 anos, após um câncer recém descoberto. A estrela de sucessos como "Olha Quem Est… - 2 years ago

@toosedate: So sad to hear about Kirstie Alley...she was one of a kind..may God comfort her family at this time - 2 years ago

@jurrsay87: Kirstie Alley’s Sad Last Days Revealed After Actress Loses Secret Cancer Fight ----- oh nooooo this is sad - 2 years ago

@glamsquad3: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old - 2 years ago

@TeamMeghanandH1: RT @NickAdamsinUSA: Hollywood lost one of their brightest shining stars today with the tragic passing of Kirstie Alley. Kirstie loved her… - 2 years ago

@nneill2: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@infobaemexico: #KirstieAlley murió la noche de este lunes a los 71 años, después de perder la lucha contra el cáncer… - 2 years ago

@fabiosvaz: RT @reportersalles: Morreu a querida Kirstie Alley, aos 71 anos, após um câncer recém descoberto. A estrela de sucessos como "Olha Quem Est… - 2 years ago

@josejs: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley 🌹 - 2 years ago

@balazs_gyula: RT @SaraCarterDC: RIP Kirstie Alley and prayers for her family. She made the world a happier and brighter place. - 2 years ago

@is_rufus: It is interesting listening to the media encomiums to Kirstie Alley carefully leave completely out her last crazy Trumper years. - 2 years ago

@GPiles3: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@gkolfipotsi4: RT @zamboulakis: Kirstie Alley R.I.P 😔 - 2 years ago

@beinggerric: RT @beinggerric: Taps Mic..... Kirstie Alley died of CANCER. I thought as a SCIENTOLOGIST that was impossible. So, are we clear that SCI… - 2 years ago

@jmdearras: RT @TWPundit: Kirstie Alley was one of the few in Hollywood willing to put her career on the line to express her patriotism and dismay with… - 2 years ago

@Newsdesk_One: Bowel, or colorectal, cancer affects the large bowel, which is made up of the colon... - 2 years ago

@DennisManiac: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@qwikpix: RT @MarleeMatlin: She was complex, energetic, animated and hilarious. And she was my friend. Sending my condolences to her family. RIP Kirs… - 2 years ago

@merrillmatth_: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@MunarSebastia: RT @Roybattyforever: RIP Kirstie Alley a los 71 años 🥺 Inolvidable en “Cheers”. - 2 years ago

@bd_baskoro: RT @DrJamesOlsson: Kirstie Alley, Dead... - Deadline - 2 years ago

@ChileLibreSiem1: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@pranataian: RT @dms_ambon: Kirstie Alley Meninggal Dunia di Usia 71 Tahun - 2 years ago

@MHidrovia: A los 71 años, murió la actriz cinematográfica Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@mellybone: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@DanielCohenTV: RT @NEWSMAX: Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on “Cheers” and starred in films including “Look Who’s Talking,” died Monday after… - 2 years ago

@NewsPhobia1: Cheers and Look Who’s Talking star Kirstie Alley dies at age 71 - 2 years ago

@QueenOfTheWest2: RT @TMZ: #RIP, Kirstie Alley 💔 - 2 years ago

@LittleAaron4eva: RT @PFleeceman: Maybe I’m a cynical, asshole, but anti-vaxxers like Kirstie Alley hurt/killed a lot of people. Sorry if I don’t care that s… - 2 years ago

@thelastshow: ✨Such sadness losing these amazing, talented people. It won't be the same knowing they aren't in this life. Thank y… - 2 years ago

@MariaCidada1: RT @brasil247: Kirstie Alley morre aos 71 anos - 2 years ago

@johnhorneartist: @BBCNews Very sad news to hear of legendary actress Kirstie Alley passing away, she played her roles always brillia… - 2 years ago

@NormaPierce75: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@AndrewA64014929: RT @GMA: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@solidDEM4ever: RT @KieraBrown8907: Kirstie Alley was a high-ranking member of Scientology, a cult that covers up pedophilia and rape, a cult that ruins li… - 2 years ago

@BertonDamiCarp: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@frances22780122: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@1307lennon: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@j_a_m_00: RT @elmundoes: #ÚltimaHora 🔴 Muere a los 71 años Kirstie Alley, actriz estelar de Cheers y Mira quién habla - 2 years ago

@BuzzerlyApp: ‘I loved her’: Cheers co-stars pay tribute to ‘unique and wonderful’ Kirstie Alley #Buzzerly #TwitterAlternative - 2 years ago

@HtownWrapper: RT @TheRealMCortez: RIP Kirstie Alley! 😞🙏🏻 - 2 years ago

@skelterd: RT @IMDb: Kirstie Alley, known for her roles in Cheers, The Wrath of Khan, and Look Who’s Talking, has passed away at age 71. RIP 💙 https:/… - 2 years ago

@Mandy_Bar: RT @VivoTranquil0: Kirstie Alley loved her some racism and loved her some Trump so her Twitter receipts should be dropping by mid afternoon… - 2 years ago

@Throwaway98768: RT @goldengateblond: I'm sorry to hear about Kirstie Alley's passing. she was an incredible talent whose politics I wildly disagreed with —… - 2 years ago

@annickrepublic2: RT @albertsfx: Ha mort Kirstie Alley als 71 anys. D. E. P. 😭😭😭 - 2 years ago

@Tuskillo: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@saratousbel: RT @PepPrieto: DEP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@KosziTomek: Wspomnienie o Kirstie Alley: Życie i kariera gwiazdy serialu „Zdrówko” na zdjęciach. - 2 years ago

@bennettjason5: RIP Kirstie Alley you will be missed - 2 years ago

@wood_huntress: RT @AP: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy winner whose roles on the TV megahit “Cheers” and in the “Look Who’s Talking” films made her one of… - 2 years ago

@theamydean: RT @MarleeMatlin: She was complex, energetic, animated and hilarious. And she was my friend. Sending my condolences to her family. RIP Kirs… - 2 years ago

@navarra_com: Muere la actriz Kirstie Alley, protagonista de 'Cheers', a los 71 años - 2 years ago

@richoneill282: RT @people: Ted Danson and Cheers Cast Mourn Kirstie Alley: 'So Grateful for All the Times She Made Me Laugh' - 2 years ago

@krone_at: „Ich liebe dich, Kirstie und weiß, wir werden uns wiedersehen!“ John Travolta trauert um seine „Kuck‘ mal wer da sp… - 2 years ago

@itsgoneviraI: Actress Kirstie Alley Has Died - 2 years ago

@bender5484: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@Abad__07: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@ROBERTV40857186: RT @il0venostalgia: Not Kirstie Alley. So so sad. A beautiful talented and funny lady. RIP. - 2 years ago

@vero_3117: RT @IMDb: Kirstie Alley, known for her roles in Cheers, The Wrath of Khan, and Look Who’s Talking, has passed away at age 71. RIP 💙 https:/… - 2 years ago

@Mickeyfreaktv: RT @shelley_fort: watching Kirstie Alley in Toothless as a kid was my first introduction to the concept of Limbo: “a place where people wai… - 2 years ago

@thibtub: RT @Maitre_Eolas: Kirstie Louise Alley (12 janvier 1951 - 5 décembre 2022) - 2 years ago

@ZieloZeta: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@777kid57: RT @ACTBrigitte: Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley. You will be dearly missed. - 2 years ago

@robin72965: RT @JerasIkehorn: What was your opinion of Kirstie Alley? Be honest. - 2 years ago

@ladyjaggar: RT @uknip247: Kirstie Alley, the actress, died Monday night after a battle with cancer, according to her family and manager. She was 71 yea… - 2 years ago

@Trifon_Ivanof: RT @faustianovich: Adiós a la extraordinaria Kirstie Alley, huracán cómico en esa quintaesencia de la comedia televisiva que es CHEERS (esa… - 2 years ago

@vondie1: RT @TonyOrtega94: When Travolta announced Kelly Preston's death, he named a cancer center. Kirstie Alley's kids did the same. They know ?s… - 2 years ago

@Capwell69: RT @retrochenta: Noticia triste: nos ha dejado a los 71 años de edad Kirstie Alley, la inolvidable Rebecca Howe en "Cheers". Descansa en pa… - 2 years ago

@RosaAlvarez22: RT @el_pais: Kirstie Alley ha fallecido a los 71 años. La intérprete, quien cosechó muchos éxitos televisivos con series como 'Cheers' o 'M… - 2 years ago

@Trifon_Ivanof: RT @faustianovich: Muchos descubrimos a Kirstie Alley años antes como la vulcaniana Saavik de STAR TREK II: LA IRA DE KHAN, o incluso al la… - 2 years ago

@CaliGuy_85: RT @landofthe80s: Actress Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71. 😥 - 2 years ago

@miss_cultura: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@mazia2010: RT @ReutersWorld: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Look Who's Talking' Star, dies aged 71 - 2 years ago

@AK_AK_: RT @Exmligy: RIP Kirstie Alley 😭😭 - 2 years ago

@makomako713: RT @Reuters: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Look Who's Talking' Star, dies aged 71 - 2 years ago

@linder12: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@GrandaddyDez: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@mdnewshindi: ➡️लुक हूज टॉकिंग' की स्टार क्रर्स्टी एले का हुआ निधन, ➡️कैंसर से पीड़ित थीं एक्ट्रेस। #KirstieAlley… - 2 years ago

@Justinscake: RT @JimKirkwoodJr: Kirstie Alley has passed away. #kirstiealley #startrek #thewrathofkhan #cheers #saavik #birthday #january12 #cancer #T… - 2 years ago

@BoombasticJC: RT @NicosTwtAccount: RIP Kirstie Alley 😔 - 2 years ago

@SharonCheboi5: Kirstie Alley's Last video before death, she knew it | Kirstie Alley death | Kirstie Alley rip #RIPKIRSTIEALLEY - 2 years ago

@C_H_M_84: RT @ahszone: “Scream Queens” star Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71 after a short battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@jamesmjharrison: Kirstie Alley: Emmy-winning Cheers actress dies of cancer at 71 - 2 years ago

@CarolMi87907250: RT @BlackKnight10k: Hey, all you MAGAts crying because I'm shitting all over Kirstie Alley's rotting corpse, I haven't forgotten what y'all… - 2 years ago

@AlfredAmericanX: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@GlosLiveOnline: Sad news to wake up to this morning - 2 years ago

@AnthonyJobe8: "RIP" Kirstie Alley will always Remember - 2 years ago

@Chopindepices: RT @Le_Figaro: Mort de l'actrice américaine Kirstie Alley Double lauréate d'un Emmy Award, elle s'est éteinte des suites d'un cancer à l'â… - 2 years ago

@renesbaebae_: who is kirstie alley and why is she in my closet - 2 years ago

@HarperiteBGone: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@george_kadas: Kirstie Alley dead at 71. RIP - 2 years ago

@Buckys_plum_: RT @GMA: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@sayurios: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@love__ells: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@ian484848: You know what? Despite a lot of things about her that were distasteful, I will miss her. Rest in Peace. - 2 years ago

@AMontillaSelma: RT @324cat: Mor l'actriu Kirstie Alley, protagonista de "Cheers" i "Mira qui parla" - 2 years ago

@litandebnath111: VlSlT #Brady #あなたの姉度と妹度 #あなたの姉度妹度診断 #शौर्य_दिवस #Saints #Kirstie_Alley #冬のホロマート… - 2 years ago

@NikiNGJJQ: RT @zeitonline: Kirstie #Alley ist tot. Sie starb mit 71 Jahren an den Folgen einer Krebserkrankung. - 2 years ago

@litandebnath111: VlSlT #Brady #あなたの姉度と妹度 #あなたの姉度妹度診断 #शौर्य_दिवस #Saints #Kirstie_Alley #冬のホロマート… - 2 years ago

@AureliaCotta: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@Vmadison: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@H_iTz_BACK: RT @nypost: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@MarfaOpen: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@CCinemaPodcast: RT @MrMiller_007: RIP Kirstie Alley, absolutely loved you in CHEERS and loved seeing you Village Of The Damned🙏 - 2 years ago

@pereztogo9227: Just heard Kirstie alley is dead god rest your soul prayers go out to the family - 2 years ago

@ScottTa89269884: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@MausamyC: RT @Giri_RajVerma: VlSlT #Brady #あなたの姉度と妹度 #あなたの姉度妹度診断 #शौर्य_दिवस #Saints #Kirstie_Alley #冬のホロマート #姉と妹のマリアージュ #Bu… - 2 years ago

@AftabGutt: VlSlT #Brady #あなたの姉度と妹度 #あなたの姉度妹度診断 #शौर्य_दिवस #Saints #Kirstie_Alley #冬のホロマート… - 2 years ago

@WDBONews: John Travolta took to Instagram to post a tribute to Kirstie Alley following the news of her death. - 2 years ago

@Data2364: RT @heinzkamke: Kirstie Alley. Möge sie in Frieden ruhen. Mein 13-jähriges Ich hat sie geliebt, als sie noch Virgilia Hazard hieß. - 2 years ago

@FunkeBerlin: Kirstie Alley tot: „Kuck mal, wer da spricht!“-Schauspielerin gestorben - 2 years ago

@004nino: RIP 28 593) L'#actrice #américaine #Kirstie #Alley #est #décédée le 5 #décembre 2022 du #cancer à 71… - 2 years ago

@DieMuenchnerin: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@Zioupette: RT @morandiniblog: L'actrice américaine Kirstie Alley, vue dans "Allo maman ici bébé" et double lauréate d'un Emmy Award pour la série "Che… - 2 years ago

@thetimes: Kirstie Alley, the award-winning actress known for her role in Cheers, has died aged 71 following a battle with can… - 2 years ago

@Metro_Ents: Kirstie Alley’s Cheers co-star Kelsey Grammer has led tributes following the news of her death aged 71 - 2 years ago

@flatandwhite1: RT @2en1Reloj: Despedimos hoy a la bella actriz Kirstie Alley, que ha fallecido este lunes, a los 71 años, víctima de un cáncer. Alley será… - 2 years ago

@DW_86: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@iIovejanet: RT @ahszone: “Scream Queens” star Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71 after a short battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@BevArtist2: RT @MonicaCrowley: Kirstie Alley: an extraordinary talent, fearless free thinker, and true patriot. Such a Boss. Rest In Peace 🕊 - 2 years ago

@Gotherrific: RT @goldengateblond: I'm sorry to hear about Kirstie Alley's passing. she was an incredible talent whose politics I wildly disagreed with —… - 2 years ago

@PrecinctThe: Gosh, Kirstie Alley died... I have some really fond memories of watching her in Cheers so many years ago. RIP - 2 years ago

@ayeeshal: RT @HookeronPhonics: Scientology promises that if you reach the upper levels you won't get cancer. Kirstie Alley was a OT8 but died from ca… - 2 years ago

@ThePolyculean: RT @Complex: Kirstie Alley has passed away at 71. May she rest in peace 🤍 - 2 years ago

@EvaVill64811649: RT @radioamericahn: #RadioAmérica74Aniversario #AméricaNoticias De cáncer murió hoy lunes Kirstie Alley (71), protagonista de "mira quien… - 2 years ago

@oBX0ARnUAM7AkZE: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@LarryAJRobinson: RT @il0venostalgia: Not Kirstie Alley. So so sad. A beautiful talented and funny lady. RIP. - 2 years ago

@taterpie: I am surprised to hear bout Kirstie Alley, who died a fool but man, she was so funny on Cheers. - 2 years ago

@TriZander07: #startrek #StarTrekOnline #youtube Captains 07 We sprinkle some ECs over the latest news from STAR TREK ONLINE.… - 2 years ago

@tereperey1: RT @CNNEE: "Kirstie fue una de las relaciones más especiales que he tenido. Te amo, Kirstie. Sé que nos volveremos a ver”: el mensaje de Jo… - 2 years ago

@kensherman902: RT @Yahoo: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died. She was 71. - 2 years ago

@tonyisonstage: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@KatsNCream: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@cattittudde: RT @heidos777: It Takes Two was one of my favourite movies growing up. The food fight scene is ICONIC. Rest in peace Kirstie Alley ♥️ https… - 2 years ago

@Kootenaygirl69: - 2 years ago

@AZWS: RT @614Clinton: Remembering Kirstie Alley this evening. Rest in peace darling! 🤲 #kristiealley - 2 years ago

@Britpoptarts: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@heyauntieeee: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@WilliamsKeithan: RT @KAKEnews: BREAKING: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. #KAKEnews https:/… - 2 years ago

@aprilmay99: RT @CTVNews: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@bysteph__: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@sharlenechar: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@MissKittyB: RT @RottenTomatoes: Kirstie Alley, star of Cheers, Look Who's Talking, and more, has sadly passed away. Rest in peace. - 2 years ago

@sshane3377: RT @Acosta: CNN: Actress Kirstie Alley who starred in Cheers has died following a battle with cancer according to a statement released by h… - 2 years ago

@BATMAN23489134: RT @miles_commodore: Kirstie Alley 1951 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@drluchito: @CNNEE Olivia newton john, bob saget, jason david frank y ahora kirstie alley 😣 - 2 years ago

@sjgiardini: RT @RyanProng: To me, she'll always be Rebecca Howe and a big part of the television of my youth. Kirstie Alley, dead at 71. RIP. https:/… - 2 years ago

@Dianna4DJT: RT @NEWSMAX: Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on “Cheers” and starred in films including “Look Who’s Talking,” died Monday after… - 2 years ago

@blackpeopledata: RT @Rivet_Soro: Kirstie Alley Dead At 71 After Private Battle With Cancer #kirstiealley #ripkirstiealley #riristea #entertainmentnews #cele… - 2 years ago

@hexedwitchbitch: RT @_ItsMissBre: Kirstie Alley was a vile racist. Prayers down. - 2 years ago

@Ba04990897: RT @Jazzyjordan86: In honor of Kirstie Alley, we should relive this moment. Rip Kirstie - 2 years ago

@ivy_1969: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@_Ethical_Truth: Rip Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@PatFanelli2: RT @TheView: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@mrspearl_: RT @ZAMENZA: Kirstie Alley faleceu hoje, aos 71 anos, após enfrentar um câncer. Atriz maravilhosa e sempre estará na minha memória pelo clá… - 2 years ago

@kshook007: RT @TheLuxeWorld: Sad to hear the news about Kirstie Alley. She was one of my first longtime celeb clients and we had a wild ride together… - 2 years ago

@Arman25849226: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@flor88898155: RT @todonoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, conocida por su papel en "Mirá quién habla" "Nos entristece infor… - 2 years ago

@ODedOnRealityTV: RT @Fandango: 'Cheers' and 'Look Who's Talking' star Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71. RIP - 2 years ago

@hallidayNH: RT @miles_commodore: Kirstie Alley 1951 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@nol78433695: RT @scottdagostino: If you liked Kirstie Alley, please donate to cancer research. If you disliked Kirstie Alley, please donate to cancer r… - 2 years ago

@SANDRAVELASQ: RT @pedroluisflores: Amé a Kirstie Alley. Hizo muchas cosas en cine y en Tv. Particularmente recuerdo sus exitosas actuaciones en las pelíc… - 2 years ago

@jammichallen: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@loudandobvious: RT @LazlosGhost: R.I.P. Kirstie Alley. She embarrassed herself in thrall to charlatans in her final years, but I choose to remember her win… - 2 years ago

@DEADLINE: Jamie Lee Curtis, who shared screentime with Alley on 'Scream Queens,' also reacted on Instagram where she wrote, “… - 2 years ago

@CaligulaisEddie: Favorite Kirstie Alley + Olsen twins movie - 2 years ago

@TaureenKennedy: Dang Kirstie Alley! - 2 years ago

@dramaqueenjuju: RT @ItsEdSilha: Kirstie Alley, dead at 71… - 2 years ago

@NEWSMAX: Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on “Cheers” and starred in films including “Look Who’s Talking,” died M… - 2 years ago

@JenCages: RT @allbepeace: @TMZ I feel bad for John Travolta and the whole world losing Kirstie Alley and Olivia Newton John the same year - 2 years ago

@DbzRobin: RT @RuidoEnLaRed: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley a los 71 años tras luchar contra el cáncer, protagonizó “Mira quién habla” junto a John Tra… - 2 years ago

@Rene45260624: RIP 💔 Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of Cheers Dies at 71 After Short Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@PNWPragmatist: I saw Kirstie Alley trending and assumed she said something nuts. Boy was I wrong. 😬 #RIP - 2 years ago

@PensacolaJim: Damit! Not another. Oh no. RIP Kirstie. We loved you on the TV & Movie screen. So freaking 😔 - 2 years ago

@latestly: #KirstieAlleyDies at 71 Due to Cancer; Actress Was Best Known for Her Roles in #Cheers and #VeronicasCloset… - 2 years ago

@chiccluck: RT @RealCandaceO: So sad about Kirstie Alley. She was so sweet. Sending love to her family. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@smilinandy: RT @goldengateblond: I'm sorry to hear about Kirstie Alley's passing. she was an incredible talent whose politics I wildly disagreed with —… - 2 years ago

@1025mountainfm: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@marylougeorge2: RT @avra_cadaver: I loved Kirstie Alley as a kid. She blocked me last year for a fabulous joke. She passed on from cancer and all I can thi… - 2 years ago

@AguileraSZN: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@Bto7744: RT @memohiervas: Que triste leer que falleció Kirstie Alley a los 71 años - 2 years ago

@hazydav: Kirstie Alley dies from cancer at age 71, family announcesActress - 2 years ago

@cpervin: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Kirstie Alley was a delightful actress I had the pleasure to work with on VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. She will be missed. - 2 years ago

@McCannCaseTweet: RT @McCannCaseTweet: Kristie Alley you were lovely! - 2 years ago

@QuiTalks: Kirstie Alley Dead: ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star Dies at 71 After Short Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@strange_cinejp: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Kirstie Alley was a delightful actress I had the pleasure to work with on VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. She will be missed. - 2 years ago

@GlRLCRUSH: RT @OnstageBlog: Kirstie Alley is dead. She was great in Drop Dead Gorgeous and okay on Cheers. She was also a QAnon, MAGA supporting Sci… - 2 years ago

@soberfree2004: Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of &#39;Cheers&#39; Dies at 71 After Short Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@CBinVAN: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@lilmisskristin: RT @lifetimetv: Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley. She was a talented actress, mother, and member of the Lifetime family ❤️ - 2 years ago

@VivLovely: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@nfltexanfan: @ikeptyourcat To be clear, you decided to be a troll and post something mean about Kirstie Alley on the day she die… - 2 years ago

@beemoni13: RT @VivoTranquil0: Kirstie Alley loved her some racism and loved her some Trump so her Twitter receipts should be dropping by mid afternoon… - 2 years ago

@NotoriusNormani: RT @carsonclark: When I think of Kirstie Alley on Cheers, one scene I think about is this one where she kept a lit cigarette inside her mou… - 2 years ago

@dilkry: Kirstie, I will always remember you as Saavik in Star Trek II. You will be missed. #RIPKirstie - 2 years ago

@JessieTheBud: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@WatchThis_Movie: RT @HunterDuesing: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@CaptainDory: RT @HeroJamesLynch: Hard to know how to feel about Kirstie Alley. She was a Scientologist & Trumper, but she was also the original Saavik,… - 2 years ago

@Marsides: RT @joesports16: Kirstie Alley dead at 71: Cheers star died after battle with cancer - 2 years ago

@telerealrd: Kirstie Alley, mejor conocida por su papel en la comedia de situación clásica estadounidense "Cheers" y la comedia… - 2 years ago

@firedancinqueen: @JoshCaseyX @AP Are you effin for real? Show me where Kirstie Alley, hurt you? - 2 years ago

@RUSKlN: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@kiwigirl888: RT @TommySledge: Kirstie Alley and John Travolta dancing in 1989’s ‘Look Who's Talking’ will forever live in my mind #RIP - 2 years ago

@AlbertoDMercado: Kirstie Alley Rest In Peace. Look who's not talking now... #KirstieAlley - 2 years ago

@_venabme: RT @_sarah_smile: Her birth certificate: Kirstie Alley Black Twitter: Kristy Alley - 2 years ago

@LEX18News: ICYMI: Award-winning actress Kirstie Alley died after a battle with cancer that was "recently discovered," her fami… - 2 years ago

@WannaBeLOL_Deb: RT @SaraCarterDC: RIP Kirstie Alley and prayers for her family. She made the world a happier and brighter place. - 2 years ago

@DanielBena15: RT @lifetimetv: Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley. She was a talented actress, mother, and member of the Lifetime family ❤️ - 2 years ago

@akwu: .Really sorry to hear of Kirstie Alley's passing She was so Young and so Talented. really admire her role in the S… - 2 years ago

@KeikakuKat: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@labenedicto: RT @TheHorrorMaster: Kirstie Alley was a delightful actress I had the pleasure to work with on VILLAGE OF THE DAMNED. She will be missed. - 2 years ago

@late4dindin: RT @travisakers: After reading through some of the posts about Kirstie Alley, I can promise you, the left has some pretty disgusting people… - 2 years ago

@Justthefax66: @ToniLaNae Cause of Kirstie Alley dying, I suppose. - 2 years ago

@msnightwriter: RT @people: "We are sad to inform you that our incredible, fierce and loving mother has passed away after a battle with cancer, only recent… - 2 years ago

@fred7722: RT @karol: I once asked my followers which celebrity, if they were to meet them, they think they'd be friends with and so many people said… - 2 years ago

@PaoHerrera05: RT @BartManMX: Descanse en Paz Kirstie Alley 🙏 súper recordada por las pelis de Mira Quién Habla a lado de John Travolta Gracias por tan… - 2 years ago

@margaritakp: Kirstie Alley..You had a good go at it..thanks for your input - 2 years ago

@PapiMaverick88: RT @ABC30: Actress Kirstie Alley, best known for her role on the sitcom "Cheers," has died at age 71, her family announced Monday. https:/… - 2 years ago

@CherBrickerN1: RT @theirish80slady: No more pain and suffering 🕊️ Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley🕊️💕 #Suckitcancer - 2 years ago

@dmitri_failla: RT @miles_commodore: Kirstie Alley 1951 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@kmp2ae: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@CrankyMargret: RT @people: "We are sad to inform you that our incredible, fierce and loving mother has passed away after a battle with cancer, only recent… - 2 years ago

@peteboltup: Cheers took it next level when Kirstie Alley joined the cast #ripkirstiealley #RipLegend #classic #TVseries #cheers - 2 years ago

@3Y3boogies: @AaronFlux @RexChapman Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@karrmantuttutt: RT @people: John Travolta is reflecting on his friendship with Kirstie Alley following the news of her death. 💔 Full story: - 2 years ago

@emilia_goulart: RT @IndieWire: Remembering Kirstie Alley Going Vulcan for ‘Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan’ - 2 years ago

@GameMasterPOW: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@feliciaaaa96: RT @people: John Travolta is reflecting on his friendship with Kirstie Alley following the news of her death. 💔 Full story: - 2 years ago

@WLNS: Actress Kirstie Alley has died at the age of 71, according to a statement from her family. - 2 years ago

@HMAmerica45: RT @NickAdamsinUSA: Hollywood lost one of their brightest shining stars today with the tragic passing of Kirstie Alley. Kirstie loved her… - 2 years ago

@ceci_torres_g: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Ransome_Note: kirstie alley was my adult bff in my head as a kid. 🤍 - 2 years ago

@FameFortunex3: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@LLAmericA83: RT @miles_commodore: Kirstie Alley 1951 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@Chillinontop: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@eyad1949: RT @CBSNews: BREAKING: Kirstie Alley, the actress best known for her role in “Cheers,” has died from cancer at age 71. - 2 years ago

@we24gr: Έφυγε από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 71 ετών η ηθοποιός Kirstie Alley, σύμφωνα με ανακοίνωση της οικογένειάς της -… - 2 years ago

@bookipoo: RT @KamVTV: BREAKING: actress Kirstie Alley has died of cancer. - 2 years ago

@RawrRena: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@5antaMerlina: RT @ahoramasoficial: Falleció a los 71 años, la actriz estadounidense, Kirstie Alley. Se hizo famosa y eterna por sus papeles en TV y en el… - 2 years ago

@LaurasMiscMovie: RT @THR: More on Kirstie Alley's life and legacy: - 2 years ago

@SteveJacksonVA: RT @Variety: John Travolta, Jamie Lee Curtis and More Remember Kirstie Alley: ‘We Will See Each Other Again’ - 2 years ago

@musiquefreak: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Loraine60371662: RT @people: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died at the age of 71. Full story: - 2 years ago

@ittatto23: RT @il0venostalgia: Kirstie Alley’s story… - 2 years ago

@AnnWilson1198: RT @SpenglerCreator: She will always be Saavik, rip Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@conspirealities: Kirstie Alley dead at 71 - Fox News - a sad day. She was such a wonderful supporter of free speech and the law of t… - 2 years ago

@sadinatlanta: RT @scottdagostino: If you liked Kirstie Alley, please donate to cancer research. If you disliked Kirstie Alley, please donate to cancer r… - 2 years ago

@Scousegrrl: I didn't expect Kirstie Alley to die this year. It has been strange 12 months. - 2 years ago

@Blazecap1203: RT @Nerdrotics: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@sammibrandi: RT @TODAYshow: Kirstie Alley, the Emmy award-winning actor, has died. She was 71. - 2 years ago

@helinidasibajak: RT @nypost: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@ParameciumLife: RT @BlackKnight10k: I'm so glad Kirstie Alley got to watch Trump lose before she died - 2 years ago

@KRMGtulsa: Kirstie Alley’s family said that she died after a battle with cancer that was recently discovered. - 2 years ago

@ifill_daryl: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@AnnTct57j42sp: RT @JerasIkehorn: BREAKING: Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of Cheers Dies at 71 After Short Battle with Cancer… #ByeFelicia - 2 years ago

@FrankRizz0: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Skippermcgoo: RT @Travistritt: Shocked and saddened by the news of Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@JackDiamond: More sad news tonight. They say these things come in threes, let’s hope not. Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@GlitterBey: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Fmnews97News: kirstie alley||Kirstie Alley Dead#Kirstie Alley has passed away #kirstiealley @kirstiealley Full Video Link👇👇👇👇… - 2 years ago

@owen_pigg: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@LoriehaMajik17: RT @RealCandaceO: So sad about Kirstie Alley. She was so sweet. Sending love to her family. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@bleekmajeek: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@nomass22: RT @nomass22: Kirstie Alley Dead: Talemted Gorgeous and a Trump supporters - 2 years ago

@BelindaKARE11: RT @kare11: Kirstie Alley, best known for her role as Rebecca Howe in "Cheers," has died at age 71 from a "recently discovered" cancer. htt… - 2 years ago

@ImogenDragonsRI: Kirstie Alley was a Trump Supporting Scientologist. It’s sad that someone passed so quickly after a cancer diagnosi… - 2 years ago

@CherryActs: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@DavisFilmsReal: RIP Kirstie Alley, when I was a kid I thought Veronica's Closet and Victoria's Secret were the same thing - 2 years ago

@DRPh0b0s: Damn kirstie alley died well that came out of no where well rest in piece . - 2 years ago

@Raselhossain420: Entrepreneur: Iconic Emmy-winning comic actress Kirstie Alley, known for her work on Cheers, Veronica's Closet, and… - 2 years ago

@YakshuGarg: RT @MirrorNow: Actress Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ and ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star, has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was… - 2 years ago

@anjanadkumar: RT @people: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died at the age of 71. Full story: - 2 years ago

@damnse1fly: RT @FrankConniff: Rest In Peace, Kirstie Alley, a talented actress who did a lot of great work in film and TV. Also, Rest In Peace to all t… - 2 years ago

@jayalter: RT @wpdeabc15: THOUGHTS & PRAYERS ❤️️ Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her children announced on social media Monday n… - 2 years ago

@PerdeeMarie: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@GeneStoker: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@val71105682: RT @UOL: Morre a atriz Kirstie Alley, do filme 'Olha quem está falando', aos 71 anos - 2 years ago

@scoreswayzeTV: RT @Complex: Kirstie Alley has passed away at 71. May she rest in peace 🤍 - 2 years ago

@LouisPeitzman: I will never forget the anecdotes about Kirstie Alley from when I was doing my oral history of Drop Dead Gorgeous.… - 2 years ago

@gillyarcht: Mourned the world’s loss of Kirstie Alley years ago. Before whatever happened to her, happened - 2 years ago

@Lori123bell: RT @CityNewsVAN: #BREAKING NEWS: Actor Kirstie Alley who rose to fame in the popular sitcom Cheers, has died at the age of 71, her family c… - 2 years ago

@Btw_LyricPaige: RT @MsTaylorBanks: Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71. Cheers to an icon. 🤍 - 2 years ago

@Very_NESSAsary: RT @mefeater: Kirstie Alley has passed away at 71 after a battle with cancer. We send our deepest condolences to her family and friends dur… - 2 years ago

@kdndc2016: RT @killer1980s: Rest in Peace American actress Kirstie Alley (January 12, 1951 – December 5, 2022), who played Rebecca Howe on Cheers from… - 2 years ago

@TuesdayInJune: RT @people: Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@AntoonLisa: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@Sin_Nacion: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@JTranR01: RT @girlsreallyrule: Kirstie Alley: "liberalism" leads to PEDOPHILIA. Where have we heard this before...also, if you need me, I'll be at… - 2 years ago

@Laurie17741334: RT @Travistritt: Shocked and saddened by the news of Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@BaddieBellaDona: RT @Complex: Kirstie Alley has passed away at 71. May she rest in peace 🤍 - 2 years ago

@AbramDominguez: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@DarrenV62592220: RT @Nerdrotics: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@Matt_XYZ: RT @todonoticias: Murió la actriz Kirstie Alley, conocida por su papel en "Mirá quién habla" "Nos entristece infor… - 2 years ago

@DoctorBeasley: Damn Kirstie Alley! #RIP - 2 years ago

@FrankGrandeIII: RT @NBCNews: NEW: Actor Kirstie Alley, whose breakout role as Rebecca Howe on the sitcom 'Cheers' launched her to acting stardom, has died… - 2 years ago

@johnjackson6666: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@September43: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@WordsmithFL: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@aida_abdullah79: RT @SkyNews: Kirstie Alley: Cheers star dies aged 71 after short cancer illness - 2 years ago

@RoryDropkick: RT @MichaelAusiello: #Cheers' Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@diegodelunamx: RT @lasillarota: #ÚltimaHora: Tras una lucha contra el cáncer, la actriz Kirstie Alley, recordada por su papel en la saga "Mira quién habla… - 2 years ago

@Milenio: #ÚLTIMAHORA | Murió Kirstie Alley, protagonista de 'Mira quién habla' - 2 years ago

@Nell7619: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@GoofyGemini: RT @ademdisco: Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley..thanks for your input x - 2 years ago

@theprojecttv: Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on the classic sitcom Cheers and starred in films including Look Who's… - 2 years ago

@spiceandswift: RT @blakeleigh: Rest in peace, Kirstie Alley ❤️ - 2 years ago

@mjv0217: RIP Kirstie Alley aka Rebecca 🙏🏼 - 2 years ago

@Mhandisi84: RT @bamafan246: RIP sweet lady 🫶🏼 Kirstie Alley Dead: Cheers Actress Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@WhismanSucks: Kelly Preston, Olivia Newton John, and Kirstie Alley all dead. Is John Travolta silencing witnesses? News at 11. - 2 years ago

@itsGeorgeR: RT @ABC11_WTVD: Actress Kirstie Alley, best known for her role on the sitcom "Cheers," has died at age 71, her family announced Monday. ht… - 2 years ago

@sabrinaobscura: RT @JohnFugelsang: Kirstie Alley is a wonderful actor who was always kind to me; even when she went full-Trump she never unfollowed me here… - 2 years ago

@jeffreybonus: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@Depressedfan402: RT @TMZ: #RIP, Kirstie Alley 💔 - 2 years ago

@mobkusuo: RT @VERONASFILMS: rest easy kirstie alley :’( - 2 years ago

@Bongomia: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@Anewhomestar: Kirstie Alley dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@ArrickSports: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@kathyburger92: RT @Travistritt: Shocked and saddened by the news of Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@sportsfreaknut: RT @WesReynolds1: RIP Kirstie Alley. No disrespect to Coach or Shelley Long, but I thought the show got better with her and Woody Harrels… - 2 years ago

@ivonne6800: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@emilyisanelf_: It is sad that Kirstie Alley believed so many crazy lies. - 2 years ago

@SocialbookMedia: RT @DontWalkRUN: Dang. She was one of the good ones. Cancer sucks. - 2 years ago

@nadiahnorstyles: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@lastsmile4me: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@ilovebronny: RT @RealCandaceO: So sad about Kirstie Alley. She was so sweet. Sending love to her family. ❤️ - 2 years ago

@Fefth: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@BangtanBlessed: RT @TheRyanParker: RIP Kirstie Alley. A force in comedy TV and a force in Star Trek. - 2 years ago

@LDbased: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@therichardburr: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@MaryLMeier: RT @il0venostalgia: Not Kirstie Alley. So so sad. A beautiful talented and funny lady. RIP. - 2 years ago

@sweetkeet: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@rarebeautyswift: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@tejanawoman: @RMontemayor210 @CristFrank Aww! Kirstie Alley died. Cancer. Haven’t read what kind, but I don’t think cancer cares. - 2 years ago

@FiveFrogsBlog: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@RodHargrove: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@dr_jon_l: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley. To the anti-vaxxers, she was not vaccinated. I feel very sad that I keep having to d… - 2 years ago

@Troy86409906: R.I.P Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@II55000: RT @AuthorKimberley: I'm sorry to hear Kirstie Alley has died. She was a Trump supporter and she blocked me, so we were not on the same pag… - 2 years ago

@DurtsKevin: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@cariolisima: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@echuckles: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' star, dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@peacefulleasy1: RT @miles_commodore: Kirstie Alley 1951 - 2022 - 2 years ago

@beachchicfl: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@J6Nasty: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@MaggieRasmusse2: RT @TommySledge: Kirstie Alley and John Travolta dancing in 1989’s ‘Look Who's Talking’ will forever live in my mind #RIP - 2 years ago

@floruzz: RT @MariettaTweetz: Actress Kirstie Alley passed away at age 71 on Monday. Alley had been battling. cancer. Heartbreaking, prayers for her… - 2 years ago

@Burnsie_SEO: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@TorihAutumn: RIP Kirstie.. your battle for the heart & soul of America will not be forgotten. May your memory be a blessing. - 2 years ago

@ksully54: RT @evanrosskatz: RIP Kirstie Alley. Thank you for IT TAKES TWO and this tweet. - 2 years ago

@itsabigailadams: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@itsYourGrace: RT @nypost: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@kvgeoffroy: RT @farratia: A los 71 años murió Kirstie Alley, la estrella que le dio nueva vida a los años finales de “Cheers” y protagonizó la exitosa… - 2 years ago

@dontknoher: RT @people: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died at the age of 71. Full story: - 2 years ago

@Lizrwriter: RT @bradpreston: Kirstie Alley has died. I have very mixed feelings considering what she became, but she was a huge part of my childhood an… - 2 years ago

@lost45: Kirstie Alley RIP. #cheers - 2 years ago

@Jah_Live21: RT @ABC7NY: Kirstie Alley, best known for role on 'Cheers,' dies at age 71 after cancer battle, family announces - 2 years ago

@rodolfoxoliz: RT @MariettaTweetz: Actress Kirstie Alley passed away at age 71 on Monday. Alley had been battling. cancer. Heartbreaking, prayers for her… - 2 years ago

@hope_hutchison: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@ovailias: RT @Nerdrotics: RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@LucyHalefanpage: RT @MsTaylorBanks: Kirstie Alley has passed away at the age of 71. Cheers to an icon. 🤍 - 2 years ago

@shakeflintstone: RT @NickAdamsinUSA: Hollywood lost one of their brightest shining stars today with the tragic passing of Kirstie Alley. Kirstie loved her… - 2 years ago

@__Fourspeed__: RT @JordanSekulow: Sad News, Kirstie Alley dead at 71 - her character Becky from Cheers is one of my all time favorites. RIP. - 2 years ago

@truthwarrior324: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@tbrown9015: RT @WLTX: 'Cheers' star Kirstie Alley dies of cancer at age 71 - 2 years ago

@DefAMustRead: RT @sunnyright: Holy shit Kirstie Alley died - 2 years ago

@genecowan: RT @AP: Actor Kirstie Alley, who won an Emmy for her role on “Cheers” and starred in films including “Look Who's Talking,” died Monday. Al… - 2 years ago

@osteofrio22: RT @rahthrae: Rest in peace Kirstie Alley. ✝️ 🙏 - 2 years ago

@GARVEY66: RT @MarshaCollier: Kirstie Alley Dead: ‘Cheers,’ ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star Was 71 #RIP via @Variety - 2 years ago

@BuggaThe: RT @_benny4: What - RIP Kirstie Alley cause of death: Actress dies aged 71 after cancer battle. - 2 years ago

@Kitties4every1: RT @bradpreston: Kirstie Alley has died. I have very mixed feelings considering what she became, but she was a huge part of my childhood an… - 2 years ago

@FLOCKAfierce: Not Kirstie Alley 😫 - 2 years ago

@patriot4evva: Kirstie Alley Dead: Cheers Actress Dies at 71 #droppinglikeflies - 2 years ago

@fjueguen: RT @THR: Kirstie Alley, Actress on ‘Cheers’ and ‘Veronica's Closet,’ Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@ScottAchord: Rest in peace to Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@IVVIIXIIIXXIII: Kirstie Alley though damn - 2 years ago

@Jodiannoyed: RT @yashar: One of the promises that Scientology explicitly makes to members (on paper!) is if you reach the upper levels of Scientology yo… - 2 years ago

@ZachBouvier1: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Makeupmichelle: Kirstie Alley dead at 71 after short battle with cancer - 2 years ago

@DComp20: RT @nypost: Kirstie Alley, Emmy-winning 'Cheers' and 'Veronica's Closet' star, dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@LucyMatoso: RT @reporterenato: Atriz norte-americana Kirstie Alley morre aos 71 anos. Ela enfrentava um câncer. Ao longo da carreira, Kirstie atuou em… - 2 years ago

@globalnews: Kirstie Alley won two Emmy Awards over the course of her career, including for her breakout role as Rebecca Howe in… - 2 years ago

@AshleySmithTV: Awww Kirstie Alley 🥺 - 2 years ago

@Amaya1531: RT @WeeklyNewsical: Rest In Peace to Kirstie Alley 🙏🏽 Never forget how she hilariously put them hands on John Travolta whilst in labor http… - 2 years ago

@BenjaminKButton: RT @romvllvs: RIP Kirstie Alley, uma das maiores da Sessão da Tarde - 2 years ago

@Creat1ve: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@mcgrathbenoist: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ and ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@ChristopherZe19: RT @LorneWideman: Kirstie Alley dead at 71 😢😢 - 2 years ago

@NCerrvantes: Kirstie Alley dead at 71 - 2 years ago

@ishtarkylo: wasn’t kirstie alley a trump supporter 💀 - 2 years ago

@shararehdrury: Damn it. Damn it all. Kirstie Alley was an absolute joy and bright spark. I cannot believe this. I really don't want to believe it... - 2 years ago

@CMusky4213: Wow Kirstie Alley and she supposedly dropped a lot of weight # RIP - 2 years ago

@hedzofhedz: Despite the fact that Kirstie Alley was a fucking whackadoodle Scientologist......... #FUCKcancer - 2 years ago

@msannie_j: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@RobinAvis246: RT @HuffPost: JUST IN: Kirstie Alley, the actress who starred in the iconic sitcom “Cheers” and dozens of other films and movies, has died… - 2 years ago

@BethofBCMovies: Kirstie Alley had died. Shocking! - 2 years ago

@GrayHeather20: RT @TODAYshow: Kirstie Alley, the Emmy award-winning actor, has died. She was 71. - 2 years ago

@MariCred: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@CabbageTV: 'Cheers' star Kirstie Alley dies at 71, family says - 2 years ago

@RickyLWatson: - 2 years ago

@bmangh: Kirstie Alley - died today. Saddened - 2 years ago

@MDButler81: @FoxNews please delete and correct your tweet about Kirstie Alley’s passing. - 2 years ago

@withonewing: Kirstie Alley, 'Cheers' and 'Look Who's Talking' Star, Dies at 71 - Variety - 2 years ago

@sneakyy_D79: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@CharlesAOKeefe: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71. Her family just shared the tragic news on her Instagram account, writing that she passed… - 2 years ago

@JetScoozr77: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@HaimishTheRed: RT @truthis18: No way! So sad. Kirstie Alley was a beautiful and talented actress and over the last few years one of the few Hollywood star… - 2 years ago

@ItsRealiteaToo: RIP Kirstie Alley! 😢 - 2 years ago

@56jackiee: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@SWOnTheRadio: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@ChinaJoeFlynn: Kirstie Alley died? Kirstie Alley was older than my dad? - 2 years ago

@AmosFromWV: Which wrong picture gets tweeted with ‘RIP Kirstie Alley’? - 2 years ago

@snarkyStace: RT @people: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died at the age of 71. Full story: - 2 years ago

@fake_biden: I’m not saying that being a fascist piece of shit causes cancer. I’m saying Kirstie Alley has died of cancer. - 2 years ago

@alcinodoliveira: RT @_allthingswomen: kirstie alley’s charleston on dancing with the stars all stars was/is one of my favorites still. rest in peace kirstie… - 2 years ago

@Memarziana: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@BradA53472906: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Kirstie Alley, best known for role on 'Cheers,' dies at age 71 after cancer battle, family announces - 2 years ago

@peacebabeyy: RT @DanLinden: John Travolta on Kirstie Alley: “Kirstie was one of the most special relationships I've ever had. I love you Kirstie. I know… - 2 years ago

@Da_mirror91: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@brookegiles: Kirstie Alley 🙏🏾🕊️ - 2 years ago

@livingforlove79: RIP to cocaine Kirstie Alley only - 2 years ago

@smartbue: Kirstie Alley dead at 71: Cheers star's heartbroken children announce the actress has passed away | Daily Mail Onli… - 2 years ago

@socalcated86: Bitch KIRSTIE ALLEY!?!? NOOOOO - 2 years ago

@IYSKold: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@GlockTopickz_: RT @Glock_Topickz: Kirstie Alley has reportedly passed away at 71 after a private battle with cancer 🔗: - 2 years ago

@supernovagirlie: RT @SpiroAgnewGhost: Actress Kirstie Alley dead at age 71 - 2 years ago

@KristinEliz23: So sad to hear about Kirstie Alley. It takes two was my childhood 😭💔 - 2 years ago

@franmiller: RT @people: Kirstie Alley, the star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous, has died at the age of 71. Full story: - 2 years ago

@ActualidadRT: @ActualidadRT's account has been withheld in Belgium, Austria, Bulgaria, Sweden, Croatia, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Netherlands, Estonia, Malta, Luxembourg, Finland, France, Lithuania, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, United Kingdom in response to a legal demand. Learn more. - 2 years ago

@TheSteveHolland: RT @mycatsmom99: @SpiroAgnewGhost - 2 years ago

@cbepns1: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@tabularosa5: Kirstie Alley dies at 71 after cancer battle, family announces via @GMA - 2 years ago

@TJMerchant: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@jesskillme_: RT @the_ironsheik: KIRSTIE ALLEY I LOVE YOU FOREVER - 2 years ago

@9ernc9: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@BootsSsg: Kirstie Alley dead. - 2 years ago

@grlwmstc8k: @geofftate96 so sad to hear of Kirstie Alley’s death. #cheers - 2 years ago

@KarenLVelez: Kirstie Alley Dead: Star of Cheers and Drop Dead Gorgeous Dies at 71 - People - 2 years ago

@TVOnTheSpot: Kirstie Alley, Cheers Star, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@whatacrack: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@hisalcedo: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@gebr71: RT @Booker10038: Kirstie Alley, Dies at 71. - 2 years ago

@RadioBruja: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@EndOfDayz22: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@MarkW1885: So many good shows and films, RIP Kirstie Alley - 2 years ago

@DimitriLyon: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@Meidas_Ivy: RT @taradublinrocks: Kirstie Alley has died & as awful as she was to so many people here, I hope she has found some peace for herself after… - 2 years ago

@dre_is_cool_as: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ and ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@RPMania98: RT @KelseyKernstine: So sad. Kirstie Alley died today at 71. - 2 years ago

@JohnMx649ers: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@DarkerMasschvit: RT @realXanderXjork: Kirstie Alley died. Hope she was at peace ☮️ - 2 years ago

@Deuce1042: Damn I didn’t know Kirstie Alley died. What the hell? - 2 years ago

@IamLatifah: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@MeandBailey: RT @ScooterCasterNY: Actress Kirstie Alley has "passed away after battle with cancer", according to below post on her Twitter. "We are gra… - 2 years ago

@The_Park_Keeper: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@rachelmarotta: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@perfectmuse1: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@MrDRadio: Oh wow! Rest easy, Kirstie Alley. 🙏🏽 - 2 years ago

@FloraFromDaRock: RT @GMA: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@RossMaclellan: RT @TMZ: Kirstie Alley Dead at 71 After Private Battle with Cancer - 2 years ago

@ChazBeasley: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@Silverl23964445: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@josukesmom: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@WBG84: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@JoeAlv: RT @TylerDinucci: every time someone important dies, I remember what Kirstie Alley posted the day Stephen Hawking died. - 2 years ago

@PuckinSassPot: Oh damn…RIP Kirstie Alley 🙏🏻 - 2 years ago

@davidmweissman: @ABC @JonLemire RIP Kirstie Alley. - 2 years ago

@JENin140: RT @sunnyright: Holy shit Kirstie Alley died - 2 years ago

@DjKoolRocSki: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@Ashley_Marcoux: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@jettxjordan: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@stberry_shake: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@4seerpod: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@hedgehogvampir1: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@drocktrot: - 2 years ago

@troycoverdale: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@asscheeksonme: RT @ABC: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 years old. - 2 years ago

@BackoftheHead: RIP Kirstie Alley. 😢 Saavik, Rebecca Howe, you were divine. - 2 years ago

@linsanityduh1: RT @Phil_Lewis_: Actress Kirstie Alley has died after battling cancer, her family announced. She was 71 - 2 years ago

@Wildfiretres: RT @ABC7: #BREAKING Kirstie Alley, best known for role on 'Cheers,' dies at age 71 after cancer battle, family announces - 2 years ago

@KeepitRealTea: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@jakrispy31: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@ShannonMcNutt4: Rest In Peace Kirstie Alley 🙏 - 2 years ago

@roberto166: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@flibie28: RT @cartoonist0426: R.I.P. to Kirstie Alley. Best known for her role in Cheers. She was our Baby Mammoth on The Masked Singer. 😭 - 2 years ago

@TwoPoint0Filmz: RT @TheWrap: Kirstie Alley, "Cheers" actress, dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@deb_h7: RT @DeanRichards: Kirstie Alley dies at 71 following battle with cancer - 2 years ago

@joesports16: Kirstie Alley dead at 71: Cheers star died after battle with cancer - 2 years ago

@VRitchBitch_x: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@MaureenLakeCty: Kirstie Alley now???? What is going on? - 2 years ago

@iamgnokko: RT @the_ironsheik: KIRSTIE ALLEY I LOVE YOU FOREVER - 2 years ago

@mrwolfman313: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@aoii92: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, ‘Cheers’ and ‘Look Who’s Talking’ Star, Dies at 71 - 2 years ago

@ayers0807: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@Tacklessdata: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@icosgrovesc: RT @brittanysaidwut: Everyone’s talking about Cheers but my favorite Kirstie Alley movie was Look Who’s Talking with John Travolta 🥺♥️ http… - 2 years ago

@Silentkiller522: RT @DiscussingFilm: Kirstie Alley has sadly passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer. - 2 years ago

@ASSKardashian: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

@Mrs_InesNvs: RT @Variety: Kirstie Alley, a two-time Emmy-winning actor who rose to fame with her role as Rebecca Howe in the NBC comedy series “Cheers,”… - 2 years ago

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