Kinryū Arimoto

Japanese voice actor (City Hunter
Died on Friday February 8th 2019

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Soul Jah Love

Tweets related to Kinryū Arimoto:

@alaxy_: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@JBIstudios: Japanese #voiceactor Kinryu "Arimoto, passed away at 77 after a battle with esophageal cancer. - 6 years ago

@LimeadeScotCe: @SMF_Frieza Kinryu Arimoto (Whitebeards voice actor) passed away on February, 2019 🙁 - 6 years ago

@hachimakisenpai: @nobemaruGT あれ、なかった? 見間違えたのかなぁ。エンドロール後というかエンドロールの1番最後に英語でなんちゃらかんちゃらKINRYU ARIMOTOって表示が。 - 6 years ago


@sommenrider: RT @newworldartur: Unfortunately we've lost another great voice actor. After a long struggle against cancer, Kinryū Arimoto, the voice of W… - 6 years ago

@MaximilianoAedo: So many great performers are dying this year. Bruno Ganz, Ken Nordine and Kinryu Arimoto. The world will never be the same without them. - 6 years ago

@spetsnaz0173: PSYCHO-PASSのとっつぁんの声の方亡くなったのか…ご冥福をお祈りします - 6 years ago

@yusufmawaisu: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@Sena_Abawari: RT @LeMontCorvo: Kinryû Arimoto, voix de Barbe Blanche dans One Piece, vient de nous quitter. Une légende s'en va.. - 6 years ago

@wekibullet: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@SidikhSow: RT @onepiecepassion: C'est avec tristesse que je viens d'apprendre la mort de Kinryû Arimoto, qui était la voix de Barbe Blanche dans One P… - 6 years ago

@AgentMugen: Case 2 also would have been one of the last voice-over works from Kinryu Arimoto (who voiced Tomomi Masaoka), who p… - 6 years ago

@sekisou_kanade: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ワンピース」白ひげ役や「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」征陸智己役の声優・有本欽隆さん死去 - 6 years ago

@hazime_T_F_0: エンドロール終わって、映倫マーク出た後、『TOTTUAUND』と『ARIMOTO KINRYU』の…あれ…本当に…泣く………素晴らしかったです… 同じぐらいの時間に静岡のザートで観たっていう母はこれがなかったって言うし…立川シネマシティだけなのかな。 - 6 years ago

@Thuriya65050201: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@jourdainlowe: RT @newworldartur: Unfortunately we've lost another great voice actor. After a long struggle against cancer, Kinryū Arimoto, the voice of W… - 6 years ago

@Ras_Tin: RT @newworldartur: Unfortunately we've lost another great voice actor. After a long struggle against cancer, Kinryū Arimoto, the voice of W… - 6 years ago

@_Nelura: RT @EMUNOPLA: وفاة مؤدي صوت اليونكو السابق اللحية البيضاء إدوارد نيوجيت السيد Kinryu Arimoto في 1 فبراير 2019 عن عمر ناهز 78 بسبب سرطان ال… - 6 years ago

@KamitoATP: RT @LeMontCorvo: Kinryû Arimoto, voix de Barbe Blanche dans One Piece, vient de nous quitter. Une légende s'en va.. - 6 years ago

@MaximeNicolas0: RT @LiveDeGonzalo: On apprend que Kinryu Arimoto, le seiyuu de Barbe blanche dans One Piece, est décédé le 1er février d'un cancer de l'oes… - 6 years ago

@MaximeNicolas0: RT @LeMontCorvo: Kinryû Arimoto, voix de Barbe Blanche dans One Piece, vient de nous quitter. Une légende s'en va.. - 6 years ago

@Ren25006883: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@LanceEthanStee1: RT @newworldartur: Unfortunately we've lost another great voice actor. After a long struggle against cancer, Kinryū Arimoto, the voice of W… - 6 years ago

@TMaylise: RT @LeMontCorvo: Kinryû Arimoto, voix de Barbe Blanche dans One Piece, vient de nous quitter. Une légende s'en va.. - 6 years ago

@DiiK__: Selamat jalan Kinryu arimoto, tenanglah disana, terima kasih atas Suara mu ~ - 6 years ago

@0mar3li: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@marifer530x: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@woeitstar: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@NamaSayaAkim: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@fikri_jaken: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@Adbshukrie: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@dominicperez6: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@whitewoods18: RT @OPfandom: It was announced today that One Piece voice actor, Kinryū Arimoto best known for his portrayal as Whitebeard has passed away… - 6 years ago

@Willam45190: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ワンピース」白ひげ役や「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」征陸智己役の声優・有本欽隆さん死去 - 6 years ago

@RowletFanSriram: RT @DogasusBackpack: Kinryu Arimoto, 1941 - 2019 - 6 years ago

@GAME_Dash38: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ワンピース」白ひげ役や「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」征陸智己役の声優・有本欽隆さん死去 - 6 years ago

@AquaticRampage4: RT @ninsoup: Pokemon Anime Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@sakurappare: RT @gigazine: 【訃報】「ワンピース」白ひげ役や「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」征陸智己役の声優・有本欽隆さん死去 - 6 years ago

@Darkdecidueye1: RT @ninsoup: Pokemon Anime Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@LordGiratina487: RT @ninsoup: Pokemon Anime Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@Mr_Den18: RT @ninsoup: Pokemon Anime Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@ninsoup: Pokemon Anime Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Has Passed Away - 6 years ago

@PMDotNet: Voice Actor Kinryu Arimoto Dead at 77 Years Old - 6 years ago

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