Kim Joo-hyuk

South Korean actor (My Wife Got Married
Died on Monday October 30th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Kim Joo-hyuk:

@Alex8ymedio: RT @Iacobus_81: Kim Joo-hyuk (1972 - 2017) R.I.P :'( Yourself and Yours (Hong Sang-soo) - 7 years ago

@theJEG: I watch my first kdrama on Netflix, #Argon blown away by lead actor Kim Joo-Hyuk only to find out he died about a w… - 7 years ago

@jesiyocokr: 속보] 배우 김주혁, 교통사고로 사망 김주혁 교통사고 사망 Kim Joo-hyuk fatal car ac ... - #제시요 #신차견적 #수리견적 #협력사모집중 - 7 years ago

@vrb1955: Actor Kim Joo-hyuk dies in car accident - 7 years ago


@avalon0416: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@krazylonely: @KBSWorldTV @KBSWorldTV should have brodcasted special episode of Kim Joo-Hyuk as a tribute to him. #1Night2Days #kbsworld #ripkimjoohyuk - 7 years ago

@globeandancho: Actor Kim Joo-hyuk dies in car accident - 7 years ago

@Kataa1311: just watched the memorial video of Kim Joo-Hyuk...I really miss him. I love 2D1N, I loved him. I was howling while watching the episode. RIP - 7 years ago

@B_marske26: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@Kenthung27: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@itsmeSyazana: RT @Kpop_Herald: Late actor Kim Joo-hyuk's recent photo unveiled posthumously #KimJooHyuk #RIPKimJooHyuk #김주혁 #나무액터… - 7 years ago

@aimeefrommars: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@TribunStyle: Nyesek Abis! Begitu Kehilangan, Aktor Korea Kelahiran Jakarta ini Ucap Ingin Susul Kim Joo-hyuk - 7 years ago

@KNE__official: 1 Night 2 Days Members Pay Tribute To Former Member Kim Joo-Hyuk After His Recent Death - 7 years ago

@rabelmatos: Actor Kim Joo-hyuk dies in car accident - 7 years ago

@kdrama: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition (2017/11/05) - 7 years ago

@setuko1234: RT @_KazumaSuzuki_: R.I.P. to Kim Joo-hyuk. I'm so sorry for your loss. キム・ジュヒョクよ安らかに たくさんの思い出をありがとう - 7 years ago

@RiseKuwabara: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition (2017/11/05): After a rebroadcast of '1 Night, 2… - 7 years ago

@CAO993: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@paNuAng1977: RT @hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@ejadviento: Farewell Kim Joo-hyuk, I hope you are with with your parents already! - 7 years ago

@hancinema: "1 Night, 2 Days" broadcasts the late Kim Joo-hyuk special edition - 7 years ago

@Rachel1324: RT @Mas_Danen: RIP Kim Joo-Hyuk, Know him from 2 Days & 1 Night. I dont know what to say. Remember The Member - 7 years ago

@Rachel1324: RT @briseismie: Kim Joo-Hyuk's death was tragic! 😢😥 😭 I'm gonna miss those smile. RIP Joo-Hyuk Oppa #KimJooHyuk #2Days1Night - 7 years ago

@kenterinEN: Jung Joon-young Posts Touching Farewell Message To Kim Joo-hyuk #JungJoonyoung #KimJoohyuk - 7 years ago

@kenterinEN: “2 Days & 1 Night” Members Record Final Goodbye Messages For Kim Joo-hyuk At The End Of Special… - 7 years ago

@CieraCrazymofo: 🌹Kim Joo-Hyuk Appreciation Post🌹 #AppreciationPost #KimJooHyuk Shared from K-Pop Amino - 7 years ago

@inlockets: I’m watching the Kim Joo-hyuk 1 Night 2 Days episode and my heart hurts. He was so good. - 7 years ago

@AdanAllende: Kim Joo-hyuk RIP. My best wishes to to all the South Korean film fans and his family. - 7 years ago

@Lxkeyhxney: RT @kobe_buendia: RIP 김주혁 (Kim Joo-hyuk), you'll forever stay as one of my favorite members of 1N2D #김주혁 배우 - 7 years ago

@Lxkeyhxney: RT @Keviyeolliu: Such a devastating news 😭 Still can't believe you're no more T_T I always enjoyed watching you on 2D1N RIP Kim joo-hyuk.… - 7 years ago

@yukina_0807: Omg... someone posted a 5 second of Kim Joo-hyuk. The moment i saw his face 😭😭😭😭 i still cannot believe this. Only time will heal this... - 7 years ago

@kawaii_lucyyy: RT @huahuharu: @HarshaSingh222 That tag is a name of a Korean variety show actor Kim Joo-hyuk, who also recently passed away, used to be pa… - 7 years ago

@peachysoo: RT @BBCNewsAsia: "Everyone remembers Kim Joo-hyuk as someone who respects others and that's why I feel so empty today." - 7 years ago

@huahuharu: @HarshaSingh222 That tag is a name of a Korean variety show actor Kim Joo-hyuk, who also recently passed away, used to be part of. - 7 years ago

@kathnielhaven: RT @KoreanizedKR: Kim Joo-hyuk is remembered for his brilliant acting and his kind heartedness #김주혁 #2D1N #SouthKorea - 7 years ago

@Maeswueeeg: I'm not ready for this special episode of Kim Joo-Hyuk 😞😢💔 - 7 years ago

@KoreanizedKR: Four Korean celebrities who passed away from motorcycle or car accidents: Lee Eon, EunB, Kwon Ri-se, Kim Joo-hyuk... - 7 years ago

@CrazyAgassi: RT @KoreanizedKR: Kim Joo-hyuk is remembered for his brilliant acting and his kind heartedness #김주혁 #2D1N #SouthKorea - 7 years ago

@kenterinEN: '1 Night 2 Days' will air a Kim Joo-hyuk special tonight - 7 years ago

@lisareyousleepy: @hoonmighty She went to kim joo-hyuk's wake. ㅠㅠ - 7 years ago

@puspasari_maya: Bt sy season 2d1n paling fav adl season dmn slh st memberny kim joo-hyuk, plg lucu d kompak,all member looked sad😔 - 7 years ago

@puspasari_maya: just read the news that on the same day songsong couple has got married, Kim Joo-hyuk one of 2d1n member was died on car accident😔 - 7 years ago

@YassMac: R.I.P. Kim Joo-Hyuk :( - 7 years ago

@cineclubfas: RT @GoodFilmsES: Impactados por la muerte de Kim Joo-hyuk. Encantador y tan amable en @sansebastianfes 2016 #LoTuyoyTú. Nuestro dolor y más… - 7 years ago

@Horanek1994: Aktorka to Kim So-hyun Aktor to Yook Sungjae Jeszcze Nam Joo-hyuk Lee Jong- suk Lee Dong- wook Ji Chang-wook - 7 years ago

@MichaelEmbry: Actor Kim Joo-hyuk dies in car accident - 7 years ago

@hsinkor: @mochiminchim @instiz Kim joo-hyuk is dead and some of his friend went to abroad because of broadcast program. - 7 years ago

@DiRollePR: RT @SCMP_News: Fans mourn South Korean actor Kim Joo-hyuk after fatal car crash - 7 years ago

@Lonely_Fishy: This SHITTY disrespectful tabloid account doesnt even have the decency to mention his real name, RIP, Kim Joo-Hyuk - 7 years ago

@briane2874: Actor Kim Joo-hyuk dies in car accident - 7 years ago

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