Kim Ji-seok

South Korean businessman
Died on Friday May 19th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Kim Ji-seok:

@Nonohnoh: At the funeral/wake, we all kept remarking how strange it was to have such a gathering of Asian film industry people & not see Kim Ji-seok. - 8 years ago

@Paulfaitsoncine: 14h : petit hommage à Kim Ji-Seok, l’un des fondateurs du Festival international du film de Busan, le plus important du genre en Asie. - 8 years ago

@Paulfaitsoncine: Cannes 2017 : Kim Ji-seok, membre fondateur du Festival de Busan, est mort - 8 years ago

@mqLaQM8bpWKKHJA: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago


@ynfy54551: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@aWBOwgUA0ZO1E0w: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@hua6123216: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@comedyfeeduk: Busan Fest Deputy Director Kim Ji-seok Dies at 57 - - 8 years ago

@Lplpwanhua: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@zhongyi111: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@sell55WTcMfjpPS: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@Yyh62emB3u16dn1: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@41oegKRHVDucJlf: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@x4oF1Fm7lcvROVN: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@OPvIylgpf9fHrtq: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@s6F69xLMu1iKjiV: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@gIbo46wVOBPiIlS: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@5NsA40QfC8Q8GAD: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@SFManeFlame: RT @Nonohnoh: Heard people are flying in from around Asia to attend Busan programmer Kim Ji-seok's funeral. Imagining what that might look… - 8 years ago

@Nonohnoh: Heard people are flying in from around Asia to attend Busan programmer Kim Ji-seok's funeral. Imagining what that might look like... - 8 years ago

@3gatdwyztYgQnSE: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@fy15151: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@0FeSq58SLbfU2WI: RT @AFAA: AFAA expresses its sorrow at the passing of Mr KIM Ji-seok, deputy director of the Busan International Film Festival. - 8 years ago

@boxofficecollec: Cannes: Busan Festival Programmer Kim Ji-seok Dies at 57 - 8 years ago

@pee1225: RT @joshua_ja_smith: - 8 years ago

@snowflakes365: RT @joshua_ja_smith: - 8 years ago

@arteletteratura: RT @Festival_Cannes: Kim Ji-seok passes away... - 8 years ago

@arteletteratura: RT @Festival_Cannes: Kim Ji-seok nous a quittés... - 8 years ago

@DiploMix: #IF @IFCameroun: Kim Ji-seok, DA Fest. du film de Busan, , est décédé d'une crise cardiaque ce jeudi, à 57 ans, à… - 8 years ago

@DiploMix: #IF @IFCameroun: Le directeur adjoint du Festival du film de Busan, Kim Ji-seok, est décédé d'une crise cardiaque… - 8 years ago

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