Kim Chol-man

North Korean politician and military officer
Died on Tuesday December 4th 2018

View other recent people: Mitch Cronin, Awesome Again, Hasan Çelebi

Tweets related to Kim Chol-man:

@GPursals: La mort de Kim Chol-man, Coronel General de les Forces Populars de Corea i responsable de la industria armamentista… - 6 years ago

@KoryoTours: Tourists to North Korea often ask us what the empty spaces in the Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery are for. They are… - 6 years ago

@aoaoa_8: Kim Chol-man "Died:3 December 2018 (aged 98)… Kim saw action in the Korean War and suffered physical wounds.” - 6 years ago

@alistaircoleman: Kim Chol-man's death is ten minutes down in the early evening news, because articles about the leadership - however… - 6 years ago


@alistaircoleman: Top North Korean official Kim Chol-man (no relation) dies. He's not quite important enough to make the front page o… - 6 years ago

@damionhinds: Kim Chol-man - 6 years ago

@entbuz: Kim Chol-man - 6 years ago

@121reggae: Kim Chol-man - 6 years ago

@HistoryGreatest: Kim Chol-man - 6 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Kim Chol-man - 6 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Kim Chol-man, you will be missed - #KimCholman #Kim #Chol-man #rip - 6 years ago

@aimeenancygrace: RT @deadpeoplecom: Kim Chol-man, you will be missed - #KimCholman #Kim #Chol-man #rip - 6 years ago

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