Khoo Kay Kim

Malaysian historian
Died on Tuesday May 28th 2019

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Khoo Kay Kim:

@Nisa07021992: RT @chedetofficial: My deepest condolences to family members of Malaysia’s own son, Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Khoo Kay Kim, who h… - 6 years ago

@Nisa07021992: RT @SyedSaddiq: Menerima berita pemergian Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr. Khoo Kay Kim sebentar tadi. Ini adalah kehilangan yg besar bagi r… - 6 years ago

@JkTresie: RT @chedetofficial: My deepest condolences to family members of Malaysia’s own son, Emeritus Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Khoo Kay Kim, who h… - 6 years ago

@MatJisil: RT @NajibRazak: My deepest condolences to the family of the late Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim. His passing is indeed a loss… - 6 years ago


@balapillai: On ballsless Malaysian academics including Khoo Kay Kim, and more. - 6 years ago

@hazelarsh: RT @NajibRazak: My deepest condolences to the family of the late Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim. His passing is indeed a loss… - 6 years ago

@ikuanL: RT @Jackvladamir: Bukit Kepong : Siapa wira Sebenar? -- Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim - 6 years ago

@muhamma00760920: RT @NajibRazak: My deepest condolences to the family of the late Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim. His passing is indeed a loss… - 6 years ago

@nuqme1998: RT @Jackvladamir: Bukit Kepong : Siapa wira Sebenar? -- Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim - 6 years ago

@Jackvladamir: Bukit Kepong : Siapa wira Sebenar? -- Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim - 6 years ago

@katezale: RT @adrianlimcheeen: "Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan; Kesetiaan kepada Raja & Negara; Keluhuran Perlembagaan......" Mendiang Professor Emeritus… - 6 years ago

@CikSueCinta: RT @abdulhadiawang: UCAPAN TAKZIAH PAS mengucapkan takziah kepada keluarga tokoh sejarawan negara, Profesor Emeritus Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay K… - 6 years ago

@ustazhbo: SEJARAWAN NEGARA YANG ULUNG - Pergi tiada galang ganti.. DALAM kalangan orang Cina, sebut sahaja tiga nama ini ke… - 6 years ago


@StartUpBorneo: Historian Khoo Kay Kim, 82, passes on from lung failure - 6 years ago

@PRAbdullah: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@bijak_politik: sekali lgi aku xbenci cina, yg aku benci cina kiasu... cina baik pn ramai, kbykan mrk pera… - 6 years ago

@RidfanH: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@NonVitalTooth: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@hhazis009: RT @malaymail: Bold, honest and maybe controversial: Khoo Kay Kim’s famous views and historical contributions - 6 years ago

@kzso: RT @ZambryOfficial: Sedih tengok bila kematian seorg sejarawan negara Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim dicerca begitu dahsyat oleh mereka yg menganggap… - 6 years ago

@DDannfelt: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@ElphabaThropp7: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@fkrfsl: RT @harriszainul: "Are you happy?", he asked as I sat down in the house. Knowing what he was getting at, I answered "Yes, Prof". He replied… - 6 years ago

@kameliaahmd: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@harriszainul: "Are you happy?", he asked as I sat down in the house. Knowing what he was getting at, I answered "Yes, Prof". He r… - 6 years ago

@YusryMakmor: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@KMurthychettiar: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@diplomacymy: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@ahfugs: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@MohdZakiMohdZa1: RT @orangkata_my: Kontroversi2 sekitar tokoh tiada ganti, mendiang KKK - 6 years ago

@ADLIZAKUAN: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@WanIlham12: RT @anwaribrahim: Takziah buat keluarga mendiang Tan Sri Dr Khoo Kay Kim. Semoga mereka diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan. Kenyataan penuh: h… - 6 years ago

@eyda_zaidah: RT @gm_gm: Saya di KL, utk memberi penghormatan kpd sejarawan Malaysia, Prof. Khoo Kay Kim. Putranya, Eddin Khoo, penulis sastra dan pener… - 6 years ago

@eyda_zaidah: RT @gm_gm: Sebuah bangsa tak dibangun hanya dgn kenangan. Tapi sejarawan spt Khoo Kay Kim dapat menceritakan ikhtiar manusia di sebuah masa… - 6 years ago

@jasonleong: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@dkamrl: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@IMMikhailHafiz: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@theIvanLoh: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@tenang2ajaaa: RT @saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would help Ed… - 6 years ago

@saifuddinabd: The irreplaceable Khoo Kay Kim: "...while talking to him on that one night in March, I promised him that I would h… - 6 years ago

@fred7js: After Khoo Kay Kim’s death, time for new Malaysian history - 6 years ago

@ultron90: RT @uglyluhan: It's sad to see how Khoo Kay Kim continues to be misunderstood even now. Aside from historians and history enthusiasts, many… - 6 years ago

@jalphonsalopez: RT @malaymail: Family and friends say goodbye to Khoo Kay Kim - 6 years ago

@handokodabutars: RT @gm_gm: Sebuah bangsa tak dibangun hanya dgn kenangan. Tapi sejarawan spt Khoo Kay Kim dapat menceritakan ikhtiar manusia di sebuah masa… - 6 years ago

@sadsleepynetu: i have this 3 minute audio clip with khoo kay kim in my old laptop from 2016. it would be irresponsible of me to no… - 6 years ago

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