Khalid Masood

British terrorist (2017 Westminster attack)
Died on Friday March 24th 2017

View other recent people: George M. Sheldrick, Luca Manolache, Paulito FG

Tweets related to Khalid Masood:

@Jvstice: NBC News: London Attacker's 'Profile Is Highly Unusual' - 8 years ago

@LaidbackCurious: RT @BarbaraRKay: The simple, depressing truth: Islam and the Jihad in London - 8 years ago

@ColleenAllan6: RT @BarbaraRKay: The simple, depressing truth: Islam and the Jihad in London - 8 years ago

@KelseyBaptista1: London attacker Khalid Masood acted alone, according to police - 8 years ago


@SeaWitch401: RT @andyvblue: Khalid Masood shouts... "I am here to die in the name of Allah... There will be deaths!" Police say...."We are unclear of hi… - 8 years ago

@postperhour: Hate books sold TWO MILES from Westminster killer Khalid Masood’s home - 8 years ago

@TrumpParty45: RT @PrisonPlanet: Westminster terrorist Khalid Masood was born in England & lived here for 52 years. He was one of the "integrated" ones.… - 8 years ago

@akpnin_dikeni3: RT @ahmetsyayla: Plz see my comments in "#London terrorist #Khalid #Masood staged a test run just five days before the deadly attack" https… - 8 years ago

@ChristianAmy5: London terror attack: No evidence Khalid Masood was linked to Islamic State - 8 years ago

@themajic1: RT @21WIRE: Precisely why we question the initial 'official' stories on all these events, and mostly we are correct: - 8 years ago

@fosforo777: Sale a la luz el secreto de Khalid Masood: este es el terrorista de Londres - 8 years ago

@mrpinkoutloud: Hate books sold TWO MILES from Westminster killer Khalid Masood's home - 8 years ago

@suprdave11: RT @MarkACollett: This is the terrorist Khalid Masood, he was born in Britain, he's as Anglo-Saxon as King Harold. This has nothing to do w… - 8 years ago

@ArtemisCJD: RT @HadleyFreeman: I've written about the common denominator for many lone attackers, and it's not being Muslim. It's domestic violence htt… - 8 years ago

@hellbrat: RT @hellbrat: British Westminster Terrorist Khalid Masood used to be an English teacher called Adrian Elms with this work history. - 8 years ago

@AssRendOn: RT @PurpleOlive2: London attacker was neighbor w/ Taimour Abdulwahab in Luton, man who detonated suicide vest in Stockholm in 2010 - 8 years ago

@1tommypeters1: Khalid Masood: Wesminister Islamist terrorist. Khalid Massod: Islamist lone-wolf. Khalid Masood: Adrian Elms. Khali… - 8 years ago

@upgrrayyedd: RT @MarkACollett: This is the terrorist Khalid Masood, he was born in Britain, he's as Anglo-Saxon as King Harold. This has nothing to do w… - 8 years ago

@RobMax4: Sky-gods and scapegoats: how righteous blame of 'the other' shapes human history - 8 years ago

@Evangelic4Trump: RT @JMemblatt: All Westminster attack suspects released by police - 8 years ago

@Adil_Lateef: RT @MurtazaGeoNews: All arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in Westminster released with no further action. Evidence shows Kha… - 8 years ago

@MurtazaGeoNews: All arrested in connection with the terrorist attack in Westminster released with no further action. Evidence shows Khalid Masood actd alone - 8 years ago

@maxkinnings: RT @drheathermartin: On Lee Child, Brigitte Bardot, René Girard, Harold Bloom & Khalid Masood... @andymartinink Who else? - 8 years ago

@secretspartacus: RT @JamieGrierson: Looking increasingly clear that Khalid Masood genuinely was a lone wolf - 8 years ago

@redeya: RT @andyvblue: @bluehand007 Khalid Masood shouts..."I am here to die in the name of Allah...there will be deaths" Police..."His motive is… - 8 years ago

@aishagani: RT @JamieGrierson: Looking increasingly clear that Khalid Masood genuinely was a lone wolf - 8 years ago

@JamieGrierson: Looking increasingly clear that Khalid Masood genuinely was a lone wolf - 8 years ago

@ambalbi: #Westminster perpetrator Khalid Masood was neighbor with the Stockholm suicide bomber in Luton (Swedish) - 8 years ago

@AlanMur52425269: RT @andyvblue: Khalid Masood shouts... "I am here to die in the name of Allah... There will be deaths!" Police say...."We are unclear of hi… - 8 years ago

@ambalbi: RT @MagnusRanstorp: Khalid Masood var granne med Stockholmsbombaren | Nyheter | Expressen - 8 years ago

@ynkutner: RT @GatestoneInst: Canadian MP Iqra Khalid introduced a blasphemy law to build "bridges." Apparently Khalid Masood didn't listen. - 8 years ago

@being_feminist: This is absolutely spot on. Many terrorists have histories of domestic violence that weren't taken seriously by... - 8 years ago

@GunnetteP: RT @andyvblue: Khalid Masood shouts... "I am here to die in the name of Allah... There will be deaths!" Police say...."We are unclear of hi… - 8 years ago

@TarakNL: RT @GatestoneInst: Canadian MP Iqra Khalid introduced a blasphemy law to build "bridges." Apparently Khalid Masood didn't listen. - 8 years ago

@sweetparadise40: RT @PamelaGeller: Khalid Masood shouts, "I am here to die in the name of Allah ... There will be deaths." Brit authorities: "Motive unknown… - 8 years ago

@Fjordman1: RT @GatestoneInst: Canadian MP Iqra Khalid introduced a blasphemy law to build "bridges." Apparently Khalid Masood didn't listen. - 8 years ago

@Holylandguide: RT @GatestoneInst: Canadian MP Iqra Khalid introduced a blasphemy law to build "bridges." Apparently Khalid Masood didn't listen. - 8 years ago

@Nicthegreek1979: RT @andyvblue: Khalid Masood shouts... "I am here to die in the name of Allah... There will be deaths!" Police say...."We are unclear of hi… - 8 years ago

@andymartinink: RT @drheathermartin: On Lee Child, Brigitte Bardot, René Girard, Harold Bloom & Khalid Masood... @andymartinink Who else? - 8 years ago

@andymartinink: RT @Independent: Sky-gods and scapegoats: how righteous blame of 'the other' shapes human history - 8 years ago

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