Kevin Stanton

New Zealand rock guitarist (Mi-Sex).
Died on Wednesday May 17th 2017

View other recent people: Nikola Mladenov, Sara Carreira, Awesome Again

Tweets related to Kevin Stanton:

@ak_stanton: RT @DumbPeopleAsf: Kevin Durant on MySpace 😭 - 8 years ago

@dgardner73: @RyanDivish Thanks Ryan. How can we communicate our displeasure to John Stanton and Kevin Mather? - 8 years ago

@revengeofthe80s: #Playlist for our 5/19-25 show with Tracey and Melissa Belland and a musical tribute to Kevin Stanton: Hour 1 –... - 8 years ago

@MontcalmCC: MCC students Kevin Vail, of Six Lakes, and Tyler Sleet, of Stanton, are working on projects in the new greenhouse... - 8 years ago


@dustandhalos: @DadBreaker Kevin Stanton were just talking about this last week, I definitely feel like it's reaching the end - 8 years ago

@NJLatessa: Just remember Kevin Love is soft and inconsistent according to Wiery and Stanton. Smart fellas - 8 years ago

@Kevin_TimesRec: Huge S/0 to Hendrix football star Gray Stanton #Northside for being name the Southern Athletic Association Man of the Year. @FSPSAth_Activ - 8 years ago

@jaydawson: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Harvick: WATCH: Stanton avoids colliding with Gordon to make acrobatic catch (SPEEDonFOX) - 8 years ago

@redfox130: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@tsunbug: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@niftybaguettes: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@yog792: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@kevinjaystanton: RT @everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Harvick: Giancarlo Stanton on victory: Everyone was focused on tonight (SPEEDonFOX) - 8 years ago

@JINXIE: R.I.P. Kevin Stanton of Mi-Sex 1955-2017 - 8 years ago

@everydayorig: New #Original #Art: The Hierophant by Kevin Jay Stanton - - 8 years ago

@kevin__3000: RT @MLB: Dodgers’ Ross Stripling, Bob Geren, Marlins’ Don Mattingly ejected after pitch thrown behind Giancarlo Stanton. - 8 years ago

@MusicMktgNews: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 #musicbusiness #music #musicnews - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Harvick: WATCH: Marlins, Dodgers clear benches after pitch thrown behind Stanton (SPEEDonFOX) - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Toohey: 1) u did the RIGHT thing. 2) Umpires had Stanton hit against Hatcher! make sure the scorer doesn't count that against u!! @RossStripling - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Toohey: When Stripling hit Stanton, why wasn't he awarded first base??? @KevinKennedyMLB - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Toohey: @THEREAL_DV Why didn't Stanton get awarded first base?? @TheRealJHair @alannarizzo - 8 years ago

@pirimaipolymer: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - 8 years ago

@Twisterbait: Very sad to hear Kevin Stanton of Mi-Sex has passed away. He was a huge inspiration and a kind and generous soul. RIP Kevin and thank you. - 8 years ago

@Twisterbait: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - 8 years ago

@houseoffrank: Mi-Sex Guitarist Kevin Stanton Passes Away Aged 61. - 8 years ago

@clarke_the: Mi-Sex Guitarist Kevin Stanton Passes Away Aged 61 - 8 years ago

@davewhitenz: Sad couple of days with the loss of @chriscornell and Kevin Stanton of Mi-sex. This is the mood for today. - 8 years ago

@suckfreeradio: Kevin Stanton, songwriter and guitarist of Mi-Sex, has died at 61 - 9Honey - 8 years ago

@Lulam70: Kevin Stanton, songwriter and guitarist of Mi-Sex, has died at 61 - 8 years ago

@HamishBarwick: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - 8 years ago

@mwinstan: Kevin Stanton R.I.P. - 8 years ago

@ducksel: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - 8 years ago

@Kevin_Toohey: Stanton gets HBP and a KO in the same at bat! #umpiresFAILED @Dodgers @DodgerInsider @DodgersNation @RossStripling @THEREAL_DV - 8 years ago

@9TheFix: Band shares touching tribute. #9TheFix - 8 years ago

@nzjazzhistory: Hey #NZMusic folk- did I miss something, or has this not been reported anywhere: RIP Kevin Stanton... - 8 years ago

@trueviralnews: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 #news - 8 years ago

@triplemMNC: Kevin Stanton, the founding guitarist of New Zealand new-wave icons Mi-Sex, has died aged 61. He had returned to... - 8 years ago

@revengeofthe80s: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex co-founder, passes away at 61 - Revenge of the 80s Radio - 8 years ago

@breakfreenz: R.I.P Kevin Stanton, founding guitarist with this marvelous band Mi-Sex - 8 years ago

@Guitariststweet: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - Billboard - 8 years ago

@agungperkasa__: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@PLASTICPIZZA: KEVIN STANTON #RIP Mi Sex - Computer Games 1979 - 8 years ago

@revengeofthe80s: Rest In Peace, Kevin Stanton of #MiSex. Kevin Stanton passed on at the young age of 61 after spending much of his... - 8 years ago

@disquiet: RIP, Kevin Stanton (61), of new wave band Mi-Sex - 8 years ago

@AlexMagicpop: Fallece Kevin Stanton de los Mi-Sex - 8 years ago

@suckfreeradio: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - Billboard - 8 years ago

@Va_smiley: Retweeted billboard (@billboard): Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died... - 8 years ago

@teetag48: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex Songwriter and Guitarist, Dies at 61 - Billboard - 8 years ago

@Watchmanz: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex songwriter and guitarist, dies aged 61 - 8 years ago

@Va_smiley: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@MusicVaultz: #MiSex's Kevin Stanton passes away at the age of 61: - 8 years ago

@bradleonoficial: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@MSNNZ: Kevin Stanton, Mi-Sex songwriter and guitarist, dies at 61 - 8 years ago

@Jhonsonso: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@bonitamukherje1: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@ajkoletti: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@kimsimonds717: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@NoLimitFEast: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@Diksham21597154: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@Music_maestro: billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@ahmad_hussein99: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@loganb418: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@nine_oh: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

@aprilsongstress: RT @billboard: Kevin Stanton, the founding songwriter and guitarist with Mi-Sex, has died - 8 years ago

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