Kerstin Meyer

Swedish mezzo-soprano.
Died on Tuesday April 14th 2020

View other recent people: Pandit Jasraj, Awesome Again, Luca Manolache

Tweets related to Kerstin Meyer:

@HRyouchan: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@AdriSuarezGonz: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@SabanLab: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@MargieSherlock: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago


@bogglerapture: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@_Ankit_Singla: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@broadinstitute: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@Carmendemigue12: RT @humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about #HumanCell… - 5 years ago

@humancellatlas: Great to hear Aviv Regev, Kerstin Meyer and Shannon Hughes interviewed on @BBCRadio4 #BBCInsideScience about… - 5 years ago

@the0_9: Kerstin Meyer (3 April 1928 – 14 April 2020) - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: RT @diariolirico: La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer fallece a los 92 años víctima del coronavirus - 5 years ago

@In___Memoriam: R.I.P. Kerstin Margareta MEYER, CBE (1928-2020), Swedish mezzo-soprano who enjoyed an international career in opera… - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer fallece a los 92 años víctima del coronavirus - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer fallece a los 92 años víctima del coronavirus - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: • La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer fallece a los 92 años víctima del… - 5 years ago

@diariolirico: diariolirico / La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer fallece a los 92 años víctima del… - 5 years ago

@scottlevinemgmt: Obituary: Swedish Mezzo-Soprano Kerstin Meyer Dies, Aged 92 - Opera Wire - 5 years ago

@OthalieGraham: RT @OperawireNews: RIP Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@HeidiDEdwards1: RT @OperawireNews: RIP Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@IrishMezzo: RT @OperawireNews: RIP Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@VirtueVoices: RT @OperawireNews: RIP Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@OperawireNews: RIP Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@capriccio_se: In memoriam: Kerstin Meyer (1928-2020) - 5 years ago

@stefan_holz: RT @glyndebourne: We are very sad to hear that Kerstin Meyer has died. The Swedish mezzo-soprano appeared in a host of Glyndebourne product… - 5 years ago

@stefan_holz: R. I. P. KMS Kerstin Meyer. 🌹 Anneliese Rothenberger & Kerstin Meyer in " Der Rosenkavalier" - 5 years ago

@telegraphobits: Kerstin Meyer, popular Swedish operatic mezzo-soprano – obituary - 5 years ago

@I2hIfuGfCegC1fx: ローテンベルガーとの「薔薇の騎士」 二重唱映像 Anneliese Rothenberger & Kerstin Meyer in " Der Rosenkavalier" - 5 years ago

@I2hIfuGfCegC1fx: Kerstin Meyer (3 April 1928 – 14 April 2020) スウェーデンのメッゾソプラノ シェスティン(ケルスティン)・マイアーが亡くなった。 - 5 years ago

@I2hIfuGfCegC1fx: RT @wanderer996: Kerstin Meyerが亡くなった、92歳。 多くの方にとっては誰それ?だろうが、最後に舞台に立ったのは2013年というから、1952年の初舞台から60年のキャリア。ヘンツェの《若き恋人たちへの悲歌》でミッテンホーファーの秘書を歌った。63… - 5 years ago

@angelcorz: RT @glyndebourne: We are very sad to hear that Kerstin Meyer has died. The Swedish mezzo-soprano appeared in a host of Glyndebourne product… - 5 years ago

@ESLE78: Kerstin Meyer, popular Swedish operatic mezzo-soprano – obituary - 5 years ago

@MFB44: RT @glyndebourne: We are very sad to hear that Kerstin Meyer has died. The Swedish mezzo-soprano appeared in a host of Glyndebourne product… - 5 years ago

@glyndebourne: We are very sad to hear that Kerstin Meyer has died. The Swedish mezzo-soprano appeared in a host of Glyndebourne p… - 5 years ago

@jussitussi1: Adieu, Kerstin Meyer 😢 (3. April 1928 – 14. April 2020) - 5 years ago

@CarlosAimeur: RT @BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@BeckmesserSpain: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@JAdelSazN: RT @Scherzo_es: #NECROLÓGICA/ Adiós a la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, por Arturo Reverter - 5 years ago

@CarlosA21987277: RT @Scherzo_es: #NECROLÓGICA/ Adiós a la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, por Arturo Reverter - 5 years ago

@samuel_edberg: - 5 years ago

@OperaLab: Slipped Disc | Sweden mourns opera star Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@Marila_g_a: RT @Scherzo_es: #NECROLÓGICA/ Adiós a la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, por Arturo Reverter - 5 years ago

@Scherzo_es: #NECROLÓGICA/ Adiós a la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, por Arturo Reverter - 5 years ago

@katteskes: P2 hyllar just nu Kerstin Meyer. - 5 years ago

@wanderer996: Kerstin Meyerが亡くなった、92歳。 多くの方にとっては誰それ?だろうが、最後に舞台に立ったのは2013年というから、1952年の初舞台から60年のキャリア。ヘンツェの《若き恋人たちへの悲歌》でミッテンホーファーの秘書… - 5 years ago

@SR_Kultur: RT @SR_Nyheter: .@SR_Kultur: Hovssångerskan Kerstin Meyer är död - 5 years ago

@castillotrumpet: RT @klassikcom: Mezzo-Sopranistin Kerstin Meyer gestorben #Gesang #Oper #Musiktheater #Klassik Schwedische Sängerin wurde 92 Jahre alt http… - 5 years ago

@dead_wikipedia: Kerstin Meyer - 5 years ago

@CarinaSchedvin: RT @UlfBergstrom: En av våra största sångerskor och fd rektor för Operahögskolan har gått bort; mezzo-sopranen Kerstin Meyer. RIP och sjung… - 5 years ago

@klassikcom: Mezzo-Sopranistin Kerstin Meyer gestorben #Gesang #Oper #Musiktheater #Klassik Schwedische Sängerin wurde 92 Jahre… - 5 years ago

@UlfBergstrom: En av våra största sångerskor och fd rektor för Operahögskolan har gått bort; mezzo-sopranen Kerstin Meyer. RIP och… - 5 years ago

@cesummary: Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer Death-Dead: Kerstin Meyer Obituary, Cause of Death Unknown - 5 years ago

@ymstky76: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@ganterud: Ett långt inlägg om president Trump i dagens den avlidna operasångerskan Kerstin Meyer omnämnd… - 5 years ago

@NadjaSellrup: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@country152: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@datadivajf: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@DavidDJones17: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@fralbaro: Mahler: Sinfonía No 3 en Re menor. Kerstin Meyer✝️,Sir John Barbirolli & @the_halle. Vía @irishpianoman - 5 years ago

@Louella_Parsons: RT @PlateaMagazine: Noticias: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@AWagnerianaMad: RT @PlateaMagazine: Noticias: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@TheOperaGlass: RT @TimAshAsh: Sad to hear of the death, earlier today, of the Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, heard here as the Composer in Ariadne auf Naxos… - 5 years ago

@msnsverige: Hovsångerskan Kerstin Meyer död - 5 years ago

@chapoisat: Swedish mezzo-soprano Kerstin Meyer dies Swedish mezzo-soprano Kerstin Meyer (Stockholm, 1928) died today at the a… - 5 years ago

@chapoisat: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer La mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer (Estocolmo, 1928) ha fallecido hoy… - 5 years ago

@alexplatea: RT @PlateaMagazine: Noticias: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@PlateaMagazine: Noticias: Fallece la mezzosoprano sueca Kerstin Meyer, a los 92 años de edad. - 5 years ago

@CaMaSk: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@TimAshAsh: Sad to hear of the death, earlier today, of the Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, heard here as the Composer in Ariadne… - 5 years ago

@juanmanuelabras: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@AndrewOpera: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@Saodionisio: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@paduafernandes: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@PeterIntheswim: RT @operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@operamagazine: RIP the great Swedish mezzo Kerstin Meyer, who has died today at the age of 92. ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@nyligenavlidna: Vila i frid Kerstin Meyer. - 5 years ago

@FMN_2015: RIP Kerstin Meyer @TheTweetOfGod #TragicDeaths 💔💐 #KerstinMeyer add some flowers to their gravestone at - 5 years ago

@deadpeoplecom: Rest in peace Kerstin Meyer - #KerstinMeyer #Kerstin #Meyer #rip - 5 years ago

@Annoula64: RT @SR_Nyheter: .@SR_Kultur: Hovssångerskan Kerstin Meyer är död - 5 years ago

@SR_Nyheter: .@SR_Kultur: Hovssångerskan Kerstin Meyer är död - 5 years ago

@Text_TV_Nyheter: Kerstin Meyer har gått bort - 5 years ago

@KULTURNYHETERNA: Hovsångerskan Kerstin Meyer död - 5 years ago

@BEliasson2: Kerstin Meyer har avlidit! Lyssna gärna på de sångexempel som @capriccio_se bifogar i nedanstående tweet!… - 5 years ago

@capriccio_se: Kerstin Meyer har avlidit - 5 years ago

@IMS_Photos: KERSTIN MEYER - R.I.P. Thank you for all the fantastic singing! #kerstinmeyer #OperaNewsHub #ClassicalMusic… - 5 years ago

@BEliasson2: Vad tråkigt! RIP Kerstin Meyer! Kerstin Meyer glänste på stora operascenerna - 5 years ago

@Piruettanna: RT @Piruettanna: RIP - en av våra stora operasångerskor. Ping ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@Piruettanna: RIP - en av våra stora operasångerskor. Ping ⁦@KungligaOperan⁩ - 5 years ago

@LoguezEdiciones: RT @colofonlibros: # ColofónInfantil "El niño más rico del mundo", de Markus Orths / Kerstin Meyer, de @LoguezEdiciones  El padre de Jako… - 5 years ago

@bcxsih: @nvrletmycmrades La saga de la passe miroir de christelle dabos La saga cress de marissa meyer La saga des gemmes de kerstin gier - 5 years ago

@colofonlibros: # ColofónInfantil "El niño más rico del mundo", de Markus Orths / Kerstin Meyer, de @LoguezEdiciones  El padre de… - 5 years ago

@cos_meyer: RT @luna_le: Linksfraktion #Sachsen sammelt Erlebnisberichte zur Verhältnismäßigkeit von pandemiebedingten #Grundrechtseingriffen (Schreib… - 5 years ago

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